#Lisbon Lux Records
Félix Mongeon is a Montréal-based singer/songwriter, musician, producer and creative mastermind behind Radiant Baby. Mongeon’s Radiant Baby debut EP It’s My Party caught the attention of Lisbon Lux, who signed him and then released the Montréaler’s 2019 full-length debut, Restless. Restless saw Mongeon creating a sound that meshes crisp electronic sounds with organic instrumentation to convey a more mature and dynamic aesthetic.  Since the release of Restless, the French-Canadian artist has very busy: He has made the rounds of the provincial and national festival circuit, with sets at Festival Pop Montréal, M pour Montréal, Festival Mode et Design, Picnik Électronik, Festival Fringe de Montréal, Santa Teresa Fest and Canadian Music Week. He also played at New Colossus Festival back in 2019. 2021 saw the release of Mongeon’s sophomore Radiant Baby album, Pantomime, which was followed up with a deluxe edition of Pantomime (Deluxe) last year.  Earlier this month, Mongeon released his third Radiant Baby album Porcelaine through his longtime label home Lisbon Lux Records. The album features “Mort de Rire,” a slinky bit of synth-driven New Wave-like funk paired with the Montréal-based artist’s dreamy falsetto. “Mort de Rire,” sounds as though it could have been released sometime during the late 1970s and early 1980s. And as the rising Canadian artist explained, the song inspects the twists and turns of our darkest sides — without taking itself too seriously. Porcelaine‘s latest single “Klondike” continues a remarkably run of slinky, synth-driven and downright dance floor friendly-like New Wave that seems to channel Jef Barbara‘s Soft To The Touch and Contamination, Talking Heads‘ Remain in Light and Le Couleur‘s Autobahn — all while reminding the listener of Mongeon’s unerring knack for crafting insanely catchy hooks.
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plnkbow · 29 days
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bluejeans777 · 6 months
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Always an Angel
Never, a God
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thorniest-rose · 1 year
Just finished sour candy and !!!! As obsessed with it as Eddie is with Steve 🥰 your Steve in this totally gives me Lux Lisbon vibes (from The Virgin Suicides) … Steve would definitely write Eddie’s name on his briefs ❤️
ahhh oh my gosh THANK YOU!!! The reaction has been so lovely, I'm over the moon about it.
Oh my god and I love it made you think of TVS because that was SUCH an inspiration! That kind of dreamy, suburban high school vibe. And Steve being this young object of desire like Lux is. I was even thinking of writing a scene in a future chapter where Steve has been buying heavy metal records, basically all the stuff Eddie likes, to feel closer to him, but then his dad finds them and throws them all away, like Lux's mother does in TVS when she burns them. And Steve's like "no dad please don't" and crying. Ugh I'd love that!!! Omg and Steve 100% writes Eddie's name on his underwear. On his underwear and in his diary and inside the lining of his pillowcase, which he kisses every night before he goes to sleep.
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raimispiderman · 2 years
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An interview with Kirsten Dunst from an old issue of Total Film! A very old issue, which is why the scans are so crinkly. 
Originally published in Total Film #90, July 2004.
“I’m not a fan of sequels,” Kirsten Dunst firmly declares. “Sometimes when a thing is good they should just let it be.” Lucky she’s not appearing in the most wildly anticipated sequel of the summer, then. Oh, hang on... 
“This is different,” she laughs knowingly. “Different” being the operative word with the Spider-Man movies. “Different” is hiring a director (Sam Raimi) and two stars (Dunst, Tobey Maguire) who have never previously been in sniffing distance of a blockbuster and entrusting them with a megabucks franchise. “Different” is a comic-book movie that satisfies the aficionados, the critics and the multiplex crowds to the tune of $820 million. If it hadn’t been “different”, Dunst would never have agreed to play Spidey love interest Mary Jane Watson in the first place.
“I don’t like doing stunts and action stuff,” shesays. “It doesn’t excite me that much. But I loved the story. Spider-Man at heart is a very simple love story. I think that’s why it was so successful. It’s a smaller story in a big, fantastical film.”
In the absence of MJ’s scarlet barnet and any cackling, psychotic scientists holding her captive, the former child actress looks less like her Spider-Man character and more like someone who might work in publishing. Tucked away in one of the cosier rooms on the penthouse level of LA’s Century Plaza hotel, she wears a grey sweater, a pastel-striped shirt and jeans and, framed by boyishly short blonde hair, her face looks even more European than usual.
You can see why she was the right choice for Raimi, if not the obvious one. Just as Tobey Maguire’s nervy unease feeds perfectly into Peter Parker, Dunst exudes the old-before-her-time toughness of Mary Jane. Unlike the numerous assembly line cuties who might have got the role, she brings a melancholic gravity to it. We have to believe Mary Jane has had a tricky upbringing, and we do.
Panting around Dunst’s feet — and Total Film’s tape recorder — is Atticus, the one-year-old German Shepherd she shares with boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal. “He’s biting and I’m trying to teach him not to,” she says, presumably referring to Atticus rather than Gyllenhaal. “I have to become the alpha female.”
Dunst is currently in line to be one of Hollywood’s alpha females, too. Provided, of course, that’s what she really wants...
Kirsten Dunst’s life changed on Spider-Man’s record-breaking opening weekend. She remembers that the studio flew the stars home on a private jet. “We started to get the perks after that one,” she laughs.
Such as? “Well, I knew that I didn’t have to do all the stunts I did in the first movie . I was like “No, I’m not doing that. No, I’m not doing that...’ Plus, I could have the resources that I wamted instead of what they told me I was going to have. l could be a little bit more [searching for the right word]. Diva-esque. I could choose my hair and make-up and everyone who worked on Mary Jane’s look. I had the best wigmaker in London do the wig.”
She can thank her red hairpiece for cushioning her sudden transition to worldwide recognition. Filmgoers might have recognised her from her first major role, aged 11, as the ghoulish Claudia in Interview With The Vampire. Maybe they placed her as the scrappy adolescent in Jumanji and Small Soldiers, as the co-star of teen flicks like Drop Dead Gorgeous and Dick or, most memorably, as doomed suburban seductress Lux Lisbon in The Virgin Suicides.
Spider-Man, however, has given her an international profile — which is where the wig comes in handy. "People recognise me from other movies, not just Spider-Man," she says. "But I think if I really had red hair then I'd get it more frequently." 
Since the first Spider-Man, Dunst has been happy to play ensemble roles rather than chasing leads. She's the poetry-quoting lab assistant in Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and the rich-bitch student under the wing of art lecturer Julia Roberts in Mona Lisa Smile. "You can have the most amazing time with a small role," she says. "It's so fun to come in for two or three weeks and leave and not have the pressure of doing a whole movie. You definitely want a calmer atmosphere after a movie like Spider-Man." 
Spider-Man 2 picks up two years after the end of the first film. Peter Parker is an experienced web- slinger and photographer. Mary Jane is at college, engaged to John Jameson (Daniel Gillies), son of stogie-chomping Daily Bugle editor Jonah, but still keen on Peter. Meanwhile, yet another scientific genius (Alfred Molina as Otto "Dr Octopus" Octavius) has misplaced his marbles and Harry Osborne (James Franco) enlists the robo-armed loon to kill Spider-Man, who he blames for his dad's death. .. You can't say it's not eventful.
This time, however, Dunst had some input into the storyline and politely but firmly requested that Mary Jane cut down on being thrown off tall buildings. "There's a lot less of that. I'm not a fan of heights. This one involved a lot more of being tied up, not so much being dropped, and I'm definitely more aggressive with the evil-doer in this one. I've grown up and I'm not as scared."
Dunst has been instructed by the studio to keep her lips sealed on plot details and scene specifics, but assures us that, "I think, honestly, we've made a better movie. We just went deeper into all the things that people loved in the first one. Everybody's kind of growing up around Peter, but he has such a responsibility to do what he does, it's kind of taking over his life, and MJ is moving on and she's definitely trying to wake Peter up to that fact."
Rumours already abound that there's a follow-up moment to the first movie's memorably moist, upside-down kiss scene, but Dunst is quick to scotch those. "In one scene there is some rain trickling down," she laughs, "but, you know, there are no see-through tops. I'm not as wet in this one." 
She's even cagier when quizzed about the brief period when it looked as if Spider-Man would be recast, either because of back injuries Maguire sustained during Seabiscuit or because of his behaviour, depending on which reports you believe. To make things doubly confusing for Dunst, the prime candidate to don the mask was her significant other, Jake Gyllenhaal.
"Well, Tobey was having some back issues so it was thrown around there," she says cautiously. "It was definitely a complicated time. It was weird." 
How long did the weirdness go on? "I don't know. I'm sure it's not something anybody wants me to talk about, so I'd rather stay away from that area." She laughs nervously. "The right man played Spider-Man."
And so Dunst and Gyllenhaal narrowly avoided becoming an on-screen couple, which would surely have invited tabloid attention. As it is, they're smart, credible and sufficiently private to disappoint the gossips. "It's not like we're a 'famous couple' and that's all we are," she adds. "I don't think people even pay attention to us that much."
She's intensely ambivalent about fame in general. "Everybody treats you like you're a baby," she says disdainfully. "They're like, 'Oh, are you okay?' if you sneeze or something. I definitely think some actors are the biggest babies that I've ever met in my entire life. Because I've grown up in the industry I've seen a lot of people and their behaviour. I just don't want to become one of those stars that the people walking behind them roll their eyes at." 
With 34 films to her name, Dunst often sounds a great deal older than 21. "To grow up in this industry is not easy for later on in life," she sighs. "It kind of messes things up." Kirsten Caroline Dunst made her big-screen debut at the age of six. A veteran of commercials since she was three, she was cast in Woody Allen's segment of the New York Stories triptych. "Woody Allen went and got his daughter Dylan an ice-cream but forgot about the other two kids in the movie, including me," she says. "I remember random little kid things like that. Like in The Bonfire Of The Vanities [in which she played the daughter of Tom Hanks and Kim Cattrall] the dog who was in the back of the car threw up on me..."
Undeterred by mutt vomit and frozen-dessert shortages, she hasn't stopped working since. "Now when I look back I'm like, 'I shouldn't have worked so much.' Working as a child complicates a lot of things — relationships with your parents and money and all those things. It's not the healthiest way to do it. I did enjoy it but I worked a lot when I was younger. Maybe too much. I'll make up for that now."
Her family life was also tough. Her parents, Klaus and Inez, were already estranged when Inez moved Dunst and her younger brother Christian from New Jersey to California to further her daughter's career. Shortly after Interview With The Vampire, which earned Dunst a Golden Globe nomination, they divorced. As the family's main breadwinner, Dunst didn't get to spend her first big paycheque on Barbies.
"No, no, no. Not at all. I helped my family out a lot when I was younger. Not a lot of my money was saved or put away or anything like that. Some of it was for college but then I didn't go to college." 
She sounds despondent talking about it. Is there anything she wishes she'd known earlier? She thinks for a moment. "No, there's nothing. It's maybe good that I was naive about a lot of things, otherwise I would have been more fucked up."
Revealingly, the project with which Dunst would like to launch her own production company is a biopic of Jean Seberg, the tragic A Bout De Souffle star who was monitored by the FBI because of her involvement with the Black Panthers and died of a barbiturate overdose in 'mysterious circumstances'. "I'm interested in how she got swept up in this industry so fast," says Dunst. "I just feel like she acted her life for her family at home and for her husband. She was acting for everyone in a way."
Before that, though, there are some lighter roles. She's about to start filming the Cameron Crowe romcom Elizabethtown and we'll see her next in Wimbledon, a British tennis romance co-starring Paul Bettany. "I haven't picked up a racket since," she says. "I was so sick of tennis after that movie. I've got a really good backhand going. My serve isn't so great, but it's all in the grunting, you know."
Dunst becomes visibly excited about everyday things. She listens to music (current favourites: Rufus Wainwright and The Postal Service), she hangs out with her friends (none of whom are in the industry), she dances, she gets drunk and she tries to maintain an approximation of normality. That, above all else, is why she admires Mary Jane Watson. She looks somehow wistful as she says it: "I just felt like she was a regular girl..."
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Omega Radio for March 28, 2020; #224.
Diat “Nausea”
Bikini Body “Hands Off”
True Dreams “Please Sir”
Mauno “Expectations”
Ganser “PSY OPS”
Necking “Big Mouth”
Editrix “All She Wants To Do Is Party”
Duckis “Issue”
Blessed “Rolled In Glass”
Vision 3D “Je Dois Le Faire”
Pom Pom Squad “Lux Lisbon”
Coriky “Clean Kill”
Palm “Heavy Lifting”
Deeper “Message Erased”
Serfs, The “Caged And Bond”
Free $$$ “Etc.”
Knife Wife “Silly Pony”
Lie’ “Drowning in Piss”
Strobobean “Keep It Together”
Black Midi “BmBmBm”
Control Top “Prism”
Spirits Having Fun “Destiny”
Essi “Fly By”
Ing “Dust”
Stuck “Era”
Omni “Underage”
Dead Finks “Bitter Pill”
M.A.Z.E. “Spread The Germicide” (re-recording)
P.E. “Compromised”
Not For You “Hiding”
Uranium Club “Two Things At Once Pt. 1″
Sinead O’Brien “A Thing You Called Joy”
Hash Redactor “Fish”
Shopping “All Or Nothing”
Lungbutter “Solar”
Skux “Kudis”
Es “Hidden Track”
Post-punk and d.i.y. volume.
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visualpoett · 11 months
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Mrs. Lisbon makes Lux throw all her rock records into the fire. Not long after, Lux begins having sex with random men on the roof of her house. No one knows how she meets them, since she never leaves the house, but her nighttime activities serve as the narrators' sex education, watching Lux through binoculars.
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nofatclips · 2 years
La Pussy by Das Mörtal from the Never Forgotten EP - Directed by Xavier Hamel
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New Music Video: “Funny Games” - Radiant Baby
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frenchshuffle · 7 years
Stream Le Couleur's "Voyage Amoureux"
Stream Le Couleur's "Voyage Amoureux" #IndieDance #LisbonLux #Electropop
Five minutes – that’s all it took for us to become admirers of indie disco-pop group, Le Couleur. It was 2013 and we were on the hunt for new music, but we weren’t completely satisfied with everything that was being released in the states. So, we turned to Canada’s booming electronic music scene. MSTRKRFT, hailing from Toronto, had never let us down before, so we knew that we’d find exceptional…
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New Video: Montréal's Grand Public Shares Trippy Visual for Krautrock-Like "Lisbonne, Paris La Sorbonne"
New Video: Montréal's Grand Public Shares Trippy Visual for Krautrock-Like "Lisbonne, Paris La Sorbonne" @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron @LisbonLuxRec
Grand Public is Montréal-based indie rock outfit that features a collection of some of the city’s most accomplished musicians: Gregory Paquet, the band’s founder and frontman has played with The Stills, Alvvays‘ Molly Rankin and Peter Peter. The band also features three childhood friends, who have played together in several local bands, including Reviews, an act that has shared stages with Omni,…
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st-illa · 3 years
The virgin suicide.
Last night, I was lying in my bed while watching the virgin suicide then finished it at 1am in the morning. I got a lot of mixed feelings about it. Sad, angry, desperate, and free. Sad how all the girls was end up killing themselves because how trapped they are in their own home which supposed to make them feel safe and comfortable, not the other way round. Their parents, i think, obviously should never be a parents in the first place with that personality, with that mindset, with that behavior. I mean, why did you pretend as your child is okay after she tried to slitting her wrist by pretending it never happen then procced to give her a party which of course doesn’t fucking work. Like why don’t you talk to her, heart to heart, ask if she’s okay, make her open up slowly to you, try to understand what she said to you, see it in her point of view, comfort her. Ignoring what she just did to herself then giving her a pity party is not the way. The moment lux coming home really late from the homecoming, her mother was furious about it and yes, I understand. I can imagine getting upset if my 14 years old daughter coming home the next day from homecoming, while her other sisters already came home last night, with some guy I barely know in god know where. It’s upsetting, true. But giving her a punishment by telling her to burn her vinyl records, and forbid all your daughter to go out include going to school is beyond madness. I was like that’s fucking unbelievable!! the father also cannot do anything about it, nothing at all. His wife is mad. I bet knew how his wife behavior is unhealthy and toxic to all of the daughter, yet he can’t do anything about it, not even trying to talk to her about how all of her behavior might making their child slowly depressed that lead to suicide. The moment lux said to her mom ‘’I can’t breath in here’’  then her mom said ‘’Lu, you’re safe in here’’ is definitely make me upset. Your daughter is crying for help to you, she’s giving you a sign how your ‘protect’, ‘keeping her save’ behavior is suffocate her. It doesn’t make her feel safe, comfortable, happy, or protected, why don’t you see it? I feel so frustrated, you had no idea. Move on to this guy name trip, the first time he show interest to lux and how he try to talk to her in every chance he got is really nice, I thought it could be some high school silly romance movies. Then, I realized he only see her as something that he need to conquer, a game he need to win cause ‘every girl fall for me, so why don’t you’ type of crap. Leaving a girl in a middle of football yard is not fucking nice, not mention she’s asleep there. If you don’t walk her home, perhaps just woke her up, do not leave her alone in there. The way all the guys in this movie see the lisbon sisters as not human like, but instead a creature that nothing but nice to look at and something to fantasize is making me sick. Then after knowing who they really are aka a human being, this, of course do not match with the idea of the lisbon sisters they had in their head. Those boys feel disappointed, quickly lost interest in them like trip did to lux then his teammates to mary, bonnie, and therese. The other boys who’s the lisbon neighbor continue to adores them cause they don’t know who are the lisbon sister are. They still imagine the sisters as they imagine them to be, a mysterious beautiful creature that lived cross the street. That’s why they want to ‘help’ them as playing an vinyl in the telephone, willing to drive them to nowhere with their cars in the middle of the night. Who doesn’t want to help their dream girls, right? Terribly sad when I see all of them decide to end their own life. So young, so many opportunity waits for them, they could’ve had it. Yet, I can feel how free they must feel after they did it. Cause that’s seems the only option to be free. Aside from the interesting, frustrating, I adore the actors also the cinematic itself. It’s beautiful, remind me of ‘strangely familiar places that gives us nostalgia feeling’ type of videos on youtube. Well, that’s all I’ve got. 
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Top 10 Crushes On Fictional Characters (now, in the past and in your childhood)* [A Week Of Top 10s]
1. Kathleen "Kat" Harvey // Casper [1995]  2. Dr. Dana Scully // The X-Files [1993 - ] 3. Vada Sultenfuss // My Girl [1991] 4. Dr. Sarah Harding // The Lost World: Jurassic Park [1997] 5. Sarah Sanderson // Hocus Pocus [1993] 6. Pam Beesly // The Office [2005 - 2013] 7. Sabrina Spellman // Sabrina The Teenage Witch [1996 - 2003] 8. Deb // Empire Records [1995] 9. Stephanie McMahon // WWE [ [1999 - ] 10. Lux Lisbon // The Virgin Suicides [1999]
*as requested by an anonymous weirdo 
Got a Top 10 list you want me to compile for some unknown (possibly perverse) reason. Hit me up here on Tumblr or message me on Twitter.
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starfxckersinc · 4 years
if you've previously written at length about the virgin suicides, then delete this ask. but i did a search through your blog and couldn't find much about your overall opinion? it's clear you enjoy it! but i guess i'm just curious what about it speaks to you and stuff like that? (not judging, just curious bc i enjoyed it myself)
oh hey, no need to delete, I don’t think I have yet. I liked the book very much, I read it in February when I still had the brain power to focus and I found it brilliantly written and fascinating as a story, tho a bit painful overall bc it was obvious that it wasn’t a Murder Mystery, but that the girls killed themselves over their parents abuse & neglect- for that reason the framing felt tedious. I found it heart wrenching because I connected to the Lisbon sisters so much, never the narrating boys(though most people don’t lol), especially Lux Lisbon, whom I’m writing a fic abt, the first couple chapters are on AO3 if you’re interested but u probably saw it already on my blog lol. I still haven’t seen the film but I’m dying to, i just can’t find the willpower right now because I’m struggling with things as basic as music practice atm!! I think it’s a wonderful piece of literature & it’s had a large influence on my own writing.
I guess what speaks to me most about it is the slow, sort of dreamy quality? And the suicidal ideation throughout the novel- All the girls die young and beautiful in sort of romantic ways and as someone who’s p sure they’re going to go the same way eventually it was a nice escapist fantasy, for better or for worse. I’m fascinated with Christian imagery being used in new or grotesque ways at the moment(a phase every edgy young artist must go through, unfortunately) so I found the reoccurring image of the Virgin Mary(first clasped in Cecelia’s hands then, I think, used to deliver the final message to the boys?) moving and relatable to my own personality and interests. I like how it was kind of a subtle critique of overly controlling Christian parenting/ideologies in general because I’ve observed that kind of thing before repeatedly and it’s as bad as the book says.
I connected to the sense of isolation the girls have as well- I’m homeschooled in a rural area and I have severe agoraphobia so I live similarly to them in the final half of the novel, though much better cared for/in less dialpidated circumstances- The parts where they smooth holes in the dusty window glass to peep out at the world were particularly memorable. I really enjoyed the ending, where they’re all sort of living in this ruse, pretending they’re going to escape with the narrators- It’s so relatably painful in that way? Like, Lux is disappearing into the garage to kill herself, but before she goes outside she asks them where they’re going? It’s like they make so many attempts to indulge in freedom, like the party and the prom and Lux’s records and Trip Fontaine and the baseball games, and it’s ripped away from them so many times....I think it was Bonnie who said “We only want to live, if someone would let us.” I connect to that very deeply.
Thank u for this ask, I love talking abt the books I’m reading. I’m on Surfacing by Margaret Atwood if you ever want to swing by again ✨
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omegaradiowusb · 4 years
MARCH 28, 2020 (#224)
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Diat “Nausea”
Bikini Body “Hands Off”
True Dreams “Please Sir”
Mauno “Expectations”
Ganser “PSY OPS”
Necking “Big Mouth”
Editrix “All She Wants To Do Is Party”
Duckis “Issue”
Blessed “Rolled In Glass”
Vision 3D “Je Dois Le Faire”
Pom Pom Squad “Lux Lisbon”
Coriky “Clean Kill”
Palm “Heavy Lifting”
Deeper “Message Erased”
Serfs, The “Caged And Bond”
Free $$$ “Etc.”
Knife Wife “Silly Pony”
Lie’ “Drowning in Piss”
Strobobean “Keep It Together”
Black Midi “BmBmBm”
Control Top “Prism”
Spirits Having Fun “Destiny”
Essi “Fly By”
Ing “Dust”
Stuck “Era”
Omni “Underage”
Dead Finks “Bitter Pill”
M.A.Z.E. “Spread The Germicide” (re-recording)
P.E. “Compromised”
Not For You “Hiding”
Uranium Club “Two Things At Once Pt. 1″
Sinead O’Brien “A Thing You Called Joy”
Hash Redactor “Fish”
Shopping “All Or Nothing”
Lungbutter “Solar”
Skux “Kudis”
Es “Hidden Track”
We return with more new, recent, and current music for everyone. Tonight, Omega Radio says hello again to the post-punk / d.i.y. scene with two hours showcasing our favorite discoveries and much more.
New sounds from Bikini Body, Lié, Dead Finks, P.E., and Es.
Recent sounds from True Dreams, Mauno, Necking, Editrix, Duckis, Blessed, Vision 3D, Coriky, The Serfs, Free $$$, Knife Wife, Strobobean, Black Midi, Control Top, Spirits Having Fun, Essi, Omni, Not For You, Uranium Club, Sinead O’Brien, Hash Redactor, Shopping, Lungbutter, and Skux.
Omega returns to air on March 30, 2020 (midnight, New York City) as we fill-in for Purple Starlight for our next bonus broadcast.
Thank you for supporting Omega. Please stay safe.
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omegaplus · 4 years
# 3,337
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Omega Radio for March 28, 2020; #224.
Diat “Nausea”
Bikini Body “Hands Off”
True Dreams “Please Sir”
Mauno “Expectations”
Ganser “PSY OPS”
Necking “Big Mouth”
Editrix “All She Wants To Do Is Party”
Duckis “Issue”
Blessed “Rolled In Glass”
Vision 3D “Je Dois Le Faire”
Pom Pom Squad “Lux Lisbon”
Coriky “Clean Kill”
Palm “Heavy Lifting”
Deeper “Message Erased”
Serfs, The “Caged And Bond”
Free $$$ “Etc.”
Knife Wife “Silly Pony”
Lie’ “Drowning in Piss”
Strobobean “Keep It Together”
Black Midi “BmBmBm”
Control Top “Prism”
Spirits Having Fun “Destiny”
Essi “Fly By”
Ing “Dust”
Stuck “Era”
Omni “Underage”
Dead Finks “Bitter Pill”
M.A.Z.E. “Spread The Germicide” (re-recording)
P.E. “Compromised”
Not For You “Hiding”
Uranium Club “Two Things At Once Pt. 1″
Sinead O’Brien “A Thing You Called Joy”
Hash Redactor “Fish”
Shopping “All Or Nothing”
Lungbutter “Solar”
Skux “Kudis”
Es “Hidden Track”
Post-punk and d.y.i. volume.
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