#Mixing Services
fatasfunkmastering · 10 months
17 Years Of Fat As Funk Mixing & Mastering!
They say time flies when you’re having fun. Never truer than when spending the last 17 years working on amazing music. I don’t really talk about myself much at all (ever really), but 17 years is quite a while to be doing a job, so this post is a little bit about my journey so far. Firstly, It’s been an absolute pleasure and privilege to work on all your amazing tunes over the years. I…
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easy-mixing · 1 year
- Top-Quality Mixing and Mastering Services for Your Music- Easy Mixing
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At Easy Mixing, we offer the best mixing and mastering services for your music, helping you achieve the perfect sound for your tracks. Our team of experienced engineers and producers work tirelessly to ensure that your music sounds professional and polished. With our state-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge techniques, you can rest assured that your music will be transformed into a masterpiece. Trust Easy Mixing for all your music mixing and mastering needs.
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Professional Mixing and Mastering Services - Audio Mixing Mastering
Do you need the professional audio Mixing and Mastering Services? Take a look at Audio Mixing Mastering! We'll make your audio mixing dreams a reality with our top-rated mastering services. We have you covered whether you want a clean and polished sound or something a little more edgy. In addition, we provide a variety of audio mixing services, such as voice over recording and production, sound engineering, and much more. So, whether you're an experienced pro or just starting out, we've got you covered. So, what are you holding out for? Look into Audio Mixing Mastering right now! 
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some-doggo-pics · 9 months
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She’s a ✨model✨ she’s a track star ⭐️
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single-snail · 9 months
saw a review of ofmd2 saying they focused too much on the relationship and fan service more than the plot and i’m so excited i saw a near identical review for gomens2 before it came out and i’ve watched that 15 times
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mysterygrl20 · 7 months
im not crying over photos
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hiblahan · 1 year
 “Stop trying. Take long walks. Look at scenery. Doze off at noon. Don’t even think about flying. And then, pretty soon, you’ll be flying again.”
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taeminie · 1 year
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so about that mix and matching next year…..
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Raphael Quek
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mothtowers · 7 months
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coord idea i threw together the other night, dress might not fit the rest of it but i loved how halloweeny it was (maybe something just black and white instead)
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bonefall · 1 year
did you have anything planned for snowtuft? or any of the other mentioned dark forest cats w/o a backstory that were kinda placed there (ie rushtooth, houndleap etc)
Until they get backstories of their own in main content and novellas and such, I am planning on peppering them into various points in time with different degrees of severity for their crimes.
Snowtuft I'm planning something pretty dark for; he killed kittens during the Crusade era. While on a raid in Chelford, he slaughtered a family and the only surviving kitten was stolen and brought back to ShadowClan.
He hadn't technically broken the code, as the Crusades were based on the very idea that outsiders don't get equal protection, but it was so horrible and so unforgivable that Snowtuft lived the rest of his life as a pariah. His Clanmates didn't want to look at him.
His cruelty made them really sit with what the Crusades meant, and what they were even trying to accomplish.
Snow lived and died in intense shame, and didn't even stick around for his trial. He marched himself through the Meadow of Young Stars and into the Place of No Stars. He's actually a generally petty, kind of meek gossip girl kind of dude.
Silly man with a past so intense it causes an awkward silence whenever it comes up
For Houndleap, I'm thinking he was early Skyfall Era. Not even part of SkyClan or its decline, he was just super involved in a halfclan romance. Several of them. Actually he was Appledusk x 3. He had six mates.
He got caught of course but honestly that was impressive. 16 kittens btw.
Rushtooth embarassed a leader after Ripplestar's Rot and generally disrespected a ton of the lesser commandments, enough to add up. He's just kind of a jerk and StarClan felt he wasn't worthy of Silverpelt.
Batear murdered the cat who killed his best friend. Hunted the guy down and shredded him in cold blood. That friend was Fenneldust, who wasn't going to just let Batsy go to hell without her.
Shredtail lost a mate and kits to a hog, and in his quest for revenge, used a clanmate as live bait. If he hadn't gone Captain Ahab on the boar that took his family, he would have been fondly remembered a pioneering a ton of hog-hunting techniques ThunderClan still uses.
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pasta-pardner · 2 years
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cover art | a playlist about rival bounty hunters to lovers. | (mostly alternative blues rock)
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Looking for the best audio Mixing and Mastering? Look no further than Audio Mixing Mastering! With top-rated mixing and mastering, Audio Mixing Mastering is the perfect choice for those who want the best audio mixing and mastering possible. Whether you're a professional or an amateur, Audio Mixing Mastering has the tools you need to take your audio mixing and mastering to the next level.
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youssefguedira · 1 year
behold, the product of yesterday's lotr au discussion (for @spacegirlsgang)
Nicolò has not spoken to him in days.
He hasn't spoken to anyone. He walks silently at Yusuf's side, hand always on his sword, eyes always on the horizon. When there are people who need it, he helps, tends wounds and lifts the younger ones onto horses and hands out food. He still does not speak, and Yusuf worries for him.
They have already lost Quynh, and Sebastien. Dizzy and Jay may well be dead by now for all they know, and Nile and Lykon… he does not really want to think about it for long. He only hopes they are alive. And now Andromache, too, is gone, and Nicolò will not speak, and Yusuf cannot help feeling very, very alone without him. It is strange: Yusuf would have thought, just a week or two ago, that he would have been glad never to see Nicolò again. Now, the thought terrifies him.
When they make camp that night, Yusuf takes his place by the fire with his sword across his lap and prepares to keep watch. Nicolò joins him, after a while, but instead of taking a seat and silently watching the horizon as Yusuf has come to expect him to, he speaks.
"You should rest," he says, voice hoarse as if – well, as if he hasn't used it in days. He carries two bowls of stew, one of which he passes to Yusuf.
"So should you," Yusuf responds. He's exhausted, but neither of them have slept much – he's not sure Nicolò has slept at all since they lost Andromache.
"I do not need to sleep like you do," Nicolò says, which almost makes Yusuf laugh.
"Bullshit," he says. "Even you can't go this long without needing to rest."
Nicolò doesn't say anything to that. Doesn't even meet Yusuf's eyes, but Yusuf can tell how tired Nicolò truly is, and suddenly he cannot bear it anymore.
"We cannot keep on like this," Yusuf says. "This is not – if we're all that's left, I cannot do this without you, Nicolò."
Nicolò is quiet, for a while. When he finally speaks, he says, "Try to rest, Yusuf. I will keep watch tonight."
Yusuf waits. Nicolò does not move, nor show any sign of conceding. Just as stubborn as Andromache – well. He doesn't let himself finish that thought.
He waits a little longer, but Nicolò remains silent.
"Wake me for the second watch, then," Yusuf says, finally. Nicolò does not nod, but Yusuf no longer has the strength in him to push. He falls asleep quickly.
When he wakes, it is morning, and Nicolò is nowhere to be seen. Yusuf can only hope he found someone else for the second watch, and that he did not stay awake all night, but he would not be surprised if the latter were true.
During the day, they keep to their regular routine – Nicolò's silence and Yusuf's attempts to find anything to do that isn't think too much – but that night, when Nicolò finds him, he sets his sword down by his side and asks, "Will you wake me for the second shift?"
Yusuf nods quickly, too quickly, and Nicolò smiles, though it is small. It's the first time Yusuf's seen him smile in days.
He wakes Nicolò for the second shift and sleeps after that, and the next night, Yusuf takes the first and Nicolò the second.
It's a start, at the very least.
The day after they reach Helm's Deep, Nicolò is the first to see the rider.
He does not realise who it is at first: the figure is too distant. They wear a cloak with the hood pulled low over their face, and lean heavily over their horse, as if injured.
Nicolò's first thought is that it is a scout. His second thought, which he discounts quickly, is that it is Andromache, which. It cannot be. He does not dare imagine it.
When the figure keeps approaching, he shouts a warning to the guards on the walls. Yusuf, who had fallen asleep beside him, his back against the stone, startles awake. "What is it?" he asks, still half-asleep.
"I do not know, yet," Nicolò responds. He gets to his feet. Yusuf follows a moment later.
"I see it, now," Yusuf says, furrowing his brow. Nicolò's hand goes to his bow, just in case. If it is a scout, he will deal with them quickly.
Then, suddenly, Yusuf's eyes go wide, and he curses. Taps Nicolò twice on the shoulder, and runs along the wall, down the stairs, towards the gate, shouting at the guards to open it.
Nicolò looks again, then, and realises what Yusuf has seen. The rider's weapon is just visible over their right shoulder, and Nicolò knows the carvings on its handle, knows them because they are the twin of the carvings on the hilt of his hunting dagger, because both weapons were forged by the same person.
He is moving before he truly has time to process the thought. The gates are opened far too slowly, creaking with the movement, and by the time he can see the rider again she is sitting straighter in the saddle, a wide grin on her face, urging her horse forward. It is only Yusuf's hand on his arm that keeps him from running through the gates to greet her; when Nicolò looks back at him, his smile is bright enough to rival the midday sun.
Finally, she is there, riding through the gates like a king returning to her kingdom, like she had planned this all along, like Nicolò hadn't seen her fall from a cliff only a few days ago. She dismounts easily, before the horse has even fully stopped, and then he is running, and she is meeting him halfway and gathering him into her arms and laughing, even as he thinks he starts crying.
Then Yusuf is there too, and Nicolò has to step back but cannot bring himself to go far, and Andromache hugs him too, while Yusuf laughs, bright and loud.
"Where have you been," he is saying, and "I thought you were dead, Andromache, I thought we had lost you," and she laughs again and cups the back of his neck with one hand and says, "I'm okay, Nico, I'm okay."
"So," Andromache says once Yusuf steps back, too, her grin sharp despite how exhausted she must be. "Tell me what I've missed."
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figofswords · 2 months
my new rule I’m enacting for all customers is that they need to bring a cute dog in with them. it’s a prerequisite for coming in the door if you don’t have your dog with you I don’t want to hear it. not interested. thanks
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cautiously0ptimistic · 10 months
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Mom & Dad do date night @ The Rusty Horseshoe
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