towards-toramunda · 23 days
Caleb and Essek share scrunchies they told me themselves at brunch last weekend
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tshortik · 1 year
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All the Critical Role Mighty Nein and ExU fanposters I've painted over the years. If I had to count the hours I spent on these in total… It's a lot ✨🫣
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ariadne-mouse · 6 months
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I imagine Essek had one or two record scratch moments in his youth
Such as, alternately,
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Do you think Ludinus has Nemesis Alerts set up on his account with the Bank of Rexxentrum and if so does he get a little alert every time Essek says he's "enemy to Ludinus Da'leth"?
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Me this whole week
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essektheylyss · 7 months
As much as it is fun to joke about how absurd Trent's plan was (and on its face, considering just his perspective alone, it was!), I do think we need to acknowledge that it wouldn't have worked as a threat if it had not been reasonably concerning to Caleb.
When you think about how little the Nein know at this point about the Solstice (meta pigeons notwithstanding), there are a lot of factors that play into this being a credible threat. For instance:
The collars are no longer working, as are some wards, in which case it's not unreasonable to wonder if any of the Amulets of Nondetection are out of commission.
It's possible that the Dynasty genuinely does not have that much evidence to go after Essek—that he managed to fake his death and cover his trail that way, or he left well before the pressure really began to encroach, as a preemptive measure, and with him out of sight the rumors died down (or were even quashed by his mother for political reasons, regardless of her feelings on the matter).
There's no good way to know what information or evidence Trent may have stashed away in the event that it was necessary later, which could be delivered anonymously to the Dynasty and not rest on Trent's credibility.
Regardless of Trent's relative ability to capture Essek on his own, which is probably low, he is enough of a loose cannon that he could seriously hurt him simply in a one-on-one duel, because Trent has clearly gone beyond any considerations of self-preservation and is trying to inflict maximum damage, which makes him dangerous all on his own.
It doesn't have to be any one of these, but the important thing is that the plot hinges upon Caleb believing this is at least a semi-credible threat. If there really was no danger to Essek, then it would be reasonable for Caleb, who is very intelligent, to dismiss it and focus on something more important. We've seen that Caleb is perfectly capable of shutting Trent out in the face of larger priorities even when his threats were very affecting, and Caleb's had an extra seven years since then to move past that trauma.
But given that the point of threatening Essek, on a meta level, was to ensure that the plot of the one-shot moved at the pace it needed to, then Caleb needs to believe that this is a credible threat. Regardless of the efficacy of the particular plan outlined, we must be willing to believe that, if he is not confronted now, Trent will make good on his threats in one way or another.
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not-mirage · 3 months
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Elf to elf communication
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lykegenes · 2 years
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Played around with markers last night and of course I ended up drawing hot boi.
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afterthedreamer · 2 months
to be loved
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is to be changed
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towards-toramunda · 4 days
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firefrightfic · 7 months
Caleb Widogast refuses to conform to daylight savings time in the empire and claims it is the devil's work. He shows up to at 11 to his 10am class and swears he's on time.
Soltryce can't fire him because he has blackmail tenure.
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tshortik · 1 year
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Made this way back in May when i was playing with the idea of making a little thumbnail collection of fake little Aeor scenes about Essek and Caleb, but i ended up abandoning the piece.
Still kind of like the vibes tho!
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mourningdovescry · 23 days
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(short hair because the longer hair doesn't work with the. with the pose. the position if you will)
those r wedding rings. you may glimpse and i mean glimpse them. amber flanked by pearls on gold. pearl flanked by amber on silver. u can pry their marriage from my cold undead hands as i gnaw furiously on u w zombie chompers idc
and feat. little smiles because you are loved you never thought you could be loved never never but look at you now just LOOK at you now
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katlovesdbh · 23 days
Man, if I had a nickel for every time Essek Thelyss's disguise was dispelled via Anti-Magic field in a situation somehow related to Ludinus Da'leth, I'd have two nickels.
Which isn't alot, but it's weird that it has happened twice.
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thespicyhoney · 1 year
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CR sketches from the year that maybe one day will be finished. 
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oddthesungod · 22 days
im so happy both of my favorite CR pretty boys are back !!!!!!!!!! now i just need a Cad cameo on CR3 and i'll die a happy man <33333333
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