plumedepoete · 1 year
Si dans ce train j'irais moins loin - Cédric Étienne
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Si j'avais pu taire mes mots Ils auraient été plus beaux Si j'avais pu me taire J'aurais pu vous satisfaire   Trop beau quand vous lisez Plus beau quand je me tairais Quand je saurais faire lire mes mots Peut être il ne sera plus assez tôt   Comment dire sans écrire Ce que vous aimez lire Excusez moi trop tard De vous avoir mis brouillard   Près de vous j'ai trop parlé Près de vous je veux m'excuser J'écris pour me taire J'écris pour espérer de plaire   Mince mais où est la politesse Quand les mots me blessent Je voulais juste vous adresser Je voulais juste vous parler   Sur ce dernier mot Sur ce dernier verre J'espère me taire Vous laisser vos maux   ..drix.. Read the full article
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nysocboy · 8 months
Ian Winningkoff/ Young Chuck Montgomery and Other Grease Alums
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You're probably wondering who played the young Montgomery boys in Righteous Gemstones Episode 3.5, the flashback to 2000.
Ian Winningkoff (Young Chuck) is a New Orleans-based actor, model, and high school basketball star. He has seven credits on the IMDB, including episodes of Santiago and The Secret of Sulphur Springs, and several shorts.
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He is also deeply involved in local New Orleans theater. He has appeared in Legally Blonde, The Addams Family, Shrek, and Into the Woods, Jr.
Most recently he played Kenicke in Grease at the Jefferson Performing Arts Center in Metaire, Louisiana.
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There are photos of some beefcake-heavy and NSFW Grease Alums on RIghteous Gemstones Beefcake and Boyfriends.
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news-locus · 6 months
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News24 Business | Ford SA supplier Metair’s CEO resigns, while EU flags possible competition violation
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inmycity · 2 years
New automotive plant an economic boost for KZN
New automotive plant an economic boost for KZN
President Cyril Ramaphosa says the investment commitment by both Ford and Metair Investments reflects long-term confidence in South Africa as a key link in the global automotive value chain. On Tuesday, President Ramaphosa officiated the launch of the Metair Investments subsidiary Hesto Harnesses, where a new 35 000 square-metre state-of-the-art manufacturing plant was unveiled in KwaDukuza,…
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444names · 2 years
the entire article on thanos from wikipedia
Abling Abloca Abluny Abod Absupon Acimble Acke Ackes Acrime Adaphe Adding Adeced Adeclued Adned Agess Agion Aine Akil Alklorldr Allicame Alted Ameekinges Amic Amoor Amorvised Amporbes Ance Andboasele Anneough Apsychamn Aptasked Aralessia Arced Argoe Arick Arist Arth Athared Ation Aughty Babatte Babs Backed Batellize Beasup Beefew Beeks Beger Beinds Berefing Berismacue Bifiten Birang Bless Blified Blovergog Borbegrons Braves Brilights Brouporm Brouses Buic Butch Calk Callains Cance Cands Cans Capet Capsess Careaks Carectell Caved Chanouses Chin Ciand Ciely Clescred Clockmans Coles Coll Comander Comannulan Comarded Comb Cong Cons Cook Cooll Cormy Cougme Coutatel Cred Creeknover Cric Crischarim Croffeadar Crul Cruses Crut Cubmicur Culf Curt Darche Datin Debody Decuree Demen Dere Deriked Dested Destin Destion Ding Ditonnows Doinnythy Donoteld Drarke Duclows Dusly Dwerthed Eaton Egied Eing Eman Eminer Emost Enced Enting Epands Ersen Eted Evely Evest Evir Exceding Extens Extion Fablesher Fably Face Fackends Facts Falistion Feating Feed Fely Femaides Fenoic Fent Ficils Fignis Finin Folum Foomere Foras Fordc Fords Fore Foregy Foried Fort Forts Frear Frectiever Fulthor Gain Gall Ganic Gatent Gattion Gefeted Geted Gilecily Ging Goaxy Godurtions Gonfick Gonjug Grannyied Gues Haing Handuly Hanety Hange Harint Heiring Hends Heyed Hinnism Hisnethled Howinving Hult Humployst Ifighty Implon Imptiedid Inals Inampergen Inces Incily Indoi Inebuthend Ingefory Ingen Inges Inves Invisor Isort Itirting Jaseatted Jught Juniver Juny Kille Kinist Kinva Kisadecid Kisout Knes Krep Lacts Laid Layed Leauseque Ling Liske Litly Lity Logy Lorld Lorme Lown Malog Mandravely Manind Mant Manthowing Maroff Mated Maystopsed Melt Mering Mers Metairing Mighted Miked Mily Minceavele Mitne Mjoy Mons Mortid Mosseader Moughented Moventely Muthics Mution Mysic Myssigh Nappose Ners Nevar Nisnes Nitarce Nocabseen Nord Normerve Norpsed Nuals Octsiont Oduccom Ofeadoppet Ofebricid Olle Omit Onned Ontly Optionic Pacid Page Paing Partaing Peargent Peated Pertualk Phant Phous Plath Plation Platten Pless Poineen Popts Poser Pown Pows Prece Precuatu Pretaftemy Pring Prins Prite Prity Psychows Publeasion Pulacted Pultion Putur Puzzlering Pyraidans Ques Quicterer Raccondge Rang Rasslayed Reathits Recepows Reervily Refe Reliscing Relly Rentiont Rept Resses Ressione Resuitar Reve Rifillaing Rilliners Roentlear Ront Rormilly Rote Ruit Sagranins Seated Seles Sens Sentinin Sequi Sernearde Shan Shely Sheng Sherharly Shin Sian Sing Sions Siss Siver Soll Sonaby Sonniven Sookepice Sootly Spearldes Speentes Spicting Spidary Spirbelps Spitned Sque Squence Stember Strill Struied Strus Subjum Substim Sucesse Sucteringe Surns Swisons Tale Tang Teces Temovers Temporce Ters Thebić Thell Ther Thetit Thiclacts Thisence Thly Thoody Thows Ticed Tiesse Tiling Tinempos Tiol Tioll Tion Toot Towed Tralautiff Tress Trionthoo Triptass Trontogy Unbersaus Unce Unius Upeat Upes Usist Ution Vaces Vadoppents Vaing Vation Vehing Vianed Vicasest Vivent Voiniced Vorses Wall Warron Wasequart Wasons Watimbed Wavirt Wealmone Wely Weniumat Whance Whestely Whing Whisioure Whow Wints Wisorme Wisough Woned Woratially Worcs Wordmisone Wought Wrisons
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doodlehubble · 5 years
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Why even have a cat if you aren’t gonna aggressively meme at it. >>hi hey hello i drew this instead of sleeping pls fullsize for optimal viewing experience i hope you enjoy and have a Happy New Year™
>> Yes, hello i am FREAKING SCREAMING! ! !
 I literally cannot express how thankful I am–you are so precious and GAH! I stared at this a good 10 minutes, just open mouth in a state of shocked! Everything about this is perfect and so spot on! We got Kokichi memeing at the cat while Shuichi is most likely silently judging him from afar even though Shuichi totally have off the cuff analysis conversations with the cat, so he’s a hypocrite  But gosh, and you drew Brutus so freaking cute, I love the tongue blep so much!! And I got to say your I really love your art-style! And Your lines are sooo clean!! <3 
Thank you so so much again, you made me very happy the start of the year! Happy new year back at you! 
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airmanisr · 3 years
Aérospatiale AS332L ‘G-TIGE’ by Alan Wilson Via Flickr: c/n 2028 Built 1982 and operated only for Bristow Helicopters until she was retired in 2014. She was donated to the museum in 2015. The Helicopter Museum Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, UK 2nd October 2020 The following information is from The Helicopter Museum website:- “The origins of the Super Puma lay in a French Defence Ministry specification, issued in 1962 for a twin-engined tactical transport helicopter capable of all weather operation. Development began in 1963 under the designation SA330 and the first prototype flew on in April 1965. In l967 the aircraft was selected as part of an Anglo-French helicopter agreement, under which development and production would be shared by Sud Aviation and Westland Helicopters. The name Puma was jointly adopted and the aircraft entered service with the Royal Air Force and French Army Air Force (ALAT), with eventual production reaching 679 before ending in 1982 In 1974 Aerospatiale, which succeeded Sud Aviation in 1970, began design work on a growth version, using a Puma fuselage matched with an uprated transmission and two new and more powerful Makila engines. Designated the AS331, this prototype first flew at Marignane on 5th September 1977 and was followed a year later by a more definitive prototype, the AS332 Super Puma. The AS332 further introduced an optional cabin stretch and a strengthened landing gear to allow an increase in payload an increased fuel capacity, an improved main rotor system and revised fin and elevator contours to counter the effect of the lengthened cabin. The first AS332 made its initial flight on 13th September 1978 and was initially followed by five pre-production aircraft including one designated the AS332L. First flown in October 1980 this featured a further cabin stretch to accommodate four extra passengers. Meanwhile, UK offshore transport operator Bristow Helicopters was discussing a variant for its long range oil and gas transport operations. This introduced a large rear baggage compartment, enlarged cabin windows, in-flight music entertainment, foldable passenger seats, automatic emergency door jettison and large capacity life-rafts. Bristow also subsequently introduced a Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) on the aircraft developed in partnership with Plessey/GEC Marconi and allowing engineers back at base to analyse and identify potential failures in the engine, gearboxes, rotorheads etc. HUMS later became an industry standard for commercial helicopters. On 31st December 1980 Bristow ordered 35 of the bespoke aircraft, named the variant the Bristow Tiger, and took up almost all of the initial production slots as a condition of the purchase. The order represented the biggest ever placed by a commercial operator and the first AS332L export order for Aerospatiale. Deliveries of the Tiger began in March 1982 with G-TIGB; subsequent Tiger deliveries took up all the registrations from G-TIGC through G-TIGZ. The aircraft in the museum collection, G-TlGE was the fourth Tiger, delivered to Bristow on 19th May 1982 but initially ferried to Erith in Kent for fitting out by Metair. Transferred to Bristow and christened 'City of Dundee' it then entered service at Aberdeen By August 1983 G-TIGE was carrying out three trips daily to the Brae Alpha oil and gas field 249km (155 miles) north east of Aberdeen under a contract with Marathon Oil. Over the next 30 years G-TIGE logged over 39,500 hours and by the end of 2013 had totalled 41,815 flight hours. All the Bristow Tigers in service were retired in the first half of 2014 and G-TlGE, now flying from Norwich Airport, was grounded at 42,000 hours total flying time, when it would have been due for a major overhaul. Instead it was traded in to Airbus Helicopters and moved on 27 March 2015 by road to Vector Aerospace at their Fleetlands Gosport facility. Subsequently the aircraft was offered to The Helicopter Museum where it arrived on 30th November 2015.”
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mistresseast · 5 years
After decades of violent war, peace between the nations of Parnassus and Promare has finally been established by the promised union of Prince Galo Thymos and Regent Lio Fotia. The two have never met, but their wedding is suddenly the most important event in recent history and they know that millions of lives are riding on their ability to get along, or, at least, their ability to fake it for the cameras.
Unfortunately, neither are the type to just sit back and let things happen.
chapter 4 just posted! special thanks to @metair for helping me out earlier ;)
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ohhicas · 7 years
for the art ask meme: 1 and/or 11?
Artist Ask Meme
1. what is your favorite color to work with?
Mmmm like-- kind of a swampy green? Or yellowish brown. Really anything desaturated to hell and kind of muddy looking.
11. warm or cool colors?
Desaturdated to hell nonsenseUHH, cool, I think. Even just with everyday item colors i prefer cooler tones with the occasional warm-colored thing thrown in
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phroyd · 5 years
CHICAGO—The American Medical Association will remain opposed to proposals for the U.S. to create a single-payer healthcare system. The group voted narrowly to maintain its stance on Tuesday at its annual House of Delegates meeting.
Delegates of the largest physicians' organization voted 53% to 47% against adopting an amendment to remove the AMA's formal opposition to a single-payer healthcare system, ending days of contentious debate that pitted the organization's leadership against a contingent represented largely by medical students.
"As long as we maintain our blanket opposition our AMA cannot ensure we are a part of every conversation," said Dan Pfeifle, a fourth-year medical student at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine and an alternate delegate of the AMA's Medical Student Section.
Delegates ended up voting overwhelming in favor of adopting a report from the AMA's Council on Medical Service that reaffirmed efforts to improve upon the Affordable Care Act instead of "nationalized" healthcare coverage.
Some of the report's recommendations included expanding eligibility for tax credits on insurance premiums beyond 400% of the federal poverty level, as well as to expand eligibility for and increase the size of cost-sharing reductions.
"The AMA proposal for reform, based on AMA policy, is still the right direction … to cover the uninsured, and is cognizant that, in this environment, the ACA is the vehicle through … which the AMA proposal for reform can be realized," the report stated.
The debate over whether the country should adopt a Medicare for All type of system has gotten increased attention in recent months as it has become a key policy issue among several of the Democratic presidential candidates.
The AMA has long opposed single-payer efforts out of concerns that it would lower provider reimbursement rates and limit patient choice on healthcare coverage and services they can access.
"I think we ought to put a stake in the heart of single payer," said Dr. Donald Palmisano, of Metaire, La., who served as AMA president in 2003-04. "We've done it before; we ought to do it again."
But support for a single-payer system has grown among physicians. At the AMA annual delegates meeting last year, supporters got the body to at least study the impact of changing its policy.
This year, the issue sparked a protest outside of the AMA's meeting on its first day when medical students joined nurses and advocates to call on the organization to drop its fight against Medicare for All.
More broadly, public opinion for single payer has grown over the years so that a majority of Americans now support such a system. According to a survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation in April, 56% of Americans favor a national health plan in which all individuals got their insurance from a single government plan.
FUCK the AMA, those Greedy Bastards! - Phroyd
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mossuman · 5 years
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a dumb ouma doodle i did for @metair a few months ago before I’d even gotten around to playing v3
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lovemeherstuff · 5 years
See article below
                                                           Ellen DeGeneres                                      Humorist and a                                      Force for Good                        
.Ellen, the future comic, was born February 26, 1958 at 3;30 AM in Metaire, LA, very near New Orleans. Metaire means “tenant farmer. Her family, according to her, was poor when she grew up Now she is worth $450 million. DeGeneres is a French last name. “De” is “of” in French, so “of Generes”.
Her sun is in revolutionary aquarius (Oprah Winfrey is also an aquarius) in her second house merged with Venus (popularity) in aquarius and close to chiron in aquarius. The combination of planets is HUGE is SIGNIFICANCE for her. Her Sun and venus also square Neptune (and Jupiter). Any Neptunian aspect to the sun creates a IDEALISM, IMAGINATION and hopefully a spirituality in the. The personality. The sun and venus also square the nodes !
Her Saturn is a serious grounding factor in her persona so she comes across expansive yet serious. She has south node in Taurus which gives her pragmatism and perserverance put an over reliance on the physical world. Her destine is a spiritual transformation as indicated by the north node in scorpio conjunct neptune. When she came out as gay, it was bigger than people thought – as her inner being has been transformed too.
 GET THIS!!! SHE IS FEISTY! She has moon in aries in the fifth (playfulness) with sagittarius rising and mars in in the first house. Right now, she is undergoing an opportunity to change her “too good” image (See her new standup routine on Netflix called “Relatable”). Jupiter is in sagittarius and will go over her ascendant, saturn and mars and trine her moon. So the sense of opportunity to expand her image is a major factor is majr in her current personality.  
 Also she just passed her Saturn return, a serious life cycle event,  in sagittarius and is actively changing her professional persona.
 The moon and mercury are in a square position. This may be part of her gift. The moon in aries is very impulsive yet “upfront”, dynamic and expressive. It is also about “Me”. All her shows have been called “Ellen De Generes”!! But her mercury is in serious, structured pragmatic capricorn. It is a dilemma between a very plodding practical mind and a spontaneous, feisty moon. This was probably a product of parenting from the mother’s side. I think she uses that tension to be able to plan out her show (which must be a plodding process) and then just “go with it” on air.  
Uranus is in Leo and opposes the sun, venus and chiron. This is another BIG aspect in her chart as the LEO wants Attention and the aquarius wants to defer it. Clearly her uranian mission is do both, being a humanitarian but with unpredictable, out of the box humor.  
Her larger sense of mission is PLUTO in virgo. Virgo is also about self growth, psychologically and physically. But the key is service to others. I think she manifests her service in combination with her Neptunian, spiritual energy.
              Transits and Progressions (what is happening now)
A major progression, called the progressed midheaven, is affecting a change in her public identity and this aspect is moving into sagittarius. She has decided to change her public identity (from Scorpio to Sagittarius) and she  wants to quit her daily show and go back to stand up comedy with less of a “nice” personality. This progression will be exact in 6 months-peaking in  June-July of 2019. She wants to expand her outward public persona and mix it with her aquarian, out of the box, humanitarian nature.
 Her desire to take chances (mars) is also peaking. In a couple of years, the progressed sun will also conjunct venus, increasing her popularity and helping her to merge the masculine and feminine part of her nature However it the aspect is very much in effect already and she is acting on this part of identity publicly. It will certainly produce a more straightforward, “shoot from the hip” public persona
Aries is outward so she will need to make the best of both energies – personal, warm, and nurturing with “impulsive”, fast acting and charismatic. 
 On another note (like a symphony) her progressed mars in aquarius is separating from a conjunction to her sun. This progression will last for several years and will  out the aggressive, action part of her nature..  
People will probably love her changes and she is already widely loved. The Sagittarius progressed Mc will produce a more wide open, adventurous public persona. 
Her progressed moon is in cancer and about to square he progressed sun in aries. This will happen in two months, which represents a need to take action toward a new direction. aspect Cancer is inward mars is also opposing her progressed uranus. This can be very unpredictable and force her to deal with “issues of aggression” via opposition with others she has not faced before. 
On Jan 1, 2019 (tommorrow), mars (by transit) goes into aries  until Feb. 14th. This is a short transit but significant for Ellen as it enters the sign of her moon and reinforces the progressed mars conjuncting her sun.  A six week period of amping up the aggressive side of her nature in concert with the larger changes mentioned earlier. It all works together.  
The mars is aries merges with her moon exactly on Jan. 26th, the exact day of her birthday. This implies a whole year (per solar return) of emotional catalyst and risk taking. She want to be more open and bold with her feelings, which she has repeatedly said recently have been somewhat stifled by her “good girl” image on the show.
                     By Randy Wasserstrom  Jan. 4, 2019
                    (note: I had trouble posting the chart)
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mtamar2020 · 3 years
Taper tensions worrying markets - Moneyweb
Taper tensions worrying markets – Moneyweb
FNB’s Chantal Marx talks markets as they collapse. Is this the end of the commodity run or just another FOMC minutes temper tantrum? Riaz Haffejee, Metair’s CEO, on the company’s best ever half-year results. ARB Holdings CEO Billy Neasham chats a record dividend as booming home improvements drive profits. Source link
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neobatc · 4 years
Baterii auto București, Varta, Bosch și VW
Bateria auto este utilizată pentru pornirea unui autovehicul. Scopul său principal este de a furniza curent electric motorului de pornire alimentat cu energie electrică, care la rândul său pornește motorul cu ardere internă alimentat chimic care propulsează vehiculul. Odată ce motorul funcționează, puterea pentru sistemele electrice ale mașinii este încă alimentată de baterie, alternatorul încărcând bateria pe măsură ce cererile cresc sau scad.
  Producătorul român de baterii auto Rombat Bistrița, controlat de grupul sud-african Metair, a investit 12 milioane de euro într-o linie de producție pentru celule li-ion cu o capacitate de 1 milion de unități pe an, a raportat Ziarul Financier. Fabrica este în București (Baterii Auto București) și are o suprafață de 5.000 mp, pe două niveluri. „Rombat va continua să producă baterii cu plumb acid, dar investește și în baterii Li-ion. Conducerea speră ca fabrica din București să înceapă să funcționeze la începutul lunii februarie 2020, astfel încât să înceapă să producă baterii Li-ion. Acesta va fi doar începutul ”, a declarat directorul general Rombat, Ioan Repede, într-un articol din revista companiei.
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  VARTA este o companie germană care produce baterii pentru piețele globale auto, industriale și de consum. VARTA a fost fondată de Adolf Muller în 1887 și înființată în 1904 ca filială a Accumulatoren-Fabrik AFA. După Primul Război Mondial, VARTA împreună cu AFA au fost achiziționate de către industriașul german Gunther Quandt și de către Industrialist și CEO-ul VARTA, Dr. Carl Hermann Roderbourg. Segmentul de baterii auto Varta a fost achiziționat de Johnson Controls. Segmentul de afaceri cu celule butonate și de stocare a energiei casnice a fost achiziționat de Montana Tech Components.
  Bateriile auto Bosch sunt renumite pentru fiabilitate și durată de viață. Cu performanțe excelente și garanții lungi, Bosch este o alegere fantastică a bateriei pentru orice vehicul. Bateriile auto Bosch sunt împărțite în 3 grupe principale; S3, S4 și S5. Gama S3 se adresează mașinilor mai vechi cu motoare mici. Gama S4 este perfectă pentru majoritatea vehiculelor moderne, gama S5 fiind concepută pentru autoturisme de vârf.
  Volkswagen dezvoltă și produce componente cheie pentru vehicule electrice interne împreună cu baterii auto VW. În același timp, colaborăm cu furnizori auto mondiali, atât la nivel de grup, cât și la nivel de marcă, pentru a construi cele mai bune mașini posibile pentru clienții noștri. Celulele bateriei joacă un rol special: estimăm că grupul va avea nevoie de aproximativ 150 GWh de capacitate a bateriei pe an până în 2025. Acest lucru este echivalent cu un volum de achiziții de aproximativ 50 miliarde EUR doar pentru a satisface cererea pentru modelele de volum bazate pe setul de instrumente electrice modulare. (MEB). Pe lângă securitatea aprovizionării și stabilitatea prețurilor, durabilitatea este un alt aspect cheie.
Pentru mai multe informatii :- Baterii Auto
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disgulfsouth · 4 years
Performed in Metaire, Marrero and Covington. Choose indepedent and save. Choose DIS: doctor trusted and patient preferred.
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chhatramani · 4 years
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Metair clinches multibillion-rand contracts as Ford expands in South Africa Metair clinches multibillion-rand contracts as Ford expands in South Africa Metair has secured multiple contracts from Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) as the local arm of the US vehicle maker prepares to launch new vehicles for the local and export markets.
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