#Liliac Eckles
knavestrolls · 3 months
And one more Liliac A6! (only if you want ofc though hehehe)
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why she being so dramatic for? attention from Her(tm)
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knavestrolls · 9 months
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A really fun one to do
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knavestrolls · 10 months
Ok I’m ososo sleepy and don’t have brain cells but um. If u have things u wanna share but don’t get the chance to, I’m makin grabby hands. Otherwise I’m nappin in ur ask box :P
This is gonna be a long post of silly little fun facts so here's a readmore.
Merrin doesn't glow if the sun is up. It only glows with the moonlight. Althea's dreamjob is trophy wife. Her second dream job is adult toy tester. Calmet knows the name Alacard. They have no idea who he is. Mortal's phone home screen is a picture of Barbie sleeping. His lock screen is a close up of her eye that's so zoomed in it's unrecognizable as an eye but he knows what it is. Rimmer is an absolute disaster gay who's type is something he'll only admit to while under the influence. Vladir isn't attracted to Syhren's current body she's tied to. If a quad of Veketi's ever hurt him, Liegia would kill them at risk of her own life. However, if they hurt her while he wasn't around but they clearly make him happy? She'd hide that fact and take it to the grave. Liliac's favorite flower is actually dandelions. Angela regularly shows up to work in her husband's shirts and has to change because she realizes she got dressed tired and the oversized shirt is restricting her movement.
Helsin has almost broken his wrist by stimming a little too hard too long. Nerola has no confidence that anyone will stay with her- except for her moirail. If there ever was a day he'd leave her it would break her completely. She also will let anyone do anything to her in trying to make friends.
Koreki can track scents via tasting them. His tongue can expand to almost a foot long.
Bailey, despite working at a bar, is a lightweight.
Beatrx's vision is slightly blurred due to her unusual pupils.
Xennaa would regularly leave needles around by accident while she was working on projects and still wanted to be a seamstress, which left Trisin with no more than 4 foot scars.
Harvey is a vegetarian because he hates the taste of blood. He loves to pretend to be a vampyre.
Cutlas will wear anything but shapewear.
Airika regularly performs for small crowds of lowbloods for free. She dreams of starting a school of ballet for the less fortunate.
Nemasu can't read.
Ginesa is life long friends with Kala.
Trisin can make all 6 irises look individually.
Sadhbh never disconnects her legs, even when home alone.
Espoir's current Favorite Person is Feashe, and neither of them know if it's romantic leaning.
Maxton refuses all interviews except during a competition, and then only accepts those done by the official casting crew.
Gefgor's voice is incredibly low baritone.
Vravei, although themed with snakes, lusus was actually a luna moth.
Salzaar could be any weight she chooses, but is most comfortable with what's seen currently.
Hearts loves filling in for trapzee best and filling in for Dimple least.
Dimple has 3 replacement noses on her at all times.
Alexie has only spoken to two trolls in the last sweep.
Jugular once confused regular brownies with edibles and proceeded to have the worst night of her life completely sober.
The body Syhren's currently in was once named Girlie.
Davosi's pupil shape makes their distance judgement terrible.
Tsubuu doesn't like talking walks on land- being too far away from her ship gives her terrible anxiety.
Doppio watches e-sports to relax. She has a favorite streamer but he doesn't know it's her because she chats on a throw away account to not draw attention to herself.
Feashe wears her hair in buns because it's the easiest hairstyle to do that she thinks balances out her horns.
Esstoc likes to find quiet places to read books alone. Recently he found one that had a mutant girl sleeping- so he stayed until she woke up just to make sure she made it back safely.
Neyire's fashion sense has been the same since she was a wriggler.
Velosi will wear anything for the right price.
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