#Mario is a bad ass fat ass and you can’t take that away from me let me have a relatable character
skulls-soul · 4 months
Super Mario brothers fandom hear my plead
I need more people making Mario is fat ass, ok
It is canonical that Mario is a huge snacker, in the old cartoon series Mario, constantly says after or even during a mission how he’s starving
Not only that Luigi would sometimes mention how they eat not even two hours ago
There’s an entire episode, in were Mario was passed out, and the only way to wake him up is by Luigi making him a pizza pie
In Luigis mansion three, you can see Mario eyeing a piece of cake like if it’s his long-lost lover only for Polter pup to take it instead
Which he laugh’s off this time, but just imagine when they’re at home and Polter pup steals food that LUIGI made for him and Mario looks at the dog and it’s just like “ now listen here you transparent menace do that again and I’m putting your favorite toys to wash”
canonically (for the most part) Luigi is a good cook and cooks for him and his brother and almost everyone seems to add that fact in fanfics and stuff so round of applause everyone, give credit where credit is due. Good job, y’all . Also, good job on making Mario appreciate his brothers cooking like if it’s liquid gold.
All I ask for Is that my 5,1 chunky plumber to act more chunky.
Is that too much to ask?!?!? I think not
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 309 Spoiler Thoughts: Izuku and Inko Midoriya, and Some More Things Along The Way
The chapter leaks are here again!  Thanks to all the people on Twitter and here on Tumblr for providing us with scans and translations.  This chapter helps explain some things that a lot of us were wondering about.  Sadly, there’s still no Bakugo, or Shoto, or any other UA kids really; they’re only in flashbacks.  But, we do get to see what All Might and the Top 3 Heroes (Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist) are up to, so that’s something.  Anyway, remember to take what I say with a grain of salt until the official translations come out on Sunday:
The chapter starts a few minutes after Deku beat Muscular.  He’s flying through the air taking an unconscious Muscular tied up in his Black Whip.  The other Ketsubusu Academy students from the Lisence Exam see him too.  Thankfully the stubborn civilians from 2 chapters ago are willing to help Yo Shindo recover in exchange for not listening moving to the school shelters.  Also, Shindo’s barely conscious, but he does actually remember Deku.  He’s just not the same Deku as before.  Not much for me to say here except that I wonder if Shindo’s going to help spread the word about Deku’s actions.  Not just to his classmates, but I wonder if the words’ going to get out to the news and UA.  Actually, word might not even get that far since Shindo was only one of the few people in that exam that really even interacted with Deku...
Deku hands Muscular over to the police for them to take care off.  He also makes sure to cover himself up in Smokescreen to hide his identity.  So, Deku really is working in the shadows here.  It is best that the public doesn’t know what Deku is doing so that the LoV don’t track him down.  My man’s really going down the Batman route.  Oh, I also have to admire Deku’s smartphone here kept in this steel case.  I was going to say it’s a burner phone, but burner phones break easily for a reason and this one clearly doesn’t.  Maybe it’s a special one that can’t be tracked down.    
And we finally get to see All Might again!  He is actively working with Deku instead of just not knowing where his protege is.  He’s wearing casual clothes (jacket, jeans, sunglasses, the works) when he meets up with Deku in an alleyway.  I’m honestly glad that All Might is still supervising Deku.  I mean, Deku on his own would’ve been badass, but when you’re going up against people like AFO and Shigaraki, you’re going to need some help.  Especially when laying low.  Even with supervision, I still think Deku counts as a vigilante b/c I don’t think his license works if he’s not at UA.  I will believe this unless proven otherwise.  
It’s explained that the “wrapping” on Deku’s arms are actually gauntlets called “Mid-Gauntlets”, which are what are helping hold Deku’s arms together.  And they are VERY similar to the gauntlets that Melissa Shield from Two Heroes gave Deku.  Deku even says that All Might ordered them from the USA before travel restrictions were put in place.  I know that it’s only implied, but there’s no doubt in my mind that Deku’s new gauntlets were made by Melissa.  Even if you want to doubt it, at this point, Two Heroes (and by extension Heroes Rising and probably the upcoming 3rd movie, World Heroes Mission) are canon.  Honestly, I’m cool with it.  I liked Melissa and I’m glad her presence is still around (she was even in a Team-Up Mission chapter with Hatsume).  I do wonder if we’re ever going to see her in the main story.  It would be nice to see Melissa again.
The gauntlets are test samples and are used to enhance endurance.  All Might says that they can’t withstand 100% of OFA yet.  Which means that Deku actually beat Muscular with less than 100% unlike their first fight where Deku had to use over 100% just to knock him out.  So, does this mean that, say, Deku’s current 45% is stronger than his 100+% back in the Forest Camp?  Or maybe it was just the combo of moves and strategy rather then Deku just punching his way through things.
Small detail, but All Might’s phone goes off with that “I AM HERE” ringtone we heard before and Deku comments that this particular one is from All Might’s Silver Age TV Special!  It’s such a small thing, but I love that Deku still has that All Might fanboy in him despite everything 💚!  Somethings truly never change.
And back to the Top 3: Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist!  Endeavor and Best Jeanist are teaming up to kick a villain’s ass while Hawks is talking to All Might on the phone.  It looks like Hawks got a few costume changes particularly his visor/glasses which look more boxy than they did before if that makes sense.  Oh, and they’re also helping All Might work with Deku.  Makes sense since all three vowed to help take down Dabi earlier and Shigaraki and AFO definitely extend from that.
Deku’s Danger Sense is going off, so he’s probably going to check out any danger he can find in case it’s the LoV.  I do wonder if that harms Deku still.  It was said that it felt like a stabbing in his head and it must’ve been bad enough for the 4th OFA Holder to live in the forest away from society.  Man, I really hope our boy is ok (I know he’s not really, let me have this).
But yeah, Hawks (still wingless, but with a nice little undercut btw😳) explains that Deku's afraid of dragging other people in his battles like All Might.  Hawks also goes on to say that it’s best to take the initiative in taking down AFO and Shigaraki rather than waiting for them to appear all powered up.  He also wants All Might to keep supporting him despite the difficult position he’s in (remember that All Might’s technically Qurikless again and can’t really fight on his own).  It makes sense for them to go after the Villains again while they can.  If Deku fought Shigaraki while Shigaraki was at full strength, Deku would lose easily.  Even at 75%, Shigaraki was able to kill and injure A LOT of people, and Deku was lucky to even make it out there alive.  They need to find Shigaraki SOON!  
Flashback to Central Hospital before Deku jumped UA ship!  Recover Girl and Central Hospital’s high-tech were responsible for many of the patience recovering quickly and being discarged.  Deku was just there a little longer than the others.  So, we can assume that all our UA kids and some notable heroes made it out alive after being treated.  Still don’t know what happened to some people like Tamaki and Fat Gum tho 😭.  
All Might and Deku’s mom, Inko (thank god she’s ok), are by Deku’s bedside as his casts are taken off.  Deku’s doctor (who looks like Super Mario/Luigi; the whole Super Mario crew must run this damn place.  Where’s Bowser and Princess Peach) explains that despite his former warnings about his ligaments, Deku’s limbs are still functioning because he’s not the same as he was before.  So, before, Deku’s injuries were like his limbs were exploding from the inside, but this time those “explosions” were able to escape his body.  Also his Black Whip cast helped keep Deku’s arm in tact so that he wouldn’t pulverize himself.  His ligimates are still degrading too, so Deku still has to be careful.  I think he might have a few more small scars too, but that could just be shadows or muscle lining from Horikoshi’s pen-work.  
Ok, honestly, I’m not sure how this logically works...  I’m no medical professional, but I assume this means that Deku’s built his body up so much that it’s naturally able to withstand more damage than before and that’s why he’s more durable.  But, I don’t know how Deku was able to let the “explosions” escape this time.  I get the reverse; I get how he got injured before, but I don’t get this.  Was it the Black Whip brace he made for himself?  I honestly don’t really understand this.  Maybe the official translations will clear this up.  Or Horikoshi will in a Tweet or Volume Extra.
And Inko is finally informed of OFA thank the gods!  She was in the top of my list of “People who should really, really know OFA and what’s going on with Deku because I swear...”.  She’s clearly shaken up as anyone would be, but I’m glad she at least knows what’s going on with her son.  Yes, she’s still worried, but at least she can stop guessing why all this is happening.  
Deku announces the reason why he won’t go back to UA and it’s basically that Shigaraki can sense where Deku is and he doesn’t want to see anyone else close to him get hurt and/or die.  So, basically what I thought would be the reason.  Absolutely no surprise there.  But, going after Shigaraki and AFO first was originally Deku’s idea, so that’s something new.  Kid’s bold.
And this broke my heart 💔!  Inko insists that Deku stay with her to stay safe, but Deku knows what he has to do.  So, he thanks his mom, thanks her for making him happy, and tells her that he’ll be ok and that he’ll come back home with a somber smile on his face.  We see a flashback to Little Deku and Inko too when they were happier.  Bro, I don’t even know what to say.  I am in tears just writing this 😭  I’ll just post these two panels so y’all can cry with me.  I will never recover from this.  I’m fucking devastated.  You better come home, Deku: 
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*sniffs* All Might remembers what he said to Inko.  He remembers how he said that he will protect Deku with his life.  All Might encourages Deku to go and he says that he’ll go with him with tears in his eyes.  He asks the Top 3 to help with this mission (finding Dabi) as their own mission coincides with Deku’s (finding Shigaraki and AFO).  I’m so glad all these adults are staying by Deku’s side throughout this.  It’s good to know that Deku still has support, though I wish it were from some of his friends too.  Maybe one day.
Deku goes to see Grand Torino in his hospital room to talk to him about OFA.  He mentions his friend and 7th Holder Nana Shimura.  Torino thinks he was responsible for killing Shigaraki (he really wasn’t let's be real).  He also tells Deku that Deku shouldn’t be so persistent in saving Shigaraki as killing can sometimes lead to salvation. Ok, few things:
1. I am surprised Grand Tarino is still alive.  I mean, we don’t know what happened to him after this talk, but at least he got to hear from Deku again.  It’s kind of nice to know that Tarino willingly passed down his cape to Deku too instead of Deku just taking it after his death.  Also, I’ve been watching some of Jujutsu Kaisen like everyone else has and this give me some Yuji & his grandfather vibes to it.  Knowing what happens there and that JJK’s magaka is good friends with Horikoshi, I have a sinking feeling I know what happened after this talk...
2. Deku looks so much older here.  Like, it’s not that cute, innocent baby face we knew at the beginning.  I don’t even know what it is exactly (maybe the eyes), but he just looks more mature here.  Also, his uniform some buttons down looks really good on him, I’m sorry but I need to mention that too 💚.
3. “Killing is a means towards salvation”.  Oh, boy...  I mean, I get it.  Some people just can’t be saved or captured in hopes of rehabilitation/redemption.  Sometimes killing people is necessary to save others.  But, Deku is not a killer.  He will try to save Shigaraki no matter what.  That was established again last chapter.   He tried to save Muscular for god’s sake.  But, I am curious if Gran Tarino’s words are going to hold any weight in the final fight. Like, will Deku have to kill Shigaraki?  What will that do to Deku as a person?  I’m really curious if Horikoshi is going to make Deku do this.
And finally, there’s a page showing off the Top 3, Deku, and All Might team up with the resolve to beat the LoV.  I am really interested to see where this goes.  Deku is working with the big Pro Heroes instead of his classmates/friends.  This hasn’t really happened before.  I also wonder if Shoto and Bakugo know what Deku’s doing then.  Because Shoto’s going to help Endeavor and his family find Dabi.  Endeavor’s activley helping Deku.  Also, Endeavor and Best Jeanist are both Bakugo’s mentors.  All Might too actually.  Look, maybe I’m making excuses to see my Origin Trio together again, but I do have to wonder if Shoto and Bakugo are involved somehow.
Welp, that’s it.  This chapter was a rollercoaster!  I was excited, I was confused, I was worried, I cried my eyes out at one point because THOSE TWO PANELS I CANNOT 💔😭!  I’m honestly just waiting for Horokishi to drop some major time-skip on us at some point.  I don’t want him to, but I won’t be entirely surprised if he does.  The end of this chapter is a good place to end if Horikoshi wants to segway into something else like, oh IDK, THE UA KIDS LET ME SEE THEM AGAIN HORIKOSHI PLS I’M BEGGING 💸  
Me @ Horikoshi almost every week:
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children-of-chaos · 5 years
((Alright! It’s 11am, I’ve slept for six hours, and it’s time to start yelling about Endgame!
...under a cut so no-one gets unnecessarily spoiled! Click at your own risk.))
I want to put it out there right now that I did NOT enjoy Thor’s characterization in this movie. I don’t mean the ‘showing a hero fallen from grace because of heavily internalized failures and un-confronted traumas’ part but the ‘haha look he’s fat, drunk, and threatens 12 year olds over Fortnite isn’t that funny’ part.
Age-wise, Thor is in his 20s-30s. That’s a tough time in anyone’s life, and by Odin’s beard, has Thor had a rough time of it (mom died, dad died, brother died tHREE TIMES, had to kill his sister and destroy his planet to save his people only for Thanos to murder half of them mere minutes after they all felt safe, etc.). It’s completely natural for him to be upset, and to try and cope with all of that mess in any way he felt would help, be it healthy or not.
But considering that Ragnarok is my personal favorite MCU movie (on both a Thor front and a Loki front) this direction for his character made me uncomfortable.
Like, ‘I-looked-away-from-the-screen-during-the-Fortnite-scene-due-to-overwhelming-second-hand-embarrassment’ uncomfortable.
I absolutely adored the Frigga scenes, tho. I was always pretty salty about her death in Dark World, and the fact that she didn’t fuss about Thor’s abrupt (to her perception) change in health and attitude and just showed him motherly love, support, and wisdom was a really lovely touch. My Frigga theory lives for another day.
The scene in which a tied-up 2012!Loki snaps up the dropped Tesseract and just pops out of existence to the notice of absolutely nobody is pretty funny as is the fact that he got muzzled purely because he was mocking the Avengers with illusions and mimicry mere minutes after getting his ass kicked.
I’m still salty that we didn’t see more of him, tho, and that he didn’t come back in the final battle. He’s not Asgardian and his illusion didn’t fall when he ‘died’ in Infinity War so I refuse to believe he’s actually dead you can fight me on this.
Bruce having found his peace with the Hulk and living with him in harmony were super-nice and a great idea, but I really wish we’d gotten to see some scenes of that bond developing - even just in flashbacks.
Steve kicking and then commenting on his own ass was pretty funny.
I love Scott Lang and I will fight you for his honor.
Nebula being an overly-aggressive paper football player is the best thing ever but someone’s going to die if she plays Mario Kart.
Tony didn’t have to die. A tragic hero’s death is an overly-saturated ending and Tony Stark deserved to survive - injured, but alive - to be happy with Pepper, Morgan, Happy, Peter, May, Harley, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Clint, NatASHA-
I understand that sOMEone had to die on Vormir to take the Soul Stone but I’m STILL high-key angry that it had to be the only female in the original Avengers group.
Steve could have absoLUTEly gotten his dance with Peggy while returning the Infinity Stones and still come back to the future. We have no canon evidence or even canon implications that Steve was Peggy’s husband all along, so him going back in time and staying there pretty much wipes out the entire life and family Peggy created without him.
Also, I refuse to believe that Steve would have KNOWINGLY let Hydra continue to grow in secret within SHIELD’s ranks. That bullshit does not stand with me.
There were absolutely no consequences to fucking up the time-travel?? Like, at all???? Nebula fucking KILLED her past self and absolutely nothing changed you can’t just break your own rules like that.
I had fun at this movie for most parts but the parts that made me angry are the ones that stuck with me leaving the theater. I cried, sure, but when the credits rolled I was more upset about plot holes and bad writing than I was about character deaths and drama.
In short: I will be picking this movie apart like a little kid who only wants the chocolate chips in the pancake, and making up my own canon to fill the holes.
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fibrielsolaer · 5 years
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Smash Ultimate tier list based entirely on which characters I like and which I hate
BSP = Big Sexy Personality
FBNIS = Fun, But Not In Smash
MPATBUD = Mario Princesses Are Terrifying Blow-Up Dolls
S Tier
Kirby: absolutely the man, if you don’t love Kirby you’re probably the asshole who got this roster flooded with Marth World pricks
Pikachu: He quicc. He thicc. He’ll Thunderbolt you to hicc
Except it’s a she because I only ever play Librechu ;p
Bowser: BSP
Zelda: She is so cute, I can finally stand playing as her
Pichu: He is so cute, it almost makes up for how stupid he is
Ganondorf: He’s finally fucking cool. He uses the goddamn sword now
Lucario: What if Mewtwo was a Shaolin monk hunk
I only play purple Lucario for reasons you’re best not knowing
Toon Link: He’s the cartoon that Link and Young Link watched and modeled themselves on
I love how the game designers know he’s way too small so when you fight him in Classic Mode as Samus he gets Giant modifier
K. Rool: BSP
Piranha Plant: The pain from the pipes, this disrespectful piece of shit is so stupid he wraps around to greatness, with his inclusion I’ve changed my mind and now say fuck it, add Bandana Waddle Dee, hell add a regular Waddle Dee if you want, I don’t even care anymore
A Tier
Luigi: Few people know that he and Mario are actually identical twins, his brother merely wears a fat suit (the weight of which has crushed his spine) so they can be told apart
Ness: I like the picture you get when you play for 20 hours
C. Falcon: This is the guy who beats up Incineroar. As the positive icon of the people he never shows any emotion except for “YUS!” and “SHOW ME”. All Might was probably based on this jackass
Jigglypuff: Like so many other Pokemon, its adorable facade is a veneer for an expansive and unfathomable eldritch demon. The difference is, despite how fucking many Pokemon like that there are, nobody has found Jigglypuff’s secret and lived to tell
Young Link: He’s actually Link’s son, who idolizes his father and wants to follow in his footsteps. His dad has strayed from the path but young blood here carries on the true faith. Also, FBNIS
Mewtwo: He was the original Damn Cool Pokemon. He jockeys with Lucario for that role now but all they ever do is sit there charging their neutral Bs talking about how the planet will explode in 5 minutes
Roy: He knows that the Marth World infestation is soon to be purged, because there are like five actual Marths including him, so he decided to become the best Marth World character so he alone will survive
Pit: The only cunt from his series besides Dark Pit who had the decency not to change voice and try to pretend it was the same fucking one. I never play as him ever but Sakurai sure cared more about making him fresh & fun post-Uprising than any of his other goddamn characters
Charizard: BSP
Dedede: BSP
Bowser Jr.: This rude little shit is the guy who you invite to a party and he brings his whole crew, excuse me no I didn’t invite Wendy and Horton and Lenny and all these bitches, but fuck it y’all cool
Simon: I like his funny walk and he looks like Conan the Barbarian
Richter: I like his funny walk and he looks like a dork
Isabelle: Do you know this literal bitch killed me with a fucking stop sign 3 times before I unlocked her, why isn’t that a reaction macro
Incineroar: He pretends to be a bad guy so that kids’ heroes will beat him up on TV and they will be happy. He is so sweet
B Tier (Everyone Is Meh)
Mario: Meh
Donkey Kong: Meh
Link: The dad who strayed from the path, I really don’t like the Breath of the Wild Link, FBNIS
Fox: Meh
Sheik: Meh
Dr. Meh: Mario
Falco: Hands off my meh
Mehrth: He’s kinda cool but Roy is way cooler
Mr. Game & Watch: What an annoying asshole
Wario: It’s not the cool Wario, it’s the stupid Wario Ware one, and he brings all his obnoxious waifu friends with him. It’s Wario after he retired from his teen Youtube star days at the age of 30 and he’s trying to stay young and cool-looking but his stoner friends keep fucking it up
Solid Snake: Meh, too indirect for me, FBNIS
Squirtle: Meh-est of the Pokemon Trainer trio, he just doesn’t provoke like any reaction from me at all unlike the other two
Diddy Kong: Meh
Olimeh: This is the most boring goddamn character, everything you do you have to pluck fucks
ROB: He barely animates
Villager: I kinda wish Animal Crossing let you be an animal too. The lone human character is really boring
Mega Meh: You got: FBNIS
Little Meh: I dunno I’ve just barely ever played him
Mehninja: Maybe I should actually try playing it once ever
Duck Hunt: If there was a B-and-a-half tier I’d put this one there because you can delay the side-B and set up Snake-level GOTCHA combos, otherwise the novelty wears off fast
Ryu: He is the 2nd-least likeable guy, what a turbo douche
Bayomehtta: She’s rule 63 Dante, her game was always just a DMC ripoff that relied on her tits & ass to differentiate from it
C Tier
Samus: She is the most FBNIS character
Ice Climber: They’re really un-cute and I hate their desync thing
Metaknight: This guy was so much cooler before he talked, or rather, before he screamed AYAYGYGYAYGYAGA
Ike: Marth World has like 2,000 characters ranging from pegasus knights to barbarians to psychic dragon-girl dancers, and yet we keep getting these boring fucking swordsmen
Pokemon Trainer: Get absolutely the fuck out you twerp you don’t even do a goddamn thing and you die the second any one of your THREE fighters is KO’d so you don’t even incorporate the actual spirit of your original character unlike literally everybody else
Venusaur: If I evolved this ugly fucker I would delete my save
Lucas: If I had an Absolutely Gone Machine that could erase anything in the world and delete everyone’s memory that it ever existed so they would shut the fuck up about it, Mother 3 would be precisely the fourth thing I deleted
Robin: Least shitty post-Melee Marth World character but I just haven’t bothered to try it out to see if it’s actually good or not, probably because I’m just too allergic to Marth World by now
Dark Samus: Cool, but why
Daisy: MPATBUD, but this one has the closest thing to a personality. Unfortunately it is a fucking terrible and horrific personality
Zero Suit Samus: hey cool Samus is Barbie now
Ken: Remember how I said Ryu was the 2nd-least likeable? Well here’s Liquid Ryu to seize the coveted spot
Cloud: Yeah hey, let’s take the one Final Fantasy protagonist with like the least connection to Nintendo, no it’s fine, every goddamn Marth World game except the one that justified its worldwide presence has a character in but we’re not gonna use Cecil or Buttz or Terra
Corrin: Any hope this bitch had to go on my “Is a dragon so I like it” list was ruined by how absolutely infuriating it is to fight against Corrin especially that one Spirit match where he spams his INSTANT FINAL SMASH THAT HAS LIKE AN INFINITELY VERTICAL HITBOX fuck this goddamn digimon
D tier
Yoshi: I’ve hated this thing ever since it stopped going BAWONKA WONKA and started going blblblblblbl
add Birdo as an Echo and I might forgive you
Peach: MPATBUD, Peach is usually able to manifest either the behavior of a real person (Paper Mario) or the appearance of one (Smash), but sadly never both, she is doomed to blow-up-dollery forevermore
Sonic: Please add any other Sonic character, any at all, I’ll even take Charmy, I fucking hate Blue Bubsy
Wolf: The only reason he is not the furry-trashiest character in Smash is because Krystal is an AT, this cocksucker deadass awoos
Wii Fit Trainer: Next to her, Mario Princesses almost look human
Rozzalinda: MPATBUD and this one is the worst, far and away the worst Mario Princess, she is the creepiest fucking woman. WHY IS IT THAT NOBODY IN MARIO ACTS LIKE A HUMAN FUCKING BEING EXCEPT THE CHARACTERS WHO AREN’T FUCKING HUMAN. tl;dr the only people who say rosalina is their waifu collect people’s faces
Mii Fighters: you dress them up to make a parody of a character and then never once actually use said parody because they are stupid
Palutena: remember in Uprising how they could make fake Palutenas, this is one of them, they have a fake Viridi too, you know it is because starting in smash 4 it is clearly two different actresses trying way too hard to sound like the old ones and i can’t get over it sorry. (also she plays like shit)
Pac-Man: I only liked him when he was a pizza
Shulk: does he ever shut the fuck up
Lucina: add a red nose and it’s Marth: Tumblr Edition
Chrom: oh fuck off
Robin’s bitchass final smash still calls this clown
even if you use it on Chrom
he is so ashamed of his audacity he fucking fucks himself
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emthesinger · 6 years
An Unlikely Lover
Chapter 6
I wake up, with Luka next to me. But I’m still a little tired. He’s already awake, and he starts kissing my neck.
“Good morning.” I mumble, still with my eyes closed. Then I realize that he’s kissing my neck and décolletage, so I open my eyes all the way.
Oh my god. Luka is a freak. What else did he do when I was sleeping?
“Morning.” He says, running his fingers through his hair.
He then gets on top of me, and gives me kisses everywhere. All I can do is laugh like a little girl.
“Stop, that tickles.” I managed to say in between laughs.
But I flip over, so I’m on top of him.
“Even when you just wake up, you still look divine.” He tells me.
His lips meet mine, a short but passionate kiss. I feel like if we kept going, we’d end up having sex again.
I pull away, and he whines.
“No, keep kissing me.”
His fingers rub my temples, and I close my eyes and sigh.
“But I have to go back to my room. I brought my best friend.”
“She can wait. I want you.”
“Luka, I have to go. I’m sorry babe.”
I get off of him and off the bed.
Even from last night’s shower, after the sex, my hair is still a little damp. So it doesn’t look too good.
I’m putting on my t-shirt and jeans from last night.
He’s in his boxers, standing behind me, holding me tight so I can’t walk away.
This man is too cute.
“Stay! Please!”
“I have a meeting with my best friend and your team’s organization.”
I attempt to take a couple steps forward, but he’s really strong. This isn’t bothering me, it’s just that I didn’t want to be late. I turn around to face Luka, and kiss the top of his nose. He smiles shyly and I run out of the room.
“Hey!” I hear him say.
My phone has a ton of calls and messages from Rachel.
As quickly as I could, I get my shared room with her in the level above. I open the door and walk in.
“Where the hell were you last night and this morning?” She asks.
“I was just taking care of something.”
I don’t think she believes me.
“Yeah. Sure. Tell me the actual truth.”
“Fine! I was with Luka.” I say, with a small smile. When I think about last night, all I can do is blush like crazy.
“Doing what?! You left me alone.”
“I’m sorry. I kinda slept over in his suite.”
“Oh.” A smirk is on her lips.
“What?” I ask.
“YOU GUYS FUCKED?!” She yells and I cover her mouth with my hand.
“Shh, I didn’t say that.” I reply.
“Yes you did. Oh my gosh, you totally did!”
I roll my eyes and look into my suitcase for some clothes.
To change the subject, I ask her about my outfit.
“What should I wear?”
“I don’t know, something cute for Luka. Duh!” She teases.
“And what’s that?”
She hands me a yellow plaid tight fitting dress with spaghetti straps.
“No. I’m too fat.”
She walks up to me and touches my stomach.
“Nope, I just feel abs. Stop whining and change.”
“Fine!” I say and walk into the bathroom.
When I walk out, Rachel is wearing a black tight dress, showing some of her cleavage.
“What do you think?” She asks, posing around.
“Perfect. Can we go now?”
The two of us are wearing our black converse for shoes, so we’re comfortable. We don’t know how long this meeting will go for.
Rachel looks super pretty, way prettier than me. She has light brown hair, green eyes and a stunning physique. I’m just your average mixed girl. The long black hair, black eyes, sharp jawline, the “thick” body and weird accent.
“I’m tired.” I complain in the elevator.
“Well no one said you had to go fuck Luka a couple times last night.”
“Oh my god, Rachel, what the actual fuck! What’s wrong with you?”
“You know I’m right.” She winks at me.
We’re stuck in the meeting, which isn’t taking very long. They’re explaining many rules and things we’re supposed to do as apart of the Croatian National football team association. Many people from FIFA are there as well. They give us many guidelines, and tell us exactly what we’re supposed to do.
My job is to write articles about the games, players, and everything that has to do with their team. I can interview them as well. Rachel is the photographer. She has to take pictures at practices, friendly games, the fans, the team, and the actual matches.
We have to do this for a month and a half in Russia. Of course, we have little breaks and things like that, but they are being pretty serious about this. They give us VIP passes to get first row seats to all the games. Think of it like a backstage pass as well.
“Do your best. Have fun, and represent Croatia with your talent in journalism and photography; Ms. León and Ms. Urdenta.”
Rachel and I nod in unison. They give us warm smiles and tell us that it’s ok for us to leave now.
“Oh my god, I felt like I was in the principal’s office.” Rachel comments, when we walk out of the huge board room.
I can’t help but laugh.
“You’re too crazy, Rae.” I say.
“What? I didn’t know.”
As we walk out of the building, we encounter the players. The team has practice today.
“The guys have practice.” 
“Oh my god, where is Ivan Rakitić?” Rachel whispers frantically. 
“Next to Ivan Perisić, do you not see?”
“He’s even cuter in real life.” She replies.
“Wait, I think we’re supposed to go to their practice.” I tell Rachel. 
“Okay, then, what are we waiting for?”
We’re in the stadium, where the team is practicing. Rachel is taking pictures, but mostly of Ivan R. I’m typing on my laptop, updating my website. My blog is obviously about the team. And my website is where I practice my journalism. Rachel went to college in England for photography, while I went to the US for my classes in journalism. I’m doing my best to avoid Luka, as much as I like him and have feelings for him. The organization strictly states that we cannot have anything other than a professional working relationship with the players. One of the reasons being: they want the players to focus on the World Cup. The other reason is that if Rachel or me are in relationships with any of the players, our articles and opinions on the team would look biased. If they find out anything involving being more than friends with the players, they’ll send us back home and basically fire us. And this is really important to me as a journalist. So I  have to let him go. Sadly, that’s just the way it is.
“Why are you not drooling over Luka?” Rae asks me, before taking a picture of the team doing pushups. 
“Did you not hear what they told us at the meeting?” I said, and continued typing.
“They don’t need to know that you two are a thing. It could be a secret.” 
“I can’t take that risk. The two of us are getting paid to do what we love.”
“You’re right, but he is definitely worth dating.”
I sighed, and kept updating my blog. Just thinking about being away from Luka, makes me upset. And obviously, I am still upset about my stepfather’s death,  my dad never coming back and so much more. I am just a mad person I guess.
Out of the cut, a soccer ball lands and hits me in the shoulder. My first instinct is to curse in Spanish.
“Alagranputa! Vete a la verga!” I yelled. (What the fuck, die motherfucking bitch)
The second I say that, I mentally slap myself. Maybe a little too vulgar?
I grab the ball and throw it. It hits Mario in the back. Dejan was next to him and he turns around and raises his hands. 
Shit. Someone kill me already.
And as you all know, Mario is literally Super Mario.
“You’re gonna die. He will strangle you, and probably Dejan too.” Rae tells me, frightened. I reply with a nod, in fear for my life. 
Luka turns around from doing jumping jacks and looks at me. He understood what I said, because he knows Spanish. 
“Jebote.” Mario says to me. (Fuck you)
“Jebem ti mater u pičku!” Dejan yells. (I fuck your mother in the cunt)
Out of pure anger, and annoyance of literally everything in life, I reply, in English since they understand that.
“Why don’t you curse at me in English?” I yell back, and shut my laptop. 
Šime looks shocked as to what is happening. Dejan and Mario cursing to me in Croatian, and me replying ten times meaner. Good thing the coach wasn't there to see this. 
“Okay, then, what is your damn problem?” Dejan asks me.
“I don’t have one.” 
Luka then gets involved in this stupid argument. 
“Guys, stop this.” He says. 
I roll my eyes and leave to go to the bathroom. Rachel follows me. 
“Hey, are you okay? What’s wrong? You can tell anything.”
“I miss him okay. I miss my stepdad. If I had a bad day or wasn’t feeling well, he was the first to call. Other than you. Now he’s not here. I can never talk to him again. EVER.”
I cannot believe I am going to have a breakdown here, right now. All I can do is cry and feel angry.
Rachel, being her amazing self, and my best friend; calms me down. 
We go back to the seats in front of the field where they are practicing, and sit down. They only had a couple minutes left until the practice was over. 
The minutes pass, and Rachel runs after Ivan to “take pictures of him.”
Luka walks over to me, and I’m putting all my stuff away. 
“What’s wrong?” He asks and his hands grab my ass. I mean, I do not blame him, this is a tight dress. 
The Croat is all sweaty but I don’t care. He’s hot either way. 
‘Just let anger get the best of me. I’m okay now.”
He’s standing behind me, kissing the back of my neck. My arm wraps around him and I sigh. This just feels right, but in my head, all I can think about is the meeting. 
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angelic--blossoms · 6 years
I’m so sick and tired of people (25+yr old dudes) whining and bitching about SJWs.
Shut the fuck up nigga, no one cares about that shit anymore. SJWs was a thing in 2016. We’re going on mid 2018 now. They came in, did their junk, y’all beat them to death with your words and they went away. Why y’all still bitching and complaining. Oo no..they’re making more diverse friendly franchises..it..IT MUST BE THE SJWs taking away my pretty blonde boobies away from me, those darn feminists grr. You know how fucking creepy you look with ya’ damn neck beard, gut hanging out smelling like straight up cheese whiz. Bitching and moping about the Star Wars barbie toys in a toy store. Or Walmart..whatever.
How dare they make girl characters in Star Wars, that’s for boys. I’m mad now. Darn those SJWs. Tumblr Cringe. 
Shut the fuck up man. 
I remember when it was ‘cool’ to NOT be a whiny fat retard who collects children’s toys for a living and complains about children’s cartoons not being up to their expectations. Why the fuck now are people listening to them. Go back to ridiculing them so they can shut up and go back to their mom’s attic. 
“SJW Politics ruined Star Wars” 
You shits ruined My Little Pony for every 4yr old girl on the planet. They can’t go to Target with their parents without some dookie smellin, dirty ass shirt wearin shit stain breathing heavily and just all around being a creep. Sorry moms of America, that’s who’s into My Little Pony now. I know you wanted to give a chance to show your daughters what you grew up with. But..not anymore. 
(ye’ see I can beat a dying trend as well)
I mean fuck Youtube is nothing but these little manchildren bitching and complaining now. Can’t watch my damn...Mario shit...without video upon video of “SJW CRINGE, TUMBLR CRINGE, SJWS RUINING VIDEO GAMES, FEMENINSTBEINGREKTD” 
You can’t have any sort of open minded belief or opinion without being labeled a ‘cringy SJW fatty’. Hey, do you not give a shit if someone is gay or if they included a black chick as a main character in some random shitty movie. Well that’s to bad, you fucking SJW. How dare you not share my same political opinions. I’m a Reddit Conservative Atheist with the RIGHT political beliefs. You’re just upset because you can’t take a different opinion than your own. You must be a Tumblrette. Now excuse me while I beat my meatboy to underage cartoon girls. 
I’m sorry for this ramble, I’m just.....kinda tired of these stupid ass mankids. Can’t watch shit on Youtube without them lurking. 
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showingthroughtome · 7 years
somewhere in between - two
Tumblr media
January & February 2012
“I'm trying to save us all from getting hurt with all that flailing you're doing.” She giggled. “Can't you just do the running man or something?” She started the classic dance move, probably looking dumb herself since she was also hopelessly uncoordinated. “You have less of a chance to hurt others with this one.”
“Like this?” He copied her movements exactly. And it turns out, he didn't look half bad doing it - well, not as bad as he could have.
Emptying the contents of her bottle into her mouth before answering, she chuckled, “Magnifico!”
“My bilingual beauty!” Harry grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around, then wrapped her in a drunk hug. With arms tight around her middle, he whispered, “Happy birthday.”
read below - story page - character page
January & February 2012
So it turned out that Lenny had a boyfriend. A really nice, chill boyfriend who came around occasionally but made her so fucking happy. He was older than her by kind of a lot - five years - and he had an IQ no one around the shop could come close to, but none of that ever showed. What showed was his ability to make everyone laugh with his dorkiness or smile over the way he brought Lenny her favorite tea every Saturday shift.
Not long after Harry became aware of Chris’s existence, he let go of the tiny crush he held for Lenny. He still found her insanely beautiful and just plain lovely to be around. But he could easily shift what he felt for her to just friends - he hadn't gotten in deep enough yet for it to be irreversible. Four months into working at the store and he’d call her one of his best friends. Well, her and Toby. Niall, one of his oldest mates, kind of paled in comparison to these two (but not really - they were just the shiny new toys is all).
It was mid-January, and Harry had been off his shift for two hours with no reason to go home. His schedule was still the same - Monday and Friday 10:30-1:30, Tuesday and Thursday 4-9. Lenny had to switch her morning slots with Toby so she could accommodate her 11am French 102 class, but she worked those days from 1:30-4 so Harry still got to see her before he was off to his own classes.
On this particular Monday, Harry's three hour lecture on screenwriting had been cancelled so when it was time for him to leave, and he saw Toby ordering a pizza and plugging in his Wii, he knew he wasn't going anywhere.
“Toby, man, you have to let me win this round!” Harry leaned to the side as he raced around the track in Mario Kart, a big fat 5th place staring him in the face at the top corner. He figured if he tilted his body maybe his Yoshi would go a little bit faster, take the turns a little bit smoother.
“Sorry, bro. Even if I try, you still have to beat four computers which I can't see you doing.”
Harry scoffed at the insinuation. He was sure with enough determination, encouragement from his good friend, and a lot of leaning, he could at least place in the top three.
With only one lap remaining, he knew that wasn't going to happen. And when Lenny came into the break room after her shift, standing in front of the tele to grab a slice of pizza, Harry somehow fell back two more places.
“Thanks a lot, Len.” He huffed and threw his controller on the couch beside him as he watched the winning sequence - Toby's Mario on the highest tier of the winner podium.
“What did I do?” The redhead questioned with a mouth full of pizza, truly confused.
“You got in my way while I was trying to beat Toby's ass.”
Lenny looked over at Toby then to Harry then back to Toby again. She swallowed her bite and was about to apologize when Toby leaned forward, placing a hand to shield his lips from Harry and whispering not so quietly, “Don't worry. He wouldn't have done it anyway.”
“Oh, I know. He’s absolutely shit at video games.” Lenny mimicked Toby with the fake whispering and giggled along with him as Harry crossed his arms and pouted his lips.
“At least I try.”
“Aw, that's right, mate.” She ruffled the very top of Harry's curls before going to the end of the coffee table, away from their mess and dropping her heavy satchel, taking a seat next to it. “You know whose ass is getting kicked? Mine. By French.”
As Harry clicked on a new round, Toby, being the caring lad that he was, asked in the most sympathetic tone, “Oh no. How come?”
“Grammar in another language is harder to comprehend than I ever expected. I thought Syntax II would be killing me but no bloody way.”
Hearing the pure distress in her voice, Harry felt something pluck at his heart. He had come to know a lot of things about her - she was a free spirit but took school extremely serious. She wanted to do well and make everyone proud. When she saw that as a thing she would fail to do, she freaked out. Finals week last semester was absolute hell for her. Even though he couldn't possibly understand how just two weeks into a new semester anyone could be frowning like that, he accepted it when it came to her.
“Do you have any flashcards?” Harry asked, taking his eyes off the screen - he was already in 8th place so it wouldn't really matter if he gave up anyway.
“Do you not know me at all?”
“Give ‘em here.” Harry stretched a large hand in her direction, wiggling his fingers until a stack of about 30 cards were placed there. Harry turned towards Toby. “Win by yourself for a while, okay?”
He slid off the couch and sat opposite Lenny at the coffee table. The smile she offered at his gesture reached from ear to ear and lit up every other feature on her face. It gave him a sense of pride that he could elicit that reaction from her, just because he offered some help.
Before they could start, Toby paused his game and grabbed their attention. “What are we doing for your birthday this year?”
“What do you want to do, Tobs?” Lenny returned, shocking Harry because he thought Toby had somehow found out about his birthday even though he was sure he hadn't mentioned it yet.
“It's not my birthday.” Toby beamed with silliness in his tone.
Ignoring that sheer adorableness, Harry blinked and realized he didn't know when Lenny's birthday actually was. “Wait, Lenora, when is your birthday?”
“The thirty first.”
“No way! Mines the first!”
“What?” Lenny seemed just as shocked and overjoyed by the fact as Harry was, moving to sit on her knees and up straighter. “So, you're like 364 days older than me?”
“That sounds like the right math to me.” He scratched a finger against his temple and ran over the numbers in his head. “I can't believe I've known you for this long and haven't even asked your birthday. I'm so neglectful of you,” he pouted in jest.
Lenny nodded ferociously and wiped a single fake tear across her freckled cheeks. “I'm hurt.”
Toby chuckled at that, fondness in his eyes for the two. “We should do a joint thing for the both of you and just make it extravagant as fuck.”
Lenny and Harry looked at each other and then at the same time exclaimed respectively,
“Love the way you think, mate.”
“You have a beautiful mind.”
“Aw, I love you guys.” The giggly friend closed his eyes and declared warmly, fidgeting with the bottom of his triangle patterned shirt. With every tiny shake of laughter in his shoulders, the curls he had styled upward would bounce on the top of his head.
“Toby, quit being so cute in here.” Jen stuck her head in right as the words left his mouth, cutting off the chance for Harry and Lenny to return their love. “I can hear your giggles all the way out here.”
Harry dropped his jaw, wondering what kind of nerve it took to tell someone as bright as Toby to simmer down. “Let him be.” He patted Toby's knee comfortingly.
“We like it.” Lenny snapped at her friend who disappeared behind the swinging double doors before hearing them out. She turned towards Toby with a smile, “But, we will plan at a later date. I have got to get this French past tense down.” She slammed a fist on her hellish looking textbook.
Toby agreed with a nod and pressed play on his game. Lenny gave Harry the go ahead, prompting him to hold up the first flash card that had vous on one side and avez on the other. It took her a few hints from Harry so by the time she got the right answer, she felt like a cheat and made him put the cards on the do not know pile even after he suggested putting it on top of the small almost there stack.
It was a rare day that Lenny was in the store and not working or studying. It felt bizarre for her to be there and not be on duty or to have a book open somewhere nearby. But it was her day off - Wednesday - and she just had her first oral exam of the semester - three weeks in - so she felt like she deserved some time off.
She didn't even mean to come to the shop that day until Jen called her and demanded she sit with her for her five hour shift. Lenny wanted to refuse, she contemplated going to her uni to hang out with Chris in his Chem Lab, though, she knew if she did she'd probably just break something.
So instead, she walked into the shop on a Wednesday and felt kind of out of place until she saw two familiar faces behind the counter.
“What are you doing here?” Parker questioned as Lenny got closer, brash and blunt as usual.
Jen, looking up from her favorite magazine, Cosmo, cheered, “Because she loves me!”
“Sure do.” Lenny confirmed and hopped on the counter, swinging her legs as they hung off the side. “Plus, there’s something very urgent I need to be told.”
“Oh, great. So by extension me too?” Parker rolled her eyes as she continued her retagging of returned vinyl’s.
Closing her magazine, Jen sighed, “You’ll get a kick out of it.”
Jen and Parker had more tension between the two of them than any of the other coworkers. It was probably because of how many shifts they had together even though they couldn't be more dissimilar. Still, half of the time, Lenny thought the bickering was out of love. Jen would probably admit it after a few drinks and Parker after a couple of shots.
The loud slamming of the break room door drew all of their attention to Brando exiting in a long, dramatic, black trench coat. “Lenny! What are you doing here?”
“Just seeing my ladies.” She shrugged in a sugar sweet voice.
“Rad.” Brando nodded and made a beat on the counter as he passed, walking to the front door. “Going to get pizza. Anybody want anything?”
“Cheese slice.”
They all had no problem requesting something knowing that Toby would get it for them for free. The manager at The Pizzeria was good friends with Tiff so he never cared if ‘her kids’ got something.
“You got it.” He was out the door as they threw their thank you’s at him.
“So what's up, kid?” Lenny ironically called Jen as she looked around to find five people perusing the rows and rows of vinyl, old and new.
“Okay,” Jen started and then, giddy as hell, gushed. “I hooked up with one of Harry's bandmates last night.”
Lenny had to do a double take. “What?”
“Last night I went to a club and ran into him. I recognized him from that New Year's Eve party.”
Oh yes, the party Lenny missed out on because she went to a different one with Chris and his science friends. It wasn't a bad time at all and she only started regretting having gone after a couple of days at work where all everyone could talk about was how Louis did a keg stand that songs should be written about and how Harry and all his friends started the longest game of beer pong this world had ever known.
She tried not to be bitter or at least, she tried to hide it with an arm wave for Jen to continue the story.
“So he recognized me obviously, because like, how could he not?” Jen flipped a brunette lock over her shoulder and pushed her chest out. “We got to talking and sure, he's broody as fuck but he’s fit enough to make broody okay.”
“I have to see this.” Lenny had never known Jen to find melodrama attractive, making her want to see this bloke's face ten times more than she normally would. She can't recall it from the few shows she's been to - too focused on the wild, erratic behavior of the lead singer.
“We’ll stalk him on Facebook after my shift… if he even has one. He doesn't seem like the type.”
Parker, still labeling, snorted, “Hipster.”
“Alright, Buzz Cut McGee.” Jen rolled her eyes but then laughed when Parker flipped her off without turning away from her work. “Anyway, three drinks in and he didn't seem like he wanted to take me home. I was laying out all my flirty lines and batting my eyelashes for fuck sake.”
“What? How could he not be fucking you right then and there?” Parker gasped at the thought sarcastically. After finishing the last vinyl, she hopped up next to Lenny and made sure that no customers were approaching the registers - not trying to seem too unprofessional as she listened in.
“I don't know, Parks. I was stumped too... Until, he went out for a smoke and asked me to join him. I knew I was getting laid then.” Jen started smiling wider, giddier than Lenny had seen her in a long time. “One cigarette later we were walking to his flat two blocks away.”
She crossed her arms triumphantly and paused. Lenny knew she was doing it for dramatic effect so she leaned forward, showing interest, and nudged, “Okay, and?”
“And it was the best sex of my life. I mean, guys, it wasn't just toe-curling-good but crying-as-I-came-good.” She threw her head back like she was about to experience it all over again.
“Like actual tears?” Lenny squinted, because that didn't sound real. Her eyes had probably watered once or twice during sex but that was more due to a tight feeling she needed to adjust to than anything else. It wasn't as if sex with Chris wasn't amazing or anything - her toes curled quite often - but tears? That seemed like something you saw in porn and porn only.
“Streams, baby. Streams.” Jen emphasized and stared straight into her young friend’s eyes. “I couldn't even leave when it was over because my legs were shaking so good.”
Parker and Lenny turned towards each other, both incredulous and asking at the same time, “So good?”
The synchronicity of it got them all chuckling. Through it, Jen replied, “I'd say so bad but I would never associate that word with last night. I don't even know what's wrong with me because I slept over and then we had sex again this morning.”
“Excuse me,” Lenny had to be hearing things. “You don't have sex with people twice. That's your rule.”
Ever since Lenny had met Jen, one night stands had strictly been her thing. She made it a point not to see a guy twice, which she considered “getting attached”. Lenny tried asking questions about it once, but Jen shut them down with a simple why tie myself down in return.
Jen hit herself on the forehead and ducked her head, shame for breaking her sacred personal promise.
“I once had that same rule. Until Louis.” Parker shrugged.
“Maybe this guy is your Louis.” Lenny awed at the idea of that. Louis and Parker, even though unofficial, were almost too cute together. “Oh my god, that's so sweet!” She cooed.
“No, it's not. I don't want to have a Louis!”
“Well you won't be getting one.” Parker jumped back down from the counter and scoffed. She checked her hip with Jen’s as she grabbed her tea from the counter. Jen gave her a side eye in return and glanced over at Lenny who shrugged, not knowing what to say to that. “Listen, Jennifer.” Parker cleared her throat after a sip. “I know one night stands can be great. Probably better than great. But if this guy is as good as you say he is, then just calm down and see where this thing goes. That's what I've been doing with Louis for the last year - seeing where things go.”
There was that soft side - that moment Parker came in clutch and made herself such a valuable member of the group. Even though she was sometimes a bit too rude, she knew what to say when Lenny didn't.
“Well I don't know. I might not see him again...” Jen trailed off, examining her fingernails to disguise the smile she couldn't get rid of. “He got my number though.”
Lenny slapped one hand to each cheek. “Oh my god, I cannot believe this. You're going to see somebody more than one time. Have you guys seen any flying pigs lately?”
“Shut up. I might not... but maybe.” Jen shimmied a shoulder and then when Parker made a gagging noise, she shimmied even harder right against Parker's shoulder.
Lenny laughed loud at their antics and watched as they bickered for a few minutes before she thought of her own shift mate. “Are you going to tell Harry?” 
“What? Tell him what?”
“That's you're possibly maybe seeing his friend.”
“Fuck no. Why would he need to know?” Parker answered for Jen, getting a fist bump from her - the pair were so hot and cold, Lenny could never keep up.
“I don't know. I was just thinking of him.” Lenny shifted her eyes away and down to her beige flats, not sure why the question was so weird to the girls.
“I don't think me and Harry are close enough for him to care but maybe if you start fucking this guy you'd have to give Harry a call.”
“Maybe Chris first though.” Parker added, tapping a thinking finger against her chin.
“Oh yes, then I'd get a chance to snatch Chris right up.” Jen rubbed her hands together maniacally.
“Should I be alarmed that my best friend is waiting for me and my boyfriend to break up so she can seize the day?”
Parker shook her head back and forth. “Not at all. You should feel powerful.”
And Lenny agreed with that - she definitely should. She had a guy even Jen would settle down for.
All at once, a customer came up to the register, prompting Lenny to slide off the counter, and the front door bell dinged, Brando carrying boxes and boxes of pizza and breadsticks in. Lenny rushed to his side and took the top three, even more thankful she came in on her day off when she smelled the tomato sauce.
“Shut up, guys! They'll be here soon!” Louis yelled over the music blasting and the people talking in the break room. Lenny laughed, because of course Louis was loud enough to be heard over all that. Harry shook his head and smirked as they got closer.
The two met outside of Dream Records on January 30th at 11:30pm just like their friends told them to. It was obvious they were being thrown a joint birthday party but it was also quite plain that Louis - who had masterminded the whole thing - was trying to make it a surprise.
Lenny didn't know how he could ever think they would assume it was anything but a party. Nevertheless, she worked on her surprised face for forty-five minutes while she was curling her hair after work.
“You even going to pretend to be shocked?” Harry asked her, right outside the door leading to a room full of all their friends.
“I'm going to try.” She threw a hand over her mouth that she had dropped open into an O shape, showing him all her efforts.
Harry chuckled. “Cheers. Let's go.” He pushed open the door and waited as everyone turned to find the two birthday people.
“Surprise!” Came out stuttered and not one bit in unison, yet amazing all the same. Everyone from the shop was there - even Tiff - and then a few extra people that Lenny recalled as friends and bandmates of Harry's who had stopped by the shop at one time or another.
She didn't miss the fact that Chris wasn't there, but she figured he probably wouldn't be when she first heard about the plan. He was likely still at the lab, doing something all chemical-y.
She bounded in the room anyway - shocked - and hugged Louis first. She then made her way around the circle, moving from Niall to Brando to Parker to Toby and finally, Jen. Harry followed behind, shouting thank you’s to every single one of them.
“Did ya know?” Louis asked, hope in his eyes and a beer in his hand that Tiff told them they weren't allowed to have in the store but often let slide for the right occasions.
Lenny, trying to keep a straight face, declared, “No way.”
“Not one bit.” Harry threw one arm around Louis’ shoulder and the other around Niall's.
“Nope.” Lenny reiterated, surrounded by the guys, still holding her expression strong until Harry winked at her, causing her lips to falter into a smirk.
“Liars!” Niall accused, looking over at Harry and then back to Lenny to double check their now full blown laughter. He acted upset for one moment before he mumbled, “Aw, that's okay. I told him you would've known.”
“It's hard to plan a surprise birthday party at the shop when we close at 11 and you guys get off way earlier in the day. If you guys worked until 11 then we could have just yelled at you when you got off and you wouldn't have seen it coming.” Louis rambled on about his woes with a half smile - the beer not allowing him to really be too mad about his failed efforts, or make too much sense.
“It's still great, man.” Harry squeezed his shoulder and then unwrapped himself from between the two. He reached over for a drink in the bucket of ice on the coffee table, pulling out an ale for Lenny.
“I really love it, Louis.” She gladly accepted the drink and popped the top off.
Louis gushed about how much he had loved them in return, how it was no problem to just ask everyone to come back to work a little later than usual and call up a few people he knew Harry was close with - because Lenny truly didn't have other friends, or at least ones that would come to this kind of thing. The three guys and three girls that showed up for Harry, that Lenny hadn't met yet, stayed in their own corner and talked amongst themselves, not really intermingling with the rest of the group. But when Harry greeted them, they lit up.
Lenny watched the way the friends interacted, wondering if she would be introduced as Brando and Jen argued to her left over what playlist to keep it on. Tiff walked over and weighed in, and in seconds, The Spice Girls were playing from the sound system.
Slowly, as if it couldn't be helped, people started dancing one by one. Toby was the first to start wagging his hips, then Niall started jumping around to Mel B’s voice. Tiff and Jen grabbed Lenny's hands and spun her around, right into her 19th year.
It became a blur from then on. Less than 15 people were making it seem like an actual crazy house party.
Lenny was laughing her head off watching everyone show off their own dance moves, and she almost fell to the ground at the way Harry swung his hips at her. The two of them spent three songs trading moves back and forth, imitating the other and then consequently making fun of each other.
Tears were in her eyes when Harry tried to roll the rhythm from one extreme of his hand to the other. “Harry! Stop!” She felt the ale tingling her lips and warming her cheeks - giving her even more of a blush than normal.
“What? You don't like this?” He attempted the smooth move again, failing miserably.
Lenny had to get him to stop - it felt like her civic duty to all who were witnessing it - so she reached an arm for both of his and pulled them down to his side. “Keep them here please.”
“Don't try to hold me down!”
“I'm trying to save us all from getting hurt with all that flailing you're doing.” She giggled. “Can't you just do the running man or something?” She started the classic dance move, probably looking dumb herself since she was also hopelessly uncoordinated. “You have less of a chance to hurt others with this one.”
“Like this?” He copied her movements exactly. And it turns out, he didn't look half bad doing it - well, not as bad as he could have.
Emptying the contents of her bottle into her mouth before answering, she chuckled, “Magnifico!”
“My bilingual beauty!” Harry grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around, then wrapped her in a drunk hug. With arms tight around her middle, he whispered, “Happy birthday.”
It was the first time they hugged like that - for longer than a second - and Lenny wasn't hating it. As a matter of fact, she found it incredibly nice how Harry’s chest was strong but had no issue making her feel cozy.
“Happy birthday.” She smiled and held on tight for a few seconds longer, pulling back slowly. “Well, almost. Because technically they planned all of this so it would be my birthday at midnight and not yours.” She stuck out her tongue.
Harry flared his nostrils at her and dropped his arms away, pretending to be hurt. “How dare you rub that in?”
“Maybe they'll throw you one at midnight tomorrow too and we can drink more beer.”
“That's not beer.” Harry clinked his glass bottle of Blue Moon against her empty Red’s.
“Close enough, mate.”
Harry rolled his eyes fondly at the determined-to-be-cool ginger. When his gaze landed back on her, it quickly shifted to somewhere behind her shoulder. His lips upturned on sight and out he shouted, “Chris!”
Lenny turned around right as Chris located them and started rambling the words, “Happy birthday. Sorry I couldn't be here on time. Lab all day and then a quick power nap that turned out to be hours longer than I expected. I got here as fast as I could.”
“That's okay.” She sighed a breath of relief that he showed up at all, giving him a quick hug. “You're here now.”
“Mate, you're here just in time.” Harry reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. “We were just having a dance off and Lenny was about to tell me how her ale was indeed a beer.”
“Oh, man,” Chris seemed regretful of what he was about to say to Harry. “Ale is a type of beer actually. It's just fermented differently than lagers.”
Harry shielded his face with both hands as the words sunk in.
“Why do you look sad too?” Lenny put a hand on her hip as she looked up at her boyfriend. “You are supposed to be on my side. It's okay to let Harry down.”
“Have you seen his face when he gets sad? It's heartbreaking!” Chris pointed as Harry uncovered his face to reveal sheer disappointment at being proven wrong. “See, I'm already feeling it.” Chris covered his heart with his hands.
“It's okay. I guess I can be wrong just this once.” Harry didn't like seeing Chris sad either apparently - their relationship was symbiotic in that way, Lenny was figuring out.
“This once?” She snorted. Harry was proven wrong in debates with her at least once a week and somehow he managed to forget that tidbit every time.
Harry ignored the question and simply finished off his beer, getting a laugh out of Chris.
“I'm going to get us more drinks.” Chris said as he kissed Lenny on the cheek and then rounded a few of her coworkers.
A drunk Harry watched him as he went and Lenny wondered how she was surrounded by people who were so mutually infatuated with one another. Harry must've felt himself being caught so he shrugged and simply said something Lenny had already thought. “I’m glad he made it.”
“So glad he proved me right.”
“Less glad about that myself.” Brando came up beside Lenny, not knowing what he was disagreeing with but saying it anyway. “Happy birthday you two.” He smiled and lifted his beer to cheers with them. Lenny and Harry both clinked their unfortunately empty bottles with his and said thank you.
Chris returned a second later and replaced their bottles with brand new ones. After twisting the top off, Lenny raised her bottle for a real cheers, then waited for the dancing to begin again. Egging on Brando when he started banging his head to Spice Up Your Life.
Valentine’s Day arrived before Lenny could even process the fact that she had a speech to give on February 15th - in French. Her Italian 101 class was picking up and Syntax II was getting harder and harder with every passing day. Her head was spinning, so that when the ‘day of love’ appeared, she wasn't ready for it whatsoever.
She was known around the shop as the girl who made cookies on days off just to bring them in the next day, or whip up a batch of cupcakes when something special was happening just to make her friends smile. On that particular February 14th, she came into her 4 O’clock shift stressed and empty handed.
Chris had already sent flowers to her dorm that morning - a dozen roses - and he knocked on her door with two cups of coffee, ecstatic that he had the entire day off. The way his face fell when Lenny told him that she had the exact opposite made her heart twinge.
It was just, she hadn't expected everything to happen so fast or for Chris to even get out of the lab that day. She never even considered asking for her shift to get covered at Dream. So, they drank their coffee, she ran off to her class, revised in the library, and only looked up at the clock at 3:38, rushing to make her shift on time.
Harry was ignored on her way past him to clock in. Jen was thrown just a wave as Lenny rushed back to the register.
“What's up with you?” Brando quirked a brow as a bundled up Lenny approached, out of breath and frazzled.
“I'm sorry I'm late. I was studying and the time got away from me.”
Harry lifted his wrist to check his watch, then looked at her like she was crazy when he said, “It's literally 4:01.”
“I know. But it's not the five minutes early that I normally like to leave myself so it feels late to me.” She bent down and unzipped her heavy as hell backpack. Of all the books in there, she only needed the one French book but it felt wrong not to have it full. Huffing as she straightened back up, she found Brando joining Harry in the incredulous looks.
“Calm down, love.” Brando instructed. “It's fine.” He rubbed his hand through his nonexistent hair, straightening the millimeter of scruff his head had - him and Parker were in fact twins after all.
“Why are you so frazzled? It's Valentine's Day!” Harry nudged a fist against her shoulder as if to say buck up, be happy.
Lenny distanced herself from him as much as possible just so Harry couldn't do that again.
“I have a speech tomorrow and I didn't even start working on it until two days ago because my first Pragmatic’s paper was due on Monday.” She huffed, placed her heavy book on the counter behind Brando, and slumped over it - slightly overdoing the dramatics. “Everything's just getting away from me!” She screamed face down onto her book.
The shop fell quiet after that - except the John Lennon that was playing over the speakers and the sliding of records in their bins as people looked through them - still, somehow, too quiet without a response from either boy. Lenny lifted her gaze and turned around to find the them staring at her.
Brando pulled the stool right up behind her, and with caution, said, “Well just take this seat, let Harry do the check outs, and do your Lenny thing where you write an amazing speech.”
She agreed, “I do only need to write one more paragraph.”
“Get to it. I'll alert you if Tiff walks out.” Harry informed her with a wink.
Finally smiling, Lenny let the tension in her shoulders loosen just barely. “Thanks, guys.”
“Happy Valentine's.” Brando rubbed her on the back comfortingly as she began searching for the correct page. Grabbing his black, electric guitar from the stand that was a permanent fixture behind the register, he hopped over the counter. “Bye, Haz.”
“Bye, Brandy.” Harry, totally unbothered by anything as always, sung and waved a hand.
When it was just the two of them, Lenny could finally get back to writing - except she couldn’t focus on anything but the weight of Harry’s gaze. She ripped her eyes off the bullet points she had made earlier and raised a brow at him.
“So, I'm assuming you didn't make any baked goods today?” He asked cautiously. He didn’t want to trigger her but still hoped she had brought along some treats.
“No, Harry, I didn't.”
“I'm just asking.” He raised his hands in defense at her harsher than usual tone, mumbling, “You made cupcakes for my birthday.”
“Well, imagine those and pretend like you're eating them now.” She wasn't trying to be mean but she really didn't have the time or the energy to feel worse than she already did.
“Grumpy Lenny is not my favorite.” He pouted.
“I’m not grumpy. I’m busy.”
Harry hummed loudly, sarcastically agreeing and then nothing else was said between the two from then on. Harry checked people out as they came to the counter but otherwise, he was messing around on some kind of camera. Normally, Lenny would ask what he was doing exactly but she could hardly look away from the note cards she was writing her speech on.
Eventually, after almost throwing multiple pencils across the store and many more groans of despair, she finished the writing process with two hours of her shift to spare. She would've been done sooner if she didn't have to check conjugation and grammar and tenses multiple times using nearly every chapter of her book. She wasn't complaining though, because she was one step closer to not feeling so much panic in her chest. All she had to do now was practice it enough times until the pronunciation was spot on and the flow was fluid.
“Harry.” She called over to him sweetly, him leaning his long body against the counter tops and flipping through one of the books she kept there for people to read if they wanted.
“Yes, Leonard?”
“Will you listen to me practice my speech?”
He lowered the book enough so he could see her smiling up at him innocently, pleadingly. “Oh, so the Lenny I like is back?”
“The Lenny who needs you is.” She stood up and moved beside him, leaning with him. “I'm sorry I was being grumpy earlier.” Harry didn't move to say anything or accept her apology so she grabbed ahold of his elbow and shook, “I'm sorry I didn't make anything for valentines!”
He snapped the book shut abruptly. “And?” He shifted his green eyes to hers the slightest bit, not giving her full eye contact, but just enough to tease her.
“And…” she prompted.
Harry sighed. “And for not talking to me once in three hours? I get that you're busy but come on! Not even one how's it going over there, Haz?”
“Aww, I'm sorry, Harry.” Her heart warmed at knowing the main thing that had his lips in a frown was just the fact he wanted to talk to her and that she hadn't allowed that to happen. “How about we chat for the rest of our shift and then you stay until closing and help me practice?” That would give her two hours of practice unless they ran out of things to talk about and he let her begin running through her speech early.
“I don't know. I'd have to stay until eleven for you. And on Valentine's Day no less?” He grimaced like it was the worst possible way he could spend the night. Granted, it wasn't the best, but Lenny hoped maybe her presence would sell him on the idea.
Over the five months of working with him, she had grown to know him pretty well, and she had a solid backup plan to ensure his presence. “I'll order a Chinese takeaway.”
“Sold!” The words weren't even all the way out of her mouth before he yelled over her and turned right back into normal, happy, charming Harry. Just like that.
She picked up her cell phone immediately - because Tiff hadn't been out of her office in so long that Lenny thought she might have gone home - and called their favorite place, getting Harry the orange chicken he loved so much and herself the pineapple chicken he was always trying to steal off her plate.
A customer came up to the register right as she was hanging up and as a sign of their good will, she swooped in front of Harry and checked them out - all five 8-tracks and eleven vinyl’s. Whoever this person was, they were treating themselves on Valentine's Day.
“So what do you want to talk about?” She asked Harry after the customer left with a have a nice night, letting Harry sit on the stool as she stood at the register.
“Well…” He smirked like he was about to say something good. “I really really wanted to tell you about this horrible film a classmate showed in class today.”
“Harry! That's not nice. I'm sure it was just fine.” She took up for the person she didn't even know because she always felt bad for judging people's art - thinking how upset they would be if they heard. And how upset she would be if she heard someone talking rubbish about something Harry made regardless of how bad it actually was. Especially if they didn’t know anything about him.
Shaking his head, he began chuckling, “Three words: nude bowling sequence.”
“Go on.” She nodded and listened as Harry went on and on about this short film. He talked about every frame and every angle of the ode to bowling some guy made and thought was okay for their narrative piece. Various parts throughout made her laugh too hard and others were so unbelievably boring, but she listened anyway because Harry’s voice had a calming effect on her, and because, two hours later, Harry pretended to know French for her.
He watched her pace up and down the store for hours, reading the same six minute speech on French Government over and over again, nodding anytime she asked, “Did that one sound okay?”
At eleven o’clock, Louis came in and told them they had to go - not home but the hell out of there. Lenny decided she had done enough for the night and would just go in the next day hoping for the best.
“Going to see Chris?” Harry asked as they stepped out into the cold London night.
“If he's still awake.” Lenny pulled her coat tighter around her ribs and then reached for her phone, texting her boyfriend. She looked over to Harry, who was digging in his pocket for something. “Where are you going? Surely not to bed already.”
“Ummm, I don't know.” He found whatever he was searching for, pausing with a smirk. “I may actually have a date.”
“A date?”
“Well, a girl asked me if I wanted to meet up at this pub a couple hours ago. I told her I would when we were done so now I'm just waiting for a response.”
“Harry!” Lenny punched him on the shoulder. “You could've left me.”
He rubbed his arm, hurt, and then shook his head decidedly. “Nah, it's all last minute stuff. Doesn't matter.”
“You're insane, Styles.” She laughed, convinced, lifting her phone when it vibrated in her hand with a text from Chris reading: yes, please come!
“More like insanely awesome.” Harry removed his hand from his pocket and held it open in front of her - a small chocolate heart wrapped in pink foil in the center of his palm - beaming, “Happy Valentines.”
She bit her lip as she plucked it from his hand. Even though it was warm and probably totally melted from all that time it had spent in his pocket, she loved it all the same. “Happy Valentines!” She said, backing away with a smile equally as wide as Harry moved down the street in the opposite direction.
authors note: 
hahah this is so long. i am writing my longest chapters for this fic while writing my shortest ones for incredible. which, you should go check out if you havent. i swear its a quick read. the slowest reader on the planet could read the first two chapters of it in ten minutes. swur. 
anyway, last time i posted, i forgot to put a “read more” and almost died of embarrassment. something about having it all out there so readily kills my soul. if this doesnt work, ill never update again..... jk i have too much going on with these guys. 
please please please tell me what you think!!! my asks have been a bit silent which is okay but not very #inspiring. maybe once the chapters get more exciting, people will give me feedback?? fingers crossed. i mean, 
tell me what you thought of their valentines together!?!
thank you for reading!!!! thank you to ash, @what-comes-from-within for being such a kick ass beta. 
im posting a character moodboard and playlist soon so keep those eyes peeled. 
one day ill learn the art of not writing long authors notes. 
love love love you guys.
lauren xxxxx
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myaekingheart · 7 years
So it seems as though I've spiralled back into another one of those spells where I just hardcore hate myself. For the past couple days, all I've been able to think about it is the thought of getting a job, ever since I had that stupid fucking dream the other night. I dreamed that I was working the register at some upscale fast food restaurant taking orders as people filtered in, got their food, and left. I couldn't help but think to myself, "God this is so easy! Why didn't get a job earlier?" and then five minutes later, I broke out into a massive panic attack mid-dream. Numb hands, cold sweat, hyperventilating, feeling like the place was closing in on myself, the whole enchilada and that's when I realized why I don't have a job. Granted, I know anxiety is no excuse for being unemployed, I'm not an idiot. Ever since that dream, though, I just have not been able to stop thinking about jobs and how I don't have one. I don't necessarily want one but at the same time, I keep feeling increasingly uncomfortable with my parents sending me money for all my bills and rent and whatnot. I feel bad that they're stuck supporting me like they always have. I kind of want the independence of having a job and earning my own money, anyways. There's just all the stuff holding me back and making me feel like an absolute failure, like the fact that I am 20 years old and have never worked a day in my life. I feel like a total scam because as I sat here today filling out job applications, applications that wouldn't let me move forward without submitting a resume, this disgusting tinge of guilt and disgust fell upon me as I had to sit here and fill out that I had no work experience. And I know the application is only step one. As much as saying I have no experience pains me, I think the thought of anything that might come next is even worse. I've filled out job applications before, twice for Spirit Halloween, both times of which at the end of the process, they've immediately told me I'm either not qualified enough or not what they're looking for and that was fine. I don't fear rejection in job applications. If anything, a gross part of me prays for rejection because that means I can get out of this. The thought of moving forward and getting a job offer terrifies me. I don't like thinking about having to step foot in these places for an interview, having to paste a smile on my face and lie about how I'm a team player and enjoy being a corporate slave, and explaining why I've never had a job before at my age. I don't like the thought of getting hired and then having to work a menial, pointless job for shit pay and being trapped in a store filled with people complaining left and right at me about things that are probably not beyond my control. I am honestly such a difficult fucking person because like I know I need a job but I don't want a dead-end job that won't have any positive effect on the future of my career. I don't want to work a pointless job that has nothing to do with what I enjoy or strive to pursue as an actual career. I want to be a writer so why not look at freelance writing jobs? I did and I can tell you that the results are not good. I want a job that parallels my career goals but I don't want to sit here and waste my time ghostwriting someone's novel, working my fingers to the bone only to get zero credit for the hours of time I've spent on this thing, or churning out pointless articles for someone too fucking stupid to write it themselves. I applied for a job at a local Books a Million and at my university's bookstore because I figured, hey! Why the fuck not? It's as good as I'm going to get, I guess. The thing that terrifies me about Books a Million, though, is that I just feel like I'm not fucking good enough. I feel like I really know next to nothing about the majority of the books out there today, I feel like I don't read enough to work at a bookstore and that if someone came up to me with a question about something, there's a fat chance I wouldn't have any fucking clue what they were talking about. I've never even read Harry Potter (nor do I care to-- I tried but I'm one of the few who just could not get into it). The university bookstore is really the one I'm banking on most, honestly. It would be nice to get to know my way around campus before starting classes there in January, plus it would be the easiest to get to in terms of transportation. Which brings up another point of contention: I am 20 fucking years old and I still don't know how to drive. I don't even have my permit. I've never been behind the wheel of a car save for Mario Kart and the Tomorrowland Speedway and if my experience with either of those is any indication, it's probably a good thing that I don't drive. I should've learned a long time ago but I have always put it off, terrified of getting in an accident and knowing full well that I will without a doubt get overwhelmed because of literally every single thing you have to pay attention to and worry about. I feel like I'll definitely get massive sensory overload behind the wheel of a car. Again, however, not a valid excuse for never learning how to drive. It's not that I enjoy people having to chaffeur me everywhere. I wish I could be totally autonomous and independent and in my dreams, I am, but in reality I know I'm just a failure who knows next to nothing about being an adult and am failing miserably at it. My boyfriend keeps telling me he wants me to get a moped, thinking that that would be better for me because it'd be easier to be aware of my surroundings on one of those as opposed to a car but I'm skeptical. Not that I wouldn't love to come off as a motorcycle bitch or whatever but still. My only other option is the bus which I mean, I didn't have a problem with that. I've taken public transit thousands of times in my hometown to my community college, but never in this city. And that makes all the difference, honestly. My hometown was dull suburban where nothing ever happened except the occasional heart attack during bingo. There were sketchy people, sure, but it wasn't in massive volume. Here, however, things are vastly different. This is the city where there's homeless people and drug dealers abound! My boyfriend is very protective of me and he's always made off this facade about wanting me to stay safe, liking the fact that when I'm home he knows where I am and that nothing bad will happen to me, that he's skeptical of the bus and doesn't exactly feel safe with the idea of me taking said bus. It's built up this understanding in my head that the outside world is dangerous and that I should avoid going out there alone at all costs. But he's also a little frustrated that my parents never encouraged me to learn to drive before I moved up here, because he knows learning to drive up here is going to hell and he wishes I would've gotten it done sooner. Which also makes me feel like a failure. Like, how pathetic could I possibly be? Never worked a day in her life, never been behind the wheel of a car. I'm practically a child. And I sure as hell feel like one, too. I'm embarrassed and ashamed of myself for letting myself get so far behind. I've avoided becoming an adult for so long that now I have absolutely no choice and I'm not even the slightest bit prepared. All I want to do is stay home and eat Oreos and lay around in pajamas writing shitty fanfiction but I can't do that because I am an adult with my own apartment 300 miles away from my family. My academic achievements shine but my personal achievements fall short big time and I'm so fucking ashamed of myself for that. I should've taken care of this shit a long time ago. I should've grown up a long time ago but I'm terrified. I'm so fucking terrified. In a way, living up here still doesn't even feel like everyday reality. A part of me still processes this as temporary, like I'm on a trip to visit my long distance boyfriend like how it was for the past year and then at the end of the week, my parents will show up and take me back home and everything will go back to normal. But that's not normal anymore. This is my new normal and I need to learn to adjust to it. This is my home now and this is my life now. I can't sit around on my ass like a house guest anymore because I'm not a house guest. This is my house and my new town and I'm not a dependent living under my parent's roof anymore. I am a full-fledged adult and I need to start acting like one, even if I'd rather shoot myself in the mouth than go through this horror. I still don't feel ready. I don't know if I'll ever feel ready. I'm so motherfucking scared and the worst part is knowing that this is all my fault.
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keyboardcues-blog · 7 years
Answering MORE unasked questions.
1. What makes the mun and muse happiest? Going out to eat or just simply leaving the house. I don't get out enough. "Settling down after a long day of battling for my life. Preferably with a meal of some sort and a fat blunt." 
2. What makes the mun and muse the saddest? Animal deaths, favorite character deaths, failed plans. All that jazz. "Instrument malfunction. You know, I don't get sad very often." 
3. What makes the mun and muse the angriest? My fake ass friends, myself, failed plans, little things that I shouldn't get angry at. "Getting my weapon stuck in something, missing a shot, dealing with the infected. It isn't fun." 
3. What is the scariest thing to ever happen to the mun and muse? Any instance where I have to speak in front of large crowds or risk making a fool of myself. "Losing those that I love." 4.What is one thing that can calm down the mun and muse? Uh, nothing. Maybe listening to music or watching a video. Otherwise I calm down on my own "Jeffrey." 
5. What is one thing that makes the mun and muse jealous? My friends talking to their other friends. I'm a super jealous person. "I don't get jealous, if I'm being honest." 
6. How would the mun and muse describe their best friends? I don't have a best friend. I'm serious. I'm not even trying to be emo. If I did, they would be all around swell in my opinion. I'd love 'em to death. "Pieces of work, but /my/ pieces of work." 
7. How would the mun and muse describe their relationship with their parents and/or siblings? Good. I don't interact with my half sister often, but when we do, it's normal. We're pretty close. "My folks and I had a good relationship. I may have gotten on their nerves at times, but that's how it is when you have children." 
8. How does the mun and muse approach romantic relationships? Is either currently in a relationship or do they have a crush? I admire from afar. I am way too anxious to speak to anyone I like. They would have to make the first move. "I am currently in a relationship and I love the man to bits. I don't think he quite understands just how much I appreciate him." 
9. What do the mun and muse usually do when they feel bad? This is vague. Do you mean sickness bad, guilt or just plain being upset? "I'm with mun on this one." 
10. What sort of things do the mun and muse usually shop for? What is the last thing either of them bought? I shop for cool shirts with cool stuff on 'em. Like characters from television shows or musicians. The last thing I bought from a store was a Tupac shirt and a bath bomb from Lush. "I haven't been shopping in awhile. When I do, it's usually for food. The last thing I remember buying was a college textbook." 
11. Where would the mun and muse like to travel to most? Have they ever traveled away from their home city/state/country? I've traveled out of state multiple times. I'd like to go to Germany or California. "I've traveled quite a bit. Country to country, state to state. That was before the outbreak. Nowadays I'm /always/ traveling. I don't have a choice." 
12. Do the mun and muse have any bathing routines? Any habits like singing in the shower? No. I get clean then get out. "I like to sing sometimes and a hair wash always comes first before anything else." 
13. How do the mun and muse react to surprises? When is the last time either was surprised and what surprised them? I just . . smile and say thanks. I'm not very expressive. "I don't like surprises if I'm being honest, but I do still get surprised. Most recently would be Jeffrey presenting me with a fresh pineapple. I'm talking unscathed and fresh off the crop. I never knew tropical fruits grew in eastern America." 
14. What sorts of gifts do the mun and muse like? What were the last gifts they gave and received? Food, clothes, merch and bath bombs. I can't remember my last gift. "Anything! A pineapple was my recent gift and I couldn't be happier." 
15. What sorts of books do the mun and muse like to read? Do you they have a favorite author or book? WARRIOR CATS, BITCH. Also, anything with LGBT+ themes. "Adventure novels. Historic fiction. The fun stuff." 
16. What was the last book the mun and muse read? What genre was it? How would they rate it? Are they currently reading anything? Simon Vs. The Homo Sapien Agenda. It was romance and I rate it a 8/10. I'm not reading anything but fanfics at the moment. "It's been awhile. I don't remember." 
17. What genre of video games do the mun and muse like best? What are their favorite systems and video games? JUST DANCE ON Wii. "I'm siding with mun. I do appreciate a good classic Mario game, however." 
18. What music genre do the mun and muse listen to the most? Any favorite bands? I listen to a bunch of different music. No specific genre for me, no. I'm currently into Glass Animals . . [Eyes Adrian, then looks towards the camera.] Yes. "Classic rock. I'm a Bowie fan." 
19(?). Can either the mun or muse play an instrument? Which one(s)? No. "Yes! The guitar and the keyboard. I played for my band, and I —" [Proceeds to ramble.] 
19. What are the mun’s and muse’s favorite foods? Steak. "Salmon." 
20. What do the mun and muse like to eat for a snack? Everything. "Mayonnaise." 
21. What drinks do the mun and muse like best? Do they prefer cold or hot drinks? Lemonade. Cold. "Booze and coffee. Both cold and hot."
 22.How is either the mun’s or muse’s alcohol tolerance? What are their favorite alcoholic drinks? I'm a baby, I don't drink. "Beer. I can hold my alcohol well. I've been drinking since I was nineteen." 
23. How does either mun or muse handle being sick? Do they need someone to take care of them, or are they capable of taking care of themselves just fine? I sulk and sleep. "I let my boyfriend spoil me." 
24. What animals would best be associated with the mun and muse? Cat. "Velociraptor." 
25. Are the mun and muse more morning, day, or night people? When are they the most relaxed? When do they get the most work done? Night. I'm relaxed in the afternoon. I get work done at night. "I'm similar to mun."
 26.Do either the mun or muse have artistic talents? What are they? I can draw cats really good. "I can't draw that well, but like I said, I can make music and that is a form of art." 
27. What genre of movies do the mun and muse like best? What are their favorite movies? Do they prefer watching alone or with others? Do they prefer watching at home or in the theater? Horror at the theater. "Horror at either location." 
28. What are the mun’s and muse’s opinions of each other? I like him and I wish I could use him more than I currently do. "She's pleasant." 
29. Who is an important person in both the mun’s and muse’s life? My RP partners, friends and family. [ Sighs dreamily. ] "Jeffrey Pines."
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