#Leonardo the Renaissance Turtle
turtlethon · 2 years
"Leonardo, the Renaissance Turtle"
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Season 5, Episode 17 First US Airdate: November 9, 1991
Leonardo and April work together to stop a relentless crime-fighting robot.
Our trek through season five of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brings us to "Leonardo, the Renaissance Turtle". Dennis O’Flaherty is the writer for this adventure, which initially aired back-to-back with "Zach and the Alien Invaders".
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The Turtles are once again watching April on the news, as she reports on the latest initiative from the city’s mayor – the same one who appeared a few episodes earlier this season in “Donatello’s Duplicate”. An event will be held that evening at City Hall where he will reveal the details behind his plan to put an end to crime for good. The Turtles, having heard this all before, roll their eyes. (Splinter, meanwhile, looks furious throughout this scene, for no obvious reason).
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Donatello returns to the Lair, revealing that he got jumped by five hoodlums while checking out a book from the library. Though Donnie was able to easily defeat the criminals, the team begin to reconsider their dismissal of the mayor’s new project.
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At the presentation, the mayor introduces Professor Ignatz Mindbender, a highly-strung man carrying a sword who we’re told is “the world’s greatest expert on law enforcement”. The professor tells the assembled audience – which includes the Turtles in their baseball fan outfits – that since humans are the cause of crime, the only logical solution to it is the use of a machine. To that end, he reveals his invention, LEX (“Law Enforcement (e)Xpediter”). Mindbender assures the attendees that not only is this robot super intelligent, but it has a host of other abilities too, including the power to fly, which it demonstrates by buzzing the crowd. LEX signs off by using a finger-mounted laser blaster to instantly decimate a nearby podium, ominously warning everyone that he is “one bad dude”.
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Time passes, and April is among the customers at a local bank when it’s robbed by Pinky McFingers and his associates. Channel 6’s star reporter attempts to call the Turtles, but the mobster forces her to leave her Turtlecom on a nearby counter, before going on to inform the bank manager that the security system has been deactivated. The Turtles arrive to find the door to the vault has been blown off, with the staff and customers being held at (laser) gunpoint. Before they can head into battle, however, LEX bursts in, immediately restraining Pinky and his men before hurling them into an automated paddy wagon.
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The Turtles are happy to get some assistance in fighting crime, and when LEX whips out a notebook they assume that he wants their autographs. Instead, the robotic police officer scolds the team for parking their van in a loading zone, writing them a ticket before flying away.
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We hop forward in time again to see the Turtles eating pizza in the Lair, as April reveals to her viewers that LEX has now eradicated all major crime in New York. Leonardo is rattled by this, and turns the report off, irritated by the constant talk of “LEX this and LEX that”. He goes on to add that as it stands, with nothing left for the team to do, they may as well take some time off. Mikey and Raph decide to visit the Punk Frogs in Florida, while Donatello announces his intention to repair one of the Turtlecom transmitters located throughout the city’s sewer system. Leo is worried about the team splitting up in case a major crisis unfolds, and decides to stay in the Lair to be safe.
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In his workshop, Professor Mindbender makes further adjustments to LEX, on the basis that with major crime now a thing of the past, it’s time to focus on minor violations instead. The robotic officer immediately scolds his creator for having a single button open on his suit jacket, which he declares is “a major infraction”.
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April takes Leonardo out for pizza, and on the way back home he expresses his concerns about being able to handle things by himself while the other Turtles are away. The two friends are still crossing a road when the “WALK” sign switches to “DON’T WALK”, which is enough to draw the ire of LEX; act one ends with the robot placing both Leonardo and April under arrest.
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As LEX announces Leo and April will be placed on a diet of bread and water in prison for their insubordination, over in City Hall the mayor complains to Professor Mindbender that his own mother was placed under arrest for taking the “DO NOT REMOVE” tag off her mattress. Mindbender is unrepentant, pointing out to the mayor that he’s in violation of the law too by way of wearing socks that don’t match. LEX is summoned by his creator to deal with this most egregious of crimes, ordering April and Leo to stay put until he returns.
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Defying the orders given to them, Leonardo and April return to the Lair and switch on the TV. Vernon is seen co-hosting the news with LEX, and announces that not only has April been fired from Channel 6, she’s now considered a wanted fugitive. LEX adds that “that dumpy little green-faced sailor” who accompanied her is also on the police hit list. Vernon gloats at his old colleague’s misfortune, imploring her to give herself up on the grounds that when she gets out, she’ll qualify for senior bus fares.
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Leonardo makes an attempt to radio Donatello for help, but is unaware that the team’s resident genius has had to use a component from his Turtlecom in repairing the transmitter, rendering him temporarily unreachable. After an attempt to reach Raphael in Florida also fails, Leo declares that he’ll need to use Donnie’s long-range scanner instead, but professes he doesn’t know how.
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The long-range scanner turns out to be an enormous computer setup, and despite April’s assurances, Leonardo manages to electrocute himself while operating it. After accidentally peeking on an alien who’s in the middle of showering, Leo briefly manages to make contact with Mikey and Raph, who are enjoying a picnic with the Punk Frogs. When this also fails, the leader of the Turtles trips over a small replica of a robot that was left lying around in Donatello’s workshop, giving him an idea.
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Avoiding rolling scanner robots along the way, Leonardo and April travel through the city before ultimately arriving outside a police department warehouse. April uses a hair pin to gain entry, and inside the duo find a deactivated REX-1, the robotic cop who befriended the Turtles all the way back in season two’s “New York’s Shiniest”. After being powered up, it becomes clear that REX remembers nothing about his history with either the Turtles or April.
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REX-1 is lugged back to the Lair, and with Donatello still unreachable, Leonardo and April are on their own in trying to recover their old friend’s memory. They find a big red button labelled “MEMORY” located inside his chest, which turns out to do the exact opposite of what they wanted, resetting the clunking cop back to his default state. To help REX recall his old identity, Leonardo plays VHS footage of the futuristic officer sourced from April’s news reports. Meanwhile Donatello finally becomes aware of a Turtlecom voicemail message left by Leonardo pleading for help. He checks in with Raphael and Michaelangelo, suggesting they cut their vacation short as help will likely be required.
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Leonardo and April are thrilled when REX-1 is able to piece together his old identity from watching the news footage, but their celebrations are cut short by the arrival of LEX, who barges into the Lair and places them under arrest. LEX is able to melt one of Leonardo’s katana blades in an instant, and reprograms REX-1 to follow his own orders. Leo and April are chased into the Lair’s kitchen area, where they use spilled water and pizza to trip up the two robotic cops. Though Leonardo laments that he’s not a skilled on a skateboard as Michaelangelo is, he winds up escaping with April on Mikey’s Cheapskate.
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Raphael and Michaelangelo return to New York and are travelling via Turtle Blimp when they become aware of a news report by Vernon, in which the reporter gushes about Mindbender before cutting to an announcement by the professor. LEX’s creator declares that in the battle against crime, he is appointing himself “Supreme Commander of the entire region”, and that everyone in attendance (possibly everyone in town?) is under arrest. Meanwhile Leonardo and April travel through the sewers on their way to City Hall, where they intend to confront the Professor and have him call off LEX. The duo instead finds themselves face to face to REX-1, who has been waiting for them.
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While Donatello reunites with Mikey and Raph, April and Leo try to talk sense into REX-1. April suggests to Leonardo that he consider what Donatello would do in this situation, and after giving it some thought, Leo gives the lumbering robot a swift kick in the butt. This is enough to restore REX’s memory and bring him back around to being a good guy, mere moments before LEX and Professor Mindbender arrive to confront the trio. A showdown follows between REX and LEX in which the ally of the Turtles quickly proves to be outmatched. Following another pep talk from April, Leonardo is motivated to intervene, distracting the city’s new robot crime-fighter by pointing out that Professor Mindbender’s shoes are scuffed. LEX scoops up his creator in one hand and declares that he’s facing further charges of “resisting arrest” for struggling. Finally, Mindbender sabotages his own creation, placing it out of commission in the process. When he declares that the leader of the Turtles will pay for his actions, Leonardo quips that he can put it on his credit card, a one-liner that April points out is reminiscent of something Raphael would say.
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The other Turtles finally arrive on the scene and are amazed to see Leonardo has managed to handle the situation on his own. Leo points out that he did have some help, with REX-1 adding that “any seven-foot police robot could have done the same thing”.
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We wrap up today’s proceedings in the Lair, where the team are having a party, along with April and REX-1. Splinter points out to Leonardo that his experiences today showed how capable he truly was of drawing upon his “hidden talents” when they were needed. April declares a toast for Leonardo, the team’s “Renaissance Turtle”, before assuring REX that the police department will surely be able to find a role for him. Donatello then reveals a female counterpart for REX, code named “REXANNE”, who declares that her function is to serve and protect the robotic police officer. It’s a closing gag that raises a lot of questions in its own right, though I’m still stuck on the fact that Splinter vanished immediately after the opening scene of this episode and didn’t return again until the very end; given how livid he was when we first saw him, maybe he just needed some alone time to cool off.
Three years and more than a hundred episodes of the show have passed since we were first introduced to the character of REX-1, and so his return here must have been unexpected by viewers at the time, but I imagine also quite welcome. More than any episode in recent memory, "Leonardo, the Renaissance Turtle" draws upon the past adventures of the Turtles, rewarding long-time fans of the show with cleverly interwoven cameos and nods to past outings. Seasoned Turtlethon readers will know I don’t particularly care for either the Punk Frogs or Pinky McFingers, but they’re used well here as special guests who help to flesh out the bigger story being told. The city’s new mayor and the Turtlecom sewer transmitter network were worked into stories earlier this season, making their use here feel that much more significant.
I’m torn regarding LEX, who manages to get a few good one-liners in and is an interesting foil for REX-1, but has a confusing design, with a sort-of cool upper half marred by a goofy pelvis region and bizarre allen key-shaped legs. Professor Mindbender – whose name is uncomfortably close to Doctor Mindbender from GI Joe, to the point where I keep almost typing that instead – seems to have greater potential than most of the mad scientists and inventors we see in the series, his quick-to-anger personality reminding me of the lesser-seen Simpsons character Leopold, who he actually pre-dates by almost two-and-a-half years. I don’t know if there was much potential in using either of these villains again, but I would have welcomed their return had they been paired with a strong script. As it turns out, they’re both one-shot bad guys, so that’s the end of that.
The idea of one member of the team feeling they aren’t as valuable as the others and learning to believe in themselves has popped up a couple of times now. Raphael expressed similar sentiments to Splinter in the episode preceding this one, “Raphael, Turtle of a Thousand Faces”, and Mikey went through much the same thing last year in “What’s Michelangelo Good For?” It’s telling that the only Turtle who hasn’t felt this insecurity is Donatello, and given that he’s always been portrayed as anything from a genius to something resembling a miracle worker in his own right, he could never realistically be used in this manner.
We say our goodbyes here to Attila and Rasputin, making their last appearances in the series, as well as to REX-1 and his voice actor, the late Jack Angel, who both bow out here. Pinky McFingers will return early next season in "Adventures in Turtle-Sitting".
Just three episodes remaining in this season. Much to my chagrin, the next one sees the return of “The Fifth Turtle”, in "Zach and the Alien Invaders".
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renisrandom · 3 months
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In My Heart, I Know pt. 1/2
Part 2 up on my Patreon right now! Ren is Random patreon.com/user?u=22810997
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snoftshell-snurtle · 3 months
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she's the perfect woman btw. if you even care.
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kstarlitchaotics · 2 months
Is it weird to say I love all the turtles (though I find myself between Leo & Don time to time) while my fav Renascence artist is Michelangelo 😂😅
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its-wabby-stuff · 8 months
Donatello from any TMNT universe would absolutely get along with the unhinged nature that was Leonardo Da Vinci.
Man dug up bodies to perform his own medical dissections. He was inventing the most crazy insane shit. He painted (some say the Mona Lisa was just Leonardo imagining himself as a woman). His notebooks were written like upside down. He really was a jack of all trades.
I just imagine Leonardo Da Vinci as this isolated crazy man who lived in his mansion in Italy and got to do what he wanted because of it.
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roathena · 1 year
"I love Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello"
- Me, a tmnt fan and art history enthusiast
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baking-bisexual-bitch · 5 months
Stupid idiot white suprematists exonerating greek statues above all other art always have an icon of a statue made in the renaissance by a fag
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dontspoilthis · 1 year
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*rise theme starts playing*
Riiiise of the Renaissance master ninja artists, Renaissance master ninja artists
(rise of the!) Renaissance master ninja artists, artists with their paintings
Paintbrush power!
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troxss · 1 year
Donatello di Niccoló 
Donatello was one the most prominent artist of the renaissence.
Your name is Donato di Niccoló di Betto Bardi, was born in Florence, Italy, Around 1386. When him was 17 years old sculpted yout first sculpture and at 20 years old was already receiving commissions for his work.
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For 3 years was disciple of Gilberti in your arts workshop being assistant.
Your artwork is marked by harmony, proportionality, dynamism and delicacy, Donatello’s works have diverse characteristics: classic, gothic and humanist, with realistic tendencies. Him used various materials, such as marble, bronze, wood.
A example is Habacuc:
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A fun fact about his trajectory, is clear that the artistic tendencies were modified throughout his life, being classified in three moments.
The Gothic art in "San Jorge":
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The Classic trend in "David":
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And the Realistic art in "Gattamelata"
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cementedcoffin01 · 2 years
Can someone please draw a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for Botticelli!!!
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i-restuff · 1 year
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yow! Here's the Official in-depth look at all the turtles by Nickelodeon themselves.
more descriptions below ;
Leo is your classic oldest sibling. He’s a little bit bossy, but he firmly believes he has everyone’s best interest at heart! As the oldest, Leo considers himself the leader of the brothers. He loves his family more than anything, and is willing to go to great lengths to protect them. Leo is deeply devoted to Splinter’s teachings, and encourages his brothers to follow all of Splinter’s rules to a T. Leo can be a bit more serious than the rest of his brothers, which sometimes (believe it or not) annoys Raph, Mikey and Donnie. But at the end of the day, he loves to joke around with the crew too - especially if they don’t break any rules in the process!
When Leo meets April O’Neil, things change in a big way. Before meeting April, Leo was content to live in the shadows and stick to the rules that Splinter laid out for him and his brothers, the most important being avoiding humans at all costs. But after meeting April, Leo is willing to bend those rules - especially if it means spending more time with her.
Leo (aka Leonardo) is the oldest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Leo is played by Nicolas Cantu in the Mutant Mayhem movie.
Leo in Love? Pssst, can you keep a secret?! Leo has a HUGE crush on April O’Neil, the Turtles’ human friend! April is voiced by Ayo Edebiri.
Namesake: Leonardo Davinci! Davinci was a true Renaissance man, and a highly skilled painter, inventor, sculptor, and more. He’s best known for painting the world-famous Mona Lisa.
Weapon of Choice: Katanas. Leo is a highly skilled swordsman!
Ninja Turtle Color: Blue. Each of the brothers have a different color mask, so it’s a great way to tell them apart if you get confused!
Most Likely To: be the brother making the plan! Leo is great at strategy and always thinking ten steps ahead.
Describe Leo in three words: Disciplined, Hardworking, and Respectful.
Meet Raph, aka Raphael! He’s always ready for a fight, and ALWAYS ready to lay it all on the line for his brothers. Raph never shies away from his enemies, and is definitely an act first, think later kinda Turtle. He’s a bit of a hot head - you could say he’s always seeing red (and not just because of his red eye mask!) Generally speaking, Raph is one tough turtle - but he’s got a soft spot in his shell for his beloved bros.
Raph may be the best fighter of the bunch. He’s got some serious ninja skills, but doesn’t have a whole lot of stealth going on. Raph is also a true master of the sai… let’s just say you wouldn’t want to find yourself in a fight with this guy.
Raph (aka Raphael) is the second oldest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Raph is played by Brady Noon in the Mutant Mayhem movie.
Namesake: Raph is named after Raphael, a 16th-century Italian painter. Kinda weird fun fact? The painter Raphael had serious Renaissance era beef with the painter Michaelangelo, who Raph’s brother Mikey is named after!
Weapon of Choice: Sai, or special Ninja weapons that are like swords you wear as gloves! He’s also in general, a very good fighter (with or without his Sai).
Ninja Turtle Color: Red! Each brother has their own color mask.
Most Likely To: Act first, think later! Raph is known to be a little bit of a hot-head, and often dives headfirst into action without making a plan. This, believe it or not, drives Leo NUTS!
Describe Raph in three words: Passionate, Tough, Protective.
Donatello, aka Donnie, is your classic middle child. He may be younger than Leo and Raph, but everyone knows he’s got the smarts. Donnie is brilliant with a super-sharp wit, and can be a bit sarcastic. He’s a true asset to the Turtle team, thanks to his ability to always see a few steps ahead of everyone else. Leo may be the man with the plan, but Donnie is the man pointing out the holes in the plan - whether or not his brothers want to hear them.
Donnie's weapon of choice is a bo staff, which he can twirl and bash around with serious skill. He’s got a razor-sharp ability to analyze his opponents and know what their next move might be - something that comes in handy in the heat of a big battle!
When Donnie isn’t helping his brothers save the day, he likes to unwind with the finer things in life: video games, anime, and of course, K-Pop!
Donnie (aka Donatello) is the second youngest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That makes Leo and Raph his older brothers, and Mikey the youngest.
Don is voiced by Micah Abbey in the Mutant Mayhem movie.
Namesake: Donnie is named after Donatello, a 15th century Italian sculptor best known for his ability to make his sculptures look insanely realistic! Donatello the sculptor is widely regarded as a genius, which fits Donnie well, since he’s sorta the brains of the brotherly operation.
Weapon of Choice: Bo Staff. You do not want to be stuck battling Donnie when he has a staff, hockey stick, giant pencil, or anything else remotely staff shaped.
Ninja Turtle Color: Purple! It compliments his shell, don’t you think?
Most Likely To: Have a favorite K-pop star.
Describe Donatello in three words: Brilliant, Inventive, Awkward.
Mikey, aka Michelangelo, is the youngest and by far the funniest of the four brothers (his words, not ours.) Mikey is kinda the wild card of the bunch, and would almost always rather hang out and have a good time than train. He deeply respects Splinter’s teachings and his rules about humans, but Mikey can’t shake the feeling that humans would probably be more accepting of him and his brothers than his father expects.
While Mikey is an absolute legend when it comes to battling with the nunchaku, his true happy place is posting up with a large pizza and a super funny stand-up comedy special, not a ninja brawl. All he really wants to do is make people happy, so if he has to kick some mutant butt with his brothers along the way, so be it!
Mikey (aka Michelangelo) is the youngest brother out of all four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, aka the baby! But don’t tell him we said that.
Mikey is voiced by Shamon Brown Jr. in the Mutant Mayhem movie.
Ninja Turtle Color: Orange! As in, ORANGE you glad Mikey is here to save the day?
Most Likely To: Order a pizza to battle. What? Like he’s not gonna be hungry after fighting off bad guys and protecting life as we know it?
Namesake: Mikey is named after Michelangelo, one of the most famous Renaissance artists of all time! Michelangelo was a sculptor, painter, architect, and poet known best for iconic works of art like the David, the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, and more.
Weapon of Choice: Nunchaku and a winning sense of humor.
Describe Mikey in Three Words: Ordering. A. Pizza.
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yesterdays-xkcd · 7 months
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The henchmen Bebop and Rocksteady have hijacked the musical genres for us just like the Lone Ranger hijacked the William Tell Overture for our parents.
Ninja Turtles [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[Four pie graphs, each colored green and brown.]
Leonardo [Almost one-half green.]
Michelangelo [More than one-half green.]
Donatello [Five-sixths green.]
Raphael [Roughly half-and-half.]
[A legend] Notoriety as a [Brown.] Renaissance artist [Green.] Ninja turtle
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renisrandom · 2 months
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In My Heart, I Know 2/2
Just self-projecting into my self-insert oc, don’t mind me. A comic based off of my own heart condition. Idk if this will actually be canon to the Renaissance Little Sister AU though.
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
I'm in love with @ashwii Celestial AU. I wanted to write something poetic and beautiful but instead it turned into silly shenanigans between astronaut April and the Disaster Twins. I hope you get a good chuckle out of it at least.
"Wait! Hold on! Rewind! Humans do what?" 
April grins and adjusts her grip on the outer hull. She briefly gestures with the screwdriver before plunging it back into the innards of the space station she is going to call her home for the next few years. 
No matter how much she'd trained for and anticipated this mission, the idea of spending years alone on a space station to research the effects of long term exposure to low gravity had been as exciting as it had been scary. All that scientific and psychological mumbo jumbo aside, she'd been convinced that 'going space crazy' would be a given and had noted it down in her mission log on the very first day (something Ground Control hadn't found very funny, weirdly enough). 
She thought the loneliness might kill her before any asteroid or technical failure could. But now here she is, floating in her super advanced space suit in the vast nothingness of space and talking to a floating humanoid turtle who is also apparently an embodiment of all the stars in all the galaxies and who is named like a renaissance painter even though April had to explain what a renaissance painter even is and… 
Maybe she has gone space crazy after all? 
Leonardo proves that he is not merely a figment of her imagination by tapping one of his fingers against the face shield of her helmet, an action that had scared the crap out of her the first time he'd done it. Not anymore though. Her new friends won't let anything happen to her. 
"Hello? Stars to April!" 
"Yes Leo, I heard you." She can hear him loud and clear. She wonders if he can too or if her voice sounds muffled to him through the helmet. "Don't know what to tell you, dude. It's just a silly thing humans do. There are websites where you can buy a star and give it a name and then give it away as a gift." 
"A gift?" Leo clutches at his chest like an old lady might clutch at her pearls. He floats backwards a few feet. The trails of his mask flare and tiny stars follow his movement, surrounding him and sparking briefly like small explosions before fading away again. 
Oh, how April wishes she could touch them. Would they be cold or hot? Would they pass right through her or settle on her skin like a thousand little fireflies?
They don't know if Leo and his brothers can enter the station without harm to them or the ship and April knows that they are too wary to try. Yet. 
Which, yeah. Fair enough. Maybe one day. 
"A gift!" he repeats. His voice cracks and he looks genuinely distressed. April would feel bad for him if she wasn't trying so hard not to laugh. "How dare you humans sell pieces of me as a gift!" 
"Hey hey, calm down. It's not real. No one can really buy a star. It's just… make believe." 
"That's besides the point!" 
In that moment Donatello joins them, alerted by his brother's shouting and gesticulating. He's been keeping an eye on the two of them from a distance. The moon turtle is the slowest to warm up to April, although her willingness to show and explain to him the various uses of her NASA approved equipment has gone a long way. April is determined to win the celestial being over with her charm and wit, just like she did with his brothers. 
"What's all this racket about?" Don looks and sounds tired. It's a waning moon and his arms are already more black than green, his eyes vaguely distant. The black mass traveling up and down his arms like the insides of a lava lamp should look creepy but it's actually quite mesmerizing. April could watch the dance of darkness and light for hours, but Donnie gets testy when he catches her staring so she refrains. Barely. 
"Donnieeeee!" Leo wails and throws his arms around his brother's neck. Immediately the stars on his skin brighten. It's fascinating: The darker Donnie is, the brighter Leo shines. The closer they are to a full moon, the more subdued Leo's glow becomes. Neither state seems to affect the other negatively. Rather, they seem to gravitate towards each other even more frequently during full and new moons. 
Donnie smiles softly in the face of his brother's antics and April catches herself thinking that it's probably a good thing both of them don't shine at the same time. That might just blind her. 
The moon turtle catches her staring and just like a switch being flipped his smile turns into a scowl and he pushes his brother away. 
April smirks. So predictable. 
"Nardo! What is it?" 
Leonardo waves his arms around. Streaks of light paint waves into the space between them. "April just told me that humans buy stars as gifts!" He shudders and hugs himself. "I feel so violated." 
Okay, that is so not fair. Now April feels really bad. And it's got nothing to do with the glare Don sends her. 
"Hey man!", she says and gently bumps her fist lightly against Leo's shoulder. It feels just like any other shoulder. Corporal and squishy. She wonders if it would feel different without the glove in the way. "They only do that because stars are beautiful. You buy a star for your loved ones, to show them how important they are to you and because you want to give them something unique and lovely. Gifting someone a star is like, the most wonderful thing you can do on earth, y'know?"
She is mostly talking out of her ass right now. April never got the whole 'gifting a star' business. To her it's mostly a scam, just a very expensive piece of paper. No one owns stars so no one can sell them either. But she does acknowledge that it's a cute idea at least and that lots of people are really digging it. 
Leo stares at her with, excuse the pun, stars in his eyes. "Really?" His attitude does a complete 180. He twirls in a circle, throws his glowing mask trails around and blows his brother an exaggerated kiss. "You hear that, Dee? I'm the most wonderful gift, ever. Humans pay lots of money for a piece of me. You all get my company for free, be thankful." 
Donatello rolls his eyes. "Oh, joy. Though I  wish I had paid some money. At least then I'd have a receipt and could return you for something cooler." 
Leo only laughs good-naturedly, but April mentally rubs her hands like a villain. 
She really shouldn't aggravate the guy. She does want him to like her, after all. But Donnie just offered her the perfect opportunity for some light teasing. And she did promise to teach the boys everything she knows about earth and human customs. She's got a duty to fulfill, doesn't she? 
Ah, well. They can become best friends later. After all, she'll be around them for many years to come. 
"Oh Donnie!" she drawls and floats closer to him. He eyes her with the usual distrust and she smirks in anticipation. "Did I ever tell you about this thing humans do, where they buy land on the moon?" 
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pumpkinpie59 · 15 days
sons of bishop au
intro post!! + first batch of supporting characters concept art
Years ago, Agent John Bishop discovered the secret formula to the Utroms’ mutagen, and with this new power, he decided to create mutant soldiers for the EPF. Infant mutant creatures were secretly raised within the walls of the EPF labs. Four mutants in particular showed great promise in their intelligence and skills, so Bishop decided to take them under his own wing, dubbing them the Renaissance Project. Appropriately named Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello, these mutant turtles grow up calling Agent Bishop “father” and follow his every command.
Now they are 15, and doing field missions for the first time. But as they make friends outside the walls of the EPF bases they’ve grown up in, they discover more and more that maybe the EPF does more harm than good, and that they very well may be the villains in their story.
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April O’Neil - Ever since she lost her job at Channel 6, April has been privately investigating the EPF to make a story to get her job back. When she accidentally bumps into the turtles while they’re on their first mission, she finds an opportunity to become their nanny to get closer to the EPF. But then she gets really attached to these boys. She’s intuitive, outspoken, and never afraid to take a risk.
more characters under cut!
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Mona Lisa - Mona was a teenage college student who was accidentally mutated while on a trip. Now she spends most of her time on her roller derby hobby, as well as secretly working as a nighttime vigilante with her friend, Mondo Gecko. At first, people find her to be a jokester, immature and constantly making a scene, but she’s smarter than she lets on.
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Casey Jones - A homeschooled teenage boy who escapes his troubled home life to fight crime. He never takes off his mask and his violent tendencies get him in a lot of trouble, but his heart is in the right place. Casey doesn’t have any friends, but that changes when he meets the turtles.
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Mondo Gecko - Like the turtles, Mondo was also an experiment at the EPF headquarters, but he grew jealous of how the turtles were treated vs the other experiments, so he ran away. He’s moody and resentful, but Mona Lisa has brought out a fun-loving side to him. He enjoys skateboarding and occasionally joining Mona on her vigilante escapades.
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Oroku Karai - Karai is the only child (sorta but that’s not important rn-) of the Shredder. She’s been training all her life to someday take over the Foot Clan after her father either retires or dies. Due to her yokai heritage, Karai was born part snake, with an ability to transform into a snake creature at will. When the Foot Clan forms an agreement with the EPF, Karai meets the turtles and constantly belittles them to make herself look better for her father. But her overconfident attitude hides an insecure heart.
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Slash - Slash was an experiment of the EPF, but escaped when he was very young. His frightening appearance kept him alone for a long time, until he met Renet. The two became very close and Renet chose to help him become a time master student beside her. Now, they are time traveling partners and best friends. Slash seems gruff and quiet on the outside, but once someone gets to know him, they find he’s very laidback and quite affectionate.
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Renet - Renet is a chipper teenage girl from a far off planet where time travel has been discovered. She is a student of the head Time Master, Simultaneous. Not long ago, she befriended Slash, and the two of them explore time together as best friends. But something in the time stream has trapped them in present day New York City, but Renet can’t seem to figure out what. So now she spends most of her time as a video game streamer.
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Lotus Blossom - Lotus is a mysterious ninja bounty hunter who has no clan or family to her name. All who have met her find her somewhat unnerving, hearing distant voices when they speak to her. But despite her age, she is ridiculously good at what she does. Lotus Blossom can’t help but be surprised when Leonardo is the first person to show interest in her beyond her job, despite her strange, ghostly aura … Maybe even a little infatuated with him.
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snoftshell-snurtle · 6 months
btw did you know that one the internet archive you can watch the entirety of TMNT 87 for free? like, genuinely legally for free.
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happy watching :D
[image description:
Screenshot from the TMNT 1987 episode "Leonardo, the renaissance turtle". Leonardo and April look up at Raphael and Michelangelo's faces on a big screen.
end ID]
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