yorgunluklara · 2 months
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“Gördüğüm değildi bildiğim dünya…”
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s-serdal · 9 months
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sairkentli · 6 days
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Yola çıktıklarını yolda bulduklarına değiştirirsen hem yolunu kaybedersin hem de dostunu. Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
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leyliii · 2 months
Söndürün lambaları uzaklara gideyim / Nurdan bir şehir gibi ruhumu seyredeyim /pırıl pırıl /pırıl pırıl
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"hep nefs çıkar karşıma. ölüp ölüp dirilsem; insandan kaçmak kolay, kendimden kaçabilsem." 
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dareyynn · 10 months
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‘İçine kaçan gözlerimin yerine kömürle bir çift göz kondurmuş- ben de sizin gibiyim- tarzında, dünyaya aldatmaya, rol oynamaya memurum.’
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reyliika · 11 months
Akıl yırtık çuval
Sökük dağarcık
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bert06 · 4 months
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Ne hasta bekler sabahı,
Ne taze ölüyü mezar.
Ne de şeytan, bir günahı,
Seni beklediğim kadar.
Geçti istemem gelmeni,
Yokluğunda buldum seni;
Bırak vehmimde gölgeni
Gelme, artık neye yarar?
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ilmiyyat1453 · 1 year
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“Her şey biter; ses, şekil ve renk, Kabir suâliyle kapanır kepenk!”
Necip Fazıl Kısakürek
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bb-kawa · 2 years
A Night to Remember
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Leona Kingscholar x Oc. Leona Kingscholar x Reader. 
This is more of an OC fic but it’s written in 2nd person so if you vibe with it you can still read.
I interpret twisted wonderland as being an actual University where magical men and women attend. So Oc/Reader has magic.
Warning: sleeping in the same bed but there’s no smut. Oc/Reader plays video games, Oc/Reader is described as extroverted and snarky. Oc/Reader is described as having magic.
It is implied to be female reader at one point but I don’t believe there are actual pronouns used. If i am wrong please shoot me a message to my inbox.
Don’t like don’t read. If you click readmore then you’ve consented to read whatever it is i’ve written.
Summary: What happens when Leona shows up to your dorm room late at night asking to sleep in your bed? Read more to find out. 
fluff drabble
It's late in the evening and you vaguely hear the knock on your door as you sit at your computer talking with your friends through your headset. You're quite surprised given the time. People don't usually stop by your dorm room so late in the evening, unless someone's desperate to copy your homework.
 Thinking it's a friend from class, you approach the door, swinging it open, and are surprised to see Leona Kingscholar standing in the hallway. Looking as bored and impassive as usual. You also realize that he is in fact topless. Wearing nothing but sweats and a blanket thrown over his arm. Did he walk all the way from the savanaclaw dorms like that? You try to stop your eyes from trailing down his frame in apprecia -disbelief as you double check that no one else is standing in the hallway.
 You're a little shocked but nonetheless, a pleased smile graces your features. You did consider Leona to be your friend. Whether he thought the same was something you weren't sure about. He did seem to enjoy all your snarky remarks at spell drive practice. However, he also appeared to be significantly more introverted than you, so hanging out with him outside of practice didn't seem like a practical thing for you to desire.
 "Leona? What's up?" You ask him. Trying to keep your eyes on his face and not anything else that was currently on display for you.
 "Let me in and let me sleep here." He asks, though it comes off as more of a demand.
 You do let him in though, slightly confused. Who could say no honestly.
 "Sleep here... Why here?" You ask in return. "I'm playing games online with my friends you know. It's not gonna be quiet."
 "Mm… it's fine. Spells exist for a reason. And because I like your company." He answers already plopping onto your bed and sneaking under the covers. "Also no one will find me here."
 Ah, so the real reason comes out, despite your heart fluttering at the 'enjoying your company part'.
 Before you have the chance to say anything to his clearly out of the norm request, you notice his breathing steady out, the peaceful fall of his face, and the full relaxation of a man who has just fallen asleep. You're flabbergasted. He fell asleep in three seconds! How is that possible? He didn't even wait for a response! What if you had said no? You stand there wondering what the hell is happening.
 It's fine, you suppose. There could definitely be worse things than a sleeping man in your bed. And you would have told him yes anyways, if he had actually stayed awake long enough to hear your response.
 You cast a silencing bubble around him and continue on with your nightly activities. On the bright side it's a Friday so no need to worry about classes tomorrow. Or forcing the sleeping lion to actually attend class for once.
 You make your excuses to your friends about who was at your door and continue playing. Every so often you turn to look at Leona. You feel a bit awkward, but the feeling is suppressed by how cute Leona looks sleeping. You've stumbled upon him occasionally napping in the botanical garden, but this is very different.
 His body is currently in your bed touching your blankets. While he was popular for his looks, most girls realized his personality wasn't… the best. You still liked him though. He's blunt and rude remarks always had you holding back a laugh and he seemed to enjoy your amusement.
 Eventually enough time goes by and you figure it's time to sleep. You say bye to your friends and carry on to your restroom to finish up your bedtime routine.
 You walk back to your bed wondering what to do next. Should you just. . . sleep next to him? Would that be weird? He technically came into your bed first and you certainly weren't going to give up your bed and sleep on your small dorm couch.
 You dispel the silencing bubble and gingerly climb in next to him, shuffling yourself under the blankets and gently nudging him on the shoulder.
 "Leona." You prompt watching his eyes slowly peer open. "Leona I'm going to sleep now, are you going to stay here?"
 The silence stretches as you wait for him to process what you said.
 "Can I?" He asks, and your heart nearly falls out of your body at his tone of voice. He sounds almost hopeful.
 You always liked the men from Sunset Savannah. Their 'put women first' mentality always pleased you. And while he was a hotheaded moron a lot of the times, he was never rude or mean to you.
 "Yes." You answer. The shift in him is immediate as he leans in closer to you.
 "Can I hold you?" He asks. You feel as if his green eyes are staring into your soul. Daring you to answer him.
 "Yes" you answer immediately. Perhaps too quickly. Has Leona always been this blunt? He is straightforward but certainly not about his feelings.
 You feel your stomach flip in excitement as he pulls you in closer to him. Wrapping his arms around you. You're glad it's dark, hoping that he can't see the giddy smile on your face. You try to relax into his embrace. It wouldn't help to stay up all night because you can't stop smiling like a complete idiot.
 His free hand moves along your back, his fingerprints tracing up your spine. It feels heavenly.
 "Shhhh, relax." He whispers. You let go of the tension you feel in your shoulders. The warmth of his body seeping into you.
 His steady breaths slowly lull you to sleep and the last thing you remember is hoping the grumpy lion will continue to take advantage of your generous hospitality in the future.
-reblogs or likes appreciated <3
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bulbul-i-seyda · 1 year
Benimse alın yazım yokuşlarda susamak🍁
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s-serdal · 7 months
Bir Duruşu Olmalı İnsanın;
Bir Bakışı,
Bir Anlayışı,
Bir Aşkı,
Bir Davası Olmalı.
Demiş Cahit(Zarifoğlu)Abi.
Sonrasında devam etmiş Salih (Mirzabeyoğlu) Abi
Ne aşkınız aşka,
Ne hırslarınız hırsa,
Ne gamınız gama,
Ne neşeniz neşeye benziyor;
Dostlukta hodbin,
Kinde korkak ve
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muhurlusir · 8 months
Ne acı, kaybetmek için sahiplik!
Ölümlüyü sevmek, ne korkulu iş!..
Hayat mı, püf desen kopacak iplik,
Çıkmaz sokaklarda varılmaz gidiş.
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"Ben içimdeki gökyüzünü 
sen gelinceye kadar 
herkesten sakladım..."
(Necip Fazıl Kısakürek)
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dareyynn · 11 months
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Dışıyla ve içiyle genişliğine, uzunluğuna ve derinliğine bu dünyada; içinin içiyle de daima Allah'ta...
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ispeakmyhrart · 2 months
میں تو اس واسطے چپ ہوں کہ تماشا نہ بنے
تُو سمجھتا ہے مجھے تُجھ سے گلا کچھ بھی نہی
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