basedkikuenjoyer · 7 months
New World Middle School is having a game of capture the flag for PE. Team Nami vs Team Kiku(since I believe she attends NWM in Academy.) Other players are Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Vivi, and Koby. Jinbei hasn't debuted in this spin-off yet T.T I'm not leaving him out. Who is on which team and is everyone ready for how competitive Kiku can be?
Very important questions! Kiku won the coin toss and takes Chopper first. He is prone to panic but will follow direction and looks so cute when he does a happy dance. Nami has to take Vivi by default. Kiku will also take Usopp, Brook, Zoro, and Koby. Nami then has Luffy, Sanji, Robin, and Franky. And yeah, it's really weird we haven't seen Jinbei at all right?
Zoro thinks it's funny and Luffy actually gets into trying to beat her, but yeah if it's capture the flag Kiku's militaristic mindset takes over. The plan is to simply play defense. Zoro will inevitably get lost and stumble across the enemy flag. This is what it means to recognize the strengths of one's subordinates.
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annastheticc · 7 years
Tumblr media
Yazi on ice au that no one asked for
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antwonette53 · 3 years
This post is about some situation happend to the artist I know. I want to express my opinion because I'm in shock, I'm scared and I want to stop this humiliation, even if I will not succeed, I try. Don't follow/ban/subscribe to this account, I created it to leave an anonymous message and spread it to help the artist. I won't appear on this account again. Don't search for me. I'm also using a VPN to stay safe.
Well, to start...
I'm not a biggest fan of mimifox, but somehow I heard about her ages ago, when she was in the relationship with vl*ad (then I kept checking on her sometimes). Vl*d is a total jerk, and as I know for now, mimi hates him and everything he've done. He'd been abusing her for a long time and she never was a nazi herself, she was a young person easy to influence on. Calling her N*ZI YOU'RE OFFENDING ALL WOMEN/MEN/NB PEOPLE WHO WAS IN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, BLAMING THEM FOR WHAT THEIR ABUSIVE PARTNERS DONE! You're... you're such a hypocrite. Sorry. But let's continue. In addition... this one really made me cry, oh, but nwm, I am not going to harm myself. Wonder why? I'm on medication, but you know, NOT EVERYONE has money/time/strength/whatever to get necessary help. I scrolled through Mimi's Twitter and found out that she's in the severe of depression, she's kinda impulsive and can hardly control her emotions. It is obvious she needs psychological help. And oh yes, she lives in Russia, where "depression is not real, you're just d*mb an l*zy" and it's hard to find a proper specialist, especially for her (as NB person, many psychologists are transphobic). In the past, I was called an attention w*ore by my classmates because I was talking about s*lfh*rm and my ex-bf bullied me for that...and now you're making fun of Mimi... I'm not going to underestimate your feelings, but it was SO MEAN to shame her PUBLICALLY. HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT IS "BULLYING"? I'm pretty sure talking to her privately was enough. Maybe of person acts inadequately towards her maybe it's better think "what if she needs help? What if she's not a bad person, she's just lost, broken and confused, because she doesn't know how to act?" Social anxiety traits are easy to recognize. Go ahead, read Mimi's Twitter if she hasn't deleted it yet. You could stop. Even if Mimi hurt your feelings, I'm sure she did. But. You. Could. STOP. But you decided to harass her in public. Calling her n*zi, calling her b*d, transph*bic and so on...As I mentioned before, I watched her from the very beginning of her way as furry artist and she really was hom*phobic once. But you know what? She learned. She changed her mind years ago. And digging into her old works to find quote-unqote homop*obia is so mean. Maybe she kept those as a reminder to herself. She has characters who act tr*nsphobicly towards her other characters, but it doesn't mean she supports transp*obia. Hello? She is NON BINARY. But of course, she can't draw transp*obic character as antagonist, as person who will change their mind after...wait, haha nooo it's nonsense! How's that even possible?!
I was always looking forward to be the part of trans community. I want to move to the better city somehow, a place when I can be safe and sound. And I found help in trans community. I was mentally here, I felt like everyone was kind to me, accepted my flaws and forgave me for mistakes I made. But now I don't feel safe because of you. It's not my main Tumblr account, please don't search for it because I'm scared I could be humiliated by community I once thought was friendly and acceptable. I'm scared because I can relate to Mimi's situation and now I'm afraid that I could be thrown away by "friends". And, as an furry artist, be banned from every fandom I'm into for mistakes I made in the past. Now I don't know where to go and whom to believe. I want to leave Tumblr now, because I've developed paranoia and fear of making a simple wrong move, which will cancel me as a person. I also draw g*re and ns*w, sometimes it helps me to drop some things off my chest. I always put triggers, and so Mimi does, if I'm not mistaken. She has "nsf*" on her Telegram channel and her art group with ns*w works is closed and triggers are mentioned in the info. I am not close friend of Mimi, I've spoke to her personally only once some years ago at the local furry fest, and she was so shy and embarrassed by every social contact...I thought she's cute and changed my mind NEVER since. Anyway, I haven't followed her blogs closely until this situation. Now I will. I don't want anyone to know who am I, even Mimi, but I want everyone to know that I will support her. And also others. Not all people are bad and transp*obic just because they are. Some just feel lonely, confused and depressed. I'm NOT SAYING you should help such people by completely ignoring your traumas and triggers. But what you're doing now isn't right. It's a public harassment. You can tell your friends, you can tell your family, but spreading this one argument between you two across ALL THE INTERNET?! It's CRUEL. IT'S SOCIAL-ANXIETY-PHOBIA. IT IS THE HUMILIATION OF ALL MENTALLY ILL PERSON AND THOSE WHO WERE/ARE ABUSED BY THEIR PARTNERS! STOP IT! IF YOU HAVE STRENGTH FOR IT, TALK TO PERSON, LISTEN TO THEM, RESPECT THE PAIN THEY'RE GOING THROUGH. IF YOU DON'T HAVE STRENGTH - BLOCK. I saw the friend of harassed person tried to talk to Mimi and they called her attention-seeking. It's an insult. Of course there's are people who seek attention for their own causes, but mentally ill people seek for attention because they NEED help. Some just don't know how to properly do it. Say something like "we're not angry, we just don't like the way you do X, but it's our personal opinion and we don't think you're a bad person" or continue blocking her without saying anything. This would be much less cruel. That's all, make fun of me if you want. But I'm out. Good luck you all, anyway.
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