#Maybe Mae
dram-tasty · 2 years
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It's not a night out without Maybe Mae in the mix.
Honestly, it doesn't matter how long it's been or who is on staff, this place is absolute perfection from the playlists to the atmosphere.
The cocktails are some of the best you'll ever taste and the mixologists can do absolutely everything under the sun.
Bill Murray is the starter drink of champions. Can't recommend highly enough. Don't worry, even if you're not a whisky drinker it's still perfect. Seriously! Just try it.
They really shine on a traditional Gimlet too. Honestly, it's the best in Adelaide. I've tried a lot of Gimlets. None come close to these. Warning, they're tart and refreshing. Not for a sweet tooth drinker. I'm sure one will make an appearance tonight. It's inevitable.
Happy responsible drinking.
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violeteclipseboaty · 24 days
Did anyone find it hilarious that raka basically 'adopted' or 'kept' Mae because of Caesar?
He was like "Caesar cared for humans, welp I guess I will care for this one" 💀💀🤣🤣
Also, when Noa kept looking at him weird for really taking into heart Caesars morals? Hilarious duo, poor Noa didn't know the IMPACT Caesar had 🤣
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ivyodessa · 2 days
so I watched the new planet of the apes
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cursedvida · 6 days
OMG! That picture! Freya and Owen look so intense together, just imagine if it had been with Noa's image!
By the looks of it, it is when they are saying goodbye to each other. Who do you think hugged first? At first, I thought Noa would initiate the hug, but also, it could have been Mae after receiving the necklace, and in an emotional moment, she embraces him?! Then they look into each other's eyes only for Mae to realize what is going on and then walks abruptly away, and Noa is just left more confused than ever.
It's hard to know what was happening because both Wes and Freya mentioned that they filmed an ending where Mae actually pointed the gun at Noa but then couldn't do anything. If this scene of them half-hugging happened there, how did they get to that moment? Or maybe it's another ending that was filmed and never shown? The only thing I can think of is that in that emotionally charged ending where she tried to shoot him but then had a breakdown realizing she couldn't, maybe it ended with her having a sort of catharsis by hugging him. That's the only plausible explanation to me because apes don't hug like that, that display of affection is human, so it fits better with the context. But who knows, I NEED TO KNOW, I NEED THOSE EXTRA SCENES THAT WEREN'T IN THE MOVIE, IT'S A NECESSITY.
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saturngalore · 6 months
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the roaring twenties 🎺
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silusvesuius · 26 days
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drew my 🐐s in a frenzy
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I'd like to think that even though the doodler is no longer a threat, D.A.D.D.I.E.S is still up and running (hiring, even), but now its focus is to repair some of the damage done by the doodler and help those most affected in this post-apocalyptic world. Is this partially so that I can imagine kiddad office shenanigans? Yes. But I also just find the concept pleasant on its own. Perhaps when they're older some of the teens even rejoin the organization, 😌 but *only* when they're older (I need the teens to be dumb teenagers who do normal teenager things *please*). Also Glenn is there (he needed a job) and fixed the elevator (made it worse).
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carrotkicks · 8 months
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regular encounters in possum springs
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courfeyrec · 1 month
i keep coming back to 'i was a functioning alcoholic til nobody noticed my new aesthetic' because i do distinctly remember conversations about how taylor seemed to be drinking a lot more and getting drunk at like every awards show she went to. and those conversations were coming from a place of concern and of hoping that she was alright and that this wasn't a problem.
so to then say 'ugh i can't believe no one noticed this problem i had' when i know that people definitely did, and on the same album say that fans who are genuinely concerned about a new relationship that you are in are just 'bitching and moaning'? what do you want from them? you're talking about so many people who do at least believe that they are coming from a place of care and concern, and you are totally dismissing them on both ends of a scale!
not to mention that her implying that since nobody (???) was noticing her ~aesthetic~ drinking problem she just stopped having it is a bit of a kick in the teeth to people who do have drinking problems and can't just stop having them, since that's not how it fucking works.
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douxmae · 2 months
Guys in S4 Nezha gets beat within like an inch of his life and presumably one of MK’s team helped patch him up after, but who looks out for Nezha up in heaven? MK has a whole village essentially looking out for him, but when the monkie squad can’t be up there, who makes sure Nezha is okay?? :’(((((
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metamatronic · 1 year
God I wonder how the Elric's are gonna feel about Hughes being back and. Shit. Who's gonna tell his wife!? It's been two years! He has so many photos to catch up on...
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roy “hughes retired to his farm up north” mustang did not, in fact, alert the elrics before the fake news story went public.
bonus doodles below:
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also i’m trying not to get emotional over the fact that while missing 2-3 years of most relationships is negligible in the grand scheme of things, 2-3 years away from raising a toddler is huge. Fortunately (?) for Maes, he got back before Elicia could really understand the concept of death, but he still probably missed a lot of milestones. :,(
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bbdoll · 6 months
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Returning to our regular schedule program.
After LuElla & Payton (name change) went on their Christmas shopping excursion on Dec. 3rd, Lola Mae LaBelle was conceived after one night of a curious creator deciding to install wWhims before buying the For Rent pack. Loved very much by the curious creator, family and close relatives, no one had the will to delete in CAS or reboot without saving so Lola Mae arrived Dec. 7th, stole the entire show and took over that very save.
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nighttimepatrons · 2 months
Not Without Maedhros
Thinking about a Fingon fic set in Mandos where Fingon is ready for reembodiment but won't leave the halls without Maedhros. Never mind the fact that he hasn't actually seen Maedhros's spirit yet...
The only way he can tell the passage of time is the influx of spirits into the Halls, the halls get larger to accommodate them all. Surely Maedhros is around here somewhere.
It's about Fingon being asked if he's consider Life again and he says he has, but he'd like to wait for Maedhros first. He does not want to leave without Maedhros.
More spirits enter and he waits.
When asked again he is indeed ready for Life but it is disturbing to him that it as taken this long for Maedhros to find him. So he reaffirms that he is waiting, he will not leave without Maedhros.
Spirits come and some start to leave.
The asking stops, and in its place he is told: "it is to leave these halls", "you have lingered long enough", "you can feel the yearning for Life in you, go on, it's time to go". He always says the same: Not without Maedhros, not withouth Maedhros, not without Maedhros.
It seems impossible, but the population of the Halls actually seems to decrease.
And yet he waits. He waits until all of his family has walked out of those great, beckoning doors. He waits as his fellow spirits dwindle around him.
He waits, until he is alone in the vast, silent halls.
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sakasakiii · 1 year
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ohhHHHh brother,,, is this another sketch dump after an undisclosed number of weeks of absence and online inactivity? yessir it sure is but i sure hope it won't stay that way 🤞 apologies again for disappearing, but im on break for the next couple of months for the summer so i have a lot planned and im hoping to catch up with... everything!
i put a little status update under the cut but feel free to skip that cuz its just me explaining some things ive had on my mind hoho 😙😙 happy 1st of june everyone!!!
a lot of things have been happening irl that im still getting used to, but thank you for always being very patient 🙇‍♀️ i apologise for disappearing again after i promised id start being more active again in... januARY??? man oh man the year is passing by tooooo fast holy smokes
i havent had much time to be on social media since then, but ive gotten some email notifs from ppl sending in such kind messages via inbox, and its really made me go AUGHHHHH in the midst of whatever im doing cuz it means the world to me 🥺❤️ if youre someone who's sent in something over the past year since i started hiatus in march 2023, IM REALLY SORRY AGAIN 😭😭 i always try to keep up with my policy of one-art-piece-per-ask, but because of that sometimes i just procrastinate a lot or get stuck on finding relevant things to draw as thanks. ive been brainstorming some ideas, though, and its my goal to get through a hefty sum of em before things get real busy again in a few months 😤
im really sorry again for being so inconsistent this past year, but im gonna do my best! i hope everyone on here's been doing good and im raring to see everything new with silm tumblr ❤️❤️ also if anyone has any recs for any new content pls feed me for i am starvedddd
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cursedvida · 14 days
I feel like if Noa was literally anything more "human" like idk, even a werewolf, there would be absolutely no question that his love interest is Mae. The setup, the tension, the complexity, Wes Ball himself saying they are the center of this story...come on.
It seems perfectly plausible to me that Wes Ball wants something to happen between them but the money men in suits told him, ‘don’t even think about it,’ so in that situation he might have said, ‘well, maybe I can’t make it explicit, but I don’t need to for it to get into people’s heads lol.’
Anyway, beyond what Ball said, the story is clearly set up so that the main conflict rests on their relationship and how it will develop through the events to come. This isn’t Caesar having a human companion per movie; Mae is designed to be present throughout the entire saga and to be its deuteragonist. I think that makes it pretty clear what the intentions are, regardless of how far Hollywood allows them to go.
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hold-on-to-anything · 11 months
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Bea enjoyers, come get your fill
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