#Gefgor Staage
knavestrolls · 2 months
Gefgor D2!
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himbo.. he'll do it too
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knavestrolls · 10 months
UM the sleepies have got me but um… th indigo I got a lil stepladder to hold hands with… big friend vibes…. Offers up a lil muffin. And another one for brain not remembering name lol
I need you to know I spent so long double checking who it was because I was like... that's gefgor right?
and I was RIGHT it IS Gefgor!
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Art by you/ @trollbreak He's so friendshaped. Big himbo with big dumb ideas. Happy lil man who wants to make you happy. Will hold your hand for three hours without complaint.
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knavestrolls · 9 months
*deifies gefgor*
Ooo this one is hard hmmm...
Deity of technology/forge. Of the moment where you try your best and the result is a little fucked up but it still works. Of dedication to first loves, even unreciprocated. Of the first monsoon of a summer.
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knavestrolls · 1 year
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Gefgor my beloved, Gefgor my rotating boy, look at your bots
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knavestrolls · 1 year
Dear Lennan, any good drama lately?
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For my favorite person I suppose I'll check. Since you're begging me so readily. There's love in the air with a local heiress, a new matespritship still fresh and teal. Gefgor appears to have had something important taken from him, what could be going on there? Jugular is facing severe backlash after posting- but why is that? Maxton is facing cheating allegations, no surprise there... Trisin has gone missing. Althea and Ahnnie had some sort of fight. Liegia's mooning over some motorcycle bad boy.. A siren is tempting Cutlas. Calmet had a nice day dream, or perhaps it was a memory? Beauje gave Velosi a terrible premonition... And speaking of Velosi, she's apparently applying to Nightshade. Do you think she knows the teal she abandoned frequents there? So many good threads to follow, which will you choose?
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knavestrolls · 7 months
gefgor what would you say the most helpful advice you ever got is?
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Failure is The first Step!!! not The only Step!!! success Can take Many failures!!!!! It is Always worth The time To learn A new Skill!!!!
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knavestrolls · 1 year
Hey Gefgor, are you doing okay buddy? I heard you may have lost something important to you.
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I'm not!!! You can't Tell clivus!!! He'll never Forgive me I just Know it!!! I lost That cute Doll he Gave me!!! I just Put it Down for A moment While i Was casting And then It was Gone!!!!!! and Since then I keep Looking for It but!!! I'm cursed!!! Things keep Falling on Me!!! and My toolkit Spilled out Entirely and Took an Hour to Clean!!! my Shirt's strings Ripped open!!! Everything's going Wrong because I lost It and Now i'm Cursed!!!!!!
>It seems Gefgor has a small visitor he hasn't noticed. One who seems more animated than normal. Perhaps the reason behind all these little incidents?
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knavestrolls · 1 year
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Third batch of icons, now including my two newest babies Kala and Ginesa. still working on story for them Gefgor's definitely my favorite of this batch
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knavestrolls · 1 year
Which of your trolls is most likely to see someone who is obviously compeltely and totally lost (and yet mildly confident about it) and interact
Harvey is definitely number one for just interacting with them. He's got a penchant for collecting lost ones on his musclebeast farm, even has housed several mutants at times until they got on their own feet. Vlad thinks he's too soft but loves him anyways.
Xennaa thinks that anyone lost should just.. come to the caverns for a while. She thinks it's the first step to reconnecting with nature for the spirit.
If they have a pretty face, Gefgor would do _anything_ for them. He's weak. Milnko would interact, but it would not end well. She's always on the look out for trolls to bring in as either audience or volunteers for the Carnival. Sometimes the volunteers are for Dimple, sometimes it's just for Salzar.
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knavestrolls · 2 years
Grefgor, if you ever ran into Vravei again what would you say to her?
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Youre assuming She wants To talk To me Again!!! she May think Ive used Up all My purpose!!! Vravei was Always meant For big Things!!! one Of those Trolls with A shining Future!!! i Dont have One of Those!!! grow Into anonymity!!! But if I could Somehow talk To her And she Hasnt given Up on Me entirely!!! Id want To ask If shes Happy!!! i Can deal With everything Else if She is!!!
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knavestrolls · 2 years
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With Svaria and Vravei both getting sprites I wanted to give Gefgor some but.. I'd never drawn him again so a sketch page was in order.
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knavestrolls · 4 years
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New Troll: Gefgor Staage! He’s a b100 blood in @ludictrolls‘ cult! A potential matesprit of his (see: an indigo he knew since they were grubs and had a crush on) was being recruited but didn’t want to go alone. Gefgor joined with them, following them into what would then become the only Staple in his life.
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knavestrolls · 4 years
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Not up for working more on this rn so here’s a wip of Vravei and Gefgor as wrigglers together.
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knavestrolls · 4 years
A few fluffy headcanons for my trolls because I couldn’t decide on just one: -Helsin has 4 separate trollian accounts, and far more anonymous forum accounts. He uses these to try to spread support of ideas, reach out to those who need an ear, and to leave random motivational or supportive messages... even if he’s not great at writing them -Vravei and Gefgor in their pre-cult outfits both wore each other’s colors. They never asked each other they just were so comfortable with each other it was second nature -Neyire has a weakness for crabs. Tsubuu will spam her with pictures of crabs and the crab rave video on a bad day. -Harvey’s favorite musclebeast he’s nicknamed ‘Dir’. It was supposed to just be a joke of Vladir’s name but the association has made him treat that musclebeast special.
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