#Muppet OC’s
palettepainter · 11 months
First of all
Second. What is Caleb's and Lotties relationship with Janice and Floyd like?
I know that as their parents they love each other a lot, but are there ever any times where they clash?
Also what were Caleb and Lottie doing during Muppets Mayhem?
Thank yoouuu!! My bday itself is on the 29th and I am *so* unbelievably nervous for it! I’ll be 21….hoo boy-
If they where in Muppets Mayhem they where probably just chilling at the shack for the most part or hanging out with Moog, the band probably consider Moog like family since he’s been with them on the road for so long. I forget the name of Nora’s sister but Lottie would LOVE hanging out with her! She’d be team Moog’s official hype team in getting Moog together with Nora. I like to imagine both of them liking Miss Penny (Caleb in general likes everybody anyway-) and her begrudgingly growing fond of them but she’ll never say it. I picture her as the type of give them sweets but they’re really just cough drops or something 
As for their relationship they’re all a pretty knightly knit family unit!! I figured this ask would be more fun and easier to read with bullet points so here are some hc’s about Caleb’s and Lottie’s bond with their parents!
🐌 - Caleb was such a shy little tot, he was scared of everything that wasn’t his parents for a large majority of his baby years. He could only handle his parents and Animal, anybody else? He cried and screamed. He gradually chilled out as he got older but it wasn’t until he was walking about on his own did he learn the band are family and he was fine to be left alone with them without bursting into tears (Janice and Floyd have no clue where his anxiety as a baby came from but they did their best to manage it) 
🐌 - He was and still is a mama’s boy. He was the calmest with Janice as a baby and she was the one who was able to get him to calm down the fastest. Floyd was a tiny bit hurt by this, but told himself that babies can sometimes be funny like that and to give Caleb time (he did pout for like the entire day tho when Caleb said Ma first before Da, though his first official word was snail)
🐌 - It’s pretty obvious that Caleb takes after Janice’s laid back, tranquil personality so he’s not very confrontational like Floyd can sometimes be. But he does have a habit of being super sassy and blunt without meaning too (or *does* he mean to?-), which Floyd finds absolutely hilarious, especially when Caleb was still a kiddo and he’d just bluntly refer to Piggy by one of the many nicknames Floyd calls her (it was less fun for Floyd when Janice would as Caleb where he learnt such a mean nickname, and Caleb would innocently point to Floyd).
Despite them being very different Caleb still holds a healthy bond with his dad. Floyd already had experience raising Animal so he was pretty chill when Caleb came along and all the unexpected baby shenanigans he pulled. Even if Floyd never really understood Caleb’s anxiety as a kid he always remained patient and level headed whenever he’d get all worked up about something (totally sang to him as a kid like he did with Animal, Janice will forever insist it is the most beautiful thing ever). Their bond definitely got stronger when Caleb got older and he was allowed to hang out with his dad and uncles during their rehearsals. Overall they have a very chill, loving bond. Caleb loves to make occasional little pokes at Floyd being smaller then him. Janice is a string bean who is taller then Floyd and Caleb got all the tall genes, so he ends up being a couple inches taller then his dad 
🐌 - His bond with Janice is just as close, but as a kid Caleb naturally sought comfort from his mum as all babies do, and fond calmness in her easy going nature. Janice had her nerves at first, especially when Floyd - having already raised Animal - already had experience where she didn’t, but Janice and Caleb have a lot of similar interests so bonding came easy to them when Caleb was a toddler. They often bonded a lot over nature, since Janice wanted Caleb to have a very down to earth up bringing. Caleb especially loved to go snail watching with his Ma whenever it rained, one of his earliest memories is being outside in a grassy area as it rained and intently watching a snail that Janice had carefully placed in his hand. Then being swaddled in a big fluffy towel afterwards and having his hair dried (basically just watch the entire episode of Rain from Bluey). 
Janice loves to braid hair, so she would always volunteer to brush Caleb’s hair, she found it a very enjoyable bonding experience with Caleb, who always grew to love having his hair brushed.  
When he’s sad Caleb tends to go non-verbal (picture Bingo at the end of the episode dancemode) so when he was little he’d sit with Janice till he felt comfortable to talk 
🐌 - Even when he’s older Caleb and Janice are still close, he’ll often go to her first when it comes to more serious stuff he’s nervous about before bringing them up with his dad. They both like to mediate and talk about crystals together, and Caleb loves to infodump about snails to her, and Janice is always chill to listen. Caleb is a bit more aware of things then Janice can sometimes be, but even when she may be oblivious to something Caleb rarely get annoyed or angry so he simply lightly corrects her. Caleb still likes to have his hair combed/braided by her so sometimes he’ll just sit in front of her on the floor and she’ll start braiding it out of second nature 
🌸 - Lottie was basically the opposite of baby Caleb. She was loud and babbled, the only thing they had in common is that baby Lottie also demanded constant attention from her parents and uncles. In a way she was sorta like Animal as a baby, so Floyd was still very chill with everything, sort of rolling with the chaos Lottie brought. Janice struggled a bit more, since Lottie was such a stark contrast to Caleb, but her and Floyd eventually found a rhythm that worked for Lottie. Since Lottie was totally fine with the band from the beginning they where extra dotting on her to make up for the time they couldn’t fuss baby Caleb. Overall Lottie was still a demanding tot but in a very different way then Caleb. She also loved to pull on Floyd’s moustache (just like Caleb and Animal before her), Teeth’s beard and Lips’s goatee (she’d do the same with dear old Grandpa Tibbs and Mick. No bodies beard or goatee is safe-)
🌸 - She was close with her parents and her dear uncles, but as she grew up she was definitely more like Floyd. Lottie gets her sass from dear old Floyd and often likes to test the boundaries of how much she could get away with. All the dotting from when she was a baby kind of back firing in the bands face. Most of the time, Floyd found Lottie’s sass funny, expect when he’d get a taste of his own medicine and she’d be sassy right back at him (which the band found hilarious). This sometimes led to Floyd and Lottie bickering cuz their sass leads to them being stubborn at times, but they always end up feeling back for fighting and apologising, sometimes with some encouragement from Janice. 
🌸 - Lottie is still a little kid so she’ll sometimes be prone to pushing boundaries and testing how far she can bend the rules, but she’s learned to tone it down a notch. Her and Floyd still get along great, since they both share the same sassy streak and Floyd can easily manage her high levels of energy because he had to do the same for Animal (Lottie also ADORES her Uncle Animal. I know Animal is basically Floyd’s son but with the age gap Caleb and Lottie view him more as a really fun Uncle). She also loves all of Teeth’s shiny rings and other jewels so she likes to play dress up with them, sometimes forgetting to ask first but Teeth doesn’t mind. Lottie is also able to keep up with the bands energy a lot more then Caleb can, who sometimes needs to take a time out to go recharge himself
🌸 - Lottie loves both of her parents, she really does, but Lottie has ADHD and really struggles to do the whole “centring herself with her aura”, which involves a lot of sitting still. Lottie needs to move about to burn off access energy/stimulate her brain, so she can get frustrated whenever Janice wants to spend time together meditating. They bond a lot better over singing and dancing, Janice likes to do little imrov riffs of her guitar and Lottie likes to make up dances to them. Sometimes Lottie will pull Janice and Floyd up to dance with her and they have a lot of fun!
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devilsrecreation · 10 months
Muppet oc’s I have other than Serpico and Allegra that I may or may not talk more about
Sweet-Tooth Sally-Blind Pew and Black Dog’s daughter; I posted about her before but I have a lot more info on her
Axel-My Link x Deadly fankid
Ace and Indigo-My idea for Gonzo’s kids
Daisy-Phil Van Neuter’s daughter
Jude Pepper- my Floyd x Janice fankid
Jett- my Dr. Teeth x Sam fankid
Francine- my Bunsen x Beaker fankid that’s basically the muppet version of Frankenstein’s monster….except it’s a girl
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muppet-facts · 6 months
Muppet Fact #925
At the 2023 Game Awards, Gonzo presented the award for Best Debut Indie Game with Geoff Keighley. He said he's been playing Tears of the Kingdom. He lost days following a Cucco up the hill. He also has a conspiracy that a lot of games released this year follow a chicken theme.
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The Game Awards 2023. December 7, 2023.
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vargurvargur · 10 months
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woke up to discover... i was a muppet
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planefood · 2 months
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Muppet guys for me and my two partners @warewolfish @closingtime1973
little scribbles I do after I finish a big commission like this is a nice way to destress
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dreammeiser · 3 months
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Hello, hi! I'd like to introduce you to my animated indie series that I've been working on called Dream Along With Me! Dream Along With Me will follow the lives and antics of a group of puppet friends, The Dreamalong Gang, as they navigate a patchwork dreamscape while being stalked by secrets and horrors of the past. An escapist dream may become their cotton-candied purgatory!
On their journey through the subconscious, you will be joining: Archie Aster, the Stellar Storyteller and his Living Shadow Early Early Oxenfree the Soothsaying Trickster Mae Flowers the Rainbow Goblin Lunette Lullabye the Playtime Devil Honeybell the Counting Sheep Darling Fiona the Wayward Siren Teddy O'Stara the Merrymaking Magician Mufflin Mallow the Big Rock Candy Monster Bertie Sherbet the Softserve Sweetheart Oddrey Shivers the Phantom Primadonna And your Friendly Midnight Television Host, Roy G. Biv! Walk on into that Good Night carefully friends, lest The Strangers of the Wonder Void hear you!
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curioscurio · 11 months
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I heard that the theme for Art Fight this year is Vampires vs Werewolves 👀 So... my first Art Fight OC: Balthazar
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zivazivc · 6 months
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I made a Trolls OC because of course I did. She is a bee herder and she's constantly covered in pollen.
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todayontumblr · 6 months
Friday, December 15.
'Tis the season.
'Tis the season indeed. The season to snuggle up and submerge oneself in the world within a world of endlessly charismatic anthropomorphic puppets. These are puppets with a taste for the absurd, an immaculate sense of style, bouncing mouths, and wide eyes. They are otherwise known as The Muppets, and there are no two ways about it: everyone loves The Muppets. Don't they?
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)? Muppet Treasure Island (1996)? The Muppet Movie (1979)? Get comfortable. Anything goes. 
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clownsuu · 1 year
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I have been having a strong urge to make another puppet oc, so alas, take this pain iv made-
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When I mean pain, I literally mean it- JDHHFHDH I got so stressed out trying to color him that my adrenaline spiked and now I’m trying to relax LMAOOOO
but anyway, here’s Robbie (not to be confused with Robert), a Howdy family member oc, cause who am I as a howdy supremacy supporter if I didn’t have SOMEBODY related to him smhh. He’s kinda an smartass/asshole (being a 3 horned rhinoceros beetle) but when ya get to know the bastard he’s a nerdy lil goof who’ll never shut up about literally anything he’s done. How many crimes has he committed? He lost count smh.
he’s a little bit more of a serious character-? But he’s kinda still in the same playing field as Dr.Stone is where they are a “guest character”. Also unlike Dr.Stone who has a set occupation, Robbie hops from job to job, one day he’s working at your local seven eleven, the other day he’s a astronaut going to space (don’t ask how he the hell he even got in- he’s too crafty for his own good-)
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meldoesthedraw · 22 days
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🥹 Nothing like carrying on family traditions-- with a twist!🎶🦷🪥✨
Happy Muppets Mayhem 1 year anniversary & Happy Mothers Day weekend~!!!💖💖🙌
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palettepainter · 6 months
Fever Ch4 UPDATE
Chapter 4 is officially in the editing stages!! 
Sorry this chapter has taken so long for me to complete, emotions and mental health kinda took a dive. Christmas is very busy for my family as we house the party at our house, so there’s a lot of stress to organise whose bringing what food, planning where the dogs will be while we eat, how we’ll accommodate so many people (we’ve got a few extra this year then normal), plus with the gift buying and burn out everything creative related had to take a back seat for a bit 
But, finally, Chapter 4 is ready to be edited!! Have some various snippets from the chapter! Please ignore any grammar or spelling errors as those will be fixed when I edit the chapter
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unrealmuppet · 8 months
They would get along, I think....
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Character on the left is @downydig 's OC, Cooper Beagle!
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muppet-facts · 5 months
Muppet Fact #938
According to Brian Henson, "Inside the Muppet Company, [they] love to hate Bean Bunny." This is why he is often the subject of so much Muppet violence.
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Muppet Christmas Carol. DVD commentary by Brian Henson.
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goobygnarp · 24 days
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puppets, yippiee!!
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kirby valentine
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Sherman Valentine
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and astro
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prokopetz · 10 months
What traits would you assaign to Kermit The Frog... or is he not especially muppety enough for the pretenses of Eat God?
(With reference to this post here.)
I'd probably give a God-eater who is legally not Kermit the Frog "Amphibious" and "Striking Mien (Trustworthy)" to start. The third Trait is a bit of a toss-up, because Kermit doesn't really do much in the source material, so we don't have any obvious physical capabilities to riff on, and Traits in Eat God are 99% physical. You could go a lot of ways with it; personally I feel like it would be extremely funny to go with "Vile Venom (Hallucinogenic)" and give them a poisonous bite.
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