#Maute Group
aahanna · 10 days
Maut ko touch krke wapis nikali hu 🥲
"Today, our family's outing for darshan took an unexpected turn when our car got stuck in a ditch due to the slippery roads. Fortunately, no one was hurt, and we were fortunate to receive help from a group of 15 men who were also returning from the temple. They went above and beyond, calling the authorities and a tow truck, and keeping us company for about four hours. Their selflessness and kindness left me in awe, and I gained a newfound appreciation for the goodness in people. They were truly like angels sent by God, and we were grateful when our car was finally retrieved safely."
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yehuserdumbhai · 2 months
Maut aa jaye lekin group project bnane ki nobat na aaye
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cedricsnotdead · 6 months
The Gift of Time - An Ink and Blood Christmas story 🎄
While on Earth it’s December 2023, Cedric and Orube are entrusted with the most unusual mission ever: preparing Villa Rudolph to host a terrestrial Christmas for the Queen and a group of curious Metamoor and Basiliade natives. But the most difficult task for Cedric is not decorating a Christmas tree: he also needs to find a gift for Orube. Luckily, Vathek is there to help him…
Link to the story on AO3
Here's a little thing I wrote as a sort of Christmas special for my series <3 In principle it could be read as a standalone, but I would recommend getting up to speed with the other stories of Ink and Blood first, to get some context on all the characters (there are many references to events of the previous stories). I hope you will enjoy this one and if you do, let me know! :)
More info and tags: Reading time: about 1-1.5 hr depending on your reading speed Rating: mature (because of some mentioned topics, but there's no graphic stuff) Relationships: Cedric / Orube; Elyon / Caleb; Will / Matt; Cedric & Vathek Canon characters: Cedric, Orube, Elyon, Caleb, Vathek, Will, Cornelia, Matt, Miriadel, Alborn Original characters: Cassandra, Morven, Acheri, Shoshan, Rehu, Maut, plus new original characters who appear in this story for the first time Other tags and warnings: fluff, romance, coziness, cedric & vathek being bros, no smut, infertility issues, implied/referenced drug use
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mariacallous · 6 months
MANILA, Dec 3 (Reuters) - Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for a deadly bombing at a Catholic Mass in the Philippines on Sunday that killed at least four people and injured 50 others.
The attack was carried out in a university gymnasium in Marawi, a city in the south of the country besieged by Islamist militants for five months in 2017.
The Islamic State group, which wields influence in the country's south, said on Telegram its members had detonated the bomb.
Earlier on Sunday, before Islamic State's claim, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr condemned "the senseless and most heinous acts perpetrated by foreign terrorists". Police and the military strengthened security in the country's south and around the capital Manila.
In Rome, Pope Francis offered prayers for the victims during his Sunday address, and, in a separate written message, appealed to "Christ the prince of peace (to) grant to all the strength to turn from violence and overcome every evil with good".
Law enforcement operations to bring to justice the perpetrators of the "terrorist activity" will "continue unabated", Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro told a press conference.
There were "strong indications of a foreign element" in the bombing, Teodoro said, refusing to elaborate so as not to compromise ongoing investigation.
Fragments of a 16-mm mortar were recovered at the scene, senior police official Emmanuel Peralta told the press conference.
The blast in Marawi, capital of Lanao del Sur province, followed a series of military operations against local pro-Islamic State groups in the southern Philippines, the military chief said.
One on Sunday in Lanao del Sur led to the killing of a leader of the Dawlah Islamiya-Maute group.
"It is possible that what happened this morning was a retaliatory attack," Armed Forces Chief Romeo Brawner told the press conference.
The Islamic State-linked Maute seized Marawi on May 2017, seeking to make it a Southeast Asian "wilayat" – or governorate - for Islamic State.
In the ensuing five-month battle, Islamist fighters and Philippine forces killed more than a thousand people, including civilians.
Images shared by the Lanao del Sur government on Facebook showed military officials surveying the gym at the Mindanao State University where the blast occurred, which appeared intact except for burn marks in the centre.
Videos posted by DZBB radio on social media platform X, formerly Twitter, showed rescuers carrying injured people out of the gym on plastic chairs.
Police offices in Mindanao and the capital region were placed on high alert and police checkpoints tightened "to prevent possible follow-up incidents", police official Peralta said.
The coast guard directed its districts to intensify pre-departure inspections at ports.
Mindanao State University said in a Facebook post it was "deeply saddened and appalled by the act of violence that occurred during a religious gathering". "We unequivocally condemn in the strongest possible terms this senseless and horrific act."
The university said it was suspending classes until further notice.
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clitology · 6 months
hiii ari <33
1. song of the year
silver springs !! you will truly literally never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you (im the woman im the one who will never get away i contain multitudes)
2. album of the year
ijaazat (1987) original soundtrack album. lots of gulzar and burman da. literally felt myself aging into my dad while listening to mera kuch samaan
3. favourite musical artist / group you started listening to this year
leonard cohen !! omg i never got the old white man genre music until i listened to new skin for the old ceremony this year & wow... i get it now.......
4. movie of the year
ohh this is difficult but i will have to say joyland (2022) dir. saim sadiq. ive seen quite a lot of queer cinema in my day but none that reached the absolute brilliance & heartfelt closeness of joyland. vividly remember the setting & surroundings within which i watched every scene. i think it was queer in such a true & gutteral sense of the word. queer as peripheral existence. queer as mosquitoes that die kyunki mohabbat ka anjaam maut hai. queer as fireflies that weren't meant for the city.
it is a film that is laced with empathy. i have never seen such narrative gentleness in the face of overt violence. it's breathtaking & it's absolutely incredible. literally recommend everyone to watch it even more so because of the dearth of south asian films in the queer world cinema canon.
5. tv show of the year
oh man i literally do not watch tv.... T_T ig ill have to say gulzar's mirza ghalib tv series tho because i found almost all episodes on youtube & it was literally so good !!
6. episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you
once again same answer unfortunately don't watch a whole lot of tv but ig ill tell you about my favourite youtube series of sorts that i binge-watched! not even sure which tv show it is that they have re-uploaded recordings of but i absolutely listened to spivak in debates on postmodernism (1984) on repeat for weeks
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
The CIA Engineers "Islamic Terrorism" in the Philippines, Forming Abu Sayyaf
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Background on Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan
Abu Sayyaf is an Islamist militant group based in the Philippines. Established in the early 1990s, the group is known for its terrorist acts, including kidnappings, bombings, and beheadings. 
Today Abu Sayyaf likely has around 20 members. Maute or the Islamic State of Lanao, another Jihadist organization targeted by the Philippine government, has less than 50 members. That said, in 2017, the Philippine government led a 5-month long bombing campaign of Marawi City targeting these groups, with support from the U.S. military, including weaponry/equipment as well as advising and offering strategic guidance, and support from the UK, Australia, China, Russia, Israel, and Singapore. 95% of the structures within the 4 square kilometers of the battle were heavily damaged, with 3,152 buildings completely destroyed. This so-called "battle" left over 200,000 civilians homeless to this day. 
Though these groups had a presence in Marawi City, they were never a popular movement or recognized as integrated among the masses, and lacked the numbers to effectively wage political struggle in Marawi City, let alone in Mindanao.
Abu Sayyaf also has its own organizational origins in the CIA-funded/organized mujahideen in Afghanistan. By 1978, when the "People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan" took power through a military coup with Soviet support, establishing a "Marxist-Leninist" Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, Maoists had effectively organized popular support throughout Afghanistan. The new government sought to crush these organizations and murdered thousands of Maoists during its existence.
A year after the establishment of the "revisionist" government of Afghanistan, the muhajideen were forming as scattered armed Islamist organizations.
The Soviets invaded Afghanistan following Nur Muhammad Taraki, the pro-Soviet leader, being deposed and assasinated. By the end of 1979, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.
Though some Maoists and Communists joined the mujahideen over time, most did not and instead waged struggle against both Soviets and mujahideen. Hundreds of prominent Maoist leaders were murdered from 1978 through the 1980s, leaving the revolutionary movement often without leaders.
Through the 1980s, the United States, through the CIA, provided support to the mujahideen in Afghanistan. This assistance included funding, training, and weaponry. Many from all over the Arab Middle East, including Osama bin Laden, joined the mujahideen to combat the invading Soviet forces. 
Abu Sayyaf's origins can be traced back to some members of the mujahideen who returned to their home countries, including the Philippines, after the Soviet-Afghan war. 
While the U.S. government and its allies/lackeys have made it difficult to establish direct links between the CIA and Abu Sayyaf, figures like Senator Aquilino Pimentel have fought tooth and nail for the truth around Abu Sayyaf’s origins in the CIA. In 2001, Pimentel led an inquiry into the links between the CIA and Abu Sayyaf which shed light on the group's origins, funding, and training. While the inquiry did not conclusively establish direct CIA involvement, it highlighted the complexities of the situation and the need for further investigation. 
Jihadists prey on the oppressed people of the world, convincing devastated and desperate people that it is through their dead-end, metaphysical ideology that the evils of U.S. imperialism can be destroyed, instead of the tools of revolutionary ideology and organization, which can genuinely, materially liberate and emancipate the people. 
For generations, revolutionary women have been organizing in Afghanistan, running schools, advocating for those abused, trafficked, enslaved, etc., even taking up the gun to defend their people from the U.S. and/or Taliban, and yet women in Afghanistan continue to endure horrendous violence and human rights abuses from the patriarchal political system.  In fact, there have been generations of revolutionaries from all over Afghanistan, initiating and advancing peoples’ struggles and joining the armed struggle, taking the place of martyrs who came before them, because they believe that it is worth seeking an Afghanistan free from fascism and imperialism, even if it costs them their lives and even if it is not their generation who sees it.
And yet, the U.S. has continued to repress the Afghanistan at all costs, ensuring that women remain powerless in Afghan society, ensuring that progressive movements are terrorized and destroyed, believing it can somehow stamp out the people’s resilient and undying struggle for justice and liberation, through supporting of the mujahideen to their occupation and horrendous war crimes in Afghanistan.
It makes sense why people both in Afghanistan and the Philippines link up with these struggles, as their people have endured mass violence and even genocides under U.S. rule. As pointed out in another WIOTM post, “A recent study shows that, apart from the million direct casualties of the War(s) on Terror, over 3,000,000 people died from the conditions created by those wars.”
Jihadism has never led to the people being liberated, but has only led to further oppression and the post-Cold War bloating of the US and its allies’ Military Industrial Complex. In a very big way, Jihadism has been engineered by the U.S. government and the CIA.
Below are three articles that reveal the CIA origins of Abu Sayyaf. These articles come from varying sources, though they include information that can be easily verified and researched. One article is from the bourgeois, reactionary PhilStar, one from the progressive, pro-people Bulatlat, and one from the US-based The Socialist Worker, a newspaper of the International Socialist Organization’s, a now disbanded Trotskyist organization known for a number of abuse scandals.
These articles establish real connections, figures, and history that validate the long-held beliefs of the Filipino people in struggle, who have known of Abu Sayyaf’s imperialistic origins since near its inception. 
The Philippines "terrorists" created by CIA - Eduardo Capulong -  January 4, 2002 - The Socialist Worker
The 26 U.S. military advisers who were sent to the Philippines last year to "fight terrorism" will be targeting a group that the U.S. government helped to create.
According to various sources, Abu Sayyaf, the Islamic fundamentalist organization notorious for kidnapping tourists in southern Philippines and Malaysia, was formed and trained by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the Philippine military.
Philippine Senator Aquilino Pimentel called for an inquiry into the link between the CIA and Abu Sayyaf--which he called a "CIA monster"--as early as May of last year. "There are now emerging bits of information that Abu Sayyaf was indeed the creation of probably the CIA in connivance with or with the support of some select military officers," he said at the time.
Meanwhile, the links between Abu Sayyaf and military and police authorities are well documented. In the recent book Under the Crescent Moon: Rebellion in Mindanao, journalists Marites Dañguilan Vitug and Glenda Gloria document the bloody collaboration--which is also corroborated by former hostages.
Last September, a number of former hostages charged that Abu Sayyaf was a front--a "creation of the military's 'dirty tricks' department." They testified that army checkpoints would allow their captors to pass unmolested repeatedly.
This is the real story behind the talk of the "fight against terrorism" in the Philippines.
Pimentel: CIA may be behind creation of Sayyaf - May 9, 2000 - PhilStar
Is the Abu Sayyaf a creation of the Central Intelligence Agency?
Sen. Aquilino Pimentel yesterday sought a Senate inquiry to answer the question.
Pimentel, who is from Mindanao, told a press conference that "bits of information" have been reaching his office indicating that the American spy agency had a hand in forming the Abu Sayyaf -- ironically, in cahoots with covert units in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
He said he had been cautious in discussing the possibility, not wanting to indiscriminately implicate the CIA in the country's political upheavals.
"Piecing bits of information together makes out a case, at least pro tanto, that the Abu Sayyaf might indeed be a creation of the CIA and had been covertly supported by select military officers during the administration of President (Fidel) Ramos," Pimentel said.
In the early 1990s, the CIA recruited members for the Abu Sayyaf, Pimentel claimed, who were then trained in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi by an elite Philippine military unit.
The Abu Sayyaf was later sent as mujahideen (holy warriors) to fight in America's proxy war against the Soviet Red Army in Afghanistan. Weapons for the Abu Sayyaf came from Saudi financier Osama bin Laden, now wanted in the US for allegedly funding terrorism.
An elite Philippine military unit now operating outside the AFP's chain of command is a conduit between the CIA and the Abu Sayyaf.
For some unknown reason, CIA funding for the Abu Sayyaf was later cut off, prompting the rebels to resort to banditry, kidnapping and other crimes.
One of these criminal acts, Pimentel said, was the April 1995 Abu Sayyaf raid on the town of Ipil, Zamboanga del Sur.
If the Senate does conduct an investigation, Pimentel said they will ask former President Ramos and top military officials to testify. Although he believed that the Abu Sayyaf had already lost contact with their CIA benefactors, Pimentel said the truth must be ferreted out.
"Parenthetically, there is a new book, Browback by Chaimers Johnson, that may justify a deeper study into the affairs of the CIA in our country that have a direct relevance to the problems that the Abu Sayyaf is causing us today," Pimentel said.
Abu Sayyaf: The CIA’s Monster Gone Berserk - EDMUNDO SANTUARIO III - Bulatlat
The Philippines is under watch by America’s “anti-terrorism” network. This is so not only because of the presence of active Moro and Marxist guerrillas but also because of its special concern on the Abu Sayyaf. In the ‘80s, just as it was waging its last surrogate wars against the Soviet Union, the U.S. was also engaged in new forms of covert operations -- the training of Islamic militants to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and elsewhere. A product of this war – the Abu Sayyaf – was once hailed by American presidents as a group of “freedom fighters.” It was an exaltation that would haunt them for years.
To those who have been following the Abu Sayyaf’s exploits, the offer of military assistance by the United States government in tracking down the extremists in Mindanao (southern Philippines) has sent a chilling effect particularly among the patriotic sectors.
Related to this, similar concerns have been raised as to why despite government’s “total war” policy on the small group of bandits – whose hostage-taking spree is a purely police matter - not one of its active ringleaders has been caught. Previous suspicions that the Abu Sayyaf enjoys the protection of some top Armed Forces officials have surfaced again.
In a surprise operation last May 27, Abu Sayyaf gunmen kidnapped three Americans and 17 Filipinos from the world-class Dos Palmas resort just off Arracellis in Palawan. It was not immediately known where the new hostages were taken but the gunmen reportedly operate from the southernmost islands of Sulu, Basilan and Tawi-Tawi.
Abu Sayyaf spokesman Abu Sabaya on Saturday said they also took 10 fishermen hostage on their way to Basilan. The kidnapping was pulled off just barely two months after their last hostage – American Jeffrey Schilling – was freed after nine months of captivity.
In declaring a “no ransom, no negotiations” policy to the Abu Sayyaf, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ordered military assaults on the group’s suspected lairs and offered a P100 million (US$2 million) reward on the ring leaders’ capture, dead or alive.
Meeting Arroyo in Malacañang on May 30, U.S. Rep. Robert Underwood offered military assistance to the Philippine government’s pursuit operations against the Abu Sayyaf. Underwood, who was accompanied in his visit by U.S. Charge D’Affaires Michael Malinowski, is a member of the powerful House Armed Services Committee and was in the country to explore how military relations between the two countries can be enhanced. Malinowski had earlier pledged continued American military support to the Arroyo administration.
On the same day, U.S. State Department spokesman Phil Reeker demanded the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages, particularly Americans Guillermo Sobrero and missionary couple Martin and Gracia Burnham. Among the 17 Filipino hostages is construction magnate Reghis Romero, said to be the front man of former Estrada crony Mark Jimenez in the purchase of The Manila Times. The latter, who has just been elected Manila congressman, is himself wanted by U.S. authorities.
Since the Dos Palmas abduction, at least 12 American warplanes had been seen hovering over Puerto Princesa City in Palawan. Then on March 31, two U.S. destroyers – the USS Curts and the USS Wadsworth -- and the landing ship USS Rushmore arrived in the country with 1,200 American troops. Philippine armed forces officials squelched speculations of U.S. intervention in the hostage crisis, claiming that the American troops’ presence was in connection with ongoing war games in Palawan and Cavite.
Efforts to downplay reports that U.S. military assistance has indeed come into play in the latest hostage crisis were of no effect, however, when Press Secretary Rigoberto Tiglao himself revealed that military contacts between the two governments are ongoing. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – whose agents have been in and out of the country in connection with “terrorist” cases – was also placed on alert. Former Philippine Ambassador to Washington Ernesto Maceda also revealed that in last year’s Sipadan hostage crisis where 20 tourists were held hostage by the Abu Sayyaf, the Americans backed military and police operations through the use of high-powered satellite surveillance equipment.
‘CIA monster’
U.S. military efforts to intervene in the Abu Sayyaf hostage crisis appears to be a turnaround from their reported links to the Mindanao extremists several years ago.  In May last year, Senate President Aquilino Pimentel Jr. described the Abu Sayyaf (“Bearer [or Father] of the Sword” in Arabic) as a “CIA monster.”
Abu Sayyaf members, Pimentel said, were initially recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency as mujahideens to fight the U.S. proxy war in Afghanistan in the ‘80s. Before their deployment, they were trained by AFP officers in Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Basilan and other remote areas in Mindanao. But the arms and funds came from U.S. covert operations connected with the CIA, Pimentel said.
The mujahideens returned to Mindanao after the Afghan war to constitute the core of the Abu Sayyaf, the Senate president added.
In his revelations, Pimentel cited the book, Blowback by Chalmers Johnson. But it was American writer John K. Cooley in his book, Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, American and International Terrorism, who made “the most direct statement regarding the training and funding of the (Abu Sayyaf) by the CIA,” he said. Cooley was the Middle East correspondent for the reputable Christian Science Monitor and ABC News.
In his “Ghosts of the Past” report for ABC News in August last year, Cooley said the Abu Sayyaf, like many “international terrorists,” has its origins in the 1979-89 jihad or “holy war” to expel the Soviets from Afghanistan. Wanting to tie down the Soviets to their own little Vietnam war, the CIA recruited and trained thousands of Islamic militants to support the Afghan resistance against the Soviet invasion forces. The American quarterly Foreign Affairs reported that some 35,000 Muslim militants from 40 countries -- including the Philippines -- took part in the Afghan jihad. Related historical accounts said among the recruits was Osama bin Laden, now the U.S.’s No. 1 “terrorist enemy.”
‘Freedom Fighters’
“The CIA orchestrated massive arms shipments via Pakistan, including state-of-the-art Stinger surface-to-air missiles,” Cooley said. Three American presidents – Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George Bush -- hailed the mujahideens as “freedom fighters,” he said.
The Abu Sayyaf, Cooley said, was the last of the seven Afghan guerrilla groups to be organized late in the war – in 1986 or three years before the Soviets withdrew. It was founded by an Afghan professor named Abdul Rasul Abu Sayyaf. And like Osama bin Laden, the group was financed by Saudi Arabia’s wealthy elite and influenced by Wahabism, an ultra-conservative form of Islam that dates back to the mid-18th century and is espoused by the Saudi royal family.
“Some of the original veterans of the Afghan jihad, and their sons and grandsons and those trained by them, have been operating with destructive effect since the 1980s from Egypt and the Philippines to Algeria and New York,” Cooley wrote.
With the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, the CIA’s powerful Pakistani partner, the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), lost control of the Afghan fighting groups. The Abu Sayyaf had established a training camp north of Peshawar, Pakistan, “to train terrorists in the methods taught by the CIA and ISI,” Cooley reported. Some 20,000 volunteers were trained in the “Peshawar university” to “look for other wars to fight” including in the Middle East, North Africa, New York and the Philippines.
The Abu Sayyaf moved its operations to the Philippines ostensibly to support the war for a separate Islamic state. Emerging from these operations were two leaders – the brothers Abdurajak Janjalani, who was an Afghan war veteran, and Khaddafi Janjalani.
Early Operations
In a privilege speech in July last year, Pimentel named former Interior Secretary Rafael Alunan and then Southern Command chief Maj. Gen. Guillermo Ruiz as knowing about the group’s early operations in Mindanao. He also asked the Senate to summon former President Fidel V. Ramos and ex-Defense Secretary Renato de Villa to shed light on the matter.
Pimentel also cited revelations by a police asset, Edwin Angeles, who has since died mysteriously, that the military equipped the Abu Sayyaf with vehicles, mortars and assorted firearms for its raid of Ipil in April 1995. In the raid – the group’s first large-scale action – 70 people died while 50 teachers and schoolchildren were kidnapped.
Following its “split” with the MNLF in 1991, the Abu Sayyaf resorted to illegal logging, kidnapping, bombing, looting, burning, killing and other criminal activities for its logistics and operations. So far, they have kidnapped at least 32 foreigners, including five Americans, Europeans and Asians. This does not included hundreds of other Filipino hostages, a number of whom were Catholic and Protestant priests and nuns. Some of them, including priests, were killed.
The metamorphosis of the Abu Sayyaf from “freedom fighters” in Afghanistan to sheer bandits in the Philippines is a new dark spot in the U.S.’s covert dirty tricks operations throughout the world. The CIA has created not just one Frankenstein’s monster in the mold of the Abu Sayyaf but hundreds of others who are now wreaking havoc in other parts of the world – including right in the belly of the United States itself.
But in war and in modern “counter-terrorism warfare” – which the U.S. now is eager to wage in the Philippines – there is at least one advantage that can be drawn. The anti-Soviet Afghan “resistance movement” promoted the U.S. arms industry. The U.S. may as well be doing the same thing as it embarks on a new crusade to destroy one of the “monsters” it created.
More related notes and links below about U.S. imperialist counterinsurgency in the Philippines and Afghanistan, as well as the role of the Unification Church’s network
The occupation of Afghanistan: terror without end - Dem Volke Dienen
Contrary to the regular invocations that the Afghan puppet government should be able to cope without foreign soldiers in the future, the German Armed Forces are investing another 50 million in their local infrastructure.
Minister of defence Kramp-Karrenbauer and foreign minister Maas are simultaneously criticizing Yankee imperialism for ordering its troops out of the country too quickly. The so called parlamentary opposition is again in complete agreement with the governement. "A headless, uncoordinated withdrawal of the troops would cause severe political and military damage," says FDP's Bijan Djir-Sarai. While the government is still attempting to further conceal the crushing defeat of imperialism in Afghanistan, it has recently admitted quite openly in state television. In this worthwhile report, an ARD reporter travels to Taliban areas and, to his surprise, shows girls' schools and Taliban who are not out to kill him.
The fact that the face of this occupation is not girls' schools and well-drilling has been illustrated in the twenty years of its existence by ongoing war crimes. Most recently, the Australian army had to admit that one of its special units murdered at least 39 prisoners and civilians. In this unit, the murder of a prisoner was a rite of passage for new members. According to australian officials the families of the victims are to be compensated in cooperation with the "Afghan government". However, since this government only rules over a small part of the country and corruption is commonplace, it is extremely doubtful that this money will reach victim families in Taliban areas.
Afghanistan Maoists Unite in a Single Party - a history of the Communist (Maoist) Party of Afghanistan
The new communist movement of Afghanistan initially was inspired by the formation of RIM in 1984. The Committee for MLM Propaganda and Agitation (at that time understood as Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung Thought, MLMTT) was formed in 1985 and started publishing Shola. Another group of comrades split from SAMA and obtained, read and discussed the RIM Declaration. They went on to call themselves the Revolutionary Nucleus and adopted the RIM line. These developments were a slap in the face to SAMA's leadership, who accused the newly organising Maoist forces of being a "KGB front". RIM used these forces to make some initial efforts to deepen its understanding of the situation in Afghanistan and begin to bring together the genuine Maoist forces.
The anti-terrorism act in the Philippines in relation to the CPP and the revolutionary movement -  a 2020 piece from Jose Maria Sison
In the course of political rivalry for global hegemony, the imperialist powers themselves accuse each other of terrorism and expose each other’s acts of terrorism. States are presumed to be responsible for respecting human rights in their own countries. Thus, quite a number of them have in fact been the proper target of criticisms and appeals by UN human rights agencies regarding people’s complaints of systematic human rights violations by state or state-sponsored forces, which amount to state terrorism. The only instances when the UN comes out strongly against “state terrorism” is when the US and its allies in the UN Security Council succeed in making resolutions against states denounced as “rogue states” chiefly by the US, such as Iraq under Saddam Hussein or Libya under Muamar Qaddafi. Otherwise the US and its imperialist allies and client-states wish to limit the label of terrorism to revolutionary movements that they oppose. They make it a point to conceal US culpability for creating terrorist groups like Al Qaeda, Salafi, Al Nusra and the Islamic state in the Middle East and the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines and other Southeast-Asia-based groups like Jemaah Islamiyah that also operate in the Philippines.
Denounce arrest of Moro women “potential suicide bombers”  - 2020 statement from Marco Valbuena, Chief Information Officer of the CPP
The claim by the military that bombs and bomb-making material were discovered in the homes of the arrested women flies in the face of military and police standard operating procedure of planting evidence against supposed terror suspects. Observers are incredulous that the women would keep explosive materials in their homes with their children.
The attacks were clearly carried out with Islamophobic prejudice where people are stereotyped by the military as “suicide bombers” or in this case “potential.” The women were targeted for arrest and suppression by the AFP on the mere basis that they are wives, sisters or daughters of leaders of the Abu Sayaff.
Two excerpts from 'Drugs and death squads: The CIA connection' from the Freeedom Socialist Power / Robert Crisman - published June 1989
The ideological tie binding all these high-level arms smugglers and dope dealers together, of course, is anti-communism.
John Singlaub is head of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), the world’s premier neo-fascist lobby. WACL’s membership ranges from U.S. reactionaries, Taiwanese drug magnates, and Latin American death squad leaders to Afghani mujahideen and unreconstructed old-line Nazis scattered in exile throughout Europe and the Americas.
WACL is the most sophisticated political expression to date of fascism’s global agenda and methods, and is the mask under which the face of U.S. ambition increasingly shows itself. WACL’s history vividly reveals the fascist essence of empire-and pinpoints the source of the Empire’s addiction to drugrunning.
Founded in Taiwan in 1967 by CIA and Taiwanese intelligence personnel, WACL has roots in the old China Lobby, which urged the unleashing of Chiang Kai-shek against revolutionary China in the ’50s. The Lobby’s leading lights — E. Howard Hunt and William Pawley to name two — were instrumental in stitching together the CIA’s Cuban exile and Kuomintang networks.
China Lobby/WACL bigwigs and their associates — Hunt, Pawley, Secord, Singlaub, Shackley, et al. — lodged themselves tightly in the postwar U.S. intelligence, military, government, and business establishments. They were the drumbeaters and spear-carriers for stepped-up anti-Castro warfare and the Vietnam war. They were responsible for coups, counterrevolutions, and the formation of death squads from Mexico to Brazil; CIA/DEA “anti-drug” torture and counterinsurgency; the Chilean slaughter; support for the Shah and rightwing Afghani “freedom fighters”; and the contra war.
The WACL and CAUSA’s Role in the Ruthless Violence of US-Philippines Counterinsurgency
Covert Operations and the CIA’s Hidden History in the Philippines
Cardinal Sin, the Catholic Church, & the Unification Church: Partners in Organized Anti-Communist Violence
Death Squads in the Philippines by Doug Cunningham
How has the Moon network played a role in the post-9/11 U.S. Imperialist strategy?
Kishi Nobusuke’s Bandung of the right
The US is complicit in war crimes in the Philippines
Grapple with Imperialism. Come to Terms with Yourself
Those Spared in Duterte’s “War on Drugs” May Go to Moonie Rehabilitation
Ideology without Leadership: The Rise and Decline of Maoism in Afghanistan - Afghanistan Analysts Network
Some words on the Moonies’/Hak Ja Han’s Relationship to the “Revisionist” Maoists of Nepal
The Complex, Dynamic, and Opportunistic Relationship of Moon and the DPRK’s Kim Family
UPF Played Major Role in Republic of Korea-Nepal Relations
Stop US and Chinese aggression in the Philippines! Turn imperialist wars into wars against imperialism!
Neil Salonen on the Freedom Leadership Foundation’s influence on society (1971)
Suggested books: Revolutionaries for the Right: Anticommunist Internationalism and Paramilitary Warfare in the Cold War by Kyle Burke, Philippine Society & Revolution by Amado Guerrero (Jose Maria Sison), Soldiering through Empire: Race and the Making of the Decolonizing Pacific by Simeon Man, Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, the Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America's Empire by Jonathan M. Katz, The Bullet and the Ballot Box: The Story of Nepal's Maoist Revolution by Aditya Adhikari
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thxnews · 4 months
AFP Decisively Targets Terrorists
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A Week of Tactical Triumphs
In a relentless pursuit of peace and security, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has successfully neutralized a significant threat to national stability, as reported by the Philippine News Agency. Throughout the week, from February 18 to 24, the AFP has reported the successful neutralization of 13 insurgents, including members of the communist New People's Army (NPA) and the terrorist Dawlah-Islamiyah-Maute Group (DI-MG), across the Visayas and Mindanao regions.  
Courage Under Fire
General Romeo Brawner Jr., AFP Chief, commended the valor of the troops involved in these operations. "You are our nation's heroes," he stated, further emphasizing the dedication and bravery of the forces in safeguarding peace. Additionally, this operational success brings the Philippines closer to achieving its long-sought goal of enduring peace, thereby showcasing the military's unwavering commitment to protecting its citizens from insurgency and terrorism.   Strategic Operations Yield Results The operations were widespread and meticulously planned. In Albay, Barangay Salvacion witnessed the capture of weapons from NPA rebels by the 49th Infantry Battalion. Similarly, collaborative efforts in Bohol, Agusan Del Norte, Cagayan, and Negros Occidental led to the dismantling of significant insurgent and terrorist elements, further destabilizing their networks and reducing their capacity to disrupt national peace. Notably, an operation targeting the DI-MG resulted in the neutralization of members responsible for the Mindanao State University bombing, underscoring the AFP's resolve to address terrorism. The military's efforts have led to the dismantling of the leadership structures of these groups, significantly weakening their operational capabilities.   National Defense and Commendation The Department of National Defense, led by Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr., echoed the military's sentiments, particularly praising the operations against the DI-MG. The Secretary highlighted the importance of these operations in maintaining national security and expressed the nation's gratitude towards the troops for their sacrifices.  
The Dawlah-Islamiyah-Maute Group
The Dawlah-Islamiyah-Maute Group, an armed Islamist faction operating in Lanao del Norte and Lanao del Sur, has been a significant security concern for the Philippines. Emerging in 2014, the DI-MG pledged allegiance to ISIS, adopting violent means in their quest to establish an Islamic caliphate. Despite being weakened by military operations, the group continues to pose a threat through sporadic attacks and recruitment activities.   Sources: THX News, Wikipedia, The George Washington University, Australian National Security & Philippine News Agency. Read the full article
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rhk111sblog · 4 months
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Six Soldiers of the Philippine Army (PA) were killed by the Dawlah Islamiyah-Maute Group (DI-MG) which to me shows that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is nowhere near crushing the Internal Threats in the Country, and yet Bong Bong Marcos (BBM) is still switching the AFP's focus to China, mainly at the urgings of the United States (US) and their Filipino Dogs, and the Philippine Communists and their Sympathizers
This was initially released as an Article last February 20, 2024 at https://therhk111philippinedefenseupdates.blogspot.com/2024/02/six-pa-soldiers-killed-lanao-del-norte-encounter-di-mg-terrorists.html
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daughterofruins · 7 months
vaise to main hiatus pe hun but you dont get dukhi okay i love you very much also this match is killing me WTF IS HAPPENING CUMMINS BOHAT GANDI MAUT MARE SAALA KUTTA but anyways
youre that one character who has that one very trusty group of frnds and youre the stupid but extremely lovable and trustworthy one who keeps getting in trouble because of the aforementioned stupidity
anyways part of what you said is true but also i don't have any friends that yk..feel like friends rn:(
I'm waiting for 11 jab dost milenge masti karenge aur kya
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sabezyhaina · 2 years
10 Best Bollywood Movies With Their Mushy Friendship Goals!
Playing a major part in shaping oneself, friendships hold the golden seat in our hearts. More embellished, naturally, with the stones we choose and adorn it with! That is of course our friends!
Now, growing up watching Jai- Veeru the epic and chaotic duo, and Imran- Kabir- Arjun, the messy trio sure did set some serious friendship goals ahead of us.
Have you always wanted a group of friends that would just be the epitome of Bollywood drama and love? Or do you and your wonderful friends take a little from Bollywood on friendship? Either way, you must look at the carefully created list of movies that are MAJOR Friendship goals. No cap- these movies can be considered toppers in a friendship day movies time binge list:
Either while having a gala time with our friends or departing from them for a long time, the song “Yeh Dosti Hum Nahi Todenge ” makes an appearance somehow. Though released in 1975, it teaches the essence of a true friendship even in 2022. We are sure the legacy will continue for decades to come- setting an example for the youth. The direction, the song placement the depiction of love and friendship- everything was, is, and will be perfect about Sholay, which makes it one of the best friendship movies ever released.
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara
What is better than your dream vacation? A vacation with your friends! Be it friends motivating each other or them being up to some shenanigans, we always use “Apne andar chhupe dar ko mitana chahte ho na? Toh ye raha hum sabka sabse bada darr – Maut. Let’s face it.” From finding our purpose to fighting our inner demons, Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara has taught us all of it. But mainly, all of us need at least one vacation with our group once in our lifetime!
Dil Chahta Hai
“Ham Logon Ko Har Saal Na Ek Baar Goa Zaroor Aana Chahiye ” Deciding and then procrastinating on the Goa Plans? Time to relish the beauty of Goa and the friendship between Sameer, Akaash, and Sid! Maybe that will inspire you to finally bring fruit to your Goa Plans! Not only Dil Chahta Hai, but many more Bollywood movies have been a major part in giving us all major FOMO for missing all those Goa trips- still, every single one of the viewers will always be reminded of Dil Chahta Hai while talking of friendships and Goa!
3 Idiots
The exemplary friendship movie of the decade- Three idiots! It is a tale of three young, serious but fun loving guys, bonding over their common pains – ragging and engineering. The sheer naivety with which the characters play around in their years of college, using their wit to counter even the slightest of bullying, fills our heart with love and nostalgia about our own friendships.
And when Farhan said, “Badi Duvidha Thi, Dost Ko Sambhalte Ki Dost Ki Maa Ke Aasoon Pochte…Phir Humne Socha Hatao Yaar Matar Paneer Pe Concentrate Karo…” It summed up the entire gist of friendship.
Munna Bhai MBBS
Loving our friends so much that we are the perfect duo like Munna and Circuit means “Bhai ne bola karne ka matlab karne ka”. Being around for one another all the time and never giving up is the spirit MunnaBhai teaches us with the chaos that ensues in the entertainer of the decade.
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani
Ever thought of embarking on a journey that is a contrast of what you normally are? Just imagine meeting your high school bullies on it and eventually making friends with them! Exciting, isn’t it? Well Naina sure did live our dream before we could. As you know- “Kuchh logo ke sath sirf waqt bitaane se sab kuchh sahi ho jaata hai!” And Bunny, Naina, Avi and Aditi’s bond proves it right.
Andaaz Apna Apna
The movie depicts Amar and Prem the mastaane’s banter-filled friendship, while delivering punches of laughter. There’s a distinctive fun in saying “Shabash mere cheetey!” whenever your friend aces anything. Andaaz Apna Apna is a classic comedy released more than 2 decades ago, still manages to tickle your funny bone whenever we watch it.
Every group of friends has this one man infatuated with a beautiful woman, just like Vicky! And every Vicky needs his friends to guide him not only on the rules to persuade his love interest but also to help him out of all the roadblocks by saying- “Wo Stree hai!”
Phir Hera Pheri
When you cancel a plan, emotional drama is bound to come from your group. Do you also dismiss them by saying the classic dialogue from Raju- “50 rupaya kaat over acting ka?”  Well you are  one Bollywood fan, we must say.  Well looking at the plans Raju had for the trio to grow rich; we can say it is good to sometimes not go forward with them.  Even if Phir Hera Pheri is hailed as a comedy movie, it can be noted as the best movie on friendship that Bollywood has ever fished out for us viewers.
There comes a day when all friends drift apart for reasons like career, family, further studies, etc. Everyone knows it is a blast from the past when the long-lost friends meet. And when the memories take us into the flashback- it only makes the bonds stronger. Because-“Dost jinke sath hum haste hai, rote hai Par zindagi jeena sikhte hai”. Chhichhore is one such movie that makes us miss our friends a lot more than we do in our daily lives. Bonus- it makes us believe in never giving up on our goals.
Every genre may or may not lose its charm over time, but friendship rules ahead in Indian cinema. This has been proven time and again with amazing friendship movies coming our way year by year. So here was our take on the best friendship movies Bollywood has given us till date.
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mainspat · 2 years
The raid stream
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military history As World War II rages, the elite 6th Ranger Battalion is given a mission of heroic proportions: push 30 miles behind enemy lines and. It recently closed the deal following a lengthy negotiation. In the epic tradition of SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, THE GREAT RAID is an inspirational true story of the most triumphant rescue mission in U.S. On top of that, Hughes’ new take on the story excited all those involved including Bay and Evans, and after taking the package around town, Netflix was aggressive to get into pole position to land the package. Since both shared reps, sources add that an introduction was made between Bay and Hughes, who instantly hit off as they are both made from the same cloth given their high-octane action ties. Once that happened, Bay and Hughes’ rep at WME suggested taking a shot at getting involved in rebooting it, and both were game. A group of Confederate prisoners escape to Canada and plan to rob the banks and set fire to the small town of Saint Albans, Vermont. The package has been in the works for some time and insiders say it all came together after the rights lapsed on the most recent try at a reboot. With Van Heflin, Anne Bancroft, Richard Boone, Lee Marvin.
Raid Emote // Instant Download // Streaming Twitch, Discord.
It’s a distinctly original take on the material, which promises to pay great respect to the original film while also bringing a fresh approach and perspective that will set its own course in the action genre,” the producers said. Check out our the raid selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces. The watch worn by martial arts actor Iko Uwais In the Indonesian movie The Raid: Redemption (Serbuan Maut) was identified as a Hamilton Khaki Automatic. “We’re incredibly excited about Patrick’s unique vision for this film. This version is set in Philadelphia’s drug-infested “Badlands,” where an elite undercover DEA task force climbs a ladder of cartel informants to catch an elusive kingpin. Hollywood has been trying to reboot the title ever since and this looks like the one that will finally make it to production.
By the end of each fight sequence you feel just as brutalized as the characters in the movie and it’s an incredible sensation.Netflix Sets Cynthia Erivo To Star In Sci-Fi Film 'Blink Speed' Erivo & 'The Trial Of The Chicago 7's Matt Jackson Producing Not only that, but the characters can sell pain just as well as they sell a punch to the neck. Yayan Ruhian and Doni Alamsyah, who play two of the film’s principal bad guys, can do things previously thought incapable with the human body. Where to Watch and Stream The Great Raid. Watching Uwais during a fight scene causes your jaw to unintentionally gape, but even more impressively, just about every other actor is equally talented. In World War II, a battalion goes on a daring rescue mission to liberate the Americans and Filipinos who've been captured by the Japanese. The actors in this film can simply do things that our actors are not capable of doing. While the mission starts off smoothly, when everything goes haywire it’s up to a young cop, Rama (Iko Uwais), to not only survive, but to save as many of his fellow officers as he can. NOW STREAMING The Raid: Redemption (HBO) An elite SWAT team is sent to arrest a ruthless drug lord, but first must survive 30 floors of an apartment building filled with criminals. Inside, on the 15th floor, is the man they are going after: a ruthless kingpin and drug lord (Ray Sahetapy) who lords over his tenants, who themselves are some of the most dangerous criminals in the city. Set in the slums of Jakarta, Indonesia, the story begins as an elite 20-man SWAT team orchestrates a raid on a 30 floor apartment building.
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online-journalist · 2 years
Take a tour of Bigg Boss 16’s circus-themed house: 98 cameras, four bedrooms and a lavish captain’s den await contestants
The day is finally here when Salman Khan will open the doors of Bigg Boss 16 house. The reality show is set to begin its latest season with a grand premiere tonight. Thirteen celebrities are set to get locked in for 105 days in the palatial house, designed by Omung Kumar. Before you watch the BB 16 house on television, here’s a sneak peek of everything new this year.
Given that the show is a circus, Kumar and his wife Vanita planned to have the house themed around the same. Using a bright colour palette, the house looks straight out of a comic book. The designers have also added multiple elements seen in the circus to get an authentic feel — a carousel as a dining table, crazy mirrors in the bathroom and the jail designed as a ‘maut ka kuwa’. There are also a number of toy animals placed at many corners, some as props and some for seating.
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A joker’s face adorns the entrance, however, we are sure the same smile will soon be wiped off the face of the contestants. The basic format of the house has seen a few changes with the kitchen pushed near the bedroom and the gate opening to the living room. As it’s rightly said ‘divide and rule’, the makers have segregated the bedroom into four parts, which is bound to create more groups leading to more drama. Also, the captain this season will be bestowed with a number of perks as they’ll get to live in a lavish room, which also has a personal Jacuzzi.
Talking about the house, Omung Kumar shared that 98 cameras have been placed in the house. However, the numbers may increase, given there are many more nooks and corners this time. Also, the garden area has a number of isolated ‘chilling zones’ — one atop a mezzanine, while another with a soundproof glass wall.
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“It’s beautiful, colourful and has a lot of pagalpan. It is also a very happy space but contestants will spoil it with time. The dynamics have changed this time. The craziest part of course are the four bedrooms, each with a theme- fire, black and white, vintage and cards. Everything has a circus element and the whole house is like my lalaland,” Kumar shared.
When indianexpress.com asked him how much does the ‘house’ contribute in the game, he shared that’s what kickstarts the season. “This is what sets the theme. Later, everything is about the game but the house initially is like a participant in itself. It plays a huge part in the show.”
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jayyydagreatt · 2 years
Challenges in Seeking Redress for Human Rights Violations in the Philippines
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There are various definitions of human rights, but according to OHCHR, "Human rights are inherited to us all, regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, any other status…." Human rights are rights simply because we exist as human beings—any state does not grant them. They vary from the most fundament—the right to life—to those that make life worth living, such as the rights to food, education, health, and liberty. These rights aid us all human beings in our well-being and security. However, as time goes by, we can scrutinize and hear a lot of information concerning the abuse of human rights in our community. Many children were maltreated, and women were harassed, and even online predators are circulating on the internet, hunting juvenile ones and manipulating them. It is sorrowful knowing that issues like this exist even though we have a lot of laws that will help us defend our life. Still, it is not adequate to say that we live in a safe environment. To give you a more concrete understanding, why does it seem difficult to seek redress when rights are violated? I will utilize the situation in the Philippines context and provide two cases.
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On July 31, three UN human rights specialists released a collective declaration calling the previous president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, to take measures against the increasing human rights abuses in the country. The KARAPATAN, a human rights group, documented 68 politically motivated killings, 842 cases of illegal arrest, and 42 894 cases of threat, harassment, and pressure during the previous administration. The terrorist invasions in Marawi City carried out by the Maute Group, stated to be affiliated with Daesh, have shown growing numbers of extrajudicial killings, illegal arrests, rape, and the bombing of communities with some 45 Civilian casualties and massive destruction to their property (ASTMadmin, n.d). Moreover, in the previous administration's anti-illegal drugs campaign in the country, 6,011 deaths in anti-drug operations between July 1, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2020, according to the official government figures list (Sarao, Zacarian, 2021). 
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On the second note, Women are frequently abused, mainly when a lockdown occurs. According to a 2017 Philippine National Demographic and Health Survey, one in four Filipino women between the ages of 15 and 49 have experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse at the hands of their spouse or partner. (Calleja, J.P., 2020). Twenty-four percent of adults in Mindanao agreed with this statement (11 percent for physical violence, 5 percent for sexual, and 8 percent for emotional). Comparatively, it was a little lower in the Visayas, at 22% (6 percent physical violence, 11 percent sexual, and 5 percent emotional)(Cudis, 2021).
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To summarize everything, why does it seem difficult to seek redress when rights are violated in the Philippines because there is a lack of implantation and support? Indeed, we have laws provided to attain peace, security, and harmony in our society, but how can it be effective if there is no support from our government? I think it may be achievable once we identify the reasons for this abuse and take immediate action. After all, this will aid that individual suffering from brutality because we deserve to be respected and safeguarded.
References: ASTMadmin. (n.d.). Dramatic rise in human rights violations in the Philippines. Dramatic rise in human rights violations in the Philippines | Action Solidarité Tiers Monde. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from https://actionsolidaritetiersmonde.org/dramatic-rise-in-human-rights-violations-in-the-philippines/ Cudis, C. (2021, March 9). 25% of Pinoys cite violence vs women as top concern amid pandemic. Philippine News Agency. Retrieved September 14, 2022, from https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1133079Sarao, Z. (2021, July 25). War on drugs: The violence, scars, doubts and families it left behind. INQUIRER.net. Retrieved September 15, 2022, from https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1463956/war-on-drugs-the-violence-scars-doubts-and-families-it-left-behind What are human rights? OHCHR. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2022, from https://www.ohchr.org/en/what-are-human-rights
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prasad-mi9 · 2 years
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#gaya #astrotips #bestastrologer #Trueguru #tatvdarshisant ।। kabeer, raam naam kadava lagai, meethe laage daam. duvidha mein donon gae, maaya milee na raam.. ।। What is Bhoot Puja and Pitra Puja? The proof of the prohibition of these worships is written in Chapter 9 Shlok 25 of Holy Gita Shastra, which has already been told to you that the worshipers of ghosts will become ghosts and go to the group of ghosts after death. Those who worship the ancestors will go to the ancestors after receiving the Pitra Yoni in the Pitra Lok. A person who attains salvation becomes free from birth and death for ever. ।। maut bisaaree baavale, tane acharaj kiya kaun. tan maatee mein mil jaega, jyon aate mein laun .. ।। https://www.instagram.com/p/CigTwUOoU7U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blogginghands · 2 years
Lessons From Marawi (Book Review)
Lessons From Marawi (Book Review)
            The Battle in Marawi is one of the longest encounters by the AFP after the World War II which lasted for five (5) months for the purpose of re-capturing the city which was led by Emir vested to the Southeast Asia by the Al-Qaeda, Isnilon Hapilon, which is also the leader of hundreds of Local Terrorist Groups (LTG) including Maute Group, dozens of foreigners in an Urban Terrain Battle…
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thxnews · 10 months
Notorious Kidnapper Arrested by PNP-AKG in Lanao del Norte
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  PNP-AKG Nabs Key Suspect
In a major breakthrough, the Philippine National Police-Anti Kidnapping Group (PNP-AKG) successfully apprehended Fahad Makil Lumiguis, a notorious kidnapper wanted for his involvement in a series of high-profile abductions in Lanao del Norte. The arrest, which took place in Barangay Basagad, Balo-i, Lanao del Norte, occurred on Tuesday and marks a significant victory for law enforcement efforts to curb kidnapping activities in the region.   Long List of Charges and Warrants Fahad Makil Lumiguis, also known as Fahad Lumiguis Alangca, Abdul Raffy, and Alu, is a 33-year-old suspect with a long history of criminal activities. He faces multiple standing arrest warrants issued by courts in Tagum City, Davao del Norte, and Iligan City, Lanao del Norte, all related to kidnapping charges. Authorities have not recommended bail for any of these cases, underscoring the severity of his alleged crimes.   Notorious and Wanted The gravity of Lumiguis' offenses is highlighted by his status as the sixth most wanted person (MWP) at the municipal level and the seventh MWP in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. His involvement in various criminal and illegal drug activities in Balo-i town and other parts of Lanao del Sur has earned him a reputation as a highly dangerous criminal.  
Seized Weapons and Criminal Links
During the arrest operation, AKG operatives confiscated a Colt .45 caliber M1911 pistol along with five rounds of ammunition and a steel magazine of .45 caliber from the suspect. Police records indicate that Lumiguis is not only linked to kidnappings but is also a primary suspect in a shooting incident that occurred in Balo-i, Lanao del Norte on August 17, 2019. Additionally, he was involved in the kidnapping of an individual named "Amil" in Tagum City, Davao del Norte, in October 2022.   A String of Crimes Lumiguis' criminal activities go beyond kidnappings and shootings. He was also identified as the primary suspect in a car theft that took place on June 12, 2023, in Balo-i, Lanao del Norte. In this incident, Lumiguis allegedly stole a multi-cab owned by someone who owed him money but failed to pay the debt. Furthermore, authorities have evidence linking him to providing financial support to the DI-Maute Group, a notorious extremist organization.  
Charges and Ongoing Investigation
The apprehended suspect will face charges related to kidnapping, serious illegal detention, and other relevant offenses. Authorities are hopeful that his arrest will provide critical leads and information to dismantle other criminal networks associated with him. PNP-AKG director Brig. Gen. Rodolfo Castil Jr. assured the public that their efforts to maintain peace and order will continue, ensuring the safety of all citizens. He stressed that law enforcement agencies will not rest until justice is served for victims of such heinous crimes.  
Collaborative Efforts and Future Actions
Castil also announced that the AKG, in collaboration with other agencies, will relentlessly work to dismantle Lumiguis' criminal network and bring all his accomplices to justice. As the investigation unfolds, more details regarding the arrest and the suspect's criminal activities are expected to surface, shedding light on the extent of his criminal operations.   Legal Proceedings Following his arrest, the accused was taken to the AKG Mindanao Field Unit, Iligan Satellite Office for documentation. Subsequently, he will be transferred to Iligan City Police Station 4, Iligan City Police Office, for temporary detention pending the return of the arrest warrant to the issuing court and for inquest proceedings. The arrest of Fahad Makil Lumiguis marks a significant victory in the fight against kidnapping and organized crime. The Philippine National Police, with its unwavering determination and collaborative efforts, sends a strong message to criminals that their illicit activities will not go unpunished. As investigations continue, the hope is that Lumiguis' capture will lead to the dismantling of criminal networks, providing a safer and more secure environment for all citizens.   Sources: THX News & Philippine News Agency. Read the full article
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