#Modern TMS Solution
cookingwithroxy · 1 year
y'know i think the ultimate condemnation i can give of a lot of anarchists i've bumped into is that what they actually want out of anarchism is just "modern day society but with the government replaced with magic"
You know, I know that not every problem can be solved before we even start, that a lot of issues will take work and that it is expecting far too much for someone to have a solution to every possible problem before one undertakes a major effort.
But what pisses me off about anarchists is that they don't even fucking TRY. There's a problem with the theory, we point out the problem, we state how it'll just get worse, they acknowledge that it'll get worse, and then go 'but it's bad NOW, so...' as if that's pretty much the answer to any issue.
Somehow people won't act worse under their new system, even as we watch people acting worse every fucking day, because honest to fuck the only difference between an ancom and an ancap is the concept of personal property.
Somehow they just think that once we get rid of the Bad Thing (tm) everyone will become perfectly good and moral and the problems that already exist will just all go away!
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rinofwater · 5 months
Yo, I legit want to hear your data disk theory bc I was kinda thinking the same thing? Except I figured that if they really are magnetic hard disks then they'd be even more fragile than DVDs/CDs since even a stray magnet could screw up all the data? I am but a lowly software person so I don't exactly how storage mediums work all too much lol. Also, if the old world was really DA FUTURE(tm), wouldn't their computer storage be more in SSDs than HDDs? There might be an economic reason to stick with HDDs but if their computing tech was at the level of sentient AIs and stuff they hypothetically would have the faster, more compact storage in those...
Reminds me of the deep dive I did to figure why the hell telegraphs in the My Time world are called telegraphs if they're supposedly wireless (short answer: it's probably primitive radio? i have no idea how the hell transmissions can work at distances up to cross-country tho)
Oh boy, I'm so glad you asked! I've done IT infrastructure repair work for a couple years now, and my last job actually had me working with a lot of storage servers in particular for the latter half of my job, so I have Opinions(tm) on this small detail lol. And those are all really good questions too. And hopefully I don't get too technical trying to answer it, but I make no promises (and it's DEFINITELY going to be long and rambly so bear with me)
So starting with it being The Future(tm), there are pros and cons to going HDD versus SSD versus NVMe today, but did you know that not only is tape storage still in use, but it's actually still considered a modern, practical solution to archival storage with the technology still being upgraded and developed, even right now in 2023? Archival in this case being the sort of data you need to hold onto for 20, 30, 40 years or more without a constant need to have read/write access to that data. The tape servers have a cool robot arm in them and everything to move the tape cassettes around. A lot of this technology isn't actually aging out because it has its niche, it's just being modernized to settle it more in that niche
So with HDDs versus SSDs, they are becoming fairly comparable to each other today, HDD was winning out for a long time because SSD was a lot more expensive to get ahold of at the same storage capacity as HDD. That's great from a regular end-user perspective because you can get that upgrade more practically and reap the benefits of not having to rely on physical moving parts to access your data. Swapping it out on a server level is going to be a much larger and more expensive project, though, without seeing a lot of additional benefit for going that direction. A lot of the benefits that you would see for swapping to SSD on a regular computer have already been accounted for in existing server designs for a while now, in the form of RAID technology (Redundant Array of Independent/Inexpensive Disks; fancy way of saying "get a bunch of drives to take on the work of one drive and then replace any drives that break along the way"; being able to share the data load across multiple drives improves efficiency and then you can also replace broken disks on the fly without having to worry about the integrity of the overall storage system as long as you don't sit on too many dead disks for too long)
Not to say that SSDs won't still overtake HDD eventually, as new servers are installed in datacenters and closets, they're increasingly having SSD as the supported format, but there's not a good enough benefit to rush through fading out HDD at the moment when they're still about comparable to each other and the weaknesses have largely been accounted for. And even then, there are always going to be legacy servers that get passed up for upgrades either because nobody sees a need or it's too important to the overall infrastructure or any number of reasons, at which point they're still almost definitely going to be sticking with HDDs even in The Future
So that's the long-winded justification for why I think it's plausible that there would still be large enough quantities of HDDs kicking around even in the future for them to end up in ruins of that future
As for the justification of how you'd be able to get enough usable data off of them given the notorious fragility of those disks, I chalk it up to a matter of quantity. When I was installing brand-new storage servers for a customer, one drawer could hold up to around a hundred hard drives, and there were often four or five drawers slated for install with one server. If you figure that your average HDD has about three to six platters, multiply that by 100, and then multiply that by the drawers, and then the number of identical hardware setups that are also set up around it, and that number just keeps going up by orders of magnitude. Most of those platters are absolutely going to be shattered or wiped or otherwise damaged in a way that renders them useless, and the percentage that make it out in-tact enough is going to be very small. But if you take a very small percentage of the ridiculously large number of platters you can expect to find in a datacenter (even the smaller ones) is still going to give you the chance of finding enough usable platters that you can pull something off of them. Like, we're talking millions or billions of platters just in one place, if you take .01% or .001% or even .0001% of that kind of number as your chances of finding something in tact you're still looking at a fairly decent pool of workable salvage to sort through*
(*In theory, anyway; in practice, you usually need all the platters that are associated with an HDD to be able to put the data together into something usable given the way data's distributed across them...not that it's impossible to grab information off of a single platter but it would take A LOT of extra work to figure out how to reverse engineer it into working versus having the full set. It could still be possible but that factor drags the already small percentage down even further. But then, I would be surprised if Pathea has given it NEARLY as much thought as this, so after a certain point, there's kinda just the shrugging to say "video game logic" lol...but before reaching that point I'm going to have my fun spending way too much time trying to figure out how it *could* work)
With the quantity argument, as well, you're also way more likely to see that kind of overabundance of HDD than you would DVDs or CDs; DVDs just aren't scalable in the same way, both in terms of the amount of data they can store and the amount of read/write flexibility they have. You're also a lot less likely to find the sort of information on a DVD that you would find in a storage server; DVDs are more useful for executable programs than they are for data storage, and even that purpose is superceded by a usb thumb drive a lot of the time. There wouldn't be nearly as many to account for in an apocalypse situation and that means the statistics are going to hit them much harder
Anyway, yeah, that's my nerdy ass supposition for this headcanon, thanks again for giving me an excuse to ramble on about it and I hope it makes sense lol
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abyrondeans · 11 months
What To Do With The PhDs
In terms of what to do about people like my dad, who according to themselves (the whole TM movement have always towed the same official line) that modern education, with its narrow specialisation, destroys the brain, creating functional holes in brainwaves in certain areas, I think the solution is to become really, really technical and official designate all of them with a disorder.  It would be really official, and people would have to approach them in a different way and would be expected to walk through things more slowly.  I don’t know how it would work exactly, or how publicly available it would be.  That would be better than giving them full credibility.  Going by what they have to say no matter what the subject is, like a lot of followers of Maharishi have done for years, as they speak about his enlightenment, even though they have no clue what they’re talking about, is one side effect of not labelling them appropriately.
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just-antithings · 1 year
So why do some queer content creators disagree with xenogenders? Isn’t it another term for non-binary?
tw discussion of white supremacy
Short answer 1: they're exclus
Short answer 2: they're assimilationist queers who think if we can make ourselves palatable enough to The CisHets(tm), they'll be accepting. (I cannot stress enough that these people are wrong. The CisHets(tm) want zero queer people to exist, not just "the queer people they can stomach")
Long answer: a fuckton of western queer people hold bigoted internal beliefs because of being raised at the whims of white supremacy. They have not been made to challenge their internal biases and the moment these biases are challenged, in white cis queers especially, they react negatively to the Thing Making Them Uncomfortable to make the icky feeling its giving them go away.
Because that's like, the thing, right, with bigots and ableists and racists and queerphobes and antis and radfems and terfs and exclus: their solution to being made uncomfortable by something is to try and make that thing not exist, so they don't have to feel like that. After all, they can't be subjected to gross icky feelings if there's nothing around to prompt the icky feeling. It's why some bigots say they don't care "as long as they don't have to see".
Now, obviously, the healthy way of dealing with something prompting a bad feeling inside you is to. Work through that feeling. It's entirely unreasonable to demand something or someone not exist because the existence itself or just seeing that it exists makes you uncomfortable.
But that's how these people deal with it, because under white supremacy you are taught things are always someone else's problem. I'm not fucking joking - we are taught that. It's why people who have never had their worldview or authority challenged (cishet white men) deal so spectacularly badly with suddenly encountering those things. White supremacy thrives on everything being the fault of "some other guy" - the marginalized group of choice changes based on the situation and circumstances. (Which is, to be clear, super fucked up and not something I'm making light of.)
People hate on xenogenders because they're ignorant about what xenogenders are (gender related to concept of thing other than male/female ie catgender is experiencing ur gender in a cat-like way, your gender being Cat, etc & can get highly specific) and instead of trying to get educated center themselves, their own experiences with more traditional genders and gender roles, and their misguided fears that being "too queer" will make The Cishets(tm) not accept us. (They're not gonna accept us til we make them.)
Also while supremacy teaches us its okay to put aside our morals and ethics if there is an acceptable target (applies to more traditional bigotry too like racism yes. Good church going people who would never dream of saying something like that to a "normal" person because their "morals" forbid it but morals are a hat you can take off sometimes, see?). The modern internet is New Rome and everyone participates in the blood sport at the coliseum.
And no, they're not just the same thing as nonbinary.
Tumblr media
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catigereptile · 6 months
At the risk of being inflammatory, regarding Israel and Palestine and the whole debate among Western progressives about the inherent evil of Israel:
I think the only way that Concerned Citizens (tm) can truly understand what the conflict is actually about,( without either side utilizing inaccurate American racial politics to rally support) is to listen in on a Muslim Arab and a non-Arab Jew having a conversation about it.
(Also it's not a religion issue, it's just that there are Christians in the Middle East who just want one side, either side, to just mow down the other and be done with it)
Yesterday a debate-friend of mine and I were debating about it. We went through the litany of Western-tailored arguments (colonialism, apartheid, etc) before we found out that one of us was Arab Muslim (Kuwaiti) and the other was non-Arab Jew (cultural ties to Lebanon) which instantly put us on the level with each other (about both of us having irrational bias despite sort of both believing in a single state solution). It was such a relief to know we were actually working off the same set of facts.
Please listen to me. What this boils down to is that Arab Muslims think that Israel would literally conquer and genocide the entire Middle East if they could, and Israeli Jews think that the Arab Muslims would literally genocide Israel and all the Jews if they could. Both of these views are simultaneously ridiculous and totally reasonable.
When people say it's like siblings fighting, it's not because Jews and Muslims have been fighting throughout history, because they haven't; the British brought antisemitism in the late 1800s. It's because Jews come from the Middle East and never fully integrated anywhere else so never really lost their Middle Eastern-ness. (This is also true genetically; Ashkenazi Jews have the same levantine-european genetic composition as Christian Syrians and Lebanese; this is why you can't tell them apart.)
So this shared culture along with both ancient and modern context means that this conflict is in fact NOT easy for you to understand. It IS in fact nuanced. And you HAVE to "both sides" it in order to understand what's going on.
And the only way to truly "both sides" this issue is to observe both sides talking to each other, not talking to you.
So stop talking about colonists and terrorists and apartheid and anti-semitism and white vs brown, just stop it and listen to both of them being on the level with each other - you'll notice none of those ideas come up because they're not talking to Western people who can only relate to those arguments.
You'll also notice that there is a kind of kinship wherein it is simultaneously possible to want to kill each other but also do business with each other.
Also, stop ruining the Hummus Wars by calling it cultural appropriation by Israelis. There is literally a recipe for Hummus in the Torah.
Also if you're Arab or Jewish and are gonna reply about how no it totally is a white and brown and colonist and apartheid and etc issue, go talk to your parents/grandparents or to your family who lives in the region.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Okay okay okay I...think I see where those "oh no extremist in the making" people are coming from, and...it is ABSOLUTELY a reach, and completely disproven by the context of the entire rest of your blog, but. I have to wonder if this is about how we've had an influx of weird trad rhetoric on tumblr preying on the fact that there IS a lot to be dissatisfied with in the modern world and a lot of thoughtless-at-best corporate greed motivating a lot of our modern aesthetic trends and urban development and getting a lot of people to agree with it by burying the lede that they want you to blame minorities for the downfall of western civilization, and I wonder if this is fear of you falling down that pipeline? Which, again, REALLY doesn't seem likely, you seem to know from experience what to watch out for.
Whather that is the case or not, I still want to say that I don't like how tumblr loves to throw the baby out with the bathwater when they learn about chud recruiting tactics - they ALWAYS start from something that is TRUE and just warp those facts to support their conclusion. Alienation from the natural world IS real. It IS happening. We are being denied natural human behaviors, not because Rectangles Bad And How Dare I Not Be Allowed To Settle Every Problem With Force Like The Big Bad Manly Beast I Am, but because it benefits some billionaire to cause us that stress and sell us the solution. The modern urban environment is somehow simultaneously overstimulating and understimulating and gets more so every day - I also notice it because I'm autistic, like you mentioned in the post about sensory toys and videos going mainstream - and I'm really thankful for your blog because you're one of the few people I see talking about this who ISN'T either some theory-only pipe dreamer, A Boomer(TM), or some trad who thinks the technology that let me survive past childhood is proof of degeneracy. It's hard to find nuanced discussions of that shit and actual actions one can take.
Anyway I'm probably going to go rescue some seedlings today, since you've made me think about it!
Okay okay okay I...think I see where those "oh no extremist in the making" people are coming from, and...it is ABSOLUTELY a reach, and completely disproven by the context of the entire rest of your blog, but. I have to wonder if this is about how we've had an influx of weird trad rhetoric on tumblr preying on the fact that there IS a lot to be dissatisfied with in the modern world and a lot of thoughtless-at-best corporate greed motivating a lot of our modern aesthetic trends and urban development and getting a lot of people to agree with it by burying the lede that they want you to blame minorities for the downfall of western civilization, and I wonder if this is fear of you falling down that pipeline? Which, again, REALLY doesn't seem likely, you seem to know from experience what to watch out for.
Whather that is the case or not, I still want to say that I don't like how tumblr loves to throw the baby out with the bathwater when they learn about chud recruiting tactics - they ALWAYS start from something that is TRUE and just warp those facts to support their conclusion. Alienation from the natural world IS real. It IS happening. We are being denied natural human behaviors, not because Rectangles Bad And How Dare I Not Be Allowed To Settle Every Problem With Force Like The Big Bad Manly Beast I Am, but because it benefits some billionaire to cause us that stress and sell us the solution. The modern urban environment is somehow simultaneously overstimulating and understimulating and gets more so every day - I also notice it because I'm autistic, like you mentioned in the post about sensory toys and videos going mainstream - and I'm really thankful for your blog because you're one of the few people I see talking about this who ISN'T either some theory-only pipe dreamer, A Boomer(TM), or some trad who thinks the technology that let me survive past childhood is proof of degeneracy. It's hard to find nuanced discussions of that shit and actual actions one can take.
Anyway I'm probably going to go rescue some seedlings today, since you've made me think about it!
This is twice and I can't make it any less long in my reply, so sorry to those scrolling, but yes. Unfortunately people have strong reactions to things that superficially resemble Dangerous Ideas in the most bland ways?? I guess?
I'm intimately familiar with the type of person that believes in a single uniting Thing that will make everyone happy and is hostile to people who diverge from that vision. It's connected, I think, to the "original sin" framework of thinking where all problems in the world can be traced back to a single Mistake (capitalism, for Internet Communists, maleness, for radfems...)
It can be a trait of extremism where people simplify the world to make its problems more comfortable and solvable. I see that.
However, not only am I...not going there, at all, "nature has cool sounds and colors, and may make you happy" is in essence an incredibly bland and non-specific idea that doesn't even form a particularly good pivot point for extremism.
I'm not compartmentalizing "nature" as a discrete Idealized Place or State of Existence. A stick on the ground is nature, a dandelion in a sidewalk crack is nature, a pigeon is nature.
And I do think that noticing other living things and learning about them is frequently good for people? And I think ecological awareness is very important for preserving ecosystems and stopping climate change? I don't think that putting forward a gesture of a partial solution to a problem in the world is itself inherently fascist or something.
I like trees, I don't have some deep murderous hatred for people who don't care much for trees. That's a really weird thing to have to clarify.
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vergess · 3 months
Ok so you've made a lot of posts about AI art in the past. Tumblr's search function us atrocious so I'm sorry if you've already talked about what I'm about bring up. So what's your takeaway on the "pro-AI art while being anti-modern art" crowd? I feel like any criticism that can be made towards one also applies to the other. I may not agree with the reverse, the modern art good, AI art always bad crowd, but I can at least wrap my head around the logic. 1/2
Meanwhile, shouldn't someone insisting that AI is valid artist tool or medium also want to use an established, though controversial field of art as part of their defense? I have other thoughts too but I'm not going to stuff your askbox. Anyways, as someone who makes AI art, what are your feelings on AI art vs modern art? 2/2
I'm extremely fortunate to have never seen an example of someone who is anti modern art but pro AI art. Part of that is, I avoid conservatives almost religiously.
But, I've seen similar nonsense come up before, so I can guess as to what the issue is.
There's basically going to be 2 kinds of person who fall into this group. The first are hucksters, conmen, and general frauds. They don't believe AI art is real, except in the sense that it can make real money for them. Meanwhile, they can't as readily capitalize off modern artists.
But that's boring.
The second group are people who earnestly believe AI art is real art, and just as earnestly believe modern art isn't. And this group is going to be occupied primarily by people who want art to Look Pretty(TM), rather than to have some kind of technical, narrative or political statement.
Basically, these people have created for themselves a 100% self-consistent idea of "art" as "thing that makes me say oooh pretty." Which means the usual methods of pointing out ideological inconsistencies will bounce right off (moreso than usual). And they've usually done so from a deeply Christian perspective, so the obvious solution of "what about natural wonders" gets met with "God's Art."
For these people, my AI outputs wouldn't be art, because they're incoherent gibbering that don't make someone stop and say "hey that's pretty." Likewise, a photograph of a pipe labelled "this is not a pipe (it's a fucking picture you dipshit)" would not make them stop and go "ooh pretty" so it's "not art."
But because some AI outputs, usually those made using ethically dubious data collection, do make people stop and go "oooh pretty," those outputs are art.
Basically, they're using a totally different but internally consistent definition of "real art" from someone like you or me, whose definitions usually include the artist as well as the object.
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crystalelemental · 11 months
I'll say it.  At this point, there is no reason Master Fairs should not start receiving grid expansions.  They deserve it.  Especially the earlier ones, who were, barring a few, mostly kept in check by limitations that would be unconscionable by modern standards.  So with that, I'm aiming to solve the Master Fairs.
With 3/5.  Yeah, I feel like the tradeoff needs to be better application of expansions.  DeNA is a business first and foremost, and everything comes down to what gets people to pull, but you have to cultivate good will and plan the long game too.  3/5 cultivates good will.  People who invested get a nice bonus, people who didn't have a bit of incentive to try and pull or break out the candy as needed.  The 5/5 is what happens when the PokeFair cash stops flowing. Which I expect to be a while given current rates of "Sometimes we just didn't make any."  Still bothered, by the way.
LEON Sp Atk +20, Speed +20, Maximum Super Powered 5 (5), MAX Countdown 2 (5), Sharp Entry 1 (3), Trainer Move: Ferocious Moves (3).
Leon is relatively easily solved, thanks to the recent upgrade with Max Moves. Those...really salvage a lot for our boy.  My solution here is to provide something that emphasizes current events: greater power for move and sync damage while on-type.  His multipliers as they stand are...well, they're not good.  But they function.  Burn Synergy is about as strong a multiplier as one could hope for with DPS that high.  I think aiming for on-type, as a Master Fair with three types being covered and near-top DPS in all of them, is valid.  Specifically, we are copying Bede right now, with Maximum Super Powered 5, for a 50% bonus to move, sync, and Max Move damage.  "Isn't that a bit much?"  Yep!   It's a goddamn Master Fair, you're gonna look at SST Red and C!Marnie and Ash, and tell me Leon getting 80% move damage on Inferno is too much?  They let Alder have 60% on Hyper Beam for god's sake.
MAX Countdown 2 is for fast-ramping applications.  Any other user of Head Start can now access a full turn saved.  I like to envision that his 5/5 grid would give TM: Propulsion so he can do it himself.  Sharp Entry saves a little bit of buffing needs, while Ferocious Moves applies another +1 to both offensive stats. Simplified.
His grid would demand you give up either Scorching Sync 5 (sane) or Burn Synergy 3 (I guess if you want), but you can easily acquire all of them.  I would expect 5/5 to offer TM: Propulsion, Solar Sync or Solarize, a more standard sync buff, and a skill that auto-recharges his Trainer Move by 1MP, or Ferocious Entry 3.  These would come together to make a devastating damage dealer with a metric ton of power behind his attacks.
MAXIE HP +40, Atk +20, Sunny Disposition (5), Healing Sun (3), Haymaker (5), Charging Sun 3 (3)
Maxie is still decent, being quite good in CS but kinda meh in Gauntlet, so an expansion isn't as needed for him.  But also I feel like he does need it because good lord with the Gauntlet issues.  I feel like his damage is really good already, both for Solarbeam and Precipice Blades.  The main issues are his survival in Gauntlet, his pitiful sync, and lack of utility.  Haymaker fixes a lot about his sync nuke, legitimizing Solar Sync.  Sunny Disposition blocks the debuffs from his own setup, while Healing Sun gives needed sustain in Gauntlet.  Charging Sun is additional DPS, only under Sun.  Possibly unnecessary, but my rationale is that, when it comes to Gauntlet, you will run out of Sun, and then DPS drops off a cliff.  You really, really want Sun active.  And since he already extends, and only gets one activation, I think aiming to speed up the DPS is a legitimate alternative.
Maxie's kinda tough to shop for, because any improvements to damage just wreck CS harder than he already did, while all he really wants is more Sun application in Gauntlet to keep up pressure.  It's tough for me.  I'm not sure what's best.  Also they're getting Primal Reversions, right?   It's so weird that didn't happen.
ARCHIE Sp Atk +20, Speed +20, Stormy Disposition (5), Refreshing Rain (3), Brainpower (5), Furious Brain (3)
Inverse of Maxie, who has the same issues.  Not going to dwell.  The main issue for him is just the presence of Moltres, who he does not appropriately counter.  At all.  Which, to make that work, you really just need to be able to halt weather changes.  I think there's a skill from the co-op Flannery fight in the CS area, where she blocks weather changes after setting Sun.  I think that's what Primal Reversion should have.
ANNI LILLIE Sp Atk +20, Speed +20, Brainpower (5), Crit Strike 3 (5), Recuperation 2 (4), Fast Track 9 (4)
I'm still kinda pissed about what they did to Lillie.  Brain Sync 3, fuck off. Anyway, Brainpower is going to fix that shit right now.  And we're giving her Crit Strike 3, because she is owed.  It's a consistent multiplier that doesn't rely on high gauges with a four-bar spam and like no gauge control.  Fast Track 9 helps with her gauges, allowing her to more reliably fire off attacks.  Recuperation 2 aims to recover a bunch of HP in one blast.
For sync-based grids, where you actually can use it, you can take Soften Up, MGR on Moongeist Beam, Power Flux 3, both sync damage tiles, both multipliers, and either Fast Track or Recuperation depending on need.  For the Gauntlet stages where sync doesn't bypass reduction, dropping Power Flux will allow you to take Crit Strike, Recuperation, and Fast Track all at once, neglecting Brainpower as an unnecessary skill, while maintaining Healthy Healing and Potion MPR.
ANNI N Sp Atk +20, Speed +20, Noble Roar: Double Down (5), Sharp Entry 1 (3), Hostile Environment 3 (5), Trainer Move: Precision Pals (3)
N is really hard to shop for, because a lot of his tools are already really strong. But there are a few I think make good sense.  The obvious being, give the man Double Down.  Come on.  There is no reason for debuffing that slow.  I am setting it to just Noble Roar, in case the idea of AoE -2 special defense on a major attack is considered too much (it is).  Sharp Entry eases his self-setup tremendously as well.   Hostile Environment 3 allows him to hit guarantee with the other HE1, while Precision Pals is a bit of team support for accuracy, as well as the much-needed extra point for himself to start firing after one use.
The main issue with N's grid is energy.  Full sync multipliers leave 18 energy, and that way you can afford this stuff.  But I actually like Pep Rally a lot better when it comes to Gauntlet, and while you have 16 energy left, it only works if you're giving up Piercing Gaze.  Which is why I placed so much emphasis on accuracy.  Latias as a threat needs to be neutralized, and this aims to take care of it.
ANNI STEVEN Atk +20, Sp Atk +20, Rising Tide (5), Pinpoint Entry 2 (3), Ferocious Entry 2 (5), Ramming Speed (3)
Steven's DPS is actually solid, the problem has always been his sync, and the decision of whether or not to use it.  Rising Tide is the best possible multiplier, factoring in his natural need for a bunch of stats, and a higher multiplier than usual.  Pinpoint Entry 2 is mostly here for some added unusual damage that instantly fixes Draco Meteor's accuracy, while Ferocious Entry 2 grants a bit of firepower right away, that doubles up when he mega evolves.  Ramming Speed is the move damage multiplier as needed.
Now.  Steven's sync grid actually permits both Clear Sync-Up and two power nodes, with all of these traits.  His DPS builds can easily accommodate the adjustment as well, taking Fleet Feet and Ramming Speed without issue.  While it's close, he is able to squeeze in Weather Wipe as well for Moltres.
SS LUSAMINE Sp Atk +20, Speed +20, Bedazzle 2 (5), Furious Brain (3), Healthy Healing (3), Recharging Strike 9 (5)
Alright, let's talk serious business.  SS Lusamine exists on a could different axes.  Her sync is tremendous, but mostly only on-type, due to the horrid uselessness of Hide and Sync.  Her DPS is thus her main source of excitement when off-type, but due to the nature of it, her single-target damage for Gauntlet isn't ideal.  What we need is something that salvages her weakest traits.
Bedazzle 2 drops accuracy two stages on entry.  As a transforming Pokemon, this is a guaranteed -4 just from entry skills for Hide and Sync.  Now it's at least somewhat viable.  Furious Brain offers a serious multiplier for her move damage, making it more effective for Gauntlet stages.  Healthy Healing allows her to recover some HP per action, which is nigh-invaluable in Gauntlet contexts.  But the most important angle is Recharging Strike.   The -1 speed hurts, and Lusamine would desperately like to have access to Recharging Strike for a guaranteed gauge recovery at minimum.  These options fix pretty much every issue Lusamine has.  The only alternative I considered was Propulsion on Trainer Move, but that felt like a 5/5 skill given how ridiculous full self-ramp is.  Technically C!Marnie got it, but at full cost in an awkward spot that gives up other tools, so that feels like the balancing act to play.  I did consider Obscuring Power 3 as the move multiplier as well, but there are quite a lot of stages that can boost accuracy, and I was admittedly worried about her multipliers vanishing over it.
RENEGADE CYNTHIA Atk +20, Sp Atk +20, Mind Games 9 (5), Defense Crush 9 (5), Ghost Wish: Catalyzing Infliction (3), Brainteaser (3)
One of the great tragedies of Renegade Cynthia is how awkward her general kit is.  It's not bad, it's just not allocated well.  Her main grids leave literally nothing available.  MPR on her Zone pretty much always gets dropped.  So, with that in mind, what do we do to make Cynthia ridiculous?
In CS, her issue is gauges.  Plain and simple, it's the lack of gauge control for a team that is usually slow and demanding.  Gauge Acceleration on use of Ghost Wish would allow her team to maintain much more reliably.  Defense Crush and Mind Games are the consistent breakdown, that accomplishes two things: more precise multiplier activation, and saving 21 energy by dropping On a Roll 2. Seriously, there’s nothing else over there, and it costs a minimum of 21 energy to reach.  The last is just added DPS. Shadow Ball really isn't all that impressive at a baseline, so I feel it's justified.  Let it activate on lowered special defense, give her something faster acting.  While I considered Ghost Zone Extension, I feel like a Master Fair should have rank 5, and that feels much more like a 5/5 kind of skill, down near the MPR.
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galaxythreads · 2 years
Asking about the ‘cats’ thing from Stygian to give you an excuse to rant. 😁
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thank you. both of you. for giving me the excuse I needed.
strap in. You're now going to learn a Tale. TM.
So. waaay back in the day when I started writing fic in 2016, I was still very much a conservative christian. One of the things about my sect of religion at the time was that swearing is viewed as one of the most disgusting things a human could do. My family would get into lengthy rants about how swearing showed you were an uneducated fool who couldn't come up with a different way to express your frustration. (Because everyone is going to loudly yell "by George stubbing my toe here hurt!" instead of "SH*T!")
So. With this in mind, when I started writing fics, I knew that there was no way under any circumstances, that I would EVER, EVER swear, because I wasn't like the lowly sinners. (sarcasm). I knew how to use language.
Unfortunally, for me, humans are humans. And humans yell things when they're frustrated or scared or hurt, and humans swear. And to write an authentic human in modern-day, you kinda need to accept that otherwise it starts to come off as a little weird. Especially if they're not your characters. Or not religious (but even then).
In some cases, I think I did really well. I was pretty good at using alternatives and it didn't sound too strange when I filtered the language, in others...it stuck out. Badly.
Anyway. I digress. So I had this previous account that I was harassed/bullied off of on ff.net where I wrote about 60 HTTYD stories, and HTTYD has more norse god swearing than anything else, so that worked out great. I wasn't using my god's name in vain and it was a kids show, so why would they be with other curse words???
But then. Well. I started to get more experienced as a writer and I realized that I was lacking in things for the characters to yell beyond "oh THOR" and it was starting to show badly. So you know what I did? I was like "oh! instead of looking at the culture this is based around and find something that would make sense in that context, I'll find a NEW word for them to yell out. That'll sound MORE normal."
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So with that I started my Quest TM. (it lasted like five minutes, i really didn't think about it that hard) My parents own this really grumpy, mean cat that I'm allergic to and she caused me a lot of frustration when my eyes would water and my nose would run or just, in general I'd be tormented by allergies when she was in my room. I kinda had a thing against cats in general. SO! That sounded great. But now I needed an in-universe explanation for WHY the characters would be using cat as an exclamation of a curse. So the solution I came up with was that one time--ONE TIME--Hiccup tripped over a cat.
That was it.
No grand drama. No murder, no trauma, nothing. It was LITERALLY just that Hiccup had tripped over a cat one time an OBVIOUSLY this meant that he should spend the rest of his life using it as a curse word BECAUSE WHY NOT, RIGHT?
like the STUPIDEST explanation I could have come up with, period!? And why didn't I just move onto OTHER norse gods if i was so frustrated with only using Thor? There's PLENTY of other ones?????????
Anyway, so I did this for a really long time. It became a habit to use cat instinctively as a curse when I was writing and I didn't think that much of it.
(Really though, I was harrassed/bullied off of my other account for entirely unrelated reasons, but THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN WHY)
When I moved to MCU, this started to sound ridiculous. Why would grown adult men post 2010 be using cat as a curse word? Eventually, it faded out, but I'm 99% sure this was a problem up until 2019. THREE YEARS. For NO REASON. i was angrily lashing out at small cats.
Anyway, so I actually really enjoy swearing now? Like a heathen (sarcasm). My family would shame me if they knew, but sometimes, I have learned, the best word is actually just "sh*t" at the top of your lungs. Not cats.
Thanks for letting me get that out of my system. One day I will go through a03 and delete this stupid, stupid curse with something else, because it's ridiculous.
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uboat53 · 1 year
So here's a question, is it more important that an anti-poverty program only give people what we feel they deserve or is it more important that it work in terms of getting them out of poverty?
I ask because this is becoming one of the key issues in debates about the social safety net here in the United States. Specifically, requirements that people be deserving of help is preventing us from implementing policies that we know help people out of poverty. I guess this is a bit of a LONG RANT (TM).
You might be surprised to know this, but we actually know fairly well how to get people out of all kinds of poverty. With about 90% or more success, we actually have pretty good strategies to deal with all kinds of problems from homelessness to drug use to simply not having enough money to cover basic needs. All of that has well known solutions that are backed by really solid academic research.
The problem is that almost every solution involves giving somebody something at the start with no strings attached and conservatives especially have a problem with this because one of their core beliefs is that someone needs to earn assistance.
I want to look closer at some of the methodology because it's important that you understand how this works. To start with, humans are not designed for sustained stress. We're designed for quick stresses, an animal chases you, you run or fight, you either live or you don't. Sustained stress causes huge physical damage to our bodies and, importantly, also affects our thought processes in really problematic ways.
Poverty is probably the most common sustained stress in the modern world. Not knowing if you're going to be able to pay bills tomorrow, having to choose between this necessity and that necessity, or just going further and further into debt that you'll never be able to repay is a massive stress for the people going through it.
What we've found is that the most effective way to get people out of that situation is to begin by alleviating the stress. In the case of homelessness you would give them a place, any place, to live, in the case of financial distress you would give them money, and in the case of drug use you'd give them a place to do drugs safely. By taking away at least some of the stress you allow this person to recover from stress induced patterns of behavior and, hopefully, begin making the kind of more considered choices that could eventually lead them out of poverty and sustain themselves.
This is why conditional assistance is less successful. It may be that it is in this person's best interest to do the thing you are requiring them to do and it may be that this would be the most effective way on paper to get them out of poverty, but a person in the midst of a sustained stress will likely be less capable of performing whatever task it is consistently and the more tasks are required in order to get assistance, the less likely it is that any person will be able to actually complete them all.
So if we know what works, then what's the problem? It turns out that some people don't have ending poverty as their primary goal. Some people think it's more important that assistance of any kind be earned than that it be successful, and a lot of them are now in positions of power.
Poverty is expensive, not just for the person in it, but also for society as a whole. People in poverty use services that they can't pay for which means that the costs are borne by society as a whole. Our prison systems are full of people who commit crimes of desperation and emergency rooms regularly treat people who cannot afford to pay for treatment among other things, all of which are about the most expensive ways to deal with the issues that they address.
In other words, not only are programs that give assistance without conditions much more effective at ending poverty, they're also orders of magnitude less expensive than our current conditional system.
Let's take a look at the root of the problem now, and I'm going to make an argument here so this isn't purely analytical. The root cause of the problem is that (mostly) conservatives argue that giving aid to people unconditionally is unfair to those who don't need the aid.
First of all, I'm going to put aside the fact that we have a genuinely unequal society in which people are unfairly born into economic conditions beyond their control. That's relevant, but the people who make these arguments have a hard time conceptualizing it so I'm going to put it aside for the moment because, even without it, I think I've got a solid case here.
You see, what's really unfair to the people who don't need the aid is not fixing the problem. You see, those who don't need the aid are the ones who pay the taxes and, by not fixing the problem, you're bilking them out of billions that are instead spent on all of these other, more expensive things we have to do instead.
Now, if you're both amoral and libertarian, you might say that the solution is just to stop doing anything at all, but almost all of us (I'm willing it bet it's 99%+) at least claim to subscribe to a belief system that prevents us from standing idle while another person dies. We CANNOT simply allow another people to die or suffer major harm just because they are poor and pretend to be moral individuals.
Since we cannot morally deny life-saving care and because such care is much more expensive than dealing with the root causes of the issue, I argue that a true analysis of the moral choices is the opposite of what those (mostly) conservatives say. The true moral choice on poverty, the one that's fairest to both those receiving the aid and those from whose taxes the aid is provided, is to use the most effective means to end that poverty.
We know what the most effective means of ending poverty are, but some people don't want to use them because they use flawed moral arguments. When understood correctly, using the most effective means of ending poverty is the correct moral decision both for those in poverty as well as for those who pay the taxes for those programs.
If you're interested in reading about one of those extremely effective programs, housing first, this article gives a very good overview of the evidence behind it, the implementation, and some of the opposition it has faced.
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carriesthewind · 2 years
The recent twitter kerfuffle over “are young men getting to have enough sex?!” has gotten me thinking about how we talk about the importance of listening to, and believing, the people who are affected by a situation discussing that situation. Specifically, I’ve seen a number of men who, when they receive pushback for giving a Bad Take (tm) on the issue, respond with some version (implicit or explicit) of, “my take is based on my experience and you all are Bad/Misandrists for refusing to listen to me about my own experience.”
While the loudest of the voices making these arguments are doing so in bad faith, I fully believe that many of them (or people quietly reading along) are genuine. And it’s not hard to see a misguided but good-faith young man saying, hey, wait a minute. I’m a young man who is not having sex when I really want too, and I think it’s b/c [modern women won’t date poor men/my head is the wrong shape/misandry has replaced misogyny/etc.] and the solution is [mandated sex for involuntarily celebrate men/punishments for women who cheat/focusing on discrimination against men b/c women have too much social power now/etc.]. These lefty progressive types are always saying we should listen to the people who are actually affected by an issue - so why are they not listen to me when I try to talk about this important issue that affects me?
Of course, that’s because there is a difference. Of course we should listen to young men (and not-young men!) talk about the experience of not being able to have sex. And while we (as a society) generally already do exactly this, there is definitely improvements we can make to ensuring that men - especially non-traditionally “masculine” men and men who are marginalized in various ways (gay, trans, fat, disabled, not white, etc.) - have safe paces to discuss those feelings in vulnerable and open ways and be heard. But these men being the authorities on how they feel about their own experiences is not the same as knowing what the problems are or what to do about them, and that is where the disconnect lies.
The difference is between being an expert on your own experience, expert on the broader experience of the relevant group, and being an expert on the problem and solutions.
Likewise, when we talk about listening to minorities and disadvantaged groups - listen to black people, believe women about sexual assault, focus on trans people when talking about trans issues, etc - normally, we are saying this because we are saying to listen to those experiences, because as a culture, as a whole, we don’t even generally accept those experiences exist. The panic over young men not getting to have enough sex is regular enough that I had to specify the recent discourse - the culture accepts that there are young men who don’t get to have sex they want and it sucks for them. But mainstream culture and politically powerful actors do not necessarily accept systemic racism, the widespread sexual assault of women, or even that trans people really exist as a valid way to exist.
Furthermore, because the experiences of minorities are under-appreciated and their struggles disbelieved, members of those minority groups are often the ones who have to become experts in the problems and potential solutions. To the extent mainstream culture and power structures even recognize those issues, they may be using a bigoted framework to study and understand them. This is further complicated by the fact that because members of these groups are disadvantaged, they often have difficulty accessing the formal structures of licensing and expertise (e.g. academia), and so have to seek expertise outside these normal structures. Even if members of the group are able to get into academic or power structures, 1) the most likely members to get into those power structures are likely to be the ones most willing and able to conform to the bigoted hierarchy and 2) if they don’t conform, they will often receive institutional pushback. This is why it’s a good idea, when researching a topic that affects a minority or disadvantaged group, to "listen to marginalized voices" - e.g. seek out voices from that group to see what they have to say about the formal research and research institutions.
And it’s worth talking about this distinction explicitly because while I think it’s something a lot of us progressive lefty types kind of intuit, and it is something that is talked about in (good) activist circles, it’s something that I don’t often seen laid out in online and casual spaces. And I think it’s one of the things that leads to a lot of the problems in those spaces.
Most of us understand, for example, that if someone with dyslexia says their dyslexia was cured by Scientology, we don’t need to believe them. But I think that sometimes that understanding gets confused into “everyone knows Scientology is bs so obviously that person’s experience is bs,” rather than, “this person can speak about their experience of dyslexia and how they don’t feel like it affects them anymore, but they do not have the necessary expertise to say that it is cured (if other evidence points to it not be cured) or what cured it, and they things they are claiming go against a vast weight of other evidence.” This lack of distinction, I think is how we get everything from Tumblr nonsense like people pretending to be lesbian HIV-positive nonbinary Chinese-Pakistani trafficking survivors living in India when they are actually white American teenagers, spouting absolute nonsense and throwing their “identities” around when people call them on it; to lgbtq+ twitter uses frequently piling on to other lgbtq+ figures (usually transwomen) for perceived imperfections and justifying their own actions by describing their own feelings of pain; to fandom puritans declaring that they know the solution to abuse (removing “bad fic”) based on their own personal discomfort with said fic; to grifters (or even just people who are severely under-informed but don't know it) who leverage their status as members of disadvantaged groups to claim expertise and either spread misinformation or divert resources to their scams. And I think it’s why I’ve seen some people get genuinely turned around and not know how to respond to people like our hypothetical sincere young man above.
And I don’t think there is any universal solution. But part of the solution is more general education about, and mindfulness of, these essential differences in expertise - expertise in your lived experience, expertise on the general experience of a marginalized group, expertise on the problem, and expertise on finding potential solutions.
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axonsoftwareca · 2 years
Four Essential Functions of Truck Dispatch Software
The best trucking company dispatch software gives companies total control over every aspect of transportation, allowing them to offer high-quality services consistently. This high-quality service generates favorable testimonials that boost a company's brand value.
The following are some essential qualities of the top trucking dispatch software:
1-Engine for effective optimization
Small Trucking company dispatch software uses a variety of variable parameters, including weather, traffic, on-ways, tonnage, and delivery type. So, it helps optimize routes in real time. 
It increases delivery productivity by removing detours and pointless stops from the route. Advanced tracking management solutions minimize expenses by cutting down on mileage, empty miles, and fuel use.
2-Enforcement of SLA
SLAs, or service-level agreements, are essential for ensuring effective and successful delivery execution. Shippers can ensure that transportation companies follow these rules thanks to modern dispatch technologies. Businesses can proactively determine whether a specified delivery will be early, on time, or delayed with real-time visibility into ongoing transportation. 
3-Studies and reports
Small trucking company dispatch software uses business intelligence (BI) tools to convey information. It is simple to track and analyze strategies for simplifying the truck dispatch service thanks to the information's presentation in the form of customizable dashboards, predictive analytics, specialized maps to illustrate shipping trends, and other colorful infographics. 
4-Interface with 3PL and carrier systems without a hitch
The carrier and third-party logistics systems can use trucking dispatch software to streamline operations and boost productivity. With 3PL systems, WMS, TMS, OMS, GPS tools, and more, advanced dispatching platforms smoothly integrate. By doing so, taking out and rebuilding the current IT infrastructure is unnecessary, and high levels of visibility are guaranteed across various logistics tasks.
Final note
When you are investing in a trucking company dispatch software, always do your research. You may find many options, but you want to select the best! 
Are you looking for an authentic company for dispatch software? You can contact Axon Software right away.
To know more about Accounting Software for Freight forwarding Companies please visit our website: axonsoftware.com
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finsintms · 8 days
Enhancing Logistics Efficiency: FinsinTMS Leading the Way
In today's fast-paced business landscape, streamlined logistics services are indispensable for maintaining a competitive edge. Supply chain logistics form the backbone of efficient operations, and finding the best TMS (Transportation Management System) is crucial, especially for freight brokers and carriers. Enter FinsinTMS – a game-changer in the realm of transportation management.
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Logistics Services: FinsinTMS revolutionizes logistics services by offering a comprehensive platform tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses. From managing transportation operations to optimizing routes and tracking shipments in real-time, FinsinTMS empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of logistics with ease. Whether it's orchestrating multi-modal transportation or handling last-mile deliveries, FinsinTMS ensures seamless integration and efficient execution at every step of the supply chain.
Supply Chain Logistics: At the heart of every successful supply chain lies efficient logistics management. FinsinTMS understands this fundamental principle and goes above and beyond to streamline supply chain logistics for businesses of all sizes. By providing end-to-end visibility and control over every aspect of the transportation process, FinsinTMS enables companies to mitigate risks, reduce costs, and enhance overall operational efficiency. From procurement to distribution, FinsinTMS empowers businesses to optimize their supply chains for maximum performance and profitability.
Best TMS for Freight Brokers: Freight brokers play a pivotal role in connecting shippers with carriers, and having the right TMS can make all the difference. FinsinTMS stands out as the best TMS for freight brokers, offering a suite of advanced features designed to streamline operations and drive business growth. With FinsinTMS, freight brokers can efficiently manage their carrier network, automate routine tasks, and gain valuable insights into market trends and performance metrics. Whether it's negotiating rates, dispatching shipments, or managing documents, FinsinTMS equips freight brokers with the tools they need to succeed in today's competitive marketplace.
Carrier TMS Software: Carriers are the backbone of the transportation industry, and equipping them with the right tools is essential for success. FinsinTMS serves as the ultimate carrier TMS software, empowering carriers to optimize their operations and deliver exceptional service to their customers. With features like load optimization, route planning, and electronic document management, FinsinTMS enables carriers to streamline their workflows, improve efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. By providing real-time visibility into shipments and automating repetitive tasks, FinsinTMS helps carriers stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly dynamic and competitive landscape. In conclusion, FinsinTMS emerges as a trailblazer in the world of transportation management, offering unparalleled solutions for logistics services, supply chain logistics, freight brokers, and carriers alike. With its user-friendly interface, robust features, and commitment to innovation, FinsinTMS is empowering businesses to unlock new levels of efficiency, productivity, and profitability in their transportation operations. Whether you're a small startup or a global enterprise, FinsinTMS has the tools and expertise to help you thrive in today's rapidly evolving business environment. Discover the difference that FinsinTMS can make for your business – revolutionize your logistics, streamline your supply chain, and drive success like never before.
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uswanth-123 · 18 days
SAP Basis Software
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SAP Basis: The Backbone of Your SAP Landscape
SAP systems are at the heart of many large enterprises around the world. These complex software suites power everything from accounting and finance to supply chain management and human resources. However, SAP applications and their underlying modules don’t run in a vacuum. They rely heavily on a core technological foundation known as SAP Basis.
What is SAP Basis?
SAP Basis is a collection of middleware programs and tools provided by SAP that form the technical platform for all SAP applications. Think of Basis as the operating system for your SAP environment. It performs several critical functions:
Platform Independence: Basis enables SAP applications to run on a variety of operating systems (Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.) and databases (Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL Server, etc.), ensuring portability and flexibility.
System Administration: Basis administrators manage the installation, configuration, and maintenance of the SAP landscape. This includes tasks like system updates, user management, and security setup.
Performance Monitoring: SAP Basis includes tools to monitor system health, analyze performance bottlenecks, and perform troubleshooting.
Communication and Integration: Basis handles communication between SAP modules, external systems, and different hardware components, facilitating seamless data flow.
Key Components of SAP Basis
SAP Basis comprises a comprehensive set of tools and services. Some of the most important include:
SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS): The core runtime environment where SAP applications execute. It exists in both ABAP (SAP’s proprietary programming language) and Java versions.
Database Management: Basis provides tools for interacting with the underlying database systems, managing data storage, and ensuring database consistency.
Transport Management System (TMS): TMS facilitates the organized movement of system changes, configurations, and code between different SAP environments (development, testing, production).
SAP Solution Manager: A centralized platform for monitoring, managing, and optimizing the entire SAP landscape.
The Role of SAP Basis Administrators
SAP Basis administrators are the guardians of your SAP system’s health. Their responsibilities include:
Installation and Configuration: Setting up new SAP systems, applying patches, and configuring system settings.
Performance Tuning: Optimizing system parameters, database queries, and code to ensure the SAP system runs efficiently.
Troubleshooting: Identifying and resolving technical issues such as system crashes, errors, and performance problems.
Security: Implementing security measures, managing user authorizations, and patching vulnerabilities.
Backup and Recovery: Ensuring critical data is regularly backed up and developing disaster recovery plans.
Why is SAP Basis Important?
SAP Basis is integral to the success of any SAP implementation. It directly impacts:
System Stability: A well-maintained SAP Basis environment ensures that your SAP applications are always available and reliable.
Performance: SAP Basis optimization leads to faster transaction processing, quicker reports, and a better overall user experience.
Agility: Basis allows for efficient code deployments, upgrades, and system changes, enabling businesses to adapt quickly to changing needs.
Security: Robust Basis security protects sensitive business data and helps prevent cyberattacks.
Learning SAP Basis
If you’re interested in a career in SAP, becoming proficient in SAP Basis is incredibly valuable. There are many online courses, training institutes, and certifications available to help you gain the necessary skills.
In Conclusion
SAP Basis may operate behind the scenes, but its influence on the success of any SAP system cannot be overstated. As the technological foundation, it provides the bedrock for stability, performance, and security that modern enterprises need.
You can find more information about SAP  BASIS  in this  SAP BASIS Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for SAP  BASIS Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  SAP  BASIS here – SAP BASIS Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class SAP BASIS Details here – SAP BASIS Training
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Elevate Your Corporate Videos: Key Insights from Trueline Studio
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In the dynamic world of corporate video production, creating compelling content often involves facing numerous challenges. Over the years, our video production company has undertaken diverse projects in different cities and countries across various industries. A common challenge we encountered while shooting in office environments were technical issues such as echo, sound reverb, light discrepancies, background noise, and distracting elements during speaker presentations.
Office settings often pose challenges that impact the overall quality and efficiency of video production. Technical hindrances can compromise the visual and audio elements of the video, leading to subpar results. These challenges prompted us to seek innovative solutions that not only addressed the technical issues but also contributed to sustainability and environmental friendliness.
Understanding the need for a controlled environment, we invested in a modern TM studio tailored for corporate video production. The studio is equipped with advanced features, including soundproofing ensuring a distraction-free and acoustically superior recording space.
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Unique Features of Our Studio :
Clear Sound and Lighting:
Our studio's soundproofing eliminates echo, ensuring crisp audio.
Simple, professionally designed lighting enhances visual appeal for a polished output.
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Built with eco-friendly principles, our studio minimizes environmental impact through energy-efficient features like LED lights and insulation, promoting sustainability.
The solar roof panels showcase our unwavering commitment to sustainability. Rainwater harvesting systems ensure efficient drainage and preservation of water resources.
The studio's incorporation of ancestral wood not only adds aesthetic charm but also contributes to forest conservation efforts.
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Efficiency in Time and Resources:
The studio’s-controlled setting lets us set up different interview sets efficiently, saving time.
A streamlined production process means quicker turnaround times for clients.
Versatile Sets:
Our studio offers four sets, including a podcast area, a photography section, adaptable setups with movable curtains, and a casual section with comfortable chairs.
This versatility allows us to cater to B2B clients with diverse video production needs.
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Convenient Location:
Strategically located near the airport and well-connected to Punjab and Delhi, our studio is easily accessible.
Our journey from overcoming challenges during on-location shoots to establishing a modern studio reflects our dedication to delivering top-notch corporate video production services. By investing in technology, sustainable practices, and a versatile studio, we aim to improve the quality and efficiency of our work. The future holds exciting possibilities as we evolve to meet the changing needs of our clients in the Tricity area and beyond.
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For more details on video production, visit our website: www.truelinemedia.com
Contact us on - Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: / trueline-media or Call us at 099157 00578
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otiskeene · 21 days
MercuryGate Named As A Challenger In The 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ For Transportation Management Systems
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MercuryGate International, Inc., a top provider of transportation and logistics management solutions, has once again been acknowledged in the Challengers Quadrant for its Ability to Execute and Completeness of Vision in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Transportation Management Systems. This is the 14th year in a row that MercuryGate has received this recognition. Despite facing challenges in the transportation industry, MercuryGate achieved impressive records in bookings, customer retention, international growth, and the introduction of new transportation features in 2023.
The company's dedication to customer success and innovation is evident in its receipt of both Better Project and Better Practice awards from the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings, Better Plants initiative. These awards highlight MercuryGate's innovative approach to enhancing energy efficiency and reducing emissions.
MercuryGate's Transportation Management System (TMS) platform has garnered positive feedback on Gartner Peer Insights, with customers praising its strong platform, user-friendly workflow, and efficient billing cycle management.
Looking forward, MercuryGate is planning to concentrate on innovation and expanding its transportation capabilities in areas like machine learning, data analytics, and sustainability features. The company's Smart Transportation Suite covers and optimizes every stage of a shipment's lifecycle, offering a flexible and modern end-to-end transportation execution platform.
Read More - https://www.techdogs.com/tech-news/business-wire/mercurygate-named-as-a-challenger-in-the-2024-gartner-magic-quadrant-for-transportation-management-systems
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