searsage · 1 year
"It is only dangerous if left untreated, while generally such infection is considered mild, we have no knowledge of what damage it could do to Robin's unprepared human immunsystem." Al-an explained his gaze never leaving the shivering researcher's sleeping form.
Even if his human wasn't incapacitated, already her frail body was running a high fever…
"Well..what are we waiting for? How do we treat it?" Ryley's fustration was evident but for once this did not bother the architect, the hermit's worry would make him less likely to rebel against Al-an's minor change in plans.
"There is an antivirus, it's quite common, one I know is in the Elisskat's possession."
"But..how will we get it.?"
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diariodecampinas · 3 years
Sem equipamentos, alunos da periferia de Campinas enfrentam dificuldades no ensino remoto
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Famílias chegam a dividir um celular entre sete pessoas. Para doutora em educação e professora da Unicamp, geração pode ser ‘perdida’ a longo prazo. ‘Impacto diferenciado’: sem recursos, jovens enfrentam desafios para assistir aulas online Um celular entre sete pessoas. É assim que, em tempos de pandemia, a família da dona de casa Agnes Mari Farias se divide. Para acompanhar as aulas remotas, as crianças dependem da disponibilidade do aparelho e também da conexão de internet, que muitas vezes falha. “Mesmo tendo celular, não tem internet, então fica complicado. […] É totalmente diferente de eles estarem em uma escola presencial, com a professora que estudou pra isso [ensinar]. Eu não estudei pra isso, então a qualidade não é a mesma”, desabafa Agnes. A família, que reside na periferia de Campinas (SP), está entre as milhares que foram afetadas pela suspensão das aulas presenciais para tentar conter o avanço da Covid-19. Longe da sala de aula e dos professores há quase um ano, as crianças tiveram que se adaptar ao novo modelo de ensino e adaptá-lo às respectivas realidades. “Querendo ou não, a educação é uma coisa que ninguém rouba da gente, é uma coisa que é nossa. Com a educação, a gente consegue tudo. A gente pode se formar numa profissão boa, e é isso que eu quero pra eles”, afirma a dona de casa. Família de Agnes divide um celular entre sete pessoas Wesley Justino/EPTV Aprendizado Assim como a família de Agnes, as irmãs Maria Clara e Vitória Cipriano, de 14 e 12 anos, respectivamente, têm que dividir um celular entre aulas que frequentemente se sobrepõem. Além das dificuldades de logística, elas afirmam que o aprendizado também foi prejudicado. “Tô um pouquinho chateada, porque antes eu sabia bem mais coisas do que eu sei agora. […] Vai demorar um pouquinho pra voltar [as aulas], porque esse negócio do coronavírus ‘tá’ demorando para passar, e também ‘tá’ morrendo muita gente”, diz Vitória. Mãe das garotas, a dona de casa Lucélia Cipriano relata que, muitas vezes, as crianças têm que parar a aula ou a tarefa pela metade para que o próximo irmão possa utilizar o celular. “Às vezes fica muito pela metade a lição deles. Começa a outra aula e a outra tem que pegar o celular, então fica difícil”. “Eu não sei explicar [a matéria], né? Então, com a professora, ‘tava’ sendo mais fácil, dava para eles perguntarem, ir além. Só que em casa está sendo muito difícil. Alguns entendem [o que estudam sozinhos], outros não. Escreve e não sabe nem o que ‘tá’ escrevendo”, conta. Família Cipriano reside na periferia de Campinas (SP) Wesley Justino/EPTV ‘Geração perdida’ Para a doutora em educação e professora da Unicamp Debora Jeffrey, a pandemia provocou uma “pausa” no sistema educacional, o que pode levar a consequências profundas e duradouras na formação das crianças em idade escolar. “A gente tem que pensar sempre que o sistema educacional é pensado e organizado num processo contínuo, com começo, meio e fim”, analisa. Para Jeffrey, a educação está no parada no “meio”, sem condições de avançar. “A longo prazo, corremos o risco de ter uma geração perdida. Perdida no sentido de evade, não volta, e quais são as condições de regresso, de volta? Está se falando tanto de um plano emergencial para a economia, mas nós não pensamos num plano emergencial para a educação”, pontua a docente. Em meio à pandemia, crianças tiveram o ensino prejudicado Wesley Justino/EPTV O que dizem a prefeitura e o estado? Segundo o diretor do departamento pedagógico da Secretaria de Educação de Campinas, Luís Roberto Marighetti, 21 mil crianças receberam chips de dados disponibilizados pela prefeitura para o acompanhamento das aulas virtuais. “O que a secretaria está fazendo em 2021 é renovando a possibilidade de uso desses chips, as famílias continuarão com a perspectiva de ter esse chip de dados, com acesso à internet, e perspectiva também de que as crianças tenham acesso a algum tipo de material impresso, textos, atividades e sugestões de brincadeiras”, informou. Já a coordenadora do Centro de Mídias da secretaria de Educação do estado de São Paulo, Bruna Waitman, reforçou que a distribuição de chips é uma forma de combater a desigualdade, priorizando as famílias mais vulneráveis. “Vale destacar aqui também uma ação que a gente está iniciando agora, que é expandir em quase 2h o tempo de estudo desses alunos que fazem parte de famílias mais vulneráveis. Por meio do uso do chip, esse aluno vai ter o acompanhamento de um professor, que funciona quase como um orientador de estudos”, disse Waitman. VÍDEOS: volta às aulas e reabertura de escolas para crianças Veja mais notícias da região no G1 Campinas
The post Sem equipamentos, alunos da periferia de Campinas enfrentam dificuldades no ensino remoto first appeared on Diario de Campinas. from WordPress https://ift.tt/30VRMip via IFTTT
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searsage · 11 months
hm hm hmm after careful consideration ive decided to pluck a scene from the future chapters, it'll be dark enough as it is. And I've been stressing about it for a while. Safer option is to remove it altogether, it can be read seperately after the the finally of Planet: Marighettis and before the launch of Planet:Shouel luinguince
You will notice the absence of the NC tag going on as of next update which shouldn't be too long.
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searsage · 3 months
He knows she's angry…her heartrate rapid within her fragile chest as his human struggles to resist the urge to contest his ideals, perhaps becuase she knows in many ways he's right..?
In truth, this journey ended with her, and even if he had died on Marighettis, selfishly the architect fully expected her to continue on despite his absence.
Not for the sake of his kind, but to put an end to the bacteria waiting dorment to ravage yet another world, to ensure the lives lost to its hunger were not sacrificed in vain.
For her sister, for every unfortunate creature trapped on 4546B, for her own peace of mind..and perhaps maybe for his own as well..
It was a burden Al-an himself was not strong enough to shoulder on his own.. not without her.
His expectations did not come without their incredulities..
Flaws his human would not hesitate to point out.
"That's so hypocritical of you, Al-an, if you were in my shoes you would not hesitate to do the same!"
"Our appendages are not compatible enough to utilize such unnecessary garments.."
"If our situations were reversed I would not risk your life by putting my own in peril.."
"What..?! I..I never intended to-"
"I know, but there will never be a situtation when I will not put your fragility over my vessel, it is best I am not forced to make such sacrifices." Al-an admitted softly, it was a truth they both knew was for the best.
"…I don't want you to hurt yourself for me, I don't care what the situtation is." Robin bites out thickly, her grip on his leg tightening.
"That is not a choice within your control Robin…" Al-an states bluntly, burying his face into her damp hair, it smells intimately like his human, a scent her architect has grown shamelessly fond of.
"It's in neither of ours! But that doesn't mean I'm going to stand around and let you to sign your death warrent the moment something goes out of plan! I know you need me…but.." Robin begins twisting around to face him before her words strangles her, reluctant to give voice to the words he so desperately wants to hear.
"But what Robin…?" Al-an inquires intently, melancholy emotions dancing through the intricate runes in his vessel.
"…" Her answer does not come quickly, instead Robin faltered, her lips tightening as she worried angast her silent burden, there is a moment in which he registers many emotions flittering across his distressed human's face, aprehension and fear dominant amongst them..
The impulse to comfort her is insatiable, and Al-an easily falls prey to dotting on his human, it comes as second nature…
But as her architect presses his face against the damp skin of her temple affectionately, Robin's hand raises from the water to gently catch his jaw..
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searsage · 1 year
"Al-an do you know what these are?" Robin asked, pointing towards the splatter of the black crystals.
"Much like what you've come to recognize as ion cubes, these synthetic crystals are essential means of energy."
"Iike ion cubes..?"
"Yes and no, while ion cubes are a more..stable diffusion of producing harmless yet efficient energy, what these crystals produce is unstable raw negative byproduct, further more this energy is absorbed from the surrounding environment and even detrimental to non synthetic ecosystems."
"Yikes, so they are like energy magnets?"
"It is much more complex then simple magnetic absorption, the Elisskat's homeworld had an environment able to withstand such violent means of energy extraction, however even then they were unable to maintain proper balance of their reckless creation, which lead to disastrous consequences…"
"You said they traded the ion cube technology with the precusors In the past, did they stabilize it somehow, before you guys saved them..?"
"No, we took their knowledge and improved, formulated safer means of making a high capacity energy source, we could not risk the reckless results of their negligence occurring on another planet, even this is a less hazardous prototype then that in which they produced.."
"…what happened to their planet?"
"The nuclear implosion was enough to nearly destroy not only their home planet, but neutralize several more vulnerable neighboring dwarf planets stripping them of life.."
"And you don't think this was one of the catalysts for why anyone wanted them dead..?"
"It was not, no species directly afflicted by the result of this accident survived to support the culling…"
"Holy shit.."
"A-are you sure saving these guys was the best idea..Al?"
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searsage · 1 year
Al-an remained silent, one claw pressed against the terminal's glowing interface, the other hovering precariously in front of the precursor's throax, scarlet and orange echoed off his vessel, an agressive display rippling into the ship's veins.
"Whatever they want it can't be good hell those bastards tried to blow us out of the sky! Are they collectors? Maybe they're pissed we pillaged their crap." Ryley suggested warily, if so, it would make sense for the ship to engage them aggressively, seeing as the ruins were left unguarded the trio had simply loaded up all the stolen resources they needed without so much as paying a dime.
But this logical deduction was quickly dismissed by the trio when their navigator finally spoke up.
"This ravenger vessel is not of precursor or Elisskat origins…" There was an odd sense of hostility laced within the precursor's voice, one that Robin nor Ryley had heard before.
"Nor is it broadcasting its alliance which is concerning, it may be a nomadic scavanger, regardless of their origins they should not be here, their presence here leads me to suspect-."
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searsage · 4 months
"They won't come for us.."
"What have we done..?"
"We are not necessary.."
"Initiate containment."
"Is someone there..?"
"…we are..afraid."
"It is gone.."
"It's silent."
"H-hello..?" Ryley spoke warily, his eyes flittering over the pulsating tank, easily recalling what occured last time he touched the tank, not only did he nearly fry his brain but also pissed the Al-an off.
Not something he was keen on doing especially after witnessing the precursor easily kick a creature's upper body from its lower half.
"Greetings survivor.."
Robin had said it echoed Al-an's thoughts, but the faint almost indescribable rambling did not seem like the architect he had come to know, or one entity at all.
What Ryley was certain of was that, whatever this thing was, it was watching him with the familiar intensity of Robin's companion.
"The anomaly.."
"Intriguing…"The words scattered around his head, as if overhearing a distence conversation on the street except these felt…like thoughts.
"Focus..they call to us"
"We are..needed?"
"Condiut, required, come to us survivor…" The voices suddenly ordered, a demand Ryley's body complied to wether he wanted to or not..
Suddenly Ryley leaned forward, ignorent to his body's sparking panic, as if under a spell he could not fight, Ryley reached out a shaking hand and hovered it over the glass's pulsating surface, so close he could feel the electrical field radiating from it.
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searsage · 3 months
The tank blazed again colourful light washing over the resercher and Ryley, an odd noise like muffled radiowaves filled the ship's intercoms, a warning, something or someone was speaking but not in a language they understood…
"What's wrong with it..?" Ryley asked warily, the hermit's tight steadying grip was all that stopped the resercher from getting thrown to the floor amidst the violent yet invisible tug of war taking place.
Again the ship powers up, it's engine humming to life as it began to rise in preparation of departure, only to make a odd wheeze as just seconds later the power adruptly shut off again, the ship dropping ungracefully against the mossy ground once again, jostling both reseacher and hermit inside.
The tank blazed again, an anxiuous crimson rippling over its surface as the consciouses inside whiped around in erratic yet determined unison, only to blaze again as the ship again attempted to depart on its own accord only to fail seconds short of take off for the fifth time.
Robin's eyes widen as realisation dawned on her, the consciouses were aborting the take of sequences, canceling out a command directing the ship to leave.
A command only Al-an could have sent…
Something was wrong very wrong.
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searsage · 10 months
"Y-you did WHAT?! Robin what…what about the plan…we we-" Ryley gasp frankly stunned, his narrow eyes wide with horror.
"Show it to me…" Al-an demanded, despite his even voice the crimson bleeding from his vessel was kind of a dead give away, a blatant warning that it likely would not be the best idea to hurmor his demand.
"L-later.. We need to get out of here..and fast, Ill explain when we get back to the ship.."
"No." Her architect outright growls, the crimson flaring violently as he moved to block her path.
"Show me the point of entry."
"I'm keeping my end of the bargain Al-an, and I won't allow you to hurt them!" Robin snapped defiantly meeting her architect's furious leer.
"You are a fool to trust them!" Al-an hisses, the crimson blanching into a pale neutral hue, still he blocked her path wih his larger vessel, unwilling to relent until she complied to his demand.
Something that was not about to fucking happen…
"Guys…w-we should finish this conversation back on the ship…we have what we need.." Ryley tried desperatly to defuse the situation by wedging himself inbetween them, but his reckless effort only resulted in her growling architect easily shoving the hermit away from them..
She wasn't being fair to either of them, Robin knew this but..she did what she had to, it was the best for everyone, and hopefully they will come to understand that too…
But for now Al-an needed to be placated before her precursor become irrational.
"Look i know your angry, trust me, it looks bad but.."
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searsage · 21 days
AL-AN?! AL-AN! Come on wake up!"
Robin desperately tried to rouse him and d yet her architect was unresponsive the lights along his vessel smited, and yet insinctually Robin recognised her companion wasn't dead…
Had exhustion finally won out?!
A screech has the resercher cutting her eyes towards the dark wooda around her, adrenalin deafening her ears as she set to work grabbing his leg and dragging it from the water, moving his vessel was not a romately plausible option.
When the precursor was actively resting his vessel became deadweight far too heavy for a human to possibly lift..
Al-an had once insisted that in such a situtation he fully expected her to abandon him there and find shelter, a suggestion the panicked researcher found utterly obscene!
Again she tries to yank him from the shore only manages to lift his back leg before her muscles scream in pained exhaustion.
Around her the forest was alive, more alive then she had ever heard the dead world…
Chittering and hisses, the impossibly load rustle of grass, things were still alive out there and yet Robin doubted they belonged to the gentle world her architect had helped create.
It wouldn't be long before they found her, but how could he just expect her to leave him like this?!
Time had little grip on precursor's but she had seen their mortality laid bare, and there was no way in hell she was leaving Al-an to die out here!
Suddenly a chilling cry rose above the forest, drowning out the Symphony of life.
Then and there Robin decided.
She was going to have to bury him…
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searsage · 2 years
"Sometimes i wonder why i don't tune you out more often.."
"Shut up you adore me!" Robin jeered
She was thankful when Al-an caught her as she stumbled again, lifting her from her unstable feet easily to carry her bridal style as he made his way back through the teal undergrowth, he seemed to be deep in thought, she almost assumed he hadn't heard her or was too ensnared in his own mind to answer her, but when he did the admission was tentative, almost hesitantly shy..
"Hmm…I suppose you would be correct in that assessment…"
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searsage · 1 year
Chapters: 10/15 Fandom: Subnautica (Video Game), Subnautica: Below Zero - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Al-An/Robin Ayou, Al-An & Robin Ayou, Al-an & Ryley Robinson Characters: Robin Ayou, Al-An (Subnautica), Ryley Robinson, Architects | Precursors (Subnautica) Additional Tags: Romance, Drama & Romance, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Alien Cultural Differences, Awkward Flirting, Fluff and Humor, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Infection, Action/Adventure, Space Exploration, Al-an is a angsty flashlight, Ryley is ..vary confused, Robin needs a drink, Someone looses some digits..., New Planet, Ryley is a walking cockblock and doesn't know it., Al-an isn't amused., Drones have it out for Ryley, Ryley is kinda of whipped, Robin gets thrown..for the second time, Panic Attacks, Al-an riles himself up and need to take a time out Series: Part 3 of A Splash Across a Pale Sky Summary:
After Al-an's failed attempt to initiate warp drive, and rejection of consciouses's aid at Robin's behest the team is forced to set their sights on a distant planet Al-an claims to be the homeworld of a fickle alien species they once called allies.
Meanwhile Ryley struggles to fit in with a enigmatic resercher and her apathic alien companion, all the while trying to figure out just what it is they are keeping from him..
The crew soon finds its best to come clean and wear their ambitions on their sleeves, trust their fellow crewmates. It may very well save their lives.
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searsage · 8 months
Chapters: 14/17 Fandom: Subnautica (Video Game), Subnautica: Below Zero - Fandom Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Al-An/Robin Ayou, Al-An & Robin Ayou, Al-An & Ryley Robinson Characters: Robin Ayou, Al-An (Subnautica), Ryley Robinson, Architects | Precursors (Subnautica) Additional Tags: Romance, Drama & Romance, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Alien Cultural Differences, Awkward Flirting, Fluff and Humor, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Infection, Action/Adventure, Space Exploration, Al-an is a angsty flashlight, Ryley is ..vary confused, Robin needs a drink, Someone looses some digits..., Ryley is a walking cockblock and doesn't know it., Al-an isn't amused., Drones have it out for Ryley, Ryley is kinda of whipped, Robin gets thrown..for the second time, Panic Attacks, Al-an riles himself up and need to take a time out, Other alien species - Freeform Series: Part 3 of A Splash Across a Pale Sky Summary:
After Al-an's failed attempt to initiate warp drive, and rejection of consciouses's aid at Robin's behest the team is forced to set their sights on a distant planet Al-an claims to be the homeworld of a fickle alien species they once called allies.
Meanwhile Ryley struggles to fit in with a enigmatic resercher and her apathic alien companion, all the while trying to figure out just what it is they are keeping from him..
The crew soon finds its best to come clean and wear their ambitions on their sleeves, trust their fellow crewmates. It may very well save their lives.
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searsage · 1 year
"You can't keep her in space her whole life! That might work for you aliens but Robins human!"
"Robin's current species has little sway in our active obligations, Robin will stay with me, that is how it will stay, you however will be eligible to reenter the human settlements after purification."
"Im not going anywere without her."
"You will leave when you no longer pose a threat to the world around you, this choice is not in your control."
"I don't get it, What Is your attachment to her? why won't you let her go?!" Ryley snapped furiously.
"Robin will stay with me, because that is what we wish, your intrusive interests regarding our bond are swiftly becoming problematic Ryley, your focus would be best utilized on completing the reactor…" the architect suddenly hissed, coils of red tainting the sea of colours coursing through his almost mechanical body
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searsage · 1 month
⭐️ for the directors cut ask game
While Marighettis is near perfect to my intent there was alot of stuff that needed altering, mainly alot of the animosity was culled from Ryley and Al-an's relationship dynamic and while the two still bud heads (especially in the later chaps) its no where near as bad as it orginally was.
As for the planet, I had little time to emphasizie the fact that the planet scenery itself was HEAVILY based off Tibet!
And as for the Elisskat species they were essentially 'split' into two seperate races with conflicting natures.
Raahs was supposed to be rampent and attack Ryley but for context sake this was changed into another.
They were only supposed to witness the precursors death. But i didn't like how dark it was getting (and my sibling yelled at me so)
All in all, im happy with the current direction of the fic, i just wish i had more time to detail nonsensical stuff like dean koonts does to paint his world lol.
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searsage · 2 years
Ryley's eyes widened in realization as he watched the architect's unoccupied claw rise up under the researchers black shirt shirt to press against the ebony skin beneath and slide up with obvious intent, it's other claws sliding down to dig into the flesh of her thigh, spreading her legs apart as it pressed closer to his friend.
What..was he watching…
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