chemreacti0n · 1 month
"don't leave me!" 🥺
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
I'm actually separating out the AGITM Cybertron plot to it's own story, now it's a series called A Little Glitched.
I'm developing Megatron's plltline but so far it includes:
MiniMegaStar Romance
Medical Training Megatron, including a possible paintjob update because pretty colors
Megatron being deeply offended at being taken captive like a damsel at one point because he was staying up so late studying for exams he forgot to fuel and fell asleep in an inappropriate place and was carried off. He is horirbly embarrassed and trying to breakout and escape before Starscream and Minimus hear because he will never hear rhe end of it.
More serious note with vague thoughts on the Return of Trepan
Him bonding with baby Velocity as his first mentee under Ratchet's orders when her study abroad program is instead on Cybertron
Oooo ok ok!
Pretty colors
The best justification
yESS OH MEGGSIE, oh Meggsie
He would totally do that
Oh fuck Trepan
awww yessss velocity and Megs!!
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Moon: You set my kid up on a date with Mini Music Man!?
Monty: In all fairness, Mini’s maturity is fourteen too.
Moon: I am going to tell you to run and I will give you five minutes to run and hide. When I find you, because you know I will, I’m going to beat the bolts out of you.
Monty: But look at them! They’re happy! Don’t you want Lunar happy? They’re tiptoeing around each other like little kids should on their first date!
Moon: You can live only because Lunar is happy and they’re the same maturity. But next time you set one of my brothers up without telling me, you’re going to die.
Monty: So is now a bad time to say I’m dating Sun?
Moon: Run.
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These are all fanfics that are set in IDW 1 universe AUs, Canon Compliant, and Post-Canon. Enjoy!
These are some of my favorite fics ever so I really recommend them.
The Delphi Dilemma by Lycaste (@catesly)
Dodging the DJD. Avoiding overtures of friendship from coworkers. Navigating a lust/hate relationship with his gorgeous jerk of a boss. For Ambulon, life at Delphi is still about running. But when a strange event hits the clinic, does he have what it takes to pull it together and help save the day?
Ambulon/Pharma | IDW 1 | E | Completed | 20k+ | 6/6
Send us a Blindfold, Send us a Blade by Trinary (@trinarysuns)
Post-Unicron, Thundercracker heads to New Cybertron to schmooze with the rich and famous. Movies need funding, after all. What he expects are boring parties and a lot of paperwork. What he finds is an impossible version of his dead trinemate, kept like a prize in a towers estate. They need to get off-planet as quickly as possible, but with the enforcers hot on their trail, the only one who can help is a certain Megatron-obsessed empuratee… And Damus of Tarn has his own plans.
Starscream/Thundercracker, Elite Trine Triad | IDW 1 | M | Completed | 64k | 15/15
Twenty-Five To Life by neveralarch (@neveralarch)
Or, When Primus Put Your Hand in Mine, There Weren't Supposed to Be Handcuffs.
Starscream's on a short road to prison when he meets his sparkmate. Things can only get better from there.
Minimus Ambus/Starscream, Minor Dominus Ambus/Rewind | IDW 1 | T | Completed | 20k+ | 1/1
Your Own Hands by SatelliteSoundwave (@satellitesoundwave)
A half-finished invention saves Tarantulas’ life. Unfortunately, it also starts unravelling the universe, and Prowl has to reluctantly team up with him to save the world. Having to work together repairs severed connections, but it also reopens old wounds.
TaraProwl | IDW 1 | M | Completed | 15k | 1/1
The Children's Crusade & Once More by AsYouCommand
Story One: Imagine a future where children would never be culled.
In which the young leaders of a future revolution escape their education and Pharma encounters a choice.
Story Two: I asked him to sign his work, so I'd always keep what he did in mind.
In which Pharma grieves for a lost chance all his life, and then—
IDW 1 | G & T | Completed | 7k & 6k | 1/1
I had to rec these together. Choices just really stuck with me.
Kinstugi by DesdemonaKaylose (@desdemonafictional)
Pharma's new conjunx was not what he'd been expecting, when he asked the matchmaker for someone cultured, and agreeable, and obedient. For one thing, the mech doesn't even have a face.
Or: The Art of Letting Go is Easy to Master
Tarnma, Damus/Pharma | IDW 1 | E | Completed | 9k | 1/1
TW: Graphic Depiction of Violence
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land0scar · 1 year
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abandoned in netherlands .. i miss her
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caretaker-moony · 23 days
Hmm... Maybe you were going to be a different variation....
(ooc, scarlett will use pink if eclipse is also speaking in the same ask)
*The S.T.A.R mini bot kept squirming, squeaking away as it tried to get free. It looked back up at Eclipse, stopping. It then made more squeaks that sounded like they were giggles.*
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zanimljivaekonomija · 4 months
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Министар Ђерлек отворио реновиран споменик културе у Брусу
Мештани општине Брус добили уређен Центар за културу
08.02.2024. године - Министар за равномерни регионални развој Един Ђерлек посетио је општину Брус где је са председником ове општине Далибором Савићем отворио Центар за културуна коме је урађена aдаптација и санација кровa. За овај пројекат Министарство је издвојило 2,4 милиона динара. 
„Нама је подједнако важно, поред улагања у путну и комуналну инфраструктуру,  улагање у с��цијалну инфраструктуру, како би у мањим срединама постојао садржај за грађане. Развојни потенцијали ове општине су сточарство, воћарство, ратарство, пчеларство, али веома важан потенцијал који није довољно искоришћен јесте туризам, пре свега бањски и сеоски туризам. У том смислу наставићемо да помажемо општину Брус јер је проценат депопулације забрињавајући, а желимо да млади остану овде“, изјавио је министар Ђерлек приликом посете Центру за културу.
Током 2023. године у општини Брус је велика количина падавина направила штету на више објеката као и на саобраћајницама. Општина је стога морала да уложи у путну инфраструктуру, док је Министарство помогло издвојивши средства за санацију штете коју је претрпео Центар за културу.
„Захваљујемо Министарству што су издвојили неопходна средства за санирање крова Центра за културу, као и на финансирању плана развоја општине Брус. Сарадња на будућим пројектима ће сигурно допринети даљем развоју наше општине“, рекао је председник  Савић.
У оквиру Центра за културу oпштине Брус смештени су и Завичајно-етнографски музеј, биоскоп, драмски студио и градска библиотека. 
Укупна вредност подржаних пројеката у општини Брус је 3,3 милиона динара. 
Аутор фотографија: Милош Перић
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cgvijesti · 1 year
URA: Direktore škola biraće školski odbor, a ne ministar
URA: Direktore škola biraće školski odbor, a ne ministar
Foto: RTCG Na prijedlog poslanice Božene Jelušić, a izmjenama i dopunama Opšteg zakona o obrazovanju i vaspitanju, od sada će školski odnosno upravni odbor vaspitno-obrazovnih ustanova birati organe rukovođenja, odnosno direktore privatnih i javnih obrazovno-vaspitnih ustanova, saopšteno je iz Građanskog pokreta URA.  “Donošenje ovog zakona ima za cilj obezbjeđivanje uslova za efikasnije…
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This is For The Annie With To Make MimiStar With To 🖤❤ Annie ❤🖤
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nepoznati-poznanik · 1 year
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ministar100 · 2 years
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Same energy?
Kung Fu Wa and Mo Dao Zu Shi?
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chemreacti0n · 4 months
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"do you not think his partner would dominate him?"
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
MiniMegaStar is such a cute ship name, and that is definitely what is happening here.
It is!
And ultimately their energies go in cool directions, especially since this is a no war au
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Moon: If either one of you mentions kissing your boyfriends, I’m going to fake vomit.
Sun: Honestly, Monty isn’t the best kisser.
Lunar: Me and Mini haven’t kissed yet, we’ve only held hands so far. Mini says he wants to wait a bit to kiss, since it feels really personal to him and he wants to know me better first.
Sun: Well, at least he’s a gentleman about it. Monty just can’t keep his hands to himself.
Moon: *fake retching* Hate you both.
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radiogornjigrad · 6 months
Novi Plenkovićev ministar gospodarstva - novi skok na dno.
foto instagram
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devonlinehelp · 2 years
Prime Minister Solar Charkha Mission Scheme 2023 | Online Application | benefits | Purpose | eligibility
As you must have seen. There are many women in a country like India who do not have any facilities to work. And she is not able to live properly for herself and her family. In view of a problem. The Government of India started by the current President of the country Ram Nath Kovind on 27 June 2018 across the country. Women will be provided employment under the Pradhan Mantri Solar Charkha Mission Yojana. Loan will also be given and subsidy will also be provided to the beneficiaries. In this scheme, a woman spins up to 2 kg of yarn in a day through a solar spinning wheel. This solar spinning wheel runs with 12 spokes and 400 watt solar panel. Through this Solar Charkha Mission, a woman earns 15 to 20 thousand rupees in a month. And runs his family in the right way. And can also send their children to study in a good school. and the woman herself. Read more
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