#Lee Sung-Wook
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they fall on earth and they're fine…
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so we wear it to bid for our survival no matter where we crash land.
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I got it with Soochan…
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olivierdemangeon · 1 year
      Les forces de police coréennes rapatrient, un groupe de dangereux criminels sur un cargo spécialement affrété et conditionné. Malgré la sécurité accrue, ceux-ci parviennent à s’échapper et massacrent les forces de l’ordre ainsi que les membres de l’équipage. Toutefois, un mal bien plus profond se libère également de la soute du bateau…     “Project Wolf Hunting” est un thriller d’action…
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k-star-holic · 5 months
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R.ef Perfect Field Reunion? ⁇ iron rain ⁇ Hwangap next year, more than singer ⁇ (Live)
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.  
İmdb puanı: 7,1 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: Forecasting Love and Weather / Meteorological Administration People: Office Romance Cruelty
Hangul: 기상청 사람들: 사내연애 잔혹사 편
Director: Cha Young-Hoon
Writer: Sun Young
Episodes: 16
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Min-Young, Song Kang , Yoon Park, Kwon Hae-Hyo
Sessiz sakin, gündelik bir dizi var sırada. Jin Ha-Kyung (Park Min-Young) ulusal hava şirketinde çalışan 30lu yaşlarında bir yöneticidir. İşine çok bağlı, başarılı bir kadın olan Ha-Kyung aynı zamanda evlilik hazırlıkları içindedir. Düğününe 1 hafta kala bir toplantı sırasında düğün hazırlıkları ile ilgili yapılan rezervasyonların ödemesi yapılmamasından kaynaklı iptal haberi alır. Ne olduğunu anlayamadığı için aynı şirkette farklı departmanda çalışan nişanlısına ulaşmaya çalışır. Ancak Han Ki-Jun (Yoon Park) telefonlara çıkmamaktadır. Son çare olarak iş çıkışında beraber yaşayacakları eve gittiğinde, başka bir kadınla basar.
Lee Shi Woo (Song Kang), 20’li yaşlarında ulusal hava şirketinde çalışan hevesli bir gençtir. Bütün tutkusu hava tahminleri yapmaktır. Sezgileri güçlü ve başına buyruk biridir. Kız arkadaşı Chae Yoo-Jin( Yura) ise hava durumu ile ilgili haberler yapan bir gazetecidir. Uzun süredir birlikte olmalarına rağmen aralarındaki soğukluğun farkında olmayan Shi Woo, kız arkadaşının ayrılmak istediğini söylemesi ile beklenmedik bir darbe alır. Bu sırada yaptığı bazı tahminler sonucu genel merkezde çalışma imkanı bulan Shi Woo, burada, Chae Yoo-Jin’in, Ha-Kyung’ın eski nişanlısı Han Ki-Jun ile evlendiğini öğrenir.
İki farklı jenerasyon ve iki farklı darbe alan Shi Woo ve Ha-Kyung tanışınca, dizi seyrine girer. Genel olarak bu 4’lünün etrafında dönen gündelik hikayeleri izliyoruz. Arka planda ya da ön planda daha farklı bir mevzu dönmüyor. Diğer dizilere göre alışılmadık ya da konu alınmayan bir meslek grubundan bahsediliyor olması bana ilgi çekici geldi. Bilmediğim bir alan ile ilgili fikir sahibi olmak keyifliydi. Ofisteki iş hayatı, krizler, kriz yönetimleri ve kaosun ortasında insanların özel hayatları, birbirleriyle ilişkileri anlatılıyor.
Konuyu anlatırken, eş değiştirme gibi bir hava yaratılmış olabilir ancak izlerken rahatsız edici yapay bir durum hissetmiyorsunuz. Başlarda erkeğin kadından küçük olması biraz tereddüt yaratsa bile sakin sakin işlenen senaryo içerisinde kaynayıp gidiyor. Gözümüz alışıyor mu diyeyim bilemedim. İki oyuncuyu yan yana gördüğümde hala çok yakıştırdığım söylenemez ama hikaye içerisinde çok doğallardı. Diğer yandan karakter gelişimlerini de gözler önüne serdiler. Jin Ha-Kyung’ın insanlarla ilişkisinde çok katı ve mesafeli tavrını nasıl törpülediğini görüyoruz. Lee Si-Woo’nun ise yaşının verdiği vurdum duymaz ve aşırı kendine güvenen tavırlarının zaman içinde törpülendiğine olgunlaştığına şahit oluyoruz.  
Sonuç olarak “Slice of life” dediğimiz tarzda, yumuşak, keyifli bir diziydi. Şaşırtmak ya da etkilemek için bir çabası olmayan, başkalarının hayatına pencere açan bir hikaye izledik. Tavsiye eder miyim? Ederim.
Cheeze - Melting
Raven Melus
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likeghostsinthesun · 1 year
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Me about them:
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whumpetywhump · 5 months
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Bad And Crazy - Ep. 12
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my-drama-heart2406 · 5 months
So I'm so excited about Death's game. I really am. I remember reading the manhwa and every chapter had me gripping my phone in excitement.
But the only thing strange is that they cast Seo In Guk as Choi Yijae.
(Yes I'm sure he's going to deliver like he always does. And have you seen the cast? Man this is an expensive show! And each actor is going to play at max 2 episodes.)
Like Choi Yijae, at the beginning of the manhwa, was shown to be the most average of average guys. Not exceptional in any field.
Average height. Average looks. Not tall and not good looking. This fact, was put a lot of importance on, because it was an important part of his character.
And, I don't know... it's kind of really wrong 😂 that they cast *Seo In Guk* to play a guy that is "not tall and not good looking".
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capapers · 4 months
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𓈒 ׁ ᥉꯭weet ᑲ⍺ke̫s ⃝🍪 𓈒 𓆇 ˚ actors & actress korean
𝓑yㅤ 𔘓⁩̯ @cafofinho ׄ⠀ only simple
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somanykdramas · 4 months
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GENRES: Drama, Supernatural
SUMMARY: Caught in a game of punishing resurrection, a man who took his own life tries to find meaning in hanging on.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Pillar demons, citron tea, hundreds of cover letters, finding meaning in the mundane, fated connections, bullies, prison, male models, car chases, MMA, chair-fighting, gut-wrenching regret, hopelessness, redemption, and a dizzying number of A-list celebrities.
HOT TAKE: Episode 4 of this show broke me, hard. Although the plot is simple and a bit repetitive, every single acting performance is stellar. The character connections made with each new story gives the overarching experience real depth and emotion, and I can't wait for the second part coming in 2024.
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manawari · 6 months
Solo Leveling Highschool AU!
Sung Jin-woo
• transferee in the school.
• gets lost in the middle of the hallway because he doesn't know where his classroom is located until a friendly student helps him and leads the way. The student introduces himself as Min Byung-gyu.
• when Jin-woo gets there, he's seated at the back in the second column. He is used to sitting next to the window a lot, but this time, there is already a student occupying the seat and snoozing.
• is quiet, reserved, and barely raises his hand. But when his name is called, Jin-woo answers correctly.
• has little doodles on his notebook if he's getting bored in lectures.
• signs up for the track and field.
• often gets picked up by two brothers from another class named Hwang Dong-soo and Hwang Dong-suk. Jin-woo chooses to ignore them, but when he has enough, he retaliates in a way that won't end him up at the principal's office or at the teacher's.
• if classes are dismissed early, Jin-woo stops by his little sister's school to pick her up.
• his first friend is a junior named Yoo Jin-ho, but among his classmates, his first friend is probably Byung-gyu (who checks up on him frequently) or Hae-in (since she's in the same sport as him).
• plays games on his phone when he has a vacant time, which got him closer to Byung-gyu, Tae-gyu, Hae-in, and Yoon-ho.
• classmates: Choi Jong-in, Cha Hae-in, Baek Yoon-ho, Min Byung-gyu, and Lim Tae-gyu.
Choi Jong-in
• president of the student council.
• known as the smartest student in school, but the students are divided on that topic since Cha Hae-in occasionally steals his spot.
• a master in essays and solving mathematical equations.
• basically has the trust of every teacher in school. Even the principal.
• doesn't join any sports clubs, only academic ones.
• makes tutoring his business. 100 won per hour, but 70 won if he's feeling magnanimous.
• doesn't like getting his lunch at the cafeteria since he has low patience, especially when he's hungry, so he usually goes out to the nearest convenience store outside school.
• hates it when the vending machines are low on snacks every time he uses them after classes, so Jong-in makes a rule to the students to limit getting snacks. He even has a secret camera attached somewhere.
• frequently scolds Tae-gyu for sleeping in class. Tae-gyu also pays him double when asking for tutoring in a certain subject — solely to stop Jong-in from scolding him in-between lessons.
• also argues with Baek Yoon-ho for several reasons.
• he's strict, yes, but he is kind in his own way and is ready to defend anyone from being bullied. He has the contact number of the principal, so Jong-in uses that to increase his threats.
• classmates: Cha Hae-in, Baek Yoon-ho, Sung Jin-woo, Lim Tae-gyu, and Min Byung-gyu.
Cha Hae-in
• vice president in the student council.
• is second smartest, but steals Jong-in's place, which ends the two in a competition (from Jong-in's perspective) even though they've been friends since elementary.
• is shy and isn't active as well. When called, she answers correctly without having a second to think.
• she and Jong-in often argue about which answer of theirs is correct during maths.
• is a track and field runner, which is a sport she has been passionate about, and has been trusted to teach the newbies.
• has a friendly rivalry with Choi Tae-woong, who is a fellow athlete.
• she's friendly, but only a few people know what she really is like as a person. Cha Hae-in often gets underestimated due to her kind and soft nature, but once she gets mad, she won't hesitate to release her ferocity.
• has the most organized notes ever and almost not a single erasure is seen.
• she listens to classical music when studying.
• has an unhealthy obsession with coffee while studying for a test and Jong-in has to be the one to stop her.
• classmates: Sung Jin-woo, Choi Jong-in, Baek Yoon-ho, Min Byung-gyu, and Lim Tae-gyu.
Baek Yoon-ho
• basketball player.
• is actually good at English and despite being involved with sports, he turns in his assignments at the perfect time.
• doesn't raise his hand on purpose and often looks bored in class, especially when he doesn't like the teacher.
• lives in the same apartment as Byung-gyu and Hee-jin, so they usually go to school together.
• has a close bond with his coach, Ma Dong-wook.
• is one of the few people who has never been bullied due to his intimidating persona and Yoon-ho can and will scare those who try to mess with him.
• helps teachers around. Some say that he does that only to get high grades, but Yoon-ho is naturally helpful and often tells teachers that they don't have to do something in return.
• carries a gym bag around that contains both of his jerseys and school supplies.
• always has a big container of water. It's only for him when training, but that doesn't stop his friends from asking for water.
• spends his lunchtime with his friends.
• his parents own a restaurant in a separate block from his apartment, so Yoon-ho often brings his friends there for a meal or group study.
• classmates: Cha Hae-in, Min Byung-gyu, Choi Jong-in, Lim Tae-gyu, and Sung Jin-woo.
Lim Tae-gyu
• tennis player.
• usually sleeps in class.
• doesn't have a particular subject he excels in unless it's P.E, though he manages to pass anyways.
• exams? Students are anxious and panicking? Tae-gyu thinks they're overreacting and continues minding his business.
• gets under some teachers' nerves sometimes, but as usual, Tae-gyu doesn't care and will still joke around them until they threaten him to fail in class.
• does his homework in school, but if he's around his friends after school, he'll do it already.
• hates being paired with someone he does not know or not close with.
• acts like he doesn't have a lot of money, but he is given 500 won worth of allowance every week.
• used to sit in the front of the class until some students start complaining they cannot see the writings on the board due to his hair.
• supports Jong-in on the snack limit of vending machines rule because he too has experiences of seeing an empty machine.
• despises when he's assigned to clean restrooms. Tae-gyu always has a spare facemask and surgical gloves. It never fails him to receive odd looks from his friends.
• classmates: Min Byung-gyu, Choi Jong-in, Sung Jin-woo, Baek Yoon-ho, and Cha Hae-in.
Min Byung-gyu
• the history nerd in class.
• is weak in maths, so he frequently asks Jong-in or Hae-in for help. But usually, it's Hae-in because he doesn't want to spend his allowance on Jong-in, who doesn't care whether they're friends or not in terms of tutoring.
• knows how to construct essays, not just because he has been taught in school, but due to him reading essays written by historical figures in his free time.
• has known Hee-jin and Yoon-ho since they were young, but hangs out with Yoon-ho the most since Hee-jin used to study in a different location until they finally enrolled into the same school.
• is friends with Eun-seok, who studies in a different school and the son of one of his mother's friends, after tutoring him. Their schedules are different, but Byung-gyu makes sure to include Eun-seok when hanging out during weekends.
• is the reason why the previous history teacher in his class quit because Byung-gyu kept correcting the mistakes in the lessons and even argued with that said teacher.
• reads manga and bonds with Tae-gyu and Jin-woo with it.
• allots some time to watch his friends practice at the gym or field. It's all fun until Hee-jin and Yoon-ho make him choose on whose game he'll attend.
• is also good at science and will help anyone who needs it for free. looking at you, Choi Jong-in!
• frequently stops by at the library, both in school and outside.
• classmates: Sung Jin-woo, Choi Jong-in, Baek Yoon-ho, Cha Hae-in, and Lim Tae-gyu.
Park Hee-jin
• a student from a different class.
• often waits for Yoon-ho and Byung-gyu so they can go home together.
• plays volleyball.
• specializes in science and studies geography in her free time.
• likes eating ice cream before going home.
• takes notes during classes, but when someone asks her if they could burrow, she declines. Last time she lend her notes, the papers returned to her with creases and worse, have traces of ink and other things that ruined her work.
• hates having Kim Chul as one of her group members during a project.
• due to her being a volleyball player, some students try not to make her mad otherwise Hee-jin will leave a red mark on their body. Even when she's laughing, she tends to hit people, so Yoon-ho and Byung-gyu choose to stay away from her as possible.
• classmates: Han Se-mi, Gina, Son Ki-hoon, Lee Min-sung, Kim Chul, and Yoo Soo-young.
Lee Ju-hee
• Jin-woo's friend from a different school. Public school, to be precise.
• an average student who doesn't pressure herself much in studies.
• uses a bicycle when going to school.
• has a cute little cousin who lives with her and whom she also teaches.
• likes studying by herself, but she also likes studying with her closest friends.
• gets easily anxious when speaking in front of class, especially when she has something to present. Ju-hee struggles with public speaking, but in the end, her friends praise her for doing well.
• classmates: Jung Ye-rim, Lee Bora, Eun-seok, and Esil Radiru (an exchange student from Russia and is still learning Korean).
Other characters:
• Go Gun-hee is the school principal.
• Woo Jin-chul is a mathematics teacher.
• Song Chi-yul is a history teacher (the new one).
• Ma Dong-wook is a P.E teacher/basketball coach.
• Ahn Sang-min is a science teacher.
• Norma Selner is an English teacher. (let's just say she got a promotion to become a teacher in Korea. She's still learning the language, but Gun-hee reassures her that her speaking in her original language will help students learn easily.)
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olivierdemangeon · 1 year
SPIRITWALKER (2021) ★★★★☆
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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R.ef Lee Sung-Wook "Long rumor of his eldest brother Park Chul-woo...he's alive" (King of Mask Singer)
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Poll Alert!
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POV: These 4 psychopaths are evil to the world but angel to you. SO, who are you going to choose?
Cast your votes here!
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adlcrz · 1 month
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Some of my favorite korean celebrities in one frame 😍❤️
Lee Dong Wook, Gong Yoo, Son Ye Jin, Hyun Bin, Ji Sung and Lee Bo Young ❤️
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passionforfiction · 1 month
Death's Game
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Started it today and ended it today. This 8 episode long series is too intense to leave it for later. I binged watched it like I haven't done so in a while. It is the kind of series that is best to go into it without knowing much, unless you read the webtoon. I haven't read it yet, but it's a really short webtoon so I think I will probably read it.
Anyway, this series is not for the fainted heart. It has a lot of triggers and it can be gruesome and gory in some points. However, if you don't mind it, watch it. It is really good. It keeps the audience in suspense and it makes us cry.
The cast did an amazing job! Each person felt like it was Yi Jae.
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victorianera · 11 months
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Some of my fave player photos from Jeonbuk’s recent game 💚⚽️
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