#Mauro Medina
automundoarg · 9 days
El regreso de Marcos Di Palma al Turismo Carretera en manos del RUS MED Team
El arrecifeño recibió un ofrecimiento para correr en el TC con un auto de nueva generación.
Marcos Di Palma podría estar a punto de regresar al Turismo Carretera, categoría de la que se retiró en 2009, más allá de una esporádica participación en 2017 en una carrera con pilotos invitados.  La posibilidad del retorno del arrecifeño a la popular categoría surgió a través de Mauro Medina, propietario del RUS MED Team, quien le ha ofrecido el Chevrolet Camaro que está armando su equipo. La…
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moviesandmania · 2 years
EVIL EYE (2022) Mexican supernatural horror by Isaac Ezban
EVIL EYE (2022) Mexican supernatural horror by Isaac Ezban
Evil Eye is a 2022 Mexican horror film about a teenage girl from the city who goes to stay at her grandmother’s home in the countryside. Original title: Mal de Ojo Directed by Isaac Ezban (The Incident; The Similars; Parallel; Deathcember segment) from a screenplay co-written with Junior Rosario, Edgar San Juan and collaborator Luis Mariano García. The movie stars Ofelia Medina, Paola Miguel,…
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brasillovers · 2 years
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Patrick Alexander Medina by Mauro Outeda for MOAN ZINE
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gebo4482 · 2 years
Evil Eye | Official movie trailer | Coming Soon
Dir: Isaac Ezban Star: Ofelia Medina / Arap Bethke / Mauro González
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miltacos · 7 months
Viajar, comer y saber. El análisis gastronómico e Ignacio Medina.
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Tengo el placer de conocer a Ignacio desde hace varios años. Fue en en 2010 o 2011 (ninguno de los dos recordamos la fecha exacta) durante el evento México Cocina Abierta en la Ciudad de México, uno de los primeros congresos en los que México tenía contacto con el resto del mundo; de esos mismos congresos que los organizadores, medios, y el gremio en general abusamos hasta convertirlos en espacios aburridos, desangelados, sin propósito.
Tal fue la explotación a lo que muchos vieron como la gallina de los huevos de oro, que los congresos terminaron por extinguirse o por transformarse en festivales o reuniones con propiedades e intereses grupales cerrados o excluyentes. La ilusión de ver congresos mexicanos sólidos a la suerte de Madrid Fusión o Gastronomika, nos duró poco.
Desde entonces coincidí con Ignacio un par de veces más. Una de ellas en el escenario de Madrid Fusión en la que presentamos conjuntamente un proyecto de investigación -también hoy extinto- que encabezaron Jorge Vallejo, Mauro Colagreco y Virgilio Martínez.
Conversar con Ignacio es un viaje a un mundo de crítica, reflexión y pensamiento. De una voz grave -no solo por lo entonado por sus cuerdas bucales- sino por la gravidez con que sus dichos ácidos, puntuales y certeros calan en el panorama gastronómico iberoamericano. Como es de esperarse para quien usa el intelecto como su principal herramienta, su sentido del humor es profundo, con toques negros, y con dejos de provocación.
Desconozco si para él nuestro reencuentro haya sido tan satisfactorio como lo fue para mi; pero estar en un festival dedicado al queso, compartiendo mesa de jurado, y comiendo tacos de carnitas en medio de Tequisquiapan y alrededores, para mi es significativo de que aquellos con los que alguna vez coincidiste o discrepaste siempre volverán a encontrarse. Sobre todo si dichos entendimientos o distancias intelectuales son intelectual y profesionalmente relevantes y retadoras.
Compartir tacos de carnitas con alguien que dedica su vida a pensar, escribir, incendiar, animar y reflexionar siempre es un placer. Por más días -tacos y uno que otro mezcal- así para hacer que la compleja rueda de la reflexión gastronómica siga su camino.
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gerardofontenelle · 9 months
Apple Arcade - A New World To Play In from Mauro Chiarello on Vimeo.
Director: Ian Pons Jewell Producer: Chris Avery @ Apple Writer: Jordan Pories Creative Director: Hamish Pinnel Art Director: Esteban Cardona Group Creative Directors: Sam Oliver & Carl Broadhurst AD Producer: Jacob Stitzel Production Company: Reset Managing Director: Dave Morrison Executive Producers: Deannie O'Neil & Jen Beitler Head of Production: JP Colombo Producer: Megan Moore Director of Photography: Mauro Chiarello Director’s Assistant: George Daniell Casting: Majo Gallardo Costume Designer: Nayeli de Alba
Production Service Company: The Lift Producer: Fuad Abded Managing Director: Avelino Rodriguez Production Manger: Israel González Cadena Unit Manager: Vladimir Espinoza Production Coordinator: Liliana Huacuja APOC: David Carretero Script: Andrea Eduardina Key PA: Juan Tovar Production Assistants: Erick Ávila, Miguel Luna, Isaac Alvarez Runner: Paulina Camacho Chaperone: Paulina Marín Chaperone: Paulina Maqueda Locations Manager: Sergio Aguilar Locations Assistants: Itzia Rojas, Rodrigo López, Eduardo Gutierrez, Andrés Macías, Juan Chávez
1st AD DGA: Robert Phillips 1st AD: Sandra Mayerstein 2nd AD Vala Cárdenas 2nd AD: Lorenza Ramos 1st AC Horacio Vega 2nd AC: Adonay Meza Camera PA: Edson Reyes DIT: Julio Cesar Gonzalez Data Manager: Hayde Medina Corona VTR Operator: Jonathan Fernando Noriega Hernández VTR Assistants: Eduardo Martinez & Miguel Valdez Wheels Operator: Felipe Pérez-Burchard Steadicam Operator: Gerardo Manjarezz Trinity Operator: Niels Lindelien Gaffer: Leonardo Julián Key Grip: Juan Antonio Aguilar López Key Grip: Jose Marcos Vilchis VFX Supervisor: Daniel "Chovy" Cordero VFX Assistants: Rafael Santana Cruz & Francisco Ruben Perez Reyes
Production Designers: Robin Brown & Margarita Laborde Hair & Make Up: Chela Olea Hair & Make Up Assistants: Yoali Cortés, Ixchel Cortés Stunt Coordinator: Tomas Guzman Art Coordinator: Katia Duarte Propmaster: Diego Téllez Decorator: Melinda Ridaura Decorator: Sandra Jalife Art Assistant: Jessica Peralta Wardrobe Coordinator: Giselle Arriaga Wardrobe Assistants: Rodrigo Montoya, Paulina Regalado, Christian Fernando, Rocelia Alexandra Graphic Design: Mireya Guerrero Renders: Hugo Jiménez Swings: Daniel Hernández, Jesús Enriquez, Aldo Márquez, Juan Cisneros, Néstor Luna, Luis Hernández, Gabriel Cabrera.
Edit Company: Whitehouse Post, Los Angeles Editor: Tobias Suhm Executive Producer: Joanna Manning Post Producer: Jordan Stricklin
VFX Company: Framestore VFX Supervisor: James Rogers Senior Producer: Joe Greenberg Art Director: Carlos Vidal Lead Data Wrangler: Fabio Zapata Data Wrangler: Juan Colon Coordinator: Evan Kanter
CAST Kid in car: Ariella Covalin-Mizarahi Metro Guy: Shu Sakimoto
Chef & Waiters: Jack Morris Jean Wolf Allison Vargas
Taco Stand: Mariana Arias Emme Gonzalez Paulina Camacho Oscar Sagrado Raphael De Cecco Ivan Modragon Christian Godoy Miguel Angel
Airplane: Heidy Diaz
Popcorn Eaters: Micah Bijon Charlie Scovill
Clothes Guy: Rick Darge Bus Shelter: Yuki Oc-Noda
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thxnews · 11 months
Exploring the Diversity of Authors in the Quran
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  The Quran is the religious text of Islam that is considered the word of God as communicated to the Prophet Muhammad. The Quran is a book of great significance to Muslims, it is the foundation of Islamic culture and civilization and guides the lives of millions of people. Though less well-known, the Quran is also an important work of literature that has been studied for centuries by scholars of Arabic, literature, and religion. One of the most fascinating aspects of the Quran is the diversity of its authors. This article aims to explore the diversity of authors that contributed to the making of the Quran.   The Prophet Muhammad, Alī, and his sons Ḥasan and Ḥusayn, Walters Manuscript. Photo by Walters Art Museum. Flickr.  
The Importance of Diverse Authorship in the Quran
The authorship of the Quran exhibits diversity, with texts being revealed to the Prophet Muhammad at different stages of his life and through varying means of revelation. The Prophet received some of these texts in a state of wakefulness, while others were revealed to him while in a state of trance. This diversity in authorship contributes to the richness and depth of the Quran.   Diverse Authorship Revealed Through Different Means The diversity of authorship in the Quran is also evident in the different literary styles that are used in the text. The Quran contains verses that are poetic in nature, as well as verses that are prose. In addition, the text contains passages that are narrative and others that are reflective in nature. This diversity of literary styles is an essential aspect of the Quran, and it adds to its beauty and complexity.   Cultural Diversity Reflected in Authorship Another important aspect of the diverse authorship in the Quran is that it reflects the cultural diversity of the people who were receiving the message. The Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia, a region that was home to different tribes and cultures. The text reflects this diversity, and it speaks to people of different backgrounds and experiences. This inclusiveness is an important aspect of the Quran, and it makes it a text that is relevant to people from all over the world. The diverse authorship in the Quran also reflects the importance of collaboration and community in the Islamic faith. The Prophet Muhammad did not write the Quran himself; rather, he received the revelations from God and conveyed them to his followers. This collaborative process of revelation is an important aspect of the Islamic faith, and it reflects the idea that individuals must work together to achieve a common goal.  
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Mulla Mumin, Biography of Prophet Muhammad. Photo by Davide Mauro. Flickr.  
The Prophet Muhammad as a Primary Author
Muhammad's Literary Works Muhammad's literary works can be categorized into two main groups – non-religious and religious. The non-religious literary works include letters he wrote to various people, including kings, rules, tribes, and treaties he made with them. These letters and treaties showcase Muhammad's diplomatic and persuasive skills and his proactive efforts in securing peace. His "Letter to the Christians of Najran" is a classic example of Muhammad's diplomatic prowess as he argued from the position of common monotheism and mutual respect.   Religious Literary Works The religious literary works consist of Hadith and his biography, known as Sira. Hadiths are the sayings, acts, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad, recorded by his companions. Hadiths are considered authoritative sources of Islamic jurisprudence and had a significant impact on Muslim society's development. The Sira is an extensive account of the Prophet's life, including his early years, his call to prophethood, his teachings, and his migration to Medina. The Sira served as a valuable historical source for scholars, and his example as a model for Muslim behavior is taught to this day.   Muhammad's Writing Style Muhammad's writing style was simple and to the point. His writing was not ornate or elaborate, instead focusing on clarity and conciseness. This approach inspired his followers to convey his message effectively and efficiently, making Islam an easy religion to follow. Muhammad's writing style also influenced the language and literature of the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. His style was copied by other writers of the time and continues to be emulated in contemporary Arabic literature. The impact of Muhammad's writings is undeniable. His literary works continue to inspire and guide Muslims worldwide, shaping their beliefs, values, and practices. Also, his teachings emphasize the importance of justice, compassion, and humility, inspiring Muslim leaders to adopt these values in their governance. His emphasis on education and knowledge encouraged Muslims to value and prioritize learning, which helped create a rich tradition of science, arts, and literature in Islamic civilization. The influence of Muhammad's literature extends far beyond the Islamic world, playing a crucial role in shaping the global literary and intellectual landscape.  
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Depiction of Abu Bakr ibn Umar al-Lamtuni - Catalan Atlas. Photo by Zenati-Sanhaji. Wikimedia.  
Contributions of Companions and Scholars
The Role of Companions The companions of the Prophet were the closest to him and had the privilege of learning from him directly. They were responsible for transmitting the Quran and the Sunnah to future generations. Their role in preserving and interpreting Islamic knowledge was instrumental in establishing the Islamic faith. Companions such as Abu Bakr, Umar, Ali, and Aisha had a profound impact on Islamic jurisprudence and hadith sciences. Their sayings and actions are recorded in various collections of hadiths, which serve as a primary source of Islamic law.   The Role of Scholars In the centuries that followed the Prophet's death, Islamic knowledge continued to flourish, thanks in large part to the efforts of scholars. Islamic scholarship became more organized and systematic, and various disciplines emerged, such as theology, philosophy, jurisprudence, and linguistics. Such scholars as Al-Ghazali, Ibn Taymiyyah, Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, and Ibn Kathir made significant contributions to Islamic knowledge. They wrote books, authored treatises, and delivered lectures on various topics related to Islam.   The Importance of Madrasahs Madrasahs, or Islamic seminaries, played a crucial role in the spread of Islamic knowledge. They were established in various parts of the Islamic world and provided formal education to students. Madrasahs were renowned for their rigorous curriculum, which included Quranic studies, hadith sciences, Fiqh, and Arabic grammar. The most prominent madrasahs were founded in Baghdad, Cairo, and Cordoba.   The Impact of Islamic Knowledge Islamic knowledge has had a profound impact on the world. Some of the most outstanding achievements of Islamic civilization include the development of algebra, the invention of the astrolabe, and the translation of ancient Greek and Roman texts into Arabic. Furthermore, Islamic knowledge has influenced various fields, such as architecture, literature, law, and science.   The Importance of Continuing Education Islamic knowledge is not static. It continues to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances. Therefore, there is a need for continual education and learning. Muslims are encouraged to seek knowledge and study throughout their lives, regardless of their age or gender. In this way, the tradition of learning that was established by the companions and scholars can be continued and the spread of Islamic knowledge can continue to flourish.  
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The Combat of Qaran and Afrasiyab', Folio from a Shahnama. Photo by Abu'l Qasim Firdausi. The Met Museum.  
Varied Literary Styles and Themes
Poetry The Quran features a large portion of rhymed prose or poetry, known as "saj." This poetry exhibits rhythmic sounds created by utilizing different patterns of vowels and consonants. The enjoyable recitation of Quranic poetry stems from its rhyme and rhythm, particularly during religious gatherings. Each verse consists of short lines that evoke powerful emotions and convey profound meanings. Poetic style is employed in some of the most famous Quranic verses, including Al-Fatiha, Al-Ikhlas, and Al-Kursi.   Prose Apart from poetry, the Quran contains prose, which is more straightforward and easier to understand. The prose is comprised of stories and narratives that chronicle significant events and figures in Islamic history, such as the story of Adam and Eve, Noah, and many others. The Quran's descriptions of historical events are rich in metaphorical expressions that evoke powerful images in the readers' minds.   Dialogue The Quran features numerous dialogues between Allah, the angels, and the prophets. These dialogues are written in a conversational style that immerses the readers in the story and enhances their understanding of the Quranic message. The dialogues also provide insight into the Quran's key themes, such as the importance of faith, charity, and devotion to Allah.   Themes The Quran's themes are diverse and cover a wide range of topics, from religious beliefs and practices to moral values and social issues. Quranic themes promote peace, justice, equality, and compassion and discourage hate, violence, and discrimination. The Quran also emphasizes the importance of good deeds, charitable acts, and forgiveness, as these are essential attributes of being a good Muslim.   Language The Quran's language is considered a linguistic miracle in Arabic literature. The eloquence, beauty, and richness of its language stand out, even to those who do not speak Arabic. The Quran's unique literary style has been the subject of many studies and debates. The beauty and grandeur of its language have left people in awe for centuries.  
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Abraham and his wife fled Sodom. Photo by Manuscripts K. B.  
Women's Voices in the Quran
Strict Ideological Framework The Quranic passages that mention women reveal a strict ideological framework that is not oppressive towards women, rather it ensures their rights and dignity. The text includes verses that address issues related to marriage, inheritance, divorce, and other social aspects that impact women's lives. The Quran stresses the importance of treating women with respect, kindness, and compassion. It orders men to be just and fair in their treatment of women and encourages women to be active participants in religious, political, and social life. Women's voices in the Quran are presented as examples of great moral character, faithfulness, and piety.   Maryam and Hajar The story of Maryam, the mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus), is one of the most prominent stories mentioned in the Quran. Furthermore, her story serves as a great example of devotion and righteousness. In addition, another important example of women's contribution to the Quran is the story of Hajar, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). Notably, Muslims commemorate Hajar's bravery, resilience, and faith during the Pilgrimage (Hajj) by paying homage to her through the act of running seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa.   Female Poetry The Quran also contains poetry and verses that reflect women's experiential and emotional content. The text portrays women's voices as a source of wisdom, insight, and emotion. The chapters that highlight emotions such as love, grief, and anguish reveal the experiences of women. For example, The Chapter of the Moon (Surat al-Qamar) has a passage that expresses the sorrows that some women feel when they fail to conceive. The Quranic verse says, "And indeed, We have created man, and We know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than jugular vein" (50:16). This passage provides insight into women's feelings and highlights their emotional content.   Education and Academia In addition, the Quran encourages women's education and intellectual participation. It invites women to seek knowledge, develop analytical thinking and exercise their abilities to make key decisions. Aisha, the wife of Prophet Mohammed, gained recognition for her scholarly contributions to the Muslim community. She possessed extensive knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence, hadith, and other sciences.  
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International Quran Competition for Students of Islamic Seminary Schools. Photo by Mostafa Meraji. Wikimedia.  
Embracing Diversity in Religious Texts
The Quran is a significant religious text that has been studied for centuries by scholars of Arabic, literature, and religion. Moreover, it serves as a foundation of Islamic culture and civilization and guides the lives of millions of people. This article explored the diversity of authors who contributed to the making of this sacred book – from Prophet Muhammad himself to companions and scholars, all with varied literary styles and themes. Additionally, we also highlighted women's voices in the Quran - something rarely discussed yet still vitally important today when embracing diversity in our religious texts. Ultimately, these different perspectives offer us valuable insight into how we can better understand ourselves and each other on a deeper level through faith-based practices like reading scripture together. In conclusion, the Quran provides a profound source of wisdom, guiding individuals from diverse backgrounds toward unity and mutual understanding.   Sources: THX News & Quran. Read the full article
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juarezesdeporte · 1 year
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Monterrey, Nuevo León., viernes 3 de marzo de 2023.-El Futbol Club Juárez viajó este viernes a la capital de Nuevo León para disputar el partido de la Jornada 10 ante Rayados
Los Bravos llegan con 11 unidades y se ubican en el noveno lugar de la tabla general. Monterrey tiene 22 puntos y es líder del campeonato. 
 Los jugadores que realizaron el viaje son:
 Alfredo Talavera
Felipe Rodríguez 
 Adrián Mora
Carlos Salcedo
Alejandro Arribas
Jaime Gómez
Javier Salas
Tomás Molina
Alan Soñora
Diego Chávez
Maxi Olivera
Agustín Urzi
Alan Medina
Gabriel Fernández
Mauro Lainez
Javier Nevárez 
Jordan Sierra
Denzell García 
Kevin Pereira
Luis Rodríguez
Jesús Dueñas
Mario Osuna
Joel Soñora
 El plantel dirigido por Hernán Cristante tendrá charla técnica y activación en el hotel de concentración. 
(Prensa FC Juárez)
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nuadox · 1 year
Robot helps detect contaminants in water after sewage treatment
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- By Cristiane Paião , Agência FAPESP -
Researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil have developed a robot to automate the analysis of wastewater after sewage treatment, enhancing the precision of the results and reducing the use of costly and toxic solvents.
The research was conducted at the São Carlos Institute of Chemistry (IQSC-USP) during the doctorate of Marcio David Bocelli, with FAPESP’s support and supervision by Professor Álvaro José Santos-Neto. The results are reported in an article published in the journal Electrophoresis.
The purpose of the research was to detect the presence of parabens in samples of treated wastewater. Parabens are synthetic chemicals used as preservatives in a wide array of cosmetics, personal hygiene products, food products and pharmaceuticals, to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mold, for example. They cause allergies in some people, and there is evidence that they can disrupt hormones, harm fertility and reproductive organs, affect birth outcomes, and increase the risk of cancer. They are also harmful to aquatic animals.
“Water contaminated by parabens goes through the sewage plant, but unless the treatment removes them, they pass along to rivers and water sources, which they pollute. The existing wastewater analysis technique is manual and depends a great deal on the skill of the analyst. Some of our students take almost a year to master it. This is why we set out to automate the process,” Santos-Neto told Agência FAPESP.
The group used a well-known technique called dynamic single-drop microextraction but automated the syringe that performs the extraction process. The robot and the device that stabilizes and inserts the drops are being patented. A single droplet of solvent is sufficient for each analysis. In addition to reducing costs, the system increases the safety of laboratory workers.
“This type of analysis is almost always performed by traditional methods, using many liters of toxic and expensive solvents,” Bocelli said. “There has to be a paradigm shift if this project is to become a reality, and that depends on the stance taken by institutions and private enterprise. They need to understand the benefits associated with miniaturization and robotization, especially cost reduction and environmental protection.” 
Process of analysis
The research was conducted as part of the Thematic Project “Single-drop chromatography and its coupling to mass spectrometry: instrumental strategies, development of materials, automation and analytical applications”, for which the principal investigator is Fernando Mauro Lanças. The other authors of the article are Deyber Arley Vargas Medina, who is also funded by FAPESP, and Julie Paulin García Rodriguez. All five co-authors are affiliated with IQSC-USP.
According to Santos-Neto, one of the group’s primary aims is to develop novel equipment that will assist routine chemical analysis. The reason for focusing on parabens in this study was that they can be a human and animal health hazard.
Advances are needed in different scientific areas to demonstrate the link between parabens and cancer, he said, but the fact is that they can behave as pollutants, and alternatives should be found in the service of environmental protection.
“There are cases where treatment does actually remove these contaminants. Wastewater can be cleansed of several micropollutants, and certain compounds are partially removed. Our research aims to determine their real impact. They’re considerably diluted when the treated wastewater is discharged into rivers, but chronic exposure, even at very low levels, can also cause problems,” he said.
Advantages of automation
The equipment was created to help monitor water quality by determining the amounts of contaminants left after treatment and extracting them from the samples analyzed. The automation was based on Arduino, an open-source electronics prototype creation platform. According to Santos-Neto, the same approach can be used to analyze other pollutants.
A prototype of the robot that extracts parabens and other components on a laboratory scale is ready, but investment in commercialization will be required once the patents are approved. “We’ve completed the proof-of-concept stage. The robot performs well. We now need interested companies to come forward,” Santos-Neto said.
The article “Determination of parabens in wastewater samples via robot-assisted dynamic single-drop microextraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry” is at: analyticalsciencejournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elps.202100390. 
This text was originally published by FAPESP Agency according to Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. Read the original here.
Header image: Technology developed at the University of São Paulo increases the precision of chemical analysis and reduces the use of expensive toxic solvents. The immediate focus was on parabens, potentially carcinogenic compounds used in industry as preservatives. Credit: Researchers’ archive.
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poettier · 2 years
Apple Arcade - A New World To Play In from Ian Pons Jewell on Vimeo.
Director: Ian Pons Jewell Producer: Chris Avery @ Apple Writer: Jordan Pories Creative Director: Hamish Pinnel Art Director: Esteban Cardona Group Creative Directors: Sam Oliver & Carl Broadhurst AD Producer: Jacob Stitzel Production Company: Reset Managing Director: Dave Morrison Executive Producers: Deannie O'Neil & Jen Beitler Head of Production: JP Colombo Producer: Megan Moore Director of Photography: Mauro Chiarello Director’s Assistant: George Daniell Casting: Majo Gallardo Costume Designer: Nayeli de Alba
Production Service Company: The Lift Producer: Fuad Abded Managing Director: Avelino Rodriguez Production Manger: Israel González Cadena Unit Manager: Vladimir Espinoza Production Coordinator: Liliana Huacuja APOC: David Carretero Script: Andrea Eduardina Key PA: Juan Tovar Production Assistants: Erick Ávila, Miguel Luna, Isaac Alvarez Runner: Paulina Camacho Chaperone: Paulina Marín Chaperone: Paulina Maqueda Locations Manager: Sergio Aguilar Locations Assistants: Itzia Rojas, Rodrigo López, Eduardo Gutierrez, Andrés Macías, Juan Chávez
1st AD DGA: Robert Phillips 1st AD: Sandra Mayerstein 2nd AD Vala Cárdenas 2nd AD: Lorenza Ramos 1st AC Horacio Vega 2nd AC: Adonay Meza Camera PA: Edson Reyes DIT: Julio Cesar Gonzalez Data Manager: Hayde Medina Corona VTR Operator: Jonathan Fernando Noriega Hernández VTR Assistants: Eduardo Martinez & Miguel Valdez Wheels Operator: Felipe Pérez-Burchard Steadicam Operator: Gerardo Manjarezz Trinity Operator: Niels Lindelien Gaffer: Leonardo Julián Key Grip: Juan Antonio Aguilar López Key Grip: Jose Marcos Vilchis VFX Supervisor: Daniel "Chovy" Cordero VFX Assistants: Rafael Santana Cruz & Francisco Ruben Perez Reyes
Production Designers: Robin Brown & Margarita Laborde Hair & Make Up: Chela Olea Hair & Make Up Assistants: Yoali Cortés, Ixchel Cortés Stunt Coordinator: Tomas Guzman Art Coordinator: Katia Duarte Propmaster: Diego Téllez Decorator: Melinda Ridaura Decorator: Sandra Jalife Art Assistant: Jessica Peralta Wardrobe Coordinator: Giselle Arriaga Wardrobe Assistants: Rodrigo Montoya, Paulina Regalado, Christian Fernando, Rocelia Alexandra Graphic Design: Mireya Guerrero Renders: Hugo Jiménez Swings: Daniel Hernández, Jesús Enriquez, Aldo Márquez, Juan Cisneros, Néstor Luna, Luis Hernández, Gabriel Cabrera.
Edit Company: Whitehouse Post, Los Angeles Editor: Tobias Suhm Executive Producer: Joanna Manning Post Producer: Jordan Stricklin
VFX Company: Framestore VFX Supervisor: James Rogers Senior Producer: Joe Greenberg Art Director: Carlos Vidal Lead Data Wrangler: Fabio Zapata Data Wrangler: Juan Colon Coordinator: Evan Kanter
CAST Kid in car: Ariella Covalin-Mizarahi Metro Guy: Shu Sakimoto
Chef & Waiters: Jack Morris Jean Wolf Allison Vargas
Taco Stand: Mariana Arias Emme Gonzalez Paulina Camacho Oscar Sagrado Raphael De Cecco Ivan Modragon Christian Godoy Miguel Angel
Airplane: Heidy Diaz
Popcorn Eaters: Micah Bijon Charlie Scovill
Clothes Guy: Rick Darge Bus Shelter: Yuki Oc-Noda
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tranquildr3ams · 2 years
TADFF 2022: Evil Eye (Mal de Ojo, 2022)
TADFF 2022: Evil Eye (Mal de Ojo, 2022) #EvilEye #MaldeOjo #MexicanCinema #Horror #TADFF #Movie #Film #Review
Evil Eye (Mal de Ojo, 2022) Director (and co-writer): Isaac Ezban Cast: Paola Miguel, Ofelia Medina, Samantha Castillo, Arap Bethke, Ivanna Sofia Ferro, Paloma Alvamar, Mauro Gonzalez Witches, fairy tales and parables, children in peril, creepy grandmother and a big house: All of them a good element to making a good horror. Evil Eye is a Mexican witchcraft horror film that plays with the…
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automundoarg · 23 days
Mauro Medina respondió a la partida de Facundo Ardusso del RUS Med Team
El dueño del equipo arrecifeño opinó sobre la drástica medida tomada por el santafesino, que seguirá en el Turismo Carretera con un auto del RV Racing.
Tras la sorpresiva desvinculación de Facundo Ardusso del RUS Med Team, Mauro Medina, propietario del equipo de Turismo Carretera con sede en Arrecifes, ha expresado su decepción y descontento con la drástica medida que tomó el piloto de Las Parejas. Medina consideró como una “injusticia” la salida de Ardusso, quien a partir de la próxima carrera del TC en Concepción del Uruguay (26/5) correrá con…
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entrepalabrasmx · 2 years
El mal nunca desvía su mirada
MAL DE OJO es una obscura y siniestra película de terror enfocada en la brujería que tiene su estreno para el día 22 de septiembre a nivel nacional
Cuenta con las actuaciones de la primera actriz Ofelia Medina, así como de  Paola Miguel, Arap Bethke, Samantha Castillo e Ivanna Sofía Ferro, es dirigida por Isaac Ezban, el guion está firmado por Junior Rosario, Edgar San Juan e Isaac Ezban y es producida por Edgar San Juan
La misteriosa enfermedad de su hermana pequeña hará que Nala y su familia viajen a la casa de su abuela para encontrar la cura, en donde  ella aprenderá sobre leyendas locales de brujas que por las noches se desprenden de su piel para volar en búsqueda de niños y alimentarse de su sangre. Nala, al conocer más sobre estos seres diabólicos, comenzará a cuestionarse si su abuela es algo distinto a lo que ella cree. Si crees que las brujas no existen, piénsalo dos veces. Mal de ojo llegará a salas comerciales el próximo 22 de septiembre. Se trata del primer largometraje de terror, del experimentado director Isaac Ezban, quien es mejor conocido por su labor en las historias de ciencia ficción y suspenso con títulos como el mediometraje Cosas feas (2010), su notoria participación en los proyectos México Bárbaro (2014) y Deathcember (2018); así como en la dirección de El Incidente (2014), Los Parecidos (2015) y Parallel (2018).   Ahora, Ezban, Rosario y San Juan, se apoyan en las creencias sobrenaturales folclóricas relacionadas con brujería y vudú para crear el guion de Mal de ojo, en donde un pacto con una criatura siniestra llamada Bacá será el desencadenante del horror: abundancia y prosperidad a un precio muy alto.   El filme es producido por Film Tank (Norteado, La Nana, Chalán, La Sirga) en coproducción con Cinépolis, Cinema Máquina y Red Elephant, para construir el escalofriante mundo en el que se desarrolla el largometraje. La película destaca por sus efectos especiales digitales realizados por Cinema Máquina y en donde los extraños entes fueron creados por el maquillista mexicano Roberto Ortiz, tres veces ganador del Ariel por Kilómetro 31 (2007), Pastorela (2011) y El infierno (2012).   El cast está liderado por la primera actriz Ofelia Medina, quien comparte pantalla con las revelaciones juveniles Paola Miguel e Ivanna Sofía Ferro, así como con los actores Arap Bethke, Samantha Castillo, Mauro González, Klaudia García y Paloma Alvamar. Aquelarres, demonios, pesadillas, apariciones extrañas y una abuela inquietante que, en lugar de hacer galletas, parece provenir de un universo infernal. El terror, el horror y la brujería se conjungan en un estremecedor filme que está por llegar a salas mexicanas bajo el sello de Cinépolis Distribución.
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brasillovers · 2 years
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Patrick Alexander Medina by Mauro Outeda for MOAN ZINE
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neritosam · 2 years
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Aurora de Samuel Medina é o novo lançamento de fantasia da Letramento. A obra fantástica conta a história de Arthur e seus dois amigos, Mauro e Wedge, que eram adolescentes normais com problemas normais até que um dia zeram um jogo de computador. Em vez de uma mensagem tosca informando que haviam concluído o jogo, eles acabam testemunhando um espiral de experiências oníricas surpreendentes, enquanto o mundo ao seu redor se desintegra. Em Aurora, acompanhando o narrador, Arthur, em sua jornada de descobertas e mistérios, o leitor será convidado a testemunhar essas transformações, enquanto um enigma ainda maior se descortina. A cada nova experiência, uma grande verdade será revelada. Conseguirá Arthur contar sua história? Aurora é um livro que atua como uma metáfora sobre essa transformação radical que é a adolescência, fase em que parece que o mundo inteiro está em colapso. Como enfrentar a solidão dessa transformação? Haverá algum jeito? A publicação foi possível graças à seleção pelo programa "Temporada de Originais", da Editora Letramento(@editoraletramento), que tem como objetivo viabilizar os trabalhos de novos autores de forma acessível. A obra está disponível em pré-venda do site do Grupo Editorial Letramento (www.editoraletramento.com.br). (em Belo Horizonte, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiBYAgBOve2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulisesbarreiro · 2 years
Fútbol: Unión de Santa Fe se llevó tres puntos de oro de La Bombonera
En una fría noche del viernes 24 de junio, por la 5º fecha del campeonato hubo un papelón deportivo por parte de los futbolistas que salieron al campo de juego en La Boca. Los jugadores xeneizes de la 1º división del fútbol masculino se midieron con sus pares de Unión, de la bonita ciudad de Santa Fe. Por Ulises Barreiro miembro del colectivo de investigadores históricos Leyendas Xeneizes.
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El equipo xeneize salió a la cancha con un plantel alternativo dado que el Director Técnico, múltiple campeón como futbolista y de buena proyección como entrenador, Sebastian Bataglia, en conjunto con los jugadores titulares decidieron guardar lo mejor del xeneize para enfrentar a Corinthians.
De esta forma, los juveniles y suplentes salieron a la cancha. Al comienzo, cumpleaños y festejo del ídolo Juan Roman Riquelme, fiesta en las tribunas tanto del jugador Nº12 organizado, como del espontáneo. Bandera gigante donada por el Departamento de Socios del Interior y del Exterior, una belleza. 
Pero antes de meternos de lleno, en el partido comentamos que los cruces deportivos con Unión de Santa Fé son de vieja data. Unión fue fundado el 15 de abril de 1907, estos cruces deportivos se dieron en múltiples deportes. Por ejemplo, el 9 de julio de 1953 los planteles de Pelota Paleta de Boca Juniors y de Unión de Santa Fé jugaron 4 encuentros amistosos para festejar el día de la patria.
El plantel xeneize de Pelota Paleta de ese entonces fue formado por los jugadores Adrian Abadia, Lionel Descouit y Julio Giménez, unas glorias de la Pelota Paleta xeneize de la década del 50. La lista de enfrentamientos deportivos es larga, pero me basta con mencionar esto para que usted, lectora o lector, no se crea que el CABJ es un club de fútbol nada más.
Volviendo a la noche fría del viernes 24 de junio, el tatengue salió a la cancha decidido a realizar una buena táctica defensiva de aguante y contraataque, en realidad la que hacen todos los equipos denominados chicos en materia futbolística, que vienen a La Boca.
Los planteles iniciales que salieron al campo de juego fueron: Club Atlético Boca Juniors: Javier García; Marcelo Weigandt, Nicolás Figal (40.m Carlos Izquierdoz), Carlos Zambrano, Frank Fabra (Capitán); Cristian Medina (77.m Guillermo Fernández), Jorman Campuzano, Aaron Molinas (77.m Oscar Romero), Luca Langoni (66.m Sebastián Villa); Luis Vazquez y Eduardo Salvio (66.m Ezequiel Ceballos). DT: Sebastián Bataglia. Club Unión de Santa Fe: Sebastián Moyano; Francisco Gerometta, Emanuel Britez, Facundo Aguero, Lucas Esquivel (80.m Claudio Corbalán); Juan Carlos Portillo, Imanol Machuca (55.m Kevin Zenón), Ezequiel Cañete Mauro (56.m Luna Diale), Juan Ignacio Nardoni; Matías Gallegos  (66.m Brayan Castrillón) y Daniel Juarez (66.m Franco Troyanski). DT: Cristian Berman. Goles: PT: 25.m Daniel Juarez (Unión). 40.m Salvio (Boca). ST: 90.m +15 Fraco Troyanski (Unión).
El encuentro tuvo de todos, penales, penales partidos dos veces, seis tarjetas amarillas, cambios de jugadores, el protagonismo del VAR estuvo presente y el interpretador Leandro Rey Hilfer, en este caso,  le sacó la mística al fútbol en esta noche.
Dándole al VAR, y solamente hizo esta tecnología que los encuentros duren más tiempo, para que los medios hegemónicos que transmiten en directo tengan más minutos de aire para vender más publicidades. En fin, el fútbol profesional hace mucho tiempo que ya no es más futbol, y se asemeja al circo romano del mundo esclavista del Imperio Romano.
La terna arbitral no tuvo una buena noche y con todo respeto, se asemeja a las ternas arbitrales del Nacional B. A los 15 del primer tiempo, el árbitro Yael Falcón Perez ya había perdido el control del partido. Los asistentes, tanto el nº 1 Sebastián Raineri y el asistente nº2 Walter Ferreyra, estaban dibujados, como decía una vieja publicidad de fútbol de primera. O el miedo escénico los dominó.
En el segundo tiempo, Boca Juniors intentó, pero errores de falta de profesionalismo de sus jugadores les hizo perder el partido. Penal de Izquierdoz, atajada de Javier García, pero invasión del perímetro del área chica y adelantamiento del arquero según el referí, el penal de nuevo que cambió por gol Troyanski (Unión).
Final polémica, peleas e insultos entre los protagonistas del evento deportivo. En fín, un clásico partido de Sudamérica del siglo XX, perdón del siglo XXI. Nada cambió parece, cambian los apellidos de los jugadores, pero la profesionalización de las divisiones juveniles y de los jugadores profesionales de Unión de Santa Fe, no crecieron pareciera, y todo vale por 3 puntos de oro…
Aunque a los periodistas que cubrimos el encuentro y que nos identificamos con el xeneize nos duela ver a nuestro equipo perder, Unión hizo mejor que Boca Juniors algunas cosas y por eso se llevó los puntos. Manejó el partido, mejor dicho, los nervios de los jugadores de Boca Juniors y sus debilidades.
Al xeneize le viene bien este balde de agua fría, en esa noche fría, se meditará mucho, se corregirán errores y se saldrá adelante. Porque como dice la bandera que refleja el dicho popular de los socios y socias que van al estadio “ESTO ES BOCA”.
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