shiftwux · 2 months
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reality-detective · 4 months
OBEY GOVERNMENT: Proof that tv MK-Ultra subliminal messaging brainwashed during the 1960's - 1980's CIA Mockingbird tv sign-off. At some level, it explains why our parents and much of society are still brainwashed by TV/Media/Gov’t‼️
Source: 👇
Turn off the tv 🤔
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workersolidarity · 10 months
Kit Klarenberg reporting on a new far-reaching investigation on the CIA's twisted MK Ultra program and its experiments on people of color in the United States.
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Answers and accountability is something we'll never get under the Capitalist system, because the Capitalist Class cannot allow any precedent set that allows for holding members of the Capitalist Class accountable for any kind of actions they take, regardless of the harm caused. And in this case, an unprecedented amount of harm was done to Left movements within the communities of people of color in the US as the CIA attempted to use mind control methods to suppress communities of color from organizing radical political organizations.
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How sick do you have to be to use political prisoners to experiment with mind control methods? Our Wall Street sponsored Government has NO ethical or moral boundaries they aren't willing to violate to retain their power and control.
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Our Capitalist Elites biggest fear is organized resistance to Capitalist control and Revolutionary Socialist movements. By labeling followers of anti-Capitalist organizations and ideologies as mentally ill, our government used this as a Medical excuse to experiment on, harm and suppress Anti-Capitalist groups and communities of color, ravaging those movements and their ability to affect policy as they had begun to do in the 1960's.
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"The darkness of MKULTRA lingers still, calling for urgent answers and transparency. America’s Black community deserves nothing less than the full extent of these operations exposed; culprits held accountable, and rightful compensation for survivors. As the shadows of the past stretch into the present, the demand for truth rings louder than ever, and justice becomes an undeniable imperative."
Couldn't have said it better myself. Major thanks to Anthropologist Orisanmi Burton for publishing this incredibly dark report, and Truthout and MPN for reporting on it.
You can read the more in-depth Truthout article Here
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comparativetarot · 6 months
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Three of Swords. Art by Suzanne Treister, from HEXEN 2.0.
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tardigrade-gaming · 10 months
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with this said, Ed Boon still has the opportunity to do something hilarious.
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ultramarykay · 5 days
😶‍🌫️ S T O M P E R kush 😶‍🌫️
💜 indica 💜
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potuzzz · 10 months
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This is an excellent question!
This is going to be an incredibly long answer!
On the surface, yes, it would appear that way. After all, nothing can beat the original Nazis at fascism, right?
However, upon closer inspection, we can see that the United States is not only a fascist country, but the most successful iteration of fascism to exist in human history. The Nazis are more overtly fascistic, but the true genius of U.S. fascism is how it has doled out more death and destruction but can avoid the Obvious Bad Guy reputation the Nazis quickly accumulated.
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So fascism as we all know is tricky because 100 people will give 100 different definitions of it. I myself started off loving Umberto Eco's "Ur-Fascism," and eventually added more excellent breakdowns by people like Lenin, Parenti, etc.
Personally, my favorite way to simply define fascism is "imperialism, turned inwards," with imperialism of course being "the highest stage of capitalism," or "capitalism in decay." I myself do not really see fascism or imperialism as separate from each other in the same way that a highly abusive person is not fundamentally operating differently when they are abusing themselves versus abusing others; both are symptoms of a highly damaged person, whether they internalize it or externalize it, because in truth the two go hand-in-hand and reinforce each other. I also see fascism/imperialism as the logical development of capitalism, capitalism is meant to either evolve into socialism or stagnate and fester into fascism, capitalism cannot truly stay still. This becomes more evident when one sees Western-style social democracy as the prettiest face of fascism--and once one understands the true nature of social democracy as this, it will become quickly clear why the U.S. is so wholly and dangerously fascist.
For starters, let's go back to the whole internal vs. external abuse example.
If we look at the internal, domestic policy of the United States, no country has so wholly abused their subjects such as us. This country immediately began with the incredible genocide of an entire continent of the Native people, then was built on the backs of the most extensive slaving operation in human history. Alone what we did and continue to do to the Natives and to Black Africans cannot be matched. We have abused the Black American to the point that they are firmly relegated to a terrible second-class citizenship that is largely invisible to the average person--even American progressives tend to fail to truly understand how fundamentally different and crueler the role of the Black American is. This is of course to say nothing of the long tradition of the poor whites, the yeomen relegated to the same squalor and suffering who are pitted against their Black brethren while often enduring the same spit and whips.
Sex and gender here are so distorted that we are stuck with a choice between dangerously inhuman violent Puritan prudishness that seeks to burn all sexuality out of human beings with a red hot fire poker, or the debilitatingly depraved, violently hyper pornographic commodified oversexualization of anything and everything. Here, people may fuck with desperation or abstain with desperation, but rarely do people experience genuine connection, love, sensuality or eroticism.
Our incredible rates of suicide and mass shootings are a feature, not a bug. The depths of mental illness affecting all Americans is truly unique, and the cultural differences between us and other countries while not always able to be easily articulated neither by USians nor non-USians, is stark. Nowhere else is advertising so omnipresent, aggressive, relentless. Nowhere else is fear and misanthropy so cleverly interwoven into every facet of society. Nowhere else has the very existence and concept of community be so thoroughly devastated and perverted. Nowhere else does every single political faction--from fascists to conservatives to liberals to "leftists" to the "apolitical"--think they are truly anti-status quo and yet, without fail, wholly and happily adhere and advocate for the Empire's will at every turn.
It is genius because it is so completely unremarkable; people do not even register how evil the commercials on the TV or on their phones are. People don't get exposed to enough people outside of their bubble to truly appreciate how unnatural and fucked up their every interaction and supposed relationship with others is. It is so unceasing, people barely have a moment with their heads above water to have something decent to compare it to.
This is to say absolutely nothing about the state of our healthcare and education, which regularly and reliably gets worse results than some of the poorest countries in the world and yet with 100x the cost. We have the greatest homeless population in the world by several magnitudes.
This is to say nothing about the absolutely despicable state of every artistic medium of entertainment that is produced here or influenced by here, from our music to our movies to our shows, games, books, and all else. Dishonesty is so deeply ingrained in our way of life that I hardly see someone smile and mean it.
This is to say nothing of this being THE highest concentration of corporate power in the world--one of the most essential hallmarks of fascism. This is THE homebase of capitalism. We have a completely, openly non-existent democracy and yet, with fascistic Newspeak, we dare to chant about how free and democratic we are and how we must violently spread our freedom and democracy to the entire world.
Ah, yes, the entire world.
Another powerful hallmark of a true fascist entity is how they react to their foil, to their mortal enemy, to the opposite end of the dichotomy: socialism.
Every single even remotely leftward movement, individual, or country in the last 100 years has, at the very least, endured an attempted murder (or hundreds of attempts) by the U.S. government. The entire continents worth of people in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia were all steadily becoming more and more progressive, many interested in outright socialism, in the 1900s. And time after time, we violently invaded, couped, bombed, assassinated, sieged, embargoed, and starved them. We have installed fascist dictators and fermented fascist movements in every nook and cranny of the world--even our lily white European counterparts we keep as pets in the garden were not safe from this. Our war doctrine has not just the precedence by the outright encouragement to target water treatement facilities, hospitals, schools, churches, playgrounds, factories, power plants, libraries. We kill children for sport and then post-humously label them "combatants." When people flee our flood of death, we will napalm entire ecosystems just to ensure that no man, woman, or child can live on this land if we can't own them and use them as slaves. Hundreds of millions of civilians ALONE have died by our hands, and that's just going off of what we openly admit to doing. Democracy, prosperity, and peace by foreign people in foreign lands is treated like a cancer by the U.S., to be eradicated with extreme impunity.
When we are not exporting raw death and destruction, we export racism, lies, anti-intellectualism, psychologically manipulative advertising, destability, insecurity, queerphobia...
We are literally destroying the world as the single greatest contributor to climate change, both by lifetime pollution and per-capita contributions. And this DOESN’T include the U.S. military, the true single greatest polluter on the planet, who gets a pass from being counted. Because, oh yeah, we have complete control of the Western institutions that define the rules for our world. We completely control the academia, the media, the sciences, and the rules for trade, diplomacy, war, and all else--none of which we follow--and those who dare to make their own rules, we seek their death.
Some of the worst empires in recent history were some of our greatest inspirations. When we inherited the British Empire, we didn't criticize them for their genocides of the Indians or the Irish, or carving up the world to plunder and sparking endless needless conflicts, we said, "Wow, cool. We can do that, but more subtly and effectively!" Our form of evangelical fascist Christianity is an evolution of the European conquistadors and missionaries that preceded us. America LOVED fascist Germany until our interests in domination eventually pitted us against each other; we ignored the Soviet stories of the Holocaust for as long as we could, we could not send American soldiers to undo this damage because they were too sympathetic to the Nazis over the Jews and Slavs and gays and Blacks and disabled, and after firebombing Dresden and Tokyo for fun, after nuking Japan twice despite their defeat and surrender being well-known to be immediately imminent, after all of this what did we do? We fought against the other Allied Powers, who had suffered actual invasion and destruction and death, to preserve the lives of as many Nazis as we could. Why? To integrate them. We brought powerful Nazis into the US as scientists, think tankers, sociologists, legislators, generals, and said, "Hey! We really liked what you were doing, but it was a little sloppy. We like your spunk, kid, you just need to buff the rougher edges. Let's build something together!"
Whether we are talking raw body count, destroyed cultures, destroyed countries, destroyed ecosystems, or more abstract things like the damage to people's psyches and sensibilities, there is no contest. The United States beats all other fascist empires put together. The British, Japanese, Germans, Romans, and Israelis combined don't do a dent compared to the stain United States of America has left on the human race.
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Fascism to me is ultimately a spiritual addiction to fear that operates on the bleakest possibly understanding of reality, with everything else being a symptom of this core disease. And if there is one thing I see when I look on the face of an American? It's fear, and an unrealistically pessimistic understanding of how life is and how reality operates.
We are the singularly most brainwashed population in the world. Our values are so horrifically butchered and removed from normal human experience, our worldviews so radically corrupt, I daresay it would take the most extensive, intensive and resource-heavy re-education campaign in human history to undo the damage the system has inflicted upon, unfortunately, not just US citizens but on hundreds of minds across the world we have polluted through our influence.
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I want to be clear that, obviously, other countries and peoples throughout history of all colors have done terrible things. Part of that is just the human experience. However, the internal logic of capitalism necessarily and invariably results in the highest echelons of power being occupied by deeply insecure misanthropic psychopaths who have the most potent and insatiable hunger of any human being, increasingly, slowly over time. A wide array of factors all played into the U.S. becoming the focal point of evil, and if just one variable had shifted it might have been somebody different. But it is us, and the world is a brighter place every day deeper we go into the 2020s and this bastard beast dies slowly by no hand other than its own.
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This honestly could no joke be a 400 page book so I am heavily generalizing, glossing over entire insane tangents, reducing incredibly depraved events into vague gestures. This shit goes as deep as you like.
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Hiring high-ranking Nazis to test new torture methods on prisoners was only the beginning, however. By 1953, CIA scientists like Schreiber and Sidney Gottlieb—the titular character of Stephen Kinzer’s book, Poisoner in Chief—had initiated a sprawling two-decade campaign of reckless human experimentation best known by the codename MK-ULTRA. A quixotic but well-funded hunt for truth serums, brainwashing drugs, and other mind control techniques, MK-ULTRA scientists subjected countless non-consenting and/or otherwise vulnerable people to powerful drugs and interrogation techniques. In spite of being subject to three separate government investigations, only a small fraction of the total program has been publicly disclosed since the CIA shredded nearly all relevant documents. What little we do know, however, is horrifying. With the help of OSS veteran and federal narcotics detective George Hunter White, Gottlieb maintained a network of domestic and international “safe houses” where he would administer LSD to unwitting and “expendable” subjects such as petty criminals and drug users. Sometimes, Gottlieb’s expendable subjects included other scientists, such as bacteriologist Frank Olson, who was dosed with LSD and allegedly murdered by CIA, supposedly because of fears that he would reveal America’s use of chemical and biological weapons (CBW). The Agency has had more than its share of CBW-use allegations beginning in this period, including the open-air testing of aerosolized biological agents in New York City and spreading whooping cough on the coast of Florida in 1955. MK-ULTRA research was also conducted at university laboratories, such as those of Harold Wolff and Louis Jolyon West at Cornell Medical College and the University of Oklahoma, or Donald Ewen Cameron at McGill University in Montreal. Between 1957 and 1963, Cameron used CIA money to develop psychological “depatterning” techniques on approximately one hundred patients. These techniques included placing patients in extended drug-induced comas, LSD dosing for months at a time, electro-shock treatments, and forcing patients to listen to recorded messages such as “my mother hates me” played on a loop. A multi-million dollar class action lawsuit against McGill, the Canadian government, and the Royal Victoria Hospital on behalf of Cameron’s victims and their families is currently underway. MK-ULTRA later found a home in existing networks set up by scientific institutions and universities in the USA and Canada.
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aeltri · 2 months
The Real Isis Project
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According to esoteric Freemasonry Cunter and Ben are, quite literally, Adam and Steve (Strange)! NEWSFLASH: That inverted disaster isn't Hieros Gamos 🙄...
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johannesbellerophon · 11 months
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Finally posting the full comic for GLORY onto the internet! You can buy a physical copy via toxic metal press. I’ll upload parts 2 and 3 soon, don’t worry.
prologue part 1 part 2 part 3
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reality-detective · 6 months
Project MK UItra 🤔
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batmancomicanalysis · 29 days
Return of The Joker flashback analysis
The Joker kidnapped the child/teenage Robin Tim Drake and tortured him for three weeks. Exactly how he tortured him for that duration is largely left to the imagination but sexual abuse (the plunger, whoopie cushion) is implied, along with the electrocution and drugging that The Joker mentions. The Joker broke Robin's resistance over time and Robin confessed that Bruce Wayne was Batman, betraying the Bat family. The result of this extreme traumatisation was that Robin was rendered mute and servile, turned into a grotesque parody (Joker refers to him as "Joker Junior": a nod to Robin being Batman's surrogate son who Batman had made in his image, mocking Batman with the insinuation that he'd taken his son from him and destroyed him mentally), with a fixed grimace, wide maniacal eyes and an anguished repetitive laugh.
The Joker (who invited Batman to his hideout) mocks Batman as "a little boy in a playsuit crying for mommy and daddy" and Batman administers a savage beating, threatening to "break you in two". The Joker turns the tables on Batman, incapacitates him and throws a gun to Robin/Joker Junior, telling him to "make daddy proud, deliver the punchline" and kill Batman. Laughing to himself, Robin targets Batman, pulls the trigger and a "BANG!" flag emerges from the gun. An injured, dispirited Batman says "Tim..." and Robin seems to fight against the brainwashing, pulling the gun downwards. The Joker demands that Robin "Do it!" and with significant difficulty, Robin changes targets at the last moment and shoots The Joker. The Joker utters "That's not funny, that's not..." before gasping and falling to the ground dead. Robin's maniacal laughter turns to crying as tears flood down his cheeks and he's consoled by Batgirl.
This scene has many parallels with The Killing Joke:
The Joker kidnaps and mutilates/tortures a member of the Bat family/surrogate family member
The Joker invites Batman to his hideout after the completion of his plan and Batman's failure to locate him
The "one bad day/sufficient trauma can make anyone insane/evil" concept
The "flag from a fired gun saving Batman" motif
Batman threatens to kill The Joker
The Joker (arguably) dies
If The Joker was trying to prove that "All it takes is one bad day..." then Robin had three weeks worth of them and The Joker still failed to totally break him, though Robin does overcome Batman's "No kill rule" programming rather than dropping the gun, so in that sense The Joker proved his point.
The story implicitly asks the questions: "Why didn't Batman kill The Joker years ago?" and "Why does Batman recruit child soldiers like Tim to take on sadistic psychopaths like The Joker?" It's these questions which were probably most critical in making a large part of Robin want to kill Batman.
The Joker is totally humiliated with his ironic death: all of his planning and his three weeks of torture failed, his philosophy was disproven, he was killed by the kid Robin (of all people) and Batman survived. He is so bemused and defeated that he can't even find macabre humour in his demise (unlike his deaths/potential deaths in Miller's TDKR, Moore's TKJ, Nolan's TDK etc.)
The Joker's torture and brainwashing of the young Robin shares several parallels with the secret CIA illegal experimentation program MKUltra: mind control techniques, trauma-based programming, identity destruction, forced confessions, the implantation of homicidal tendencies, persistent nightmares even decades post-rehabilitation and the creation of a sleeper agent. It could be read as a political commentary, equating the sadistic, psychopathic, child-torturing Joker with the U.S. government.
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norever · 6 months
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places i would like to have been but would never go
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entheognosis · 1 year
We must always remember to thank the CIA and the Army for LSD, by the way. Everything is the opposite of what it is, isn’t it? They brought out LSD to control people, and what they did was give us freedom
John Lennon
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msclaritea · 5 months
Britain Lavender Mafia
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In the British Lavender Mafia, those in a higher tier of society will usually strong-arm, trick or coerce new and younger artists in the industry, to take over their career, bleed them dry, pimp them out, and not just for sex. Sometimes, it may be for torture. They'll use the artists for everything, from getting attention for a project, asset collecting, and often, SPYING. Sometimes, the artist is SOLD as a child, to a wealthier family, according to Freemason laws. Yes. Freemasons buy and sell their children to each other. This is usually tied to Occult activity.
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Special mention goes to Dakota Johnson for agreeing to spy on an old friend for Dorman in exchange for a part in a Kenneth Branagh film.
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