evanisalittlelost · 7 months
I am not sure who needs to read this, but it's No Shame November.
Which means be yourself.
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Don't let others tell you who you should be or what you should be. Trust me, it all ends up being tragic.
With that in mind, be as crazy as you feel you need to be. No one is perfect. We are all human (well, there are a few exceptions... looking at you gramps), and we all have these complex brains that we still don't understand fully. Give that hyperactive child in the grocery store a break, he has no idea he has a problem and his mother has no idea either. The 'Karen' that bothers you every day about something on your property... she definitely has a problem to and it's not you. It's okay to be petty sometimes, but don't overdo it. I can't say being nice is a good thing because that is just being fake. Without a doubt, kindness is the best thing in the world next to a good lasagna (pizza is second if you're a half demon with a flare for theatrics) and no one will tell me otherwise.
We all have our problems and we all have to do what is best for ourselves.
So don't be ashamed at being yourself. I'll take you for who you are.
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semianonymity · 2 years
It's time for NO-SHAME NOVEMBER, where I write the cringiest, most self-indulgent fanfic I've ever thought of.
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exemplarybehaviour · 4 months
I keep seeing people say things like this: "You know what does matter to the politicians, even more than us voting for them? When we DON’T vote for them."
No, absolutely not. This is not how the US electoral system works. Under the current system, only votes cast matter. Only people who are going to vote matter to campaign strategists.
The last election, less than 20% of my district voted. The 80+% of the people who abstained? Their opinions on the results don't matter. The system does not take them into account. They gave up their right to have a say. Some strategists for future elections might look at the numbers and say: wow, why didn't those people vote, and can we GET them to vote? But ultimately, the system is designed so that if only one person votes, that person gets to decide the winning candidate. You get the representatives voted on by whoever shows up to the poll.
If a candidate thinks you cannot be swayed to vote (because, for example, you've joined a weird anti-voting movement), then ther campaign is not going to cater to you. Their strategists won't care about you. Someone in the next cycle might try for your vote, but you are giving up your right to have a voice for this cycle.... and voters with a history of voting are more promising targets for any campaign strategies.
(Your actual vote is a secret, but they DO monitor that you have voted. This will affect how much annoying campaigning materials you will get, because they do target active voters.)
Also, "if I don't vote, that will make a point!" is just a stupid take in general. If you don't vote in November, and then Trump wins, what have you really done? Do you think the Biden admin will care, as they're leaving office? Do you think the Trump admin will care, as they enter office? Republicans want fewer people to vote! Your abstention will be nothing but a footnote in history about how Trump won.
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king-wilhelm · 2 years
November 5, 2022 is about unhinged gay people having to deal with the consequences of their own actions ie, being subjected to their own bs as old anniversary posts circulate again because all the posts they made have been queued since Nov 5, 2021
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rhapsoddity · 6 months
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This year has FLOWN by, and I'm still blown away by the support you guys give me! <3 🥺💕
Half of this is Vigilante Sheriff au how much more is it gonna dominate next year lmao <3
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f1noshamenov · 10 months
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F1 No Shame November
A fest for the most self indulgent of fics.  You know that idea you said you'd never write because it was too ridiculous?  This is your sign to do it.
The Fest
This fest is open to any and all ideas, but it celebrates those you’ve been a little hesitant about writing.  Bring your silliest, rarest, or most unconventional idea and have fun with it!  There are no restrictions on content, it’s all up to you.
The Rules
- Fics must be 1k in length and art should be at least 30 minutes of work. - Fics can be posted in chapters but must be complete at the time of posting. - Any topic is allowed as long as it is properly tagged and warned. - Be creative, be cringe, and be free.
The Dates
Sign-ups Open: August 18th, 2023 Check-in: October 5th, 2023 Submissions Due: November 28th, 2023 Collection Goes Live: November 30th, 2023
How to Join
-Complete the sign-up form. -Join the Ao3 collection. -Join the Discord (message me for this if this link doesn't work, I'm not sure if I got the never expire one or not)
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orchidbark · 2 years
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No shame!
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drdemonprince · 6 months
hi devon! im rereading unmasking autism after reading neuroqueer heresies by nick walker earlier this year. i am trans and audhd and get so much from both your and nick's work. i realized while reading that i was surprised her work wasn't mentioned in unmasking autism. is there any particular reason for that? i feel like your frameworks dovetail well. im curious if there's something im missing.
That book came out in November of 2021. The final draft of Unmasking Autism was due to the publisher on April 2021.
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rotisseries · 10 months
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reachexceedinggrasp · 3 months
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emonydeborah · 7 months
November fluff prompt 18: hand holding
Una ran her thumb over her ring for the tenth time in the last hour. It was a peculiar weight on her hand, something that should have been imperceptible but drew her attention over and over. She spun it on her finger.
On the tiny dance floor, Bob and Sarah swayed to the music. Sarah laughed at swatted Bob on the chest, and some of the nervous fluttering in Una's chest eased.
"Hey." The fluttering kicked up again, but it wasn't nervous this time. Chris slid back into the chair next to hers and set two drinks on the table. He took her hand, and warmth and happiness and excitement squeezed in her chest so she almost couldn't bear it. "You okay?"
Una nodded and laid her free hand over his. His ring was hard and smooth under her hand, and warm enough that she knew he had been fiddling with it, too. He searched her face for a moment, and his eyes softened. He lifted their joined hands to his lips and pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist.
A table away, Neera let out a bored sound of disgust. Una ignored her and kissed Chris on the cheek. He squeezed her hand, and her heart swelled.
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starryluminary · 1 year
You’ll find the real thing instead, she’ll patch up your tapestry that I shred
And hold your hand while dancing
Never leave you standing
Crest fallen on the landing
With Champagne Problems
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nyxronomicon · 4 months
work is going to be too busy for me to do anything substantial for valentine's but I wanna do a little event so...
Send me an ask of who's taking you out on Valentine's and where you're going and I'll write a paragraph in their POV!
fandoms: jjk, hsr, genshin, or anyone I've posted about from other series. if you're not sure, feel free to dm first 🖤
these will be sfw for the most part but if you ask off anon I might give you a spicy treat 🖤
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despairforme · 7 months
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What the fuck we're already six days into November??
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thresholdbb · 5 months
My P+ subscription just renewed, which means I have been on this Star Trek high for exactly a year now
#I really said 2023 is gonna be ALL ABOUT STAR TREK and it was!!#the Trek obsession went dormant then came back with a vengeance like November of last year#I went through an intense tng phase in grad school#looking back on the year I wouldn’t have it any other way#I got p+ and proceeded to speed run tng and ds9#I savored voyager and when it was over we started our Sisyphean delta quadrant journey#somewhere in my mixed up brain I KNEW voyager would be a problem and I avoided it#I have been ruined for other media#LISTEN Picard isn’t the best show but it was precisely why I wanted to catch up#still have yet to finish tos tas ent and dis for shame#also it was half price last year I cry for my continually dwindling bank account#I am actually very grateful because I was lonelier and more miserable before I started engaging in fandom now I am slightly less so#plus going to stlv and making/doing cosplay for the first time a whole experience!#if we’ve interacted this year (and you read my tags) hi I love you#if we haven’t hi I am intense but love talking to equally obsessed mutuals#also lol at meeting the actors Garrett wang taking a picture of me and Picardo being like uhhh ok when I talked to him#jin maley and Michelle Hurd are absolutely lovely#terry ferrell was very very sweet and I shared an elevator (and hand injury story) with Casey Biggs#and I bumped into Rom his-real-last-name-is-hard-to-spell#and marina sirtis called me love I cry#hilarious but also so cringe what is my life#also thanks to Star Trek for the paradigm shifting very likely autism suspicion that I’m gonna seriously pursue in 2024#ok I love you bye#melts into oblivion
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ashxketchum · 2 years
Yahoo News JP just shared an article about a press conference held by TV Tokyo!
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This is a rough translation of this news but the most important thing to note is that SATOSHI'S ADVENTURE WILL CONTINUE!!!
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