#Moxxie's mum
geekgirles · 1 year
Oh my God, you guys!!!
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Do you see this? Do you know what this means???
The main two physical traits we get to see of Moxxie's mum are her freckles and her legs. Which also happen to be the two physical traits where Moxxie doesn't look like Crimson!! We are seeing Moxxie's inherent kindness and gentleness in her!!! The fucking symbolism, OMG
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juliesbestfriend · 1 year
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palettepainter · 1 year
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Yeah yeah I know everyone hates this guy for the obvious reasons, wanna know why I hate him? Cuz through out the entire episode all I could of was how similar he looked to Moxxie. I know this is a freelance animation but you already have an amazing cast of designs for characters in Hazbin - all designed by the same creator, Viv - you have a TEAM of very talented, very skilled, very GOOD artists working on Helluva Boss: so why is it pretty much all of the IMP are revealed to be almost exact copy and pastes of one of their parents (Blitzo with his dad, Millie with her mum, and now Moxxie with his dad)
Also for the love of GOD do something with Millie other then the trope of “She saves Moxxie”. I remember not being all that fussed with this, but after this episode I get it. I was actually hoping this episode would end with Moxxie actually following through with his threat towards his dad and being the one to protect Millie instead of the other way around: but nope they went with the same trop that’s already been used FIVE TIMES
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okay but like…
what if there’s an episode of helluva bos where the gang end up in crimsons bedroom somehow and there’s flippin moxxies mums horns hanging over his bed and everyone’s like :O
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artofrhues · 1 year
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What if not only the wedding gown belonged to Moxxie's mum but she would let him play dress up in it when he was younger...
So not only does he know it's hers but those memories are now destroyed...
You're welcome...
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petitprincess1 · 1 year
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Moxxie's mom 🥺
Bonus mums:
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
helluva boss s2e6 reaction
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episode 6
oh my god. okay. fizzarolli right at the start we're already off to a great start
oh my god????
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okay I think I'm starting to see the parallels between fizz and angel dust, I did hear mammon was abusive? idk? didn't expect that not all the deadly sins would be nice like ozzie, beelzebub and lucifer
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UH HUH.......
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yeah I understand why they were screaming at moxxie and millie now
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oh boy
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yeah I like where this is going
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OH MY GOD we're getting blitzo-fizz stolas-ozzie parallels now aren't we
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oh here's the part about ozzie condemning love potions, one of the things I heard about
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Asmodeus: Well, I can tell ya, if you're looking for a love potion, you came to the wrong fucking guy. I don't fuck with that artificial bullshit! Lust shouldn't be about force... It's an ART! To be earned, and enjoyed. It's all about that journey to Pleasure Town... You feel me?
based ozzie
HAHAHAH oh my god these messages
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oh my god
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I love this little exchange they're having it's so funny
Blitzo: Point is, royal demons don't give a shit about guys like us. They're all the fuckin' same. Fizzarolli: That's not...! A-always true...
oooooh this is supposed to be a comparison between ozzie and mammon now is it
ooooh boy (also what the fuck is this shot LMASKDSOGKOHDOMHS)
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oh my god what happened between them
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oh my god???
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oh my god.
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HIS MUM? aw. man.
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man so it's not even their fucking fault, who decided to lie to him like that what a dick
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hahhaha awwwwww
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LMAOOOO the captions at the end, I hit image limit so
BTW: DON'T WORRY. The quieves all made it home safe and sound <3
but yeah this was GREAT. I was gonna put episode 7 together with this but um. I ended up going too crazy and hit the image limit in one episode whoops. dw, next time, EPISODE 7. and more fizzarolli
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helluvamaefire · 5 months
Portrait I made on Moxxie’s mum🥹💗
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timkontheunsure · 1 year
holly shit, that might not have been Moxxie's mum
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laeviz · 1 year
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that’s why they kept focusing so much os moxxie’s mum feet 🥺
no one on this show is free of childhood trauma?
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dambusta-animations · 7 months
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ITS INKTOBER DAY 6!! (I'm well aware how late I am so zip it)
I drew Moxxie's Dad so I had to draw his Mum! And believe me when I say I had much more fun drawing her than I did Crimson!
I really like her character design and she seems like such a kind character, I'd love to see more of her but unfortunately that feels a bit unlikely :/
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emoryinaboat · 1 year
Okay. Okay.
I'm seeing a lot of posts saying that Moxxie's mum shouldn't have married Crimson and "Mourning that she had bad taste in men she deserved better" and putting aside the minor victim blamey undertones, like. The episode is about Crimson literally trying to marry off Moxxie against his will, do you think she married him willingly cos I don't-
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strandhai · 1 year
About Blitzø
So I have rewatched Helluva Boss again (and again and again) and there is something I can't get out of my mind. So tumblr has to suffer now or otherwise this won't let me sleep.
Its about S1 Ep 02 Loo Loo Land (and later than in S1 Ep 07)
First of all: this
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Blitzø making finger puplets of Milli and Moxxi and then getting started on the "threeway". That one got my off guard because I just saw it in my fifth rewatch.
I think yeah he may be attracted to both of them but I think its more because of the kind of relationship Moxxi and Milli have. Blitzø wants something like they have for himself. He wants to be part in that kind of relationship. Didn't matter if its his own or (in this case) Milli's and Moxxi's. He is fucked up, how fucked up he is we truly see in episode 7 but also before
We have seen before that he is breaking into M&M's apartment and also into their bedroom
"Hey now I have watched thise two pork many times and honestly they make missonary look relativly exciting..." (Blitzø, Ep07)
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Later in Ep02, when Stolas is taking Via to the circus we have a short flashback of her when she eas young, with a Clown Blitzø in the background. (Eithe rhe really was there when Via visited or they just merged the flashbacks)
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We get a first glimpse at Clown Blitzø. He is still stuck in the circus, there a now white blotches on his body at this time point. He just hates that clown.
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And it escaltes quick after Robo Fizzarolli spotted Blitzø. So even if he hates that Robo clown, Blitzø probably wouldn't have done a thing if Robo Fizz hadn't decided to play dirty.
"Oh my is that Blitzø my sensor spotted up there... I guess the kiddis are still running away from you"
"The 'ø' is silent now"
"Ah... just like your audiance always was, when you told your lazy jokes here"
"Bitch I am making more money killing people than you do beeing a cheap-ass robo-rip-off of an overrated sell-out jester"
"Oh.. someone's salty, real or not though people love me... does anyone love you, Blitzø ?"
"No, but I am really good with guns now.."
At this point, at first watch it dosn't make sense. However with the knowledge of the Episode 01 Season 2 "Circus" we get much more background information. So rewatching this now makes much more sense.
We know that Blitzø and Fizzarolli have been best friends in childhood and their teens (I am almost suspecting there was somekind of relationship, I mean look at them..) an dhe has the pictures still on his phone!
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So what ever happened it wasn't that Fizzarolley had been the better clown (or not only because of that) but I have a feeling that he left Blitzø behind for what was fame and money (at least from Blitzø's POV). I guess it has something to do with Fizzarollis Robo limbs. So what ever happened to him, happened in his late teens/tweenties and got him to leave Blitzø behind.
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Then there is the picture of Blitzø with his Mum and Sister (which is the one that finally makes him cry) his sister left him (if we believe Verosika she is in Rehab) and his Mother left (death or not, she left him one way or another) so all people he ever loved left him behind.
Because he never was good enough for them to stick around. Not worthy of love. He hates himself and I belive he often thinks "no one cares if I am here or not" we see it at the picture-wall in his flat (his own face is crossed out in everyone of it) and we get a glimpse of it while he has his bad drug trip (S1E06).
"Yet you still shove away anyone who gets too close until they resent you for beeing a selfish shit..." (Verosika)
"Are you afraid to love people, Blitzy?" (Stolas)
"I belive your selfconscious is trying to tell you, that you simply can not fathom proper intimacy but also craving as well, it's rather unfortunate, sir, considering its often how you treat those who stand by you such as myself. Are you worried I may have enough of it as well?" (Moxxi)
He is afraid, because everyone he ever had loved had left him behind (for better or worse). And well we don't need to speak about the whole Symolic shit of that trip. Als his greates fear are there (Striker, Verosika, Robbo Fizz,) and then Moxxi and Stolas, the latter one on his throne above Blitzø, the colden chains. The point that he isn't fighting against the chain but just let it happen.
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And Stolas whole behavior is playing into it, giving him the impression that the Prince only wants his body, even if we now knew that isn't the case. But also after the what happened in S1E03 Spring break with Verosika I think he covers much behind bodily affections. It's the way he goes with Stolas after the Prince gave away a interesst in it.
I think thats the point. He gives his body becaus sex is probably the only language he can speak, because never was any one interested into more than that. The only thing he is good enough for.
We also knwo about his abusive father (thanks to S2Ep01) who never gave a flying shit about his son. This is just adding up to the pile of shit.
Also: the white blotches. It makes me sick because I just eanna now so badly how the fuck he got them. I think we all agree that they are scars. So what the hell happened and have it soomwthing to do with Fizzarollis missing limbs and his aversion for overeager fans?
Is that the reason Blitzø first decided to become a bodyguard before he founded his hitman buisiness?
And if they had been best friends, why the hate between them? What Fizzarolli did in Ep07 had been more than cruel. So they definetly parted on really bad terms.
Oh god, so many questions and not enough answers....
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mandareeboo · 6 months
Unfinished Work #58: "Coffee Time"
I'm kind of sad steam ran out for this one! It was gonna be interesting. The basic idea from here was that Octavia would start seeing Loona as a friend and invite her over when Stella got her things. Loona would admittedly only ever see it as a job, since Octavia never asked her about her day or life. Once that was out Octavia would apologize and they'd become actual friends. It just didn't pan out.
Title: Coffee Time
Summary: Loona finds a very angsty bird coming by once a week to break into her routine and steal her coffee.
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Being a secretary is the pits. Maybe it would be worth something if there was any real need for it, but I.M.P. is almost solely walk-ins so Loona honestly, legitimately has nothing to do most of the day. Her main work was keeping up with clients while the others went off murdering- usually via text, since even the dumbest of the damned don't tend to casually discuss having people go to the human realm for them on a call. It's a lot of quick, autocorrected, boring messages that Loona's basically turned into a one-woman algorithm of 'yes, we're doing it. Yes, they're there. Yes, we really are gonna kill a bitch. No, I don't want your unsolicited dick pics.'
Loona's claim to fame is in two very specific aspects. One: she has legs for days. Two: she makes a damn good cup of coffee. The nice thing about a hellhound's nose is that she knows the exact second it's perfectly brewed, and exactly how much to add. Her coffee is consistent, it's reliable, and it's sad that it's the highlight of her day to make some stupid bean juice, but it is.
Rifling through the cabinets, Loona finds two unmarked white mugs and pulls them down. She fills one higher than the other. The smaller cup gets a shitton of creamer in it; like, an absolutely ridiculous amount. It's basically milk with extra steps. The other gets the rest of the bottle- and it's never enough for Moxxie's bitch ass, but Loona decided a long time ago that if he wanted his preferred amount he should buy his own or get his wife to stop drinking half a damn bottle at a time.
Setting them down at the front of her desk, Loona flops back into her chair, pulls up Sinstagram, and waits.
Her job is a routine. It's simple. It's monotonous. Sometimes it's really fucking boring. Most of the time it's really fucking boring, actually. But Loona doesn't exactly have a lot of options on her plate.
Then the door gets kicked open, and suddenly it's new and refreshing.
"You would not BELIEVE the shit my dad told me today," Octavia grouses. Loona's eyebrows raise as the avian casually grabs one of the few waiting room chairs and pulls it over to her desk. She didn't invite the Goetia. She'd offered to listen whenever she wanted to rant, after that night in L.A., but she'd really not expected her to take her up on that. It was just one of those things, y'know? A yarn nice people use but don't really expect to have put into practice.
"You didn't walk here, did you?" she asks. Loona didn't even want to consider the stink Stolas would make if his owlet had walked into the shadiest part of Imp City alone.
"Of course not. I took a bus." Octavia's beak wrinkles as she recounts it. Loona wonders if it's the first time she's taken a bus in hell. They make Earth buses look spotless. "The dick isn't here, is he?"
"Blitz? Nah. He's off murdering the ex of a client." Loona's pretty sure he'll be home soon, though. Annoying as they all were, the imps were damn good at fucking their way up and out of fucked up situations. "We got time."
Octavia looks at the mugs, grabs the darker one, and slugs it like its vodka. Loona's too amused to tell her it's not for her. Because, fuck, who cared? They can make their own fucking coffee. Loona casually pulls the off-white milk monstrosity towards herself. "Anyway. My dad told me the wildest shit today. He was betrothed to my mum. It was some... fucked up arranged shit."
"You didn't know that?"
"You did?"
"He's royalty, kid. Rich bitches don't usually marry out of love."
"Well, yeah, but," Octavia grasps at straws, "We don't talk to the rest of dad's family. I just assumed it was because he and my mum pissed them off and eloped."
"Maybe," Loona replies. It's not like she knows a damn thing about it. "I don't, like, know your dad or anything, but he always gave me hella gay vibes. I didn't think he liked women at all."
Octavia takes a smaller sip, clenching her talons around the warmth for comfort. "I... don't know. I've never asked."
"He'd probably tell you if you did."
"Yeah. Probably. Does it... bother you? Our dads dating."
Loona's pretty sure 'dating' isn't what their relationship could be defined as. But she also doesn't want to break it to Octavia that she's heard they bone for profit, either. Not her table. "I really don't give a fuck what they do. Blitz is just my dad on paper."
(It's almost a lie. Loona sees Blitzo mostly as, like, an obnoxious roommate whose also her boss. But she also knows her role is nepotism at its finest, and that he gets her presents and remembers her favorite things, and Loona just. Can't think too deeply about it. Can't rely on that. It's only a matter of time before that goes away. It always does.)
"He's so... gross."
"Just be glad he's not giving you shitty cutesy nicknames."
Octavia shudders.
Loona's phone goes off with an obnoxiously loud chime. She sighs. "Sorry, kid. That's my cue to bring them back."
"'Via," Octavia corrects, immediately standing up. She fiddles with her beanie nervously. "Can I... come back sometimes? And talk to you? It's just nice to have someone around my age to bitch to."
Loona agrees. It's about time her job had some actual fucking requirements. And if that requirement is hanging out with a cool but troubled teenager, she can handle that. By the time the portal's open Octavia's gone, the chair is back in its place, and Loona's sending the usual 'we killed the bitch, like we said.'
Moxxie's grating voice breaks through Loona's eardrums like sandpaper as he lifts the almost empty coffee pot. "Goddamn it, Loona. Can't you do your job?"
"Do it yourself you fat bitch," she intones blandly, hiding a smile behind the pages of a grimoire that's as old as hell itself.
"Wow," Octavia says the second time, finding the exact same setup. "This really is all you do all day."
"It's called a job," Loona replies, waving her in. "A really stupid one."
The Goetia trilled as she pulled the chair up. She seemed a bit more hesitant this time around- probably because she wasn't in a blind rage like the last time. "What's it like, having a job?"
The hellhound gestured to herself, sitting in the same damn chair with her legs up on the same damn table. "It's this. Sit here all day. Same time every day. Make some coffee, keep clients up to date, and portal the idiots home when they're done fucking around topside."
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artofapeach · 8 months
In defense of crimson killing moxxie mum. Child support cost a lot of money and probably didn’t have time for a child custody battle. But
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Me: I’m not prepared for this conversation. *clicks anyway and reads*
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onesidedradiostatic · 2 months
helluva boss s2e3-5 reaction
wow the episodes are actually maintaining the 20ish minute length unlike season 1
episode 3
oh my god WHAT
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ah I see he's moxxie's dad
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LMAOOO him being both their exes is hilarious
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OH MY GOD and that's what led him to meeting blitzo LMAO
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oh geez
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also verbal "I'm bisexual" that's neat!!!
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OH MY GOD was that his mum???? oh man....
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oh my god
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millie's very cool
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"now we aaaall fucked the same guy" oh my fucking god blitzo
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episode 4
okay cool! I get to hear her have some semblance of calmness LMAO
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"what does he look like your highness?" "sexy?" "that's STRIKER sir" I'M CRYING????
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and got to a scene I've seen a clip of already, can't say I'm a fan of the ableism here but I'm sure it's been criticised to death by others already, I'll move on
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well. I'm glad I get to see stella with another character that she's not shouting at
yeah I'm glad we're getting something more than a pompous laugh and anger from her
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"harder" oh my god
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oh yeah um the "he can get hurt?" scene is something I've already seen
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saw it on a clip on twitter before, figured it had to do with injury via angelic weapons, cool to see the context now though (even though I was somewhat able to guess the more I learnt about the show)
it's cool that you can see stolas is giving blitzo some space and suggesting not doing sex stuff
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really nice to see blitzo showing concern for him
episode 5
this one is seeming a lot more lighthearted but I wanna put 6 and 7 together so I'm just gonna put this here
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woah what's that
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something that's not the grimoire opening a portal???
is "the voice of an angel" really a compliment when you live in hell?
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okay I thought the "barbie" person might've been blitzo's sister
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well then! I've been fighting with the 30 image limit probably was a mistake to put 5 together with 3 and 4 after all but whatever!! anyways
first two in the set, pretty good character moments, last one although was more lighthearted but definitely had its serious moments with moxxie and millie
I see fizzarolli in the thumbnail for the next 2 episodes, I have been WAITING for this, gonna be very very promising
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