naofumiisbabey · 1 year
Motoyasu: you can't just leave me out here!
Naofumi: why not?
Motoyasu: because what if someone tries to take me!?
Naofumi: who would want you?
Motoyasu: what-?
Motoyasu: ...
Motoyasu: people want me :(
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Here a Graffart collab with The rising of the Shield hero
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katanadragonking · 1 year
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doyouloveme-now · 7 months
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Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari 3th Season Episodio 4
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itslordbelsenevstuff · 10 months
Motoyasu was dead ass gonna assault Filo that time he put that chain on her ankle in episode 13.
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l0lasstuff · 2 years
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Les fleurs d’hiroshima- Edita Morris
Illustration- Denise Antonini
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shieldherostuffs · 9 months
Older Naofumi AU
I like the idea of Older!Naofumi (think maybe mid-40s, and i wanna say he's got multiple tattoos and piercings, after getting his own life away from his parents) who's finally gotten his life stable, and then gets summoned, so now he's just done with everyone's shit.
This also means he has more life experience (+game and manga/anime/all-that-stuff knowledge.)
Naofumi, at the trial: "I'm abstinent, you dumb fucks! Have been for years, and I'm not gonna break it for a girl who looks half my age. I have standards."
He somehow ends up parenting the other Heroes as well, because they're all young and in an unfamiliar world, thinking they're immortal, two of them aren't even legal adults yet and Motoyasu acts like he never got attention as a child. They need parental guiding and support, and a reality check.
When the Queen comes back, Naofumi gives both her and her husband a lesson in parenting, despite the fact that he's only been doing it for a few months (technically most of his life because he basically raised his little brother as well), and they've got a whole teen with parental and self-issues and child who was forced to mature too quickly. But let's be honest, he's already doing better than the two of them.
At some point, during cal Mira, Naofumi waltzes into the room where the other three are chatting, and proudly announces "I am proud to announce that I am no longer abstinent." for the sole reason of embarrassing them.
Motoyasu: Was it Therese? Itsuki: Or was it L'Arc? We're having a bet and we wanna know. Naofumi: Yes. Ren: Fuck yeah. I win. >:)
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eli-elien · 3 months
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rosesinbloom7love · 8 months
Shield Hero Shenanigans
Kizuna: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one! Motoyasu: Tubular AF! Itsuki: Mood to the max! Naofumi: *Annoyed* Groovy, I hate it. Ren: *Just as annoyed* If she breathes, she's a square.
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thepaleunicorn · 11 months
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Still working on those big kazurei illustrations, but due to some… stuff going on… It takes me to draw them a bit longer, sorry
Anyway, today I present to you my recent obsession - those four hero dorks. I don’t remember the plot much as I was reading the light novel for the last time in like 2017??? Still exited
So a huge brainrot has been festering in my head for the past week about some angsty au, because there’s not a lot of works around with them (at least that I’m aware of)… It got to a point that I’m now prepping to write my first ever fanfic with ✨da bois✨, yeah
Here are some snippets of what I’m currently thinking. You know, some basic queer/angst stuff (@_@)
Enjoy my struggles in filling out my sketchbook
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jamsofdeath0 · 6 months
I think the biggest issue with shield hero is the author accidentally wrote motoyasu into being in the right. this wouldn't have been an issue if they decided to address it instead of tripling down on him "being an idiot" instead of a morally upright dude who believed a woman when she claimed to be raped.
Naofumi for all intensive purposes looks like the most reprehensible motherfucker on the planet from the outside. I wouldn't take his goddamn side. but the story NEEDS you to be with him. so they thoroughly make him sympathetic before he buys the child slave. now don't get me wrong I love this plot point. I think "protagonist buys a child slave" could have been a fucking awesome story. but the author didnt actually want to go into how fucked up that is. they just wanted to write isekai wish fulfillment about a guy at the bottom revenge plotting his way to the top. this is fine to. this can be a perfectly serviceable or even good plot. the problem is the second sheild hero stops being a dark fantasy (episode 5) it gets obscenely boring. like so fucking dull.
this is because they didn't know how to get you onto naofumis (the man who owns a child slave) side without making the antagonist needlessly over the toply cruel (myne) or the most annoying performtive idiot on the planet (motoyasu)
lets examine motoyasu. hes a womanizer. not very bright. believes myne when she claims to be raped. duels naofumi to free a slave.
none of these things are bad. his attempt at free raphtalia (the slave) is maybe a tad performative, naofumi calls this out himself when he brings up slavery being legal, but its not evil. it GOOD. even if its a little to do with his personal beef with naofumi that to could just be interesting writing.
hes FLAWED (being gullible) yes but thats just being a well written character. (he isnt)
so the shows written a well meaning but flawed antagonist. hes against the protagonist bc he rightfully believes him an irredeemable monster who raped women and own slaves.
what will be done with this charater? nothing interesting i assure you. the episode after the duel instead of having him question why the slave girl actually liked naofumi at all (the man they at this point belive to BE A RAPIST (he isnt but they dont know that)) he shows up at a village to become a figure head lord. mynes calling all the shots. and she says the first decree will be that anyone who enters the village will have to pay a toll of FIFTY SILVER. FIFTY! Naofumi then says a night a board AND food is only 2. Thats above cartoonishly evil. thats just stupid. youre not going to make any money that way no one's going to be able to afford the fee. your just killing a village to kill it.
What does motoyasu do when this VERY CLEAR EVIL is happening right in front of him by HIS SIDE? look stupid and double down bc he doesnt like naofumi. he shows hes willing to fuck over a TON of people just to get a go at one guy.
this is the second their whole dynamic becomes so boring. it becomes "naofumi right"; "motoyasu stupid". when motoyasu loses his assumed moral high ground. when hes no longer fighting for what he believes is right.
whereas before their clashes had been moral and even nuanced to a degree now its just a postering idiot and a guy who can inly be bothered bc hes LITERALLY GENUINELY being forced to.
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naofumiisbabey · 1 year
Naofumi: why are you crying?
Motoyasu: because I'm stupid.
Naofumi: that's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad.
Naofumi: for example, I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad.
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cursed images: Shield Hero Edition! pt 15!!!!!
sorry  for the long wait :D the last image has the most characters in one photo of all the cursed images! featuring Elijah
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katanadragonking · 1 year
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ydotome · 7 months
Filo sing is so cute! - Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari Season 3 - Episode 4
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sorrinslays · 6 months
Would anyone be interested in a rewriting of the Shield Hero where Naofumi is an immortal guy who has lived for millennia (think a mix of Zhongli and Alhaitham from Genshin)?
I've been entertaining the idea for quite a while in my head but I'd like to know the thoughts of others on the matter as well, which is why I'm sharing the idea.
I've been thinking that it would be really interesting to do a re-write/fix-up of the anime/manga/light novel where there's:
No underlining pedophilia because that's just disgusting and creepy
Naofumi acts a lot like a miserable mentor figure who just wishes for the sweet embrace of death
The other heroes actually develop and their beliefs and morals are challenged
Myne and The King face actual consequences for their actions appropriate for the setting and time period
It's more of a dark fantasy/ subversion of the isekai trope (how it was supposed to be from the start in my opinion)
Explores such things as growing too fast and becoming a child soldier, immortality and how it affects someone, keeping promises to the dead, accepting your death as well as obsessing over the idea of death and similar topics
If anyone has any questions/suggestions feel free to ask me!
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