#Masters of Taste
jedi-starbird · 2 days
The JA books and subsequent woobification of padawan Obi-Wan have people overlooking a key fact, which is the innate ability of all 14 yr olds to immediately lock onto your deepest insecurities and fucking eviscerate you. You look at TCW Obi-Wan's bitchiness and tell me he did not have this ability but dialled up to 11 cause he's also a psychic force-sensitive.
I fully believe padawan Obi-Wan was terrorising Qui-Gon, the reason that man's always running ahead and leaving his padawan behind is because he's avoiding having to explain his life choices to the galaxy's most judgemental teenager. Initiate Obi-Wan is aggressive, padawan Obi-Wan is passive-aggressive.
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moonhibs · 6 months
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I just feel like she hopes she'll become someone better but cries knowing she won't.
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alecz-obssesionz · 9 months
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No new art as I'm getting a little busy with school and personal stuff, but I remembered I had this old shitpost LMAO [I should redraw it someday...]
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potatounicoorn · 3 months
If anyone ever says to me Legend of Korra is bad ever again, I will throw hands and fight them. S3 was a masterpiece.
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soultrappedstjiub · 1 year
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charcarts · 1 year
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understatement to say i’ve been obsessed with this dog since middle school
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loremaster · 3 months
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inspired by a discord convo about yakou being so desperate he would start eating cigarettes…
(plus bonus veeva)
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squuote · 1 month
hi i'm in love with your tsp drawings they are soooo good scrumptious nom nom noom
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TYTY <33 a few stanley warm ups 4 you :-)
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companion-showdown · 4 months
Who is your favourite companion?
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propaganda under the cut
Ace McShane
She's brilliant. One of the best written and developed companions of the classic series, such a template for the modern era. So many different fates and stories across the different media. If you don't love her in one you're bound to in another. And then she got her return in the new era to boot. Oh yeah; and beating the crap out of a Dalek with a Gallifreyan enhanced baseball bat. What a legend. she's... ACE! (@seven-times-champion /@elden-12 )
Ace is the natural predecessor to modern female companions. She's a fighter, smart, caring, an explosives "expert", a match for the Doctor despite being so young. She follows her own morality, will smash a dalek with a baseball bat no problem, and has a banging wardrobe! (anonymous)
Donna Noble
you already know who she is bc she's the most iconic companion of all time. imagine teleporting into the tardis on the worst day of the doctor's life (so far) and not clocking any of his angst and SCREAMING at him to take you back to your wedding not only is this THE funniest introduction it's symbolizing how she saw the doctor at their worst, underneath the front that they put up, and due to this she understands them on a level like nothing else and changes their life forever. "you don't just need someone to stop you, you need someone to keep you going". AHHHHHH. she isn't in love with the doctor she calls them out whenever they're being awful and need to be whacked on the back of the head. she is filled with so much compassion for the smallest person she reminds ten of the kindness that was beaten out of him and she is so so loving to everyone except for herself. she loves her trans daughter so much. she changed the narrative of the doctor back from the tragedy it was into something hopeful. healing is real and possible through the power of queerplatonic relationships actually. donna sweep or i blow up the website (@aq2003 )
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sebastianamo · 3 months
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jedi-starbird · 4 months
Obi-Wan, standing amongst a sea of very handsome identical men: I have found an army of clones based on a Mandalorian bounty hunter
Anakin, squinting: Are you sure this isn't some elaborate fantasy of yours?
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delhe-dalim · 2 months
Stuff in common I found between Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) and Splinter (Tmnt2012) bc that happens when u are hyperfixated with fictional characters:
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-Both being badass powerful and wise jedi/ninja masters, responsibles for the main characters' training (Anakin/Luke-the turtles)
-Mental powers
-Both went into exile after some heavy events that changed their lives (the Great jedi purge / mutation)
-They had a brother in the past, but things didn't turn well :(
-Both lost the woman they loved (bruuuhhh)
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-Buuut despite all their suffering and pain, they never went to the dark side (well maybe Splinter for a lil bit, but that was the damn Rat King's mind control, not his will 🤓☝)
-This thing I noticed in the Tmnt 2012 artbook (this rat kinda reminded me of obiwan, now I know why)
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-At some point they appear as force ghosts lol👻
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-These little details that had me 👁👁
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*strokes his beard*
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-Sweet moments with children 😭
The whole Lone rat and cubs episode and the bond between Obi-Wan and little Leia had me like 🥹🥹
idk I'm a big fan of cuteness so watching that made me happy
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-According to the character database, both are INFJ -Whatever this type of character is called, I like it
Although their context of their stories are different, I found curious to notice some similarities! so here I am, sharing them and thanking you for reading this far
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I dont know either man
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willyhoos · 18 days
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bro has been in the timeloop for so long he has begun to view his friends deaths as obstacles instead of tragedies😭😭😭💀
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metamelonisle · 8 months
i actually know about kirby outside the context of smash bros or memes this makes me better than literally everyone i know irl and i am not joking
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mercurygray · 2 months
The Unquiet Tide
I am happy to report that - after a little bit of work - most of my MOTA OC work is now up and available for your reading, commenting and subscribing pleasure on AO3.
Since Masters of the Air lends itself to a more episodic approach, each of these stories will take place as a series of short format pieces posted more or less in chronological order. Much of the work is being driven by prompts from readers like you! I will still be posting updates here on tumblr, but will probably be linking directly to the full text on AO3.
The three fics are collected in The Unquiet Tide, so if you're on AO3 and would like to subscribe to collection updates for easy notifications, you can now do that!
Pavilioned In The Fields - Cordelia Callaway (John Egan x OFC)
Cordelia Callaway knows planes - she grew up building them and watching them be flown, and there is no one better in the entire Army Air Forces for keeping a level head while one of them comes in for a landing in flames. If the only way she can contribute to the war is making sure all these man land safely, then there's no one else you'd want in your control tower, because she doesn't do things by halves, either. Unfortunately, that also means holding grudges - and if you're the 100th's executive officer, that means you might be in for a very, very long war.
Your Best Girl - Fred Torvaldsen (John Brady x OFC)
Someone said this war would come with donuts, and Freda Torvaldsen is here to make sure they’re right. As a somewhat new replacement for the Red Cross Clubmobile team at Thorpe Abbotts, Freda - or Fred, as she's usually called - is still learning everyone’s name (and everyone is still learning hers!) but she’s confident with time that she’ll fit right in - and a certain clarinet-playing captain is hoping she fits right in with him.
Seek To Hold The Wind - Marion Brennan (Neil Harding x OFC)
It is one thing for the Army Air Forces to send planes out, and quite another to bring them back home. Someone must be there at the end, to gather all the pieces up to make sure what has just happened makes sense. That's Marion Brennan's job, and she's damn good at it - a life spent in the Army will do that to a woman. She's also here to do it without distractions - though a certain former football coach and commanding officer is making that rather difficult.
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