#Mentmore Towers
estrogengerard · 1 year
obsessed with the american tiktok girlies posting this kind of life >>>> and this is what i work for with a bunch of aesthetic pictures of old british manour houses. girl i am sorry to break it to you but you are never going to be that kind of rich. unless you marry into it or are some old money type beat that shit just isn’t happening
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bella-rose29 · 5 months
I can't stop myself from fangirling every time I watch the traitors on bbc because it looks so much like Combe Carey hall and I keep expecting lockwood and co to pop up
sorry it's on while I'm searching for images
they aren't the same place but they're so similar I want to think they're the same
Combe Carey hall (Mentmore Towers, Buckinghamshire):
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and the Traitors castle (Adross castle, Scottish Highlands):
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I know they aren't the same but I keep thinking that they are and my little lockwood and co obsessed brain gets them muddled up
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ratty1994 · 1 year
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I've reuploaded an unfurnished Mentmore Towers, no major changes except the entrance hall will now behave as an interior cell and the floor won't frost over in the snow. Here are some images of the version I play with with my main save sim family!
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eepster22 · 1 year
Ok so I made this blog to talk about Lockwood and Co. even though I've never really posted anything before.
Anyways! I don't think anyone has pointed this out yet, but it looks like the real life building that's gonna be used for Combe Carey is called Mentmore Towers!
Here's it in the behind the scenes trailer:
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And here's some additional Google images pictures:
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juliehowlin · 9 months
Fawlty Towers
The famous scene where Basil gives his car a 'damn good thrashing' was filmed at the T-junction of Lapstone Gardens and Mentmore Close in Harrow (co-ordinates 51.5811°N 0.3091°W).
10 things you might not know about Fawlty Towers:
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attorneynahas · 2 years
The mummy movies
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These films focus on the mummy named Kharis. These were later followed up in the spoof Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955). Unlike Frankenstein and Dracula, and other Universal horror films, this film had no official sequels, but rather was semi-remade in The Mummy's Hand (1940) and its sequels: The Mummy's Tomb (1942), The Mummy's Ghost (1944), and The Mummy's Curse (1944). The sequence was cut from the film by Karl Freund due to time. The Saxon Warrior was originally part of a long flashback sequence showing all of Helen’s past lives from ancient Egypt to the present. Henry Victor is listed in the credits but never appears in the film. Zita Johann as Helen Grosvenor/Princess Ankh-es-en-Amon.Boris Karloff as Ardath Bey/Imhotep (billed as Karloff).Muller, Frank calls Helen back to the world of the living while the Scroll of Thoth continues to burn. This breaks the spell that had given Imhotep his immortality, causing him to age rapidly and then crumble to dust. The statue of Isis raises its arm and emits a beam of light that sets the Scroll of Thoth on fire. She is saved when she remembers her past life and prays to the goddess Isis to save her. Believing her to be Ankh-es-en-amon's reincarnation, he attempts to kill her, with the intention of mummifying her, resurrecting her, and making her his bride. Imhotep encounters Helen Grosvenor (Zita Johann), a woman bearing a striking resemblance to the Princess. The archaeologists find the tomb, give the mummy and the treasures to the Cairo Museum, and thank Ardath Bey for the information. He shows them where to dig to find Ankh-es-en-amon's tomb. He calls upon Sir Joseph's son Frank (David Manners) and Prof. Imhotep escapes from the archaeologists, taking the Scroll of Thoth, and prowls Cairo seeking the modern reincarnation of Ankh-es-en-amon.ġ0 years later, Imhotep is masquerading as a modern Egyptian named Ardath Bey. Despite Muller's warning, Sir Joseph's assistant Ralph Norton (Bramwell Fletcher) reads aloud an ancient life-giving scroll – the Scroll of Thoth. The usual scar made by the embalmers knife is not there." Sir Joseph Wimple responds, "I guessed as much." Muller then deduces that Imhotep was buried alive for sacrilege. Muller (Edward Van Sloan) inspects the mummy and exclaims "The viscera were not removed. Imhotep had been mummified alive for attempting to resurrect his forbidden lover, the princess Ankh-es-en-amon. 3.4 Reboot and shared cinematic universeĪn ancient Egyptian priest called Imhotep (Boris Karloff) is revived when an archaeological expedition in 1921, led by Sir Joseph Whemple (Arthur Byron), finds Imhotep's mummy.More recently, the Dockyard provided the ‘French’ streets for Les Misérables, ‘Pentonville Prison’ for Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes and the laundry for Suffragette.Īfter the ship goes down in flames, they come ashore at Frensham Ponds, another much-used location, on the A287 about five miles south of Farnham in Surrey. The port of ‘Giza’, where the party boards the Nile ship, is another large set, this time built at Chatham Historic Dockyard, Chatham, about 35 miles southeast of London, in Kent. It’s been empty for many years as various plans to turn it into a hotel have come to nothing, and not open to the public. Built in the 1850s for the Rothschild family, the house is seen also in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil, its exterior in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, and most famously as ‘Wayne Manor’ in Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins. While the exterior of the ‘Museum of Antiquities in Cairo’ is in Marrakech, its interior is that of Mentmore Towers in the village of Mentmore, Buckinghamshire. The locations are not all quite so exotic, though.
The same place became the villain's desert hideout in Bond movie Spectre. ‘Cairo’ of 1925 is Marrakech, and the lost city of ‘Hamunaptra’ was a vast set built at an old fort inside a dormant volcano crater about 12 miles southwest of Erfoud, in the southeast of the country. It’s set, naturally, in ‘Egypt’, but was filmed mainly in Morocco. The splurgy horror comedy revamp of the classic legend is a little too knee-deep in CGI effects, but went on to be enormously successful, spawning sequels and spin-offs. The Mummy location: the interior of the ‘Museum of Antiquities in Cairo’: Mentmore Towers, Mentmore, Buckinghamshire | Photograph: wikimedia / Swanker
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whitepolaris · 2 years
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illusionnews-blog · 6 years
5 Symbols in Eyes Wide Shut - Kubrick Exposes Illuminati!
5 Symbols in Eyes Wide Shut – Kubrick Exposes Illuminati!
Greetings YouTube and welcome to … The Rabbit Hole. Today we are digging into Stanley Kubrick’s final film … Eyes Wide Shut. The film is steeped in Illuminati symbolism and the rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper with each viewing. This video will contain spoilers and graphic content so consider yourself warned. Follow me down.
https://www.instagram.com/fiver_rabbit_hole/?hl=en https://www.patreon…
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chubachus · 7 years
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A group posing around a billiards table in a salon room of Mentmore House in Buckinghamshire, England, c. 1858. By Roger Fenton.
Source: J. Paul Getty Museum.
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experienced12 · 4 years
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philosibies · 3 years
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This building was used as Wayne Manor in Batman Begins, is is Mentmore Towers located in Buckinghamshire, England via /r/ArchitecturePorn https://www.reddit.com/r/ArchitecturePorn/comments/o3bhza/this_building_was_used_as_wayne_manor_in_batman/?utm_source=ifttt
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ratty1994 · 2 years
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Mentmore Towers
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amislouisxvi · 5 years
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These two beautiful large scale paintings by Francois Boucher were painted as pendants, meant to be together. They are now displayed in different museums. "The Fishermen" on the left is in the Kunsthalle in Hamburg, Germany, "Lovers in a Park" on the right is in The Timken Museum in San Diego. Until the early 1960's they were together in Mentmore Towers, a private mansion in England built by a member of the Rothschild family.
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mitchell-allen · 2 years
Mentmore: Men arrested after burglary at 'Batman mansion'
Thames Valley Police say nothing was taken from Mentmore Towers in Buckinghamshire. Read More
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highiku · 2 years
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Doors wide shut Feeling like in a cage you cannot escape, even though the doors ain't closed. • • • • ° ° #the #diary #of #a #TheDiaryOfA #HighIku #haiku #poetry #denmark #fidelio (at Mentmore Towers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaAJXfAMvBe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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karlacierra · 4 years
El estilo victoriano surgió en el siglo XIX para ser más específicos en 1837 en el país de Inglaterra por la reina victoria y terminó en 1901; durante su reinado ocurrieron diversas situaciones en todo los ámbitos como por ejemplo en el lado político se tuvo la guerra de crimea y la pacificación de India, en el área social surgieron innovaciones en la arquitectura optando por decoraciones más eclécticas y también en el transporte.
se distinguen 3 etapas importantes en este estilo las cuales fueron victorianismo temprano, victorianismo medio y victorianismo tardío
Victorianismo Temprano: duro de 1837-1851. El ascenso al trono de la reina Victoria contempla la fase de asentamiento de la sociedad nacida tras la revolución industrial.
Victorianismo Medio: duro 1851-1873. La Gran Exposición celebrada en el Crystal Palace de Londres se considera el inicio de un largo periodo de estabilidad interna propiciado por la hegemonía que obtuvo el Reino Unido al ser el primer estado que culminó con éxito el proceso industrializador característico de este siglo en Occidente. 
Victorianismo tardío: duro 1873-1901. Carecían del derecho al sufragio y  ganaron el derecho a la propiedad después del matrimonio a través del Acta de Propiedad de las Mujeres Casadas, el derecho a divorciarse y el derecho a pelear por la custodia de sus hijos tras separarse de sus maridos.
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Para la clase media británica, la época era de prosperidad, el hombre se sentía satisfecho de sus logros y usaba su casa para exhibir su riqueza conseguida con su trabajo y esfuerzo. La sociedad era muy puritana y la familia ocupaba el primer lugar en la vida victoriana, el hogar era el centro de reunión social, familiar y de bienestar.
para ello les contare un poco de su arquitectura, aunque en general su estilo fue más de decoración
Una de sus características principales fue tomar diseños  de la arquitectura gótica inglesa y otras arquitecturas usadas en su tiempo por ende fue un revival de la época, sus máximos exponentes son Joseph Paxton, Mentmore Towers, Augustus Pugin y Alexander Thomson.
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colonia de boston en el distrito de South End.
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Ventanas Saledizas: Las ventanas grandes, a veces cubiertas con paneles de vidrios de colores, son una característica común en las casas de estilo victoriano.
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características arquitectónicas
en los espacios destacaban, donde recibían a las personas ya que era la primera impresión que ellos querían dar a entender.
se incorporó el acero gracias a la industrialización del momento.
Materiales: La mayoría de las casas eran hechas de madera de caoba y algunas tenían detalles en piedra.
Tiende hacia las estructuras llamativas y opulentas.
Símbolo de prosperidad y Asimetría.
Techos empinados con características compartidas por todos los lados.
Tenían patrones tejas de colores como en el segundo Imperio.
Crestería de hierro.
Tienen formas rectangulares como en el estilo renacentista.
Poseen marcos exteriores de madera y pintura que semejaba a la piedra.
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El eclecticismo se ve en la decoraciones de la casa victoriana, era un método que consistía en reunir lo mejor de la doctrina de varios estilos en el amueblamiento del hogar como las alfombras, paredes y cortinas. 
Predominaban la gran variedad de pequeños detalles decorativos (figuras, lámparas, adornos, etc.,) eran ambientes íntimos y acogedores. 
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Las mesas de comedor eran rectangulares con los ángulos cuadrados, con una construcción sólida y patas torneadas.
las sillas eran de estilo gótico o isabelinas, pero con una peculiaridad el respaldo abombado y las patas rectas. 
materiales: madera de nogal , caoba , ébano, palisandro o roble.
Papel Tapiz: Eran muy populares los diseños florales o de pájaros y animales.
Eran piezas lujosas y limitadas.
Iluminación: Uso de múltiples lámparas, especialmente las de estilo «Tiffany»
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El Wellington chest: es un mueble que tiene de 6 a 12 cajones
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La mesa pañuelo: Se caracteriza por tener un tablero cuadrado grande, cuyas cuatro esquinas, son triángulos montados con bisagras, que se pueden recoger al centro como su fueran las esquinas de un pañuelo, con lo que queda el tablero de menor tamaño. La imagen de la derecha abajo muestra una de estas mesas.
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canapé:  Un canapé es un mueble de tipo sofá pero dotado de mucha elegancia. Construido con maderas contorneadas tanto en los marcos de los asientos y respaldos, así como en los apoya brazos y las patas.
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Confidente: El confidente o conversador como mueble definido e independiente, es una creación francesa del siglo XIX en el estilo segundo imperio. Nace de la combinación de dos sillones o sillas de respaldo bajo de manera opuesta, formando como una S.
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les dejare un video para que vean cómo utilizaban todas las decoraciones para formar un interior 
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