#Margaret woods
narabea06 · 1 month
Hello hello, would it be okay to ask for some Liu headcanons? He’s just a tired man and I love him lol @killerlittlerejects
Of course! I love Liu as a character
Homicidal Liu Headcanons -
TW: Abuse, Religious Trauma, Talk of Hospitals, Murder
Liu is genderfluid and bisexual, and goes by any pronouns.
Margaret and Peter were very controlling over Liu and Jeff as they saw both of them as just extensions of themselves. They did not exactly view either of them as actual people, as their actual kids, and constantly dehumanized them and abused them. They only really cared about them when Liu and Jeff were ruining their reputation in their community, and rarely would say "I love you" to them.
He grew up in a strict Christian household, and now has some religious trauma from how strict their parents were about their practices.
Liu is 4 years older than Jeff, and was a senior when Jeff was a freshman.
Jane and Liu's hospital rooms after the incidents were directly next to each other, with Jane showing up only a week after Liu did. Once Liu was well enough to walk, he went over to Jane's room and sat with Mary as they waited for Jane to wake up from her coma.
The Woods family fortune was partially signed over to Liu after the incident due to the only serving relatives to them being Jeff and Liu. It wasn't a giant sum of money but Liu proceeded to use this money for the motels he and the girls stayed in, as well as helping get Mary's cottage in the woods built, serving as the only sense of home the three had left.
Jane, Liu, and Mary were all staying at a motel while in hiding after running away from the hospital, Liu using what was left of the money left to him after his family's deaths to pay for the rooms. They all shared a room, with Jane and Mary sharing a bed.
Jane and Mary never wanted to turn on the TV in the motel room due to them both being scared to see their parents' faces again on a news channel, so Liu often put the responsibility on himself to watch the news to check what was going on and see how his brother was.
Jeff and Liu reunited when Jeff showed up in front of Liu, Jane, and Mary's motel room in the dead of night. Liu was trying to go out to take a walk, only to open the door to Jeff who was standing outside just about to knock on the door. Liu immediately shut the motel room so Jane and Mary didn't see Jeff, before just staring at Jeff stunned. Jeff tried to talk to Liu to explain himself, but Liu just immediately hugged him, telling him to shut up for a second. The two talked for awhile outside, mostly with Liu just baffled his brother was alive, and Jeff talking about what happened. When asked what was next, Jeff told Liu that he and Nina had been looking for them for months and were wanting them all to run away together. Liu, conflicted, wasn't sure how to react but was spared a response when they heard police sirens. Jeff left, and from then on, Liu was on-and-off in contact with him behind Jane and Mary's back.
After Liu reunited with Jeff, Jane and Mary saw on the news that there was a spotting of Jeff near their area the night before. In fear that Jeff was trying to find them (which he was), the three started constantly jumping towns until they had a decent plan.
They're in a group called The Alliance. The Alliance includes Jane, Mary, himself, and later on, Nina. Liu is technically a spy to make sure Jeff doesn't actually die, but at the same time he is close friends with the three of them and hates that he knows he'll have to betray them at one point.
His relationship with Jeff is pretty strained since Liu wants to forgive him for what he did, but since Liu is still close with Jane and Nina, Liu doesn't know what he should do. It's a situation where he forgives what Jeff did to him, but realizes Jeff hurt people he cares about and Liu doesn't know if he should be allowed to forgive him
Liu has insomnia because he gets very paranoid that someone is going to kill him in his sleep, or that he will wake up to find the people he cares about dead.
Sully isn't a "bad alter" and isn't the reason Liu became a killer, that was just Liu. Sully is just a protector doing his job and protecting the body from people he doesn't trust, one of them being Jeff.
Sully named himself after Sully from Monsters Inc. and now neither anybody in Liu's system or Jeff will let him live it down.
The system as a whole is very split about their opinions on Jeff. Some of them, like Sully, believe that Jeff is a bad person and is a threat to the body and they shouldn't be helping them. Others, like Liu, argue that Jeff is their brother and that Jeff is just hurt and can get better, and that Jeff isn't going to be stable enough for them to leave alone.
There are many many other alters in Liu’s system, and most don't even have names yet. Liu was never able to get any treatment for his DID to try and work things out a bit for a long while, until Ann helped him out, so the headspace is a bit of a mess.
Liu actually got his signature weapon from his first kill, a cop who pointed his weapon at Mary at a gas station where the two are stopped at to get snacks in-between skipping towns again. Liu tackled the cop from behind, wrestling the gun from him before shooting him in a panic. He was absolutely stunned at first, and was so disoriented to the point where Mary had to drag him outside and drive their car away herself.
Liu is currently in a relationship with Eyeless Jack.
Liu taught Jeff how to skateboard, and would often take him to the skate park to practice. Sometimes they would even meet Natalie and Nina down there, considering Natalie had a dirt bike, and Nina rollerblades.
Liu took guitar classes in highschool as an elective.
Liu is an amazing driver, and practically never panics behind the wheel, but since the other alters are not as great at driving, they will panic and will pull over pretty quick after starting. They sometimes will pull Liu to the front by playing "I Never Told You What I Do for a Living" by MCR to get him to drive instead.
Liu loves Supernatural and used to watch it with Jeff a lot, and even has a Dean fictive.
Liu is very protective over Nina, and cares a lot about her platonically, and almost sees her as a little sister.
Liu's favorite animals are foxes.
Liu never got to stim growing up due to being undiagnosed for ADHD, but loves shaking medicine bottles and dice bags.
Liu is very photogenic without meaning to be, but still often never takes photos of himself because he doesn't like how his scars make him look.
Liu taps his fingers on tables a lot when he's stressed or deep in thought.
Jane considers Liu to be the closest thing to a best friend to her, and opens up to him a lot about her worries and stresses.
She officiated Jane and Mary's wedding.
Liu sometimes will tell Jack about how he wished he met him earlier in life, and how he wouldn't have hesitated to run away from his family with Jeff if he knew there was someone out there who would be as caring as Jack always is to him.
Liu is dead silent when he does actually get sleep and will not move, and will even breathe so quietly that Jack used to get worried he was dead when he slept.
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school-trip-comic · 2 years
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refs part 1!!!
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kazooiesart · 2 years
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new refs!!
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cabby-cat · 1 year
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indie game protags
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sus-crisp · 11 months
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Left is recent, right is old-old
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More from the depths of my gallery soon, motivated-ish!
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exhaustedwerewolf · 1 year
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not to be reproduced, rené magritte (1937) // the book of disquiet, fernando pessoa (1961) // the robber bride, margaret atwood (1993) // the poetry of hostile witnesses: interview with james hall, richard siken (2006) // seventeen less one, michelangelo pistoletto (2008) // es, crying (2013) // we shall not overcome, frank turner (2013) // three, sleeping at last (2018) // white noise, will wood (2022)
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earlymodernbarbie · 9 days
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Queen Catherine of Aragon on a Game Draught by Hans Kels (1535). This drought is part of a set including figures such as Margaret of Austria, Louise of Savoy and Francis I. Henry VIII is not included.
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displayheartcode · 7 months
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Once upon a time, there was a girl cold as winter, greedy as a king, lonely as an orphan. She was a liar, a thief, and a wicked maid, who stole from the family that took her in and threw her lady mistress to the wolves. She did what it took to survive, and would not martyr herself for anyone.
little thieves by margaret owen
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llovelymoonn · 6 months
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margaret atwood old babes in the wood
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I had a dream last night that while Margaret, BJ, Hawkeye, Father Mulcahy, and my OC Della we’re all chatting in one of the tents, there was a burst of light and Hawkeye and Father Mulcahy were turned into babies. Hawkeye seemed pretty happy but baby Mulcahy wanted nothing to do with BJ and was really upset. Like a baby that you can’t put down. Meanwhile Hawkeye is sticking everything in his mouth while Margaret chases him around like “nO!” Also I think it have poor Radar a heart attack. It was… actually very entertaining.
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plutonace · 11 months
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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you sit here with your father and get to know one another now
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uwmspeccoll · 8 months
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It’s Fine Press Friday!
Today’s fine press book is another from the collection of our late friend Dennis Bayuzick, entitled Manhattan. The book consists of poems by Amy Clampitt (1920-1994) with wood engravings by Margaret Sunday. Each poem references varying observations and places in Manhattan, accompanied by woodcuts created by Sunday. At first glance, these engravings seem simply to be abstracted lines, but it becomes obvious that they are illustrations of the surroundings in Clampitt's poems. Subway maps, construction equipment, and housing can all be seen in Sunday’s woodcuts.
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Manhattan was printed by Kim Merker and Don Howell for the University of Iowa Center for the Book in an edition of 130 copies on Rives Heavy mouldmade paper. The type is handset 18pt Monotype Van Dijck. Poems were previously published in a variety of periodicals including Antaeus, Chelsea, and the Christian Scientist Monitor.
View other books from the collection of Dennis Bayuzick.
View more Fine Press Friday Posts.
– Sarah S., Special Collections Graduate Intern
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dye-ann · 3 months
My work for the Wonderful x Strange Twin Peaks exchange for @valentinsylve!
If you've ever wanted to read a story about the Log, the trees, and wood under all its form as it intersects with the locals' life, well...this is your chance. The thrush even has a cameo.
As always, thank you so much to @countdowntotwinpeaks for organizing all this: I'm having a tremendous time and I'm so grateful for all you did for this community! <3
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