blogginghands · 1 year
Legal Maxims (Law Student Journey)
Hi Guys, today, I will start to collect several Legal Maxims and their respective definition from books and jurisprudence I read and will soon read. This is a simple investment for my future preparation for the bar review. All credits are to their respective authors. ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus ( i.e., where the law does not distinguish, neither should we…
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blogginghands · 1 year
As what the authors and other dignitaries elucidated about the History and the progress a unique identity of our own Military Leadership Style in support to a whole-nation approach, this book continued to explain the Decision-making process of Filipino Military Leader and the circumstances that molded to become one, of course it was not an easy journey for our leaders as well as subordinates but…
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blogginghands · 1 year
Python for Beginners: Taking user Input
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blogginghands · 2 years
Solo Learn (Python for Beginners): Sum of Consecutive Numbers
Solo Learn (Python for Beginners): Sum of Consecutive Numbers
Sum of Consecutive Numbers No one likes homework, but your math teacher has given you an assignment to find the sum of the first N numbers. Let’s save some time by creating a program to do the calculation for you! Take a number N as input and output the sum of all numbers from 1 to N (including N). Sample Input100 Sample Output5050 Explanation: The sum of all numbers from 1 to 100 is equal…
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blogginghands · 2 years
Leadership in a broad context has been defined by various individuals in their respective fields and perspective. Amongst those leadership definitions are at par with the trends and can be co-related with present day leaders, the common notion on how people perceive leadership is through discipline and the capacity to circumvent the perils and circumstances according to what is expected of an…
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blogginghands · 2 years
Lessons From Marawi (Book Review)
Lessons From Marawi (Book Review)
            The Battle in Marawi is one of the longest encounters by the AFP after the World War II which lasted for five (5) months for the purpose of re-capturing the city which was led by Emir vested to the Southeast Asia by the Al-Qaeda, Isnilon Hapilon, which is also the leader of hundreds of Local Terrorist Groups (LTG) including Maute Group, dozens of foreigners in an Urban Terrain Battle…
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blogginghands · 2 years
The Art of War by Sun Tzu (Book Review)
The Art of War by Sun Tzu (Book Review)
In an old context of warfare and stratagem on China’s journey towards its unification, Philosophers and Generals came up with analysis and study of how to win decisive battles that may cause little to none of their resources and troops. The art of war explains the readiness of an army to engage their foes in consideration of different factors that may or may not affect the outcome of a hundred…
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blogginghands · 2 years
SOLO LEARN (Python for Beginners): BMI Calculator
SOLO LEARN (Python for Beginners): BMI Calculator
Tracking your BMI is a useful way of checking if you’re maintaining a healthy weight. It’s calculated using a person’s weight and height, using this formula: weight / height²The resulting number indicates one of the following categories:Underweight = less than 18.5Normal = more or equal to 18.5 and less than 25Overweight = more or equal to 25 and less than 30Obesity = 30 or moreLet’s make finding…
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blogginghands · 2 years
Political Law
Constitution is defined as a body of rules and Maxims in accordance with which the powers of sovereignty are habitually exercised. Nature: The relation of the Government and its people. Concept: 1. Fundamental Law of the Land 2. Body of Rules and Maxims 3. System of Fundamental Laws Concept of State: Community of persons more or less numerous occupying a portion of territory free from…
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blogginghands · 2 years
Procedure on Approval of Bills in the Philippines (with Comments)
Hey Guys, if you want to know about the Approval of Bills in the Philippines, here's the post.
A bill is introduced by any member of the House of Representatives or the Senate except for some measures that must originate only in the House of Representatives. (Note: Most of the Bills should come from the House of Representatives, Why? Because the House represents the sectoral, marginalized, local and under represented, the House of Representatives knows the real problems that needs to be…
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blogginghands · 2 years
Solo Learn (Python for Beginners): Tip Calculator
Solo Learn (Pythong for Beginners) Tip Calculator
Variables: When you go out to eat, you always tip 20% of the bill amount. But who’s got the time to calculate the right tip amount every time? Not you that’s for sure! You’re making a program to calculate tips and save some time. Your program needs to take the bill amount as input and output the tip as a float. Sample Input50 Sample Output10.0 I will do the same what my Professors in College…
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blogginghands · 3 years
The Rules on Interpretation of the Constitution (Political Law)
The Rules on Interpretation of the Constitution (Political Law)
The Rules on Interpretation of the Constitution (Political Law) The rules in Interpretation of the Constitution are as follows: Verba legis – That the words of the constitution are interpreted in their ordinary meaning unless technical terms are employed. (the explanation already speaks for itself. Remember not everyone governed by the Constitution are law makers, we are ordinary people who…
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blogginghands · 3 years
Author's Career Progression
Author’s Career Progression
Hi guys, how are you doing? *Excited* This is BH speaking, guys, I already finished my Masters Degree in Public Administration. (Perhaps the Professors took pity on me. lol) Remember this blog post? Career Hesitancy? Guess what, I already got a job and now I am studying Law. Yeeey, Just Excited to update everyone. It has been 2013 since I posted a hesitancy about my career track but perhaps…
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blogginghands · 3 years
Career Hesitancy
It’s been a month since I graduated from a prestigious school with a degree in IT with awards in Thesis and Internship. Way back while I was in my junior year in college I took a Professional Examination, It was an examination given to professionals for an added credential and a requirement to have a regular position in any Government Offices. I took the exam way back in 2011 and happily I passed…
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blogginghands · 3 years
Having movie actors and actresses in Philippine politics? Are we in favor of this?
Having movie actors and actresses in Philippine politics? Are we in favor of this?
            Actors and Actresses have always been with the Political Entity of the Philippines even during the time of conquistadors and foreign occupations. It became a practice that fame and celebrities brought forth many allies and political friends.             Going back to our constitution; there is no law prohibiting actors and actresses in running for a political position in our…
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blogginghands · 3 years
A Unicameral or Bicameral Legislative Branch?
A Unicameral or Bicameral Legislative Branch?
Bicameral Legislative Branch prevents the abuse of powers in unicameral laws, if there will be a unitary Legislative Branch, there will be no check and balances in accordance of formulating laws and governing the state to address citizens’ concern. Laws in a Bicameral Legislative Branch can be passed more efficiently and effectively since there is another party who will scrutinize, check the…
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blogginghands · 3 years
Abolition of the Commission of Human Rights. Why or why not?
Abolition of the Commission of Human Rights. Why or why not?
The CHR, created under the 1987 Constitution, was tasked to investigate all forms of human rights violations involving civil and political rights. It is embedded in our constitution in relation to the International Humanitarian Laws and other laws governing human rights. The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, in Section 18 Article XIII says simply that there must be a creation of an…
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