#Lee Sang-woo
watchlistingg · 3 months
A few days ago I watched I am Trash (2014) dir. Lee Sang Woo
The film is a work drawing on themes of toxic patriarchy, violence, family enmeshment and love. It follows three brothers as their pedophile father returns from being incarcerated for the rape and torture of an 8 year old girl (note: Korean age counts the time in utero, the child was 6-7 by western count). I think it's done really well, but it's wildly gross in a lot of ways and I can understand people's objections to this kind of content.
The brothers are also sexual abusers in their own right. The youngest brother coerces a fellow soldier into sleeping with him, the middle brother assaults vulnerable women, and the eldest brother tries to maintain rigid control of his brothers' sexual violence by trying to force them into relieving themselves in what he thinks are healthier ways and threatening them with violence (note, it's interesting that this is seen as justified and it does stem from a genuine act of love. I think there's a really interesting view of sexual violence here, a tension between power, control, possessiveness, natural urges and even actual abject love, unable to be expressed in healthy ways. Not to justify this sort of thing, but I think it's an honest discussion to be had especially as we seek to decrease this sort of violence in the real world)
The family are threatened and blackmailed, ultimately ending the violence when the oldest brother, who is a trash collector by trade, murders his dad after finding him assaulting a teenager in her home, then his brothers, by poisoning them.
It's a beautiful tragedy in a lot of ways, where Sang-woo (the eldest brother, played by the director of the same name) is brought to be a sexual abuser and a murderer. While it is to keep his brothers from getting into trouble and to liberate himself from the shackles of such a family, this is done out of genuine care for these people. It's an act of mercy that they don't have to live with these rotten lessons handed to them from their father, who abused kids and killed his own wife, the brother's mother.
It's pertinent that even though he kept struggling to escape this cycle, by trying to teach his brothers better, ultimately, all he did was abuse his own brothers by keeping an iron fist on their sexualities, by being violent towards them, by murdering them in the end.
He remains sympathetic though, I think because he recognizes the harm and wants it to end. The only way out he saw was through killing those who lived with these lessons, and carrying the burden himself (as his violence was only directed at his family, because he loved them and felt responsible for them)
I think this feels more true than the calls for rehab and other support. Not that killing people is justified, but that answers aren't easy. The trappings of your upbringing stick to you forever like an unfortunate malaise. You can learn other things, but it takes immense work and support. Not things Sang-woo, with his trash collector job, had access to for himself or his brothers.
Some notes:
1. This is the first of Lee's films I've seen and I'm struck by the surprising compassion embedded in such a harrowing and violent film. Of course the film deals with so much sexual assault and and the turmoil of the victims. The soldier who the youngest brother, Sang-gu, assaults also stabs him in the eye and the bandage is visible for the rest of the film, serving as a constant reminder of what he's done, despite his youthful look and the way his brothers dote on him. The women who are assaulted throughout the film are not shown fully nude, with close ups of their faces or wide shots with their screams in place of gratuitous shots of their violated bodies. This is also intimate and uncomfortable, there is a lot of nudity in the film, though, I think the camera remains respectful that the victims are not the focus, not to sexualize them.
2. I like that the girl who was assaulted as a child and her father are both suffering long-term by the father's actions. Not that it's fun to see, but I think it's good to keep reminding the audience that the acts of violence are not discrete events but ongoing and lasting trauma for victims and their loved ones. I like the set up of the inanimate child mannequin that the father uses for sexual relief, which shows the man dehumanizing the children he assaults. The pay off in the scene where she's assaulted again, we see shots of her, interlaced with shots of her dolls, hardening back to the mannequin and her dehumanization, but also now, as an urge to rehumanize her. She is a child who plays. These are her toys. Here is a picture of her on the wall, a child before she was harmed, wasn't she so awfully young?
3. The theme of cutting dicks off is peppered throughout the film, and it is entangled with the theme of patriarchy (in the familial sense). The girl's father threatens his daughter's rapist with this, then, when he is killed, gets his own dick cut off by that same rapist. Symbolically, the victims father lost his daughter to the rapist. His line can't continue further since it was violated by this rapist. Then, we see Sang-woo threaten his brother with this, then get his own member harmed in the scuffle. We see the brothers squabbling and harming their own chances. Sang-woo is unsuccessful when he targets his brother, but is able to triumph when he kills his father then his brothers. As Sang-woo is also harmed, their family line is ended at the root.
4. Sexuality, how much of it is control, how much of it is natural, is a genuine question posed - Sang-gu is gay, and that is a natural perversion that is not itself framed as particularly bad, especially in comparison to his actual violence. The father asks the audience to consider his attraction to children in the same terms, asserting that it's natural as well. Do we want to believe him? Why or why not? Is it wrong for him to fuck a child-shaped mannequin when no children are involved? And then what of Sang-tae, who has more typical desires for women who are of age, but must enact violence on them in order to want it? Is it more okay to hire a sex worker, when we also know that sex workers can also be victimized by other structural forces in their lives, or when we know sex workers are also frequent victims of sexual assault? Then what of the implied incestuous contact between Sang-woo and Sang-gu? Especially in the context of wanting to mitigate his desires for violence on other men?
There are a lot of sexual taboos presented, but I think there's a lot of things we're invited to parse between perversion and harm. Not to excuse harm by any means , but to actually fully consider the range of what sexuality is, the dynamics involved with the whole of it. It isn't separate from the rest of polite society, its unhealthy dynamics are reproduced in society wherever there is hierarchy.
5. I think people have this urge to make neat lines between victims and perpetrators, but so often people who are disadvantaged also act in imperfect ways. It's inconvenient and awful to think that people who have been victimized should be further ostracized. But in this case, these brothers received bad lessons in youth and these are reinforced through them trying to parent each other, their forced enmeshment through poverty, their inability to seek genuine help from other places who might actually be able to help. Their poverty follows them because they don't have the means to climb out. It's easy to spiral further downward when you're set up badly.
This is difficult for people to fully grasp because there are no easy black and white answers for it. We can say everyone needs well funded education and sex ed as much as we want, but in terms of pragmatics, are there people who have too many layers of bad teaching and trauma?
Are there irredeemable people? At what point do they become irredeemable?
I liked the film. I like to think about the things I watch. I don't know if I can recommend it because there are just a lot of extreme scenes that are uncomfortable. I think there's enough symbolism and messy themes that it can tug at you forever.
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2015mai24 · 3 months
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Lee Sang-woo, actor
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korelist · 11 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,6 Benim Puanım: 8
Drama: Touch Your Heart (English title) / Reach of Sincerity (literal title)
Hangul: 진심이 닿다
Director: Park Joon-Hwa
Writer: Yegeo (web novel), Lee Myung-Sook, Choi Bo-Rim
Date: 2019
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Lee Dong-Wook, Yoo In-Na, Lee Sang-Woo, Son Sung-Yoon, Oh Jung-Se
“Guardian: The Lonely and Great God” izleyen herkes bu dizinin başrollerini görünce izleyeme başlayacaktır. Banko izleyici kitlesi, güzel taktik olmuş. Goblin’in ikinci çiftinin bir sonraki hayatlarında buluşmaları gibi bir şey. Eh kitlesel olarak klişe de seviyoruz. Önce konuyu mu anlatsam yoruma mı dalsam ikilemde kaldım. Yegeo tarafından kaleme alınan "Reach of Sincerity" adlı webtoondan uyarlanan bir senaryo ile karşı karşıyayız.
Dizi hukuk firmasında geçiyor. Şimdi hukuk deyince öyle ciddi bir ortam hayal etmeyin. Oh Yoon-Seo (Yoo In-Na) tanınmış ama kötü bir oyuncudur. İstediği senaryoda başrol oynayabilmesi için bir şart veriliyor. O da kimse onunla çalışmak istemese de bu şartı yerine getirip, hakkıyla yapacağını kanıtlamak istiyor. Senaryo gereği oynayacağı rol avukattır. O nedenle ortama ve terimlere hakim olmak, rolüne hazırlanmak için 3 ay kadar bir avukatlık bürosunda çalışması gerekir. Menajerinin bağlantıları sonucu, neden orda olduğunu medyadan saklayacak bir büro bulunur ve hanım kızımızı geçici olarak ofise yerleştirirler. Kwon Jung-Rok(Lee Dong-Wook) ise avukatlık bürosunun en yetenekli avukatıdır. Aynı zamanda ofisteki tek ciddi insan olarak da onu yazmışlar. Diğer bütün karakterler çizgi filmden fırlamış gibiydi. Ciddiyeti de bir tık abartmışlar ki tezatlık iyicene göze batsın.
Senaristten çok özür diliyorum ama bu kadar basit bir senaryo ile bu ikiliye sence de yazık olmamış mı? Karakterler o kadar zayıf resmedilmiş, o kadar üstün körü yapılmış ki sanki gerçekten sadece Goblin’in ekmeğini yemek için çekilmiş gibiydi. Hatta başka bir yorumda okumuştum dizinin ilk sahnelerinde “Descendants of the sun” göndermesi yapılıyor, onun bile ekmeğine el uzatmışlar. Nerden prim yaparsak kardır demiş.
Neyse konuya dönersek, hanım kızımız dönüp dolaşıp ofiste tek çalışan “ciddi avukatımız” Jung-Rok’un asistanı olur. Dizinin yaş ortalaması, hitap ettiği kitle, çok net söyleyeyim 15 yaş kızlar. 20 yaş küçük olsam favori dizim bile olabilirdi. Ponçik olalım derken cringe olmuş gibiydiler. Çifti tekrar görmek inanılmaz keyifliydi, ona söyleyecek hiçbir lafım yok. Bu dizi biraz ibretlik olmuş da diyebilirim. “Oyuncular bir diziye başlamak için neden verebilir ama o diziyi izlettiren en büyük etken senaryodur.” Gibi bir ders çıkarabiliriz.
Yoo In-Na ile dizideki rolünü çok bütünleştirdim. Bence kendisi bu dizide oynadığı gibi yapay bir oyunculuğa sahip. Emin değilim ama belki estetiktendir. Mimiklerinin olmamasındandır. Her nedense kendisi bana hep biraz sahte geliyor. Lee Dong-Wook ile yaşı yaşına yan yana inanılmaz yakışıyorlar, o apayrı bir konu ama tek başına olacak gibi değil.
Dizinin yan karakterleri ana karakterlerden daha ilginçti. Ofisteki diğer çift oldukça komikti. Ofisin patronu Yeon Joon-Kyu(Oh Jung-Se), It's Okay to Not Be Okay dizindeki rolünden beri gözümde yıldız. Oyunculuğuna tek kelime ile bayılıyorum. Dizide olması da kaliteyi bir tık, artık ne kadar olursa, arttırmış diyebilirim.
Sonuç olarak; ikiliyi bir arada görmek için izlenir. Başka bir beklentiniz varsa, ne bileyim zeki bir senaryo, muhteşem bir görsellik falan boşa kendinizi kandırırsınız. Hiç ana karakterden bahsetmedim. Lee Dong-Wook bizim için aileden biri gibi artık. O ne yapsa izleriz diye düşünüyorum. Herkes öyle düşünüyormuş gibi bahsetme gereği duymadım. Ama böyle bir senaryo ile kendisine küfredilmiş, çifte de yazık edilmiş. Onu söyleyebilirim.
Chen - Make it count
J Rabbit - Oh? Truly?
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Confessions of Lee Sang-woo, Parents Tell Their Hearts (Hope TV)
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limjiyeon · 1 year
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Back then, the invincible Marine duo were apart. That's not the case now.
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trendingdrama · 1 year
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Woo Do Hwan and Lee Sang Yi as Kim Gun Woo and Hong Woo Jin in
Bloodhounds / 사냥개들 (2023) dir. kim joo hwan
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dramastream · 1 year
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WOO DO HWAN & LEE SANG YI NETFLIX KOREA promotional photoshoot for BLOODHOUNDS (2023)
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leedongwook · 1 year
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Woo Do Hwan and Lee Sang Yi as Kim Gun Woo and Hong Woo Jin in
Bloodhounds 사냥개들 // 2023
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25shadesoffebruary · 4 months
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sandushengshou · 1 year
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pondsphuwin · 1 month
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liveasbutterflies · 29 days
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Go back to Seoul already.
Lovely Runner (선재 업고 튀어) 2024
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ye-xiu · 5 months
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Then I want to help her too. Thank you.
BLOODHOUNDS / 사냥개들 (2023) | EP. 3 dir. Kim Joo-hwan
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Solbi, There Was a Fat Reason..."Pour Your Face With Hormone Injection" Egg Frozen Confession ('Las')
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prettymita · 11 months
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KIM GUN-WOO - 6/10 on the jealousy scale
♡ gun-woo trusts you sooo much
♡ he knows you'd never cheat on him, so whenever you're talking to another guy, he wouldn't think much of it. he would keep an eye on you, though.
♡ it only really affects him if you start flirting with another guy. he thinks you're wayyy too good for him, even if that's not true. (no, bcuz this man only has eyes for you. he thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the universe) so when you start spending more time with another man and prioritizing them over him, he would get so sad :(
♡ poor baby wouldn't even tell you. he would try to act fine and tell himself that he was just being stupid and overthinking, he'd probably blame himself for it 😭
♡ when you start to notice how he seemed down, he would finally open up and admit that he was jealous. he's so cute i can't
♡ even if gunwoo isn't very extroverted or talkative, he's actually good at communicating his feelings with you. when he's jealous of a guy you're talking to, he would shyly pull you aside and have a conversation with you about how he felt about you hanging out with another man. "hey, can we talk?"
♡ and when you reassure him that he has nothing to worry about and shower him in kisses, he's a timid, smiling mess.
♡ he's so babygirl omlll
♡ when it comes to possessiveness, it's leaning towards less possessive. sure, if a guy is making you laugh and all, gun-woo will join the conversation, linger his hand on your back or waist innocently and pretend nothing is wrong. but he isn't too over the top, there is a healthy amount of possessiveness.
♡ he doesn't care what you wear, you are your own person, and he knows and respects that. so if you catch the gazes of men, it doesn't make him jealous. i mean, you were so beautiful, how could they not stare, right? besides, he could fight if he needed to. (he will subtly glare at a guy if their gaze gets too explorative, though. not even glare, to be honest. its more of a disappointed look LMAO)
♡ if a guy is making you uncomfortable, that's a different case.
♡ he would notice and act immediately. gunwoo doesn't like to resort to violence, even if he is mad. he would gently pull you away from the person and step in front of you, politely (but sternly) telling the guy that you weren't interested. he wouldn't pick a fight, unless the opponent swings first. even so, he'd stick to defending only, not throwing any life-threatening punches. cause damn, he is strong asf. you're kind of glad he is so non-violent and gentle bcuz if he wasn't, he might've killed someone already.
HONG WOO-JIN - 8/10 on the jealousy scale
♡ woojin does trust you, but the twisted knot in his stomach can overtake his sense of rationality sometimes
♡ he is very clingy. so if he sees you talking with another guy, he will try to join the conversation because he doesn't want to feel left out.
♡ if he's jealous, he'll often wrap an arm around your waist or sling it over your shoulder, or making it very obvious that the two of you are dating. "Oh, how's my precious girlfriend doing?" and then pecks you on the lips. its a little embarrassing sometimes but its woo-jin so its okay
♡ its funny because sometimes he completely ignores the guy's existence and continues to talk to you until you glare at him for being rude
♡ if you ignore woo-jin and continue to focus on the other guy, he will do anything to get your attention. and i mean anything. he will start telling the most unfunny jokes, physically get on the table and do something goofy to make you laugh. this man cannot be stopped.
♡ also, he will not admit that he is jealous. even if you know he is, he wouldn't say it unless you really pry at him. "Okay, fine! I'm jealous, is that what you wanted to hear?"
♡ and then he'll sulk around like a sullen puppy lmaoo
♡ so when it comes to you wearing revealing clothing, i'm sure he loves it the most, to be honest. but he's a little cautious of you wearing it outside, he just doesn't want you to get hurt. he might've tried to get you to wear something else or bring a jacket a couple times. he isn't really fond of others seeing what's his. (!!!)
♡ he's possessive, but he doesn't like to admit it. he'd rather show it through actions, being superrr clingy
♡ if a guy's staring at you and his gaze begins to wander, woo-jin will wrap a hand around you possessively. he might even snarl at the guy.
♡ if anyone makes you uncomfortable, he makes sure to get you out of there, probably threatening the guy a little. he might shove him lightly and get a little aggressive if he's really mad. then afterward, he would make sure you're okay and shit-talk about how the guy was an absolute ass.
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trendingdrama · 1 year
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Barbecue buffet.Yes. I know a great place.
[S01.E03]Bloodhounds / 사냥개들 (2023) dir. kim joo hwan
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