mhk-87 · 7 months
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She's cute!
i want to cosplay her!!!
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ullnot-blog · 7 months
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danthepest · 1 year
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Some more Superman villains and opponents seen in the DC Animated Universe. In order:
Brainiac - First appearance in Action Comics v1 #242 (1958).
Lobo - First appearance in The Omega Men v1 #3 (1983).
Mr. Mxyzptlk - First appearance in Superman v1 #30 (1944).
Titano - First appearance in Superman v1 #127 (1959).
Parasite - First appearance in Action Comics v1 #340 (1966).
Professor Emil Hamilton - First appearance in The Adventures of Superman v1 #424 (1987).
Maxima - First appearance in Action Comics v1 #645 (1989).
Draaga - First appearance in Action Comics v1 Annual #2 (1989).
Volcana - Only appears in the DCAU cartoons and is not an adaptation of Apokoliptian New God Volcana from the comics in any way.
Luminus - Only appears in the DCAU cartoons, though his outfit resembles that of the villain Multiplex.
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michaelwriston · 6 months
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I am selling prints in support of Luminus and their mission to integrate refugees into the United States. In particular, their mission to support Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban government is close to my heart.
As an OEF veteran and neighbor to multiple Afghan refugee families, I want to see them succeed.
If you haven’t read the reporting in the Baltimore Banner about the difficulty Afghan refugees are facing here in Baltimore, I strongly urge you to. It underscores why organizations like Luminus and the Afghan Alliance of Maryland are critical.
If you are looking to put some art on your wall and support a great cause, consider buying a print from my Darkroom page. 100% of all sales will be donated to Luminus. If you can't swing buying a print right now, consider making a small charitable donation directly to Luminus, instead.
If there is a photo of mine you would like to see added, drop me a message and let me know!
Thank you.
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dailu-chill · 5 months
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Surprisingly doing hand and wrist exercises in between drawings helps a lot
(Ocs from left to right are Lucifer, Lillith, Luminus, Santonio, Asterus, Bianca, Florence, Rose, and Cadence)
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techtalkbyjames · 1 year
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Luminary: "A person who has a profound influence on others and is a source of inspiration"
Find your dream guitar here: https://reverb.com/shop/jamesguitarshoppe
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puppygirl-milf-cock · 11 months
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ivyprism · 2 months
Underverse Opening Brain Creator Thoughts
Warning: Blood, death, devastation, violence, lots of it, not great written fight scenes, creator rambles.
"In the face of tension, pain and devastation... The connection that's between our hearts..." Cue the showcase of many skeleton boys as well as their respective sonas. "Is reaching through the time!" It then cuts to Ivy startling and then looking over as her eyes widen in horror as it cuts to the title card. "Through the time!" It showcases someone smirking at her as others surround them.
Then, as it continues, it shows a fight between Dusk and Bliss before it cuts to another fight. The fighting continues as someone seems to interrupt it and the twins look over in horror.
It shows a variety of scenes after:
It then shows Marguerite tensing and looking over.
Willow fixed her scarf and looked away.
Primrose holding a piece of fabric before she looks up.
It shows Nerium moving her hand from her cheek to under her chin.
Then it shows Flori pulling her hair free of a ponytail.
It shows Marigold dancing happily as she pauses to glance over and Primula stops dancing as water that was floating falls around her.
Azalea rests her hand on her chest as she startles and looks around.
It shows Hollyhock biting her lip as she then reaches out towards something glowing.
It shows Ivy gripping her necklace as her magic glows and then she closes her eyes as the camera pans.
"You, so tired and cold stand here, between the worlds..." It shows Tusche and Lenovo waking up with their brothers confused as children. They have some people reaching for them. "Each of them you saw get broken to the core..." It then shows the dust of the people and then their conflict as it grew. "Dark is creeping closer..." It shows someone writing and then smirking as a creature comes to life. "Spark in your heart's frozen..." It shows a ghost skeleton monster glance over, her eyes glowing before she turns to mist. The camera pans... "There's nothing left anymore." It shows an angel skeleton monster yelling and reaching before the AU falls apart around them.
"When a dream turns into a nightmare!" It shows Dusk and Bliss facing off but then time cuts to them as Myrsky soothes Bliss and Archemoros fights Dusk in a looming large form. "Truth is right there!" It shows Archemoros besting Dusk, but then it cuts... "Gotta stay determined! (Listen to your heart and let it be your guiding star!)" Ivy is stranded in the anti-void as mechanical creatures surround her and she stays frozen. Her eyes widen in horror as an attack, but before it hits a skeleton with a mask scoops her up.
"Fight to push back the night!" It shows Acrylic using paints as Virus uses his strings. Comet and Umbra tag team as the creatures attack with beams and a figure looms above them. "No matter the pain and this plain devastation!" It shows Dusk and Bliss working together as Tusche and Lenovo work to push back the creatures. Cecilia and Poison help fight back as well. "For all the creations' sake -" It shows the masked skeleton avoiding attacks and weaving through as the princess carries Ivy. "Do not be afraid!" Ivy blinks in surprise.
"Together, we'll save everything-!" It shows Marguerite and Willow back to back as Marguerite grows confident and Willow seems angry. Nerium guards Flori as Primula and Marigold dance circles around the enemies. Azalea is healing while clasping her hands together and looking up. Primrose is helping heal with Azalea. "and make a new alternation!" It then cuts to Hollyhock, barely holding on, bleeding as she reaches for the "Break the Barrier button" and she hits it as she falls.
Time resets... And Ivy wakes up.
"Has this all been planned by one infernal hand?" It shows the enemy talking to someone as he finishes his next bot. "Made to play their role, the universes fall..." It shows Senna sitting in the void as she writes something down. She clenches her teeth as flowers bloom on her neck. "Lies are spreading fast, and lives get turned to dust..." It shows Senna lowering her pen as she sees the constant fighting of the Outcode group and looks displeased. "Is this deserved by them all?"
"Gotta step in, stop the daydream." Senna looks even more displeased as the fighting grows worse. She looks at her hands, she has to do something. "Your hearts filling with determination!" She wants them to survive this time. She wants everyone to survive.... She'll deal with this. "(Cannot pick the bridge when it's already time to cross!)" She steps forward a lightning strike forms as she raises her hand.
"Fight to bring back the light!" It shows the Outcode fighting before Senna decides to finally intervene. She moves forward as she their attacks deflect off her and her mask holds strong. "There won't be a sign of divine intervention!" It then cuts to a nasty fight between the enemy and the group, but now they're in unison.
"To save this dimension -!" It shows Captain and Cardinal tag teaming enemies together. Brass and Jet smoothly avoid fighting as they take out enemies together. Clove is protecting Hydra as Cinnamon heals Hydrangea and Harper. Glamour and Caramel are caring the back as the Dance boys dance around their enemies. Vanilla is carrying his brother as he shows off, but then it shows.... "Go, let's rise from below!" It shows Navy and Ebony joining the fray as they attack. It shows Sentinel and the other Angels not backing off as they're backed by the demons. "We have to take it all in our hands and show our true determination!" It shows the skeletons all joined together, but as Ivy ran, she fell into a crack and the skeleton who grabbed her reached for her. He falls after her.
It shows the two free-falling as Ivy seems to recall something.
"In the face of tension, pain and devastation... The connection that's between our hearts..." It shows Ivy sitting in a group of blurry and distorted groups as she stands by a familiar masked skeleton.
"Ivy!" The voice of the skeleton breaks her out as he reaches for her father.
"Is reaching through the time!" Ivy's eyes are blurred as she remembers her friends, the war, the death... All the death... "What's this feeling in my heart?" Ivy slowly reaches back as her eyes slowly unblur and she recalls who's reaching for her. "We're connected, though apart..." She can see her soul as his reaches for her.
"In the face of tension, pain, and devastation..." Ivy opens her mouth, willing it to work. She recalls everything as her soul glows more and her magic engulfs his. "Now I know I am filled with determination!"
"Honeycomb!" Her voice finally worked as he grabbed her hand and they're back in the fray.
"Live! You gotta believe!" As Ivy comes to, Honeycomb is holding her as Aquamarine joins the fray with Rain and Heath. They're fighting together as a trio. "Whoever you are, feel your star shining brighter!" It shows Undyne fighting as Asgore and Toriel protect the kids. Athena and Beryl were tag teaming together. The group fights as one as Tara and Theodoric help heal. "To bring back the light of day!" Oriel runs in and throws her spear through a great number of machines. Della is helping as best she can as the fight continues. "We cannot delay!"
"It is all or nothing, my friend..." Ivy pulls away from Honeycomb as she gets up. She helps the other sonas stand up as her body glows in her mafic. "So, right to the end, together we'll stand and-!" Marguerite guards Ivy on both sides as Willow helps guard the back. They nod at her.
"Fight to push back the night!" It cuts to Floryn closing her book and then her hands glow as Ivy pushes through the group as she dodges attacks. She is running now as her fellow sonas fight and fall. "No matter the pain and this plain devastation!" Willow fights hard and never backs down, Marguerite fights and doesn't hold back, and Nerium guards Flori as Primula and Marigold dance circles around the enemies, but even they fall. Azalea is guarding them with her magic as Hollyhock supplies more magic. Primrose helps supply the magic before Ivy runs.
"For all the creations' sake -!" Acrylic and his brother are fighting, but they're getting outnumbered. Cecilia is holding her hands together as Senna helps guard Ivy from a distance. Ivy winces and holds her bleeding side as she runs.
"Do not be afraid." A voice pushes Ivy harder. She listens to the voice as she runs and bleeds. She reaches for the button, the button to save the group again.
"Together, we'll save everything and make a new alternation!" Ivy hits the button as she smiles at Honeycomb one last time before...
She wakes up.
Song: https://youtu.be/75J3Mx4FP5A?si=JJc2h4IvRniaANIp
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elf-simp · 8 months
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"Mentor of pain and suffering; The spawn of the sentient ooze."
"Soon you will drown within him, too..."
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Bára Gísladóttir, SILVA, (CD, Digital album), ESP5081, Sono Luminus, 2023
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Wrote down a little bullshitted up lineage of primes thing as a treat, and I threw in a few of primes for a gap in between Prime Nova and Nova Prime, the latter is in my list as "Nova Prime 2: electric boogaloo" which is hilarious.
The oc primes:
Prime Proxima, Prime Plerion, Caerulus Prime, Cepheidis Prime, Asterism Prime, Luminus Prime, and Theta prime
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tobi-soulflower · 1 year
His collection is precious to him.
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ullnot-blog · 2 years
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22/11/10 転スラアニメ3期おめでとうございます!
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
there is something alive inside your head
gdoc for if my theme sucks to read on (it does) -> PART ONE: are you afraid of the dark
TW: unreality
Where are you? What’s happening? Why can’t you move, see, do anything at all?
Is this what death is like? Are you dead?
An impossibly loud thump reverberates through the inside of your skull. A second beat follows soon after, a deep, bass-heavy wave that blots out anything else you were thinking about in that moment. 
You gasp, overwhelmed by the shockwave. Then it repeats again. 
No, this wouldn’t be happening if you were dead. You don’t think anything would be—
Another two beats. You feel especially dizzy, on top of the vertigo from having no sense of space or direction. 
Maybe something really did eat you alive, and now you’re in its stomach listening to its slow, colossal heartb—
Another two beats. You lose your train of thought again from the deep aching pain in your head that drowns out everything else. 
It sounds like it’s coming from outside of you, all around you, and within your head all at the same time. Your head feels too—
Another two beats. You think your brain might be melting. 
All you can hope to do is wait out the thing that might as well be hitting your head like a drum. Either it will stop or you will stop; this can’t go on forever. No, you can’t go on forever. 
The smoke starts to clear. Or something like that, you guess? It’s difficult to tell, but you think you can see a flash of purple with every head-splitting thump. It’s as if the black hole blanket covering all your senses changes color, or maybe like you’re seeing a flashing light through a thick, inky membrane. 
No, it’s coming and going in waves. The light swells before each beat and dims in the space between.  Or is it the reverse, swelling between the beats as if the noise scatters it away?
It doesn’t matter. You think it’s getting closer. 
It starts off like a welcoming, warm glow, like soft moonlight on your skin. You didn’t realize how cold you felt until each thundering beat brought the momentary warmth of the purple light, like a comfort to counteract the terrible heartbeats. You welcome it, so it comes ever closer and closer, soon washing over you like a warm bath. 
Then like a splash of boiling water. 
Then like licking flames. 
You are reminded of the urban legend of the frog boiled alive on the stove, except you, unlike the frog, never had the choice to leap from the pot at all. 
The light is reaching for you, grasping at the inside of your skull with long thin fingers made of molten metal. You think something might be reaching back. Something that is alive inside your head. 
Then it stops. 
You are flung awake, gasping for breath, like someone has just lifted you out of a pool of water. No, more like a pit of tar. 
You look down at your hands. No burns, no light, no—
Two beats resonate through you. You whimper quietly, sensing a mounting headache from the tension in your head. 
… Wait, where are you?
You look up. The room is barely lit, but you have no trouble seeing two figures in front of you. One is currently held by the neck against the wall, trying to kick and squirm away. He has four arms, carnival paint, several shiny dangly things on his horns, and is begging to be spared. His pleas are ignored. 
The troll holding him, however, is unlike anyone else you’ve ever seen. He is terrifyingly tall, built, and covered in glowing lime green tattoos, but you feel much more in awe than fear as he seems to have come to your aid. Bright flashes of electricity crackle around him and the bladed staff he’s holding in his other hand. 
You’re so caught up in watching him strangle this poor clown that you could have knocked right off the bed you’re sat on with how intensely you flinch when the door slams open. 
You hear the soft ring of jingle bells. 
Your chest tightens and your breath catches in your throat. Your own heart skips a beat, but the one in your brain beats instead. 
The lime green tattooed troll whips around and releases the clown’s neck, who immediately backs into a corner and merely watches. Kind of like you, you think. 
Another clown storms into the room. They are immediately pinned to the wall with a blade pressed at their throat. There’s a thick black smoke seeping out from under the empty-eyed mask they wore, which seemed to be… Trying to grab the other guy? You’re not sure, because regardless of what the smoke was doing, the light coming from his tattoos was easily keeping it at bay, burning up all the shadows. 
You think the tattooed troll is talking to this new clown. You can’t tell over the ringing in your ears from the loud beating that is still bouncing around the inside of your head. The words don’t sound real anyways, so you try to just shut out as much as you can and cope with just what you can’t get rid of— the echoing heartbeat that seems to just be a part of the contents of your skull cavity now. 
It feels like there’s a terrible little creature that has decided to take up residence on top of your brain and each beat of its terrible little heart is so far within your own head that you couldn’t ever hope block it out no matter how hard you tried. 
You try to pace your breathing, slow and even, to soothe your racing heart and loosen the tightness through your whole body. When you exhale, a heavy black smoke falls from your lips, not too different from the same stuff coming out from underneath the mask of the clown your savior has pinned to the wall. That makes the panic worse.
It feels like years that the two stand there. Your gaze flicks between them and the first clown, but to your relief he doesn’t seem to want to put you back in whatever nightmarish abyss you were in before. 
He finally backs off after you think you’ve spent an eternity just sitting there all coiled up like a tense spring. He walks to you, and both clowns watch. He offers a hand and you just stare at him for a moment, so overwhelmed by everything happening to you that it doesn’t register what he’s offering for a couple moments. 
“Fuck, what did you do to the poor thing? Lobotomize him?” He twists to look at the first clown for a second, but quickly turns back.
“C’mon. We’re leaving.” This time, more insistent. You finally reach out and grab his hand, but flinch away for a moment. You weren’t expecting a static shock. 
“There we go! Let’s get you home. Krygen, right?”
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thinkingimages · 2 years
Cieli pesanti (song) by Bára Gísladóttir and Skúli Sverrisson. Caeli (album)
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dailu-chill · 2 years
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Some phone doodles
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