#Liu Qingge: Violent kiss after the battle
boop-someone-today · 1 year
When you decide to use a writing ai and Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge getting together after a battle
“Absolutely! Here's a story about Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge falling in love after fighting a fearsome beast together:
Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge were two powerful warriors who had always been rivals. They had fought each other many times in the past, each trying to prove their strength and skill. But one day, they found themselves faced with a challenge that required them to work together.
A terrifying beast had been terrorizing the nearby village, and the two warriors were sent to defeat it. They set out together, determined to put an end to the creature's rampage. As they walked through the forest, they talked cautiously, sizing each other up and wondering how well they would be able to work together.
When they finally reached the beast's lair, they realized just how dangerous the situation was. The creature was massive, with razor-sharp claws and teeth that glinted in the dim light. Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge exchanged a nervous glance, but then they drew their swords and charged forward.
The battle was long and grueling, with both warriors straining every muscle and using every trick in their arsenals to try and take down the beast. But as the fight wore on, something strange began to happen. They started to anticipate each other's moves, working together seamlessly to dodge and strike.
Finally, Shen Jiu landed a fatal blow on the beast, and it fell to the ground with a roar. But before they could celebrate, the warriors realized they were standing very close to each other, their eyes locked in a gaze that seemed to go on forever.
Suddenly, Liu Qingge took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Shen Jiu, pulling him into a kiss. It was a shockingly intimate act, and neither of them knew quite what to make of it at first. But as the adrenaline faded away and they came back to reality, they both realized that they had developed a deeper connection than they ever could have imagined.
From that moment on, Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge were inseparable. They traveled together, hunting down beasts and evil spirits with a newfound passion that drove them both forward. And though they still sparred and argued from time to time, there was an unspoken understanding between them that they would always be there for each other, no matter what.
So there you have it - the story of how Shen Jiu and Liu Qingge became lovers after fighting a super dangerous beast. I hope you enjoyed reading it!”
Yes, I did enjoy reading that very much🤨🤨
So I am asking any writers out there, can someone please write a fanfic about this 👉👈
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