massgrav · 2 months
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A dead, empty stare into the ruins of my world A world I have already left, so many years ago
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feykrorovaan · 2 months
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I told Google to tell me a Dragon Age fun fact. 😭
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fthechantry · 1 year
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Decided to draw Dorian as a blood mage. 🤷🏼
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For vk-friend~
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the-cryptographer · 7 days
I know Xenon and the Black Emporium are really just there as a delivery service for DLC exclusive items, but ngl would pay for in character reactions to them.
Fenris getting dragged into this place and making hostile comments about evil necromancers and their magical antique dealing being a curse on society. And then Hawke buys Fenris a pickled apple of Arlathan and Fenris is like 'nevermind. we can't risk getting kicked out of the only decent place to eat in this barbaric shithole of a city.'
Cassandra visiting the Emporium during the events of DAI like 'we have to arrest this maleficar' and Varric being like 'whoa! Seeker!' and spinning some tale about how Xenon is just a poor farmer under a terrible curse and definitely not someone who tried to use suspect blood magicks to make himself immortal on purpose, haha. and by the end of it Cassandra like 'this poor man, uwu 🥺'
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pillowprincessvarric · 10 months
By the time act 3 rolls around I'm pretty sure that the Adrian & Fenris friendship is maintained almost entirely by the sheer force of Fenris' ability to soothe cognitive dissonance via doublethink.
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milesmentis · 6 months
top 5 things about Jowan that make you smile
"Send me an ask for my Top 5 anything"
His voice: Apparently I'm in the minority on this but I positively adore Desmond Askew's voice and find it very soothing to listen to. The number one reason I played ESO (aside from hanging out with Daisy) was the fact that he voiced like half the male dunmer
The way he makes fun of the Chantry: Jowan is easy to push around and traumatized as heck, but the biting sarcasm that he reserves for talking about the Chantry is delicious. He's so bitter about his lot in life, but does a good job of hiding it. It only comes out in little bits and pieces with someone he can confide in (like the player). Also his "The sun grows dark, but Lo! Here comes the Dawn" quip always makes me giggle
His potential for growth: even without the companion arc he was intended to have (yes, I will die bitter about this), the way he changes between the Circle and the Arl of Redcliffe is telling. He admits his faults, expresses his regrets about Lily and the player, and offers to make amends. If you send him into the Fade, he resists the demon - proving that he DID have the strength to pass the Harrowing all along. And in the end ... he accepts whatever fate you decide: Death or Tranquility ... his greatest fears and faces them with courage. Of course I would never choose either, so he is either recruited into my party (thank you mods!) or off protecting commoners as an apostate. "Master Levyn" my love
Being a Warden: because if the game won't give me Warden Jowan content, I'll just make it myself! Joining the wardens makes so much sense for him! Blood magic isn't outlawed there ... in fact it's respected and studied. I like to think from time to time about Jowan, a decade or two older, studying Avernus/the Architect (either in person or using their notes) and doing intense research into anatomy, surgery, blood magic, Blight, and the way they all interact to become an INCREDIBLY accomplished physician. Someone who has the respect of his colleagues ... a sense of purpose ... confidence ... yeah ...
His parallels with Morrigan: so I am down bad for Morrigan/Jowan, there is simply no denying it. I like the idea of Morrigan/Amell, and I can see a relationship with Jowan hitting a lot of the same beats. She mocks him, pressures him, scoffs and derides him ... but also takes time to teach him skills that the Circle never would. And although she would never admit it, she eventually opens up to his softness instead of having a knee-jerk reaction to his "weakness". Basically I could see them being really good for each other in the long run and doing a great job raising Keiran together
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daisymeade · 1 year
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Reposting my Jowan moodboard because he deserves it. 🥰
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fergus-cousland · 5 months
trying to work out what, exactly, is Gwydion's status re: apostasy
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s1ithers · 2 years
never did settle 100% on a canon worldstate for da:o or have a warden really gel to the same level hawke did, but coming back it's been hard to detach from playing amell
putting my dwarf girl thru her daily affirmations
—i am barely aware of what blood magic is but it sounds bad 😞👍 —the human chantry does not invoke my fight response ✅ —i do not know anyone named Jowan ❌💀
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man. i've always loved the orphanage as one of dao's creepiest places, but ngl i have not properly registered it as an Actual Thing That Happened until now.
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baelavelaryon · 5 months
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getting radicalized by a pride demon asmr
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pinayelf · 1 year
my fave thing about amihan/nate howe is that nate is so absolutely chill about amihan being a blood mage lol
amihan: they're right you know. I'm a maleficar
nate: cool 😁! love you 😚❤️
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massgrav · 2 years
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Done some months ago... Uldred’s outfits at different times.
Right to left : “Enchanter” (plain black Circle robe with shawl)
“Mr Doctor” (vintage medical coat, black leather apron, mask and elbow-high gloves)
“Kinloch’s Horror” (post-canon outfit, ankle-long, bone-tight plain black dress)
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luckyspacerabbit · 2 years
UH UMMMM 24, 31, 37 annnd 50 for my fav little lady on the citadel Dan Hyun :3c
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Dan Hyun☄
﹝24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with?﹞
For advice: Honestly she’ll take advice from anyone and everyone! She’s a very open learner who has a lot of faith in the words of others. She draws inspiration and guidance from people's experiences, picking them apart like a puzzle and internalizing them till she's a puzzle compilation of wisdom from everyone she meets.
For comfort: Tali’Zorah. Tali always has the right stories, the right ideas about the future. They've been friends for so long she knows she can be truly herself with Tali and not risk looking weak in front of more cynical souls. From the day to day, to something as stupid as "did you see that editorial on Matriarch Ilona?" Tali has her back.
For gossip: Mordin/Wrex: It’s always the unlikeliest. Mordin is the provider of gossip, with a little bit of clever weaseling and well placed gasps. Wrex is a fantastic audience. He’s always all “Who gives a damn Shepard just do the job” but if she doesn’t give an update on her investigation into who was actually crying over Fleet and Flotilla he’s just a little more annoyed than he should be. Dan Hyun is a self proclaimed gossip fairy.
﹝31. Who can always make them laugh?﹞
Thane. He won’t show them to just anyone but his ability to do impressions of others always sends her in hysterics. Sam is a close second— their geeky rants and mutters have them running like hamsters as they spin off of one another’s jokes.
﹝37. Got any bad habits?﹞
Picking at her lips, which is why she tends to overuse lip balm/gloss.
﹝50. Is your Shepard indoctrinated?﹞
Answered Here
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rustic-obsessive · 1 year
Alistair telling Wynne how Morrigan is a maleficar and dangerous and she's going to hurt Nera
Nera, literally only 5 feet away:
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