#League of Legends EMEA Championship (LEC)
enarratives · 1 month
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MSI + Internet - LEC, LCS, LCK Seeds
feat. G2 Mikyx, G2 Caps, FNC Humanoid, Laure, FLY Inspired, TL Yeon, GEN Canyon, T1 Keria
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heronetworkgg · 2 months
Fnatic aplasta a Vitality y avanza a las Semifinales de la LEC
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Fnatic ha conseguido una victoria impresionante al vencer a Vitality en los Playoffs de la LEC de League of Legends, asegurando su lugar en las Semifinales. El emocionante enfrentamiento terminó con un marcador de 3-1 a favor de Fnatic, quien ahora se enfrentará a Team BDS en busca de un lugar en la final del […]
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leagueoflasagnas · 2 years
LEC 2023 ✨
Big changes are coming in 2023! The LEC is officially expanding and will be called League of Legends EMEA Championship, but don't worry... The iconic logo won't change!
There will also be another split: The Winter Split. It will start in January (regular season) with playoffs in February. Then in March the Spring Split with playoffs in April and the Summer Split in June with playoffs in July. Each Split will last 3 weeks.
But here's the news! If a team wins the Winter, Spring AND Summer Split, they will automatically have a spot for Worlds!
The game format will also change. Yes, it's not a fantasy, there will be indeed BO3s!
The competition will start with a one ten-team round robin BO1, followed by an eight-team BO3 with double elimination group stage and a final four team double elimination BO5 playoffs.
It's finally happening! And I'm sure this new format will improve both the performances and our entrainment.
I can't wait for this new chapter of League E-Sports!
Here's the link to the official article for more details:
And here's an useful video to understand the new format:
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lecpenni · 2 years
gonna post about LEC both changing to League of legends EMEA Championship and the rumoured rosters right now since they're all solid except coaches
firstly the changes to the system are going to make the top teams way better i think, bo3 is better and the system is gonna be interesting, but the bottom 2 are going to be really really shafted and i think there's a higher chance of a rookie team blowing up nearly instantly, see BDS
i like 3 splits with winter and spring feeding into MSI, but i think one more cool thing could be the champion of winter (if they keep at least a 3 man core etc) facing the spring champion to actually qualify, since right now it feels like some teams will use winter split as a testing grounds and might create a "winter split doesn't matter" narrative which i desperately do not want.
summer is ending with something similar in the the big season finals, which I like a lot, and especially because the new format means that you can't coast in off of championship points like G2 and MAD did, which ended up sending what i think was one of the surprisingly weakest european teams ever to worlds, so i do hope winter and spring feed more directly into MSI with that suggested Winter Champ vs Spring Champ to qualify into MSI
but i like the format changes overall, it feels like a good first step and i'm way more into this than LCS's 8 team playoffs that looks like a fucking fiesta until top 2/3/4 and means that a team can coast and play like absolute fucking hogshit until they reach playoffs
anyways roster changes:
wooloo on twitter posted this
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which was the final line up for each team as we know right now
quickly ordered:
and then bigger explanations top to bottom:
god it's so good they got rid of xmatty, he looked lost and alone in LEC and played really really badly for almost every game. even during jinx/zeri, but i genuinely don't know if crownie will be an upgrade. objectively? he's better, but his vitality run was really really underwhelming and he often demanded resources despite not using them effectively, depriving his topsides and usually just
not doing well
replacing cinkrof is a clown move, the man was dragging BDS to relevance while nuclearint had the occasional popoff, and the fact that he's teamless is utterly stupid, but whatever i guess people don't trust him after the OG run back in 2017 and then the cursed bds lineup.
if labrov and adam don't show the form they had in 2021 summer and ERLs respectively, bin the whole thing honestly
nuclearint seems like he'll be the "franchise" for BDS, which you know what, you could do worse
it's such a nothing roster, Finn was good as heck but usually got outclassed if he couldn't cheese a matchup on kled or irelia, 113 was the worst part of kcorp, dajor is Fine and probably a cheap pickup, and kobbe/jeonghoon are the only real chance they have to secure a top 8 finish, which they're gonna fistfight SK for i think
speaking of SK, after they made a big song and dance privately about hard investing into reaching higher in LEC, coming back in with sertuss is odd. he was fine? but he was just fine, nothing explosive or insane until he got akali, so we'll see if he keeps growing at the pace he has been
irrelevant had a very fucking good rookie split IMO, even if toplane was such a useless island and he crumbled a bit in playoffs, but tbf all of misfits did (rip bunny boys, you will be remembered fondly)
markoon was the shining new star of jungle, glad he has a team, can't wait to see him grow
exakick and doss were really bloody good in ERLs, doss' attitude has already started souring his reputation again, can't wait to see him booted for someone else (this is a joke)
well XL has my 2 favourite LEC players, Vetheo and Odo, so i know who i'm supporting
patrik/targamas will be interesting to watch after targa's middling worlds, and xerxe's return to EU was undramatic and perfectly fine, can't wait for him to play for 2ish years because he's one of the only veteran jungles left
VTO and odo had great years, and i still think VTO was the best mid player in both spring and summer, so i can't wait to see him be focused by every jungler in the league, and odo to rely so hard on tanks and outperform everyone until people realise a ban button is there
i have no clue what to think, nisqy went from a new eu golden boy to winner of the dade award at worlds for a truly horrendous performance, chasy was decent? in NLC but nothing insane or impressive i think, elyoya spent the start of the offseason as the hottest property on the market, only to not be afforded by anyone, and hyli leaving fnatic was an unfortunate inevitability after the absolutely horrible performance he had in groups
but i think the most questionable pickup in the whole goddamn league was carzzy. i personally do not understand why carzzy was ever rated, i don't think the guy had a SINGLE good performance on VIT, and was usually the weakest member of MAD if armut got gnar, so why he's back on mad, with hyli no less is such a huge question mark. i don't really *want* them to succeed unfortunately, but they'll probably get somewhere with nisqy's shotcalling and elyoya's raw mechanical prowess
letting jankos go was the worst possible decision, but yike is a promising prospect after a good ass year on LDLC, caps hopefully can look more claps again after his insane playoffs run in spring, and BB is right now the second best eu toplaner by virtue of toplane in eu being such a bad role. the botlane is where all the hype is, and if hans/miky show up the way that that 2018 msf botlane did then G2 might have a chance
fnatic's roster only swapping the botlane is probably the best course of action for it?
a lot of bad rumours around upset, and the really good temporary performance by rhuckz, and return of the king :)
honestly i think i'm just happy to see rekkles in black and orange again, and rhuckz looked very promising after his performance at worlds, so we'll see how fnatic does after super long of their insane aggression with bwipo and hyli
no clue about how this team will do, but i think they'll be the most fun to watch. jackspectra was probably the best ERL ADC, mersa was insanely confident and looked promising if nothing else?
the big one about HRTS though, is Evi and Jankos
frankly this is the coolest pair of signings this offseason, after it looked like jankos would miss out on spring/winter, and evi being the first ever japanese export. evi's a monster on urgot, a beast on kennen, and honestly was one of the stronger tops in playins and would've been in groups had DFM gotten there. really looking forward to seeing him there!
previously rogue, their only change is szygenda in the top lane, which might be an upgrade? in erls and previously in LEC he was both a solid carry player and able to play tank duty, with his gwen especially being feared in the ERLs. besides that, the 4 man core who looked very solid at worlds are staying, so i think KOI are a shoein for winners, especially if jarvan stays in meta
when i say i have no expectation of vitality it's because they have a terrible track record. after buying their way into EULCS, fielding middling rosters, having the worst import of all time in Hachani, then scraping into worlds 2018, they have yet to really pop off and show europe anything. but they're a big money team, and after going from last place nji and skeanz with milica and benching comp, to a suprisingly fun and interesting core of szygenda/selfmade/lider, they threw it out the window and spent huge money on alphari/selfmade/perkz/carzzy/labrov, only to bench the only functioning part of that and then sign haru who was
Perfectly Fine
and again, they're doing this again, signing kaiser in support possibly the most overhyped part of MAD, never forget the "i wasted flash on leona, time to run under tower because i need to wait 5 seconds for hexflash", neon in botlane who I'm so happy is keeping an LEC spot, blacklisted LPL jungle prodigy Bo and upper tier LCK CL top player photon, i have no clue what to think
bo's a monster, photon seems to be brutally consistent and likely scrimmed vs zeus and played vs thanatos in LCKCL, so i'm expecting more than i would if they signed a different ERL top
some people are probably already saying "ew random korean player" like they did for malrang and jeonghoon, but here's the thing, random korean player can throw hands with the best, and korean players are usually the best, and the signing makes sense since no LCK teams probably needed a new toplaner except for the lowest tier ones, and spending longer on challenger teams isn't exactly the best path into LCK. point is, photon is going to be good, and probably get signings in korea if he dislikes vitality if he shows up, which vs the caliber of tops in europe, he will
final thoughts:
i like the new format, and the teams have made very interesting changes. as for coaches, the only coach rumour i heard is vitality signing misfit's coaching staff, who were world class and took a team who should've been fighting for 6th and put them within 1 bo5 of worlds 2 years in a row. i can't wait for lec this year and i absolutely am going to support XL and HRTS, but i can't say i'm gonna dislike anyone, except BDS, who are physically unsupportable
TL;DR: LEC has a better format and the teams are exploding and reforming in a beautiful way
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sambudres · 5 months
Giants y Excel se fusionan y nace GIANTX, competirá en los esports
La organización española Giants Gaming y la organización británica Excel Esports se fusionan y nace GIANTX, que competirá en la élite internacional de los esports. Este nuevo club de deportes electrónicos contará con base de operaciones en Londres y Málaga, respectivas localizaciones de origen de las entidades fundadoras, y también en Berlín, sede de las principales competiciones de videojuegos de las que GIANTX formará parte a partir de 2024, y donde se encuentran sus instalaciones de alto rendimiento
Esta asociación tiene lugar con el objetivo a medio y largo plazo de impulsar a GIANTX entre las compañías de esports más relevantes del mundo. La fusión entre Giants y Excel es una oportunidad de acelerar el crecimiento de ambas empresas, expandir su presencia geográfica y acceder a nuevos mercados globales tras liderar las comunidades española y anglosajona en los últimos años.
A partir de 2024, GIANTX afianzará su posición en los esports de élite con su participación en las competiciones de videojuegos más importantes en la actualidad. GIANTX competirá en la League of Legends EMEA Championship (LEC) y Valorant Champions Tour EMEA (VCT). Contará GIANTX también con representación en Game Changers, circuito femenino mundial de Valorant. Asimismo, continuará en la Superliga LoL de la Liga de Videojuegos Profesional (LVP) y se estudiará dar el salto a otros títulos de interés.
JRJ Group, que adquirió una participación mayoritaria en Excel en 2018 junto con TOMS Capital, seguirá como accionista principal de GIANTX. José Díaz y Virginia Calvo, propietarios de Giants, continuarán formando parte del accionariado de GIANTX, así como el resto de socios existentes. JRJ Group, fundado en 2009, es una firma internacional de inversión de capital privado líder, que está especializada en servicios financieros y el crecimiento de otras industrias.
José Díaz y Tim Reichert liderarán GIANTX como Co-CEOs. El equipo directivo lo completan Mark Carter, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO); Virginia Calvo, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO); y Oskar Sisi, VP Marketing & Brand.
Esta fusión aúna las estructuras profesionales de Giants y Excel en una sola. Como resultado, GIANTX queda integrado por más de 60 trabajadores, quienes se ubicarán en las tres sedes de la nueva organización: Londres, Málaga y Berlín, que se afianza como cuartel general deportivo.
Además de enfocarse en la excelencia deportiva, GIANTX impulsará la mejor creación de contenido y la distribución en todos sus canales digitales para diseñar una propuesta única tanto para los fans como para sus partners comerciales.
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orlandocoaching · 6 months
Giants y Excel se fusionan y nace GIANTX, organización que competirá en la élite mundial de los esports
Esta asociación tiene lugar con el objetivo a medio y largo plazo de impulsar a GIANTX entre las compañías de esports más relevantes del mundo. La fusión entre Giants y Excel es una oportunidad de acelerar el crecimiento de ambas empresas, expandir su presencia geográfica y acceder a nuevos mercados globales tras liderar las comunidades española y anglosajona en los últimos años.
A partir de 2024, GIANTX afianzará su posición en los esports de élite con su participación en las competiciones de videojuegos más importantes en la actualidad. GIANTX competirá en la League of Legends EMEA Championship (LEC) y Valorant Champions Tour EMEA (VCT). Contará GIANTX también con representación en Game Changers, circuito femenino mundial de Valorant. Asimismo, continuará en la Superliga LoL de la Liga de Videojuegos Profesional (LVP) y se estudiará dar el salto a otros títulos de interés.
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thetoxicgamer · 10 months
Last-gasp NA vs. EU qualifier to reportedly be played in Korea as Worlds opener
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The Worlds 2023 Qualifying Series, where the North American and European fourth seeds will face off for a final spot at this year’s biggest event, will reportedly take place in South Korea. Golden Guardians (NA’s fourth seed) will travel to Korea to face the yet-to-be-determined LEC fourth seed, according to League of Legends journalist Arsh Goyal on Aug. 15. On top of that, the series will reportedly take place right before the start of the play-in stage. https://twitter.com/arshgoyal13/status/1691656810263089446 The Worlds Qualifying Series is a best-of-five series introduced this year after changes to Worlds’ format. The series will see EMEA’s fourth seed go against NA’s fourth seed, with the winner gaining a spot in the play-in stage of Worlds 2023. The fourth LEC seed will be determined on Sept. 2, when the second round of the 2023 LEC Season Finals comes to an end. So far, only two European teams have been left out of contention—Astralis and Team Vitality. In NA, however, the final standings of the 2023 LCS Championship have almost been determined Three teams will compete this upcoming weekend to determine the champions. Golden Guardians have already taken the fourth seed. Eight teams have booked their spots in Korea so far, including all four Chinese representatives, three NA squads, and Korea’s Gen.G, who will qualify either by winning the 2023 LCK Summer Split or via Championship Points. Read the full article
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ragezonecom · 11 months
SK, KOI and BDS complete the LEC groups. Astralis out of the running
The end of the League of Legends EMEA Championship playoffs has been reached. Today, four formations were fighting for the remaining three tickets to the group stage. Finally, in the next part of the struggle, players from Team BDS, SK Gaming and KOI will appear. Eliminated second was Astralis. Astralis was eliminated second. As far as promotion issues are concerned, here the game started with…
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yuragawa · 1 year
MSI 2023出場チーム紹介
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今年も「Mid Season Invitational(MSI)」の季節がやってきた。春夏シーズンの間に行われるこの国際大会は、各地域の代表チームが1~2チームずつ集い、華々しい戦いを繰り広げる。夏シーズン終了後に行われる世界大会「Worlds」の前哨戦でもあり、普段戦うことにない他地域のチームがそれぞれに得意とする戦略をぶつけ合う場でもある。
League of Legends EMEA Championship (LEC)
MAD Lions : Chasy/Elyoya/Nisqy/Carzzy/Hylissang
G2 Esports : BrokenBlade/Yike/Caps/Hans Sama/Mikyx
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MSI2019優勝を初めとして、LECではまぎれもないトップチームの一角を占める強豪。BrokenBlade/Caps/Hans Samaと経験豊富で強力なレーナーをずらりと揃え、新鋭のジャングルYikeを加えてWinterスプリットを制覇、その実績によりMSI出場を決めた。サイドレーンのコントロールやオブジェクトの取捨に優れる一方、時に最先端を行きすぎるプレイでファンを「G2???」と困惑させるプレイがある種の魅力となっている。春スプリットは最終的にプレイオフ4位で終わっているものの、国際大会の経験豊富なプレイヤーと組織であることから十分な準備をしてMSIに臨むと思われる。
League of Legends Pro League (LPL)
JD Gaming : 369/Kanavi/knight/Ruler/Missing
Bilibili Gaming : Bin/Xun/Yagao/Elk/ON
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League Championship Series (LCS)
Cloud9 : Fudge/Blaber/EMENES/Berserker/Zven
Golden Guardians : Licorice/River/Gori/Stixxay/huhi
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League of Legends Championship Korea (LCK)
T1 : Zeus/Oner/Faker/Gumayusi/Keria
Gen.G : Doran/Peanut/Chovy/Peyz/Delight
Pacific Championship Series (PCS)
PSG Talon : Azhi/JunJia/ubao/Wako/Woody
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Liga Latinoamerica (LLA)
Movistar R7 : Bong/Oddie/Mireu/Ceo/Lyonz
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Campeonato Brasileiro de League of Legends (CBLOL)
LOUD : Robo/Croc/tinowns/Route/Ceos
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Vietnam Championship Series (VCS)
GAM Esports : Kiaya/Levi/Kati/Sty1e/Zin
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前身となるGigabyte Marines時代から、ベトナム代表として国際大会で旋風を巻き起こしているチーム。春のレギュラーシーズンは無敗と地域内でも一つ抜けた強さでMSIへと駒を進めた。近年は注目されつつも、強豪リーグ代表チームの壁に阻まれている状況を打破できるか、Levi率いるチームによってサモナーズリフトが赤く染められるのか期待しているファンは多い。
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LG UltraGear monitor named Official Display of the League of Legends
By Clyde Ingara LG Electronics’ latest UltraGear™ gaming monitor (model 25GR75FG) has been named the official display of the League of Legends EMEA Championship (LEC) 2023. Designed for competitive esports, the latest LG UltraGear gaming monitor delivers outstanding picture quality and speed thanks to a 24.5-inch Full-HD (1,920 x 1,080) IPS display with a 360Hz refresh rate and 1millisecond…
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bdpst24 · 1 year
Az LG legújabb gaming monitora lett a 2023-as LEC hivatalos kijelzője
Az LG legújabb gaming monitora lett a 2023-as LEC hivatalos kijelzője
A 360 Hz-es képfrissítési frekvenciával és NVIDIA Reflex technológiával érkező 25GR75FG modell januárban debütál egy jelentős e-sport-eseményen  Az LG Electronics (LG) legújabb UltraGear™ gaming monitora, a 25GR75FG lett a 2023-as League of Legends EMEA Championship (LEC) hivatalos kijelzője. Az új készülék az LEC-szezon kezdetén debütál, ahol a régió legjobb csapatainak játékosai játszanak majd…
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enarratives · 7 months
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lolesports + Internet - Worlds Swiss Stage
feat. WBG TheShy, BLG Yagao, JDG Ruler, JDG Missing, LNG Scout, GEN Chovy, T1 Gumayusi, KT Bdd, DK ShowMaker, DK Deft, G2 Mikyx, G2 Caps, FNC LEC, MAD LEC, BDS Adam, NRG LCS, TL LCS, C9 Blaber, GAM Kiaya
BONUS (featuring our favourite referee):
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heronetworkgg · 2 months
Madre de xPeke confirma que el español no volverá a League of Legends
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Hay pocas figuras dentro de la escena competitiva de League of Legends que lograron dejar una marca imborrable. Una de ellas, sin duda alguna, es la de Enrique “xPeke” Cedeño, el mítico midlaner de Fnatic y fundador de Origen. Recientemente, la madre del español se pronunció en Twitter “aprobando” un tweet sobre un récord de […]
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gaminghardware0 · 4 years
Riot cancels LoL esports deal with Saudi Arabian city project following backlash
League of Legends publisher Riot has canned its partnership with Saudia Arabian city project Neom following criticism from employees, esports casters, and fans. The deal would have seen the Saudi city project come on board as a partner for League of Legends' European Championship tournament's summer season. However, in a statement, Riot's director of esports EMEA Alberto Guerrero explains that it was important the developer moved quickly once they realised "mistakes" were made.
“As a company and as a league, we know that it’s important to recognise when we make mistakes and quickly work to correct them," Guerrero says. "After further reflection, while we remain steadfastly committed to all of our players and fans worldwide including those living in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East, the LEC has ended its partnership with Neom, effective immediately.
"In an effort to expand our esports ecosystem, we moved too quickly to cement this partnership and caused rifts in the very community we seek to grow. While we missed our own expectations in this instance, we’re committed to reexamining our internal structures to ensure this doesn't happen again.”
View the full site
RELATED LINKS: Best LoL Champions , League of Legends patch 10.13, LoL tier list from https://www.pcgamesn.com/league-of-legends/esports-lec-neom
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enarratives · 4 months
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LEC + Internet - Weeks 1 + 2
feat. Broxah, Finn, BDS Nuc, SK Nisqy, G2 Hans sama, Laure, FNC Oscarinin, MDK Elyoya, VIT Carzzy, GX Patrik, Rogue LEC, Karmine Corp, Hysterics, Dagda, TH Flakked, TH Perkz
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enarratives · 9 months
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lolesports + Internet - Worlds Seeds
feat. Laure, G2 Mikyx, FNC Humanoid, MAD Carzzy, Quickshot, FNC Wunder, XL Odoamne, GEN Doran, KT Lehends, T1 Faker, DK Deft, TL Pyosik, C9 EMENES, Azael, Kobe, CaptainFlowers, LCS NRG
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