weeklyhorrorscope · 6 months
☆ Anyways, Troll Gilmore Girls is fantastic~ Rawrie is the ideal, peak mid-blood that all of us midbloods should aspire to be like~☆
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grayblacklight · 1 year
So, a while back- I think it was just a bit after the pop kickstarter was announced- I started to think about what pokémon teams each character in epithet erased would have, though with more emphasis on what they would actually have if they were in the world of pokémon rather than simply "what would they type in on pokémon showdown". Not that that's a bad thing, but these are teams I think would work best for say, a crossover fic I couldn't ever quite manage to piece together a coherent plot for.
Uh, point is this is a pointless combination of excessively over-thought character analysis, and considerations of how they would meet and interact with their pokemon. I made one for Molly, and one for Vincent, both of which I posted to reddit a while back but figured were good enough to post here as well, albeit with a few edits:
Molly is an extremely good trainer (being an exceptionally intelligent pre-teen protagonist, of course she is), useing Ev trained Pokemon with often competitive sets, elite four level would probably be low-balling it, but she is not well known because she is stuck working as free labor for her family, her dad won't let her challenge the gyms to because then he'd have to actually run the night shift. A much stronger trainer than Giovanni- Ahem- VINCENT MURDER, but still respects him as her boss and friend. (And for being a better dad over one night at the museum than her actual dad has basically ever.)
Her starter would be intelleon, sniping out tramatic fires from a distance. It also teaches her to use the gun Giovanni gave her with impressive proficiency (because my brain always goes back to the GunSafety!!!!AU for some reason).  I just love the idea of them doing target practice together.
She also has a Gyarados for fire types, what she bonded with after raising it from a Magikarp- this was her first mega evolution (yes she has more than one, I wasn't kidding when I said she was good). It was obtained after her dad got scammed by the Magikarp salesman when getting a gift for Lorlai, who decided it was worthless and made Molly deal with it. Molly was actually already a far more knowledgeable trainer, and knew she needed to be patient with it. It's not surprising that they bonded, given their similarities.
(Lorlai is a nearly useless trainer btw; she uses her epithet to fantasize about becoming champion instead of, I don't know, ACTUALLY TRAINING HER POKEMON. yeah she has never beaten a gym. Molly is more often than not the one caring for her pokémon)
She similarly raised a zubat Lorlai discarded for being "just another common, ugly pest" into a crobat, which proves to be an essential part of her team thanks to its speed and moves like confuse ray and fly allowing a consistent getaway. It immediately impressed Vincent and his minions.
Bewear and Ursarang (and maybe later ursaluna, but that depends on how accessible it evolution is, it might just get eviolite) would be no surprise for her team, and generally act as the muscle, both on and off the battlefield. They were both gifts from feenie after she found out that her dad would not let her go on a journey to catch all the pokemon she wanted. Because of her teddy bear like appearance and the lack of care received from her family, they are very protective of her. Notably, Bewear is normally slightly weaker then the rest of her team, but performs feats comparable to the Bewear in the sun and moon anime to protect her. (I choose these two over the other bear pokemon because they are both specifically based on teddy bears, but she likes all of them)
Her last mon is an Absol found while working with Giovanni after the museum arc (and pop) that joined her team, as she would care for it after it gets seriously injured by the locals it was trying to help, reminding her of how her family treated her. Their bond leads to her second mega. Of course it is also the coolest thing Vincent has ever seen, and anyone who says it looks like "edgy oc cringe" is going to be hit by a knife with a bat taped to it.
So yeah, Molly is low-key a Pokemon master, change my mind.
(note; I made Vincent's team like half a year after I made Molly's, so enjoy a bit of a jump in quality)
Now for Vincent, who is interesting because in some ways he is a sort of inverse of Molly. He wouldn't have a deadbeat dad shaped wall between him and catching more Pokemon, and his team reflect that he is actually nice rather than Molly having a team that somewhat reflects her dark side. There's 3 things I kept in mind for this:
Vincent would likely be a very good trainer. His genuine love for his Pokémon and high creativity would allow him to pull the same type of protagonist based shenanigans that Ash does. I'd estimate that he is around gym leader level, and I'm not talking about the weaker teams that they use when you first challenge a gym for a badge, I'm talking about their full strength, like you would see in their rematch teams. This would, quite fittingly, put him on a similar level to team rocket's Giovanni, albeit for very different reasons.
Second, he is absolutely a fairy specialist. Like, not all of then have to be fairy, but it's probably most of them. I've seen a lot of people give him fire and dark type mons, but as much as he wants his team to look like that, he's not willing to drop his favorite mons to do it.
And the third one's a bit more meta. So in some Pokémon games they'll give one of the antagonists a Crobat as a storytelling device. See crobat is a Pokémon that evolves with friendship, so it can be used to show that someone like Plumeria isn't actually that bad, or my favorite example, showing that Silver's golbat evolved a the end of the game to prove that he has learned to take care of his Pokémon.
So basically, Vincent's entire team is friendship evolutions. Because I think that's hilarious.
Sylveon; Vincent's starter Pokemon was an Eevee, and it was bound to become a Sylveon, with how much of a sweetheart Vincent is. Anyone who underestimates him is going to be in for a shock, because Sylveon is a very strong Mon. the standard hyper voice/ Shadow ball/ mystical fire is mixed up with a full power Return, which is fairy type because of pixelate. While Sylveon is a special attacker, a full power pixelate boosted return can do a fair bit of damage if the opponent gets too close.
Sylveon, like a cat, is a picky eater who won't eat normal Pokemon food, so Vincent makes special soup that contains all the essential vitamins and minerals. Sylveon loves it!
Loppuny; so fun fact about buneary: It is the only non-legendary Pokemon to have a base friendship value of zero. This thing hates you with the force of gods, making it the most difficult friendship evolution to achieve. Not that Vincent would know, he's patient about these things. This is his mega too, which is canonically achieved through a bond with your Pokemon. Add scrappy returns that hit ghost types like a truck and we have a recipe for "wow this guy's actually really nice". But don't tell anyone that!
Buneary was found loitering (a perfectly respectable crime that can be very dangerous) outside a baseball field at the same time Vincent and the boys were. Vincent realized that they wanted to play, so he decided to teach them. Loppuny is the only pitcher Vincent has met that can get any strikes with him at the bat, but he still has yet to be struck out.
Azumarill: absolute unit of a small bean. It's ability is sap sipper instead of huge power, but you certainly wouldn't know it by looking at them- Vincent trained them quite well, which makes it all the easier to trick unsuspecting grass trainers into giving a free attack boost.
This little bundle of joy hugs like a bewear (which is to say it hurts. A lot) but Vincent always returns the hugs anyway.
Togekiss: stops enemies in their tracks with parahax, because that's what togekiss does, then fly away with the loot. As simple of a one-two punch as it gets.
Togekiss has determined that the boys are precious babies that need to be protected, and has been known to trap anyone who hurts them with parahax until they apologize. Also likes to hug them at every possible opportunity
Wigglytuff: fun fact; cops are a lot easier to out-run when they're sleeping. Also knows wake up slap, just in case someone who wasn't supposed to get hit by sing needs to wake up fast.
They sing lullabies to the neo trio, and sometimes Vincent likes to join in. Generally good with children in general, and Vincent has trained them to only pull out the marker on jerks like vice principals and cops
Chimecho: yeah I had to give him at least one of James's Pokemon, It was only a matter of time. They know heal bell because safety is important, and have been trained to catch anyone who falls with physic even if Vincent doesn't give any orders. They serve as a lookout from above and alert them of any bothersome police ladies with real ass goddamn swords.
It and togekiss are good friends, and both carry an extra 'ancient potion' in case of emergencies. They're always keeping an eye on car crash in particular.
Do note, I was going to have Primarina be starter before I decided to commit to the friendship evolution bit (he would catch one if he could find one), and a comment on the original reddit post brought up the idea of him having exactly one fire type in the form of the not-very popular Semisear, which is amazing and he would probably have one as like, a house pet that helps out his mom's ala Mr.Mime in the anime.
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Lorelai: You know Ava you should probably potty train those guys before they shit in the neighbors yard or something like....THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT A TOILET IS?!?!
Ava: *Sudden realizeation* I-....Th-they wouldn't do that right? GUYS YOU WOULDN'T SHIT ON THE NEIGHBORS YARD RIGHT?
Rhys: Defecate on someone elses property? What do you take us for barbarians!?! We throw it out into the road just like everyone else.
*In the background you hear someone scream " OH SHIT" before hearing several crashes police sirens, the sounds of crying babies, an explosion and then the sizzle of fire*
Ava Looking out at the window towards the car crash right outside her apartment: Man I just thought Asch was BURNING things. God.
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karldecorpse · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”  -Karl Wyndyll M. Lamban and Jullien Lorilli Angcla
As we lived in a modernized world, it’s no question that media has a role to play for the government and vice versa. Both media and the government are known to be influential and dominant as they have the ability to manipulate and deceive individuals, changing the way they think about matters which sometimes make them stay neutral in issues or pick sides. With this, the media and the government appear to be in dispute by the existence of biases and false accusations of whatever published news reports and any information that is being shared all around. Some journalists would be opposed to what the government is doing, and on the other hand, the government would insist, as it is misleading for them. As a result, the government issues claims then would contradict the media, and vice versa. Leading the two being connected together in a love-hate relationship.
If both the media and the government have times of disagreements, let us not forget that without the media, there will be no accountability in the country, as media acts as our watchdog letting us know of what's going on. And without the government, people will not be directed on the right path. It would even be hard for us to think about solving problems and handling downhearted situations without leaders guiding us. Without the two, life would really be more difficult. The government will not be able to guide the people on its own, so they need a helping hand, and the media is supporting the side. On the other way around, the media will not make sense if there is nothing for people to be informed about. As to whatever problems we are facing, it’s the two that are linked together to continuously make us stay aware.
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fidemleto · 4 years
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@blueletterss​: Kate said:  "I had no place to turn.” to Lorelai
Lorelai remembered that feeling. Family was family. Even if she could act like she’d cut them off if it meant she could live peacefully. Things between them had been off lately; for a while, actually. Loralai hadn’t just run away from Christopher, she’d run away from her family, too. More times that not, she was raising Rory alone, doing whatever it took to do it.  That didn’t mean she didn’t miss Kate. Her older sister, no matter how long it had been, would be close to her. They had made it through the same set of parents. They’d confided in each other, and been best friends (at times) when things had gotten the hardest.  “Do mom and dad know you’re here?” The words coming out with a quick blink- as if she could simply remove the shock. 
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flame-shadow · 2 years
Can I hear more about Lorlai?
Lorlei is a roach that hatched and grew up in the roach village in the Giant’s Den. Xe fears the deadlanders and tried very hard and relatively successfully to aid in the defence of the village through machines and traps that would distract, deter, or defeat deadlanders that got too close. Xe has a knack for inventing things and is motivated by assisting/protecting others.
One day, xe found a small crystal hidden among some wires. It was a trap, but xe managed to get away without major injury. While crystal power was not a new concept to xem, this particular gem seemed significantly more potent. With this source of magic, xe developed new tools. Eventually, xe incorporated various elemental experiments into a single device - a multipen that someone had brought back as a curiosity while scavenging. This eventually became xeir weapon, a powerful tool for dealing with deadlanders directly.
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[ very quick sketch of the moment when xe realized it was a trap. you can read a rough text version of the buildup here under the readmore ]
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huariqueje · 3 years
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Lorlai  -   Magi Puig
Oil on canvas,  81 x 130 cm.
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speyerboot · 3 years
First I LOVE your drawing of Lorlai. Second, did you think you can draw a headcanon look for Molly's mom? If that's okay. Love your art so much!
Haha thank you Anon!
I would love to give an interpretation of Calliope a shot, but because there is absolutely 0 information for me to go off of (aside from a very quick description of her personality) that's a pretty big challenge for me. (I would want to try to give her the upmost justice) so maybe if we end up learning a little more information about Calliope i can try sometime in the future, or who knows maybe inspiration will strike now that you've got me thinking about it.
So stay tuned, who knows 😂😂
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I am loving this toy story au so far. Heres some ideas, Giovanni may have come from a kitchen set, but his cloths got all messed up. So Molly made him his "villain uniform" and he's now a anti-hero who knows how to cook. The heather Banzi are Lorlai old dolls, that she was going to throw away until Molly stopped her. Gorou was part of food-job set. But his voice box was damage so he can only say "My donut" and "I'm the sheriff" she found him a trash can.
Oh I love it.... maybe Bugsy and Arnold came from the same set as Gorou was supposed to be in? And the Banzai Heathers were from whatever the barbie doll equivalent would be?
Molly makes all the Banzai Blaster uniforms for the toys! She sews them when the store is empty. She’s always making more outfits for all her toys.
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ebaytohouse · 3 years
Lorlai Risingmoon World of Warcraft Miniatures Figure WoW Cards Core Set Common https://t.co/zuLCPe1pUN #LorlaiRisingmoon #Warcraft #WoW #WorldOfWarcraft #Miniatures #Figure #Videogames #Gaming #Gamers #TabletopGaming #TabletopGames #Collectibles #GamingCommunity #MMORPG
— DRG (@eBayToHouse) Sep 11, 2021
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spooky-masky · 5 years
Asdjk lorlaie you're adorable stop it aaaaa
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techurdu · 7 years
A Breathtaking 😲 Tour of Loralai from Quetta Balochistan 🚙- Majestic Pakistan🇵🇰
A Breathtaking 😲 Tour of Loralai from Quetta Balochistan 🚙- Majestic Pakistan🇵🇰
Loralai (ضلع لورالائی‎) is a district in northeast of Balochistan province of Pakistan. Loralai town is the district headquarters. The population counted in the 1998 census was 297,600, 12% of which was urban. The predominant first language of the district’s inhabitants is Pashto, which accounts for 92% of the population, but there are also speakers of Balochi (3.4%) and Punjabi (1.2%). Loralai…
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aamirmitchell · 7 years
also lorlai gilmore did not go through hella shut and work her ass off for rory to be like her kskrndfnnsslkrmf
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i live Gilmore girls, okay I live in stars hollow. we have a craig. my mother is lorlaie. we got A random pig that runs through town. i just....holy shit man.
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justmegoing · 7 years
In the fiddler in the roof song, Lorlai and luke listen to the lyrics "in 25 years" it's nice to know they love each other and after about 25 yrs total they finally marry!
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detaar · 8 years
Lorlai Meridiana Rishat
Klasse: Bard/Paladin (Raven Queen)
Rasse: Halb-Elf
 Lorlai kann in Stornden gefunden werden, nachdem sie zu einem Paladin der Raben Königin geworden ist wurde sie beauftragt den Grund für den Riss der Ebenen in Stornden zu finden und zu beseitigen.
Lorlai wird nicht mit der Gruppe interagieren wenn Tally nicht dabei ist oder erwähnt wird.
Ihr Hauptziel ist der Raben Königin zu dienen, wenn Tally sie findet wird Tally ihr Hauptziel.
Lorlai ist kein companion es sei denn die Gruppe möchte es unbedingt.
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