jeiyuuen · 4 months
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Punk Hazard proposal redraw
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riiviir · 4 days
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Shoutout to everyone whose immediate reaction was to point this out, you've got the best priorities
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valkorianknight12 · 11 months
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Aww, they’re teaching each other cuss words
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also like au where teenaged Li xiangyi runs into also teenaged di feisheng mid fight with a di assassin, li xiangyi finds out about the mind control bug via idk overhearing the two Di kids being like 'yeah neither of us want to do this really but y'know. it's not like we have a choice' or whatever, and thus li xiangyi, baby activist for JUSTICE ends up fully derailing his sort of vauge plans to set up a sect in favour of dealing with this terrible injustice because it's, y'know, pretty fucked up and also he's been in the martial world for about six weeks max and in that time he's seen one (1) sect fully massacred like his repressed trauma backstory, presumably thrown himself into a bunch of other unfair fights, and is now faced with a guy only a couple years older than him who's digging his kind-of sect brother's grave after being forced to fight him to death because of fucking mind control slavery
(because on the one hand he's still kind of an arrogant brat, and on the other hand this shit is fucked up and also super personal and kinda complicated in a way that 'just sword the problem to jail/death' can't actually fix, given the whole mind control thing, and he is very rapidly finding out that wow, turns out everything off the mountain is actually very extremely fucked up and way more complicated than he thought.)
shan gudao shows up after like, barely a week away doing idk, sketchy nanyin related things probably, and his arrogant brat of a shidi is immediately hey guess what shixiong new plan we can get back to sect building later, also this is my new best friend he's awesome at sword and barely socialised, also also he's crashing with us now or rather I'm crashing with him and his band of weirdos he's collecting!
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lbhslefttiddie · 1 month
actually since im talking about vague ideas i like but havent worked into a useable setting yet: i think, under very specific circumstances involving sy, lbh and sj could become a horrible and terrifying collaborative force. like i think it would be fun and also funny in a shen bros au dealio where sj and lbh are just constantly at each other's fucking throats because of their respective Deals and then the second sy lands himself in a sy-brand Situation they both react with such vicious like-minded fury one would think they had coordinated their actions. i think they could reach an Agreement of sorts if they were put in a position which showed them that they both prioritize sy's safety to the same insane degree. something so fun about having to confront that the person you'd so comfortably despised for so long has shown themself to be very human in the face of the suffering of someone you also love dearly. that there may be no one in the world outside yourself who you would be able to trust your loved one's care to except that bitch you cannot stand
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garden-bug · 3 months
Thrawn nation this fanfic needs more attention because it’s mind-blowingly fucking brilliant.
Essentially, Thrawn gets picked up by the corrupt Palpatine-led Republic on a planet in the unknown regions, and says he’s a contemporary artist. The republic is divided by bigotry and xenophobia and corruption and Thrawn makes art and literally starts a revolution. He and Eli make movies too. They live in an apartment. There’s Twitter. They befriend Obi-Wan who is fucking hilarious and Hera is an activist and the OCs are wonderful and it’s just great ok. Thrawn’s history with the Ascendancy is complicated. Palpatine is a terrible guy. Thrawn thinks he can get the best of Palpatine alone and shuts out his friends and becomes the worst version of himself, there’s angst, but it’s done so well. Thrawn’s characterisation is also just amazing.
So yeah sometimes I’ll just be living my life and I’ll remember that someone came up with the best alternate universe fic I’ve ever read in my life.
For context I’m an English major and extremely snobby about writing quality but let me tell you this is insanely good.
Guys I’m just saying this fic is a masterpiece and you’re all sitting on it.
It’s rated E but explicit scenes can be skipped JUST GIVE IT A GO GUYS PLEASE it should literally be top on a03 in the Thrawn tag I don’t even care. Complex and well written AU fics like this never get the attention they deserve and I’m not having it. Pls rb if you’ve read it or just to support fanfic writers idc 💛
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maydayissleepy · 4 months
Who are these guys. Did the fandom give them names yet. Their wiki articles are so thin guys what do you know
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Anyways. The random urge to concept character designs hit
For the unknown elemental master, I'm following the theory that they're the master of form. And though not as important, ,,I headcanon that they're the one that painted pictures of the elemental alliance
Though for the ice master, I'm liking the idea of him being one of the most magically powerful members of the alliance, though that strong of Ice magic being something more than what the human body can handle, it occasionally manifests itself outside of the ice master's control. Whether that be frost and snow forming around him unconsciously, or becoming some permanent illness to the ice master himself.
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frootbyethefoot · 3 months
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thinking about chapter four this fine afternoon (<- never not thinking about chapter four)
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twilight-deviant · 4 months
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Daredevil: Born Again BTS
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hug3mole · 5 months
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They most definitely slept together when damashi recruited them🤓☝️
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AND LUKE "lightning theif" CASTELLAN HAD THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO SIT THERE AND GO LIKE "Oooooh, yeah that makes sense. she must be the kighting theif, good job guys :)"
i can excuse you trying to kill a 12 yr old but i draw the line at you passing the guilt over to Clarisse just because her father is a dickhead
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Me, prior to reading the Thrawn books: "wow, I wonder what Thrawn and Ezra have been up to? There's not much going on out there beyond the Empire"
Me, currently:
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brother-emperors · 5 months
you know that post about how scholars talk shit about each other when they write the phrase 'one might be tempted to assume,' or however it went. the entirety of crassus scholarship is like this.
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banoooki323 · 11 days
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I love inconsistency, anyways got tired of drawing humanoid things I’m back to drawing like this! I already have a bunch of sketches so expect more soon, I’ll get to my requests soon </3 so feel free to ask for more
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thewallshaveeyes · 3 days
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HOURHG I finally drew the fuckinf goat!! Some actual real headcanons I have for it:
Alternate universe version of the lamb that allowed itself to be corrupted by its crown
instead of using its crown as a tool for good
It/its pronouns and aroace
Always chooses violence
Killed its narinder out of pride. (And yes I do subscribe to the belief that its narinder is a white coyote)
Gets its followers drunk to watch them fight
Named Billie
Also some bonus doodles!!
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(Not sure how sold I am on its cult fit rn but whatever. It was meant to be a contrast to the lamb's more practical outfit)
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captainkirkk · 1 year
Currently thinking about the AU where the gaang are all platonic soulmates
The political landscape is a mess post-Sozin's Comet, I'm not sure revealing the gaang are all soulmates would make things better or just muddy the waters even more
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