#Mac Miller layouts
frogoiw · 4 months
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iipukeglitter · 2 months
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₊˚ʚ 🧊₊˚• ✧ ೀ you remind me of the color blue
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lov444 · 2 years
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࿐ THE DiViNE FEMiNiNE 🌬 🕸 ࣪˖ ָ࣪ ۰
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onandonandbeyond92 · 8 months
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havnblog · 4 months
My Ergonomics Voyage: Part 1
Lenke til norsk versjon
Prolog, and the first steps
I’ve been a nerd my entire 34-year-long life. So naturally, much of it has been spent in front of computers using keyboards, and I’ve never experienced any discomfort related to this.1
I don’t know if it’s due to my age, or just the fact that I’ve worked even more than usual on keyboards, but lately, I’ve started to notice discomfort. Especially in my left hand, but a bit in my right as well. Luckily, there’s nothing anywhere else, and it’s not that bad. But I want to take action to try to stay ahead of it.
A bit about my current situation
The last couple of years, I’ve been working mostly in my small home office, which was OK, but not great. Just a couple of weeks ago, I finally got my own (external) office, so the situation has improved. However, I’ve been stupid, and also worked quite a bit on my laptop on our kitchen table lately.
Here’s my current office setup:
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Not visible in the photo, is my Herman Miller Aeron chair, foot rest, and standing pad.
Good things about my setup
A standing desk makes it easy to dial in the proper 90° elbow angle.
I can also switch between standing and sitting.
Since my keyboard isn’t as wide as those with a numpad, my trackpad isn’t too far to the right.
The wrist rests are high enough so I don’t tilt my hands up (or down).
The screen can adjust its height and tilting, so I can dial in a good angle.
However, there is a weakness with my beloved custom keyboard
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Laneware Macro-1 and LW-67. Boba U4 switches.
Me and some of my friends bought custom keyboards at the same time. They bought split keyboards, like this:
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I thought they were cool, but I wanted a keyboard that others could use as well. Furthermore, since I hadn’t had any discomfort, it didn’t feel worth it.
However, there are four main problems with regular keyboards
When you put your index fingers on  f  and  j , your hands are too narrow. Instead of being shoulder width, you have to force them inwards.
Since the keyboards are completely flat, the back of your hand is flat and parallell to the ceiling. To get there, you have to twist them a bit inwards.
Your strongest fingers (thumbs) are under utilised. Also, since the spacebar is so large, you have to move them pretty far to hit the buttons next to it (cmd for Mac).
The staggered placement of the switches isn’t the best (same with, you know, QWERTY).
Most split keyboards, like the ZSA Moonlander, solves all of these (to an extent).
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You can have your hands far enough from each other, it can be tilted to the side, there’s more thumb buttons, and the layout is columnar.
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But I don’t want to go there quite yet
They are expensive, and I’ve already spent a lot on my current keyboards (which I love!). But I have to, I have to… So, Part 1 of this journey, is things I can do that’s not getting a new keyboard.
I asked my split friends — and they actually had some advice that wasn’t «Get a split keyboard!». So some of these ideas are from them!
Put tilting legs on my trackpad
Even though my left hand is the one with most pain, I should still see if I can make things better for my right hand. And while I can’t tilt my keyboard like I need to, I can do it with my trackpad.
Just be a bit more conscious about how I use my keyboard
I’ve noticed, since I got the pain, that just being a bit more aware also helps. When writing, I twist my hands in a more comfortable degree, and pay more attention when using modifiers. For instance, I’ve started hitting Option + Command with just my left thumb.
But I can up this, with the next step:
Program home row modifiers
How often do you hold letters to write many of them? 2 Really, the only keys we hold, are the modifier keys. So, some people have taken the genius step of modding the home row ( A S D F — J K L Ø ) 3to be modifier keys if you hold them.
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Image from the link above.
So, for instance, you can put Command under  f  and  j . So if you want to do cmd + c, you can hold  f  and then click  c . If you would like to do cmd + f, you just hold  j  and click  f .
Do specific exercise
There are exercises designed to help with the problems I’m experiencing, that I should do. 4 But I should also consider the last idea:
Get A Life™
I have plenty of things I like to do, that doesn’t involve typing on keyboards. So I should prioritise those things more! Now that I’m done with the 1.0 of this website, that’ll be easier!
We’ll see if I have to embark on a Part 2. And my friend has been nice enough to allow me to try out his (second) ZSA Moonlander.
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ZSA also makes the Voyager, which looks nice.
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But I think something like a version of the Lily58 (image) or Boardsource Lulu is most tempting at the moment. I like that they’re small, but with some more thumb buttons, and that they can be made with rotary encoders. Also, I like the DIY!
Do you have any more advice for me? Please comment here or email me.
This is what’s called «foreshadowing». ↩︎
Zzzzzzzz ↩︎
Norwegian layout, baby! ↩︎
Not that I’ve found them yet! ↩︎
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amberfaber40 · 1 year
From hotel menus to event posters, Ian Miller knows how to create “stealable” graphics
From hotel menus to event posters, Ian Miller knows how to create “stealable” graphics
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155021 Nirvana in Utero Huge Wall Decor Wall 16x12 Poster Print
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Surf art in surfing event posters — Club of the Waves
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Event Posters
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“Théâtre de Belleville”, 2015, by Pierre Jeanneau - typo/graphic posters
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20+ Attention-Grabbing Event Poster Templates, Backgrounds & Design Tips - Venngage
Poster are one of the most tried and tried ways to market events. Start with an event poster template to help you get the word out about your event.
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Red Creative Event Poster Example - Venngage Poster Examples
Be bold with your posters by getting ideas from this creative poster example. Use monochromatic colors, simple font, and illustrations for a modern look.
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Event Poster Projects
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Business Event Poster Template - Illustrator, Apple Pages, PSD | Template.net
There are many events that are imperative for many business that rely on seminars to build their growth. This Business Event Poster Template highlights a nearby business event. To edit this template, simply use Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or Mac Pages to customize. This is readily available to download for free.
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Create a fun poster to promote an event or product with ideas from this creative poster example. Add images, fun heading font, bright colors, & more today!
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Food Truck Event Flyer Template
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Shanti Sparrow
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“Born This Way (LGBTQ Event Poster)”, 2019, by Kai Damian Matthiesen - typo/graphic posters
united kingdom, 2019
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When you stumble across Ian Miller’s portfolio on Instagram, you’d be forgiven for thinking that you’d discovered a rather well-curated archive of vintage poster designs. In reality, the majority of these posters are commissions. Alongside a few personal projects, Ian regularly creates flyers, posters, menus and merchandise for a range of boutique hotels and their affiliated bars and restaurants.For the elegance and sophistication required by boutique hotel clients, Ian doesn’t go to the usual places for inspiration. Instead he prefers to delve through “old book and magazine covers, art exhibition posters, and gig flyers”, and often looks to the disciplines of paintings, sculpture and film to create his compositions. His menu for the Cafe Integral draws from 60s and 70s posters and book covers. The “clean and legible layout” is composed of geometric shapes and bold colours to distinguish the cafe’s range of “cold stuff”, “hot stuff” and “tea stuff.” For this project he was tasked with merging the aesthetics of two enterprises, the Cafe and the Freehand Hotel Chicago in which it is situated – “ultimately a blend of contemporary, minimal, eclectic and retro influences”.Intrigued by the sheer abundance of graphic references which assemble in Ian’s portfolio, we wanted to know where Ian was sourcing his visuals. But rather than archival material, Ian usually crafts his own imagery from scratch or by deftly manipulating photographs he’s taken himself. This is an important aspect of his creative process as “it brings an extra layer of personality and specificity to a design”. Depending on the needs of a brief, Ian sometimes has to turn to imagery in the public domain. But in these cases, he never uses images without giving them a thorough “remix”, manipulating them heavily and making them his own.Alongside his work for hotels, Ian’s eclectic style has attracted a roster of clients in the music industry. For his “Punch House x Eccentric Disco” project he was asked to create a poster that would encapsulate the mood of the music event but also something that would be “stealable” – “essentially something especially eye-catching that you’d want to pull off of the wall of the venue so that you could hang it up in your home.” Rather than creating imagery for the poster, Ian designed some custom type for the word “Disco”, giving it an eccentric, 60s-style twist and a “vibrant, repetitive” colour scheme to evoke the “energy of the night and really emphasise the theme”.His skill for capturing musical “energy” through type and visuals has recently led Ian to collaborate with Beloved, a Chicago-based micro record label started by some of his friends. Along with the label’s logo, Ian designed obi strips to accompany Beloved’s weekly playlist, curated by a different musician or artist each week. The collaboration has been one of his favourite projects to date: “I was given a ton of creative freedom and the flow / exchange of ideas felt very natural and reciprocal. Ultimately it was a project where many of my interests converged and it felt like everything just fell into place.”
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justbrooklyn · 2 years
Double commander ubuntu
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Double commander ubuntu how to#
Double commander ubuntu 64 Bit#
Double commander ubuntu free#
Other features of Vifm include color schemes, user sessions, remote commands, mount points, background operations, tree comparisons, markers, bookmarks, batch rename tool, advanced search tool, miller column view, trash bin and so on. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. It features user modes and keyboard shortcuts identical to Vi or Vim text editor. Vifm is an ncurses based, dual-panel file manager that runs in a terminal emulator. Double Commander is a cross platform open source file manager with two panels side by side.
Double commander ubuntu how to#
Sunflower can be installed in other Linux based distributions from the package manager or from its official website. doublecmd-help-en: Documentation for Double Commander (English) doublecmd-help-ru: Documentation for Double Commander. How to Install doublecmd-common in Ubuntu 18.04.
Double commander ubuntu 64 Bit#
You can install Sunflower in Ubuntu by downloading the “.deb” package from here. Download MS Windows Portable packages, 32 bit MS Windows Portable packages 64 bit GNU/Linux, RPM packages (Fedora, openSUSE) DEB packages (Ubuntu, Debian. Written in Python3 and GTK3, Sunflower features customizable panes, tabbed browsing, user sessions, embedded terminal, keyboard-only navigation, batch rename tool, bookmarks, detailed file transfer dialogs and so on. Sunflower is an open source, dual-pane file manager for Linux. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some new. So most of the tools in that article are bound to look outdated (Its from that time period). Install Double Commander on Ubuntu 16 - YouTube. Krusader can be installed in other Linux based distributions from the package manager or from its official website. All other file managers in the article are ugly, because as you have pointed out that article is dated four years back. Built in text editor with syntax highlighting (F4). Built in file viewer with options to view in hex, binary, or text format (F3). You can install Midnight Commander in Ubuntu by running the command specified below: Cross-platform: Double Commander is available for Windows, Mac OS, GNU/Linux, and FreeBSD. The bottom row shows frequently used file manager commands for easier accessibility. However, some elements of the file manager can be accessed using mouse clicks as well. Most of its text based user interface elements can be navigated through arrows keys and other keyboard shortcuts. It also supports mounting of remote file systems. It lists files and directories in a dual-pane layout where users can switch between panes using key. Midnight Commander is an open source file manager that runs in text mode in terminal emulators. They also improve overall productivity and file handling experience, especially if you regularly navigate through a lot of files using keyboard shortcuts. These file managers provide a broader look at various files and folders stored on your storage devices.
Double commander ubuntu free#
This article will cover a list of free and open source dual-pane and multi-pane file managers available for Linux.
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chrryicon · 3 years
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# mac miller icons
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parasiteicons · 3 years
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uwsagi · 2 years
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we just some motherfuckin kidsss ..
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frogoiw · 4 months
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shraberry · 3 years
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ariana performing icons
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sgftxtinajb · 3 years
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aricosmic · 3 years
mac miller twitter header;
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softiesoul · 3 years
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maciana layouts
like/reblog if you save
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blaylists · 3 years
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all of ari’s songs to celebrate her birthday
[ concept playlist ]
my account
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