On the topic of reconciliation, when/if you're up for it, could you write a drabble about Nadine's parents getting back together? I've fully absorbed all your fics as cannon now.
"Nadine, honey, wake up."
Nadine let out a grumble and curled deeper into the gap between her pushed-aside plate and the champagne glasses. Boitumelo had covered her with his jacket, and the little cousins were asleep in adjacent seats like lion cubs.
It had been one too many uncles' speeches, and toasts, and dances. Even with the band still playing, happy chatter around the restaurant, the string lights of many colors casting a glow, they had nodded off.
Chloe tapped her hand again. "You want to see this, trust me."
She said it in an urgent whisper. Nadine's eyes snapped angrily open.
"I want to go home. This is the longest day of my life."
Chloe stepped behind her bride, kissed the top of her head, and pointed across at the bandstand, at the tiled courtyard that served as a dance floor.
It was Loyiso and Keletso--no. It couldn't be. Nadine picked her head up from the tablecloth. They couldn't be--dancing?!
Keletso in her night-blue shweshwe and Loyiso in a three-piece suit, far from the fatigues and cargos Nadine had grown up seeing him in. Looking into each others' eyes--no. No this was a dream. This had to be.
"How many drinks have I had--" Nadine started.
"Two, love."
"This isn't real."
"It is!" Laughter snuck into Chloe's voice. "I should have bet on it. Robbed you blind."
Being that they would have a joint account now, what would the point of that be?
Nadine brushed a leaf off of David's sleeping head, absently.
"And you were worried they'd fight if they sat too near each other."
"I made diagrams of the seating arrangements!"
"They did end up making a scene, though, mate. Just a different genre than you were expecting."
Nadine scoffed. "Ja."
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saucerkommand · 3 months
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Spirit of a Warrior, Loyiso Mkize
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afrotumble · 7 months
Loyiso Gola - State of the Nation
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graphicpolicy · 11 months
Preview: Tower #5 (of 5)
Tower #5 preview. The last remaining challengers face each other in a final showdown! #comics #comicbooks
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smashpages · 1 year
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Preview pages from Tower #4 (A Wave Blue World, May 2023), by Camrus Johnson, Kelsey Barnhart and Loyiso Mkize
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knowledgebaseng · 2 years
Nambitha Mpumlwana Biography: Age, Husband, Net Worth and Family
Nambitha Mpumlwana Biography: Age, Husband, Net Worth and Family
This post contains Nambitha Mpumlwana Biography, Education, Career, Net worth and Social Media, do well to read through. Nambitha Mpumlwana Biography Nambitha Mpumlwana (born February 12, 1967) is a multi-award winning actress. She is also a producer and a presenter. She is best known as the actress who played Mawande Memela in the popular SABC1 soap opera Generations. When she is not working on…
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alexanderlightweight · 9 months
Could you write something with Alec interacting with nephilim children
I like how you write him being careful with his words towards downworlder children so I'd like to know how'd you write him with nephilim kids as well
so i've known how i wanted to fill this for a while but i couldn't figure out hw to like, contextualize it and write it until now but here it is!
i hope you enjoy!
<3 lumine
Magnus doesn’t realize there is a difference with how Alexander treats children until nearly a year after first seeing Alexander with Madzie and then — slowly — other downworlder children.
It never occurs to him to consider how Alexander might treats nephilim children, until now.
There are a dozen adorable little figures who perk up the moment Alec steps after Magnus through the portal and they instantly swarm him.
“Commander!” They call and Magnus hides a smile with a hand, expecting Alexander to break into the normally warm smile he shares with Madzie.
It takes Magnus aback, to hear Alexander’s normally low and soothing voice — the voice he uses with children — take a gruffer edge. It’s still much softer than what he uses with adults, but it lacks a delicacy that Magnus has learned to recognize with Madzie and other particularly vulnerable children.
Despite his — what Magnus considers — abrasiveness, the children seem only more delighted. They form a double line and wait for him silently and with minimal shifting as Alexander walks through their ranks and… oh.
Magnus’ heart breaks as he realizes that he is not watching Alexander with nephilim children.
He is watching Alexander with shadowhunter trainees.
Bright eyed and newly runed children who are expected to soon be capable of running messages to Institutes, learning to take portals without getting sick, and who have long left their childhood behind.
If they ever had one at all.
Alexander treats them as the tiny soldiers they are until he’s through inspecting them — stopping to listen to quick and quiet sentence from each of them — and then his face softens.
“You did well, all of you.” He tells them and his hand falls on the tousled hair of the closest trainee and he looks down, mouth curling into a gentle smile. “I’m proud of you.”
They all light up at his sincerity, at the depth of his words.
They look as happy as Madzie when Alec lifts her onto his shoulders at the aquarium or when he stumbles over youtube tutorials to carefully twist and oil Madzie’s hair into appropriate braids.
“Any injuries after sparring?” Alexander asks and there is a chorus of proud denials and then two hesitant affirmations. “Status report,” Alexander says, dropping to rock onto his heels before the two with a calm face and voice.
“I broke my wrist!” One of them finally exclaims and she seems almost pleased about it, something eager in the way she presents her ‘report’. “And I told the trainer immediately! I didn’t try to ignore it this time!”
Magnus internally winces at the ‘this time’.
“Well done Elise,” Alexander murmurs and he pats her head as well. “You did excellent. After all if you hide an injury, then it will only get worse.” He says but it’s in a fond, pleased tone as if he’s repeated it quite a bit and is happy that it’s sunk in.
The boy next to her nods his head eagerly, “I lost a tooth! But the medics said it was still a baby tooth.” He gives a little gap-toothed scowl at that and Magnus now sees the lines creasing around Alexander’s eyes that mean he’s holding back a chuckle as he pats the child’s head.
“Well done, all of you. Remember to keep an eye on yourselves and each other. Elise and Loyiso both need to check with a medic before sparring tomorrow, can I count on their teams to make sure it happens? I’ll expect a report about what the medic says after training.” There is a chorus of determined agreements and then the children depart, all of them sending a last glance to Alexander before disappearing down through a hallway.
“I didn’t realize you had trainees.” Magnus says as they walk to Alexander’s office.
“Shockingly enough, I have one of the lowest death rates per Institute’s.” Alexander tells him quietly, though Magnus hardly considers that shocking. Alexander holds himself to a higher standard than almost any shadowhunter Magnus has ever met and he holds his Institute to similar quality. “Especially for an Institute in such a populated area as this. I train my hunters hard but beyond that and the fact that I won’t allow nepotism—” Alexander grimace here makes Magnus wince, he knows why Alec is so strict with it. “I’m known to be fair. People have been petitioning me to take trainees for months. I insisted on waiting until we were no longer an active warzone.”
Alexander rolls his eyes here and Magnus bites back his own scathing response to hearing that.
They manage to make it to Alexander’s office without any further delays and instead of his desk, Alexander slumps into the sofa he normally joins Magnus on.
“They’re practically babies, Magnus.” Alexander murmurs, “it wasn’t so bad when I wasn’t around other kids. Now I see Madzie and the rest and I just— what am I supposed to do?”
“Oh.” Magnus breathes out, his heart breaking because of course Alexander can’t risk softening around shadowhunter children. He’s going to be their commanding officer or at the very least, he’s going to be the standard of every commanding officer and trainer that they meet from now on.
These aren’t children who can grow up as slowly as they want or need.
These are nephilim babes.
Shadowhunters bred for battle.
Alexander can’t treat these children as actual children.
Not only would it be viewed as disrespectful or cast a bad light on the children themselves, it would only coddle them to the point where another Institute might throw them out or they might get themselves killed.
Spares, Alexander called them.
Fodder is what the clave considers them.
Not the heirs who will learn politics first, but the backups, the ones the clave might use as sacrifices and suddenly Magnus understands why they’ve been sent to Alexander.
Alec Lightwood does not sacrifice his people without cause.
Shadowhunters cannot understand duty without sacrifice but even then, it’s a relief to know that it’s just, especially for their children.
Alec is known to protect his people viciously. Oh, if they betray him and his code, he’ll bleed them himself, but those under his authority are also blessed by his protection.
Magnus understands better now, why parents would risk sending their children to Alec, even in the middle of a warzone.
Alexander won’t use them simply as bait.
It would cross his mind — the clave and Maryse trained him too well for it not to — but as soon as he became aware it was an option, he wouldn’t truly consider it and instead use it as fuel and strive to find and create other options until it was the last.
Unlike more clave-minded Institutes, who would rather save time than lives.
“I’ve put a note on their files, none of their teams will be allowed solo missions until all of them have met and matched their estimated growth spurts and then be evaluated. That will give them some more time at least, out of the field without supervision.” Alexander is rambling now, but Magnus merely sits next to him and rests his hand on Alec’s thigh, massaging the tense muscles gently. “I can get away with it because I used my siblings and I’s records and then scoured the database of submitted reports. Half of the injuries during a trainees missions are due to themselves or a member of the team being unprepared for a sudden growth spurt. On their part or on a teammates and so they all move out of sync. I’m also going to be rotating teams to ensure they can fit into other teams in case of emergencies with minimal friction.”
They’re good points and more so, it leaves Magnus aching with the knowledge that the reason Alec found this loophole is because of precedent.
What age was Alexander when he decided that he would change things?
That he had to change things so that it would be different for those under his protection.
Magnus knows Alexander isn’t perfect.
His darling is far from it and Magnus loves him viciously for it.
Alexander is raw with wounds from his childhood — or rather the lack of it — and ingrained prejudice still poisons the very base of his formative thoughts and yet he tries so very hard.
And yet all Magnus can think about is an Alexander, young and unable or perhaps even forbidden to speak up about his injuries as he forced himself to train.
Looking for praise or at the very least, reassurance and only being met with vitriol and bitterness.
Alexander may not be able to take these children to a park and push them on a swing until they think they’re about to fly, but he does right by them.
These children don’t need a bright plastic playground and pressing their noses against the glass of a captured ocean.
They need stability and protection and they need a Commander and leader willing to praise and acknowledge their efforts. They need someone who will remember their names and their accomplishments and — as Magnus listens to Alexander’s murmurs — who will know what they need.
Already Alexander is furthering a training plan, his mind nurturing strategies that will train these children to their very limit but not beyond — never beyond.
Alec will be a shield between them and the clave and perhaps even the expectations of their families until they are strong enough to do it on their own.
Magnus can already see the specializations that Alexander is considering for each child and how seriously he’s taking the fact that he’s responsible for not only their wellbeing, but their futures.
Competence is a beautiful look on Alexander and one he wears well.
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loquaciousquark · 11 months
[Fic] Still Touched With Fire [4/6]
Rating: T Characters/Pairings: Shepard/Garrus, Tali, EDI Word Count: 5k this chapter, ~24k total Summary: The world ends. Life goes on. Shepard and Garrus pick up—and occasionally fight through—the pieces.
It takes almost half an infuriating hour, but at last Garrus finds Shepard on the roof. She’s sitting at the halfway point of the steel walkway between the two wings of the hospital, looking out over a sixteen-story drop, her legs dangling into open space. The braided cables that make up the side railings are spaced tightly enough he’s not afraid of her falling through, but even in the dark he can see her wheelchair shoved carelessly out of her reach, hard rubber wheels cocked at an angle as they’ve caught on the walkway’s metal grating. His visor reads out several helpful metrics as he approaches: an eight-kph night breeze from the southeast, enough to feel but not enough to affect targeting; the heat signature of overworked cybernetics in her left elbow, her left knee; a mildly elevated heart rate, which jumps another ten beats when she looks over to see him at the gate.
“I found her, Sergeant Loyiso,” he says into his comm as he lets himself through, not bothering to hide the annoyance. The walkway—intended for access to the helipad on the other roof—is unlit, most of the floodlights broken or burnt out. There’s still enough ambient light from the city below he can make out where to step; the dim glow reflects in unsteady flickers over Shepard’s face, green, blue, red. Any other time, he would have laughed at the guilt in her eyes. “I’ll bring her back in a minute.”
“Thank you, Vakarian, sir,” comes the serviceman’s voice in fervent gratitude, and Garrus cuts the connection.
Links: FF.net, AO3
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ncteby · 2 years
₍ ᶻᶻᶻ [NCTEBY] is typing ... ₎
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➦ P A S S W O R D : 04/09/2016
➦ A C C E S S : C O N F I R M E D
➦ C O N T I N U E ?
┆○ NO      ● YES
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✧.*ೃ༄  (TW// mentions of mental health problems, racial bullying, and transphobia) ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Eusbia-Amala Akunna Loyiso Adesida was born on January 1st, 1999, at the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, New York City. Her mother is Gyeong-Hui Kim, a well-known supermodel of Korean descent credited with having one of the best supermodel walks on the runway ever up there with Naomi Campbell, Shalom Harlow, and Yasmin Ghauri, and her father is Akunna Adesida Jr, a music and theater teacher of Nigerian and South African descent. She is one of the youngest siblings in the family.
She was a child prodigy at a young age and started high school at eight years old after she tested out of her elementary school. She attended Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. She graduated in the year of 2012 as class president & valedictorian.
She was the youngest in her class. Going to this school jump-started her interest in becoming a singer-songwriter, producer, and composer. She used to sing in her church and school choir and take singing classes on the side. She even used to participate in school plays. Her parents also took the time to speak different languages around their children to learn and understand the people in their environment.
She also took up hobbies such as basketball, ballet, dancing, & gymnastics to distract herself from her parent’s divorce in 2008. She learned hip hop, modern, ballroom, and contemporary dance, all while going to school at the same time. She was the team captain of the school’s female basketball team.
While she was acting in shows and movies, after filming was over, she competed in competitions with people within her age range because she loved doing this to ground herself from fame.
She was friendly and kind to those around her. She taught herself a toxic habit of hiding her sorrows from her family and close friends around her. She had the privilege that most people didn’t, so she shut up and swallowed it down.
Her environment was while going to school; her mom was a model and jet-setting to different places for photoshoots, magazine covers, & fashion weeks. She had family stay with her and her siblings in the tiny apartment Gyeong-Hui brought herself to start her modeling career. Her dad was a music teacher, so he helped out at home while her mom was away. It causes her to develop severe depression & anxiety.
Lastly, as time passed, Akunna, Gyeong-Hui, and Himchan remarried different people a few years after their separate divorces, causing them to bring the family into a new and improved mansion near each other in Los Angeles. The parental figures decided to co-parent peacefully and became more involved with the children’s interests again, like before.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
She got scouted by SM Entertainment in November 11th, 2012 at a dancing competition. The scout was interested when she saw Eusbia on the stage because of her fluid moves; she moved masculine yet feminine which intrigued her. She asked around to find Eusbia’s parents, and when the staff did, all hell broke loose because her parents were so angry and thought it was a scam. The worried parents had heard stories like this before and wanted to be careful.
Eusbia was intrigued but made sure to ask questions and get the information she wanted. After talking it out with her family, she flew to South Korea to become a trainee, she moved into her maternal grandparent's house, and that’s how the journey started. As a trainee, they made fun of her skin tone, hair, body, and facial features causing fellow trainees to spread rumors about how she was secretly a boy because of how “annoyingly flat-chested” she was in the eyes of most female trainees and they spread rumors she had a penis (when that wasn’t even true Eusbia just wore sports bras that didn’t accentuate her boobs and she didn’t have one) all because she had the talent they wanted. The company let her train in a separate room away from others. She still defended herself with her words and actions which the company did sparingly.
On a day before she debuted it was announced she was a new member along with her group members Suvi and Ines than they debuted a day later on February 8rd, 2013 with “Up & Down”. The reactions online from most K-Netizens were about her being too dark, too fat, and her hair should be straight to debut, which brought back her undiagnosed severe depression & anxiety again. She was a popular member internationally and had a cult following in South Korea.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
She dealt with a lot of hate but knew how to deal with it because she’s been in the Western entertainment industry for a decade, so she’s got it figured out. Within three years and one month of the group’s debut, they got the idea to add the eight-member group to the concept of NCT. With that idea in mind, she debuted again on April 9th, 2016, with the song ‘The 7th Sense’ under the name NCT U. She dealt with even more backlash than before. The exact words said to her by her fellow trainees were being said about her online, which is public to see.
Three months later, on July 6th, 2016, she debuted in the group NCT 127 with the song ‘Firetruck.’ A month later, she debuted under NCT VOXARA (the new group name) on August 8th, 2016, with “BOOMBAYAH” and “WHISTLE,” Then she debuted again sixteen to seventeen days later as a member of the younger subunit NCT DREAM with ‘Chewing Gum’ on August 24-25th, 2016. She was dealing with hate again from all fandoms, but it became harsher as she continued to promote in the two NCT male-dominated subunits. It became even more brutal when they realized she dorms with the members during promotions.
Ten years later, she debuted in SUPERM with the song ‘Jopping’ as the first female member along with Ines. The hate slightly died down as time went on but it still persists within solo stans.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
Six years before she debuted as a member of NCT VOXARA, nine years before she debuted as an NCT member, and thirteen years before she debuted as a SUPERM member. She had her first three singles out when she was 11-12, called ‘Whip My Hair’ on October 26th, 2010, ‘21st Century Girl’ on March 11th, 2011, and ‘Fireball feat. Nicki Minaj’ on October 6th, 2011.
Her first album ‘Unbreakable Smile,’ released on June 23rd, 2015. Second album ‘Sit Still, Look Pretty,’ released on October 7th, 2016. Third album ‘Ctrl’ released on June 9th, 2017. Fourth album ‘Amala’ released on March 30th, 2018. Fifth album ‘Eusbia’ released on October 12th, 2018. Sixth album is ‘Hot Pink’ released on November 7th, 2019. Seventh album is ‘It was Divine’ released on April 4th, 2020. Her eighth album ‘Positions’ released on October 30th, 2020. Her ninth album ‘Planet Her’ was released on June 25th, 2021. Her tenth album called ‘Heart on my Sleeve, SOS’ was released on December 9th, 2022.
All of this brought the hate and backlash down but only to a small percentage. She is currently breaking records in the music world internationally and in South Korea.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
At twenty-three to twenty-four years old, she became one of the world’s youngest self-made billionaire with the business she launched at eighteen. She is currently developing positive habits to follow instead of the former toxic patterns she did to herself. She is taking Lexapro, prescribed by her psychiatrist, and will be weaned off by March 2023.
She works out four times a week, eats healthier foods, follows a strict skincare routine, is becoming comfortable talking about her feelings with her loved ones, and will start taking vitamins after she weans off her antidepressant medication. She has never once hated her skin tone and hair and is loving it even more than before.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ EBY━🌻
Credits to @nct-mimi for the layout idea
2024 update: I’m planning on rewriting this to make it cohesive.
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zo-sunz · 1 year
アパルトヘイトはアフリカーンス語で、「分離」または「離れている状態」と訳されています。これは、1948 年から 1991 年の間に南アフリカで制度化された人種分離と差別のシステムを指します。
南アフリカ共和国 Republic of South Africa 基本データ
面積 121万9,090平方キロメートル(日本の3.2倍)
人口 5,962万人(2020年央推計、南ア統計局)
首都 プレトリア
言語 英語、アフリカーンス語、ズールー語ほか
宗教 キリスト教(80%)、ヒンズー教、イスラム教
公用語 英語、アフリカーンス語、ズールー語など11言語
独立年月日 1910年5月31日
在留邦人 1,112人(2021年10月1日現在)
在日当該国人数 942人(2018年12月現在)
1652年 オランダ,ケープ植民地設立。
1910年 「南アフリカ連邦」独立。
1961年 英連邦から脱退し共���制移行(「南アフリカ共和国」成立)。
1991年 アパルトヘイト関連法の廃止。
1994年 4月 初の全人種参加型の総選挙を実施。
1994年 5月 マンデラ政権成立。
1995年 11月 全人種参加の地方選挙を実施。
1997年 2月 新憲法発効。
1999年 6月 第二回総選挙実施,ムベキ大統領就任。
2004年 4月 第三回総選挙実施,ムベキ大統領再任。
2008年 9月 ムベキ大統領辞任,モトランテ大統領就任。
2009年 4月 第四回総選挙実施。
2009年 5月 ズマ大統領就任。
2014年 5月 第五回総選挙実施,ズマ大統領再任。
2018年 2月 ズマ大統領辞任,ラマポーザ大統領就任。
2019年 5月 第六回総選挙実施,ラマポーザ大統領再任。
人種差別的な攻撃があったとされる南アフリカで、3 人の白人男性が殺人未遂などの罪で起訴されました。この事件は国民の怒りを引き起こし、大統領は人種差別と闘うよう呼びかけた.
暴力的な出会いは撮影され、ソーシャル メディアで広く共有され、人種差別がアパルトヘイトの終結から 30 年近く経った今でも厄介な問題である国で、広範囲にわたる怒りを引き起こしました。
携帯電話の映像では、3 人の男性が少年たちに向かって叫び、殴っているのが見られます。男性の 1 人が少年の 1 人を水中に押し込みました。
追加のセキュリティ ビデオ映像には、10 代の若者がプールに入るのを阻止しようとする男性と、黒人の 10 代の若者がプールに入るやいなや、当時泳いでいた白人のグループがプールから出る様子が映っています。
事件後、シリル・ラマポーザ Cyril RAMAPHOSA大統領(2018年2月就任、2019年5月22日再任。1952年11月17日生まれ)は攻撃を非難した。「10 代の若者を扱う大人が、これほどまでに安易に暴力に訴えるのは嘆かわしいことです」と彼は言いました。
木曜日、治安判事 Loyiso Mzana は、保釈を認める前に、Jacobus Johannes Classen の身の安全について懸念を表明した。
南アフリカの報道機関 Netwerk24 は、州検察官が治安判事に、少年の法律顧問の 1 人がこの事件について地域社会の平静を取り戻そうと取り組んでいると語ったと報じた。
lo/jcg (AP、AFP)
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unchartedthelostlegacy · 11 months
Don't let me write a stupid fluff fic about Chloe Frazer, who has the soul of a Prohibition-era gin runner, and Loyiso Ross, who retired from leading Shoreline to tinker with old cars. Nadine will not see the Gran Turismo movie with Chloe so. So Chloe. Goes with her dad. Don't let them find commonality in geeking over stupid car movies. Loyiso already adopted Lesedi after her dad was killed, he is a girl dad, he and Chloe growing close so she at least has someone's father would be so good for her sidbtogmtldlwpalaldlgkl
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movienized-com · 4 months
Love, Sex and 30 Candles (2023)
Jahr: 2023 (August) Genre: Drama / Romantik Regie: Stephina Zwane Hauptrollen: Amogelang Chidi, Bahumi Madisakwane, Gabisile Tshabalala, Candice Modiselle, Terence Bridgett, Lunga Shabalala, Loyiso Macdonald, Clementine Mosimane, Anthony Oseyemi, Iminathi Sibeko … Filmbeschreibung: Vier beste Freundinnen werden im gleichen Jahr 30. Ein ziemlicher Einschnitt ins Leben der Frauen, zumal es in…
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arabwindow · 5 months
#نافذة_العرب | تداعيات الحرب بين البيسري ومدير المخابرات الجنوب افريقية
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afrotumble · 2 years
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Painting by Loyiso Mkize
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graphicpolicy · 1 year
Preview: Tower #4 (of 5)
Tower #4 preview. Cas and Kimi set off on their own, while Mac is quite impressed by the skills of his new partner, Kylie. But can he trust her any more than he did Cas and Kimi? #comics #comicbooks
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