ponku-po · 10 months
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Starlight Glimmer - MAjoy
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majo-yyy · 2 years
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uh,,, hello It's been a while since I posted anything here, right, nothing more fair than me coming back with a post about my hyperfixation i guess so IT’S DESI!RAVEN TIME! (long post sorry) After all, for Raven have Indian descent it is necessary for at least one of her parents to be, and as her father is a literal four-eyed red intergalactic demon, this role is left for our dear Arella! Congratulations honey!  💘 I've been picturing Arella with a darker skin tone, like people from southern India. Black hair, of course, but much curlier than her daughter's. and blue eyes, like the character has in the comics. I liked this composition that I got here. I tried to give mother and daughter the same gaze. I won't go further that part too much now, but in my HC, Azarath is also a dimension initially formed by a group of desi culture that changed over time, but the bases remain the same (that's why Raven is so familiar with the culture even without having been on earth before meeting the titans), thinking about it, i decided to find a middle ground between arella's headpiece and a matha patti, but in the end it was just a poorly made matha patti because by then i was tired of drawing. I swear that when I make an "official" drawing I'll work on it more
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As for Raven, I wanted to make her skin lighter and paler than her mother's. Lighter cause technically Raven is mixed, the human form Trigon used during her conception was that of a white caucasian male, so it makes sense for her to have lighter skin (or am I making this up?) 
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ugly ass bitch And paler because this girl has never seen a ray of sunshine in her life, she stays all day locked in her room meditating. So I put a grayish pallor in a light brown tone (but none of that horrible gray skin from the current cartoon and comics, please, I have good taste) I was going to make her eyes blue like Arella's, but I'm very attached to the lilac-eyed Raven, it suits her so much! Two things the post-TNTT comics gave her that I can't let go of: her eyes and those little horns on her eyebrows. Ok, I think that's all I had to say, this drawing I did just to test the skin tones, so it's not that pretty, but I liked the final result and I enjoyed doing it, I discovered a cool way to paint skin! :) Thoughts? opinions? Claims? You can send! I love reading your comments, I keep going to each blog to see the tags you put in  🤭🤭🤭 And I was very happy to see that some real desi people liked the drawing! Means a lot to me! If I am ever disrespectful, please correct me. I'm just an admirer of the culture and I try to research as much as possible before posting anything, but if I happen to offend someone, let me know. Byee, see y’all in the next six months probaly lol 
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nofatclips · 3 months
Someday You'll Have This Too by Diamondstein from the album Reflecting on a Dying Man - Video by Diamondstein & Nico Poalillo
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plummarvelous · 3 days
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я не придумала подпись к арту и диалог сероволков...просто включите пирокинезис - время вернуться назад
telegram / twitter
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athletic-collection · 8 months
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Matt Majoy
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jasvvy · 1 year
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Marcel Worms & Ursula Schoch release CD ‘Female Composers from the Netherlands’
‘Things may change’ was the motto of the 17th-century Dutch poet Brederode. It roughly means that everything is fluid, so that even a common view can turn into its opposite. The latter feeling has crept up on me in recent years: female composers were ignored for centuries, but are these days suddenly basking in overwhelming attention. What particularly bothers me is that in the process their…
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artistaforever · 6 months
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nataliliv · 1 month
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Majoy picnic
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anxiouscr0w · 4 months
Emotional Support Staff Chapter 8 - Assignments and Endoskeletons
Summary for this chapter!: You meet with a peer from College for an assignment, only to find out she worked a similar position to you years ago. You spend the whole shift at the Pizzaplex with Moon, trying to constantly out-menace eachother. You try asking the lunar animatronic about his position as the Naptime Attendant, and it goes as poorly as you'd expect... You have an anxiety-riddled video call with Management and you believe your job to be on the line...
Notes for this chapter:
Hello! Welcome back for chapter 8! This chapter took a while and is currently the longest, it's Moon-centric, but the next will be... well, you'll see :) I'm also working on a drabble ot be posted seperately after Chapter 9 (cough cough my asks are open on my Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/anxiouscr0w 👀)
There aren't many warnings for this chapter - A few close calls/slightly threatening behaviour from Moon, and a bit of anxiety and feelings of sickness
Enjoy!! (Also majoy love to people who have commented and sent me nice words you lot single-handedly fueled this 10k word chapter, love yall <3)
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entomjinx · 5 months
Hello all! This post has links to everything I made in 2023!
Happy new year and may 2024 bring more One Piece content <3
Also if you remember the poll where I was writing 250 words for every vote (105 votes+ one extra vote from the comments(106 total) = 26,500 words), then you'll be happy to know that I've written more than that for only 5/8 fics, though one remains unposted because Surprise! It's for a zine! The others I plan to finish this year, and I have 3/5 of the drawing requests done. They'll be posted all together soonish I hope. lmao
One Piece Fanfics:
A Mother's Love Doesn't Come From Blood (Luffy & Makino gen, AILAIF series part 1/14)
Banned Games and Beginner's Luck (Whitebeard Pirates gen)
I Won't Tell (Law/Luffy)
Rosemary By The Roadside CH1 (Law/Luffy)
Smoked Lungs (Law/Sanji)
Wishing To Be Wanted (Ace & Sabo & Luffy gen, AILAIF series part 2/14)
Oh-Ho The Mistletoe (Shanks/Beckmann)
One Piece Theories/Analysis/Metas/Ramblings/headcanon lists:
Entomology Majoy Luffy short
Strawhat Polycule + Vivi and Law
Luffy's Perception of Love (Version with the Lawlu add-on)
Nika and Luffy Seperate entity AU thing
Uta Analysis (why she's not a Mary-Sue)
One Piece Fanarts:
Sanji Birthday doodle
ASUL sketch
Sabo Birthday doodle
100 followers on twitter Luffy
Gear 5 Graduation Cap art Bad scratchboard memes
Luffy Selective Mutism vent piece (Ink)
Happy Birthday Corazon art
Uta Color study
Lawlu art I didwhile the internet was out
Original art:
Scratchboard bullshit 1, 2, and 3
And with that, my 2023 content comes to an end. If you made it all the way to the bottom of this post, then eat something, drink something, take your meds, and get some rest. I love you! Take care of yourselves!
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universal-ren-kin · 30 days
I'm settling in to my painkiller and I wanna ask the current Gundam Wing fandom a question about a pairing I've gotten into.
Zechs and Heero.
In a scenario where everything is consensual, aged up to legal, and not forced by the writer, do you think it's possible for these two to shack up or not and why?
I'm pro 6x1 because, much like 5x6, they have a majoy thing in common and that's Treize. At one point they both tried to kill the man but also they both held a deep respect for him (seriously, Heero had to trust Treize even somewhat to get anywhere near the Epyon, otherwise he would have junked her as a trap, perfect weapon or not). On top of that, Zechs and Heero have fought each other numerous times under numerous circumstances with both emerging the victor depending on the scenario.
I could definitely see them getting to know each other better after the war and possibly developing a relationship.
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majo-yyy · 2 years
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guys i think i'm no longer an realistic drawing hater
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nofatclips · 10 days
2nd Floor Studio by Diamondstein (featuring Jamie Thompson) from the album Reflecting on a Dying Man
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libroseitm · 5 months
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Part 3 of Libby re-does their majoy arcana tarot pack. Go here for a bit o' cotenxt if needed [x]
I'm SO proud of this! As you can see, I didn't entirely re-do it but I much prefer the clouds and the sunset that I've done this time. I think it suite the style of the characters way more.
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streaminn · 1 year
enid leave first
she can't bear the sight of sin and wednesday together, so she starts pulling away
and, at first, wednesday doesn't notice. she's too enamored with her new lover. but when she finds herself looking for one specific pair of blue eyes, it clicks; where's enid?
no one knows
she's deactivated her socials and phone number. and has long since moved away. the only reason people even know she's alive is because she still occasionally does a stream, but those are very few and far in between.
wednesday tries to track her down, but enid's picked up a few tricks from her over the years. it's like a game of cat and mouse.
it goes on for years and it's the breaking point for sin. they cant keep watching this over and they've already given up on finding their twin but wednesday hasn't. it's her new obsession.
eventually, wednesday does find enid. Or rather, her ressting place. the tombstone is marked enid sinclair. no death date or even birth date. just the name and a quote that would follow wednesday for the rest of her days
enid deteriorated from being so far and absent from her mate's life. yes, sin felt the pull towards wednesday too, but it was only an echo. that's why they're still alive and well, despite telling wednesday before that they were mates
and now wednesday visits a lone grave, with the etched words echoing in her head.
"You can't imagine the love it took to leave you,"
Dang cynadquil u gotta chill with the angst, I didn't expect the majoy character death
Tho, it does make me question who buried Enid if she's dead? 🤔
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