#Mav being Rooster's father figure
whohasthecards · 5 months
Bradley, Bob, & Jake as Brothers
Just imagining the dynamic if these three because of the Dagger Squad and Mav and Ice began started to bond.
Bradley: An only child who was suddenly given 2 baby brothers.
Goose and Carol's only son, became a Mama's boy
After Goose died, the class of '86 helped chip in to raise him, meaning before they settled in with their own families he got the attention of so many uncles.
Mav of course took the most active role, basically being the father-figure to Bradley after Goose died. Bradley sees him more as a dad than Goose, that's why it hurt so much when Mav pulled his papers.
Then suddenly, the mission happened, they turn into a permanent squadron, and wow is Mav bringing Jake and Bob around more and more.
Hmmm, so Bob's former squadron giving him some trouble? No they're not.
Goddammit, Jake, give that back, right now!
Bradley: Hangman's the worst, selfish prick (Jake ate his leftovers). Some guy: Yeah, the guy's a fucking selfish assho- Bradley: What the fuck did you just say?
Bob: The youngest child given an older brother that actually pays attention to him and a younger brother that he needs to protect.
Big age difference between him and his siblings, he's the baby, was born when his siblings were already teenagers and young adults, focused on their own lives than him.
He was spoiled and loved by his family though, but they couldn't give him a lot of time and attention. His siblings were building their own lives, his parents were getting older, and he was an "easy kid". Bob was quiet, easy to please, easy to ignore.
When he said he wanted to join the Navy, his family was not supportive and doubted his ability. Deeply hurt him.
Then Bradley came, who would actually listen to him. Ruffle his hair and offer to hang out with him. They would play instruments together and stuff. Who defended him against his former squadron when they were making fun of him.
Then there was Jake who loved poking fun at him, but never in a mean way. Who would forget to eat when he was busy or having fun, making him have to shove fruit snacks in his mouth. Who would simultaneously teach and make fun of him when playing pool.
Bob: Come on, Rooster, not the hair (Bob rolled his eyes as Bradley ruffled his hair) Bradley: Awww, you're taking after Jakey, caring about your hair so much. Bob: Well, we actually want to look presentable (scrunches his nose at Bradley's Hawaiian shirt) Bradley: How rude.
Jake: The forcibly responsible, yet ignored middle-child, being given 2 older brothers who are protective of him, and finally gives him the chance to be free.
Jake is the middle child, have two older siblings and one younger sibling. His parents were neglectful, did not care enough.
He and his siblings used to be tight, but due to circumstances falls apart.
His older brother is a Navy SEAL, but suffers from PTSD, when he's on leave, he gets into trouble and drinks too much. He has to bail his brother out a couple of times.
His older sister began to be distant, he doesn't know where she is, she sends money and calls every now and then, but she started a new life. Whenever Jake asks for help, she refuses, claiming that Jake is strong and smart enough, that he can do it. (Jake simultaneously can't blame her and is resentful of her)
His younger sister needs financial support since she's just a teenager, she's in college right now and Jake is extremely proud of her. Just lonely as well. She's doing well for herself, Jake wants to protect her innocence. He acts more like her dad than their dad ever was.
Jake always has to be the rock, steady and strong. He's just tired.
He's a twenty-something, and he wants to be a twenty-something, careless and free. Fuck up and have fun every once in a while.
Then Bradley and Bob comes in.
He can't help but allow himself to play around with them, mess with them, tease them. They make him let his guard down, it's fun being around them, he's not responsible of them outside of being their teammate.
And they actually pay attention to him, and dote over him. He grumbles about them being overprotective or being too much of a mother hen, but he's sad whenever they hesitate to ruffle his hair, wondering if they were overstepping.
Maybe one day, he'll tell them about his family.
Jake (sinks 8-ball in): HAH! I won this game Bobert, pay up Bob (rolls his eyes as he pushes the cup of peanuts towards Jake): Eat up, you mean. Bradley (Ruffles Jake's hair): You gotta let him win once in a while. Jake (pouts): But how will he learn? And plus, how else would I be able to get some peanuts?
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peacefxlmyko · 3 months
Family business
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x mom!Reader, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw x wife!Reader, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x platonic!Reader
Ask: "I had an idea for Top Gun, the reader was “Goose”'s wife and Bradley's mother, she is in the Navy and trains the squadron for the mission with Maverick. When Maverick and his son's plane are about to be shot down instead of Jake saving them, she is the one who saves them. Cute ending if possible" by @motherofdragons1998
Tags: Fluff, Angst, obviously Top Gun Maverick spoilers, hints to Hangster 👀, Reader is a widow, Use of Y/N, Reader's callsign is Shadow
Notes: I am SO nervous to post this omfg. This is the first thing I ever wrote based off an ask and I hope I did everything right with it lmao. This is also the longest piece I have ever written. I am not 100% happy with it, but I did my best and I hope ya'll like it! Apologies for any Grammar or in general writing mistakes, English isn't my first language. I am also open for more requests/asks!
Words: 2500+
Story under the cut! ✂️
Getting the call to return to Top Gun after years definitely wasn't something you expected. And finding out that you had to train the best pilots in the world for a suicide mission didn't make your anxiety any better.
After you arrived at the Academy, you were met with Beau “Cyclone” Simpson and Solomon “Warlock” Bates and they introduced you to the Mission.
“Captain Y/N “Shadow” Bradshaw." Cyclone began. “I'm Admiral Beau Simpson and this is Admiral Solomon Bates.”
“Pleasure to meet you, sir.” You replied.
“I hope it's no problem we will be introducing you to the Mission without the other instructor.”
“Other.. instructor, sir?”, your eyes narrowed a little in confusion.
"Yes, you will be teaching the class with another instructor.” Your curiosity was sparked, but you didn't get to ask anything else as they started explaining the Mission.
“The target is an unsanctioned uranium enrichment plant built in violation of a multilateral NATO treaty. The uranium produced there represents a direct threat to our allies in the region.” Warlock started to explain.
After the explanation it as your turn to explain your view on the mission. Then, they revealed who the pilots tasked with the mission were. “We've recalled 12 TOPGUN graduates from their squadrons. We want you to narrow-”
As soon as you turned to the monitor your heart skipped a beat and your breath caught in your throat. Bradley.
“Is there a problem, Captain?”
“I just.. didn't expect to see my son there, sir.” You muttered, still a bit in disbelief.
“Bradley Bradshaw, aka Rooster. I understand his father was also a pilot? What was his callsign again?”
Ouch. “It was Goose, sir.”
“Tragic what happened.”
Daggers. With every word daggers were being stabbed in your heart. Not one day went by without you missing Nick. Your husband. The father of your son. The love of your life.
After the briefing, you headed to a nearby bar to try and gather your thoughts. As you walked into the bar, you suddenly saw a familiar figure sitting there. No, two. Two familiar faces.
The man turned around with a stunned look on his face.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You walked closer to him, a smile forming on my face.
“I could ask you the same.”
“He pissed off another admiral.” Penny commented and you cracked a smile. “It's nice to see you again, Penny” You smiled and sat down next to Pete.
“Don't tell me you're going to-”
“Teach a mission here?” You completed his sentence.
“So you are the other instructor! They wouldn't even tell me!” Mav chuckled at your complaint and shook his head a little.
You heard some noises at the other side of the bar and glanced over at the pool tables. There were pilots gathered and you recognised them as the graduates that had been recalled for the mission.
A few more people joined the bar. It didn't even take you two seconds to recognise your son. Hawaii shirt, sunglasses on his nose, that damn mustache like Nick had. Bradley was the spitting image of his father. You also heard someone call out “Bradshaw! Is that you?”
You didn't want to admit it, but sometimes it hurt a little. The way Nick would have been so proud of him hurt. And knowing that you were the reason his papers were held back because you didn't want him to have the same fate as Goose.
As soon as Pete recognised Bradley he quickly turned away, as if to hide from him. “Mav, you don't have to hi-”
“I cost him years of his career.”
“I know, but that was because I wanted it that way. You did it for me, because of Goose. Don't you think it's time he finds out it was me?”
“No, god no. It'll be fine, just.. let it be.”
You sighed and turned back to your drink, taking a few sips.
“How about ringing me up before the evening rush?” Maverick suddenly said to Penny and stood up. You glanced over at Bradley, watching him with his fellow aviators. Hasn't even noticed his own mother yet. You chuckled a little to yourself.
“It's been declined.”
You snapped out of your thoughts when Penny said that to Pete and laid his credit card on the table in front of him. You curiously watched and tried to hide your amused grin.
“You're kidding.”
Soon enough, Pete was getting carried out by three pilots and you watched, not even hiding your amusement.
Then, you heard a few tones coming from the piano and your heart dropped.
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain. Too much love drives a man insane.”
Rooster was playing and singing “Great balls of fire”. The same song Nick loved performing, a little out of key but it was still always the most perfect thing to you. You stared at him in disbelief, his back turned to you. Other pilots were standing next to him, singing along. The whole Bar was watching him. Your little boy.
After he was finished you watched him perform a little funny dance as the bar kept chanting “Rooster! Rooster!”. God, when did he grow up so much?
You stood up and slowly made your way towards him.
“I assumed you would at least let your Mother know when you're on a new Mission?”
You could see the way his heart dropped and he looked like a toddler being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Mom?” He slowly turned around to you, you had an amused grin on your face.
“This is how I find out you're back at TOPGUN?” You grinned. You could hear his friends letting out laughs and a few comments in the background. “I- uh—”
“Oh, shut up and give your mother a hug.”
The next day, all the pilots sat together in a hanger, ready to be taught about the mission. Admiral Bates was standing in front of them all, ready to explain.
“Your instructors are TOPGUN graduates with real world experience in every mission aspect you'll be expected to master and they are considered some of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, callsign Maverick and Captain Y/N Bradshaw, callsign Shadow.”
Maverick and you walked in together, walking up to the lectern where Warlock stood at first. The pilots turned to look at you both and you could see their faces drop as some of them realized they kicked out their instructor last night.
You shot Bradley a quick small smile, meanwhile he gave Maverick a look that could kill.
You both started to talk to the class, Mav doing the most talking. After some briefing, you all got your Jets ready and then took off into the sky for some training and to show what they are able to do.
The next few days were spent preparing and training, trying to get them ready.
But once during some briefing in a classroom, a fight broke out. Hangman had made a comment about Goose and it set Rooster off, almost going for his throat but you all managed to keep them apart. Maverick dismissed them all for the day.
Bradley went back to the base to calm down, Maverick went to meet Iceman and you.. Well, you drove to the Hard Deck and sat down at the Beach there. The whole time you were lost in thoughts. Was he ready for this? Was I ready for this? Was anybody ready for this mission?
“Oh Nick..” You started to tear up. “I don't want to send Bradley out there. He's not ready. No one is! I-I can't risk losing him too! I.. I just can't lose my son too… He's my little boy.. Our little boy.. When did he grow up so much…? I need you here.. god.. I wish you were here..”
Even though he wasn't here anymore, you knew Goose was still watching over you and listening whenever he could.
It felt like the time until the mission flew by. It almost felt like a blur, as if it wasn't real. And burying one of your life-long friends made it even worse. Iceman could finally rest, but it was still incredibly painful. Seeing Maverick grief him made it even worse.
But in a blink of an eye, you were all on a ship in the middle of the Ocean, about to choose which Daggers would fly. You were going to stay back as Backup and Mav was going to fly with them.
You knew he was going to choose him as his wingman, but you secretly begged it wasn't true. You wished it would be Hangman, but it was going to be your son.
“Choose your two Foxtrot teams.” Cyclone said.
“Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob.” You both had decided these teams together, but the Wingman was Mav's own choice.
“And your Wingman?”
After a moment of anticipation, he finally said…
There it was. Your son was flying the suicide mission. And all you could do was listen through the comms and pray.
Everyone went on Deck and walked to their Jets. As you stood by your Jet, you looked over at Rooster and noticed him talking to Hangman. You had noticed throughout the whole preparation there seemed to be some tension and.. closeness between them. There was at least something.
You turned back to your Jet, climbing inside in case they needed Backup during the mission.
As the mission began and the teams flew away, your heart was pounding. With every minute you felt your anxiety increasing, scared for the safety of your son and also your friend.
You listened closely through the comms, listening to everything…..
“Bull's-eye! Bull's-eye! Bull's-eye!"
Yes! God, yes! They did it!
But now it was time to get back alive…
The rest of the mission was a pure air fight, raw dogfighting. They just needed to make it out alive. Please.
But to your worst fear the enemy planes were focused on Rooster.
“Dagger Two defending. Shit, I'm out of flares!”
“Rooster, evade, evade!” You heard his uncle shout.
“I can't shake ‘em! They're on me! They're on me!”
You didn't know what was happening., you weren't there. You didn't see it. All You could do was listen. Listen and wait. It felt awful not being able to do anything.
There was a moment of silence, only the heavy breathing from the pilots.
“Mav! No!”
“Dagger One is hit! I repeat, Dagger One is hit! Maverick is down!”
Your breath caught in your throat. Mav was hit.
“Dagger One, Status. Status! Anyone see him? Did anyone see him?! Dagger One, come in!” You heard the panic in Rooster's voice.
“I didn't see a parachute.”
“We have to circle back!”
You felt your heart pumping, this was all so much. You knew this was a difficult mission, hell, a suicide mission but you still hoped this wouldn't happen!
“All Daggers flow to ECP. You have bandits headed for you.”
“What about Maverick?!” There was a strain in Bradley's voice.
“Dagger Square request permission to launch and fly air cover.” You suddenly spoke up. You had to help. You needed to help.
“Negative, spare.”
“Dagger, you are not to engage. Repeat, do not engage.”
“Dagger Two, return to carrier. Acknowledge.”
Bradley, please. Come home safe.
You also wanted to save Maverick, but not with Bandits in the air.
The silence was killing you.
“Rooster, those bandits are closing. We can't go back.” You heard Phoenix say. “Rooster, he's gone.”
It hurt, but Bob was probably right. He was gone. He was with Goose. “Maverick's gone.”
Maverick had sacrificed himself for Rooster. Your best friend had sacrificed himself for your son….
Your heart began to pound as you realized Bradley was flying back. He wanted to save Mav. You wanted to scream at him to get his ass back to the ship, but you couldn't. He wouldn't even listen.
The not knowing was killing you. Not being able to do anything. Being stuck on the ship while your son was out there fighting for his life.
After minutes that felt like hours you heard the words you only wished to hear in your darkest nightmares.
“Dagger Two is hit.”
Rooster was hit.
You could barely hold it together anymore. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, but you had to hold it in.
“Dagger Two, come in. Dagger Two, do you copy? Dagger Two, come in.”
You were horrified. You might have just lost your only child and your best friend. Now you were alone.
One Minute turned into two. Two into five. Five into ten. Nothing. No reply, no sign of life.
You had no idea what the hell was going on in the tower, they weren't talking to you. Not one word. Was there a trace of the two? Were they still alive? You didn't know and it was one of the worst things you've ever felt.
After what felt like an eternity, you were finally given permission to launch and fly to their rescue after they had detected Rooster's ESAT.
Soon you saw them, they were involved in an air fight and obviously losing. You managed to bring your jet behind the enemy's plane without bringing any attention to yourself. That was the way you got your callsign. You were a Shadow, you could easily follow any planes without being noticed.
Just as they were about to shoot down Maverick and Rooster, you fired a shot and hit the bandit. The bandit was down and they were save. They were finally save and back with you.
You flew right through the smoke towards the F-14, you had never been happier to see a jet.
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your savior speaking.”
There was a grin on your face, you had never been so glad.
“Hey, mom, you look good.”
“I am good, Bradley. I'm very good.”
“I'll see you back on Deck.” You flew back and were the first to land. You got out of the Jet and watched everybody put up a net to catch the F-14.
Once they were back on deck you didn't hesitate one second to run towards them. “Bradley!” You shouted.
Everybody came running towards them, cheering and congratulating them.
Maverick got out and first went to Hondo, while Bradley came running towards you.
“Oh, my boy, I thought I lost you. I thought you were gone.” You sobbed and took him into your arms.
“You're not getting rid of me easily, Mom.” He laughed and hugged you tightly, not letting you go for a while. “You're a hero, Bradley. I'm so so proud of you. Your- your dad would be so proud, god-” You teared up.
“I know Mom, I know.”
You parted from him so he could celebrate with the others. The other Daggers immediately came to him.
Once again you could swear there were looks between Jake and Rooster, but you didn't mention anything.
“Captain Mitchell! Captain Mitchell!” You then saw Bradley approach Pete. Without hesitating, Maverick pulled him into a hug. A hug that meant the World.
“Thank you for saving my life.”
“It's what my dad would've done.”
Days after the mission the whole Dagger Squad was sitting in the Hard Deck together, having drinks and cracking jokes. Bradley, of course, sat down at the piano and sang once again. The whole Bar chimed in and sang “Great balls of fire” with him.
“Oh! You're fine, so kindGot to tell this world that you're mine, mine, mine, mine!”
You could have sworn he took a glance towards Jake during that line.
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bo0tleg · 8 days
Maverick and Rooster aren't going to be able to immediately fall back to what they were. They care for each other deeply, and saved each others life on the mission, but this sort of shit needs time. One conversation isn't going to cut it with those two.
Look: I like the idea of them falling back into what they were before just as much as the next person, but that's.... not what realistically would happen. And that's ok! It makes sense for them not to know what to do with each other at the start.
For the record: I'm also not blaming anyone for writing fics about them immediately going back to the father-son or uncle-nephew dynamic because, because come on. It's cute as HECK! I'd just like to think about how to explore their feelings and hang-ups about each other in dept!
They're both stubborn fucks and this has been simmering for far too long for anything to be resolved instantly with a single conversation. Bradley un-learned how to talk honestly to people the day he left, and Mav's scared about what honesty can bring. They've sat on this pot for so long they no longer feel it burning their asses, and forgot what they put in the damn thing in the first place, so they stay there. On top of it. Still burning their asses.
Bradley holds onto grudges like it's a lifeline, and one mission isn't going to change that. He listened to Mav in the canyon because he rescinded what he had said with his actions. Mav said that he 'wasn't ready' but then chose Rooster as his wingman, communicating that he is ready and that he trusts him with his life. But that was a life or death situation that Rooster was both present in and could interfere in if he so chose. He saved Mav because he didn't want him to die, and they seem more inclined to deal with it back on the boat, but it's still a long road ahead.
What happened was they rekindled their care for each other, because neither had ever truly given up on it in the first place. Mav never stopped caring and knew it, Bradley did the same without knowing. This just so happens to be the first time they're forced to deal with each other since the fallout.
Just because they care about each other doesn't erase the history that's separated them for all of this time. In fact, it probably makes it worse.
Bradley thought highly of Mav, and he didn't live up to it. Mav wanted the best for Bradley, and did what he thought would be best. Their problems came from the root of care. And it's more bittersweet because of it.
Because of it, resentment and guilt have settled over their shoulders, respectively, and it refused to go away.
They talk, and they try, but it's still not great.
Mav is inclined to just sweep it all under a rug and ignore the lump it forms on the floor. Because of his guilt, he takes all of the blame and sugarcoats Bradley's part in said blame to try and make up for it. Bradley is just as fault as Mav is, but Mav doesn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth.
So instead of fixing things, they look slightly less crooked, but not entirely right. It's a 'their problem' not 'his problem'. They're both at fault, and they both need to deal with it.
Maverick refuses to give up any of the blame, and Bradley is going to refuse to take any of it.
Sure, Mav fucked up, but Bradley blew it out of proportions. Storming off and refusing to talk is a normal response, but not for fifteen years. He barely let Mav explain himself.
Everything "wrong" about himself he blames on Mav. He thinks that Mav fucked him up by breaking his trust as his father figure, so he doesn't trust anybody anymore. He thinks that him being completely emotionally stunted and sensitive to critique is Mav's fault because of the 'your not ready' comment.
Thing is, it's his own fault. It's his fault that he's been fucked up for so long because he never tried to fix what was broken. It's not Bradley's fault that Mav pulled his papers, but he threw away everything, everyone he had before because of a single (justifiable!) mistake. And he doesn't recognize it for what it is, and refuses the blame. Carting it all off to Mav instead of dealing with his own shortcomings.
Mav is aware of this (that Rooster refuses to take the blame), but agreed with Rooster in his analysis of the situation, and takes it all on himself, which is not a healthy mechanism for either of them. It pats Rooster on the head for somewhere he fucked up on, and overloads Mav with guilt that shouldn't be that intense and deep.
But they don't know this. So Mav isn't angry at Rooster, because he's blindsighted by his care.
Thing is, I want someone to be angry. I want someone to be offended on Mav's behalf because he himself won't do it. I don't know who it would be, could be a good number of people, maybe even a child OC.
For fifteen years Bradley left without looking back. He left, and Mav suffered. Someone saw that. Someone was there with him all or most of those years, sitting right beside him as his guilt grew with every holiday that went by, with every letter or call left unanswered.
The obvious option is Ice. However, I want to pull away from that option, because if Ice is dead (stay with me now) it only creates more conflict, more nuance to what's going on.
Bradley cut Mav out of his life, and it's implied that he cut out any association with him too. That includes Ice.
What if he never spoke to Ice either for those fifteen years? Ice died. Bradley went to his funeral. Bradley went to his funeral as a fellow aviator, as an underling obeying orders.
Bradley's face in that funeral was blank.
That is the face of a man watching the burial of someone he once could potentially have considered a father figure that he hadn't spoken with for fifteen years. And he's never going to be able to speak to him again.
At that funeral, I don't think he regretted it. Sad, maybe, but no regret.
The regret only hit later.
He got to mend things with Mav after the Uranium Mission and beyond, but that is no longer possible with Ice.
Bradley regretted what he did, how he neglected them for years, but he regretted it too late for one of them.
I think Brad probably ended up at Ice's grave at some point, and owned up to everything he didn't– couldn't– own up to at the funeral. And he fucking sobbed. Begged. Apologized, over and over.
This is the reason I suggested maybe a child OC, because if the child is Icemav's or just Ice's, Bradley's gonna have a warped perception of them. (Note: When I say "child" I mean that it was their child as in gender neutral for son/daughter, it doesn't necessarily mean the person in question should be an actual kid.)
Bradley's gonna see that kid as penance.
And they're gonna fucking hate him for it.
Bradley is going to look at them and see Ice, and they're gonna hate him for it. Their father is dead, and for the last fifteen years of his life he'd never been truly happy because this prick never bothered to own up to his mistakes. Not even at the funeral Bradley owned up to his shortcomings, and now all of a sudden he waltzes right back like he never left? What the fuck!
Bradley could have done this, idk like a week sooner? But he only came to his senses after Ice died. Their father died and Bradley barely looked like he cared is what they're going to think. But all of a sudden, he goes on a suicide mission and almost died and he's suddenly back? Because when his own life is in danger he changes his mind, but when Ice died he couldn't care less? What the fuck!
That man went to that funeral as a subordinate, not as the son he was.
The kid doesn't have the tinted lenses Mav has on about Bradley. All the resentment Mav doesn't feel, this kid is going to feel for him.
Bradley is going to understand their resentment because of Ice, and is going to focus on fixing that part with them, without noticing that the resentment isn't just because of Ice, it's about Mav too.
The kid is going to be pissed because they are not Ice. Bradley is going to be too worried about making it up to a dead man through his child that he's going to neglect the very much still alive man he ALSO has to make amends with.
But Ice didn't have a direct hand in pulling his papers, so Bradley understands his mistake with him (he shouldn't have cut him out over someone else's mistake). Mav, however, did have a direct hand and he's still bitter about it. And the kid sees it. They see him doing exactly that.
Bradley is focusing on the wrong thing, because he's trying to redeem himself in an impossible way, trying to answer to someone who no longer demands it.
He goes after it because the silence is a more comfortable answer than the conflict he's bound to face from someone who's still alive.
In the process, he's going to hurt Mav.
Bradley's gonna be so caught up in making it up to Ice (the one he can no longer make up to) that he doesn't think to properly make it up to Mav (the one he can still make it up to) because he thinks he has to.
Ice is gone. Ice is gone and there's nothing he can do about it. And If he'd just changed his mind earlier maybe there could have been. Admittedly, Ice still would have died, but maybe he'd have died more settled than he did. He'd have died with the knowledge that his son came back. That his son still cared. But he didn't, and Bradley hates himself for it.
So, he veers to the kid. He doesn't outright apologize other than the first time, but he's gonna treat them like either a piece of glass or a carbon copy of his father figure. Regardless, they're going to hate him for it.
It's not them he cares for, it's what he sees them as. They can see straight through his bullshit because there's no deep emotional connection there to blind them.
They could try to care and love for him for Mav's sake, but it'd be much better if it were on their own terms, that Bradley would care for them as them and not as Ice's child.
On top of that, the neglect Bradley has for Mav is humongous. And he himself doesn't see it because the resentment he feels is still there. Mav was the one who pulled his papers. He blames Mav for his own decisions.
He's alone, and he blames Mav. He doesn't let anyone in or near, and he blames Mav. But it wasn't Mav that made him shut everyone out, he did that on his own.
He hasn't thought about why Mav did what he did, choosing to believe what Mav claimed to be the reason. It's blatantly obvious that Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell of all people would never stop someone from going to the Academy because he thought they aren't capable. That's what they did to him, he's not going to do that to someone who is virtually his son.
Bradley was irrational and stuck to that irrationality for fifteen years. He used the emotional stuntedness he himself created as a guise to not actually process what happened. He refused to think about it, and still does.
He and Mav reconnected after the mission, but it's a frail margin. Bradley was more inclined to listen because he's confused that Mav cares at all. In his rage, he didn't notice that he did it out of love, and doesn't know what to do with it. The entire training, he's confused, pissed and uncertain all the while.
He still doesn't know the real reason Mav did what he did, and doesn't understand the love he still sees in his eyes. Rooster thought that he shattered everything he had with Mav when he felt, most of all cemented it with all the time spent in that state.
By the end of the movie, he knows for certain that Mav loves him, and understands that he, himself, never stopped loving Mav either, despite what he claimed.
Bradley wanted to be a pilot because of his dad. Goose wasn't a pilot. Maverick was.
The betrayal hit him harder because he wasn't running after Goose, he was looking up to Mav. He wanted to be like Mav.
And he became a pilot, even when Mav pulled his papers, even after having the person he did it all for ripped him into shreds. He still did it.
He still wanted to be like Mav. Deep down, he still saw him as a role model even through all of the repression.
But he still doesn't know why. He doesn't know why Mav did what he did, because Maverick himself refused to say why.
Mav isn't going to be doing great either. He fucked up, and he fucked up big time. He shouldn't have pulled Bradley's papers, period. I know about Carole, but still. He should have communicated with Brad about it, and they'd fight about it, but Bradley wouldn't have walked out to never return then.
To worsen matters, Maverick has a horrendous martyr complex that makes him take the brunt of Bradley's resentment instead of Carole, the actual perpetrator.
Over the years, he's blamed himself more and more every year that passed, but I don't believe he ever regretted it.
He fulfilled Carole's last wish. It didn't stop Rooster from becoming a pilot. He gave both of them what they wanted.
But he's trying to protect the Carole Bradley has in his head because he doesn't want to stain his memory of her as he did with himself. This has been discussed a hundred times over, so I will try to be brief.
Mav is scared that instead of him, Bradley's gonna resent his mother. His dying, cripple mother that said that in her death bed. His widow mother who saw her husband die in the skies and didn't want her baby boy to have the same fate. His sorrowful mother that had to watch her friend, someone she considered a little brother, keep going up into those same skies and hear all the whispers the people on the ground flung upon him because of it.
So he took it all on himself. Because he sees himself as expendable in favor of her.
So, safe to say he's not going to be the one to tell Bradley the truth. Because of it, Bradley's resentment is going to continue to fester.
After the mission, Bradley knows that Mav's not telling him everything, but he refuses to talk about it so what the hell is he going to do?
They fix things well enough for them to talk to each other, but don't make it too deep in fear of opening up more wounds instead of stitching the old ones back together.
Mav thinks this is as good as he can get. Bradley is annoyed at Mav's hesitance.
Despite mending things, Bradley is still going to think all of his problems are Mav's fault. And he's a petty bitch, so he won't let it slide.
He hasn't properly processed it due to the lack of information, and can't let go because of it.
He's going to slip in dry comments about how Mav affected his mental health and life because of what he did. He's going to be cagey about everything that happened in the in between. He's not going to know basic shit about Mavericks life because he refuses to acknowledge that he was wrong in more than one way.
And Mav's gonna fucking take it.
He's not gonna say anything, not gonna even defend himself because he thinks he deserves it.
Bradley is a stubborn fuck whose pride has been hurt once, and refuses to acknowledge that it could be hurt again. He's just like Mav when he was younger, but ten times worse in the emotional department (I have no fucking idea how he managed that, but he did).
So yeah, soon enough they're going to be balls deep in miscommunication with grudges held close to their chest.
Maverick wants to communicate but doesn't want to communicate a very important piece of information that could potentially make things better and Bradley straight up doesn't want to if he doesn't have to.
Which means they're going to come to a stand-still. And someone is gonna have to interfere.
If I were to guess, it'd either be Slider or Sarah (Kazansky). Regardless if Sarah is Ice's sister or wife (up to interpretation), she knew how important Mav was to Ice and obviously cares about him too from the few scenes we got of her. Slider also knows, and it's obvious he also genuinely cares about Mav too despite claiming otherwise.
I'd honestly vote for Slider to be the one to do it, simply because he'd also see the Ice favoritism and the Mav neglect, and would pull Bradley's ear about it to hell and back. Because he also knew Goose, and this... entire thing is not something Goose would be happy about, at all. Slider has a much more subdued connection to Bradley, so he'd have no qualms about calling him out on everything.
Especially if he ever found out that Bradley said 'My dad trusted you, I'm not going to make the same mistake.' I sorely believe Slider would end up in jail if he ever heard about that one.
If Sarah were the one to do it, she'd probably be more understanding and much less violent than Slider, but she'd be blunt. That's still someone she cares deeply for they're talking about, and she also saw all of it. She wouldn't sugar coat what needs to be said, but she'd be understanding too. Not you did nothing wrong kind of understanding, but a you had your reasons to be upset kind of understanding.
Either of them would probably do this without Maverick's consent, because that's the only way to get it done.
When Bradley finally comes to know exactly why Mav did what he did, he's gonna be in shambles. Not only for Mav, but for himself.
His entire life has been built around that single happenstance and now it's gone, he was wrong. He was so wrong. He can't go back to being the way he was, he doesn't remember how he was.
He's gonna have to start over, rebuild himself from the ground up to be someone better and spare everyone in his life the suffering. Everyone in his life has suffered the consequences of his resentment. He doesn't know if he can make up for it.
To start over, step number one is apologize.
This right here is were he finally lets his ego drop, and fully apologizes to Mav. Finally owns up to his mistakes to the person that deserves it most. He's not gonna leave Mav be, he's definitely going to demand a full explanation from him and then is going to scold him for it, but he's gonna finally fully let go of the grudge he held this entire time.
That's to say, everything isn't a sea of roses.
Maverick isn't the only person he needs to apologize to, and on top of it, Maverick is probably the only one who is going to let him down easy.
Bradley is going to be on a tight leash with everybody else for a while, and they don't have any hold ups about calling him out on his bullshit. He's going to need to learn how to take critique to improve himself rather than read it as a straight up insult that he's going to get mad about.
Maverick is going to need to learn that Bradley isn't going to up and leave, and that he shouldn't hold himself to such low standards. Not only that, he's also going to need to learn that Bradley is bound to make mistakes just like any other human.
Bradley is still gonna fuck up in some places, but he's gonna be better at recognizing it. Mav's also gonna fuck up sometimes, but he's going to get better at accepting it and moving on.
With time, Mav is going to call Bradley out on his bullshit too, and Bradley is going to do the same when Mav starts doing his 'I'm less important than other people' shit.
They're going to be sad about it because they think that the reason the other does some of the things they do is because of themselves, but that's a story for another time.
They try. That's what matters.
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
Physical Touch
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw X Reader
Summary: Rooster has a hard day, and some cuddles are the perfect solution.
Word Count: 917
no beta
You noticed it slowly over the first few months of being with Bradley. It started with small things. The way his eyes would close whenever you cup his face. How he softens whenever you hug him from behind. Or the way he holds you just a little bit tighter when you play with his hair late at night when you are both on the edge of sleep.
He loves physical touch.
You don’t bring it up, between not feeling a need to point it out, and the strong persona your boyfriend likes to wear, even around you. You definitely don’t let the realization go to waste though. Not when you love touching the man so much, however that might be. And it comes in handy on the hard days - like today.
When Rooster comes home early instead of going to the Hard Deck with the Daggers like he usually does after a week of training, you can tell something is off. He drops his bag as soon as he passes through the door, barely taking the time to lock it before kicking his shoes off and shuffling into the living room. The taut draw of his shoulders is all it takes for you to set your book aside and focus on him.
“Welcome home, Roo,” you murmur, and he tosses you a soft smile, though it doesn’t reach his eyes. He looks exhausted. You frown, shifting over to make room for him on the couch, “Come here.”
You don’t have to ask him twice. Rooster practically collapses onto the couch next to you, almost breaking the poor thing, you’re sure. It only takes a little tug on his shoulder for him to lean into you, a quiet, shuddering breath escaping him. You gently trace your fingers over his face, brushing a few strands of hair from his forehead. His arms curl around your waist tightly, almost desperately, and in that moment you know you’ll stay like this for as long as he needs.
“Hard day, sweetheart?” You ask, lips brushing his forehead where you plant a soft kiss.
Bradley just nods into your shoulder. You don’t press, knowing he’d explain if he wanted to, and instead just keep tracing his features. Your fingers skim down his nose and back up to trace his temple, down his jaw, back up to his cheek. And repeat. When he starts to relax, his body weight pressing you down into the couch, you switch to carding them through his hair. Rooster goes limp when you run your nails from the crown of his head to his neck, a low hum vibrating through his chest.
Twenty minutes of this, and you have a very drowsy, very relaxed aviator leaning against you. You hold him close, memorizing the slow rise and fall of his chest, the heat of his body, the way it feels with the two of you curving together like pieces of a puzzle. You press another kiss to his forehead, and this time he picks up his head, giving you a chance to press a soft, saccharine kiss to his lips. Those hazel eyes you love so much, though practically lidded, glow with warmth and fondness.
“You’re something else,” Bradley murmurs, forehead pressing to yours.
“I know.” A teasing smile graces your lips, but you wait, knowing that’s not it.
After a few moments of silence, he concedes in a worn voice, “I had a hard day.”
“Can you tell me more?” You prompt and gently brush your thumb over his cheek.
“Just-” a heavy sigh, “-Mav and I got into a fight. He said something about dad and I just…lost it.”
“I’m sorry, Roo. That sounds really painful.” He hates fighting with Maverick, since the man is practically a second father figure to him. And to have Goose brought up? You can’t imagine the turmoil that must have caused. “How are you feeling now?”
“Better.” He breathes, burying himself back into your side. “I swear you have magic hands, babe.”
“Magic, huh?”
“Sure feels like it.”
“That would explain why you always turn into such a teddy bear when I touch you,” you tease, smiling into his hair.
“No I don’t,” he scoffs, but you see his ears burn a soft pink.
“Please, Bradley, you practically melt when I play with your hair.” You curl your fingers through the shorter strands at the base of his neck, making the aviator tighten his grip on you. “There’s no shame in it, Roo. It’s just me, afterall.”
“But you’re the one that matters,” he all but grumbles, ears going darker.
Your heart melts at the admission. Is it even possible to love this man more?
“Well, I love all of you, Bradley, including the soft parts,” you murmur, “There’s not a single side to you that I am not madly in love with.”
Rooster pulls back again, eyes laden with affection, “How do you always know what to say?”
“Comforting 101. Took it in college.”
This finally brings a full smile to his face, one of those wide, lopsided ones that make your chest ache with fondness.
“You’re so dumb,” he chuckles, shaking his head.
“Hey, you picked me, so what does that say about you?”
“Oh, shut up.” 
The grin remains, even as you lean down and meet him in a tender kiss. It must be contagious too, because you pull back with one just as wide, just as loving.
Yah, this whole physical touch thing isn’t bad at all.
I love that there's just kind of a consensus that Rooster's ears blush. I've seen it in so many fics, and I think it's super adorable.
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cowboybeepboop · 1 year
Through the window
“Fuck you”
“Baby thats what youre gonna do”
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x fem!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 2214
Summary: Late night self pleasure turns into more than self pleasure.
Warnings: p in v, mainly porn with some plot, disgusting words for clit cause it got a little awkward at 1 am, use of vibrator, age gap (like three years), major daddy issues, kinda some Voyeurism, roughness from Bradley but with sweetness, praise kink, hair pulling, getting caught.
A/N: Literally just me writing this while sobbing to Shawn Mendes songs, also I wrote most of it while sitting out in front of my school 💪😩💪 I’m a fucking vibe. I don't know if there's like a big fandom on here anymore considering Top Gun Mav has been out for a while now but yk who cares. Also lowkey have been binging Harry Potter and the last of us so maybe I’ll write some of that later. Not proof read like ever
Bradley has been your built-in best friend, being Mavericks daughter means that you spent the majority of your childhood eating dinners with Carole, having Carole brush your hair and tuck you into bed. Carole Bradshaw became your adoptive mom, she taught you to cook, bake, sew, she helped you with your homework and made sure you knew your worth.
Mav was hardly ever around, he put his heart and soul into being a better person so that Goose wouldn’t be disappointed in him, this being said he forgot about the responsibility of actually taking care of his child. But you never blamed him for it, maybe it’s because when he was there with you all he ever wanted to do was cuddle on the couch watching your favorite films. Sometimes he would come home and lay his head on your lap and you would brush and braid his hair.
So, because of your sometimes absentee father, Bradley filled in. He was there with Mav for every milestone, kindergarten graduation, elementary school choir concerts, he even took time from his busy schedule to come to your highschool graduation.
Which makes your sexual attraction to him all the more disgusting, he basically was your stand in father, even though he was only 3 years older than you. But when Maverick finally realized he had a responsibility to spend more time with you, Brad stopped being like a father figure and more like an older friend who you had the hots for.
Bradley hasn’t been home for months-or longer, you totally haven’t been counting, and it totally hasn’t been exactly 8 months 3 weeks and 5 days. He isn’t planning on coming back any time soon, at least if he is he hasn’t told you, which is why you’re stuck pouting with your face between your hands as a few people purchase drinks from the bar.
You work at Penny’s bar, The Hard Deck, which is lowkey awkward considering your dad used to date her. But nonetheless she treats you like her own daughter. The only thing you dislike about working with her is the fact that she scolds you when you flirt while working, it's understandable but makes you want to roll your eyes.
Maverick walks in with a small smile on his face, sitting down at the bar in front of you, “How’s your day Y/N?”.
“It’s pretty good Mav, Penny might want to talk to you though,” winking at him you walk away, heading in the direction of the dart board.
“Hey boys, need a refill?” you smile sweetly, tapping your heel against the wooden floor softly.
“Thank you, baby girl,” Hangman smirks as he hands you the empty bottles, “you know which tab to add it to right?” he nods toward Coyote.
You give a small nod and head back to the bar to grab two more beer bottles, you add the total to Coyote’s tab. He lost in darts, even after covering Jake’s eyes, one more night and you don’t think you’ll be able to withstand his charm any longer.
“Y/N it’s time for you to clock out, if you want to beat the rush and get to your date on time,” your eyes light up.
“Thank you Pen!” you smile gathering your things before clocking out. “See you tomorrow evening.” Penny nods at you, smiling at you softly as you rush out of the door.
Hours have passed along with another failed attempt at online dating. Both things have led to you lying in your bed holding your breath as you imagine what it'd be like if Bradley came home and surprised you.
It started off innocent, him holding your waist close to him, the heat radiating from his chest as you sucked in a deep breath. Basking in his mahogany, sandalwood and vanilla musky scent, it made your knees weak, your eyes roll into the back of your head.
Your body felt hot, like you were boiling from the insides out. Squeezing your legs tightly together to keep your panties from soaking your bedsheets.
While biting your lip you carefully open the shoebox hidden underneath your bed, grabbing your bright pink bullet vibrator. If your dad came home, you’d know, so locking the door wasn’t a big priority.
Sucking in a deep breath you relax against your plush mattress. Licking your lips you spread your legs being gentle while unbuttoning your shirt, being slow with each button to build up the tension.
Once you finally peel off your blouse, you throw it to the side of the room before leisurely unzipping your skirt. You’re starting to become impatient, every part of your body is aching to be touched by Bradley’s calloused hands.
“For fucks sake,” a soft whine escapes your parted lips, squeezing your eyes shut you begin roaming your hands all over your body. You squeeze the soft part of your body, moaning Bradley’s name as you do so.
Spreading your legs, you pull down your panties, running a finger through your soaked lips. Once you find the bundle of nerves you start rubbing soft and steady circles into it, this causes your hips to jerk a little while your eyes roll back.
You wrap a hand around your neck putting a comfortable amount of pressure on it, soft moans spill from your lips as you push your hips up begging for more friction. You press the smooth button, listening to the faint hum, you press down two more times. The soft hum from before has become more intense and slightly louder.
Let’s be honest, masturbation is nothing compared to sex. Especially the sex you’ve been dreaming and lusting over since age 16.
A soft smile forms on your lips as you press the rough tip against the hood of your clit, your muscles all tense up while your breathing stops for just a second. It sounded like a rock or something else small had hit your window, after waiting for a few seconds you decide it's probably nothing and press the vibrator against your nub.
You bite down on your lip harshly, squeezing your neck roughly. Sadly, you have a shitty toy because desperate times call for desperate measures so there isn’t much more it can give. Removing the hand from your neck, pushing two fingers into your pulsating hole.
Unbeknownst to yourself, there was now a visitor in your room, one who snuck in from your open window. Hiding in the dark corner next to your window, a hand clasped against his mouth as he absorbed the sight of you desperate and needy begging for more.
“Bradley harder!” you moan loudly, as you pick up the pace of your fingers,your back arching. Cum spills from your pussy, you sink back into the mattress, sighing discontentedly.
“Oh, Sweetheart.” the familiar voice rings through the now silent room. You instantly throw your hands over your chest and squeeze your legs together tightly. “If you needed some help you could have just asked for it.” Bradley walks out into the middle of your room, staring down at you with darkened eyes.
“B-bradley, when did you get in here?” you try to play it cool but sweat is forming on your forehead as you rapidly cover up with a blanket, eyes shifting to the window.
“Do you mean, how much did I see? Or rather how much I heard?” He raises his eyebrows with a smirk, you nod as your cheeks turn a deep red. “Not much, just you pleading for me to be rougher, is that really how you like it princess?”.
“Bradley! Shut up,” you cover your face with your hands while trying to figure out the best thing for you to do now. “Look, I didn’t know you were stopping by. I’m sorry that you, uhm, that you saw what you saw.” Your voice cracks while you barely take a breath, his shoes clack against the floor as he makes his way to you.
The dip in the bed being the sign that he’s next to you. “Y/N, I really don’t care.” He pries your hands off your face. “I know you didn’t know I was coming into town, because it was a surprise.” He sucks in a deep breath, “I just didn’t know I was the one who would be surprised.”
The room fills with silence, just your accelerated breathing and the ticking of your alarm clock. “Hey Brad… Can you please leave?” you push your face into your knees.
Bradley licks his lips, “I think I have a better idea,” he runs a finger down your spine while pressing kisses into your shoulder. Your body relaxes into him as you sigh quietly, he pulls your face from your legs “Look at me, my pretty girl,” you slowly open your eyes while avoiding making eye contact,
“Darlin’ I want you to look in my eyes,” biting your lower lip you look up at him innocently, his hands move to cup your cheeks and pull you into his face. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” he grips your neck and leans into kiss you.
You move onto his lap while tangling your fingers in his hair, he groans into your mouth before pulling back. Bradley pulls away from your lips and moves to kiss your neck, using his body to push your back against your bed. You gasp as he explores your body with his mouth, calloused fingers pinching your nipples.
Arching into him you moan loudly as he pushes a finger into your throbbing pussy. “You like that?” his voice low and seductive, using his thumb he presses your nub softly. Bradley presses kisses all over your stomach, groaning at the sight of you so needy under him, pre cum leaks from his tip as he grinds against the bed.
“I need you right now, please,” you grab Bradley by his face and pull him up. Kissing his lips passionately while grinding down on his fingers.
“Oh what a needy little slut you are, huh?” He pushes two more fingers into you, “is this what you needed? Or is this a little more up your alley.” He smirks while wrapping a hand around your throat, applying ample pressure.
“Fuck you,” you groan, lips parting as your chest heaves, gasps pouring from your mouth.
“Baby, that's what you’re gonna do,” he taunts, Bradshaw has had enough. He finally lays down and pulls you onto his stomach, his hands massage your thighs as he lifts your hips up.
“Bradley wait,” your hands rest on his chest, “ condom, left middle drawer”. He leans over grabbing the small golden wrapper, ripping it open with his teeth, fumbling with the latex as he squeezes it over his tip.
“Thanks for reminding me princess,” he tucks your hair behind your ear, “now ride me babe,”.
Lining your hole up with his tip you begin to lower yourself down on him, moans leave your parted lips. He furrows his eyebrows, hands moving up to cup your breasts, you sink down on his length, wincing at the uncomfortable stretch.
“Fuck, good girl,” bradley groans, his shakey breathing fills your senses. You lift your hips slowly bouncing on his dick, he grabs your ass squeezing roughly. Your hands explore his abs as you use his body to steady your own.
Your eyes squeeze tight, body tightening up around him. Twirling your fingers into your hair you grasp the strands pulling at his roots.
Bradley flips the pair of you over, his eyes dark and dominant as he hovers over you, his hips thrust into yours at a steady pace. He lowers his head to suck on your erect nipple, one hand wraps around your neck squeezing just enough to slow your breathing.
Your arms wrap around his neck as you pull him to you, kissing his lips passionately, your nails dig into his back. Bradley presses his middle finger into your clit, rubbing rough circles into it, while trying to hold back moans you bury your face in his nape.
His thrusts become sloppy, bradleys hand tightens around your neck causing you to arch into him, he leans down sucking dark hickeys into your neck. “Darling, I’m so close,” the sound of skin slapping fills the room as you nod in response.
“Me too Bradley,” you whine quietly. Bradley uses his middle and pointer finger to rub sloppy circles into your sensitive nub, causing your body to jerk forward and your eyes to flutter shut, soft moans fill his ears.
He runs his hand through your hair pulling your head back. Bradley throws his head back in pleasure, you begin to tighten up around him drawing out a long groan. “Rooster,” you chant his name, “more, please I need more,”, he complies with your desires and angles your bodies so he hits even deeper.
Hugging your body close to his, he thrusts a couple more times before you cum around him, Bradley slows down as he cums. His body jerks softly, “Thats the best welcome home present ive ever gotten love,” he whispers into your ear.
Your bedroom door opens, revealing Maverick, “Get your clothes on and meet me in the living room,” his stern voice shakes you to the core.
Well shit
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justabigassnerd · 11 months
Father-Daughter Dance
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Word count - 3,316
Warnings - angst, brief mention of potentially being injured, sad hours, swearing, fluff
Summary - your plans for the father-daughter dance were disrupted by unforeseen circumstances, only you have an uncle who would do anything for you
A/N - hey y'all sorry it's been a hot minute but it's time for a new part of Hangman junior. I'm sorry I'm not producing fics as much as I used to, I'm doing my best. I won't ramble, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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When your school got the idea to host a father-daughter dance in a few months' time, you didn’t plan on telling your dad about it. You didn’t see much point in going, you figured neither your dad nor Bradley would want to go to anything like that. You stuffed the leaflet in your bag before you left school and intended to leave it there. When you got home, you went into the kitchen, shocked to see your dad and Bradley already home.
“Hey, y/n/n.” Bradley greets you with a smile as he crosses to give you a hug while Jake grins at you from where he was leant against the counter with a coffee in hand.
“Hi, I wasn’t expecting to see you guys home so early.” You say, shrugging your bag off your shoulder and placing it on the chair by the kitchen table as Jake crossed to you, hugging you quickly before placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Mav let us off early. We finished training earlier than expected and since the new recruits don’t start until Monday, Mav gave us an early start to the weekend.” Jake says as you begin searching in your bag for your homework since you wanted to ask Bradley and Jake for some help. As you pulled out your notebook, the leaflet came out with the book and fluttered to the floor. Jake bent down to pick it up almost the second it hit the floor despite your insistence that you’d pick it up.
“Your school’s doing a father-daughter dance?” Jake asks, a raised eyebrow as he looks from the piece of paper to you.
“Yeah… I figured you guys would be too busy to go or wouldn’t want to go so I wasn’t planning on going or anything.” You shrug, opening your notebook and flipping through it to find the question you didn’t understand.
“Hey, we’d love to go with you. If you can deal with your dad’s potentially embarrassing you.” Jake says, grinning as you roll your eyes and shake your head.
“You wouldn’t even have to go with both of us. If you just want to go with your dad, I won’t be offended by it.” Bradley softly offers, making you turn to look at him, almost offended by his words.
“I’m going with both of you or I’m not going at all.” You insist, glancing from Bradley to Jake who soften at your words before they both encase you in a hug.
“Then we’ll all go.” Jake mumbles softly, getting a hum of agreement from you and Bradley before they both pull away.
“Now will you help me with this homework?” You ask, getting a laugh from both of the men.
A couple of weeks after Jake and Bradley agreed to go to the father-daughter dance with you, Jake and Bradley received news that they’d be sent on a short deployment. They did extensive checks on the date they shipped out and when they’d return, double-checking with Maverick and triple checking with Cyclone that the mission would be simple enough to finish within a couple of weeks so that they’d make it back before the date of your dance. With their confidence intact, they packed their stuff and headed to the dock to board the carrier with you and Javy waving them off amongst other families. During the first week of their deployment, you got occasional emails from Jake and Bradley keeping you updated on how their deployment was going, as well as letting you know just how much they missed you. However, a few days into the second week of their deployment, Javy received a video call from them while the two of you were lounging around in the living room.
“Hey, guys.” Javy said with a grin as he sat up, standing his phone up against a glass so Jake and Bradley could see both you and Javy.
“Hey, dad. Hey, Bradley.” You greet, your smile widening at being able to see your dad’s, albeit through a screen. The two smiled up on seeing you but you noticed that their smiles didn’t quite reach their eyes.
“Hey, Javy. Hey, sweetheart.” Jake says, glancing from the screen to Bradley.
“Are you being good for Coyote?” Bradley asks, a slight chuckle tagged on to the end of his sentence as you and Javy exchange a mock offended look.
“Are you suggesting my niece is anything but an angel when she stays with me?” Javy asks, hand on his heart as he dramatically pretends to faint. You laughed at Javy’s actions while your dad and Bradley couldn’t muster up much more than a light chuckle.
“Is everything okay, dad?” You ask, your eyebrows furrowing at the thoughts that run through your head. You knew Payback and Fanboy had gone on the deployment with them, so you were immediately worried that something had happened to them.
“Are Payback and Fanboy, okay?” You then ask, your eyes filling with worry.
“They’re okay y/n/n. We’re all okay.” Bradley assures, giving you a reassuring smile before your dad clears his throat nervously.
“y/n, we’ve had some delays in the mission. We had some pretty shit weather recently, so we’ve been unable to fly because of it. They’re extending the deployment and I don’t think we’ll make it back in time for the dance. I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Jake says gently, fighting the urge to get his F-18 up on the catapult and fly back to San Diego himself when he saw the light in your eyes dim as you process his words. Remaining silent, you nod stoically, slapping a smile on.
“That’s okay. You can’t help these things.” You say softly, fighting to keep your smile from faltering.
“y/n…” Bradley starts, trying to find the right words to comfort you when you stand up suddenly.
“I just remembered I have some homework to finish. I gotta go. Love you.” You say hurriedly when you feel your resolve crumbling by the second, darting upstairs and ignoring the calls of both your dad’s and Javy as you go.
“I’ll check on her.” Javy says instantly, moving to stand up but stopping when Jake and Bradley call out to him.
“No, leave her. She needs a minute. Check up on her before you go to bed.” Jake says, knowing that you need some time alone to process the news.
“Is there really no way you’ll make it back in time?” Javy asks quietly, his gaze drifting to the stairs.
“The weather has been so bad Coyote. There’s a very slim chance we make it back in time because of these delays.” Bradley says, his heart breaking as he replays your face falling in his head. Javy nods minutely at Bradley’s words, silently cursing the weather for the upset it’s caused you.
“Javy, make sure she doesn’t isolate herself. She might not want to go to the dance anymore and I can’t blame her. But just make sure she’s not hiding away.” Jake requests, his worried gaze meeting that of Javy’s who nods diligently. Just before another word can be spoken, Bradley glances down at his watch and nudges Jake, letting him know that it’s almost time for them to head to their brief.
“We have to go. Keep us updated, okay?” Bradley says, both men standing up, bidding Javy goodbye before the call is ended. Turning his phone off, Javy sighs as he leans back against the sofa cushions. He felt awful for you, you’d told him that you initially had no intentions to go, and you agreed to go because both Jake and Bradley said they’d go with you. You had been excitedly looking up dresses and not long bought one that arrived the other day. Unable to sit swelling in his thoughts, Javy pushes himself up from the sofa and heads up to the guest room in his house that usually became your room while your dads were away.
“y/n/n, can I come in?” Javy asks tentatively, knocking on the door softly and waiting to receive permission to enter. When he receives a light mumble in response, he pushes the door open gently, entering the room and perching on the edge of your bed, near the mound in the duvet he knew was you.
“What’s up, Kit-Kat?” Javy asks, a small smile gracing his face when he heard your soft snort at the nickname.
“It was one time.” You mumble, making Javy let out a soft laugh at the memory. He had been babysitting you when you were about five while Jake went to the gym, and you’d somehow broken into the packet of Kit-Kats that were stashed away and got through almost half the packet before Javy had even realised you had snuck off to the kitchen.
“One time is enough to earn a nickname for life, kiddo.” Javy chuckles as your head pokes out from underneath your duvet, your tear-stained cheeks immediately sobering him up and reminding him of what had transpired.
“You wanna talk about it?” Javy then says, his eyes soft as he watches you shuffle to sit up slightly. You hesitate at first, debating on whether to open up or not.
“I know I shouldn’t be upset. It’s not their fault that the weather is unpredictable.” You shrug, downplaying how you’re feeling so Javy doesn’t worry, which was already much too late, he was in mother hen mode.
“It’s okay to be upset. I know you were looking forward to this.” Javy says softly, watching as you shake your head lightly.
“I was only looking forward to it because I was going with my family. I don’t think it would work out as well if I went alone.” You mumble, a few more tears welling in your eyes, giving away how upset you were.
“I could go with you.” Javy suggests, shrugging lightly as the idea comes into his head.
“What?” You question, wondering if you heard him right.
“I know I’m not your dad, and I’m not Bradley either. But I’d be a shitty uncle if I sat around and let you miss out on something like this. I know you bought a dress and everything so I’m more than willing to go with you to this. I even bet I won’t be the only uncle there.” Javy says, watching as you silently debate his words before burrowing into his side for a hug, taking him aback slightly, recovering quickly so he could return the hug.
“You really want to go with me? Did dad put you up to it?” You ask, your voice muffled by the material of Javy’s shirt but yet was still audible to him as he fights back the temptation to gasp in offense at your question.
“Your dad did not put me up to this, this was my idea. Scouts honour, kid. I don’t think you should miss out on a chance to hang out with your friends and have some fun. But it’s up to you, if you don’t want to go, I’m not going to force you.” Javy says softly, squeezing you lightly as you look up at him.
“I’ll go. But only if you promise to take pictures for my dad’s.” You say, a small smile on your face as Javy nods.
“Whatever you say Kit-Kat.”
When the day of the dance had arrived, you had headed back to Javy’s house after school to get ready for the dance and Javy arrived not long after you, getting into one of his suits after showering. He had emailed Jake and Bradley after you had agreed to still attend with him and let them know about the new plan and they were in full support, happy you were still attending. In the last couple of days, they had also said that the weather had cleared up, so they guessed they’d be home soon, although they still figured they wouldn’t make it back in time for the dance.
When you changed into your dress, you headed downstairs to meet with Javy who couldn’t stop the smile crossing his face. He had seen you grow up from a baby to the beautiful teenager you were today. He understood why Jake gushed about you in the way that he did, you were the closest thing Javy had to a kid of his own and every time he saw you, Jake and Bradley he knew he couldn’t wait for the day he had a kid of his own.
“You look beautiful y/n/n.” Javy says softly, giving you a hug once you reach him.
“Thank you, Uncle Javy. You scrub up well too.” You giggle as Javy scoffs with a soft laugh. Javy then takes some photos of you and then the two of you take some silly selfies as well before heading to your school for the dance. You enter the gym that had been decorated beautifully and Javy wastes no time in dragging you to the dancefloor, making you laugh at your uncle’s antics, more than used to them at this point. As you dance, you think about how glad you are that you took Javy up on his offer to go in place of your parents because you were having so much fun. You got to say hi to your friends and their dads and uncles and most of them made a point to pull you aside and whisper to you about how attractive they found Javy which got a laugh out of you. You expected that to happen, especially since Javy was on the younger side compared to the gym filled with mostly middle-aged men. After a bunch of upbeat songs, a slow song comes on and Javy wastes no time in tugging you into his arms, slow dancing with you as every other dad and uncle present does the same with their child.
“Thank you for offering to go with me. I love you Uncle Javy.” You whisper near the end of the song as Javy presses a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“No need to thank me Kit-Kat. It was my pleasure.” Javy replies, looking up briefly and faltering in his actions when he catches sight of two familiar figures entering the gym, both checking each other’s ties before turning and surveying the gym.
“Are you okay?” You ask, pulling away slightly to look up at your uncle who is grinning wildly.
“You might want to turn around.” He says, releasing you and watching as you turn around. At first, you look around, confused about what Javy was talking about until you catch sight of who Javy was referencing and immediately go rushing over to the two.
“Dad! Bradley!” You cry out, immediately flying into your dad’s arms as he reciprocates the hug, and you waste no time in pulling Bradley into the hug too as you fight back tears.
“I thought you wouldn’t make it.” You whisper, clinging to both men as they squeeze you lightly.
“The weather turned out to work in our favour, we had such clear weather we made it home earlier than expected. I’m sorry we’re late baby girl.” Jake whispers, clinging just that little bit tighter to you.
“Don’t apologise, it wasn’t your fault.” You reply, finally pulling away from the embrace and smiling up at them as Jake gently swipes some of your tears away with his thumb.
“May I say you look absolutely beautiful in that dress, y/n?” Bradley says, smiling softly down at you as you thank him quietly. The three of you cross to Javy joining him in the middle of the dance floor and continuing to dance. As you glanced around the gym you noticed a couple of girls sat around the edge of the gym, not joining in with the dancing and watching everyone else with sad expressions. You figured they had come despite not having a prevalent father figure in their life and your heart broke for them so you grabbed the attention of your dads and Javy and whispered something to the three before crossing to the stragglers.
“Hey guys, I noticed you guys looked a little lonely over here. Both my dad’s and uncle are here, and we figured we’d extend an offer for you to join us. You don’t have to I just didn’t want you guys to be alone.” You offer, giving them a kind smile and patiently waiting for their response. You were expecting to be shooed away, and you felt like you may have been overstepping people’s boundaries when it came to a subject that could be as sensitive as family, but the girls smiled gratefully and took you up on your offer. You led them over to your dad’s and Javy and allowed them to introduce themselves. Most of the girls were in the grade below you, so you didn’t know them that well, but you had definitely seen them around school before. You all danced along to the music and sang loudly as you did so, eventually attracting the attention of other groups of people who joined in your cluster. Before you knew it, a large number of those who had come to the dance were dancing with you and your family, everyone laughing and smiling. When the dance ended, the girls you invited to join you trapped you in a tight hug and thanked you quietly for making their night better as you hugged them back as tight as you could, insisting it was the least you could do. You then follow your dad’s and Javy out to the car park and quickly find the Bronco and Javy’s car.
“You head home with your dad’s, y/n/n. You can collect your stuff in the morning.” Javy says, bringing you into a hug which you instantly reciprocate.
“Okay. Thank you again, Uncle Javy. For everything.” You say, cuddling as close as humanly possible as he presses a kiss atop your head.
“No need to thank me, it’s part of my job as your uncle. Have a good night.” Javy says, bidding you and your dad’s goodbye before getting into his car and driving off as you, Jake and Bradley get into the Bronco and begin the drive home. When you reach home, you were more than ready to curl up in your bed and go to sleep and you could tell that your dads were in a similar boat. The three of you enter the house, remove your shoes and head up the stairs to your rooms to get ready for bed. By the time you had crawled under your duvet, Jake, and Bradley, knock on the door and ask for permission to come in and cross to your bedside. You bring them into another hug, grateful they made it back to you.
“I’m so glad you’re back.” You whisper, burying your face in Jake’s shoulder as Bradley runs a comforting hand up and down your back.
“We’re glad too, sweetheart.” Bradley says, pressing a kiss to your temple before both men pull away as a yawn spills past your lips.
“We’ll let you sleep now. We love you so much, my sweet girl.” Jake says, pressing a bunch of quick kisses to the top of your head, eliciting a small giggle from you.
“Love you guys too.” You reply, lying down and burrowing under the duvet as Jake and Bradley cross to the door, whispering one last goodnight before switching your light off and returning to their room as you allow your tired eyes to close, both relieved that your dads are home safe and sound, and grateful for your Uncle Javy who without hesitation offered to take you to the dance. The last thought that crosses your mind before you drop off to sleep is how lucky you are to have the best family in the world.
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@zbeez-outlet @kaceywithak @tsnelf7 @starkleila @cassadilasworld @shanimallina87 @madstxo @chaoticassidy @padsdarlg @lauraseresin
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honkytonk-hangman · 2 years
Meet You All The Way
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x OC/Reader
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Summary: Now that they have reconciled, Rooster struggles to figure out the right way to tell Maverick that he has a family all of his own now.
(Or, how Rooster comes to terms with the fact he wants Maverick to be apart of his family again, but leaves it until they both almost die to actually do anythign about it.)
Warnings: DAD!ROOSTER!!!!!! and idk maybe some language? Mav being sad :( unplanned pregnancy, not much else i think, but i repeat: dad!rooster!!!
Words: 11k!!!!!!!!!!
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Rooster should feel good.
No, Rooster should feel great.
He had, for a while at least. In the hours immediately following their impossible return from what should have been the end for both of them, Rooster and Maverick had been granted a mercifully short debrief, and then like Mav had promised, they’d talked.
It had occurred to Bradley halfway through their reconciliation, just how long it had been, almost a full eighteen years, and how it was only then, after the last of his anger was finally let go, that he realised how much it had been weighing him down.
The lightness he feels in the wake of his forgiveness is short-lived, though, as they begin both reminiscing on their lives over the past eighteen years, their careers, sharing stories and various anecdotes they would have otherwise known if not for the rift between them.
Unlike the weight of his anger, the weight of Bradley’s guilt makes itself known right away. If Mav notices sooner, he doesn’t let on, and if it were anything else, Rooster might’ve appreciated the space, but now he just wishes the other man would bring it up, take the difficult part out of his own hands. He doesn’t, though, but six days into their post-mission leave, he does begin to let on that he knew something was up.
But enough was enough now, so Bradley steals himself, and does what he should have done from the moment they’d found one another again.
“Mav, there’s something I need to talk to you about…” he avoids visibly wincing at his own words, but doesn’t miss the downward slope of his adoptive uncle’s mouth, despite the reassuringly calm expression he wears. He doesn’t speak, but he does place his wrench down and turn to face the younger man as he wipes off his hands.
“I…” Rooster starts, but his voice cuts off without his full permission, and he drops his gaze. How was he supposed to do this? It wasn’t as if there were a guidebook he could buy. Rooster’s eyes catch on something to his left then, Mav’s photo board, his eyes lingering on one of the many pictures of his father that hung there.
He sends a quick ‘thanks, dad’ out into the universe, and turns his head back to the man in front of him, pushing off the bench he was leaning against so that he can dig his wallet out of his back pocket. It takes a bit of work to wriggle one of the small 2x3 photographs out from behind the worn plastic covering meant to display his ID, and takes a short moment to appreciate the image for himself before he looks back to Maverick.
“Here,” he says, watching as Mav pauses momentarily, before throwing down the rag he holds and carefully plucking the photograph from between his fingers. Rooster can’t help but bounce his knee slightly as he settles back against the bench, watching as Maverick’s eyes flicker over the photo seemingly inch by inch, taking in each detail closely.
At last, he looks up, lips pulled into an easy smile.
“She’s beautiful,” he says warmly, holding the page out again, and Bradley takes it without much thought, sliding it back into place while he nods.
“She is. Smarter than I’ll ever be, too,” he adds, his own features unable to hold back any longer from breaking into a full, soppy grin. Mav chuckles and tilts his head in understanding.
“Doctor Rosanna Lamb,” he says almost to himself, always in disbelief how he’d gotten so lucky. Mav whistles lowly.
“Where’s she stationed?” he asks, referencing the matching Navy uniforms you’d both been wearing in the photo, and settles himself against the side of the Mustang they’d previously both been working on.
“She’s a surgeon, so they’re generally happy to station us together. She put in a request for North Island a couple of days ago, after I told her about the new squadron they’re forming for us here,” Rooster tells him, pausing briefly before adding; “She’ll be here next week.”
Maverick smiles at him, and pushes off the plane, pulling Bradley in toward him, and giving his back a gentle smack as they embrace.
“I’m happy for you, Bradley, I really am,” he says after pulling away again, but still holding onto the younger man’s shoulders. He gives him a tight squeeze and releases him.
“I’ll have to take the two of you to dinner when she’s settled,” Mav states, and without much thought to it, Rooster hums noncommittally.
Mav raises an eyebrow in amusement, and cocks his head playfully.
“What? Not ready for her to meet the family?” he jokes. Rooster chortles, and shakes his head.
“It depends more on if Amelia is up for babysitting.”
Bradley can feel the moment his heartbeat spikes, watches intently as Maverick blinks in confusion, processing the words carefully as he does. Bradley flips open his wallet again, and this time he pulls out a different photo, bigger than the 2x3 one, and he unfolds it, smooths it out, before slowly handing it over.
Maverick cautiously takes it, his expression still pulled into a frown, but his sharp intake of breath is audible. He’s barely glanced at the photo before his eyes flicker back to Rooster, and then down again. He brings the picture closer, swallows thickly as he stares down at it silently. When Rooster can see his eyes have begun turning a little red, he clears his throat.
“His name is Nick. That one’s a little old, he’s nearly five now but it’s still one of my favourites,” Rooster smiles as Maverick finally tears his eyes away, holding his gaze with what the younger man can only describe as pure remorse.
“Nick,” Mav repeats, voice a little croaky, and Rooster nods.
“We usually just call him Goose.”
That makes the older man chuckle, and despite the melancholic look he still wears, he glances back down to the boy in the photo, dressed up as Luke Skywalker in his iconic orange flight suit two Halloween’s ago. Rooster had gone as Han Solo, and you as Leia of course.
“Yeah, he looks like a Goose,” Mav agrees, before the sadness finally begins to fade from his eyes, turning into nothing but pure adoration. He moves to hand the picture back then, but Rooster shakes his head, before gesturing to the photo wall.
“You keep it.” He tells him, lips twitching with a smile at the total lack of argument that comes from the other man, who immediately draws the photograph near again, subconsciously holding it to his heart.
Eventually, once Mav can be convinced to part with the photo, Rooster watching him fuss with his photo wall for almost fifteen minutes until the newest addition is front and centre, he pulls Rooster back in for a tight hug. He doesn’t let go so soon this time.
“He’s beautiful, Bradley.”
“Babe, I’m so happy for you, I bet you feel so much lighter,” your voice crackles over the speaker on Rooster’s phone, and he can hear the soft smile in your voice. He nods, even though you can’t see him.
“Yeah. I do. I really do.” he sighs contently, and curls an arm under his head. Some shuffling on the other end, your voice muffled, and then more clearly, you let out an exasperated sigh of your own.
“I swear to god, it’s like he has a sixth sense for when you’re on the phone… Come on, Goose, say hello to daddy…”
Rooster perks up, only briefly checking the time before his full attention is on the sleepy little voice that calls out down the line.
“Hi daddy!” The five-year-old had clearly been asleep until recently, his voice excited, but a little droopy still.
“Heya, Goose, how’re you doing, pal? Are you getting excited for the big move?” Rooster feels bad he isn’t able to head back even for a few days to help you organise everything, but he also knows you were more than capable and more than prepared, had this sort of thing down to a T by now.
“Uh-huh! Can’t wait to see you daddy! Mommy said there’s gonna be a beach, and lots of planes, and–” Goose’s voice cuts off for a moment as you say something inaudible to him, but he’s back before Rooster can comment.
“And she said Uncle Jake is with you!”
Rooster’s eyes narrow and he glares, but only because neither of you are able to see him.
“You don’t have an Uncle Jake,” he grumbles, going completely ignored as Goose continues to talk about all the things he was excited for in California. When the boy is done listing things, Rooster clears his throat a little.
“Are you excited to meet your Grandpa Mav?” He feels a nervousness at the question, unsure if the boy would remember the name you and he had given his adoptive uncle when they’d spent an evening going through his mom’s photo albums, so that Goose could see the man he was named for.
“Uh-huh! Mommy said he put my picture on his wall!” Goose preens. Rooster chuckles and realises you must have shown him the photo he’d snapped earlier, of the newest photograph that had pride of place at the centre of the collage.
“He did, he was very particular about making sure he could always see it,” he hears his son giggle down the line, and the sound makes every bit of hardship he’d ever endured worth it. He’d go through a hundred times worse if it meant he could hear it everyday.
“It’s okay honey, you can close your eyes,” he hears you coo, can picture the way Goose is sleepily blinking, struggling to keep his head off your pillow.
“He’s dropping off again, Roo, say goodnight while he can hear you.”
“Goodnight buddy, I love you so much.”
“Love you too, daddy.”
You talk for only a short while longer, before you too head to sleep, and Bradley finds himself grinning up at his ceiling, his heart thumping rapidly, excitement building in his chest as he mentally begins to count down the days until he has you both in his arms once more.
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The music in the club is loud enough that you can feel it in your bones. You’re almost tempted to make everyone go to an audiologist in the morning, but you figure you were already the acting buzzkill of the group, you didn’t need to be a nagger too.
You weren’t always this crotchety when you went out with your friends, usually if you were at your local bar, you had no trouble letting loose and winding down, but you weren’t at the Hard 
Deck right now.  No, tonight you had followed your friends and colleagues out to one club, and then another. Gone were your comfortable jeans and sneakers, or even your uniform, instead you were currently wearing heels that were only just on the right side of comfortable, and a dress that made you feel pretty.
It was rare any of you got away from base long enough to put on something nice, and even rarer that you weren’t wearing medical scrubs or khaki, so your friends were busy making the best of it. You had elected to be designated driver, or designated uber caller, knowing you’d probably not be able to relax anyway, given how tipsy some of your friends were getting, and how anxious the clubbing scene made you.
You were only slightly appeased by a friendly group of men that had joined you just after you’d arrived, they all seemed nice and respectful enough, but you couldn’t help still keeping your eyes on where several of them dance, intermingled with your friends.
Movement to your left almost makes you jump, and although you’d hoped the dark lighting would conceal your surprise, the apologetic smile sent your way tells you it hadn’t. You’re joined at the table you’d found by one of the men now part of your group, the tallest one, with a moustache you honestly wouldn’t have thought anyone could pull off as well as he definitely is managing to do.
You hadn’t really spoken much to any of the men, happy to listen and let your friends get their flirt on, but you had to admit this one was kinda cute.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” he says, taking a seat at your left, though he frowns and quickly pulls a small clutch purse from where it had clearly almost been flattened even further, and places it on the table.
“I was just distracted,” you say with a shake of your head, and turn back to the dance floor, not wanting to stare at him. You couldn’t quite tell the colour of his eyes in the dim lighting, but they were oddly hypnotic, big and soulful. He settles in with a fresh beer, and you figure he mustn’t be the dancing type.
“Yeah? How's the overwatch going?” he asks, and you glance back at him, lip quirking now.
“It’d be better if they stopped disappearing into the crowd,” you tell him, rolling your eyes. The man cracks a smile, and you have to blink away from the brightness of it.
“I’m Rooster, by the way,” he offers out a hand, and you think it might be the first and only time anybody had ever shaken hands inside this club. “Rooster?” you question.
“It’s my callsign,” he tells you, sipping his beer, and looking like he’s about to explain to you what a callsign is, but you cut him off.
“Wait, you’re an aviator?” you ask, a little surprised, but it turns into wry amusement and you shake your head.
“Of course you are,” you chortle, mostly to yourself as you cast your eyes back to your friends and their partners on the dance floor.
Rooster’s brows dip and he leans forward a little, looking quite concerned, but once more, you speak before he can.
“My friends and I, we’re all part of the Medical Corps.” you inform him, and watch recognition turn into his own amusement.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around North Island,” he says, making you laugh again.
“It’s a big place. And unless you’re regularly getting surgeries, I don’t think you would.”
“You’re a surgeon?” Rooster asks, his eyes flashing with intrigue, and his expression turning impressed. You duck your head a little, but then stop yourself. You weren’t on a blind date with one of your friend’s friends. You didn’t need to make yourself smaller for this man. After all, he was a Naval Aviator, if anybody would understand having a job that required intense skill, he might.
“Yeah,” you nod, before cocking your head. “You guys heading out on the carrier?”
“No, we’re here for Top Gun. Just graduated,” Rooster tells you, clearly proud, and from what you know, he had every right to be.
“Oh, Wow! Congratulations,” you offer genuinely, tipping your water at him. Rooster leans over and taps his beer with your glass, before finishing it. Even though he doesn’t break eye contact with you as he drinks, you get the distinct feeling of being eye-fucked and you’re once again glad for the low lights, your face growing hot at the thought of what he might possible be imagining right now.
Okay, he was definitely more than just cute.
Rooster, much like yourself, is his group's designated driver, and after moving your chairs a little closer so you could talk without yelling, and his arm finds its way slung over the back of yours, his fingers brushing up your shoulder every so often as he talks. It seems to be natural that eventually he offers to drive both of your groups back to base.
You weren’t normally the kind of person to just roll with these sorts of punches, after all, you were a surgeon and in the Navy. You had a certain amount of discipline instilled in you… But Rooster was absolutely your type, and you got the feeling that regardless of your mutual attraction to one another, considering how your friends were liberally mixing with his, he would have offered anyway.
The ride back to base is filled with a heady tension, even as your friends drunkenly chatter in the backseats. Rooster had given a not-so-subtle glare at his friend who tried to call shotgun as you were leaving the club, and you find yourself once more seated beside him, only this time, his hand ends up wrapped around your mid-thigh, squeezing every so often as you both engage with the conversation.
By the time you’re dropping both your friends and Rooster’s at the nearest entrance to the on-base housing, you have excitement settling into your stomach and your own hand covering his on your thigh.
“Make sure you drink some water before you sleep! And lay out some pills for the morning!” you call out to your friends as they file out the back of the blue Bronco, most waving you off, only Jess turning back to you as she fumbles with her seatbelt, aided by her now-companion, a darker haired man you didn’t get the name of. “Thank you Doctor Lamb,” she sing-songs playfully with a smile and a roll of her eyes, but you don’t get to reply before she’s jumping out of the car, giggling as her new friend follows her, his hands magnetic to her waist.
The door shuts with a slam and a light smack. You turn back to Rooster, who is already looking at you intently, his eyes roaming your features, somewhere between amusement and fondness.
“Lamb? I bet that gets old on the mouth of sailors,” he says, briefly pulling his hand from yours to adjust his gearstick, and he begins to slowly exit the parking lot.
“Only some,” you laugh, but take a questioning glance at your moving surroundings. “Where are we going?”
Rooster jumps a little, as if he hadn’t realised he’d been driving at all, and the car starts to slow slightly, before it leaves the base entirely.
“Shit, sorry, I live off base, I didn’t even– I just assumed– Shit–” Rooster’s panic is a little adorable, his eyes wide and his voice sincere. You chortle, and place your hand on his leg this time, to let him know you weren’t offended.
“It’s alright.” you tell him, giving his leg a squeeze. Rooster seems to relax some, and shoots you a tight, but bashful smile, even as he wraps his fingers around yours again.
“I just want to hang out with you some more,” he seems almost embarrassed to admit, but tightens his grip on your fingers anyway. You can’t help but smile wider, which spurs on his own, and soon you’re laughing again, giggling in a girlish way that you’re fairly certain you haven’t let loose in years.
You wind up back in Rooster’s house, both of you sat at the rickety old piano he says was passed down to him from his parents. He plays absently, lazily as you both talk, until you raise a hand and begin tapping out a few notes of your own.
Rooster smiles at you, looking between your fingers and your face, and seems to lean in closer.
“You could have said you played, instead of listening to me wreck the keys for the past hour,” he says, nudging your shoulder. You almost instantly drop your hands from the piano and shake your head at him.
“I don’t! Really, I just know the notes… back in med school I used to do this memory association game with my exam notes and piano keys…” you slowly begin playing the very small amount that you know, and after a few moments, Rooster joins you, copying each note after you play it.
You shrug at him, and lift your hand to rest it on his forearm instead.
“Then, when I was sitting my exams, I just needed to tap my fingers on the desk, and it’d jog my memory,” you demonstrate, tapping out a few silent keys on his thick, tanned arm. Rooster grins, nodding as he looks away from you, taking the tune with him as he seems to play randomly. You stay listening for a moment, feeling the muscles in his arms tense and move with each stroke, and you find yourself lost in the feeling for several moments, until he swings his head back in your direction, and you blink up at him, realising he’d been talking.
Rooster chuckles, and stops playing long enough to rest his hand on your thigh again.
“What is ‘Rosie’ short for?” he asks again, cocking his head slightly. Your lip quirks at the fond warmth in his voice. This certainly wasn’t the sort of attention you were used to from apparent one night stands, who could barely care enough to find out your name let alone what it was short for.
“Rosanna,” you tell him, and to your own ears it almost sounds strange. You can’t remember the last time somebody called you Rosanna, you barely even used it in an official capacity if you could get away with it. Rooster shifts and seems pleased with the revelation, his head cocking again and his eyes lighting up.
“Rosanna? Like the Toto song?” he asks, making you laugh. You nod and can’t help but feel your stomach twist and your heart speed up when he starts to tap out the song’s main melody. You have to bite your lip as he continues, and you lean into his side, smiling up at him as he meets your gaze.
“Can I tell you a secret?” you ask, feeling your pulse get even quicker. Rooster nods, but doesn’t stop playing and you wait for a moment, wondering if you were really about to tell this virtual stranger one of the more embarrassing things about you. You decide to go for it though. For some reason, you think he, more than anyone else you’ve ever met, might understand.
“When I was a little girl, my dad used to play this song all the time. I used to think it was written for me. I used to ask him to play ‘my song’,” you say quietly, offering a soft chuckle when Rooster doesn’t immediately respond. You peek up at him a little nervously when his playing trails off, only to find him staring down at you in what you can only describe as sheer adoration. It makes your face grow hot and your already twisting stomach begins to fill with butterflies.
After a few seconds, he starts to play again, not as slow or lazily this time, properly, but he still gazes down at you.
“That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard, honey,” he says to you, smiling softly to himself. You’re about to respond, but he opens his mouth again, startling you slightly as he begins to sing the opening lines of the song.
Rooster’s voice is deep, gravelly, but suits singing well, and a part of you wonders why he never pursued performing instead of flying. The other part of you quickly forgets this line of thought as he continues to serenade you with the rest of the song, right up until the second chorus, when you place your hand over his, interrupting his playing, and catching his attention again properly.
When you kiss him, not bothering with starting slow or easy, and skipping straight to deep and full, Rooster kisses you back instantly, hands dropping from the piano keys right away to find purchase on your body. It takes little effort for him to pull you into his lap.
After that you leave the piano stool altogether, transferring to the far comfier mattress in his bedroom, and you don’t leave it for the rest of the night.
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Your voice down the line is like a shock to his system, as though he’s just had a bucket of cold water thrown over him.
“Rosie?!” Rooster winces even as he asks. He already knows that it's you, he’d recognise your voice anywhere, even if he hasn’t heard it in over two months. Your quiet chuckle down the line goes someway to relax him, even if he’s now dealing with the crushing guilt that this call brings.
“Hey pretty girl,” he adds after a moment, feeling himself fall easily back into the comfort he’d felt when talking to you all those weeks ago now. When you’d first met at the club, you’d asked if he was going to ship off soon, and he’d told you no, but he should have known better, should have known the Navy wouldn't've kept him around in North Island for long.
“You didn’t call,” he can practically hear your faux pout, and relaxes himself back into his cot, glad his bunkmate won’t be back for another hour or so. Rooster reaches up and plucks a piece of paper that had been tucked into the wire above his bed, gazing almost lovingly at the illegible scrawl.
“Couldn’t, honey. You’ve got typical doctor’s handwriting. I’m looking at the note you left me right now and I’ve been trying to decode it for weeks,” he tells you with a smile, glad to hear your playful scoff on the other end as you quietly curse him (or yourself) out.
A thought strikes him then.
“How’d you get my number?” he asks, tucking the keepsake chicken scratch back into the wire over his bunk.
“Oh, ah, you know how I’m doing my flight surgeon quals?” you ask, and he hums even though he hadn’t known at all.
“Well, one of my charges, he’s an aviator too, we became friends and were talking and you came up and he said he knew you, so he gave me your number cause I said that I really needed to talk to you…” your voice rattles off in a frenzied manner, and Rooster is too caught up on the rising panic you give off to wonder about which one of his friends you had run into.
“Hey, is everything okay? Calm down for me sweetheart,” Rooster sits up a little, and tries to exude some comfort through the phone. He’s glad it seems to work, because he can hear you taking several deep, slow breaths while he waits for you. In fact, he waits so long that he’s about to talk again when you suddenly cut him off.
“I’m pregnant.”
The words hang thick in the air, and it takes Rooster a moment before he is able to properly process them at all, his chest lurching and his stomach flipping when he finally does.
Once more though, before he can speak, you’re off, hurriedly talking again.
“I had a medical this morning and I’m already twelve weeks. I haven’t slept with anybody else so it’s definitely yours, and I don’t know, I guess I just wanted to let you know…”
Rooster goes over the information in his head, taking a moment to calm himself as you clearly wait for his reply this time.
“How do you feel?” he asks you, hoping that over the phone his tone wouldn’t give you anything more to stress about. He hears you laugh a little then, though it’s nervous and a little watery. It makes him wish he were with you for this conversation, able to pull you in close and wrap you up.
“I feel okay, I guess. It’s moved some stuff up in my game plan, but hey, things change right?” You sound shaky, but there is resilience in your voice that tells him you mean it. That steadfastness is likely the reason you’d toughed it out through med school and became a surgeon. It goes quite a way to soothe his own nerves.
“How are you feeling?” you ask a moment later, and Rooster almost laughs at your concern, but he appreciates it too much to do so.
“Surprised,” he says, hesitating slightly before he continues. “A little excited, if I’m honest.” he speaks carefully.
“Yeah?” your voice sounds soft and small and Rooster dislikes the lack of certainty in you.
“Yeah.” he assures you, listening to you titter about on the other end, clearly fidgeting with something.
“I don’t really know what to do…” you tell him, sounding more relieved now, more like yourself. Rooster lets out a sigh and squints up at your illegible note, thinking back on just how much he’d been thinking of you these past months.
“I really, really like you. Haven’t stopped thinkin’ about you since I left… I know it’s not ideal, but I want to do this with you, if you want me there,” Rooster hears his pulse racing in his ears as he speaks. It feels silly to get nervous now, he’d been day dreaming about running away with you since his second day on the carrier. On the other end of the line you let out a soft little laugh, making him smile at the sound.
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot too,” you reply sweetly, before hurrying to clarify; “Before I found out, I mean…”
Rooster chortles and switches the ear his phone is pressed to.
“I’ll look at the paperwork then?” you suggest carefully, making him nod, even though you can’t see him.
“Send anything you need me to sign through the official channels.” he confirms with you, but softens his tone after a moment. “I want you to go over to my place when you get a chance. There's a key under the pot plant. You remember that keepsake box on top of the piano? There’s a ring in there… It belonged to my mom. I want you to have it.”
There isn’t much time for you to argue with him about it, almost as soon as the words leave his mouth, there’s an Ensign at his cabin door, and he’s hurriedly apologising to you before he’s forced to hang up.
For a few days Rooster’s head is in limbo.
Butterflies have taken up a post in his stomach, bursting forth any time he thinks of you, or of his kid, and everything that the future is going to bring. It makes him think hard about a lot of things; money, his house and the feat that would be babyproofing it, you with his moms ring, a wedding…
More than anything else though, it makes him think of Mav.
Anger boils inside him each time the thought arises, but it quickly settles into some kind of guilt in the pit of his stomach, before he snaps and tells himself he has nothing to feel guilty over. He didn’t owe Mav any part of his life.
In fact, you and this baby gave him the perfect opportunity to move forward at last with his life, to stop being haunted by the past. He had something to focus on now, something to be other than who he once was.
Two weeks later Rooster finds himself frowning down at a text on his phone, his brain rapidly attempting to connect all the dots and figure out just what the hell he was looking at.
Hangman: I’ll have you know, I’ll be referring to you as ‘Hen’ from now on :)
Hangman: Congrats by the way. It’s about time you settled down, old man.
Hangman: Also, don’t be worrying about Dr Lamb. I’m local to her for the foreseeable future, I’ll be around if she needs anything while you’re away.
Rooster: How do you know Rosie???
Hangman: Was roped into taking part in flight surgery qualifications while my squad’s on maintenance.
Hangman: She’s too good for you.
Rooster: I know. Thanks for having her back. I appreciate it a lot.
Hangman: I’m not doing it for you, Bradshaw. Lamb’s a friend. 
Hangman: Besides, I gotta get in good and early if I’m going to be Uncle Jake :)
Rooster: Absolutely not.
Hangman: Suffer :)
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“Hey there little man! Look at you! There you are!” Rooster swallows the lump in his throat as he stares down at his son, totally and completely captivated. It had been almost twelve hours already since he’d come screaming into the world, and Rooster isn't sure the intensity of his love for him will ever dull.
He’s got the tiny baby against his chest, one hand behind his head for support, and the rest of his arm cradling him close to him as he bounces gently, pacing slowly back and forth across the small hospital room. You sit comfortably in your hospital bed watching him, and Rooster can tell just from your expression that you feel the same way as him right now.
“What are we gonna name him, baby?” you ask after a few more minutes of serenity. The two of you hadn’t really discussed names yet, with Rooster only having returned from sea a week and a half ago, and with all the other organisation that needed to happen before your son’s arrival, it just hadn’t come up.
“Something with song lyrics,” Rooster replies playfully, shooting you a grin. “How about… Fernando? Or Jude?” he suggests, directing his questions mostly at the baby who gargles up at him, his sweetly wrinkly little newborn face the cutest he’s ever seen.
You snort and shake your head.
“No. Veeto.” you say with a scoff, and Rooster laughs gently, so he doesn’t disturb his baby too much. Slowly he moves back to your side, carefully settling on the edge of your bed, and shifting his son to lay in his arms instead. Rooster isn’t even really thinking about names, too lost in admiring his little guy when you clear your throat and speak again.
“I’ve been thinking… What if we called him Nick…?” your voice is quiet, nervous almost, but you’re watching him intently when his gaze falls on you. Rooster blinks at you, feeling the lump in his throat return and he does his best to swallow it down again, but it seems determined to stay this time.
“Nick?” he asks, voice cracking slightly, and you nod. You stay quiet as Rooster looks back down at your son, drawing him close again as he runs a finger over the top of his dark crop of hair.
“Are you a Nick, little man?” He asks softly, rocking the baby slightly. “Are you our Goose? Our Baby Goose?” he asks, feeling the way his voice shakes as he speaks the words.
As if he could understand every word, the baby in his arms begins to fuss, though not cry, and he stretches up with his tiny little fingers. Rooster offers out his own finger, lets his son wrap his fist around his pointer, and he knows it’s nothing but coincidence, but in that moment he feels like he’s receiving some kind of blessing. Your hand appears blurry in his vision, and you curl your pink in with his own, the three of you tethered now, and its then Rooster realises he’s blinking back tears.
Looking up at you, he struggles for words, but finds he doesn’t need them as you lean forward to wipe his eyes with your sleeve, your own eyes a little red and wet.
“I think he likes it, honey.” you tell him, and Rooster can only nod, and you both turn back to stare lovingly at your Goose.
The peace lasts approximately half a day more before you receive your first visitor.
Rooster looks up at the light knock on the door to your room, and he’s not too proud to admit he frowns when he first sees who it is.
Both you and Rooster let out your exclamations at the exact same time, and the man in question takes that as his invitation. Hangman saunters into the room, grinning widely and looking at you. He’s all done up in his dress whites, a large colourful gift bag in one hand, and a similarly large box under his arm, a large sparkly bow wrapped over its top.
“I thought you were in–” once again, both you and Rooster start speaking at the exact same time, and you’re both cut off by Hangman waving a hand flippantly.
“I pulled some strings, just be grateful,” he tells you playfully, before placing both the bag and the box at the foot of your bed, and leaning down to carefully give you a short hug.
Rooster has to purse his lips some, mostly because when Hangman had told him months ago that you were a friend, he hadn’t really considered it much. He knows the man had been there for you early on in your pregnancy, before he’d gotten sent away, but for some reason, he hadn’t really thought the two of you were actually friends.
“Thank you, but you shouldn't have…” you shake your head at him, even as he whirls around, straightening his coat as his eyes land on Rooster, and subsequently, Goose.
“Alright, let me meet the little tyke,” Hangman is across the room in mere seconds, back straight and his demeanour formal, like he were on parade, or an admiral had just entered the room. 
Rooster stands to greet him, though is a little bamboozled when the blond holds his hands out.
“Good to see you, baby daddy.” Hangman nods, his voice serious despite the nickname. He wiggles his hands to motion for Rooster to hurry up. For a moment, Rooster can’t help but clutch his baby even tighter to his chest.
“Do you know how to hold a baby, Hangman?”
He receives an eye roll of near epic proportions in reply.
“I’ve held more babies than you have, old man. Come on, lemme hold my nephew.” Hangman’s words throw Rooster off for just long enough that he blindly lets him transfer Goose out of his arms and into his own.
Rooster grumbles when he watches how Hangman seems to expertly manoeuvre and handle the baby. He makes a note to ask about how many babies he’d had to hold later. It wasn’t exactly something that appeared like a natural trait for the otherwise cocky, brash and reckless aviator. Instead, Rooster crosses his arms firmly over her chest and eyes Hangman wearily.
“You are not his Uncle.” he says flatly, before giving you the same eye, leaning around the now distracted blond. You pout and cock your head some.
“I think it’s cute!” You argue, but Rooster is already shaking his head.
“No. Veeto.” he mimics your words from earlier, but you only proceed to cross your own arms over your chest.
“Too bad, daddy, I’ve earned it.” Hangman announces, and Rooster glares back at him, watching him bounce Goose in a manner even he has to admit is sort of sweet to watch.
“No.” Rooster reiterates, but even he can feel it’s slightly weaker now. You aren’t even looking back at him anymore, you’re watching where Hangman has lifted the baby up slightly, and he points over to you, speaking softly.
“Did you Mama give you a normal name? I told her we’d have problems if she decided to go with something as stupid as Bradley Bradshaw,” Hangman asks Goose, but the question is directed at you.
“His name is Nick. After Brad’s dad.” You inform him, sobering a little. Hangman repeats the name, bouncing Nick a little more as he does.
“Honestly though, we’ve been calling him Goose since we decided.” You continue, smiling softly as Hangman walks your baby back towards you. Rooster frowns again, feeling a little jealous and annoyed that he didn’t get to hold his baby again, but even as the blond places him into your arms, you’re looking up at him and gesturing for your husband to come collect him again. You’d been holding him practically all night, not only were your arms dead sore, but you understood Rooster’s desire to be near his son if he could help it.
Rooster comes over and collects Goose, bundling him up against his chest again and shushing him as he fusses at all the movement. Hangman watches him with a slight smirk, but cocks his head and gives his head a slight shake.
“Goose is nice. Keeps up the bird theming you got going on.” Is all he says, before he’s turning back to you, stepping around Rooster to grab the packages from the end of the bed.
“The bag is just a little something for Nicky-boy, from his uncle Jake,” he trails off as you peek inside, and then pulls out a plush Donald Duck almost as big as Goose himself, and dressed like an old-timey aviator.
"Not his uncle." Rooster says again, almost out of resolve now as he looks at the gift. So far, Hangman was actually making a half decent definitely-not-uncle...
“Oh Jake, that's so sweet, thank you!” you gush, holding out the toy immediately for Rooster to take, and for a moment you all watch as he gently introduces the plush to where Goose shuffles and fusses. Almost on queue, when the teddy is within reach, he grabs it by the head as best as his little hands can and tugs it near. Rooster adjusts it, so none of the little bits are anywhere near a mouth or eye, but even he can’t help but grin down at the clear acceptance and approval his son radiates.
“This is from Phoenix. Said it’s a bunch of self-care stuff. I don’t know. Call her.” Hangman shrugs unhelpfully as you lift the lid on the box, and begin looking inside. You preen and ask the blond to pass you your phone, where you seemingly shoot off a text to your other aviator friend, and Rooster forces himself to come to terms with the fact he’s missed a lot while away, even if he feels on the same page when it comes to you in most other aspects.
Hangman stays for a short while, but has to leave almost as soon as he’d arrived to catch a flight back to his posting. Rooster makes another note to call him later, thank him properly, even if it's something he dreads doing simply for the smugness he’s sure to receive alone.
When the evening rolls around, Rooster helps you with everything you need while you feed Goose, helps you wipe your face, and adjusts pillows and blankets around you, before he finally suggests you try to get some sleep before the next meal time. You barely argue, your eyes already fluttering shut, and Rooster collects Goose up, burping him and changing him before he decides the two of them will take a nice little walk.
Rooster hadn’t really had a plan or a direction in mind when he’d begun slowly moving down the now-quiet hospital halls. You’d been moved out of the main maternity ward earlier, and into a private room in a quieter part of the hospital, thanks to your healthcare and pre-planning with the hospital. Considering all of the staff worked with you, it hadn’t been hard for them to arrange a nicer room for you post-birth.
Rooster bounces Goose gently as he walks, curiously peeking in at the empty or occupied rooms as he passes, noting that most patients appeared to be older folk. He’s humming softly under his breath when he glances in at an open door, only to stop dead in his tracks.
Rooster feels his heart skip a beat, and then thump wildly against his ribcage, so wild in fact he has to look down at his baby briefly to make sure he isn’t being disturbed by it. Goose sleeps soundly though, and quickly, Rooster finds himself peering back into the room he’d come to a stop outside of, his feet drawing him slightly closer, though keeping back enough he wasn’t fully visible to the person inside.
He feels like he’s seen a ghost, almost, but just as he starts to come back to himself, he’s hit with a whole new panic.
Why was Admiral Kazansky, his once ‘Uncle Ice’ in the hospital?
Before Rooster can begin to come up with some answer, or rationalisation, an all too familiar voice calls out, and suddenly he feels like he’s twelve again, peeking around the office door of Uncle Ice, hoping to get some of those butterscotch candies he kept in his top draw once the older man noticed him.
“Is there something I can help you with?” Ice asks, and from where Rooster is peeking in, he can see the now grey-haired man shifting to try and see who was at his door. For a moment Rooster considers running, just clutching his son to his chest and speed walking away, but for a reason he’s not entirely sure of, he doesn’t.
“I’m sorry to have disturbed you, Admiral…” He hears his own voice rasp out, conscious of his arms gently moving Goose to a less visible position. At the sound of his voice, Ice straightens up and pulls his reading glasses off, squinting at Rooster as he steps in just slightly, though still lingering by the door.
“Bradley?!” Ice asks, a grin breaking out across his face as he takes the younger man in. He hadn't seen Ice in almost as many years as he hadn’t seen Maverick. “Get in here!” the older man all but orders, getsuring him forward all the while pushing himself up to a seated position, fiddling briefly with the buttons on his bed control.
“I’m sorry to drop in like this, I was just passing and I saw you–”
“Don’t even finish that apology, Bradshaw, just get in and sit down.” Ice says a little firmer, and Rooster feels himself compelled to obey. Gingerly, he thanks the universe for the older man’s distractedness as he steps fully into the room and toward the seat by his bedside, unsure when exactly or if at all he should mention the baby cradled in his arms.
Just as he’s figuring out some kind of explanation, Ice looks up at him, and despite his features having aged significantly since they last saw one another, his eyes are sharp as ever, piercing as he scans Rooster’s face, before they quickly drop down, and he’s taking in the sleeping bundle in his arms.
“Oh…!” Ice’s voice has a hush to it now despite his apparent surprise, his gaze flickering back up to meet Rooster’s, seemingly looking at him in a new light now.
“Oh, Brad…” There’s a softness underlining his words now, and a warmth that nearly makes Rooster start to tear up.
Instead of crying, though, Rooster distracts himself by adjusting the baby in his arms, shuffling so that Ice can get a better look at him, shocking himself slightly when he doesn’t even hesitate to hand him over when Ice silently asks to hold him.
Rooster helps get him situated, and quietly sits back down again, watching as his Uncle Ice cradles his son, cooing softly down at him as the baby wakes a little.
“He, uh, he was born last night… 2:34 in the morning, 6 pounds, 8 ounces… I can’t remember what the doctor said his height was…” Rooster rattles off the information blankly, though stumbles a little as he fails to recall some of the details he feels like he should remember. Once his son was there, though, Rooster had found it hard to pay attention to anything else.
Ice glances up at him and chuckles warmly.
“Looks around 20 inches.”
They sit quietly for a few seconds before Goose stirs more and just as Rooster jerks to go to him, Ice is cooing again, bouncing and rocking him gently, in the way only an experienced parent knows how to do, and the sight makes Rooster falter and fall back in his seat, amazed that the baby ceases his soft cries almost immediately. Ice looks over at him and shrugs.
“Still got it.” He jokes. Rooster can’t help but grin. He’d spent many a summer alongside the Kazansky children when they’d eventually come along. He had many vivid memories of visiting Aunt Sarah in the hospital with Mav and his mom after each were born. He remembers how all the doctors and nurses were fascinated by how instantly Ice could get a baby to stop crying. In the back of his mind, Rooster recalls his mom saying that the famous ‘ice coldness’ that gave him his callsign must have worked on baby’s as well as aviators.
“Congratulations, Bradley. I’m so proud of you.” Ice says then, tearing his eyes at last from the baby to stare at Rooster.
“Thank you… he’s uh… he means everything to me.” Rooster tells him, feeling his chest squeeze up again.
“I know the feeling.” Ice nods in agreement, rocking the baby again. “Have you named him yet?” he asks then. The question makes Rooster swallow thickly, but he nods, and does his best to clear his throat.
“We named him Nick. After dad.” he says, and watches how Ice takes the information in, and although his smile softens, he doesn’t look at all surprised. He almost looks like he’d known the answer to his own question all along, and for some reason he can’t explain, it brings Rooster comfort.
“His mom and I… we’ve taken to calling him Goose… it suits him.” Rooster goes on, not feeling like he has to explain himself or his choices, knowing that Ice understood him to the core. The older man lets out a small dramatic ‘oh’, and looks back down at the baby in his arms, bringing him closer to his face as he starts baby-talking to him softly.
“Goose?! Are you little baby Goose? Of course you are! Look at you, of course you’re a Goose!” Ice keens affirmingly, taking a moment to swipe his hand over the thick dark hair on the baby's head, smoothing it down as Goose begins to blow bubbles. Ice starts to chuckle, but the sound is cut off by a rasping hack, his head snapping away from Goose and into his shoulder as he coughs violently, whole body juddering as he attempts to suppress his movements, trying his best not to shake the baby.
Rooster hurries to his side, collecting Goose from his arms, and then moving for the glass of water on his website, filling it up and offering it out as Ice hacks and splutters viciously, his throat sounding like he was coughing up gravel and rocks.
It takes a moment, but eventually the older man starts to get a hold of his coughing and his breathing, and he lets himself fall tiredly against his pillows, gratefully accepting the water when he spies Rooster holding it out for him.
“I’m sorry,” he begins, voice sounding raspier and weaker now. Rooster frowns and swallows.
“Are you alright…?” he asks, knowing deep down that the answer was likely not one he’d want to hear. Ice takes a large sip of water before leaning back and sighing lowly. After a moment, he fixes Rooster under his intense gaze and smiles softly.
“No. But I’m trying to be.”
Rooster stares, all of a sudden wondering where all the years had gone, and how much time he wasted ignoring everyone who reminded him of his past, instead of acknowledging their importance to him, and their influence on the man he was today.
He opens his mouth, but the older man cuts him off.
“I don’t want to talk about that, though. I’d rather focus on the future, and on how you’ve been. Tell me all about your family…”
Rooster does. He talks for longer than he thought he would have, tells his adoptive uncle the entire story of how you met, how Goose came to be, and all the little things inbetween. Honestly, he talks openly in a way he hasn’t in years, but is long overdue, and he relishes in the familial approval of his Uncle Ice as he laughs and hums along to each story, asking questions here and there or chipping in.
He tells him all about you, your fling back after he’d completed TOPGUN, and how he feels like from the moment the two of you sat at his piano together, he’d just known you were it for him. How for the first time in his life he hadn’t felt any rush, because he knew you were it, and then how that romantic sentiment was thrown overboard when you’d found out you were pregnant. He tells Ice how you’d decided to get married, mostly so that the two of you (plus Goose eventually) could be counted as a family unit in the Navy’s eyes, and how it would just make things easier.
Rooster even divulges how even though your marriage was one out of practical reasons, and you both referred to each other as spouses, Rooster wants to give you a real wedding, a proper one. He quietly tells Ice that he knows neither of you would have considered marriage so soon if not for Goose, but that he feels for once in his life, a choice he’s made is emphatically, without a doubt, the right one.
By the time Rooster is done, he feels lighter, happier if that were even possible, and he and Ice sit in amicable silence for a few moments, listening to the various medical machines around the room beep and whir softly.
Rooster knows the question is coming, and he surprises himself when it doesn’t spark an immediate souring of his mood.
“Does Maverick know?” Ice asks softly, nodding at Goose, who lets out a tiny whine as if in reply. Rooster takes a moment to calm his son and make sure he isn't about to fit, before he sucks in a deep breath and answers.
More quiet prevails, this time Rooster avoids looking in the other man’s direction, busying himself fiddling with Goose’s little PJ’s.
“I’m not going to lecture you, Bradley. You’re a grown man, an adult, a father. Your choices are your own,” Ice says, voice sounding bereft, but Rooster can sense his sincerity, which somehow doesn’t make him feel better or secure in his grudge. “If you ask me not to mention any of this, I promise this little rendezvous will stay between us.” the older man goes on to assure him, making Rooster glance sharply up.
Ice is regarding him somberly, but he reaches out to grip Rooster’s shoulder firmly, giving him a gentle squeeze.
“I understand. My lips are sealed.” he makes a zipping and locking motion over his lips, and then settles back against his pillows.
“I should be getting back. And let you rest…” Rooster starts, receiving a hand wave from Ice.
“Perhaps I’ll be able to convince you to bring your family over for dinner sometime…” Ice trails off, and Rooster takes his cue to stand. He reaches out for Ice’s shoulder this time, and mimics his previous shoulder squeeze.
“I’d like that. I… I hope you get better…” Rooster says, and gets another hand wave.
“If you need anything at all when it comes to the baby, don’t hesitate to give Sarah a call… she won’t say anything either if you ask…”
Rooster thanks him and quietly makes his exit, Ice clearly already dropping off. It makes Rooster wonder how weak he usually was, and how much he’d exerted himself due to his and Goose’s presence. He returns to you in your room, just as Goose begins fussing for food, and he helps as best he can once more as you go about feeding him.
When both you and the baby are asleep once more, Rooster sits quietly, watching his son’s chest rise and fall and considering the turn of events in the last day or two.
He finds himself once again surprised by the lack of anger that came at the mentioning of Maverick, and as Rooster contemplates if it were just his good mood from welcoming his son into the world colouring his emotions, he comes to the realisation that for the first time since he was eighteen, he doesn’t feel such an unrelenting fury anymore.
He wonders if becoming a father has anything to do with his sudden change. He thinks of Goose growing up, of the family he had, and his chest starts to hurt a little. You didn’t have any immediate family to speak of, and all he had was the Navy, and maybe, Uncle Ice. He understands then,  why you were keen on letting Hangman be so present in Goose’s life, if you were as close as it appears you are.
Hangman was many things, and if one of those happened to be his wife's good friend, who took care of her when she was pregnant, sick, and alone, helped her to appointments, and made sure she got her quals on top of it all... well, Rooster is okay with that.
Maybe even okay with Uncle Jake, though he's not sure he'll ever admit it to anyone's face.
Rooster sighs and rests his hand on his son’s head, smoothing back his hair. Maverick was still, despite over a decade of separation, the closest thing Rooster had to a family. There’s a part of him that realises, when he thought about the future, though present for him now, when Rooster had imagined having a wife and kids, he’d also subconsciously imagined having made up with Maverick by that point in time. Despite what he’d done, Rooster is hit with the realisation that he wanted Maverick to be a part of his life, he wanted his son to know him, to love him as much as Rooster loves him, deep in his heart.
Rooster decides then that he will forgive Maverick. He’s not sure when exactly, he doesn’t know if he’s completely ready for all of that emotional unpacking so soon, but he promises himself, and Goose, that he will resolve things with the only father he has left, before it’s too late.
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“Are you ready, babe?” you ask, looking over at your husband in the driver's seat, where he’s been sitting ever since pulling up to the massive private hangar. You’d managed to get Goose unbuckled and out in the time Rooster had taken to just sit, staring blankly ahead.
His gaze snaps to you then, and you smile softly, reaching out to take his hand.
“Are you ready?” you ask again, meaning altered this time, and you watch him process, nodding even before he’s fully back to himself. He squeezes your fingers and draws them near, placing a kiss on your knuckles before he releases you.
“Yes ma’am. It’s been a long time coming.” he tells you, finally exiting the car, and moving to the side door to grab the cooler of snacks and drinks you’d brought despite your host's insistence you bring nothing.
You smile and raise an eyebrow at him over the top of your car.
“I should say so!” you snark playfully, receiving a cheeky grin in reply as Rooster rounds the car and dips down to press a much-too-heated kiss to your lips.
“I know, I know, honeymoon in Hawaii, I know…” despite his apparent complaining, he presses another kiss to your lips and you can’t help but moon up at him.
“I love you,” you tell him, before straightening up and checking you’ve got everything. “Ready?” you ask again, watching as Rooster opens his mouth to confirm, but the voice you hear is much smaller, and from about knee height between you.
“I’m ready!” Goose announces. You and Rooster both look down to where your son has materialised between you, pushing the pair of you apart as if annoyed by all this dilly-dallying, and pulling a loud chortle from your husband.
“You hear that, sweetheart? Boy’s ready to sortie!” Rooster rallies him, and you all begin to move. “Go Goose, go, go go!” he continues, in what you know is a mimic of the launch crew when he takes off on a carrier. You watch as ahead of you Goose takes off in a little run, his legs a little too short to really carry him too far, but you call out to him to wait for you anyway, uncertain of how tidy this hangar you were headed into really was.
As the three of you get closer, you begin to make out an assortment of people, all gathered around mismatching couches and chairs that were arranged under the shade of the hangar, a BBQ set up nearby already steaming away with several men standing around it.
A loud, boisterous laugh draws your attention, just as it draws Goose’s and the second he realises his Uncle Jake is present, your son moves at what you’re sure are supersonic speeds, his little voice suddenly much too loud.
“Uncle Jake!” Goose shouts, launching himself across the gathering, and you’re thankful for aviators needing fast reflexes, because you aren’t sure how else Jake manages to catch the mass of a toddler flying for him.
“Hey hey! If it ain’t the coolest little man I know!” Jake announces, his hold on Goose easily shifting so he can lift the boy right up off the ground, and hang him upside down slightly as he giggles manically.
Now that your son wasn’t just running around of his own accord, you let your eyes leave him, secure in the knowledge that Jake adored him far too much to let him get into trouble. You and Rooster approach the group, calling various hellos and greetings, but you’re both interrupted from mingling too much as a man you’ve only ever seen in photos steps towards you, wiping his hands off on his jeans, though they don’t look dirty.
“Rosie,” Rooster begins, stepping around you slightly to getsure to the man. “This is Pete Mitchell. You can just call him Mav. Mav, this is my wife, Rosie.” you can hear the slight shake in your husband’s voice, so you give the hand that holds your a squeeze, before releasing it to offer it out to Maverick, who keenly shakes it, his smile warm and welcoming and, you think, a little nervous.
“It’s so nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much.” You tell him, and earn a soft little laugh.
“It’s my pleasure, really.” Maverick insists, and oddly, you feel like he really means it.
“Hangman, can I borrow my son for a moment?” Rooster suddenly calls out from beside you, catching the attention of the blonde, who currently had Goose hanging over one shoulder as he seemingly critiqued Payback on the grill. Jake turns to look at Goose, saying something only they can hear, before he lifts the boy to sit fully on his shoulders, and begins moving in your direction.
Maverick somehow lifts an eyebrow and frowns at the same time, shooting Rooster a questioning, clearly confused look. Rooster rolls his eyes heavily, before jutting his thumb in your direction.
“Against all good sense, the two of them are friends.” he says by way of explanation. You shake your own head, but ignore it. You know Rooster’s relationship with Jake was complicated, even more so recently, but you also know the two trusted and respected one another. The ribbing was just a bonus.
When Jake is only a few feet away, he reaches up and plucks Goose down, flipping him once before his feet hit the ground, and your son explodes in a fit of giggles and demands to go again.
“Not just now Goose, come here for a sec, there’s someone who wants to meet you.” Rooster says gently, crouching down to receive his son as the boy tottles over to lean against his father’s legs.
You stay standing, but watch as Mav seems to anxiously copy Rooster’s movements, crouching down to Goose’s height. Your son all of a sudden turns shy, backing into his dad, and Rooster wraps an arm around him for support.
“Goose, this is your Grandpa Mav…” Rooster says softly, watching as Goose glances toward the apparent stranger with mounting curiosity, though he still lingers in his father’s safety.
“Hey, Goose, I’ve been waiting all week to meet you,” Mav says, and you wonder why he’s so nervous when he seemed to have an immediate aptitude for talking to kids.
“Yeah?” Goose asks shyly, making both Rooster and Mav chuckle, the older man nodding.
“Oh, hey, what’s that you’ve got there?” Mav asks, pointing to the small model toy jet clutched in one of the toddler's chubby hands.
At first Goose shoves the toy behind his back out of instinct, but after Rooster whispers an encouragement to him, he pulls it back out and holds it out, showing it to Mav, who cautiously inches closer.
“Woah, look at that! Is this your favourite?” Maverick asks, earning instant approval as Goose begins stepping closer too, and letting Grandpa Mav get a good look at his toy, bonding instantly as Mav asks him more and more questions about the plane, and Goose realises that much like his dad, or Uncle Jake, Grandpa Mav was a fountain of knowledge on aeroplanes.
In less than three minutes Mav has Goose in his arms, and he’s carrying the boy around the workshop part of his hangar, showing him everything and anything he points to, and answering every question the toddler can think of.
You have to wipe your eyes on the back of your hands, leaning back into the warmth of your husband as he wraps himself around you, his chin resting on your shoulder as you both watch Mav pull down a toy jet similar to Goose’s, only this one you’re sure is as old as you are.
“Thank you. For everything.” Rooster says softly, making you turn your head to look at him.
“I’m proud of you, Bradley, I really am.” you tell him, cupping his cheek and giving it a kiss as best you can.
“And now I can give you that beach wedding and Hawaiin honeymoon, hmm?” His voice is full of a gentle laugh and you join him, your cheeks becoming sore from smiling so much.
“Well… I think we’ll have to wait a little bit for that. At least until Goose’s backseater is here.” you say airly. Rooster hums, his hands moving to rest over the barely noticeable bump in your belly, which is then covered by your own.
“Yeah… Now I’ve just got to figure out how to tell Mav about that.”
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
Trouble in Paradise | 0.4 | Bradley x Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: After the most painful break-up of his life, Rooster is stationed in Hawaii for the next six months. Alone, away from home and hurting, he finds comfort in the arms of a stranger.
Warnings: no use of y/n, age gap (rooster is in his mid-30s, reader is in her early 20s), smut, p-in-v, unprotected sex
Bradley considers calling Mav. He’s sitting in training, trying to listen to the instructor talking on and on about the mission — all he can think about is how badly he has fucked up.
Mav has broken a lot of girls’ hearts, he’ll know what to do. Then it occurs to Bradley that that’s stupid. If he listens to Mav then both of you will end up hating him. He considers for a moment if he would ask his father for advice.
Sure, he knows that Goose would’ve loved to be there for him and teach him right from wrong and how to be a good man. But he hadn’t been here and Bradley had had to teach himself.
No, he wouldn’t have gone to his Dad for advice about this. How could he tell a man who had loved his family so unconditionally that he had fooled around on deployment and now was stuck between his fiancée and a bartender that’s a decade younger than him?
He would have to figure it out on his own.
Amy was the clear choice. She fit into his plan. They were the same age, they had memories and shared opinions, they were both at similar points in their career — he had wanted to marry her once, he just had to get himself back into that headspace.
To do that, he had to stop thinking about you.
He tries.
He takes cold showers, he works out mornings and evenings after work to keep himself busy. He calls Amy every night. He was doing okay — he figured he wasn’t far from what a good fiancé should be.
He even managed on Thursday, his one day off. Amy was busy, his muscles were screaming at him to stop and he knew you were working today. It would’ve been so easy to go find you. Instead, he let Berlin talk him into a few holes of golf at one of the resorts with a couple of the other guys. It wasn’t so bad.
Then it’s Saturday. He’s a couple thousand feet above the ocean — it’s a routine training exercise preparing them for the real mission. Enemy surveillance, it’s run of the mill and he’s not in any danger. But, they train for dog fights anyway.
“Rooster, on your six!”
Rooster looks over his shoulder, finding his instructor on his tail. He pulls up abruptly, clearing himself from the danger behind him.
Riot is next to him. He’s just a kid, really. From the island, fresh out of the academy, on his first assignment. Rooster, being the more experienced aviator, is his wingman for the exercise.
Being the more experienced aviator, he should have noticed that Riot was a little too quiet on the comms. Riot had seen that the instructor was pursuing Rooster, he wasn’t paying attention. He was a little too close.
“Shit!” He breaks right to avoid getting too close to Rooster. Rooster watches it all happen. It’s two gulls. The hard right sends Riot straight into them, they hit the canopy and are sucked into the engine.
The next two minutes feel like they happen in slow motion. Rooster is silent on the comms, it’s the instructor who’s yelling his way through what to do. Rooster just watches Riot panic.
Both engines are out and he falls into a spin. Rooster watches him eject. He watches Riot hit the canopy.
He doesn’t even remember landing his own plane, but he’s back on solid ground before he knows it and Riot’s being rushed off to the infirmary.
“Rooster, you okay?” He blinks and turns his head. The instructor’s hand is on his shoulder — he hadn’t even felt his presence, let alone his touch. Rooster’s reminded that no one out here knows him. Or his dad.
“Is Riot gonna be alright?” He asks gently.
“Yeah, his shoulder hit the canopy, they think he broke something but he’s gonna be fine.”
Rooster pulls the collar of his T-shirt away from his neck. He hates shit like this. He knows he’s been given shit for being too careful his whole life but this is exactly why. You don’t pay attention, this happens.
“His replacement should be here the tomorrow afternoon, someone more experienced,” Bradley furrows his eyebrows slightly as he turns his head toward the instructor.
“Replacement? — you said he was fine.”
“He’s going to be be fine, but you can’t fly with a broken arm, Rooster. Someone’s taking his place for a couple months til he’s back on his feet.”
Rooster nods his head. He feels guilty for a moment, knowing that this kid just had a huge set back because of a training exercise that he was in charge of.
“I told the Admiral that you’d show the new guy around. He’s bunking right next to you so figured it would be convenient if he needs a buddy.”
If he was in a better mood, maybe he would’ve laughed at how much the Captain just made deployment sound like summer camp. Instead, he just nods and heads back to the dorms. He looks at the door next to his as he passes it and hopes whoever turns up tomorrow just stays out of his way as much as possible.
His phone is exactly where he left it, charging on the dresser in his dorm room. As expected, he has a couple of different texts from Amy. Then one from you. It's recent, only delivered fifteen minutes ago. He swipes the message open, brows raising slightly as he examines the picture. He's glad he didn't take his phone with him.
The picture is less than safe for work. You're sitting on your bed, he recognises the poster behind it. Wearing a cute pair of blue panties, but they aren't the focus of the picture. Under the picture, you've typed out 'Won't fade ):' in reference to the three purple bites on your bare chest from the last time he saw you.
He doesn't even bother changing, just grabs his keys, wallet and heads out to his truck. He texts you before setting off, letting you know he's on his way.
"Oh fuck!" You laugh, pushing yourself down from the counter as his reply lights up on your phone screen. Ella's eyebrows raise in intrigue as she drops the dish she was washing into the soapy water as she cranes her neck to look at the screen.
"He's on his way? - I told you!" She slaps your arm, making soap fly across your tanktop. You dip your hand into the sink, flick water into her face and dip out of the room before she can retaliate further. You weren't expecting such a swift reply.
You collect the mess of books on your bed, lifting them and dropping them into the closet, slamming the door shut. Ella listens to you busy yourself around your room. You busy yourself so well that you don't even hear him knocking at the door. Ella answers it for you.
Their brows furrow slightly. Ella looks him up and down, impressed by his uniform, then she steps aside, "She's in her room."
"Thanks." Rooster breathes, patting her shoulder as he passes her.
You spin to face him as the door opens. Rooster watches your lips part as you look him up and down.
"Fuck, you look good in uniform." You breathe, grinning at him. He nudges the door shut behind him, letting out an almost relieved breath as you lurch forward and rise up onto your tiptoes to kiss him.
You open your mouth, pulling back and furrowing your brows slightly. You look him over. He’s tense, you can see it in the way he’s carrying himself. Rooster knows you’re about to ask about his day. He can’t stand the thought of talking about it.
"Where are you headed?" Rooster asks, glancing down at your outfit. You're wearing a grey tanktop and denim cut off shorts. The kind of shorts that the pockets peek out the bottom of them.
"I wasn't expecting you to come over so soon - I have work in an hour." You admit. You don't admit that you like the way he clearly disapproves of your outfit choice. He grabs your hips and turns you around, nudging you a few steps forward to evaluate exactly how short they really are.
Deciding to push him a little, you bend over slightly and wiggle your hips, then look back at him over your shoulder, "You like them?"
Rooster scoffs. He raises his palm and smacks your ass, making perfect contact with your ass cheek thanks to the lack of coverage from your shorts. He grabs your hips and pulls you back against him, kissing your neck, "I like them, I don't like the thought of a bunch of drunk idiots liking them as much as I do."
You press you ass back against his crotch, grinning to yourself. You shrug your shoulders, "I mean, that's how we met. Could be a good opportunity for me to make some more friends."
"Shut up." Rooster grumbles against your earlobe, fingers curling around your hips as he grinds his crotch forward against your ass. You take your lip between your teeth, purely to keep from grinning.
"What? - What's wrong?" You tease. His hand snakes around to your front, popping open the button of the shorts, dragging the zipper down, whilst his other hand holds you tight against him. He shakes his head softly and presses his lips to the hinge of your jaw.
"Once I get you out of these, nothing." He murmurs, rutting his hips forward as his hand dips into your shorts.
You giggle as you try to pull yourself away from him, only to be tugged back against his chest before you've managed a step. His lips press against your neck as he nudges his hand into your underwear.
"I told you, I have to be at work - you'll have to wait." You push against his grip again, hoping he'll keep you exactly where you are. His fingers stroke gentle figures against your clit as his other hand covers yours. He takes your hand and places it over the bulge in his flightsuit. You squeeze his cock gently through the material, heart fluttering at how hard he is already.
"Does it feel like I can wait?" He teases. You can't help but laugh. He kisses your shoulder, "I'll have you there on time, don't you worry."
You push your ass back against him once more, letting your head rest back against his collarbone. Rooster hums as he grinds himself against you, circling his fingers over your clit.
“You started it, sending me dirty pictures whilst I’m working.” He tuts, catching sight of you smiling. He kisses your jaw softly.
“Are you saying you didn’t like it?” You feign innocence, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder. Rooster uses the opportunity to kiss your lips, grabbing your jaw with his free hand and keeping it facing him.
“Don’t be stupid.” He shakes his hand fondly, “Half tempted to make it my lock screen.” He’s joking, until he catches the look in your eye. The excitement — almost validation. He lets go of your jaw and withdraws his hand from your shorts, instead grabbing ahold of the bottom of your tank top and tugging it up.
You lift your arms for him to remove it, watching it land in the chair in the corner. Then you hear the zipper of his flightsuit and he’s kicking off his boots. You gasp as his chest presses hard against your back, forcing you forward until he has you pressed into your mattress.
“Up.” You lift your hips obediently for him, the shorts are thrown to the same place as the tank top.
He tugs your hips up, closer to him. You gasp at his mouth hits the backs of your thighs. The tickle of his moustache is a juxtaposition to the sting of his teeth as he nips softly at your skin. He pressed his lips to your ass cheek, making you giggle as he sucks a kiss to your skin. He nuzzles his mouth against your clothed core, stroking his tongue across the fabric of the cotton until it’s spit-soaked and almost see through.
You whimper softly.
“Want you to think about this when you’re at work later.” Rooster murmurs, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to the skin of your ass cheek, dragging his teeth over the spot. “Since you’ve got me thinking about you all the damn time anyway.” He nips at your cheek, slapping it playfully.
You hum contentedly as you push your hips back against him. He hooks a finger into your underwear and tugs it to the side, finally gracing you with his mouth as he flicks his tongue against you.
“Trying to get under my skin really does it for you, doesn’t it, baby?” He realises, pulling your hips harder against him as he presses a finger into you without warning. You whine at the fresh contact, fingers curling around your sheets, desperate for more.
“You like trying to make me jealous?” He asks, adding a second finger and curling them inside of you. Your soft moans are always music to his ears. You choose not to answer his questions, figuring they're rhetorical for the most part.
“Come on, you know you’ve got all my attention anyway, right, baby girl?” Your pussy clenches around his fingers as he kisses your hip. He raises an eyebrow, “You like that?”
“Fuck, Rooster — please.” You practically cry out. You push yourself up onto your knees and push back against him.
Rooster shakes his head, his hand on your hip steadying you as he fucks his fingers into you, “So needy.”
The sound of him discarding his flight suit has never been such a delight. He brushed his cock against you, just stroking his tip along your core. He groans gently as he rocks his hips forwards into you, leaning forwards and kissing your spine.
You push back against him, humming contentedly as you're met with the growingly familiar stretch of him filling you. Rooster's fingers curve around your ass, grabbing at the skin and squeezing. In this moment now, he just knows he's going to be thinking about you like this for the rest of his life.
He pulls you back against him, rutting his hips forward to bury himself as deep into you as he can. You rut yourself back against him, met with more force this time. You gasp as he drives his cock into you, hard. His hand skims along the tanned skin of your bare back, curling his fingers around the nape of your neck and pushing you down against the mattress.
Your cheek presses against your sheets, stifling the soft moans spilling from your lips as he fucks you. He snakes a hand around your waist, slipping his fingers between your legs.
"Shit, Rooster." You breathe out, fingers curling tight around your sheets as you lift your hips and push back to meet his thrusts. He leans forward and presses his chest to your back, grunting softly as he drives his hips hard into yours.
"I've got you, baby," He hums, pulling you tight against him as his fingers work over the swollen bundle of nerves between your legs.
It’s dirty and hard, and both of you know that you don’t want it any other way. You’re out of your mind around him, and you know that too. Rooster cums on your chest, sitting back against his ankles with him lip between his teeth. You barely even remember that you’re supposed to be at work that afternoon when you’re leaning back on your palms, grinning up at him.
It’s Rooster that reminds you.
“Come on, Baby,” he grabs his boxers from the floor of your room, letting out a heavy breath, “Said I’d get you there on time, didn’t I?”
Your eyes widen, “Shit!”
“You’re fine, we still have — twenty minutes.” He checks his watch and shrugs his shoulders before stepping into his underwear. You groan as you grab make up wipes from your nightstand to clean yourself up.
Rooster dresses himself first, then tosses you your tank top. You watch him cross the room to your dresser, brows furrowing.
“What, I can’t wear the shorts?” You ask playfully, passing him as you stand up to go and grab them. He shrugs his shoulders casually as he pulls open the drawer he has seen you find shorts in previously.
“You can wear whatever you want, baby girl. Just wasn’t sure you’d still want to.” There’s amusement just dripping from his voice. You furrow your eyebrows, wondering what he finds so funny. He glances back at you, then nods to the full length mirror in the corner of your room.
You cross the room, turn and examine.
“Rooster!” He tosses you a different pair of shorts. The ones he has chosen are slightly longer, they’ll cover the three new hickeys on tops of your thighs.
“You liked the ones I gave you before.” He teases, kissing your cheek, “Now get dressed, you’re gonna be late.”
You try to glare at him, watching his grin widen.
You have to admire his commitment to getting you to work on time. You’re still half-dazed as he’s opening the door to the truck for you. He seems more at ease now than before.
“Hey, Rooster?”
He hums to show you that he’s listening as he looks ahead.
“Are you… okay? — You seemed kind of… wound up when you came over.”
He almost winces, but holds it together. He thought he had made it through without being questioned.
“I’m fine.” Rooster glances over and immediately registers that you don’t believe him. He sighs softly, “There was a fuck up today at work, someone got hurt. It’s not that big of a deal.”
You reach out and slide your hand into his, “Wanna talk about it once I’m off of work?”
“No, no — I hate talking about work after work.” He shakes his head quickly. He watches you eye him curiously. “It’s nothing anyway. Just happens sometimes.”
“If you say so, sailor.” You shrug, taking off your seatbelt as he pulls closer to the bar. Rooster goes to take off his seatbelt too.
“Wait, you can’t come in.” You grab his arm, stilling him. He furrows his brows curiously at you, fingers still curled around the door handle.
“Why not?”
“We aren’t allowed to fuck customers. No boyfriends or fuck buddies in the bar, it’s Abi’s rule — saves arguments.” You explain. He watches you turn the rear view mirror toward you and check that you still look okay. As such, he has to turn his head and look out of the back window as he reverses into a spot.
“So does Abi know about me?”
“Fuck no.” You chuckle, shaking your head as you fix your hair. You debate pulling it back, but the hickey under your ear stops you from doing that.
“Cool, so I’m just a regular customer. Promise not to fuck you.” He leans across and kisses your cheek, then slips out of the truck. Your cheeks heat up as you follow him.
“Rooster.” You catch up to him before he makes it around to your side. You stop in your tracks, awestruck by the soft, sweet smile on his lips as he slips his palm gently into yours and squeezes. How the hell is this the same person who had you face down in your mattress twenty minutes ago?
“I’ll be good,” He promises you, “No rule against paying customers coming to see their favourite bartender is there?”
“I guess not.” Rooster brings your knuckles up to his lips, kissing them softly, then releasing your hand. He’s satisfied with that answer.
“So, I’ll see you in there.”
“You can only come in if you promise to tell me about your day.” You pull your hand out of his and poke your index finger into his chest. Rooster narrows his eyes fondly out of you. He tries to make you back down.
Realising that isn’t going to happen and that you’re really going to be late if he doesn’t give in, he groans, “Fine. Move it.”
You glance toward the bar, making sure you’re out of view, then lean forward and kiss his lips quickly, “See you soon!”
His lip quirks as he watches you hurry inside ahead of him. He remembers the thousands of arguments he has had with Amy about him keeping things to himself, especially about work. It’s never been easy to open up — he just doesn’t want anyone to worry about him. He especially doesn’t want anyone to think he doesn’t have everything under control.
You’ve just made further progress in a casual conversation before work than Amy made in six years, and you don’t even know it.
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lovemadethemdoit · 9 months
oh, oh, jake gravitating towards mav as a father figure and being super hypervigilant and insecure about it every instance he is witnessed doing that by one or more of the daggers because (jake’s inner thoughts) poor jake hangman seresin so obviously begging for maverick‘s attention because his daddy didn’t love him how embarrassing that he thinks mav would want to be that for him so he always removes himself from the situation as soon as someone joins their table in the hard deck or comes into mav‘s office or whatever and mav is a little slow on the uptake but very much confused until rooster points it out to him that he gotta invite jake around the house some time and when mav discusses it with penny she hits him over the back of his head and goes "pete mitchell, tell me right now that you didn’t make that boy feel like a second thought" so that‘s how jake gets invited over to mav‘s for 'the game' (mav has no idea what teams are playing but bradley installed the sports channel on his television so there‘ll sure be something, right?) and they have a beer and when rooster comes home and jake gets up from the sofa instantly, like he overstayed his welcome, rooster pushes him back into the cushions as mav pulls him back down and they squeeze him in between their shoulders so he can‘t do his running act
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simpforrooster · 1 year
i’ll let you know tomorrow.
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pete ‘maverick’ mitchell x f!reader
summary: maverick is enamored with a new lady at the bar. turns out rooster talked mav up earlier.
t/w: brief mention of an age gap, alcohol, cursing maybe?
“Hey Mav, you got a little drool,” Hangman tells him, gesturing to his mouth with his beer bottle.
Maverick knew he was staring. He just didn’t realize how obvious he was being about it. The moment you stepped into the bar, Maverick was gone. He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you.
Rooster follows his godfather’s gaze, smiling upon seeing you. He’d met you earlier, a new computer engineer on base. Rooster knew Maverick would insta-fall in love with you.
You were absolutely Maverick’s type. So much so that Rooster didn’t think he’d be able to utter a word to you. He’d never seen his godfather so speechless. The man was practically undressing you with his eyes.
“Are you going to go talk to her? or just stare like a creep?” rooster asks.
maverick runs a hand over his face, about to accept defeat. “I don't even know what I'd say to her.”
Hangman rolls his eyes. “Grow a pair, Pops. I just might beat you to her.” Mischief dances in Hangman’s eyes, like he knew all Mav needed was a little competition.
Maverick meets Rooster’s eyes. “Maybe she’s lost that lovin’ feelin’?”
“Oh no, she hasn’t.” Rooster vehemently shakes his head, backing up from his godfather. Roos heard the story time and again from his mom. Ice shared it with her shortly after Goose’s death, hoping it would bring a smile to her face.
It did.
“Come on, your old man used to back me up. Now it’s your turn.”
Maverick hadn’t used this tactic on a lady since Charlie. It felt pretty sacred to her, and Nick. He wasn’t sure if he kept it filed away for so long for her sake, or Nick’s. With Rooster standing here, and Charlie happily married in D.C. he thought, what the fuck?
“We gotta help her find it,” Maverick pleads, praying Rooster caves before someone like Hangman steals her away.
Maverick gives Rooster his best pleading eyes. He has no idea who that girl is, but he can’t let her get away. He can’t bear to see Hangman with her.
Rooster throws back the remainder of his beer, silently conceding. Maverick jumps into the plan, effortlessly explaining everything as if he does this all the time.
As Maverick and Rooster perform for you, Mav immediately takes note of the pretty flush that dusts your cheeks. He wonders how many other ways he could make you blush. Catching Rooster’s eyes, Mav sees a ghost. For a brief moment, Maverick isn’t performing this schtick with Rooster, but rather his father. Bradley looked a lot like Carole when he was younger, but as he’s grown up, he’s Nick Bradshaw made over.
After the last note, Maverick holds your eyes, raising a brow. The smirk you grant him makes him weak in the knees as you pat the empty barstool to your left. Maverick smiles thanks to Rooster and Rooster retreats to the pool tables.
Up close, Maverick sees you’re much younger than he thought. Maybe even younger than Rooster. You don’t seem to mind though, Maverick taking note of how your body angles more toward him. He also notices the cocktail in front of you.
At least 21.
“You must do that all the time to have it so perfected,” you tease. Mav takes a swig of his beer, quickly glancing at the dagger squad. Rooster shoots him a thumbs up, while Coyote and Hangman make obscene gestures. He’ll have the two of them pay for that, of course.
“Ah, nah. This is only the third time. First two weren’t very successful,” Maverick tells you, following your lead by leaning a little closer to you. He figures he can blame the loud music for needing to invade your bubble.
“How’s this one going?” you ask.
“I’ll let you know tomorrow morning, but it’s looking pretty good so far.” He fixes you with the cocky smile of the 24 year old who last uttered the line.
“Is that right, Captain?” you quip. Mav’s eyebrow quirks in surprise that you know his rank.
“Your son told me all about you this afternoon during our meeting,” you gesture toward the squad.
Bradley referred to himself as Pete’s son. The feeling in his stomach almost rivaled the one you cause, your eyes silently begging for Maverick to get you out of this bar.
a/n: i recently watched the first top gun and melt every time mav tells charlie he will let her know in the morning. ugh. obsessed. had to write this.
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bayisdying · 2 years
Imagine being Iceman's daughter:
You are the youngest and only girl. So the prized little girl.
You were kind of an "oops" baby. They had your two older brothers back to back and decided two was enough. But a couple years later, here you come throwing yourself into their crazy lives.
The 5 of you are extremely close knit as a family. Your older brothers are protective of you and definitely teach you how to defend yourself (by practicing their WWE moves on you in the living room)
Whenever your Dad is home you are glued to his side. Unless your Uncles Slider, Maverick, or Wolfman were around. Those three love to dote on you the MOST. Want a Teddy bear from a carnival? Those three legit compete against each other to get you the biggest one.
You are the only child to follow in Iceman's footsteps by joining the Navy and becoming an aviator. Your brothers chose different paths but are super proud of their baby sister.
Ice totally gives you your wings at graduation and no he totally didn't cry (yes, yes he did.)
You got your callsign pretty quickly. Your entire life you had been called "Princess" but now that you were grown up? You were "Ice Queen" or "Queenie" for short
You finish 2nd in your Top Gun class, being beat only by one point and by one Mr. Jake "Hangman" Seresin.
Speaking of Jake. You hate the guy. He's cocky, arrogant, and an all around jackass. You probably gave him the callsign after him leaving you hanging too many times.
But really you two care about each other because you two work well together and get stationed together a ton.
Friends with Benefits? Yes. It happens a couple times.
When your Dads cancer comes back strings are pulled and you are reassigned to San Diego to be closer to your Dad. You spend as much time with him as possible. Mostly in the study.
Getting called back to Top Gun was scary for you. You knew you were one of the best but you didn't want to leave your Dad in case something happened.
When you enter the Hard Deck? Jake notices you immediately. He hugs you so tightly and asks how you're okay. He knows why you were reassigned and why.
You get introduced to the others that you don't know yet
Then Rooster walks in and you can't help but smile. He's been your best friend forever. You definitely sing Great Balls of Fire very, very loudly alongside him.
When it was your turn to dogfight you went up with Phoenix and Bob. You know most of Mav's moves from growing up with his wingman. You get close to shooting him down until he bests you instead.
Dogfight Football? You owned that shit. You grew up with two athletic brothers. You can throw a football better than some of the guys. Jake playfully tackles you and yall get a little *too* close.
When you get word that your father had passed, you are the one to walk into see Mav and Bradley fighting. You hate it. These two idiots that are your family are fighting and your Dad just died
"Mav..." he turns around and notices the tears threatening to fall. And he knows.
Rooster figures it out quickly too.
At the funeral you are in your dress whites standing next to your mother. Hand in hers until she is handed his flag. You don't cry during the service, you flinch when Mav pounds his wings into the casket but no other emotion showed on your face. You were strong for your mother.
Back at the house, you lock yourself in the study and sit in his well-worn leather chair. You breathe in his scent and that's when you allow yourself to cry. You start typing on the computer through the tears hoping that wherever he was, your Dad could read it.
You were not selected for the mission. You can't even be upset. Rooster is the man for the job.
When Mav and Rooster go down? You have a mental breakdown. You just buried your father. Now you would bury two more men you loved. It wasn't fair. You run and find a quiet place in the overcrowded, cramped ship to lose it.
You don't hear them get a signal from Rooster, or hear Jake defy orders to go after them. (Which he does partly for you. He knows how much they mean to you. And he may or may not have realized he loved you during this whole thing)
You don't know until you hear Jake whisper your name, and look up to see 3 of the very special men in your life looking back at you.
And Hangman also may or may not kiss you in front of everybody (he does.)
You know the pain of losing your Dad will never go away, but with Mav, Rooster, Hangman, and the rest of the Daggers by your side? You know you'll make it through it.
No I'm not crying from writing these. Not at all.
Tagging the besties: @kloofspeaks @itzyogurl92 @callsignthirsty @callsign-milano
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redfurrycat · 10 months
🧛🤠🦊🐓🧚‍♂️Mythological Creatures & Shapeshifters Fic Recs🧚‍♂️🐓🐺🤠🧛
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: AnadoraBlack, Arcticmonks, Bahjrc, Barnes_Brain, Caitlin44, Dalearden, Drhorrible, Earthangel_44, Elizabethgee, Fuddlewuddle, Hangmanbradshaw, LadyLanera, MadeItUp, McDanno50, ReformedTsundere, ToukoJalorda003, WaffleToaster, Winterbitch, Youlookgood.
> Ghoost & Ethereal Beings
A Shift in Feelings by Fuddlewuddle {T}
Bradley Bradshaw has a secret that only one person alive--Mav--knows about. He's a shifter and can transform into a Bobcat. When they all return alive from the mission, and Bradley shifts for the first time in years, he's realises that there's one other person he wants to know his secret. Here's hoping Jake Seresin won't live up to his call sign and leave Bradley hanging out to dry when he finds out Bradley is the big cat that's spread out on top of him whilst he's slept, or when Bradley tells him his cat views Jake as his Mate.
meet me in the woods tonight by Caitlin44 {E}
What followed was probably the most emotionally draining hour of Bradley's life since his mother's death. But in the end, the air was cleared between them, and he'd ended up curled into Mav's side, all parts of him once again connected to his surrogate father and his Pack, the connection between them all restored and open wide. He had laid there in almost wonder, exploring the connections he hadn't felt in over ten years, feeling the different links that led to the people he loved, that now formed a pack more extensive than the one he'd left.
Welcome to the Family by LadyLanera {T}
Bradley has the rest of his life to figure out when he's ready to die as a human and be reborn as a vampire. When tragedy strikes, though, he realizes that maybe he doesn't have that long after all.
(these moments given) a gift from time by dalearden {_}
He never could have imagined Hangman being willing to groom anyone, much less him, but it turns out Hangman has hidden depths.
With Teeth and Claws (Love Drags me Deep) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
/Modified Form/
Rooster hadn’t exactly asked for Hangman to keep bugging him about his Modified form. He really hadn’t. …He actively avoided it, if he was honest. But now that wasn’t an option, and he was facing the consequences. On the bright side, Hangman seemed just as surprised as he had been - since he had never seen Hangman’s form, either.
a spoonful of sugar (helps the medicine go down) by bahjrc {G}
Bradley Bradshaw is a tired college student coming home for summer break. All he wants to do is come home, catch up on sleep, help his family's business and maybe figure out what the hell he's going to do with his life. He's not expecting a mysterious man and his weird cat that just moved into the apartment down the street to become a thing in his life. And he's definitely not expecting that golden cat to be such a pain on his ass.
baby, I'm howlin' for you by hangmanbradshaw {E}
/Wolf & Fox/
His smirk widened. He may not have been happy about this, but he could appreciate that Bradley gave as good as he got. “I am good, Rooster. I’m very good.” Bradley stared at him, expression battling between annoyance and what appeared to be a slight amount of amusement and intrigue. Jake continued, “Say, how does a werewolf get the nickname Rooster anyhow?” Bradley raised an eyebrow. “That’s none of your business.”
The Prince and His Knight by McDanno50
On A Dreary Night {E}
Jake felt his heart thump quicker, galloping in his chest, as the clicking of claws grew closer. Heavy breaths not his own let Jake know he was no longer alone. He remained still even as natural fear urged him to look over his shoulder to gauge the threat. But there was no real danger because Jake knew in his soul that he was safe with the monstrous wolf-like creature that lurked in the flickering shadows. The beast who terrified the men, women, and children not born of Miramar was hardly a monster to Jake. The bright light of day sees the Crown Prince of Miramar, Jacob Seresin, protected by his personal knight: a Lycan named Rooster. But at night, Jake loses himself to pleasure by Rooster's wolf form.
A Speckled Rooster Crowed {G}
Lycans had few offspring, litters born every ten years. The last Lycan pups included Julian’s own knight, Cyclone. And now it was Jake’s turn to choose a knight – his very own Lycan pup to raise and train as his personal bodyguard. He’d never known something so exciting yet terrifying. The time has come for Prince Jake to select his knight. Five pups vie for his attention, but one young Lycan seems a bit preoccupied with a fowl enemy.
Of Sex and Flowers {E}
If Heaven truly existed, Jake was sure his would be exactly like this. With Jake and his knight Rooster, alive and together in this peaceful place. Nothing outside of the meadow mattered when they were here: Jake was not royalty and Rooster was not a Lycan. They could play pretend and just be two men hopelessly in love with no duties and no secrets. Jake sneaks out of the castle to spend some private time with Rooster in a meadow. Their relationship will change once Jake becomes the Crown Prince so they say goodbye in the only way they know how.
the shapes of love by winterbitch {T}
sink your teeth into me (keep me)
Rooster doesn't need to know what animal Hangman shifts into, but he sure wants to find out. It's just another piece of the man he's hopelessly in love with, and he wants to know everything, no matter how much his friends tease him. Through a series of events, he finally finds out, and maybe gets more than expected Or shifter au where rooster is a wolf, hangman is [redacted], there's a LOT of pining, and icemav are cute together (ice is a tiger, mav is a fennec). they get their happy end
I see forever in your eyes
Having gotten together (and engaged in the same day), Rooster and Hangman don't get any less annoying with their behaviour. Rooster would even argue that their friends are more annoyed with them now, but he's too deliriously happy to care. He has the love of his life by his side, his friends surrounding him, and he's getting married. Life is great (and it's about to get even better) Or shifter au with smitten puppy rooster, disgustingly in love hangster, some background icemav and ANOTHER proposal
Lagoon by elizabethgee {E}
So it turns out that even though Bradley spends most of his time on land as a human, he is a shifter, and he he can shift into a merman. Jake has a lot of thoughts about it. And he's come up with a plan.
Lost Boy by Earthangel_44 {E}
Jake has to face the consequences after he stole from the pirate.
When the Waters Run Deep (Trust Them not to Pull You Under) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
In all of Jake’s life, all he had ever wanted was to be a marine biologist. He adored the ocean and it’s inhabitants more than anything else. He thought he had everything he’d ever wanted. Until his boss sent him on a mission that he’d almost died on - forcing him to realign his perspective, and realize perhaps there was something else he wanted, after all.
Darkest Little Paradise by hangmanbradshaw {E}
Bradley never thought he'd be dealing with another round of hospital visits, especially not for the only family he had left. When he stumbles upon a book at his rare books store, he finds himself at a crossroads there may be no turning back from, but hey...don't blame him, love made him crazy. Or, Bradley *take my hand, wreck my plans, that's my man* Bradshaw needs to save Mav so he decides to make a deal. Enter Jake. Everything changes in ways he never could have imagined.
Up in the skies by AnadoraBlack {M}
Bradley hasn't been on Tarakona in more than ten years. It's time he goes home. Besides, at 30 years old, there's next to no chance a dragon egg would hatch for him, right?
My Better Half by WaffleToaster {E}
“You don’t know what you want, Bradshaw. You don’t want me, you may think you do, but you don’t.” When Bradley finds out about Jake's deepest and darkest secret, he begins to understand the meaning behind those words. He just never imagined it was going to take magic, pheromones, a life or death situation and sex for him to win Jake back.
What is Past is Prologue. by Barnes_Brain {T}
Everyone in life has secrets. The man at the bar, the woman serving drinks, the vampire who’s currently the COMPACFLT and the legendary pilot who is the same are not exempt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin, however, might have the biggest of them all. So when his secret is revealed, so many others follow. This of course, leads to complete chaos for the poor steward trying to do his best.
young savage things by drh0rrible {E}
After a year working as Jake Seresin's PA, there were three things Bradley was absolutely positive about. First, Bradley was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and he didn't know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for Jake's blood. And third, Bradley was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
pumpkins and whiskers by youlookgood {T}
Needing a fresh start, Bradley moves from his old childhood home in San Diego to a far away small town. It's nice enough, he supposes. The residents certainly have that small-town autumn charm going for them. His new next-door neighbor's pretty nice too. What's less than nice is said neighbor's roommate, and his equally annoying orange cat.
Stuffin' That Muffin by WaffleToaster {E}
/Tentacle Monster/
Jake thinks it could have been a dream, but his distended stomach makes it obvious that everything had in fact really happened. But now weeks had passed and the eggs had dissolved, making him feel depressed in a sense and empty. And so that makes him ask, “What does it take to convince you for round two?”
Evil Be Gone by MadeItUp {E}
Training on the F/A-18 is everything he’s ever wanted, but Bradley’s dream becomes a nightmare when a new recruit joins the Golden Eagles. Blond hair, green eyes and a smirk so wicked he could rival the devil, Jake Seresin is everything Bradley hates – arrogant, brilliant and an unrelenting asshole. It’s almost as if he’s been sent there as Bradley’s own personal demon… All Bradley’s seen of the man so far is the back of his head – dirty blond hair cut short and sharp to the nape of his neck. At Nija’s invitation, Seresin turns to smile at the room, hand coming up in a lazy salute, his grin as sharp, as calculated, as the cut of his hair. His eyes are green, his dimples deep, and he’s far too pretty to be trusted.
The Halloween Special by ReformedTsundere {E}
/Tentacle Monster/
"Bradley?" Jake calls out, getting a hand on the knob even as his heart rate spikes. The sound of sliding limbs and another hard thump make Jake's choice for him. Without further announcement, he throws open the bathroom door, only faintly sure he's prepared for what's behind. He is, of course, incorrect. Jake has a series of thoughts that tangle together, crashing like a group of cars in multiple head-on collisions as his brain and body try to make sense of what he's seeing. It's as though he blinks through the five stages of grief, standing deer-eyed and petrified in the open door of Bradley's bathroom.
Knot Your Typical Meet-Cute by ReformedTsundere {E}
There are no written laws saying that human Jake Seresin can't be a naval pilot, but that doesn't mean the social status of 'less durable meat bag' doesn't have its boot on his throat all the same. He's been a damn good serviceman so far, exceeded all his superior's expectations of him. But the simple fact of the matter is he doesn't have the connections to get him into the program or the genetics. Wolf-heavy and wolf-maintained, it's been nearly impossible to get his file on the desk of the fleet commanders who could streamline him to flight school. But if he does The Run, if he bags himself a wolf high enough on one food chain or another… it's his best shot.
Like Cats and Dogs by ReformedTsundere {T}
Where shifting is a sign of trust and love, indifferent Bradley realizes only when it's too late to stop his quick temper he might care more than he thought that Jake hasn't shifted in front of him even after dating for almost a year.
I wanna know, baby, what is it like? I know you want it, baby, you can have it by arcticmonks {E}
"It’s alright. Tomorrow, no onions. Drink lots of water to get it out of your bloodstream," Bradley says, casually, like he’s Jake’s doctor who’s worried about actual toxins instead of a vampire who wants his fuck buddy to smell just a little better. Jake’s head bobs. "Sure. Any other requests?" With a final hard suck, Bradley finishes off the bottle and sets it aside. "I’d like you to bite me."
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veryace-ficrecs · 2 days
Maverick and Rooster Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
I Remember, Do You? by west00 - Rated T
A post-mission look into Maverick & Bradley's evolving father/son relationship. When Bradley gets hurt a few weeks after the mission, Mav wants nothing more than to get right in there and help him. Turns out it's more complicated than he expected.
anger is... (and love is, too) by actuallyitsstar - Rated T
Maverick taught him how to build a fire when he was eight years old. Now watch what happens, kiddo, he’d said, and Bradley had, attention rapt and gaze unwavering. The orange-yellow flame had started small and wavering, but it had touched the edge of a crumpled sheet from The San Diego Union-Tribune and the ink and paper had melted into a shrinking, retreating ring of ash and char, and it had sprung to life just like that- strong and hot and ever-growing. That’s why you never, ever play with matches, sweetheart, Maverick’s voice in his memories still warns him, but he remembers it- and he thinks about how unfair it is, that Maverick turned on his word. That Maverick came to play with matches. By extension, Maverick teaches Bradley how to really build a fire, an inferno, when he is eighteen years old. He doesn't learn how to let it go, how to want to let it go, until fifteen years later, when everyone else is letting go around him.
fight's on by little_versailles - Rated T
Maverick and Bradley's relationship, as adults, is defined by the fights they have and the ways they recover. Or, Bradley wants to call Maverick 'Dad'.
You Used To Talk To Me by west00 - Rated T
Extended scene: One-shot starting immediately after the beach football scene in TGM. Mav spends some time on the beach just watching them play, hopeful that this could be a breakthrough for him & Bradley but he's not really sure how to get there.
I saw beauty to the north by SortaLively (tiisis) - Not Rated
Not all injuries hit you at once. Some take a moment. Some take several moments. Bradley finds that out the hard way. Ice has been here before and there’s nothing he wouldn’t give to not be here again. Mav really thought it was just a headache.
Sticker Fever by DjDangerLove - Rated G
There’s a clatter of items being haphazardly discarded on the counter, something bulky bouncing around the curves of the sink. “Jesus, kid. How high is your fever? We checked it about a half hour ago.” There’s a comforting pressure despite all odds on the crown of his head and he thinks maybe if Uncle Pete just keeps tousling his hair with the back and forth motion of his fingers his brain just might stay solid.
Promise Me by PurpleArrowzandLeather - Rated T
What if Maverick and Bradley were on good terms from the beginning of the movie and have to hide the nature of their familial ties to avoid getting accused of a conflict of interest?
The Things I Can't Tell You About by west00 - Rated T
AU: Sometime during their 2-3 weeks in training for the mission, Rooster came down with a terrible stomach flu. Weak and dehydrated, he couldn't believe he was reaching out to the man he vowed never to speak to again. AU but takes place within the TGM timelines before the mission. Angsty Bradley POV.
I Need You to Live by PurpleArrowzandLeather - Rated T
When Bradley finishes playing his dad's song at the Hard Deck, he sees a familiar figure collapse on the beach. Thinking the worst, he does everything in his power to make sure he doesn't lose him.
Finding Calm After The Storm by west00 - Rated T
AU: During training for the Uranium mission, a major storm comes through and forces Maverick, Rooster and the Dagger Squad to shelter in place in the building. Yet another reconciliation-based fic! Tension between Mav & Rooster ensues and eventually goes south, Hangman and Phoenix get in the mix too. Rooster POV.
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goosewithtwoos · 2 years
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Rooster x female reader
I’m not sure if you take requests if not please feel free t ignore this
You were mavericks little girl and best friends with rooster sense what seemed like forever not knowing he had secret feelings for you but didn’t say anything because you were His dads best friends daughter,but he couldn’t help when everyone was at the bar and hangman was teasing you at pool and for the first time you let anger slip and used the pool stick to being hangman to his knees and held his chin up with the stick.
“You think your mother would be very proud of the man she raised talking like that”
Frothing at the mouth, let’s go :0 also i have no idea if you wanted some seccy moment but i wrote seccy anyways. dip out at any point bby
Cheers erupted from the crowd as Penny rang the ‘Free Round’ bell.
Some idiotic soul had insulted Phoenix who was out of uniform, saying that he could probably score better on the ASVAB.
You were standing with the other Top Gun graduates, hanging around the pool table, beer bottles scattered nearby. You probably didn’t need another round, but hell, if someone else was paying, you’d take a free drink.
Rooster stood, watching more than actually playing. He leaned his chin on the pool cue, aviators falling down to the bridge of his nose. His eyes flit between the action on the table and you.
Phoenix made her way back over, rolling her eyes at the wolf whistles but carried drinks in hand. She handed one to Bob who, bless him, was still nursing his first beer.
She passed another to Coyote and made an attempt to give one to Rooster, but he politely declined.
Phoenix raised a brow at him. It wasn’t often that Rooster declined a drink.
“I’m D.D tonight.” He explained. “Someone has to make sure she gets home safe.” He motioned towards you.
You would alternate between being designated drivers for each other for as long as you could remember. Whoever was driver would take the other home and make sure to set up a nice little array of advil and water so the following morning hangover would be lessened.
You and Rooster used to sleep over at each other’s houses - solely for the purpose of ‘if anything went wrong’ - but the amount of sleepovers seemed to have diminished as of late.
Phoenix just shrugged at Rooster, took a sip from her own bottle, and then handed you the one meant for Bradley.
He smiled, lop sided, as you took a sip. Your eyes were laser focused on the table, watching how Hangman was playing and trying to figure out the best way to screw him over.
Hangman hit two shots in a row, basking in the glory from Fanboy who was seemingly always hyping him up.
“Your turn, Mini-Mav.” He said to you, eyes glinting with the excitement of the game.
You had a call sign but no one from Top Gun used it. Ever since it was discovered that you were the daughter of Maverick, you became ‘Mini-Mav’.
It bothered you at first. You were your own person, damn it, not just your fathers daughter, but it eventually grew on you.
Your eyes found Rooster, who gave you a slight nod as encouragement, and lined up your shot. Your heart inexplicably began to quicken its pace but you attributed it to the game.
Your cue tapped the table lightly and Hangman whistled, low and slow. “My move.”
You groaned, righting yourself and smacking the end of your cue on the floor. “Come on,” you groan. “Are you serious?”
Hangman just shrugged and went to line up his shot.
“Rules are rules.” He said cooly. He hit another perfect shot and you wanted to tap out right then and there but knew you couldn’t. You had put money on this stupid game and were determined not to lose.
Hangman stood back up, moving around the table to get another shot. Rooster’s and Hangman’s eyes met, the two men trying to burn each other.
Neither was blind. You were undeniably attractive and both men were fighting for you. Rooster said he had claim, he’d known you forever, but Hangman swore he’d get you in the end. This game was going to determine winner.
As Hangman prepared for a shot, he made sure to get right in front of Rooster, successfully hitting him in the abdomen when he shot another round.
Rooster pressed his lips firmly together, trying not to show any sort of discomfort.
“Oh, sorry bud. Didn’t see you there.” Hangman said, turning and grinning. Your eyes darkened. No one was allowed to insult Bradley except for you. Making fun of him was your job.
Hangman looked towards you and noticed the way your expression had changed. “All right there, Mini?”
“Dandy, Bagman.” You grit out.
Maybe it was the alcohol talking but seeing Hangman hit Rooster was really rubbing you the wrong way. You had to make this game count. 
You focused on each shot, hitting four in a row. No one spoke as you sunk the last ball, seemingly all holding their breath.
Hangman looked both angry and impressed but Rooster was smitten.
The look of determination across your face, they way your arms flexed in your black tee, all mixed with the fact that he was taking you home tonight left him with a dull ache.
He had to stop himself from staring by turning to Bob and joining the conversation with Phoenix.
You went to make another move but Hangman’s voice stopped you.
“Didn’t think you’d be this good, Mini.” He said, making a crude gesture with his pool cue, the double implication not lost to you.
You whipped your head around, ready to hit him. “Would you shut up for once in your goddamn life?”
Phoenix, Rooster and Bob all stopped and turned. Fanboy was stepping behind Hangman, ready to back him up in anything.
“Struck a nerve there, didn’t I? Never took you for a prude. Kinda thought you were like your daddy.” Hangman’s eyes danced between you and Penny who was smiling behind the bar, none the wiser of what had just been said.
That was it.
You struck Hangman in the chest with the end of your cue, sending him back and hunched over. A look of shock crossed his face but before he could stand back up, your cue was under his chin, forcing him to look at you.
“You think your mother would be proud of the man she raised talking like that?” You growled.
Fanboy grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him back up. Both men were looking at you, shock in their eyes. You’d never lost your temper like this before.
Rooster was behind you in an instant, pressing a hand against your back. Phoenix was on your left, ready for a fight.
Penny had looked over but knew it was best to leave the group alone until it really turned physical.
“Jeez, doll, didn’t think you’d react like that.” He rubbed over the spot in his chest, holding back the whine in his throat.
“How’d you think I’d take it? You expect me to be okay with you making fun of my family?”
Something flashed across Hangman’s face. He wasn’t going to let you have the last word.
“I expected you to go crying to Goose - ah whoops, I mean Rooster.”
You lunged at Hangman, ready to swing a beautiful right hook but Phoenix had grabbed you, holding you back. Rooster was much too surprised to do anything and contemplated if he should tell Phoenix to let you go.
“I bet your taking the right piss there, aren’t you?” You yelled at him. Hangman was taking steps back, Fanboy going to stand between you two. “Or is it left, huh? I bet even in the tightest boxers, it’s so small you can’t even see which way it curves!”
You slipped from Phoenix’s grip but got caught by Rooster.
“Come on,” he said, picking you up from under the arms and dragging you across the bar. Penny’s eyes were on you, concerned. She shook her head slowly and watched as you got pulled through the crowd. “We’re going home.”
Once in the parking lot, Rooster set you down. You tried to run back in but he stood in front of you, body blocking.
“Just one swing!” You cried, trying to get past him.
He grabbed you again, holding you by the arms. His eyes bore down to yours, trying to get you to calm down.
“Take a deep breath.” He said.
You tried to do as told but remembering what Hangman had said - calling Rooster by his dad’s call sign - chocked you up again.
“Just forget about him. He’s stupid. You’re the biggest prude I know.” He smiled, trying to lighten the mood.
You dropped your head. You didn’t want him to see the tears welling in your eyes. It was a nasty habit of yours to cry whenever you got mad and you hated when Rooster saw your tears.
“It’s not what he said about me.” You admitted, feeling a tear slip down. “It’s what he said to you.”
Roosters grip on you lessened. His breath hitched as he took in what you said. He knew you both cared for each other but watching you try to fight for his honor left his heart aching.
“Look at me.” He muttered. It wasn’t a command and more of a question.
Your head turned up, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. Your eyes were a bit red but thankfully you weren’t crying anymore.
His thumb wiped under your eye, picking up a trace tear that hadn’t fallen just yet.
“You don’t have to fight for me.” He said, heart beat racing. “I’m a big enough boy to fight my own battles.”
You finally met his eyes and you wanted to cry again. Something inside you switched when you looked at him.
You had known for a while that you loved him but you couldn’t tell what kind. Sure, you had grown up with him but that didn’t stop you from thinking of him in a few different ways. He was obviously handsome but he also was your best friend. He knew more about you than anyone else and when you had your heart broken for the first time, he was the first person you ran to.
Bradley held a special place in your heart that couldn’t be filled by anyone else.
“I know you are,” You whimpered out. “but he’s not allowed to say that to you.” You felt a bit childish but continued. “I’m the only one who’s allowed to make fun of you. You’re mine.”
The words were out before you could think hard enough to stop them.
They could be innocent but the two of you knew they weren’t. You were each other’s person. No one else could compete with the way you completed each other.
Your face flushed and it wasn’t from the beer. Roosters eyes searched your face, trying to figure out if he had understood you properly.
Your lip trembled again, embarrassment setting in.
Was he going to leave you here, alone on the porch of the Hard Deck? Assuredly not, since he was the one driving you home and your dad would have Roosters balls as a coin purse if he found out you were left alone at night. But now that meant you were going to have to sit in silence on the way home and then pretend everything was okay next time you ran drills together.
Rooster swallowed deeply and nodded. “I’m yours.”
He dipped down, pressing your lips together. You had no hesitation when you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.
It felt like everything fell into place. Finally, you had the boy of your dreams right where you wanted him and it felt so good to have him want you back.
His mustache tickled your upper lip. You smiled at the feeling, excitement bubbling in your chest.
He pulled back for a moment, hanging his aviators onto his shirt so they wouldn’t fall. You looked up at him, goofy smile forming across your face.
“You still driving me home?” You asked, tilting your head.
Rooster smiled down at you, hands making their way to your waist. “You bet I am.”
From the window, Bob and Phoenix were cheering. You groaned and pressed your face to his chest, waving at them blindly. Rooster laughed and gave them a thumbs up.
Once they had left, you pulled yourself from him and took a step back. You gripped his hand and gently pulled, leading him to the car.
“Am I allowed to say, ‘Take me to bed or lose me forever’?”
Rooster groaned, excitement flaring through him. “Show me the way home, honey.”
The two of you ran to the car, jumping in and pulling out of the parking lot before you even had your seatbelts on.
Rooster sped to your house in record time. You grabbed his hand, leading him through the door and towards your room.
Once inside, you kissed him again, removing his aviators and placing them gently onto your dresser.
You walked him backwards towards the bed and when his knees hit the edge, you pushed him down, enjoying the way he made a little “oomf” sound.
You sat atop of him, grinding your hips down. He moaned into your mouth, pawing at the hem of your shirt.
You took the initiative to take off his, throwing the fabric across your room. He got the hint and pulled at yours, allowing your shirt to join his on the floor.
He broke away, taking his time, committing your chest and every little freckle to memory.
You raked your fingers across his abs, watching how they flexed under your touch. His hips bucked when you got close to his v-line.
His hands came up to your fly, toying at. “Can I?” He asked, looking at you like a hopeful puppy.
You nodded, unsure if you could trust your voice.
Before he got your shorts down, he stopped. His eyes flitted up to yours, hesitation slowly crossing his features.
“You’re not drunk, right?”
God, you fell even more in love with him everyday.
“No,” you shook your head. “I’m not drunk. I want this.”
“Thank God.” and with that, he caught your lips again, pulling your shorts down. You had to get off him to pull them down fully and he whined at the loss of contact.
He scooted back on the bed, pulling at his own jeans as he did. He laid in his boxers, watching as you undressed.
You tried to remind yourself that this was Rooster. Not ever Rooster - this was Bradley.
Still, you left your bra and underwear on, slightly embarrassed that they weren’t a matching set. You made a mental note to go shopping soon.
He propped himself onto his elbow, enjoying the show as you crawled over and on top of him.
His eyes were so inviting and his scent was captivating. Your heart swelled as you looked down on him.
Rooster, Bradley, the boy you’ve loved, was beneath you and smiling. He placed his hands on your bare hips, drawing circles with his thumbs.
“Hi.” You said foolishly, unsure of anything better to say.
His smile only grew. “Hi.” He replied, eyes dancing around your facial features. “You’re really pretty.”
You dipped your head down into the crook of his neck and laughed. “Shut up.”
“I’m just making up for lost time.” He said. He cradled the back of you head and locked his legs around your waist. In a swift motion, you were beneath him, staring up into his dark brown eyes.
He pressed a quick kiss to your temple, removing his hand from behind your head. He trailed down, leaving soft kisses against your collar bone.
His lips found your hipbones, kissing each one gently before finding their way between your thighs.
You looked down, watching his hand come up and slowly massage your inner thigh. He pressed his nose against your core and another wave of arousal shot through you.
You let out a soft whine as he began to press his nose deeper, leaving soft kitten licks every once and a while.
Your hand found his hair and he hummed in appreciation.
He soon became relentless, lapping at you through your panties and gripping harshly at your thigh. His hips ground against the bed, seeking his own friction.
You felt yourself clench around nothing and cried out as his nose hit your clit perfectly.
“Please, Bradley, I need you.” It was so pitiful you surprised even yourself.
He pulled himself up and back to his original position, hovering slightly over you.
“I’m going to have to prep you first, baby girl. You are the biggest prude I know, after all.”
You went to say something snarky back but lost all words when he pressed a finger against your core, slowly teasing your entrance.
He slipped it in and began rocking back and forth, watching your reactions to see what made you scrunch your nose in discomfort and what made you moan.
He slowly added a second finger, checking your reaction. You moaned out as he pressed against your g-spot and felt your orgasm slowly start to build.
“Roos,” you moaned out, gripping at his bicep. Lord, when had he gotten this buff? “Please, more.”
Bradley chucked, leaning down to capture your lips. He pressed his thumb against your clit as he added a third finger.
Never going too fast, Rooster kept a steady pace, opening you up on his fingers.
When he pulled his fingers out, you whined at the loss. He smirked against your lips, pulling down his boxers.
He sat up quickly, fully removing them and tossing them aside. He found his discarded jeans and pulled out a condom from the pocket, quickly putting it on.
“Presumptuous, huh?” You joked, glad for the lighthearted moment.
He smirked, adjusting the condom so there would be no accidents. “I always have one when I go out. Don’t think too much about it.”
You laughed, throwing your head back. He chuckled and grabbed your thigh again. When you looked back, his eyes found yours and then glanced down, questioningly, at your panties.
You swallowed your fear and nodded. He took his time, pulling down the fabric, drinking in the sight of you.
“Let me know if you need me to slow down.” He told you, grabbing you under the knee and coming back to hover over you.
He slowly sunk into you, moaning out at the sensation.
You tensed, hissing at the feeling. It had been a long time since you’d done this and it was a completely different sensation.
Perhaps you just hadn’t liked the other ones as much as you thought you had because the way Bradley was leaning over you made you feel like heaven on earth.
He moved slowly, allowing you time to adjust to his size.
“God, you feel so good around me.” He moaned.
You whimpered in response, brain clouding over in pleasure.
Slowly, you felt the pain melt into intense pleasure. Your building orgasm started rapidly approaching.
“I’m not gonna last long.” You tell him as he began rocking his hips fast.
“Me neither.” He said, bringing his fingers down to work your clit.
You cried out, throwing your head back further into the pillows. You grip back onto his bicep, feeling how he tensed beneath your touch.
He worked your clit as you felt the coil in your abdomen tighten. You willed yourself to keep your eyes open, not wanting to miss a second of having him above you.
His curls bounced with each thrust and his biceps tensed. A sheen layer of sweat was covering his forehead and his eyes changed between watching you and watching where he was entering you.
“Brad-Bradley!” You cried out, trying to hold yourself back from cumming embarrassingly early.
He kissed the inside of your neck, making you clench around him. He nipped the sensitive section of skin, thrusting his hips faster.
“Let go, darling, I got you.” And with that, you were cumming around him, eyes finally shutting as your orgasm flowed through you.
Bradley pulled out, jerking off until he came into the condom.
He rolled off you, catching his breath. You turned towards him, watching the way his chest heaved.
“Shit…” He muttered. “If I had known you felt that good, I would have admitted my feelings a long time ago.”
You laughed, swatting at his arm.
He smiled back before getting to his elbows, trying to stand. He groaned as he got up, unsteady legs taking him to the bathroom. He came back quickly, damp wash cloth in hand and gently cleaned you.
When he was done, he went to your dresser where you had kept a small section for his clothes. He pulled out a pair of his gray sweatpants and tossed them to you. For himself, he chose black sweats.
He went to the bathroom, leaving the washcloth in the sink.
Back in your room, you had put his gray sweatpants on and was making yourself comfortable underneath the covers.
Rooster came back, smiling at your sleepy figure.
He got into the bed, turning you onto your side and pulling you close. His head resting onto your shoulder, arms wrapped protectively around your waist.
“Hangman’s never going to talk to you like that again.” You muttered, half asleep already.
Bradley chuckled, snuggling deeper into you.
You slept better that night than you had in a long time. You had put Hangman in his place, and the boy you loved in your bed.
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same mistakes masterlist
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updated 10/04/23
note: most of these can be read in any order, but to get a good sense of the plot and characters, it’s a good idea to follow the way they’re laid out here as it’s the way they were written to be read.
like father, like daughter masterlist
same mistakes-verse timeline
Same Mistakes (the original trilogy)
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
pt. i 
summary: (enemies-to-lovers, maverick’s daughter!reader) you and Bradley used to be best friends. key word: used to. as in, over, in the past, never gonna happen again. the sight of the pilot makes your skin crawl, disgust and anger curdling in your stomach. it definitely has nothing to do with the unspoken feelings leftover from your teen years. not at all. furthermore, being put together on a suicide mission is not your idea of a good time. no matter what, you and Rooster seemed to be doomed to make the same mistakes over and over again. 
pt. ii
summary: unfinished conversations and unsaid things seems to be the theme of your relationship of your relationship with Rooster these days.
pt. iii
summary: in the aftermath of the mission, you realize it's time to stop running from your fears
Rebel Mitchell
summary: She officially earned her callsign during her time at TOPGUN but for Ice and Mav, her rebel days started during college.
my tears ricochet
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: A collection of moments from the early years after Rooster cut Rebel out of his life, as told by them.
and who says love should break us when we fall?
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: Phoenix is nothing, if not observant. 
She sees the retreating figure of the girl, watches the way her best friend’s hand continues to flex and unflex, and knows she’s stumbled upon the cornerstone of Rooster’s past.
for the love of a daughter
Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
summary: Maverick overhears the conversation between Hangman and Rebel and realizes his daughter needs his support more than ever
and that’s when i lost it
Lt. Javy “Coyote” Machado
summary: Rebel and Coyote know the Navy doesn’t willing split up wingmen who fly like they do. they also know their CO’s had it out for Rebel for years. unbeknownst to them about the coming orders for the special detachment, the friends learn of what was supposed to be Coyote’s new set of orders.
the in between
Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
summary: moments from what happened between landing back on the aircraft carrier with Rooster alive to reconvening back at the Miramar base leading the Iron Daggers. Maverick learns that he’s missed out out a lot more of his daughter’s life then he would’ve liked
best bud, you alright bud?
Lt. Javy “Coyote” Machado
summary: 5 times Coyotes realizes something about his best friend, and the one time he does something about it
so long, daisy may
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.
slice of life
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw 
summary: two months after reconvening in Miramar, the Iron Daggers decide to have a movie night at the Mitchell residence. Rooster and Rebel prove to be the cutest couple ever, the team learns about “The Incident”, and Hangman’s just happy he was invited
hiding in the shadows
Rebel | Rooster
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: Rooster has a nightmare. Rebel’s phone is dead, but he doesn’t know that. Cue a panicked Rooster climbing through her window.
one thing i like about me (is that i’m nothing like you and i never will be)
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: Coyote decides to put an end to the legacy of the Green Vipers. the truth comes out, much to Rebel’s chagrin.what happens next leaves their friendship in pieces.
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: The Iron Daggers discuss what soulmates mean to them, and if soulmates even exist. It leads to an unexpected conversation between Rebel and Rooster about the soulmates in their lives and if you’re meant to end up with yours.
seven o’clock news/silent night
Rebel Mitchell
summary: The worst Christmas of Rebel’s life.
of holidays and homesickness
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: It’s Rooster and Rebel’s first Christmas back in each other’s life and as a couple. And things would be perfect, except Coyote’s being weird. Coyote’s more homesick than ever, but it’s a good thing he’s got his best friend right? 
war is over
Lt. Javy “Coyote” Machado
summary: The Christmas Rebel and Coyote spent together
these secrets i keep
rebel | coyote
Lt. Javy “Coyote” Machado
summary: Coyote’s been keeping a secret from his best friend. a huge one. a potentially friendship-ending one. so, he just won’t tell her. that’s a good plan.
and it would’ve been, had Hangman kept his mouth shut. 
fever dream
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: Rebel gets sick with pneumonia and winds up in the hospital. rooster grapples with how much his girlfriend truly means to him.
heart made up on you
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: Some punk pilot flirting with his girlfriend is not going to ruin his relationship. He knows his girl is loyal. Still, he can’t help the jealousy bubbling up in his chest and it has been a while since he’s knocked a pilot down a few pegs, hasn’t it?
don’t blame me
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: One of the new TOPGUN pilots is caught making moves on Rooster. Moral of the story? Rebel is not to be fucked with.
hey brother
Lt. Javy “Coyote” Machado
summary: After getting their second set of matching tattoos, Rebel and Coyote reminiscence on getting their first ones.
chasing stars
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: A drunken confession leads to trouble when Rooster and Maverick find out just how far the Green Vipers went to get rid of Rebel.
until i found you
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: Late-night dancing in the kitchen with Rooster
dog days
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: The story of Buddy the puppy and the joy he brought the Dagger family.
it’s just a tattoo, charlie brown!
Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
summary: The one where Rebel convinces a begrudging Maverick to get matching tattoos. 
second chance pt. i
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: An unexpected guest at a Navy gala shakes the foundation of Rebel’s whole world. What happens after will alter the course of her life.
we could leave the christmas lights up ‘til january
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: Rooster and Rebel finally make a home together
give me back my girlhood, it was mine first
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: A ghost from Rebel’s past appears, threatening to spill a secret that could upend everything she’s worked to build.
tale untold
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: Rebel reflects.
if i knew it all then, would i do it again? 
Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
summary: What would have happened if Rebel left the Navy after her accident?
lights will guide you home
Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
summary: “If you want to go, I need you to know it’s going to be okay.”
or: Maverick says goodbye.
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Someone tell me which WIP I should work on instead of studying for my finals
You Have the Wrong Guy - in which everyone is giving Jake the shovel talk when it was Bradley who broke off their first relationship - Exs to Lovers, ft. dagger squad and class of 86’
Unpacking - how each of the daggers (and Mav) find out about trans!Jake - not romance centered but has the development and destruction and ultimately getting back together of Hangster, Javy is the best friend ever and deserves all the love, this is very self indulgent
Running - Jake has ran his whole life. If no one can catch up to him no one can leave him. Then he meets Javy. The man seemingly has unlimited  patience and always seems to be a step ahead of Jake. - character study, Macheresin, Jake has an absent father and issuesTM
Ballett AU (unnamed) - In which Ice is a Ballet instructor and Mav takes care of Amelia for Penny when he’s not test piloting the military’s newest planes. - plenty of misunderstandings, Icemav endgame but mistaken Mav/Penny, Penny&Sarah friendship
Dinner for Three - when Beau gets an invite to the Mitchell-Kazansky household he figures it’s something to do with the dagger squad, after all the first (and only other time) he was invited over was to celebrate the success of the dagger mission, what he was not expecting was a fancy dinner cooked by the handsome couple that are blatantly flirting with him. This is some cosmic joke, right? - Cyclone/Maverick/Iceman, might end up being smut but won’t promise anything, ft. Cyclone having a massive crush on Ice and reluctant feelings (ew) for Mav, surprise they like him too, Bradley shows up in here for some reason
Dadmral - the obligatory fic in which the dagger squad finds out Mav is married to the COMPACFLT - Pov Phoenix which is different for me lol, some texting, dagger squad and class 86’, Icemav, Ice is alive, Rooster gets smothered by his uncles who have missed him
Coming Home - Rooster fixes his relationship with Mav while working on the Mustang and getting awful (and some good) relationship advice - Icemav, Hangster, Mavdad, Icepops
Goose Been Knew - in which Goose has to deal with idiot pilots who clearly love each other (twice), don’t worry he has a lovely wife and partner to go complain to. - Goose lives, Icemav, Hangster, Slooserole, really just short bits of Goose putting up with Mav and then Rooster
Guitar - Bradley owns a guitar for reasons completely unrelated to his ex who he’s definitely not still in love with. That would be crazy. They’ve been apart for years. - Hangster Exs to Lovers, bitter Hangman, Phoenix and Javy are DONE, the rest of the dagger squad are confused
A Series of Weddings - Tom and Pete get married for the first time in 91’ despite what the world tells them they can do, they talk about it in 2011, they get married legally in 2013 when Ice is diagnosed with Cancer, talk about redoing vows and throwing an actual celebration in 2015 (they don’t), redo their vows in the spring of 2021. In 2023 they attend the Bradley’s wedding. - this is honestly one of my favs, inspired by this post, Icemav, no relapse of cancer, lots of weddings, love, and fluff, Hangster at the end, class of 86’
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