#Long Distance Moving Company in Cincinnati
jaydenirish · 13 days
A long distance moving company in Cincinnati with local knowledge and its surroundings can provide valuable insights and efficiencies. They are likely familiar with the best routes, local regulations, and potential challenges specific to the area, ensuring a smoother move.
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kieron141-blog · 4 months
Action These Checklist & Tips for Cincinnati Florida best moving companies near me
Leaving can feel like a complex task, however with the right suggestions and checklist in place, you can make the process smoother and more organized. Whether you're relocating for a job or starting a new chapter in your life, appropriate preparation is key to guaranteeing a effective relocation. 1. Commence ASAP: Start your preparations as soon as possible to enable adequate time for all the needed tasks. 2. Write down your project checklist: A comprehensive list of all that requires to be done prior to, during, and after the relocation. This will help you to remain organized and guarantee key pieces of the project are not overlooked. 3. Research your brand-new state: Familiarize yourself with the guidelines, laws, and requirements of your brand-new state relating to housing, energies, transport, and so on 4. Employ expert movers: Think about hiring skilled movers who specialize in long-distance relocations. Get numerous quotes and check out evaluations to find trusted specialists who can manage your particular needs. 5. Declutter before packaging: Take this opportunity to declutter your personal belongings by getting rid of items you no longer need or usage. This will minimize the total volume of items being moved and save you money and time. 6. Load strategically: Label boxes clearly according to their contents and location rooms in your new home. Pack delicate items with extra care using appropriate padding materials. 7. Notify important celebrations: Notify relevant celebrations about your change of address, consisting of banks, utility companies, insurance companies, schools if suitable, and federal government agencies. 8. Organize essential files: Keep important documents such as recognition papers, medical records, monetary statements firmly organized throughout the moving procedure for simple gain access to when needed. 9. Arrange for energies transfer or cancellation: Contact energy business at both ends to set up disconnection at your present home and connection at your brand-new house on moving day or quickly after. 10. Look after yourself during the relocation: Moving can be physically demanding and emotionally draining; keep in mind to take breaks when needed and focus on self-care to remain energized and focused throughout the procedure. By following these leading 10 pointers, you'll be well-prepared for your out-of-state move, ensuring a smoother transition and a positive start to your new chapter.
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robinsonrelocation · 11 months
Robinson Relocations
Address: 6320 Madison Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227
Phone: (513) 302-2222
Website: https://robinsonrelocations.com/movers/cincinnati-oh/
Description: Get started with Cincinnati's most trusted moving company. With over 10 years in the industry, Our talented Cincinnati movers work hard everyday to provide the best services for our clients. We are a full service Cincinnati moving company that does it all, from Packing, Local to Long Distance Moves, Moving one piece or multiple houses. Our Cincinnati movers make moving fun. We don't only want to be just a mover, we strive to be a partner that will make your moving process as smooth as possible. You can trust us with your packing, loading and moving you locally or across the country. We take care of everything no matter what size your move might be. Take the stress out of your move with one of the top moving companies in Cincinnati.
Keywords: robinson relocations, robinson movers, robinson moving company, movers cincinnati, movers in cincinnati, cincinnati movers, moving companies cincinnati, cincinnati moving companies
Hours: Monday - Sunday 7AM–6PM
Starting year: 2019
Number of Employee: 10-20
Payment Method: Cash and Debit Cards
Social Media Links :
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planningpals · 1 year
What’s the “best” density for the design of cities today? Why?
Part 1
(Renata) There is no single "best" density for the design of cities today, as the optimal density depends on various factors, including the local climate, transportation infrastructure, cultural and social preferences, and economic conditions. Generally speaking, though, higher densities can lead to more efficient use of land and resources, as well as easier access to public transportation and amenities. However, high density can also lead to increased traffic congestion and overburdened infrastructure, so a balance is vital.
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(Sam) Housing density can affect a wide variety of values in the inner city, which is why many times (especially locally) the housing is brought together in a compact space to allow an even distance between everyday needs. When it comes to fitting density in Cincinnati specifically, Over The Rhine is the closest neighborhood supporting the idea of compact housing in the natural element. The compact space fits in many corporate and local companies, neighbored by separate living options, most of which host low numbers. (Renata) Many residential and commercial mixed-use areas also include a large percentage of buildings designed with office or retail space on the first floor and housing on the floors above. Semi-densely packed, these buildings are generally three- to five stories in height with long, narrow floor plates, making most buildings have a floor area ratio (FAR) of 2.86-2.14. Although the design was meant to support more than two families per housing unit, this is not the present case. Out of 1,193 households, most household buildings have an average of only holding two people. With the addition of public transport in Cincinnati, more people would be willing to move into these compacted areas and fill in the necessary density.
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todaysdocument · 3 years
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Front page of the Tulsa Tribune during the Tulsa Race Massacre, 6/1/1921.
Series: Central Decimal Files, 1881 - 1982
Collection: Records of the American National Red Cross, 1881 - 2008
                                                          The Tulsa Tribune
THE WEATHER                                                                                                       SECOND
OKLAHOMA - Tonight and Thurs-                                                                    EXTRA
day part cloudy.
     Tulso temperatures: Maximum
today at noon, 85, yesterday, 91;
minimum, 68, yesterday, 61
VOL. XVII - NUMBER 225.        TULSA, OKLAHOMA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1921.        State Edition * *      FOURTEEN PAGES - PRICE [TORN] CENTS
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
7 whites, 68 Negroes Dead --- Fire Rages
All persons not deputied as special officers are ordered to
disarm in a proclamation issued shortly before noon by Mayor
Evans. Persons carrying guns after that hour will be arrested.
The proclamation:
"Armed troops, well equipped, have now arrived who, with
the assistance of the local authorities, will be able to control
the situation in this city. Everyone is directed to preserve law
an dorder and to avoid under every circumstance, the gather-
ing on the streets of curious and excited masses. This only
tends to make the situation worse for the authorities in restor-
ing order, making it more burdensome and complicated. No
loyal citien of Tulsa will willingly commit any act which en-
dangers the peace and security of the city. All parties, without
direct authority from the chief of police or the sheriff or Tulsa
county, who may be found after 11 a. m. today bearing arms and
engaged in any act liable to promote a breach of the peace will
be arrested and prosecuted under the Riot Act.
"Headquarters of the National Guards is established in
Room 306, City Hall, at Fourth street and Cincinnati avenue,
and except for duly appointed policeman and deputy sheriffs
all permission to bear ar mfsrom, and after, the publication of
this proclamation must be countersigned by Gen. Charles F.
Barrett or Col. B. F. Markham, commanding the National Guards.
"Gen. Charles F. Barrett concurs in this proclamation."
Dated 10:30 a. m., June First 1921.
"T. D. EVANS, Mayor."
Barrett is Put in Full
Charge by Robertson
OKLAHOMA CITY. - Martial law in Tulsa was ordered by
Governor Robertson at 11:15 o'clock and Adjutant General Bar-
rett placed in command of the city. The order was given over
the long distance telephone and a proclamation to this effect is
being prepared and will be issued immediately.
The order of Governor Robertson invoking martial law
over Tulsa has been extended to include all of Tulsa county. The
order will displace civil control and place it in supreme com-
mand of the adjutant general.
The governor's telegram to the adjutant general follows:
"I have declared martial law throughout Tulsa county and
am holding you responsible for maintenance of order, safety of
lives and protection of property. You will do all things neces-
sary to attain these objects.
(Signed)                  "J. B. A. ROBERTSON, Governor."
The governor acted after being in communication with of-
ficers in Tulsa. Attorney General Freeling will go to Tulsa this
"The situation at Tulsa seems peculiar to me," Governor
Robertson said. "With power vested in all city and county offi-
cials there to deputie and put into the law enforcement every
citien of the city if necessary, I cannot understand how this
trouble was allowed to get such a start."
Conversation with Adjutant General Barrett was to the ef-
fect that it was impossible for the fire department to enter the
negro section and that the flames were raging unabated.
All available guardsmen will be placed on duty once in
the negro section, which has been entirely destroyed by flames,
General Barrett said when he r[eceived order?] from Governor
Robertson placing the county under martial law.
Orders have been issued to disarm citizens. Later the
military will issu ecrededntials to men chosen as special officers.
A military commission, composed of seven city officials
and business men, to pass upon the guilt of the 6,000 negroes
now held in concentration camp, was formed shortly before
noon by Mayor Evans and Chief of Police Gustafson and ap-
proved by General Barrett. This committee will pass upon the
guilt of those held under guard in the various camps, naming
those who will be held for trial for inciting the black populace
to riot.
The personnel of the committee: C. S. Younkman, water
commissioner; Albert Hunt, district judge; H. F. Newblock,
city commissioner; C. S. Aver, oil man; Grant McCullough,
banker; F. E. White, business man; Alva J. Niles, banker.
The Tulsa Tribbune
LYNCH law leads not to law but to lawlessness and
lawlessness is a repudiation of government.
Lynch law is a fire brand in the hands of those
who thoughtlessly elect to establish mob rule for law
and order. Lynch law is an impassioned appeal to the
hatreds of prejudice. It brings ignominy and disaster
to any community that falls its victims.
Whatever ground it may have had, a story starts
that a negro in the county jail was to be lynched. Out
of curiosity a crowd collects. A small band of negroes
brings firearms onto the scene. At first they were few
At the outset there was nothing to indicate that the
whites had been moved to a battling protest. But when
the first small band of negroes added to their armed
forces the war began. Tulsa found itself experiencing
a night of terror and the new day dawned with the
[illegible]nd of battle and the sky clouded with the smoke that
rises above the burning buildings and shacks in the
negro end of town.
At such a time as this it is the first duty of every
citizen to restore law and order as quickly as possible.
The National Guard is equal to cope with the rioting
negroes who are already under control. Let every citi-
zen do his duty and lend his fullest influence to the
prompt restoration of law and order. Do this for the
good name of Tulsa. Keep off the streets where there
are evidences of disorder as much as possible. Make
no needlessly threatening display of arms. The state's
soldiers can do that and do it with the authority of the
Now is the time for every citizen to keep a cool
head, to keep out of mob collections. The quickest and
surest way to restore law is to respect the law. Let the
authorized agents of the law handle those who will
Seven white persons are known to be dead.
One white woman, shot six times, is expected to die.
Thirty-four whites are wounded in three hospitals. Many other wounded persons are
in their own homes.
Sixty-eight negroes, including men, women, and children, are dead, according to reports
from all districts of the black belt where heavy fighting was waged throughout the night
and up to 9 o-clock this morning.
One hundred blacks are believed wounded.
The officials are in control of the situation and no more armed conflicts are expected.
The entire black belt of Tulsa is a charred mass. The business section of
Greenwood avenue is levelled. Scarcely a building escaped the flames set by
torches when an army of whites invaded that district early this morning to an-
ticipate a general attack on the part of the blacks. Officials at noon today were
unable to estimate the total loss which will extend into many thousands of dollars.
It is estimated that more than 500 homes of negroes were burned. A score of
business buildings and a number of factories were razed. Heavy stocks of mer-
chandise were a total loss.
The fire carried by a strong north wind spread into the white residence
section adjoining the black settlement on North Detroit avenue. Ten homes in a
row were burned before firemen could check the flames. One house was burned
in the immediate vicinity of Standpipe hill.
At 12:30 o'clock the fire in this district was rapidly being brought under
Hundres of white women and children fled from their homes as the leap-
ing flames fanned by a strong wind from the north ate their way to the white
belt. About 11 o'clock the wind subdued, giving the firemen a chance to
successfully combat the flames.
A special train bearing 350 National Guardsmen under the command
of Adjutant General Barrett arrived at 9:05 o'clock this morning. General Bar-
rett issued a statement from guard headquarters at the police station that mar-
tial law would not be declared until he had made a hurried investigation.
Only developments will determine if it is to be invoked,
Barrett added. Companies A and B, totaling 150 men, arrived
on the special train from Oklahoma City, with a second troop
train due from the capital about 11 o'clock. Company B and a
sanitary detachment, both located here, are also on duty and
have been since midnight.
The guards after establishing headquarters in Second
street in front of the police station were ordered to various sec-
tions of the black belt. One contingent was sent to Meulty park,
where several hundred negroes are interned.
General Barrett is now acting under orders issued by Mayor
Evans, Chief of Police Gustafson and Sheriff Bill McCullough.
Following a night of rioting, snip-
ing and open clashes between whites
and blacks hundreds of armed men
invaded the negro district to remove
the menace the blacks there offered.
At 5 o'clock scores of armed men in
automobiles drove to the north side
of the black belt in the vicinity of
Standpipe hill. These white fighters
formed one wing of an encircling
movement entirely surrounding the
negro district. Hundreds of pedes-
trains advanced on the black belt
from the south and west. Hundreds
of shots were fired. Many negroes
were reported to have been wound-
ed while a number of whites were
taken to hospitals with wounds.
The heaviest fighting this morn-
ing  was in the extreme northern sec-
tion of the black belt. Hundreds of
negroes were concentrated in a val-
ley at the base of Sunset hill. Fifty
were barricaded in a church.
Machine Guns In Use.
Deadly volleys of steel were poured
[into?] the ranks of the whites as they
[advanced?] in open formation against
the blacks who stood their ground.
Finally the whites were forced to re-
treat. A call was sent to police head-
quarters for reinforcements. A num-
ber of guardsmen with two machine
guns were rushed in automobiles to
the scene of the fighting. The ma-
chine guns were set up and for 20
minutes poured a stream of lead on
the negroes who sought refuge be-
hind buildings, telephone poles and
in ditches.
The heavy firing came to a sud-
den halt when a huge white cloth
was raised aloft by the negroes. The
church where many negroes were
barricaded was riddled with bullets,
it was said.
Hundreds of negroes with hands
held high in the air walked from
the valley under the guard of armed
civilians. They were taken to Con-
vention hall and McNulty park,
where they were interned.
Whites who returned from the
battle-swept valley said that at least
50 negroes, including men, women
and children, were lying dead. At 10
o'clock authorities had been unable
to make a check of the black losses
in this battle.
Most of the blacks who were killed
met death in the early morning
fighting in the negro section near
the Frisco tracks.
The clash had its inception when
several automobiles loaded with
armed negroes and said to have been
led by "Old Man" Stratford, a ne-
gro hotel proprietor, swung up in
front of the courthouse shortly be-
fore 10 o'clock, bent on protecting
Rowland. Not more than 30 blacks
were in the first party but they suc-
ceeded in virtually taking command
of the situation there because few
of the whites were armed and none
displayed guns. The blacks were or-
dered home by Sheriff McCullough,
who it is said, had armed negro
deputies with him on the courthouse
steps. Barney Cleaver, a former negro
police officer, also advised them to
go home. After the first sally,  dur-
ing which the blacks dispersed part
of the crowd of whites, the negroes
were still permitted to keep their
Instead of going home, they cir-
cled around several blocks near the
courthouse and came back with an-
other flourish of shot-guns and
rifles. By this time the crowd of
whites had increased to several
thousand with hundreds of women
and a number of children on the
fringes. Most of the whites wer on-
lookers and there appeared to be
no organized mob. After making
known their intention to protect
Rowland at all costs the blacks were
star[ing?] toward home again. There
was still no move on the part of the
sheriff's forces or the city police to
disarm them although the black
force was not more than 50 at this
Instead of going to the negro sec-
tion to stay the blackss whirled
through the streets of the quarter
and sought recruits. Every negro
they met was solicited to joion their
ranks. At Sixth and Cincinnati two
negroes who refused were threat-
ened, according to residents of the
neighborhood who overheard the
Shortly after 10 o'clock the blacks
came back to the courthouse with
their biggest force. Estimates place
the number of armed negroes at be-
tween 100 and 200. By this time
it was estimated that probably 100
of the whites in the crowd had
procured arms. A number of whites
who sought guns at the National
Guard armory were refused. Cour-
iers went through the crowd of
whites and warned women and
children and unarmed men to seek
safety. They said they feared an
assault by the blacks. Only a part
of the crowd complied.
The first clash followed on the
heels of this warning. There are
two versions of how the firing be-
gun. According to some of the spectators
pistols were first fired into the air
in front of the Boulder street en-
trance to the courthouse and this,
spectators say, acted as a signal for
the general firing during which the
blacks fired ten shots to each one
for the whites. The crowd of whites
greatly outnumbered the armed
band of negroes but the whites were
helpless in front of the black on-
slaught because they were in con-
stant danger of firing into other
whites if they attempted to protect
the women and children in the crowd
by answering the blacks fire.
Where First Man Fell
After the first volley one carload
of blacks came north on Boulder
avenue, firing as they raced along.
The first white man dropped be-
fore the crash. He had been stand-
ing against the wall of the garage
on Boulder, just south of Sixth
Across the street men and women
in the crowd sought refuge in the
row of houses on Boulder south of
Sixth. Many of them were unoble
to reach cover before the second
volley so they dropped in their
tracks and clung to the earth.
Others hid behind curbs in the
driveways to the garages of these
homes, running to better cover be-
tween the volleys.
Meanwhile the negroes fled.
Some of them ran through the
crowds of women and children,
brandishing their guns. They had
disappeared from the immediate
area of the courthouse within ten
minutes after the first shot had been fired.
Second Version of Start
The second version of the start
of the firing was to the effect that
a number of unarmed white men,
seeing that the officials were not
willing to disarm the blacks, took
that task to themselves. One man
is reported to have dashed into the ranks of blacks and seized one of the
guns. Spectators who relate this as
the true story of the inception of
the shooting declare that the blacks
immediately opened fire when they
were threatened with disarmament.
Shortly after the negroes fled
from the courthouse battlefield an
automobile load of white youths
sped past and fired into the jail
windows on the fourth floor, spec-
tators declared.
John McQueen, a former county
officer and one of the men who at-
tempted to disperse the crowd at the
courthouse, declared today that
Johnny Cody was the negro whose
shot started the general firing here.
"While I was on the steps Cody
and a band of negroes started up,"
McQueen said. "I went to meet them
and a stranger backed me uo. Cody
pushed a gun against him and fired
just as I pushed the gun away. The
stranger went down. Several bullets
went through my coat."
Immediately after this report came
to the crowd that the blacks were
mobilizing for systematic assault on
the whites. The majority of the
white men were still [illegible]. It
became immediately apparent how-
ever, that the police and sheriff's
force were making no attempt to
prevent the return of the blacks so
the white men themselves took
charge of the situation. Small
groups systematically entered all
downtown hardware stores and
pawnshops and took up all the arms
and ammunition that could be found
Nothing else in any of the stores
were touched.
Black Attack Again.
Soon there were more than 1,000
armed men on the streets. Part of
this crowd defended the Hotel Tulsa
and the section around Second street
and Cincinnati avenue from an attack
of blacks who swarmed back within
three quarters of an hour after the
court house battle.
After this second general battle,
which is described elsewhere, the
whites took rapid command of the
situation. Patrols spread quickly to
cover all the principal streets and
the roads leading into the city.
Special guards were put at all bridges
within a several-mile radius to halt
any incoming blacks. Roving pa-
trols moved up and down Main
street. At Main and Archer streets
desultory firing took place for sev-
eral hours. Blacks from their quar-
ter fired repeatedly from behind the
building at Archer street and Boulder
avenue and Archer and Cincinnati
avenue. They were cleared out with-
in an hour or two, but a second
group took their place and held the
negro block on Cincinnati, at the
Frisco tracks, against assault until
early this morning. Two negroes were
killed here and several others wound-
ed. A number of whites were re-
ported wounded in fighting here.
Could Have Disarmed Blacks.
Fully an hour before the first
shots were fired at the courthouse
citizens stood on the south steps and
pleaded with Police Commissioner
Adkison to call out the National
Guard without delay. The negroes
were just beginning to parade the
streets at that time and they argued
that even a small detachment of or-
ganized and equipped men could dis-
arm them, compel them to return to
their own part of ftown, get the
whites to disperse when this had
been accomplished and so avert im-
pending trouble.
Commissioner Adkison answered:
"We are trying to get them out,"
then turned and told the crowd to
obey E. S. McQueen's advice to go
home while the negroes were patrol-
ling the streets in arms, threatening
death and rapine. The police were
An hour after the pitched battle
took place around the courthouse
and northward along Main and Bos-
ton, the Guard got into action.
Guardsmen went immediately to the
police station and began an attempt
to disperse the whites who had
armed themselves and gathered
there in expectation of another at-
The Dead
Carl D. Lotpeisch, 28, Randall
 Kans., shot through breast. Taken to
Oklahoma hospital at 6:30 o'clock
this morning. He died shortly after-
Unidentified whate man, about
28; light brown hair; light brown
eyes; five feet ten inches; 160
pounds. At the Mowbray undertak-
ing parlors.
F. M. Baker, Havelin, Kan., 27,
short in back with buchshot. Died
this morning at Morningside hospi-
tal. At the Mowbray Undertaking
parlors. An identification card found
in his clothing bore the name of
Norman Gillard, 315 So. Norfolk.
The third white man, unidentified
was killed about 5:45 o'clock this
morning when a squad of white
riflemen engaged a group of ne-
groes on North Cincinnati av. The
body was taken to Mitchell-Fleming
undertaking parlors. He was de-
scribed as about 25 years old, six
feet [ta?]ll, weight 165 punds. He
wore dark green trousers, brown
coat, tan shoes, and a tan belt with
a silver clasp bearing the initial
"W". He was shot in the neck.
Death was instantaneous.
The body of an unidentified white
man about 35, held at the Stanley-
McGee Undertaking parlors still
was unidentified early today. He
was shot in the head.
The body of a white man, about
30, shot in the back of the head, held at
the Mowbray undertaking parlors,
ho[illegible] [ea?]rly last night in the first brush
with the blacks, still was unidentified
this morning.
[1?]0-year-old white boy, though
to [be?] named Olson, home at Sapulpa
died at 8:30 o'clock following a bat-
tle an hour earlier at the Frisco depot
in which two negroes were reported
killed. Olson's body was removed to
the Mitchell-Fleming undertaking
parlors where it awaits positive
A white girl was reported killed on
North Peoria in the vicinity of the
Texaco plant. the report could not
be verified at 10 o'clock.
The Injured
A re-check of the injured revealed
the following at the various hospit-
Oklahoma Hospital.
Earl Hileman, city, shot through
thigh, not serious
G. B. Steck, Sapulpa, shot in back,
J. E. Wissinger, 150 Admiral or
1202 East Second, shot in knee, not
G. F. Joiner, 1703 South Main, shot
in leg, not serious.
Ross G. Owens, 1108 South Jack-
son, shot with bird shot, several
wounds but not serious.
E. D. Hartshone, shot in thigh.
Edward Austin, 418 South Detroit,
shot in toe, not serious.
Grocer Slinkhard, West Tulsa, fac-
tured rib.
Robet Elmer, West Tulsa,
A. N. Dow, 401 South Madison,
shot in upper thigh and compound
fracture of arm, serious.
C. C. Thomas, 803 South Main,
shot in leg, not serious.
E. R. Hileam, Fern hotel, com-
pound fracture of thigh, serious.
Garland Crouch, 16 North Quincy,
shot in upper abdomen and right
arm, though serious.
A. T. Sterling, 314 South Zunis,
minor injuries.
Robert Palmore, West Tulsa, shot
in left shoulder, not serious.
E. Belchner, 1437 East Hodge,
shot in hand and leg, not serious.
Lee Fisher, 338 1/2 East First, shot
in left leg and thigh, thought serious.
G. I. Prunkart, Frisco conductor,
shot with bird shot in shoulder, chin
and forehead. He was shot while
sitting in caboose of train just pulling
into city.
There are two wounded patients
unidentified. Fifteen or 20 patients
having only slight wounds called at
hospital and had them dressed, left
hospital without giving name or ad-
Tulsa Hospital
George Switzgood, 415 N. Detroit;
not serious.
K. G. Logsdon, 308 S. Cincinnatti;
shot in arm; not seriously.
Sergt. W. R. Hastings, 1507 E. Jef-
ferson; not serious. After having his
wounds dressed, Sergeant Hastings
immediately left hospital.
H. L. Curry, Illinois hotel, shot
through neck; serious.
E. F. Vickers, city; arm shot.
M. W. Camble. 220 W. Cam [Iron;?]
thought serious.
Jess Collins, 522 N. Boston; serious.
R. N. Seltzer, 529 S. Utica; leg, not
Otto Sherry, 112 N. Frisco; face
powder burned.
Thirty-five or forty who were only
slightly wounded were attended at
the hospital. After the wounds were
dressed they walked out, leaving
no name or address.
Physicians & Surgeons Hospital.
R. C. Hankson, Jenks, Okla., tool
dresser; shot through right wrist,
bullet traveling through abdomen
into the left arm; shot at 6:45 a. m.
Please use your telephones only
in case of emergency. This will
assist us in protecting life and pro-
We sincerely trust that the
local disturbance is over. We
do not want to give the im-
pression of trying to drive in
business as the result of a
It is our duty, however, to
call t he public's attention to
the fact that the standard fire
policies do NOT cover loss re-
sulting from Riot, Insurrection
or Civil Commotion.
We write Riot, Insurrection
and Civil Commotion Insur-
ance and the cost of same is
very slight. Call us for rates.
Policies are written here in
our office. Phone Cedar 2100.
Pearce, Porter & Martin
500 Palace Building
Because of the race war
the announcement of the re-
maining entrants in The
Tribune beauty contest will
be carried in all editions to-
morrow and none today.
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handeaux · 3 years
For More Than A Century, Jigsaw Puzzles Have Fascinated Cincinnati
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Throughout 2020, jigsaw puzzles were as hard to find as toilet paper when Americans went jigsaw-puzzle crazy. Cincinnati shared this obsession as we looked for anything to entertain us while we endure the lockdowns caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic.
Amy Pepe, of the Geneva (New York) Historical Society, says this year’s fascination is actually the third jigsaw puzzle craze, and Queen City sources show the same pattern, with Cincinnatians jumping on the puzzle bandwagon all three times.
Although games resembling jigsaw puzzles have been around since the mid-1700s, they were mostly considered educational toys and were limited to “dissected maps” aimed at teaching geography to schoolchildren. The idea of randomly chopping up lithographed artwork as an adult entertainment didn’t align with suitable technology until the early 20th century. By 1909, America – and Cincinnati – was hooked. The Cincinnati Post [25 May 1909] summed it up:
“That Jig-Saw game is perplexing enough to keep you up all night. Jig-Saw puzzles are the fad and the craze of the hour.”
The Post published its own, rather primitive, jigsaw puzzles throughout 1909, giving away 500 manufactured puzzles each week to readers who completed the printed puzzle, glued it to a card, and mailed it to the newspaper. While the Post’s contest puzzles rarely had more than 15 pieces, the manufactured prize puzzles they gave away had only 110 pieces – truly beginner level for today’s puzzle mavens.
With the popularity of jigsaw puzzles as a pastime, jigsaw puzzles as a metaphor came into vogue as well. Beginning in 1909, Cincinnati newspapers often used “jigsaw puzzle” as a descriptor for intractable problem in law, business or society – or sports, as an Enquirer cartoon [6 May 1909] of Cincinnati Reds Manager Clark Griffith, trying to assemble a lineup by solving a jigsaw puzzle attests.
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Eventually, the initial wave (Pepe pegs it to 1907-1911.) died out. A sure sign, according to the Enquirer [26 January 1914] was Queen Mary’s ladies in waiting refusing to allow a jigsaw puzzle in their parlor at Windsor Castle.
“Lady Eva Dugale suggested that puzzle games were entirely out of date.”
Maybe so, but jigsaw puzzles came roaring back in 1932-33. The Cincinnati Post [30 May 1932] pronounced them stylish this time around – and significantly more complicated than their 1909 ancestors:
“Jigsaw puzzles are keeping lots of fashionable folk home these nights. Some have as many as 1000 pieces, altho 500 pieces make a puzzle hard enough for most people. They’re a fine idea for a party when some of the guests don’t play bridge. And they make splendid bridge prizes, too.”
The Cincinnati Enquirer in 1933 sold needlecraft patterns looking like completed jigsaw puzzles to be incorporated into trendy purses. Local high school students are reported crafting home-made jig-saw puzzles as Christmas presents.
According to the Cincinnati Enquirer [13 February 1933], the revival took manufacturers by surprise. Orders for puzzles came pouring in. Companies that had long since relegated jigsaw puzzles to the trash bin found themselves calling designers and stamping machine operators out of retirement and training new employees to use historic equipment. An Enquirer columnist [18 January 1933] commented on an Associated Press item from Lockport, New York:
“Demand for jig-saw puzzles is keeping a local fiber board plant on a 24-hour basis, with steady employment for 60 persons. Sixty? Your grandmother! We personally know 100,000 persons who are employed on a 24-hour basis trying to put the things together.”
The Enquirer [7 March 1933] made clear that, this time around, jigsaw puzzles were not toys:
“The future may be full of opportunity for youth, but just now the youngsters can’t get near the jigsaw puzzle for the grown-ups crowded around.”
Jigsaw puzzles even generated marital drama, according to the Post [6 February 1933]:
“You can always tell the henpecked husband. He’s the one who’s given the blue sky pieces to work out in jigsaw puzzles.”
Eventually, the 1930s obsession with hundreds of little pieces faded, too. Joe Aston, the Cincinnati Post’s sports editor, was moved to ponder [9 June 1939]:
“And what’s become of all the folk who used to sit up until midnight putting jigsaw puzzles together? . . . As if anyone cared.”
World War II led to an innovative use for jigsaw puzzles by a Cincinnati manufacturer. The U.S. Playing Card Company manufactured special card decks and sent them to American prisoners of war in Europe and Asia. When the prisoners peeled off the backs of the cards, they found sections of escape maps that could be assembled like jigsaw puzzles.
Which brings us to the current fad. While NPR reported on the national thirst for jigsaw puzzles, the Cincinnati Enquirer [22 March 2020] published its “Top 10 ways to practice social distancing.” Jigsaw puzzles were on the list, along with the tip that online communities of puzzle addicts were happy to swap their completed puzzles for yours – after they’d been appropriately disinfected.
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jaydenirish · 13 days
Moving is always an adventure, but when it involves crossing state lines or traveling significant distances, the stakes are higher, and the logistics more complex. Proper planning is essential to make sure a smooth transition if you’re gearing up for a long-distance move to or from Cincinnati. From researching a long distance moving company in Cincinnati to settling into your new city, this ultimate guide has got you covered every step of the way.
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kieron141-blog · 4 months
Effective Checklist & Tips for moving out state movers in Cincinnati
Vacating previous home can be a overwhelming challenge, however with the ideal tips and list in place, you can make the procedure smoother and more organized. Whether you're transferring for a task or beginning a new chapter in your life, proper planning is key to guaranteeing a effective relocation. 1. Commence as soon as you can: Start your preparations as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for all the needed jobs. 2. Develop a personalized checklist: A quick list of each key task that requires to be done preceeding, during, and after the relocation. This will help you to remain organized and guarantee key pieces of the 'moving' puzzle are not ignored. 3. Research study your new state: Acquaint yourself with the policies, laws, and requirements of your brand-new state regarding housing, energies, transport, etc 4. Employ professional movers: Think about working with skilled movers who focus on long-distance relocations. Get multiple quotes and read reviews to discover trustworthy professionals who can manage your particular needs. 5. Declutter before packing: Take this opportunity to declutter your belongings by getting rid of products you no longer need or usage. This will lower the total volume of items being moved and conserve you time and money. 6. Pack strategically: Label boxes clearly according to their contents and location rooms in your brand-new home. Load delicate items with additional care utilizing appropriate padding products. 7. Notify important parties: Inform pertinent celebrations about your change of address, including banks, energy business, insurance coverage companies, schools if suitable, and government agencies. 8. Arrange essential files: Keep necessary documents such as identification papers, medical records, monetary declarations firmly arranged throughout the moving process for easy access when needed. 9. Arrange for energies transfer or cancellation: Contact utility business at both ends to set up disconnection at your present home and connection at your brand-new house on moving day or shortly after. 10. Take care of yourself throughout the move: Moving can be physically demanding and emotionally draining pipes; remember to take breaks when needed and focus on self-care to remain energized and focused throughout the procedure. By following these leading 10 ideas, you'll be well-prepared for your out-of-state relocation, guaranteeing a smoother shift and a positive start to your new chapter.
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orionseyes · 3 years
The following excerpt from Levi Coffin’s 1876 autobiography describes the events leading up to the Daguerrotype photo taken in 1862 by J. P. Ball of Cincinnati. For more photos about the Underground Railroad in Ohio see  “Photo Essay - The Underground Railroad” from the Oxford African American Studies Center website https://oxfordaasc.com/page/2501
Digitized by Google from Reminiscences of Levi Coffin, the reputed president of the Underground railroad : being a brief history of the labors of a lifetime in behalf of the slave, with the stories of numerous fugitives, who gained their freedom through his instrumentality, and many other incidents, 1876, pages 606-610
Among the regiments that collected at Cincinnati, during the time of Kirby Smith's threatened raid into Ohio, was one from Racine, Wisconsin, which, from the well-known anti-slavery sentiments of the commander. Colonel Utley, and the men composing it, had received the name of the Abolition regiment. 
While they were in camp near Nicholasville, Kentucky, a young mulatto slave girl, about eighteen years old, of fine personal appearance, was sold by her master, for the sum of seventeen hundred dollars, to a man who designed placing her in a house of ill-fame at Lexington, Kentucky. As soon as the poor girl learned of the fate in store for her, she fled from her master, and making her way to the camp of the Twenty-Second Wisconsin volunteers— the regiment referred to — told her story, and asked protection. The true-hearted men, to whom she applied for help, resolved to aid her, though the law did not then allow Northern troops to protect fugitive slaves who came within their lines.
Her master soon came to the camp in pursuit of her, but the men secreted her, and he did not find her. The colonel now wished to send her to a place of safety, and two soldiers volunteered to conduct her to Cincinnati. One of their officers told them that he knew me personally, and recommended them to bring the fugitive to my house. She was dressed in soldier's clothes and hidden in a sutler's wagon, under some hay. The two men dressed themselves in citizen's clothing, and having learned the password that would open a way for them through the picket lines, took their seats in the wagon, and drove out of camp about one o'clock at night. They traveled almost without stopping until the distance — more than a hundred miles — was traversed, and they reached Cincinnati in safety.
They came immediately to my house, and were ushered into the sitting-room, accompanied by their charge, who presented the appearance of a mulatto soldier boy. As there was other company present, they called me to one side and related their story. The "soldier boy” was given into my wife's care, and was conducted up stairs to her room. Next morning he came down transformed into a young lady of modest manners and pleasing appearance, who won the interest of all by her intelligence and amiable character.
The party remained a day or two. to recover from the fatigue of their journey, and during the interval visited a daguerrean gallery, where they had their pictures taken, the lady sitting, the soldiers standing, one on either side, with their revolvers drawn, showing their readiness thus to protect her, even at the cost of their own lives. 
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PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS - Jesse L. Berch, quartermaster sergeant, 22 Wisconsin Regiment of Racine, Wis. (and) Frank M. Rockwell, postmaster 22 Wisconsin of Geneva, Wis. - J. P. Ball's Photographic Gallery, No. 30 LCCN2008678814.jpg
Not content with escorting her to a free State, these brave young men telegraphed to Racine, Wisconsin, and made arrangements for their friends there to receive her, and I took her one evening in my carriage to the depot, accompanied by her protectors, and put her on board the train with a through ticket for Racine, via Chicago. She was nicely dressed, and wore a vail, presenting the appearance of a white lady. I conducted her to a seat in a first-class car, her soldier friends having previously taken leave of her in the carriage. As the train moved off they lifted their hats to her, and she waved her handkerchief in good-by. They afterward remarked to me, that it seemed one of the happiest moments of their lives when they saw her safely on her way to a place beyond the reach of pursuers. They had done a noble unselfish deed, and were rewarded by that approval of conscience which contains the most unalloyed joy of life.
After their return to camp, I received the following letter from one of them :
"In Camp, Near Nicholasville, Kentucky,
"November 17, 1862.
"Friend L. Coffin: As the Lord prospered us on our mission to the land of freedom, so has He prospered us in our return to our regiment. At five o'clock on Friday evening, after a ride of three days, we arrived at our camp near Nicholasville; and you would have rejoiced to hear the loud cheering and hearty welcome that greeted us on our arrival. Our long delay had occasioned many fears as to our welfare; but when they saw us approach, the burden of their anxiety was gone, and they welcomed us by one hearty outburst of cheers. The colonel was full of delight, and when he heard of the Friend L. Coffin, who had so warmly welcomed us to the land of freedom, he showered a thousand blessings on your head. The way was opened, and we were directed to you by an unseen but ever-present Hand. The Lord was truly with us upon that journey.
“Your humble friend,
«Jesse L. Berch.”
The name of the other soldier was Frank M. Rockwell. Both were young men of true principles and high character, and, as representatives of the solid worth of Wisconsin's noble sons, were men that their State could regard with pride.
I received a letter from Jesse L. Berch, a few months ago, making inquiries in regard to a book which he had heard I had published. When I replied, stating that my book was not yet published, I asked for news of the slave girl whom he had aided to rescue. He responded, giving information of her safe arrival in Racine, and of her residence there for a few months, concluding by saying, "Afterward she married a young barber and moved into Illinois, and I have never been able to ascertain her whereabouts since I came from the army, though Mr. Rockwell and myself have tried repeatedly.
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wheresmynaya · 4 years
Two Ghosts Ch. 23 | Brittana
Available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & below the cut!
“You think the girls are okay?” Quinn asks a little while later as she looks down at her phone, “They haven’t messaged us or anything.”
“Geez. Cut the cord, mom.” Santana quips mindlessly then realizes what she has said and looks to Quinn apologetically, “Shit, sorry.”
Quinn only shrugs as she says, “It’s fine.”
Santana’s not sure if she believes her or not, but she knows Quinn won’t talk about anything further if she doesn’t want. The topic of Beth hasn’t resurfaced in awhile, maybe even ever since they all reconnected, but Santana doesn’t pry. Maybe it’s off the table for a reason?
Quinn’s still busy scrolling but Santana finds the silence falling around them unsettling and looks to Brittany for help.
“Well, we haven’t had a call from the manager so that means they haven’t ripped up a bunch of pillows or had any noise complaints. That’s a good sign, right?” Brittany says as she recounts the time they all went to New York for Nationals and had the most awesome pillow fight in the history of pillow fights. They had been in deep trouble but it was so worth it!
“That’s true,” Quinn nods then begins to chuckle, “We were such little shits with Mr. Schue, we would’ve never gotten away with that if Sue was around.”
“You know what? I bet it was my speech that did it. I scared the crap out of them on the bus,” Santana says with her chin up, “They don’t dare defy me.”
Quinn sputters out a laugh, “Right, that’s exactly what it is. Well, I hope they’re at least having fun. We use to love these trips.”
“That’s true,” Santana nodded, “But I’m not sure how much more reality tv I can take tonight.”
“Should we watch a movie?” Quinn asks.
Santana ponders, “Depends, what do they got?”
“I think we should go explore the city!” Brittany suggests and hops off the bed, “It’s a Friday night after all. I’m sure Cincinnati has some kind of nightlife? At least, way better than Lima has to offer?”
Santana rolls the thought around then agrees, “I’m down for a drink. How about you, Q?”
“Yeah, I think we deserve some fun too!” Quinn grins and they all shuffle off to get ready.
They find a lively bar within walking distance of the hotel and are drawn in by the familiar music blaring from the outdoor speakers. It’s a little crowded but Santana slips her hand into Brittany’s almost on instinct to make sure they don’t get separated as the three of them head towards the bar.
The feeling is electric and Santana can’t help but look back at Brittany when she realizes what she’s done. Brittany wears a coy smile as her eyes focus on their hands before slowing meeting Santana’s. The coy smile evolves into a cheek bunching grin and Santana can’t help but mirror it before turning back to Quinn leading the way.
Luckily, they’re able to snag enough stools for each of them to sit as they order their first round.
While they wait, Santana takes in her surroundings and notices that it’s a relatively nice place, completely unlike anything Lima has to offer. She missed places like this, they were a dime a dozen in New York but she really didn’t know how good she had it until she left.
To think that their go-to hangout on a Friday night in Lima now is the same place she and her friends use to fight over coupons for in high school is kind of sad really. Don’t get her wrong, she loves Breadstix with her whole heart. If she could, she’d totally be the spokesperson for it but it’s not exactly the place she’d choose to for a wild night out.
Not that tonight will be a wild night out. They’re young but they have responsibilities and there’s no way the three of them can turn up to Sectionals tomorrow with killer hangovers.
As Santana’s eyes roam the room, they land on a dancefloor and she knows Brittany’s bound to drag them off once they hit their second or third drink.
To Santana’s surprise, it happens a lot sooner than she thinks.
She barely has a buzz, but when the opening chords of Brittany’s favorite song began to play Santana knew what she had to do. Quinn hung back to watch their drinks while Brittany whisked Santana away to the dancefloor. They sway to the beat while Brittany’s lips move in time with the words and being able to do this again fills Santana with so much joy that she can’t help but laugh and sing along too.
It’s been so long since she’s felt this kind of happiness and she gladly soaks it all in.
“Dancing with you is the best,” Brittany cheers and her words slur a little as she pulls Santana in close. Santana doesn’t say anything, just continues moving to the beat with the biggest smile on her face.
Santana’s a little sad when the song ends and they go to rejoin Quinn at the bar. They happily sip on their drinks and only get approached by random guys wanting to buy them another a couple of times before they make their way back to the dancefloor, this time with Quinn in tow. The three of them dance without a care in the world and it’s kind of a cathartic feeling after the intense week of training they’ve had.
“Gotta pee!” Brittany tells Quinn and Santana over the loud music. They nod and go looking for the bathroom together. Brittany spots a neon sign that reads Ladies and leads the way.
There’s only one stall open so Brittany heads in while Santana and Quinn wait by the sinks and check over their make up. It’s not until Santana’s in her purse looking for her lipstick when she spots the time on her phone. It’s later than she expects but they don’t need to be at the convention center until noon tomorrow and figures they’ll be alright with one more drink.
“You look happy,” Quinn comments softly, catching Santana’s eye in the mirror.
Santana smiles and notices the sound of Brittany singing to herself in the stall. She lets out a chuckle and looks back to Quinn, “I feel happy. I haven’t felt this way in so long, Q.”
“Is it the alcohol or is it the awesome company you’re in?” Quinn smirks.
Santana just laughs and says, “Maybe a little of both.”
Of course, Santana must’ve done something to piss off someone in the universe because that happiness doesn’t last very long.
After their bathroom break, the trio are headed back to the bar for one last drink when Santana spots a familiar brunette sitting atop one of the stools and a girl with dirty blonde hair sitting next to her.
Santana instantly fills with rage. Because if memory serves her right, those two little shits are nowhere near old enough to be in a place like this.  
“You have got to be shitting me,” Santana growls and Brittany’s quick to look at her, unsure of what has set Santana off so suddenly. She and Quinn scan the crowd but it doesn’t take Brittany long to find the source.
“Yikes,” Brittany grimaces while Quinn’s still searching. Brittany points over to the girls’ direction and Quinn’s jaw drops.
“They can’t be serious,” Quinn says in awe, “Is that Alex and Maddy?”
“Yup,” Brittany pops the ‘p’ and shakes her head at the sight.  
“I’m going to have to kill them now,” Santana says calmly although she’s anything but, “Quinn, start looking for a new Cheerios captain. Satan’s Spawn has finally corrupted her.”
“God, do you see anymore of them in here?” Quinn asks and starts looking around.
“Better not be,” Santana huffs, “I can understand Alex going rogue because she’s a walking headache and I’m convinced she’s out to get me despite our obvious similarities, but Maddy? She is meant to be the good one. My mind is blown. I’m going to kick their little asses all the way back to Lima.”  
Santana starts to wind up again but Brittany catches her by the wrist before she can stomp away, “Santana, wait. Just breathe for a second before switching into Snixx-mode.”
“But Britt…”
“Listen, I know you’re just being protective and I’m so attracted to you right now but-“
“Of course.” Quinn sighs.
“But getting angry first doesn’t solve anything,” Brittany says solemnly, “Just put yourself in their shoes. It’s not like we never went behind Coach’s back when we were their age.”
“I know, but they’re just kids, Britt, underage kids and people…they can be gross. I just want to make sure no one messes with them,” Santana replies and something in her makes her tone waver. Brittany notices the concern and she nods in understanding. Santana takes a settling breathe, “No one did that for us. Us three, we looked out for each other and we could handle ourselves but it shouldn’t have to be like that.”
“Santana has a point,” Quinn nods, “We got away with too much.”
“I won’t kill them,” Santana continues, “But we can’t let this slide.”
“Okay. You’re right,” Brittany relents with a soft smile and loosens her hold on Santana’s wrist, “Let’s get over there.”  
The bartender is eying one of the girls’ ID but before he makes a judgment, Santana plucks it from his fingers. She glares at him with her eyes narrowed, “It’s clearly a fake. Do these girls look 21 to you?”
“Uhh..” The bartender stammers and quickly heads down to the other end of the bar to avoid the drama.
Santana rolls her eyes and thinks yeah you better run.
“Oh shit.”
Santana doesn’t know which one of them say it, but Maddy and Alex visibly pale as Santana turns her glare onto them.
“Yeah, oh shit is right.” Santana huffs while Quinn comes to stand off to the side of Maddy and Brittany stands behind them, successfully blocking them from running.
If they even had the balls to try.
Alex is the first to paste on a too-bright smile and try to de-escalate, “Hey Coach S, that’s a great dress. You look-“
Santana raises a single finger to cut her off, “Hot. I know. I don’t need you to tell me that. What I don’t know is why the hell you two are here?”
The girls stiffen and remain silent, too shell-shocked to speak.
“One of you better get to talking, Aunty Snixx is about to make an appearance.”
“Uh we just wanted to get out,” Maddy starts nervously, “Take a break from all the Cheer preparation.”
“Yeah! We’re kind of stressed out,” Alex adds, “An all the places in the hotel are overflowing with other squads and they’re kind of annoying. Plus, the girls keep hounding Maddy about being anxious for tomorrow and bitching about their boy problems or whatever. No one would leave us alone. I just thought she needed some time away to breathe, you know? We just wanted to get away to breathe.”
Santana eases – only slightly – at the word we and remembers the moment she shared with Alex back at Frank’s. She also remembers being on the Cheerios herself and the pressures of being on a consistently winning team and how it worsened when she made co-captain. She was a leader and with that title came a lot of responsibilities and that while balancing her studies and Glee Club and a personal life?
It’s a lot so she get’s wanting to escape. Especially with someone she finds comfort in.
She feels like a hypocrite for telling them off because she and Britt use to do the exact same thing when they were younger, only difference was that they never got caught and Sue didn’t come looking for them. Thankfully, nothing bad ever happened but that’s not always the case for everyone and that’s the thought she’s so hung up on.
Sometimes being the disciplinarian is hard work.
Santana shakes her head, unsure of how to proceed, then looks down at the ID and groans, “Who even made this? It’s pathetic, it doesn’t even look like you.”
“Let me see,” Brittany asks and looks over the tops of the girls’ heads, “Oh wow. Yeah, you should totally get your money back.”
Quinn tries her hardest to keep from snickering.  
Brittany then glances to Santana and notices her silence and it’s like something clicks: Santana’s at a loss for words. Being a mentor and having to discipline kids properly is new for all of them and they often find themselves stepping in when the other wavers, this time is no different.
Usually, it has been Quinn that picks up where Santana leaves off but she remains silent this time. In fact, it’s Brittany who speaks first.
Brittany takes on a more serious tone as she focuses on the girls, “You’re both very smart and we are confident that you should know way better than this, especially since we have specifically said no leaving the hotel without supervision. Are we wrong for thinking that?”
It’s one thing when Santana goes off on the girls, but it hits differently when Brittany chastises them. Brittany has a little bit of a reputation for being the fun one which has a lot to do with her easy-going attitude. Santana is mostly about discipline but sometimes Brittany surprises everyone. She just has that tone and it makes everyone straighten up. She has used it on Santana a few times before and even she hasn’t grown immune to it yet.
Maddy and Alex look down guiltily, “No, Coach B.”
“Yeah. That’s what I thought too, but here we are. You’ve both blatantly gone against our rules and that’s not okay. We didn’t make them because we want to be lame and suck all the fun out of this weekend, they are in place to protect you.” Brittany tells them with such authority that Santana isn’t use to. She feels proud and softens even further as she listens quietly to Brittany talk.
“Listen,” Brittany starts and her tone is softer, “Competition weekends are very stressful and I get wanting to take a break. Breaks are super important but sneaking out to a bar in the middle of the night isn’t the way.”
“It’s dangerous,” Quinn adds and the other coaches nod to agree, “We’re responsible for you girls during these trips and we can’t risk any of you getting hurt. Coach B is right, there are much better ways to wind down that don’t involve underage drinking or sneaking off to bars.”
“We’re really sorry, Coaches.” Maddy apologizes sincerely.
“Yeah. It won’t happen again,” Alex adds and she catches Santana’s eye, “I promise.”
Santana sends her a pointed look, “It better not. We can talk about punishment when we get back to Lima.”
Alex and Maddy frown but ultimately nod to agree. It’s probably a first for Santana that Alex has been so easy to reprimand and she wonders if that has something to do with Frank’s.
“Come on, it’s late.” Quinn says in a lighter tone, “I’ll walk you back to the hotel and we can talk about other ways to deal with stress.” She looks over her shoulder to Santana and Brittany, “You guys can hang out for a bit longer here if you want?”
“You sure?” Santana asks but the slight smirk on Quinn’s lips as she keeps a hand on the younger girls’ shoulders and directs them to the door answers that question.
“Yeah, I can handle these two trouble makers on my own.” Quinn teases and gives the girls’ shoulders a little shake which cause small smiles to spread across their faces.
Santana mouths a thanks before Quinn and the Cheerios head out the door, leaving her and Brittany behind.
She doesn’t really feel like staying at the bar although Quinn offered to give them some alone time. Her mood was kind of killed after seeing Alex and Maddy there, but she’s not quite ready to head back to the hotel either.  
“Take a walk with me?” Brittany suggests instead, “I think we passed a cool fountain on the way to the hotel earlier.”
“Okay,” Santana smiles and the pair of them head out to the street hand in hand.
The air had gotten so cold during their walk that they had abandoned holding hands and moved to link arms instead, huddling together for warmth. It takes them 10-15 minutes to find the fountain Brittany had mentioned but when they do, they stand in front of it and stare up in awe. The drop in temperature also meant that some of the water had frozen while some still trickled through the cracks in the ice.
Santana wonders if Britt’s thinking the same thing: how the hell does running water freeze like that? But when she glances over at the blonde to ask, she finds that she isn’t even looking at the fountain.
She’s looking at Santana.
It makes her want to shy away, but it’s like she’s stuck in a trance. She finds herself smiling back.
“What is it?” She asks but Brittany just unlinks their arms and moves to wrap Santana into a warm hug. It takes Santana by surprise but she relaxes into Brittany’s embrace and circles her arms around her waist, hugging her back just as tightly.
They don’t say anything for awhile, but the silence is comforting. With the city sleeping, she feels like they’re the only ones in the world.
“Thank you for telling Quinn about us,” Brittany says softly a moment later, “I kind of felt weird leaving her out of the loop.”
“Me too. I’m sorry, Britt.” Santana replies, “I’m sorry for making you wait on me again.”
She doesn’t mean for the words to hold such meaning, but with their history it’s hard to miss. They’ve always had trouble with timing in their relationship, either someone wasn’t ready or someone was too afraid or someone wasn’t single. It has never just worked out.
Brittany’s brows furrow and it’s like she knows exactly where Santana’s thoughts are headed. There’s this look Brittany gives as she tucks some of Santana’s hair behind her ear that Santana can only describe as someone completely in love.
“Things are different this time,” Brittany tells her, “You’re not making me wait, we’re taking things slow and I respect that. You want to do things right.”
“Yeah, but it’s not only about what I want,” Santana replies and pulls away to cup Brittany’s cheek. She regrets it because her skin is so cold against her warm hands, but she keeps it there as she says, “You have a say in how things go too. We’re not going to make decisions for each other anymore.”
“That never was a strength for us anyway.”
“Exactly.” Santana grins proudly and Brittany mirrors it.
“I can still thank you though.”
Santana can barely get out a reply before they’re kissing. It’s soft and slow and filled with many things still left unsaid.
Santana’s not sure who leans in first but it’s not like that matters when the tip of Brittany’s tongue slips along Santana’s lip. She inhales deeply at the feel and thinks about how nice this is. In fact, it’s kind of romantic because they’re the only ones there in front of this frozen water fountain and the glow of old-timey street lamps surround them.
It also reminds Santana that she should take Britt on a date soon. They use to love their Friday Night dates. It’s then that Santana remembers what day it is currently and her smile grows.
But she soon gets distracted as Brittany tangles her hand into Santana’s hair. She surprises herself when a whimper escapes and she can feel Brittany smirking against her as the kiss deepens. They haven’t really done something like this yet in such a public place since they’ve reconnected and the newness of it excites Santana. Her knees suddenly feel wobbly and her fingers dig into the material of Brittany’s jacket as if it’ll keep her from falling over.
She knows it’s not the alcohol, that buzz is long gone. The feelings fluttering in her stomach, the way her heart races, the heat settling lower than she cares to admit are all tell-tale signs of how her body reacts to Brittany. She feels like she’s in a daze with this spontaneous make out session and hopes no one is secretly perving on them but that’s only a fleeting thought when she feels Brittany pull away.
Santana pouts the instant she’s gone.
“We have to stop,” Brittany husks and Santana can’t think of anything worse right now. It must be written all over her face because Brittany bends down to press a kiss to the tip of her nose, “Don’t give me that look. You know I want nothing more in the world than to make sweet, sweet lady love to you right now but you’re so cold you’re starting to shake and so am I.”
Santana chuckles at Brittany’s way with words and concedes, “You’re right, I’m freezing my tits off. Let’s head back, make sure the girls haven’t taken Quinn hostage or anything.”
By the time they head back to their room, Quinn is already tucked in bed with a fuzzy pink eye mask over her eyes. There are soft snores come from her side of the room and Santana scrambles to record her for blackmail later. They both do their best to stay quiet since Quinn isn’t as heavy of a sleep as she let on in the past and make their way to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
It should make Santana a little nervous to see Brittany strip down, especially while they’re in such close quarters but they’ve been getting changed together in locker rooms since they were kids and Santana’s worked on her leering a lot since then.
Although, when Brittany’s bra lands on the floor it takes a lot for Santana to keep her eyes elsewhere and focus on getting changed herself. Brittany gets fully dressed first and goes to the sink to brush her teeth while Santana struggles to pull her sleep shirt over her head. Their eyes catch in the mirror as Santana soon joins her side. Brittany gives her a sudsy grin as her blue eyes twinkle and goes to hand Santana the toothpaste.
And it’s something so small, but the way they move around each other during their nightly routine brings back so many memories from when they were younger. Memories of sleepovers and that one time Brittany came up to Louisville for a visit run through Santana’s mind and she’s so thankful that they’re at this place again.
When they finally slide beneath the covers a bit later, Santana’s nerves begin to intensify. The size of the bed is only a double so there isn’t much room for personal space and for a moment Santana’s hyper-aware of every little part of her that brushes against Brittany.
“You look nervous,” Brittany whispers and Santana instantly blushes.
“We haven’t done this in awhile,” She explains shyly.
“I know,” Brittany replies as her hand slides up to touch Santana’s, “It’s just me.”
Santana wants to tell her that’s why she’s nervous but there’s something about the way Brittany says it that settles her nerves. There’s this kind of softness there and Santana finds herself easing the longer she’s there.
When she finds her pinky hooking around Brittany’s, she’s able to relax even further and gives the blonde a smile in return.
They lie facing each other, watching how their blinks become slower and slower. Their legs tangle together, clean shaven skin smooth against one another’s, while their pinkies stay linked near their pillows. Similar to their moment by the fountain, cocooned in a comfy duvet, Santana feels like they’re the only ones left in the world.
Santana can’t get over how comfortable she feels although she had just been so worried about crossing a personal space line before. It’s silly, she thinks, how easily her mind can have her overthinking the littlest of things. Many things have changed between them, but Brittany has always had a way with comforting Santana and thankfully she still hasn’t lost her touch.
“You ready for tomorrow?” Brittany whispers so softly Santana almost misses it.
“I think so,” Santana answers just as quietly, “The girls have been practicing so hard.”
“Yeah,” Brittany mumbles and Santana can tell she’s close to falling asleep.
“What about you?” Santana asks, “Are you ready?”
“Totally,” Brittany grins, “We have a pretty awesome squad.”
They fall into a comfortable silence and Santana watches as Brittany tries to stifle a yawn. It’s the cutest thing she’s seen all day and she wants to tell her but her eyelids feel heavy and her ability to form words is delayed.
Brittany snuggles down further against her pillow and says, “I really hope we win.”
They’re her last words as Brittany’s eyes finally close. She looks peaceful with her blonde hair curtaining her cheek, almost angelic. Santana has to reach out to check that she isn’t dreaming just yet, that Brittany is here and very real. That they’re doing this again; sharing a bed and falling asleep tangled up in each other. She has to make sure she hasn’t dreamt the whole thing up.
When Brittany doesn’t stir from her touch, Santana has to stifle a giggle. She always envied how fast Brittany could fall asleep. One minute she would be seemingly wide awake, chatty as ever, then the next she would be out like a light.
Santana on the other hand let her thoughts run wild until she’d exhaust herself from all the thinking. Tonight is different though, she doesn’t feel the need to tire herself out. Not when she has Brittany so close and everything feels so soft and warm.
“I think we will.” Santana tells Brittany although she knows she’s dead asleep now. She then goes to press a goodnight kiss to Brittany’s lips before snuggling in close.
Sleep finds her easily that night and it’s the best one she’s had in awhile, but that’s no surprise.
She’s always slept better with Brittany.
Santana ends up being right about the win.
She never doubted it for a second, but their girls kicked ass with a damn near perfect score! The other squads didn’t stand a chance up against their stellar performance.
Santana remembered what it felt like to be in their girls’ position, that feeling of accomplishment and the relief from knowing that Sue would be in a much better mood after a win but being announced the winner as a coach hit totally differently. She was so overcome with pride and that feeling just multiplied as they all gathered to take a picture with their giant First Place trophy.
It was nothing but pure happiness as everyone exchanged congratulations. Santana even found herself welcoming a couple hugs from the girls which was so unlike her, but she didn’t care!
Nothing could beat this feeling of accomplishment.
Well, almost nothing.  
“We did it! We’re going to Regionals!” Brittany cheered and suddenly Santana was being hoisted in the air and spun around.
“Oh my God, Britt!” Santana squealed through her laughter, holding on to the top of Brittany’s head for balance. Being up that high, she felt like she was on top of the world.  
Most of the girls had been too preoccupied to notice them except for Quinn. She was giggling away from below with that same all-knowing look in her eye. Santana’s first instinct was to flick her off, but she was too happy to bring herself to do that.
Instead she smiled back and yelled, “Nice trophy!”
“The first of many under our reign!” Quinn called back as Brittany lowered Santana. She turned to the squad and held the trophy up a little higher, “Isn’t that right, girls?”
Then there was a sea of eager yes Coach and it was all the reassurance Santana needed, because this coaching thing?
Piece of cake.
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virtuous-homes-blog · 4 years
Invest in property
Last year's housing market was clearly one for the record books, with the gains partly driven by tightening stocks and exceptionally low mortgage rates. In some pockets of the country, housing prices climbed well over 10 percent on average. But, it's not only the big coastal cities which are seeing enormous growth. A survey from GoBankingRates demonstrated that many cities with the most growth proved inland, including: Buffalo, New York (34.6percent ), Atlanta, Georgia (24.54%), and Cincinnati, Ohio (20.6percent ). Bearing this in mind, you could be wondering in the event that you should throw your hat in the ring and invest in real estate -- or, in case you're too late. You might also be asking yourself if you should invest in property in a traditional sense -- as in, becoming a landlord. Now, here is the fantastic news. Not only is currently still a great time to invest in real estate since longer growth is probably on its way, but there are also more ways than ever to invest in housing without dealing with tenants or the other minutiae of landlord perform . Here are some of the best choices at this time: An exchange-traded finance, also called an ETF, is a set of stocks or bonds in a single fund. ETFs are similar to index funds and mutual funds from the fact they come with the exact same broad diversification and low prices over all. If you are angling to invest in real estate but also want to diversify, investing in a real-estate themed ETF may be a smart move. Vanguard's VNQ, for instance, is a property ETF that invests in stocks issued by real estate investment trusts (REITs) that buy office buildings, hotels, and other kinds of property. IYR is another real estate ETF that works similarly since it offers targeted access to domestic property stocks and REITs. There are loads of other ETFs offering exposure to real estate, too, so be sure to do your research and consider the options. A colleague of mine, Taylor Schulte of Define Financial in San Diego, says he swears by a real estate mutual fund known as DFREX. Why? Since its low expenses and track document help him feel confident about future yields. Besides low prices, Schulte says the strategy of DFREX is backed by decades of academic study from Nobel Prize winning economists. TIREX is another property mutual fund to consider with $1.9 billion in assets, broad diversification among real estate holdings, and low prices. #3: Invest in REITs Consumers invest in REITs to precisely the exact same reason they invest in property ETFs and mutual funds; they would like to invest in property without holding physical land. REITs let you do precisely that although also diversifying your holdings dependent on the type of property class each REIT invests in. Financial advisor Chris Ball of BuildFinancialMuscle.com advised me he personally invests in REITs for its diversification and for its"non-correlation" with other types of equities. He says that he likes the long-term data regardless of the typical mood swings and downs and ups of the real estate marketplace. "Additionally, it gives me exposure to property without having to be a landlord," he says. Ball also says a lot of his clients agree with that place and invest in REITs as part of the portfolio as a result. With that being said, I typically suggest customers stay away from non-traded REITs and purchase just publicly-traded REITs instead. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) lately came outside to warn against non-traded REITs, imagining their lack of liquidity, high prices, and too little value transparency produce undue risk. #4: Invest at a property focused company There are a number of businesses that own and manage property without working as a REIT. The difference is, you'll need to dig to find them and they can pay a lower dividend than a REIT. Firms who are actual estate-focused can include resorts, resort operators, timeshare businesses, and commercial property developers, for instance. Be certain that you conduct due diligence before you buy stock in individual businesses, but this alternative may be great one if you need exposure to a particular kind of real estate investment and have time to research historical data, company background, and other details. #5: Invest in house construction If you look at real estate market expansion throughout the last ten years or longer, it's simple to observe that much of it is the end result of limited housing stock. Because of this, many predict that construction of new homes will continue to flourish during the next few decades or more. In that sense, it's easy to see why investing in the building side of this sector could also be smart. An whole industry of home builders need to come up with new neighborhoods and rehabilitate old ones, after all, so today might be a good time to buy in. Massive homebuilders to watch comprise LGI Homes (LGIH), Lennar (LEN), D.R. Horton (DHI), and Pulte Homes (PHM), however there are lots of other people to discover by yourself. #6: Hire a home manager Despite the fact that you do not have to purchase physical property to invest in property, there is at least one strategy that could allow you to have your cake and eat it, too. Many investors who want exposure to leasing property they could view and touch go right ahead and purchase leases but hire a property manager to perform all the heavy lifting. While he tried to manage his properties from a distance at firsthe ultimately chose to use a property manager to save his sanity and his gains. While he forks over 8-10% of gross rent to his manager, it was "one of the best decisions he's ever made" as a real estate agent, he says. "They take care of the rental property basics - minor repairs, vetting prospective tenants, collecting rents - so that I can concentrate on my career, family, and locating the upcoming lucrative rental property investment," notes Huffman. In that sense, he receives the benefits of being a landlord with the hard work. "Among the most crucial roles a home manager plays is that they work as a buffer between the renter and me," says Huffman. "I don't receive random texts, calls, or even emails from tenants in all hours of the night or day." The key to making sure this approach works is ensuring that you only invest in properties with enough cash flow to pay for a property manager and still score a substantial speed of return. #7: Invest in real estate notes Property notes are a sort of investment you are able to buy if you're interested in investing in real estate but don't necessarily wish to manage a brick-and-mortar construction. When you are investing in real estate notes through a bank, you're typically buying debt at costs that are well below what a retail dealer would pay. I've invested in property notes in the past via an individual investor I know who buys and renovates property. Thus far, my experiences have only been positive. However, I would conduct due diligence to be sure you know what you are getting into whether you invest into real estate notes using a bank or a property investor who is actively pursuing new possessions. #8: Hard money loans If you do not like any of those other ideas on this list but have cash to lend, you could also consider giving a hard money loan. My friend Jim Wang of WalletHacks.com says he's now investing in real estate with this strategy because he wants exposure but doesn't wish to cope with being a landlord. In addition, he says the ROI (return on investment) because of his time wouldn't be as great as other chances because his time is valuable. Hard money loans are essentially a direct loan into a real estate investor, '' he states. Wang offers property loans to an investor he understands in person, and he receives a 12% return on his money as a result. Wang says he feels comfortable with the set-up since the investor is someone he knows, but he isn't convinced he'd be comfortable with a stranger. In any event, hard money loans directly to real estate investors are another strategy to consider if you would like to invest in property but do not wish to manage a property and the frustrations that come with it. Last but not least, don't forget about all the new companies which have cropped up to help investors become involved in property without getting their hands dirty. Sites like Fundrise and Realty Mogul allow you to invest into commercial leasing or flipping houses and get money flow distributions in return. Investing with either business is similar to investing in REITs because your money is pooled with money from other investors that take advantage of the platform. The money you invest can be used to purchase residential property, commercial property, apartment buildings, and more. Ultimately, you receive the advantage of distributions and dividends and long-term appreciation of those properties that you"own." While neither company has been around for too long, they're doing well so far. Fundrise returned a mean of 11.4% on invested dollars in 2017 net of charges and 9.11 percent in 2018 after all, and you don't have to be an accredited investor to open an account.
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ekomovers · 3 years
Long Distance Moving Company in Cincinnati
Long Distance Moving Company in Cincinnati
Long Distance Moving Company Moving to a new home is one of the most stressful events in an adult’s life, according to polls. Hiring professional long-distance movers in Cincinnati will ease your worry while also ensuring a smooth transfer to your new home. EkoMovers has assisted thousands of homeowners in and around Cincinnati with their relocation. We’ve earned a reputation for offering not…
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ekomovers123 · 2 years
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Professionals at EkoMovers provide the best services with a great positive attitude. We love to move.
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wehelpmoving-blog · 5 years
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We Help Moving
We Help Moving is a Cincinnati based moving company specializing in residential and commercial for local and long distance moves. We are fully licensed, insured and certified to handle any move project.
Address: 611 Shepherd Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45215, USA Phone: 513-242-6683 Website: https://www.4wehelp.com
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hein92hein-blog · 5 years
Reasonably priced Philadelphia, PA Movers
Affordable Philadelphia, PA Movers
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You understand we'll be back. I like Uhuru Furniture as a result of they provide back to the individuals. Uhuru Furniture had such an excellent selection, and the staff was tremendous useful! Uhuru Furnishings always has great distinctive furnishings that's in great condition. We're proud to assist Uhuru. For instance, are there distinctive or giant gadgets that would require additional personnel or tools (i.e., appliances or pianos)? Remember, there are only so many hours in day. These guys arrived within two hours of calling, picked up the piano, strapped it to a dolly and carried it out -- SAFELY and PROFESSIONALLY - in a matter of mere seconds. “The movers had been very skilled and spectacular (a single mover carried full sized mattresses up and down a number of flights by themselves!) They moved us sooner than they estimated and I might certain recommend them! So he set me up with Hillary and a small group of professional women.
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LTL services are nice for small businesses, because most small enterprise simply don’t ship a big enough volume to justify the FTL transport prices. The United States Department of Transportation requires all US long distance movers to register to have the ability to perform enterprise. 1. Examine whether or not the native movers you're selecting have registration and licenses to take up such tasks. Our reliable movers provide native and long distance transferring providers. Additionally we're not only piano movers and musicians however problem solvers that may go above and past to ensure the expertise goes smoothly. Gasoline appliances will must be disconnected and serviced by qualified personnel, previous to your move. Although the transfer took longer than the estimated 2 hours, it was positively price my cash. There are lengthy distance movers who do an excellent job, however even so, cash may be saved by doing a few of the packing for themselves. I've even shared Uhuru with locals that have now furnished their properties as nicely!
I've been coming to Uhuru since 1996 when my oldest daughter was solely 2 years old. We've packed and moved hundreds of satisfied Philadelphia space residents and companies during the last 25 years and a lot of them a number of times and from each nook of the town and across the suburbs, Passyunk to Montgomeryville. Our reputation as one of new Jersey's leading shifting companies has been constructed over years of providing tailored solutions to 1000's of happy clients. It might help stop injuries because of tripping and falling over one thing in the best way. It may be doable you just need to take the initiative and start the method yourself. Less than truck load shipments could take longer to get to their vacation spot because the shipping process has a few additional steps. I am May Yazji from Syria and i suggested all individuals to come back right here and buy. They were professional, cautious, knowledgeable, and basically exceptional individuals to work with. “New Horizon Movers did work for us about a yr in the past, when we moved.
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Most house movers should not outfitted with the proper equipment that's required to get your job executed proper. It doesn't matter what you want removed, recycled, donated, or moved, depend on School Hunks of Philadelphia to get the job completed right the primary time. Considered one of the great philanthropists of our time passed away not too long ago. Based mostly in Cincinnati Ohio they are a family owned moving operation with an amazing status. Their status is properly-earned. Few Strikes Shifting Firm makes certain all the main points are coated before shifting day. Final but not the least prospects are additionally a lot happy with local moves. As an agent of Allied Van Traces, we hold membership in a nationwide community of moving and storage firms that may conduct family moves wherever in the United States. Nicky's Shifting & Storage company in Philadelphia can do it all, including providing packing containers, packing providers, storage at our Glenside facility. This service supplied by HMS Van Strains of Philadelphia minimizes interruptions to lab actions during transit.
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handeaux · 5 years
Shantytown: Cincinnati’s Lost Mill Creek Neighborhood
Many of Cincinnati’s old neighborhoods have faded into history. Perhaps the most colorful such environ was Shantytown, located out in the far West End where the Mill Creek Runs into the Ohio River. Beginning about 1890, shacks, shanties and houseboats congregated there, in the shadow of the Cincinnati Southern railroad bridge.
Shantytown was always filled with flamboyant folks. There was “Duke” (any other names unknown) who gained his noble title because he somehow managed to acquire a new derby hat every year. There was “Captain” Charles Richmond, known as the richest man in Shantytown because he owned a Victrola and 100 records.
Among other claims to fame, Shantytown seemed to have nine lives, like a cat. In 1901, Charles Glandorf, a contractor who held the lease to five acres of land occupied by this rag-tag community announced that he would force all the squatters to move. Apparently, Shantytown did not get the message because, in 1907, the Pittsburgh Coal Company announced plans for a facility in Shantytown, forcing the eviction of 500 residents. According to the Cincinnati Post [22 January 1907]:
“Some of the River denizens are getting ready to move, but where? They do not know. Others will fight. One of these is Wm. Ford. ‘The river belongs to Uncle Sam,’ he said, ‘and until he orders me to move my boat will not budge. As long as we are in the water we cannot be forced to go.’
It could be that nobody moved, because they were still there in 1913 when the Cincinnati Health Department burned the whole place down. The city took advantage of a recent flood, relocated all the inhabitants, photographed the shacks, doused them with gasoline and lit a match. Not quite 10 years later, however, the newspapers reported that Shantytown was still around, and making a comeback.
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Over the years, Cincinnati displayed a real ambivalence about Shantytown. On the one hand, it was not only a high-crime area, but a refuge for actual criminals. On the other hand, almost every newspaper report about Shantytown stressed that life among the shacks was romantic and relaxed. Shantytown was featured in two promotional books about Cincinnati, George W. Engelhardt’s “Cincinnati The Queen City” (published in 1901 by the Chamber of Commerce), and an 1898 guidebook titled “Kraemer’s Picturesque Cincinnati.”
Tourists visited Shantytown to get a taste of Cincinnati’s “low-life,” and newspapers regularly sent reporters out to get a little local color. Shantytown stories often involve dogs, like this one from the Cincinnati Post [10 July 1897]:
“A dog was poisoned in Shantytown some time ago and Mary Lally and Minnie Smith made things very unpleasant for Mary Connelly, whom they accused of the deed. Mary Connelly came to the City Hall to get them placed under a peace bond, but did not succeed. They threw bricks, tin cans and all sorts of things at her. Mary swore out a warrant for them Thursday for assault and battery.”
Cincinnati Police Officers James D. Mount and John T. Pettit located Mary Lally and were about to arrest her when she ran down to the river, hopped in a johnboat and rowed out into the middle of the Ohio River which, of course, belongs to Kentucky. Officers Mount and Petit sat on the Ohio bank for three hours waiting for their fugitive to row back to shore but all she did before rowing downriver was hurl insults. The paper reported that Mary Lally was known as the “Belle  of Shantytown.”
Newspaper reports of Shantytown children read like rough drafts for an “Our Gang” comedy. Here is the Post [14 July 1904]:
“All the boys have slugshots, with which they are experts. They can hit a dog, their favorite target, at almost every shot at long distance. Little ‘Bud’ Collins, one of the leaders of Shantytown’s juvenile population, is the proud possessor of an air gun, and when he brings that weapon out he is the idol of them all.”
The Cincinnati Police saw Shantytown quite differently. G.M. Roe’s 1890 book, “Our Police” had this to say:
“The most notable ‘tough’ sections are the Mill creek bottoms and notorious ‘Shanty Town,’ where the shanty-boats are located. These boats swarming with women and men of the worst types, line the Ohio in this district. They are usually the especial care of the police, inasmuch as many of their inhabitants, called ‘river gypsies,’ are like their land prototypes, slow to recognize the difference between what is other people's property and what is their own.”
As early as 1891, the Cincinnati Post editorialized against Shantytown because of robbers who assaulted pedestrians walking from downtown to Sedamsville. There were even some murders, but of the maudlin, domestic sort as reported by the Post [13 April 1901]:
“Josephine McInany, the Shantytown Queen, now in the County jail for killing her husband, James McInany, is making a piteous plea to attend the funeral of the husband. She says she loved him, though she killed him, and she fell on her knees and kissed him after she had shot him down.”
Shantytown was ripe for redemption, and a local missionary society opened a 200-seat chapel equipped with an organ to reach out to the “river gypsies.” It appears this chapel got flooded out and subsequent missions took place on flatboats to the amusement of the youngsters:
“In answer to inquiries about the missions, Johnny Cheeks volunteered information. ‘Gee! You ought to hear them preach and sing,’ he said. ‘They make noise enough to scare the fish. They only get about five or six people in the boat there, but we sit out here and listen. It’s lots of fun.”
Today, hardly anyone traveling the Sixth Street Viaduct gives a thought to Shantytown as they pass its erstwhile locale. The Post [26 September 1922] predicted:
“A new generation in other parts of Cincinnati has arisen. To them, Shantytown is only a name that brings impressions of frontier habits. Many of these youngsters have wished they had lived to know the men and deeds of old Shantytown.”
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