stealyoursweetrolls · 1 month
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Baelin, my Reachfolk Werewolf Harbinger: Uh, yeah kind of, actually
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TES GILF Poll Round 1
We've had Sexymen, we may be getting sexywomen soon, so how about crowning the Elder Scrolls' No. 1 GILF?
Many thanks to @elavoria for providing me with a large variety of Morrowind and Oblivion elderly to choose from. All characters are chosen at their oldest age.
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archangelsunited · 9 months
12, 13, 16!
Choose Violence Ask Game (Skyrim edition? Rolling the dice on this one. I am so sorry if this was meant as a star wars ask)
12.) The unpopular character I like and why more people should like them.
I think I can like any character enough, if they are written well. In my own works, I've had push back on Harkon and Madanach, so let me talk about my violent love affair with political nightmares. As with most things Skyrim, this is conjecture.
Harkon fascinates me, because he is an itty-bitty part of a vast daedric game that has been going on since the daedra have been in play. And he's been mostly silent player- while he was able to gather at least two elder scrolls. He's lord over the vampires, which means he's got to manage a large swathe of area, while being hamstrung for half the day. And I think he's good at it. I think he sends the right people to do the right job. He has the two ambitious members of his court fighting each other, and the competent members overseeing areas- where do we need eyes, where has something gone wrong. I think he looks at problems and finds solutions. I also enjoy the fact he has a terrible family life and that opens so many doors. He's also in a weird place historically. He's a funky little dude. He turns into a smurf (dm whoever came up with that, because it was hilarious) . He's evil, he's good at his job, he's nigh on indestructible. What's a funner villian to play with? Alduin? He couldn't last past the Merethic Era. Miraak? You either play the game of daedra or die. He ended up imprisoned for four thousand years. Please.
Madanach: From a purely democratic standpoint, the Reach already belongs to the Reachmen. They have the majority of settlements- and it looks like theirs are more populated. So any commentary on the rights of Ignmund or the Silver-Bloods being the proper rulers is, to me, null and void. Every single job you take in the Reach involves killing Reachmen. (Not including Peyite's quest and the Dragon roosts) Your job, as a mercenary, is to kill Reachmen. The guards job, it seems, is to kill Reachmen. The Jarl has decided, when he is giving the jobs, that his duty, is to kill Reachmen. Please consider this to be a sign that the Reachmen are being hunted and systematically killed. I understand a player could be offended that they shot the almighty dragonborn with their arrows (which are worse than iron arrows), but if an armed stranger was coming near my settlement with a weapon I would assume (I hope this isn't out of left field for anyone) that they were coming to kill Reachmen. So, Madanach, little cockroach that he is, survives the systematic killing long enough to take over Markarth. Then he waits in a dungeon for /over a decade/ and both handles the busybody Silverbloods and his fight for the rightful rule of the Reach. He holds onto hope for /over a decade/. I would have given up much sooner. Also, I think his speeches are really good, and that he seems like the sort of verbose person who you never wonder what they are feeling. This delights me.
13.) Worst Blorboficiation
Who to offend.... Who to offend...... Honestly, probably Farkas. (this does not apply to @elfinismsarts, whose fic makes me love Farkas in a way I did not know I could) Very sweet man- also ripped several people to shreds in front of you and sends you to go hunt vampires on your own for 100. 100. It doesn't matter if you are level one or level ninety. That is highway robbery.
16.) I can't understand why so many people like this thing
Aetherium questline. Just. All of it.
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madam-whim · 2 years
Rienn and Vilkas with bear hugs from the intimacy prompts? 😳
I'm so sorry that it took me so long to write this, and it's still nowhere near as good as I would have liked, but here it is!! (I'd link the original prompt list but I can't seem to find it anymore either??) __________________
Rienn is shaking like a leaf by the time she manages to crawl into a small space between two rocks, where the stone and a bush that is more thorns than anything else provide at least some semblance of cover. Enough to hide her shape in the dark, at least, and perhaps it will offer some protection from the wind as well. She knows she’s not made to withstand the cold that Skyrim’s nights bring, not without the right clothing at least – she’s known this ever since the night Farkas found her shivering under the Gildergreen and dragged her back to Jorrvaskr despite her protests.
Right now though, she doesn’t have much of a choice. She cannot afford to be found, not after escaping from Cidhna mine with a group of Forsworn. There are so many reasons why she has to remain hidden for now, and then look for a way to get out of the city without being noticed. She can’t use the Thu’um like this, can’t risk revealing herself while she’s without her mask and wearing a prisoner’s clothes. And besides, her mind is still reeling from all that she’s learned while in that mine. It’ll take a while for her to come to terms with it, she thinks, and in the meantime, she doesn’t want to risk being pulled into another conflict that is not yet hers.
Maybe it was a mistake, slipping away from Madanach and his friends instead of following them out of the city. She would not be stuck at least. But then again, she has no guarantee that she would have been free to leave after getting out of Markarth. But if she is to seek out Madanach again, she wants it to be on her own terms – if she is truly of the Reach as he says, he will have to respect her wishes on that.
She loses track of time after a while, though she assumes that the sun won’t come up for some hours yet. It has started to rain at some point, and by now her clothes, already ragged to begin with, are soaked through. There still hasn’t been an opportunity to slip out of the city or at least back to the inn, the guards are too vigilant still, and for all Rienn knows, they might be looking for her as well – perhaps the surviving Silver-Blood brother’s already put a price on her head. For the time being, the glow of a torch means danger, and every time she sees it, she tries to press herself further back into the shadows, hoping it will be enough.
She counts the torches as a means to keep herself busy and awake – can’t afford to fall asleep, not now, no matter how tired she is. The guards always move in the same pattern, and soon their rounds become predictable. At least Rienn thinks that’s why, when someone deviates from the pattern, she notices it immediately. They come closer to her hiding place than all the other guards, and for a moment, fear settles like a horrible weight in her stomach – just until she realizes that these two are not guards at all, but her friends.
They look angry, Rienn realizes. They’re not close enough for her to see their faces, but she’s known the twins long enough to understand their body language. When Vilkas is angry, he carries himself like he’s about to strike at any moment, and right now, he looks downright dangerous. With Farkas, it’s harder to tell, but even he seems tense, his hands twitching as if he’s preparing to reach for his blade.
Rienn wonders if they are looking for her, but it doesn’t seem like it – instead, they are moving towards the mine at a brisk pace, though she has no idea what they would want there. Surely word has already spread to the inn. They must know that no prisoners remain inside Cidhna mine. Still, them being here might turn out to be her only chance to get back to them. She has no idea whether another opportunity like this might present itself anytime soon. She has to reach them, but there is also a guard approaching, and while he’d usually make a turn to the left and not even pass her, if she moved out of her hiding spot now, she’d be right in his field of vision. And if that man gets to her before she gets to her friends…
It’s a risk she has to take, and she cannot let herself think of the consequences. In her current attire, she’s easily recognized as a prisoner, and no matter how long she waits, she won’t get to safety without help. It has not be now. With that decision made, she forces herself to stand. Her movements are slower than she’s used to from the cold and from sitting in a crouched position for so long, and she’s got cuts on her feet that haven’t yet had time to heal, but she can’t allow herself to be held back by either of these things. She somehow manages to squeeze her way past the bush, thorns leaving scratches on her bare arms, and back onto the street. A quick glance confirms that the guard, quite possibly having noticed the movement, quickens his pace.
Rienn stops herself from cursing and starts to run.
It’s probably more of a hobble, really, and every step hurts and she knows she could easily trip and fall, but she has to make it, the twins have their backs turned to her now and she can’t let that guard catch up to her before the two Companions notice her. She could have yelled for them at any time, she knows, but that would have drawn more attention to both her and the twins, and even with all three of them, they can’t face the entire city guard, not without her voice. And so she forces herself to run until she’s close enough that they’ll hear her even when she isn’t yelling, and then -
“Vilkas!” She doesn’t know why she calls for him first, but he turns to face her immediately. The torch he’d been holding clatters to the ground, and she barely has the time to see the look on his face, pain and anger morphing into relief, before she’s in his arms. He nearly lifts her off her feet, and she can’t remember ever being held this tightly before. “Thank the Divines, you’re alive,” he mutters, and Rienn finds she can’t do anything but wrap her arms around him in turn. “We thought they’d killed you,” Vilkas continues, and he sounds so pained that it’s almost unsettling. “When you didn’t escape with the other prisoners, I thought, maybe...”
His voice is shaking, even his hands are trembling a little, and Rienn comes to the startling realization that she’s never seen him lose his composure quite like this. He is a far more emotional man than most people assume, but this, she isn’t used to. Then again, he was probably heading towards the mine to look for a body, and she doesn’t want to think about that. “I’m fine, I’m fine, just a little bruised,” she whispers back to him instead, hoping that it might calm him down.
The effect, however, is the exact opposite. His hold on her tightens even further, one hand resting on the back of her head, the other between her shoulder blades. “If those Forsworn harmed you in any way...” he begins to say. Rienn immediately shakes her head, even though he can only sense it as movement against his shoulder. “It wasn’t them,” she sighs, knowing there will be a lot to explain later on. “Please trust me on this. They didn't do anything, most of it’s from the escape, and it’s nothing that a healing potion won’t fix.”
Vilkas doesn’t answer, but keeps holding her as if she’d vanish the moment he let her go. He touches her like she’s fragile, precious. Runs his fingers through her hair as if to comfort her, though she’s not quite certain whether he’s doing it for her, or if it’s to convince himself that she’s really here. She’s too tired to ask him about it, and she doubts she’d ask even if she had the strength for it. She doesn’t think she has any right to ask, so she doesn’t, and simply enjoys being held.
Rienn is vaguely aware of Farkas cheerily telling the guard that it’s in his own best interest to walk awaynow– Farkas can be astoundingly intimidating if he wants to be – and then there’s a blanket being wrapped around her shoulders. She recognizes it as one of those they’ve brought from Whiterun; it smells like home.
“We should leave,” Farkas says after a moment, “Aela’s camp isn’t far from the city, and we don’t want any more guards asking questions.” “The gate guards will, anyway,” Rienn mumbles. “They better not, if they know what’s good for them,” Vilkas replies, then lets go only long enough to completely wrap her up in the blanket and pick her up again. “Wait… what about my things? My mask?” Rienn asks, her voice once again muffled as her head rests against Vilkas’ shoulder. He understands her anyway. “Already with Aela,” he reassures her. “It’s alright, you can rest. Don’t fall asleep though. Too cold for that still.”
Somehow, she finds enough strength for a small nod. It isn’t even really cold anymore, not with the blanket and Vilkas radiating warmth like he always does, but she can do this for him. Even after everything that’s happened between them, he’s always been there for her, and she vows to herself, not for the first time, that she’s always going to be there for him as well, no matter what. Divines, she loves this man… That thought should probably scare her more than it does, she thinks. Perhaps it will, later on. But for now, she allows herself to be carried to safety, knowing that Vilkas is watching over her.
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Okay, here are my current notes on the Markarth Incident. This is more of an evolution of thought rather than a final product, 'kay? 'kay. XOXO
4E 174 – The Empire recalls all Legions from the far corners of the Empire to participate in the final assault against the Aldmeri-held Imperial City. Every town and city not on the frontlines is left with a skeleton garrison. 
The Reachmen of Western Skyrim chooses to capitalize on this movement. The Reachmen populate an area of Western Skyrim, Eastern High Rock, and Northern Hammerfell. Although they appear similar to the Bretons of High Rock, they are wholly distinct, worshipping gods completely detached from those of Breton culture. During the Second Era, they once ruled Cyrodiil as the Longhouse Emperors; in recent history, they have lived subject to other races, primarily the Nords, who rule much of the Reach. More often than not, Reachmen are second-class citizens, though very rarely have they received decent though not preferential treatment from a Nordic Jarl.
When the Empire recalls their Legions, the capital of the Reach, Markarth, is left functionally undefended. A Reachman leader, Madanach, takes this opportunity to seize the city and install a Reachmen government in place of the Nords. Madanach declares himself King of the Reach and succeeds the Reach from Skyrim. Contemporary Imperial documents show that Madanach sent emissaries to Emperor Titus Mede II in an attempt to have the Reach recognized as its own Imperial Province wholly separate from Skyrim. Titus Mede appeared to have taken this into serious consideration, though he was unable to give it his full attention as the Empire was planning their attack on the Imperial City. 
Conflicting reports on the time frame of the Reachman takeover exist. Reports vary between the takeover beginning in Fourth Era 174 and 177 when the conflict was over. Contemporary Imperial and Forsworn documentation claim that Madanach’s rule was relatively stable, saying he was fair to the Nords, his people ousted from power, and allowed them to remain in the city so long as they recognized his government. It is said that live around Markarth continued in the same way as before, though under the Reachmen rather than the Nords. It may be important to note that Nord landholders who “mistreated” their Reachmen servants were put to death. 
The Nordic perspective (as shared by Jarl Igmund in Fourth Era 201) claims that the Reachmen takeover was violent, leading to a chaotic period in which Nords were heavily discriminated against and no civil cooperation between races. 
[Madanach’s version of events MAY be closer to the truth. N.B: During his rule, he seems willing to help a group of dissident Blades in exchange for a favor.]
The White-Gold Concordat is signed 11th of Sun’s Dusk, Fourth Era 175; Surviving veterans of the Battle of the Red Ring return to their homes, including large populations of Nordic legionnaires. Talos worship is outlawed. Talos temples are closed, though many continue to worship him in private. Ulfric Stormcloak takes offense to the banning of Talos worship, viewing it as a central aspect of Nord culture. His father, Hoag, the Jarl of Windhelm and Bear of Eastmarch, does not legalize Talos worship despite Ulfric’s religiosity. It may be that he wishes to avoid a conflict with the Empire. Jarl Hrolfdir of Markath, in exile by Madanach’s government, promises Ulfric and his supporters religious freedom should they take back the Reach from the Reachmen. This is in blatant disregard of the White-Gold Concordat. 
Ulfric leads a militia across Skyrim to the Reach where they took back Markarth. A few Reachmen leaders were imprisoned, though others were killed, along with most of their warriors, though some were driven off into the surrounding wilds. The survivors in exile began to call themselves the Forsworn. They attack Nords and the Empire indiscriminately due to anger and feelings of betrayal.
Most of the Reachmen leaders are killed. However, allegedly at the request of the Silver-Blood family, Madanach is taken prisoner and held in the depths of Cidhna Mine. The Forsworn claim that the Nords, under Jarl Hrolfdir and Ulfric Stormcloak, took back the city through an excess of unnecessary violence, putting to death or imprisoning anyone who had even spoken to Madanach or said his name. It is also said that the family members of those who were deemed to be against the Nords’ rule were imprisoned or killed, even down to young children. Purported Imperial propaganda puts forth that Ulfric himself killed everyone in Markarth who would not join his cause. 
It is true that there was bloodshed and death of innocents during the retaking of Markarth. The factuality of this claim can be traced to those Reachmen who survived the incident, sharing their experiences twenty-five years afterward. 
Jarl Hrolfdir was assassinated during attempted peace talks with the Forsworn after the retaking of Markarth. It may be that the incident only grew violent after this point due to Nordic retaliation. 
Why would Ulfric and Jarl Hrolfdir use that much unnecessary violence and brutality against the Reachmen if they intended to negotiate with them afterward?
Perhaps Igmund instigates the brunt of the violence against the Reachmen following his father’s death.
Jarl Hrolfdir was marked for death by the Dark Brotherhood. It is unknown who performed the Black Sacrament on the Jarl. It is possible someone from outside the conflict placed the contract on Jarl Hrolfdir’s head as a means of sewing chaos between the opposing sides (it could have been Igmund or Raerek [crack theory; maybe the brother was trying to Lion King his way into power and failed miserably? Or one of them opposed making peace with the Reachmen], or perhaps it was the Aldmeri Dominion?). Regardless, the Jarl’s death is the probable instigator for the deaths of many of the Reachman remaining in Markarth. 
The Imperial Legion shows up not long after the city is retaken. They are seemingly thankful that Ulfric’s militia took back the Reach. When Ulfric lets them into the city, he asks that they recognize the free worship of Talos that Jarl Hrolfdir had legalized in the Reach; otherwise, the Legion would be fought off. The Imperial Legate (or general?) present at the time okays Ulfric’s request, effectively breaking the White-Gold Concordat. Again. Not long after, the Thalmor discovered this and took issue with this breach of treaty. They give the Empire an ultimatum: disband Talos worship in the Reach or prepare for the Great War to be renewed. 
Ulfric and his followers are arrested and imprisoned by the Empire as Talos worship is again banned. The Empire must crack down on cases of Talos worship across the province. In consequence of the incident, the Thalmor gain access to Skyrim for their Justiciars through an Embassy. This is allegedly to enforce the terms of the White-Gold Concordat after it had been broken by the Nords in Fourth Era 176/7, but on an underground level, this allows the Thalmor to hunt, capture, and torture suspected Talos worshippers. The coming of the Thalmor Justiciars to Skyrim is technically a domino effect caused by Ulfric’s demand for free and open Talos worship.
Jarl Hrolfdir’s assassination happens during Ulfric and his supporters imprisonment. It may be possible that it was Ulfric OR one of his men who performed the Black Sacrament (though how could they do this while in an Imperial prison? Ulfric had to smuggle out his eulogy for his father’s funeral – what is the Imperial prison smuggling system like? Could any of them have had access to a dead body? Smuggled in or that of a fellow prisoner?). Whoever performed the Black Sacrament on Jarl Hrolfdir is the root cause for the retribution killings of the Reachmen. (Perhaps it was Thonar Silver-Blood?)
Ulfric is an uncooperative asset to the Thalmor, not because he ever cooperated with them in the first place, but because he is the (unintended) reason they have such a strong foothold in Skyrim now. 
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bhalspawn · 5 months
i wish there was more to the forsworn in skyrim than 2 quests and one friendly forsworn location. madanach has 2 lines when you find him in druadach redoubt
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babylonbirdmeat · 5 months
I did not anticipate how much having the Forsworn be my buddies would break Skyrim djdjdj (good broken)
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boethiahsboytoy · 5 months
AU where Hircine adopts Jo'safiir
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thequeenofthewinter · 4 months
Work-in-Progress Wednesday
Writing has been going very slowly as of late, but it’s going.
Tagging some people: @oblivions-dawn @dirty-bosmer @mareenavee @umbracirrus @throughtrialbyfire @archangelsunited @skyrim-forever @rainpebble3 @ladytanithia and any others who want to play along.
“My heart, while your input is valuable to me, I am not sure—”
“Have any of you tried?” She asks as she focuses her gaze back on him. “I am more than well aware that our history with the people of the Reach is one which is fraught with conflict and bad blood, but perhaps—”
“—perhaps we could offer to treat with savages? Is this your idea of trying to fix our problems?” Lord Corolius’ voice speaks again, not even bothering to hide the discontent in his tone at the suggestion.
Many of the others hold the same doubt in their expression as they begin muttering amongst themselves. Such an idea is beyond their comprehension. Over the years, multiple governments have tried to secure diplomatic relations with the Reachfolk, yet they have all been unsuccessful until now. Making any attempts of it usually ends rather poorly—an arrow lodged between the eyes.
“Do not look so scandalized by the mere suggestion. Certainly with leverage we could broker some sort of deal with them which would be mutually beneficial.” Dahlia takes in a deep breath in through her nose, counting to ten before letting it out slowly. It would not do for her to loose what calm she holds now especially when it would seem that she is the only one who can see things clearly. “Besides this, the issue with the Reach is one which has needed closure for quite a while. Perhaps forming an alliance with them will give us what we need. Or is it really that you do not see the forest from the trees?”
Ulfric looks to his wife, a frown etched on his face that would be better suited for someone he holds much less affection for. “As if Madanach would allow any of us to get near him.” He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth in thought as the corners of his lips sink further in displeasure before speaking again, “As if I would allow you to go anywhere near him.”
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beepiesheepie · 6 months
It actually pisses me off how if you side with the forsworn in the cidna mine quest, after you escape with them they just stand around in a cave and the quest goes cold.
Its so bullshit, i wanted to join the forsworn, i wanted to do missions for them, i wanted to rampage across skyrim with my brothers slaughtering every stormcloak and imperial we come across, i wanted to overthrow the jarls and give the forsworn their fucking land back
Fuck the stormcloaks
Fuck the empire
Skyrim belongs to the Forsworn
a fucking men
it pisses me off so much how it could've been great, like Madanach is THEIR FUCKING KING. THEIR K I N G. and yet after you free him you never fucking see him again, and all the forsworn in the reach are STILL hostile to you. Like. fucking why. i freed your fucking king. Like I want to do sidequests for them and slaughter the people that took over their land and help them get their land back. It could've been so fucking cool. but no. instead the game HEAVILY IMPLIES that the forsworn are """savages""" that need to be fucking eradicated. like what??? what the fuck??? i dont care that they associate with hagravens and do weird shit with their hearts, the fucking dark elves refuse to worship aedra, ie things that are not daedra, the khajiit have different forms depending on the moons's phases when they were born. IT COULDVE BEEN GREAT
but no. bethesda was lazy at best and racist at worst with their writing for the forsworn. the forsworn did NOT age well.
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auccultist-art · 1 month
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heres a quick experimental 40 minute doodle of my boy madanach!  and here's the speedpaint for it 
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haleslugworth · 3 months
Alternative Altmer Dragonborn, quest idea
If the Dovahkiin is an Altmer, he is pursued by Thalmor Justicars and Soldiers to join the Thalmors. Elenwen and her embassy believe having a Dovahkiin Altmer on their side - one that inherited the Nordic legend's powers - could make him powerful and have more influence.
The Dovahkiin has the option to decline, but also the option to accept.
So now the Dovahkiin has unique dialogue(s) with all the other Thalmor Justicars and Soldiers, and could also gain access to Thalmor territories scattered across Skyrim.
So, finally speaking with Rulindil, Ondolemar (more thoroughly instead of the basics of what we got in Skyrim), Elenwen (more dialogue that gives more insight from her perspective), and Thalmor soldiers who drop random lines of dialogue like guards do, but they will be unique to the Thalmor factions and have new rumors and news about Summerset Isles and Alinor.
But the Dovahkiin may still get pelted with the usual "you're not a true Elf" insults at times by those who don't like the Dragonborn among their faction.
The Dovahkiin can also choose to kill Talos worshippers or let them go. Some Talos worshippers won't always be down to talk once they catch a glimpse of any Thalmor ally. But some will be.
Main Storyline
The Dovahkiin will be approached by an Imperial courier who hands them a letter from the Thalmor Embassy, asking them to come speak with Elenwen about recruitment. Again, the Dovahkiin can ignore this letter and not see Elenwen, or they can accept the quest and see her.
At the Embassy, Elenwen speaks with the Dovahkiin in her Solar, where the other Justiciars and Wizards are also attending for Her sake. She offers them a place in their faction, in exchange that the Dovahkiin must be loyal to the Thalmors and do as she says. She explains the goals of the Thalmor, and to choose wisely or to be a target of the Thalmor the moment they decline.
If Dovahkiin declines, Elenwen will allow Dovahkiin to leave unharmed, but she reminds them that this is the final offer.
If Dovahkiin accepts, they're set for their Thalmor life. Dovahkiin does have to work up the ranks, the same as any other faction Dovahkiin joins and works upward in. They can now leave and enter the Embassy without issues and they are to give Elenwen any information that the old Blades and researchers have on the dragons.
You can be given quests by other Justiciars that are stationed at the Embassy, but once the Dovahkiin has ranked higher and completed all the Emabssy quests, they can now move on to be tasked by other Justciars that are in the cities that are under Imperial jurisdiction and can be given locations of Thalmor camps. The Dovahkiin can still visit Stormcloak cities.
I think it would also be neat to have a quest of handing Delphine and Esbern over to the Thalmor, perhaps given the task by Rulindil.
Ondolemar only has tasks that pertain to Markarth and locations close to the city. He could give tasks to deal with the Silver-Blood family, kneecapping the Imperials from silver. Letting the Forsworn free only puts more pressure on the Nordic population in the Reach. Ondolemar won't ever snitch about you being part of Madanach's escape (and neither will the two soldiers that follow him around.) Instead, the blame for Madanach's escape will be placed on the Silver-Blood family for not killing him sooner.
If you join the Imperial army, Elenwen won't be pleased, but she won't throw you out of the faction either.
If you join the Stormcloaks, you are no longer part of the Embassy and will be an enemy to the Thalmor from that point on.
Despite the Thalmor questline, the Dovahkiin can still continue the main quest as usual, but now it may just exclude Delphine and Esbern, putting more steps for Dovahkiin to pick up the clues to find Sky Haven Temple themselves, piece the past together, and defeat Alduin on their own without the Blades.
Mages' College
As for the Mages' College where Dovahkiin meets Ancano, this may remain the same. Ancano appears to have a hunger for power and it's nearly corrupted the world, but if the Dovahkiin joins the Thalmors, they can possibly save Ancano from the corruption - however, Ancano can't come back to Winterhold ever again. He may remain at a Thalmor camp, too ashamed of his behavior to return to Elenwen.
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TES GILF Poll Round 2
The votes have spoken, the GILFs are sorted and ready for round 2. I salute everyone who participated so far as well as the GILFs who didn't make it.
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archangelsunited · 7 months
ask game for wips and all that!
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
My favorite piece of dialogue is from, To Whom Shall I Complain, at the end of Vivi's story-
                “Molag’s Balls and Dagon’s Dick, Lisbet”. Madanach threw the lighting bolt he had been hanging onto towards the fireplace. “Why is it, that Nepos is a better spouse than you?”                
“Nepos is your best friend, he’s under the impression its you or no one, these days.” Vivi said,
Fic Concept I Like but may never write-
I started perusing my many folders of Skyrim fic, and I am really surprised at how much of it has been folded into Measure for Measure.
I think I would like to write an alternate universe where Ulfric doesn't immediately start a war in 201, instead spends three or four years trying to put his hold back together. I would want it to be a bit like the Office, bit like Parks and Rec, where Ulfric is the charsmatic but clueless leader and Galmar and Thrice-Pierced are trying to figure out how to help out. Then you have the owner of the Corner Club, Rendar, getting support from the Empire and he starts showing up every morning to "discuss" the government work to be done on the Snow Quarter. Scouts-Many-Marshes is also coming to the Palace to negotiate for a job. Rendar and Scouts are bitter enemies turned sickly sweet lovers.
I am not great at comedy, but this sounds like it would be funny. I'm gonna @thequeenofthewinter, because I think she might like this.
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madam-whim · 3 months
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You know, I'd love to, but this game won't let me...
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Madanach is sexy. The amount of passion and sympathy he has for his people and what was taken from him?? The way he plots with the db and "cuts a bloody hole through the reach"
I read Madanach smut, too, Nonnie. It was alluring. ❤️‍🔥
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