#Leslie's murder dive bar is on the other side
captaincrusher · 2 years
I just finished Our Flag Means Death and I'm a mess. The queerness. The tenderness. The romance. The story of two people finding exactly what they need in each other.
Taking your impossibly small dingy out on the endless ocean in search of your love.
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stella-monstrum · 3 years
Rob Zombie; "Why it's time to step outside the confinements of his own box."
For close to four decades,
 Rob Zombie has brought nonstop psychedelic grooves and a rockstar presence while gracing his own music and the silver screen with gut-churning, drug-tripping visuals. He not only commands quite the presence in films (whether his own successes or others’), but also makes appearances within many other horror soundtracks. There’s no denying that Zombie is a bloodied savant who has stayed incredibly consistent. 
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[ᴿᵒᵇ ᶻᵒᵐᵇᶦᵉ. ⁽ˢᵒᵘʳᶜᵉ: ᴳᵒᵒᵍˡᵉ ᴵᵐᵃᵍᵉˢ⁾]
(Written by Stella, edited by Jacob J.)
(Side note; tumblr’s photo formatting is a pain)
Let’s take a dive into his music before getting into his film library. From 1985-1997, White Zombie released six albums (between studio and compilations). La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Volume One didn’t break into the Billboard 200 chart until a year after its 1992 release. Shortly thereafter, it became the hot and groovy bong success of the band, going on to sell two million copies. Astro Creep 2000, their final and fourth studio release, was their first and only album to chart within the Top 10 of the Billboard 200 in 1995. Up to this day in 2020, “White Zombie” has been featured in 47 TV, film, and video game soundtracks, from Beavis & Butthead to Pen15 to Bride Of Chucky (which includes a personal favorite moment of mine), amongst many others.
After the disbandment and separation, Zombie continued on his solo journey. He has gone on to release six studio albums, with a seventh on the way in March 2021, titled The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy. A multitude of hits—eight to be exact—sat within the Top 10 of the Billboard 200 records. 
Zombie’s extensive film career is a “Super Beast” on its own. 
He has been very vocal about gaining inspiration from 1920s-1980s horror culture. In many interviews, he’s cited Stan Lee, Bella Lugosi, Alice Cooper, and Steven Speilberg as being responsible for molding the brain that we know today. 
Some of his influences include:
George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead (1978)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) 
The Shining (1980)
Zombie’s upbringing in the carnival industry alongside his family is another key influence.
[[I’ll only be focusing on Zombie’s live-action films here.]]
In 2000, Rob made his directorial and (very memorable) screen debut with House Of 1000 Corpses. 
It took three years to be released because of quarrels with major production companies regarding the film’s majorly aggressive themes of torture, blood, violence, sex—not to mention his arrogance with MGM, fighting to get rights back from Universal. Eventually, Lionsgate bit the bullet, albeit with the major stipulation of having Rob edit it down much further so House could pass with a “tame” R rating. 
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[[House of 1000 Corpses: Rainn Wilson as taxidermy merman (Source: Tumblr—and if you’re brave, you can view the scene here.)]]
In 2005 and 2019, the franchise’s next two installments—Devil’s Rejects and 3 From Hell—were released. The franchise is heavily influenced by the shocking, sickening, and unforgettable ’70s classic Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It follows a family of psychotic, sadistic, and bloodthirsty (if I’m being honest) necrophiliacs. They kidnap, kill, torture and brutalize anyone who gets in their way. At the end of Devil’s Rejects, they somehow manage to survive a police shootout, escape prison, and waltz on into Mexico (as seen in the franchise finale 3 from Hell).
Look, it’s all complicated.
Main Characters from the franchise:
Captain Spaulding—Sid Haig
Baby Firefly—Sheri Moon Zombie
Otis B. Driftwood—Bill Moseley 
Momma Firefly—Karen Black (recast as Leslie Easterbrook after Karen’s passing)
(Other notable appearances throughout: Chris Hardwick, Rainn Wilson, Danny Trejo, Dee Wallace, Ken Foree, and Diamond Dallas Page.)
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The notorious/controversial Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978) remakes from 2007 and 2009.
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Look, this is a remake that you either adore or hate with a burning passion. If you’re a horror fanatic, you know what’s up with the original.
I personally adore Zombie’s take. The fact alone that he gave us an entire background story as to why Michael became the psychotic slasher that we’ve come to know and love. Plus, with an increased suspense and gore factor? Worked incredibly well and did justice (in my opinion).
The film made me feel bad for Michael, with moments of child Myers in therapy, particularly his love for making masks to pass the time while he was locked up and the touching family moments between him and his mother Deborah (Sheri Moon).
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[Michael’s cell in the 2007 Halloween remake. (Source: Google)]
Add in the supporting cast of Michael McDowell (Loomis), Brad Douriff (Sheriff Leigh), Scout Taylor-Compton (Laurie Strode), etc., and I honestly think that it came together very well as a remake.
The films rated relatively low, but they did gross higher than the budgets that they originally had to film on. Again, I’m not going to give much attention to the higher-ups of critical perception—it all comes down to personal taste.
“Lords of Salem” (2013) 
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[[Promotional art for Lords of Salem. (Souce: Google Images)]]
A film that’s centered within Salem, Massachusetts, 
this film—you guessed it—tackles witches, occultism, possession, Satan, and all the usual topics. Heidi (Sherri Moon) is a radio DJ who gets sent a mysterious record that’s labeled as being from “The Lords.” From then on out, shit gets a little dicey and admittedly, very disjointed. You can’t fault the cast here, and I loved the visuals that they were going for. However, with set schedule conflicts and multiple rewrites, which led to essentially running out of time to film? As a whole, what looked great on paper just couldn’t be done justice.
My FAVORITE sequence within the film (SPOILERS): 
I can forgive the disjointedness solely because of how mind-boggling and brilliant the film’s history and proper visuals were. Also, we got to see Dee Wallace, Judy Geeson, and Patricia Quinn as creepy and badass witches who moonlight as Heidi’s landlords. Also Meg Foster who leads their coven? Can we talk about what a femme-fueled power cast that is?!
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[[Left to right: Patricia Quinn as Megan, Dee Wallace as Sonny, and Judy Geeson as Lacy Doyle. (Screencap, Lords of Salem. Source: Google) ]]
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[[Meg Foster as coven leader Margaret Morgan. (Screencap, Lords of Salem. Source; google)]]
Like I said prior, the film gets a little wild. If you’re...well, buzzed prior to watching, it may make a little more sense. 
“31” (2016)
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[[Film poster for 31 (Source: Google)]]
[Synopsis from IMDB; “Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, hellish compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.”]
Here, we clearly see that Zombie is invoking his childhood growing up within carnivals. In a 2013 interview with LA Weekly, Zombie divulged more about it:
“When we were kids, my parents would [work at the carnivals], and me and my brother would get dragged along to these things all the time and have to work.”
He went further on to say;
 “Yeah, and it's not the nicest world. As a kid, you get exposed to the crazier underworld of the carnival. Me and my brother, when we were very little, we'd be inside the haunted house playing all day. So, already, what people are paying money to be scared [of], we're just playing in because it's fun. We saw the inner workings behind the machines.”
(”31″ trailer, source; Youtube)
Once again in this film, Zombie brings a powerhouse cast:
Jeff Daniel Phillips as Roscoe Pepper
Meg Foster as Venus Virgo
Malcom McDowell as Father Murder
Judy Geeson as Sister Dragon
Richard Brake as Doom Head
You can view the entire cast at IMDB here.
Set in 1976, Zombie stays true to his nods. Again, depending on taste, this is a huge hit or a wild miss with mindless homicidal violence, campiness, and climbs across the monkey bar of standards that we’re used to seeing from him.
So at this point, you’re probably wondering why I think that it’s time for Rob Zombie to step out of the confinements of his own box...
It’s no secret that Zombie sticks to only a small group of tropes: 
Slashers, families or groups of homicidals that lack remorse, the occult, etc. There’s no shame in sticking to what you know. Hell, Zombie has seemingly cracked the code over the past two decades that he’s been in the film industry that so many directors still don’t seem to get.
IMO, despite whatever you personally feel about the films mentioned above- I feel like we’re living a freaky groundhog day repeat within Zombie’s filmography. 
Now, if it ain’t broke, why fix it? Look, I’m not saying that Zombie has to change anything. However, I would love to see him tackle some other nuances that we’ve already seen from him in small doses.
- Children: We haven’t seen Zombie exactly take on what horror films depict kids as. Sure, he made a breakout and impeccable choice with young Michael Myers (Daeg Faerch) back in 2007. I personally would adore to see a reimagined (NOT remade) Children of the Corn on acid, one we all know Zombie can tackle and turn every existing view on its head.
- Witchcraft, The Occult, Satan, Voodoo:  Zombie genuinely had a phenomenal concept (on paper) for 2012’s Lords of Salem. It was unfortunate that they ran out of resources and ran into unfortunate circumstances on set while filming. 
The film wasn’t a total tank, though, given how inspiring and insane all the visuals were throughout the 1 hr, 41min film. I am absolutely positive that, given a full-force opportunity, Rob could rectify the mess that was out of his control. We completely saw that he provided visuals that left quite the impression, and he could take those taboo subjects by the goat horns.
- Animals (not the human form): It’s no secret that Rob and his wife Sherri are ethical vegetarians. It would be so tongue and cheek to see them take on such topics as animals getting their revenge, or even vegetarians torturing carnivores. This twist on the formula would make for an interesting viewing.
2.) In regard to time periods, 
Zombie stays within—and pays homage to—the 1970s and 1980s quite a bit. Obviously, those are the eras that Zombie personally loves the most when it comes to filmmaking. However, it would be very interesting to see him take on current day settings. 
Zombie has such a unique viewpoint. Given changing climates in politics, human decline/growth, the economy, etc., he would do work that could easily put Ryan Murphy to shame.
3.) He could also do with some different casting every now and then.
Let me preface this by saying that I adore every repeat casting choice that Zombie has made for his films. 
Of course chemistry is a huge thing, and sticking to his friends is a very smart choice. However, he also has the potential to make new stars, boosting the power of those that may be under the radar. He can support those new stars with cameos from classic actors that we haven’t seen in awhile. I can’t begin to even fictionally cast those who fit the bill, but I do believe that with the “Zombie Touch,” he can bring so much more fresh air to the usual casting.
There’s no doubting what Rob Zombie is clearly very good at. Despite mixed reviews from the horror world and critics, it’s time that his fans open their eyes to new possibilities. Of course, there are die-hards, but digging your feet in further doesn’t allow the growth of horror and its ever evolving themes.
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[[ʳᵒᵇ ᶻᵒᵐᵇⁱᵉ, ˢᵒᵘʳᶜᵉ﹔ ᵍᵒᵒᵍˡᵉ ⁱᵐᵃᵍᵉˢ]]
This theory has been on my mind for a very long time—since 3 from Hell came out. I’m sure, in his usual fashion, we won’t be seeing any new films from Rob anytime soon (what with his new album set to release in March 2021, not to mention the toll that the pandemic has had on Hollywood.)
Still, it never hurts to challenge the set standards and ways.
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Post Crisis Cassandra Cain - A Summary
Well, folks, this is it – we have gone through all of Cassandra’s Post Crisis material (at least that of certain chronology)! What a ride! Now it is time to take one more look at the tag counter, before we reset everything for the New 52/Rebirth. Without further ado, here’s the final tally (with changes from the previous counter summary in brackets):
Aphasia: 88 (+16)
Living Emoji: 78 (+2)
Little Lady Of War: 53 (+13)
Batdad: 52 (+6)
Batmom: 50 (+6)
Dubious Characterization: 49 (+33)
Fast As Lightning: 45 (+3)
Fiercely Assertive Protector: 26 (+1)
Ghost Of Failures Past: 25 (+9)
Symbolism!: 24 (+6)
Creepy Bat: 24 (+8)
Cass Sass: 23 (+9)
Plight Of Permanent Perfectionism: 14
Better Off Dead: 13
Unusual mannerisms: 9
Made Of Steel: 9
Retchcon: 9 (+9)
Ballet Battler: 2
Spells ‘Team’ With An ‘I’: 2
First of all, as we can see, there were some traits to Cass’ character that can best be labelled as a case of Early Installment Weirdness and disappeared from her characterization after her defeat of Shiva.
Secondly, damn that Retchcon and Dubious Characterization counter! Late Post Crisis was really not kind to Cass, with Beechen in particular running her into the ground at every opportunity. Even just looking at it now hurts.
Thirdly, ignoring all the crappy Retchcons and Dubious Characterization, we now have a very clear picture of who Cass is. Her most defining traits remain:
Her aphasia, which resulted in her being very expressive with her body language and continued being an issue of varying degrees of severity, even after  she learned to understand spoken language. Cass does not give grand speeches and reading is a very taxing process for her, but she did improve over the course of her Post Crisis history.
Her insane combat skills (Little Lady Of War), which, combined with her very assertive style of handling problems, her insane speed, and her very tacit nature, often caused people to be at least intimidated and sometimes even downright terrified of her.
Her tendency to blame herself for past failures, whether they are people she failed to save or mistakes she made while on the job. This is especially relevant since Cass’ loyalty is not towards any one person, but towards what the bat symbol represents.
Her tendency to sass out her opponents (and sometimes allies) with what little words she uses.
Now, as for her relationship with the Batfam, the following can be said in summary:
Bruce was both a mentor and a father figure to her, from the beginning to the end, with varying degrees of heartwarming/jerkish behavior. The latter was usually a result of post Jason’s death causing Bruce to be an emotional brick and put the mission before everything else. For most of the story… Cass did not mind all too much, at least if you can ignore Beechen’s retcons, although she was still happy about her eventual adoption. That said: if you ever want to trigger the Batdad in Bruce, let someone catcall after Cass and he’ll probably break the guy’s jaw.
Barbara was essentially Cass’s mother figure and trying very hard to nurture Cass’ civilian identity, much in contrast to Bruce’s and Cassandra’s approach. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Cass established a similar, if brief, relationship with Brenda while in Blüdhaven – another redhead with a kind, but firm approach to encouraging Cass to actually live her life for her own sake. It is a crying shame that the Barb and Cass had very few interactions after War Games, but it is hardly surprising, given that DC was in the process of writing almost every single woman/girl in the Batman stories out of these stories. One thing that should be mentioned: barring that single brain fart in Birds of Prey Vol 2, Barbara has always had Cass’ back, even during times when other members of the family did not trust her.
Speaking of which: Dick Grayson. Oh boy. This relationship started relatively neutral, with Dick being very much ok with Cass in their first interaction, despite Cass’ disability and her related quirks. Then it became heartwarming on screen, with Dick quickly coming to Cassandra’s aid and making sure she was okay during the “Soul” drug storyline in Batgirl and being very upset when she let him hit her during the Bruce Wayne: Murderer? storyline, as well as off screen, since he apparently acted out all the parts of Cinderella for her at one point. Then it took a complete nose dive into the opposite direction following Cass’ asinine turn to evil, which led to Dick being openly hostile towards her and not trusting her with… well, pretty much anything. It took Alfred shouting at him to reconcile the two and while their last few interactions were of the reasonably friendly nature again, it was too little too late. What a mess.
As for Tim, he went from not trusting her during their initial interaction to gradually accepting her as a member of the family to being very supportive of her and a very good friend, especially following War Games, when the two of them worked together in Blüdhaven. In contrast to Dick, Tim was much more willing to forgive Cass for her actions during her turn to evil and maintained a good, friendly relationship with her, even after she moved to Hong Kong. He was the one who gave her the Blackbat suit and reminded her that she was family and he was also the one who worked with her the most. Last but not least, he did not put up with Damian’s bullshit about Cass in Gates of Gotham. Good job, Tim! You’ve been a very good brother to Cass.
Speaking of Damian, he had very little interaction with her and went from “she sounds wonderful” before they met to being very abrasive towards her after they met and calling her “spineless, naïve and fragile”. Honestly, it comes across very unconvincingly and much more like Damian’s bruised ego trying to defend himself from someone who does actually live up to her reputation may be legitimately better than him in certain aspects. Either way, there is not much love lost between the two of them.
Next up: Stephanie. During their first meeting, Cass was rather cold towards Stephanie, mostly because of their difference in skill level. Cass’ concern about Stephanie not being strong enough to do the job remained for a long time, but she still grew to like and respect her as a friend and partner eventually, to the point where Stephanie could arguably be called Cass’ best friend. They chatted about boys, they played rooftop tag together, they discussed important changes in their lives, such as Stephanie becoming Robin. During War Games, Cass wanted to go looking for Steph because she was worried about her and only didn’t because Bruce promised he’d do it instead. Steph’s ‘death’ hit Cassandra hard, to the point where she hallucinated Stephanie being the one to greet her and comfort her on the other side of the pearly gates during two (near)death experiences. During Convergence, Stephanie and Cass lived together for a full year, supporting each other both physically and emotionally. Stephanie is, without the doubt, the best friend Cassandra ever had.
Finally, there is Alfred (because DC were cowards and never gave us Cass & Jason). Alfred, as always, was a real treasure. At first, he merely took care of Cass’ own Batcave home and later her apartment near Gotham U as per Bruce’s request. Then he went through the trouble of finding her the perfect apartment/secret cave combination in Blüdhaven. He was shocked to hear of her supposed death and upon her return to the Batfam and her moving into Wayne Manor was quick to point out that Cass felt like she did not belong there and that they should do more to reassure her that this was really her home and her family now, with no strings attached. More than anybody else in the family, Alfred recognized the often self-destructive need Cass felt to redeem herself for past failings and it is only thanks to his intervention that Dick reconciled with Cass. In short, over time, Alfred has come to care deeply about Cass, as he does about all the children that ever fought alongside Bruce/Batman.
Last but not least, a few notable mentions about other relationships Cass had with various people:
Cassandra has a complicated relationship with her father, if you ignore Adam Beechen’s horrible retcons. For eight years, Cain was all she had, and while she recognizes that he is a horrible human being and a lousy father (she beat him into a pulp over this), she also recognizes that he does actually care about her. As a result, Cass is not friendly with him, but she is not cruel towards him either.
Her mother, Lady Shiva, barely had anything to do with her and left her in Cain’s hands an hour after Cass was born. She mainly saw Cass as a tool (someone to finally defeat her in combat and later someone to help Nyssa Raatko lead the League Of Assassins), but showed at least some motherly concern when it was believed that Cassandra had been killed and Shiva helped Tim investigate her murder.
One of the few people she was close to before operating independently as Batgirl was Leslie Thompkins. Cass has insane respect for Leslie, because of her iron pacifist nature and was deeply saddened when Leslie broke ties with her during War Games. We sadly never got to see reunite on page.
Cassandra has had a rocky relationship with Huntress, mostly because Cass is staunchly anti-killing and because Batman took the Batgirl mantle from Huntress and gave it to Cass. Mind you, Barbara never approved of Helena as Batgirl.
She got along very well with Onyx, thanks to Onyx having been with the League Of Assassins before and thus actually being a challenge for Cass, while being a genuinely good person. Sad we didn’t get to see much of these two together.
Azrael (Jean-Paul) had a crush on her, which Cass did not quite reciprocate, but she wasn’t unfriendly to him either.
The first boy she ever kissed was Connor Kent (Superboy), even though she was annoyed with his way-too-carefree nature and his focus on her physical attractiveness. They broke up amicably.
She had three more dates with guys, none of which went anywhere.
And to round off our summary, here are some nice little bits and pieces of Cass
The first words she learned were, in chronological order: (thanks - incomplete), (goodbye - incomplete), stop, no, me, shutup, what, why, stay, instinct
She was 17 years old at the time of her introduction. Her birthday is January 26th.
Her favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate.
Cass is a big and messy eater.
Her home is very untidy and while in the manor she did not customize her room at all (no pictures or other mementos).
She likes horror movies (she really enjoyed Alien).
She is probably the only person in the family who really wants to be the next Batman and actually became Batman in some timelines/alternate universes.
She likes rice krispies, Assam tea, and long showers.
Cass can’t hold her liquor.
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leslierichardsrp · 7 years
Leslie Char Dev
1. What position does your character sleep in? ( i.e; stomach, side, back, etc. ) Describe why they do this — optional. Leslie sleeps on his face, flat out, arms spread, his body practically trying to escape from the bed. He also moves a lot in his sleep, loves to hug things. Body pillows are definitely a favorite. 3. Does your character have an accent? What does it sound like? Leslie has a pretty neutral Amercian accent, due to the years he spent living in the mid-west, paired with his time in New York. When he was younger, he decided that he wanted to sound like he was from Brooklyn, but that phase only lasted a year or two. 4. Do they have any verbal tics? Do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly? Leslie's a sucker for holding out random letters while he speaks, especially if it's to call someone's name or say something that he would consider endearing. More often than not, he'll do this with a nasal inflection, making the word sound pretty whine-y. 5. What are their chief tension areas? Man, he hates to complain about it, but the joints in his ankles like to lock up sometimes. If he ever falls asleep drunk in front of his apartment, there's a good chance that it's because he was walking back from the bar, his ankles started to hurt, and his drunken self just kind of gave up. 6. If you were to pick one song — and only one song — to describe your character, what would it be and why? This is tough, actually, because most songs that I would attribute toward Leslie have more to do with his relationship to others than as a reflection of his personality. I like to pair him with Sam Smith songs, but he's too bubbly for that. You know what, he'd probably be "Grace Kelly" by Mika. 7. How does your character perceive themselves? Positive? Negative? Neutral? I wish I could say neutral, because that's how he perceives himself to the rest of the world, but he's aware that he has a lot of problems. He's pretty much decided that he's a lost cause. Leslie's in between settling with himself or getting better for someone else. 8. Are they a quick thinker or do they need time to sort through their thoughts? He's too much of a quick thinker. The thought usually passes before he gets the opportunity to fulfill anything. 9. Does your character dream or are their nights filled with an empty blackness? Describe a dream they’ve had or a night they couldn’t sleep and what they did to preoccupy their time. Ha. Oh, man. Yeah, Leslie has a lot of very vivid dreams, and they vary so much from day to day. They say that you dream about what you think about, and Leslie'd brain is always going. It's exhausting. By morning time, though, he's usually dreaming about peeing, actually. He's peed in a lot of interesting places in his dreams. 10. If they had a choice, would they prefer a subway or a bus for public transportation? Subways make him nauseous, actually. Throw him on a bus. 11. What do they think of creation? Do they believe in evolution or do they believe in God? What is their religion like? Evolution all the way. Sorry, guys, but he's not a big believer in the everlasting. He fully believes that after death comes darkness. He tries not to think about it too much, though. 12. Describe 5 unusual characteristics your muse has. He can think about one thing and talk about something else, simultaneously. Yeah, he'll pretty quickly change topics, but it's still an interesting skill. He's double jointed, so he likes to do party tricks where he bends his body around in weird and kind of gross ways. He's tone deaf, but he loves to sing (sorry, world). When he gets really happy about something or is in a good mood, he walks with a peppy dance in his step. He likes to wiggle his legs. Actually, he has a pretty serious restless leg syndrome thing going on. 13. Have they ever been so overwhelmed they had to stop and take a break from something? After college, he was pretty ready to dive into work, but then Amy died and he just shut down. There were a few months worth of spending all of his savings before he finally got a job. If he were a rich man, he'd probably still be unemployed. 14. Are they a team player or do they prefer to be solo? Team, team, team, team. Please don't make him do anything on his own. It'll never get done. 15. Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time? He should focus on one subject at a time, but he isn't going to. Ever. 16. What are their best school subjects? What are their worst? List five of each. Best: Biology, Chemistry, Algebra, Lunch, Physical Education -- Worst: English, Literature, History, Arts (any kind), Study Hour 17. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? How do they handle big crowds of people? Extrovert, he really can't stand being alone, unless he's asleep. 18. Are they a leader, do they prefer to follow, or would they rather just stay on the sidelines altogether? Aw, man, those sidelines look pretty fucking comfortable, but he likes people way too much not to get involved in some way. It kind of depends on the situation, though. If he can chat with someone, he'll jump in as a follower. If he has to argue with someone, he sticks to the sidelines. He hates confrontations. 19. If your character was suddenly challenged, would they rather run away or stay and fight? Neither, to be honest. He'd stick around and laugh it off until someone decided to punch him in the face just to shut him up. If he had to do one or the other, though, he'd probably run away, but he's definitely more likely to take middle ground there. 20. If your character was allowed to murder one person without any consequences, who would that person be and why? He wouldn't. If he could go back in time, he wouldn't even murder his neice’s killer. 21. Your character has been granted 3 wishes; what would they wish for and why? Impulse control, Leslie. Impulse control. No, he'd wish for a cheeseburger, then realize he could've wished for an entire meal and make a second wish for fried brussel sprouts. Then maybe he'd wish for a couple thousand bucks. 22. Does your character trust people right off the bat or does it take them some time to warm up to someone? Right off the bat, no questions asked. It's a wonder he's never been stabbed by this point in his life. Or had his kidneys stolen and sold on the black market. 23. Do they prefer romance or affection? What is the quickest way to your character’s heart? Affection, oh my GOD. He loves to be touched, whether it's just a brush of the hand or a full on underwear-only snuggle session, he loves it. If he were rich, he'd probably pay someone money just to cuddle him. No sex or anything necessary. The quickest way to his heart? Be kind and laugh. That's all it really takes. He's a sucker for a sweet soul that's willing to laugh at his shitty jokes. 24. Does your character have any enemies? If so, who and why? Not that he would see it, but the local bartender (and his boyfriend) tend to give him nasty side-eye. 25. Do they have any weird bedroom habits? Any unusual kinks? He'd do pretty much anything with anyone. He slept with a 90 year old woman once, and that was probably the most adventurous night of his life. And not just because of her age. 26. How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble? Prepare for bed? Leslie hardly makes it to the bed before he's out cold most nights. And what's wrong with sleeping in your clothes? He only takes them off if it's summer time, because then it gets hot. Otherwise, Leslie tends to sleep fully dressed, unless he's just had sexual contact with someone. Once he's asleep, he sleeps like the dead. Expect it to take a long time to get him to wake up, even longer if you find him drooling. 27. If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be? He'd thank them for giving him a chance (he's adopted), and explain that he would never forget them. 28. Are they afraid of death? Do they have any regrets? He isn't afraid of death for himself, which is a scary thought, actually. Leslie has a very minute sense of preservation. On his deathbed, he'd regret a lot about his life, but at his current age, he only regrets not talking to Amy more while she'd been alive. Everything else just seems relatively unimportant to him. 29. Does your character get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Why? Leslie will legitimately start bouncing if the world around him is too quiet for too long. He'll click his heels, tick his tongue, snap his fingers, tap his knuckles on the surface of any nearby furniture. It makes him feel weird, and he definitely gets bored of it quickly. The guy can't stand libraries, even if he'll say otherwise. 30. Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why? Brussel sprouts. He just absolutely loves them. Don't ask me why. The guy's weird af.
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