#Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder
weirdesplinder · 8 months
La casa nella prateria, i romanzi
Forse non tutti sanno che la serie televisiva La casa nella prateria è stata tratta da una serie di romanzi dal titolo originale Little House, scritti tra il 1943 e il 1945 dalla scrittrice statunitense Laura Ingalls Wilder. Se siete amanti dei romanzi di Louise May Alcott (Piccole donne) e Lucy Maud Montgomery (Anna dai capelli rossi) credo vi potrebbe veramente piacere questa serie di romanzi che è stata pubblicata più volte anche in Italia col titolo La piccola casa nella prateria, l'ultima edizione in ordine cronologico è di Gallucci editore ed è di facilissima reperibilità.
Link: https://www.galluccieditore.com/
Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder (Pepin, 1867 – Mansfield, 1957) prese a ispirazione la sua stessa infanzia per scrivere i suoi romanzi, infatti aveva appena quattro anni quando suo padre decise di lasciare il Wisconsin per cominciare una nuova vita nei territori messi a disposizione dei coloni dal governo americano.
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La serie ed Little house è composta da 9 libri:
1. La casa nella prateria (titolo originale Little House on the Prairie) Link: https://amzn.to/3tfLaNa
Trama: In viaggio verso il Kansas con la famiglia Ingalls. La vita nella prateria è difficile e talvolta persino pericolosa, ma papà, mamma, Mary, Laura e la piccola Carrie sono felici di realizzare il sogno di una nuova vita
2. Sulle rive del Plum Creek - La casa nella prateria 2 (titolo originale On the Banks of Plum Creek)
Link: https://amzn.to/3F2TSB7
Trama: La famiglia Ingalls comincia una nuova vita nel Minnesota. Mamma e papà lavorano sodo per costruire una casa e coltivare la terra, Mary e Laura cominciano la scuola e la piccola Carrie cresce a vista d'occhio. Le difficoltà e i pericoli sono tanti, nella prateria, ma gli Ingalls li affrontano con tenacia e ottimismo.
3. Sulle sponde del Silver Lake - La casa nella prateria 3 (titolo originale By the Shores of Silver)
Link: https://amzn.to/46vmQFf
Trama: Laura e la sua famiglia si trasferiscono nel Sud Dakota, con la speranza di farsi assegnare un appezzamento di terreno in cui stabilirsi defi nitivamente. Ogni giorno sulle sponde del Silver Lake arrivano coloni in cerca di fortuna. Gli Ingalls dovranno darsi molto da fare per difendere la loro futura fattoria.
4. Il lungo inverno. La casa nella prateria: 4 (titolo originale: Long Winter)
Link: https://amzn.to/46Qlkht
Trama: Gli Ingalls affrontano con coraggio il terribile inverno nel Dakota. In casa tutta la famiglia lavora sodo per sopravvivere alle tempeste di neve. Ma l’intero paese resta senza provviste e il giovane Almanzo Wilder decide di affrontare un pericoloso viaggio alla ricerca di cibo…
5. Piccola città del West. La casa nella prateria: 5 (titolo originale Little Town on the Prairie)
Link: https://amzn.to/3tlqLpS
Trama: Con l’arrivo della primavera la famiglia Ingalls può finalmente partecipare alla vita sociale della piccola città del West in cui si è trasferita. Laura stringe amicizia con Almanzo Wilder, il suo futuro marito, e lavora con impegno per guadagnare il necessario a far studiare Mary all’università.
6. Gli anni d'oro. La casa nella prateria: 6 (titolo originale These Happy Golden Years)
Link: https://amzn.to/3PDdKjc
Trama: Laura è cresciuta, vive lontana dalla famiglia e insegna in una scuola... anche se molti dei suoi alunni sono più alti di lei! Ma ogni venerdì il suo amato Almanzo Wilder viene a prenderla e la riporta a casa per il fine settimana. Sono anni felici, che preludono a nuove e importanti tappe della vita.
7. I primi quattro anni. La casa nella prateria: 7 (titolo originale: The First Four Years)
Link: https://amzn.to/3PGZFB6
Trama: Laura e Almanzo Wilder, appena sposati, cominciano con grandi speranze la loro vita insieme in una casetta nella prateria. Ma ogni stagione porta inattesi disastri: tempeste, malattie, incendi, debiti. I due giovani non intendono però lasciarsi abbattere. Anche perché ora la famiglia è cresciuta…
8. Nei grandi boschi del Wisconsin. La casa nella prateria Prequel (titolo originale Little House in the Big Woods)
Link: https://amzn.to/3PHYJfQ
Trama: Questo romanzo racconta la prima infanzia di Laura Ingalls che, a quattro anni, vive ancora in una piccola casa di legno, ai margini dei Grandi Boschi del Wisconsin. C’è sempre tanto da fare per tutti ma la sera, dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro, le allegre note del violino di papà riuniscono la famiglia felice intorno al fuoco. 
9. La storia di Almanzo. La casa nella prateria Prequel 2 (titolo originale Farmer Boy)
Link: https://amzn.to/3PYoA4q
Trama: Qusto romanzo racconta invece l'infanzia del futuro marito di Laura, Almanzo. Mentre Laura Ingalls cresce all’Ovest, Almanzo Wilder nasce in una prosperosa azienda agricola nello stato di New York. Qui, insieme al fratello e alle due sorelle, lavora dall’alba al tramonto nei campi e nelle stalle, con qualunque tempo e in ogni periodo dell’anno. Ma di tanto in tanto c’è anche modo di divertirsi… 
Questi libri oltre ad ispirare la serie televisiva che tutti abbiamo visto e che va tuttora in onda in replica sui nostri schermi televisivi ogni giorno sul canale 27 del digitale terrestre, ha anche dato vita ad un cartone animato giapponese prodotto tra il 1975 e il 1976 dal titolo Laura (Sōgen no shōjo Rōra, lett. "Laura la ragazza delle praterie) che andò in onda anche in Italia, ma sinceramente non lo ricordo perchè all'epoca non ero ancora nata e poi non ne lo hanno trasmesso molto in reoplica immagino. Però se vi interessa recuperarne qualche puntata qualcosa su Youtube c'è.
La serie televisiva americana La casa nella prateria è disponibile con tutte le sue stagioni anche su Prime video, nel caso vi interessi
Prova Prime video: http://www.amazon.it/provaprime?tag=weirde-21
E si possono acquistare anche i dvd qui: https://amzn.to/3PFXmhD
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fictionadventurer · 4 months
Why was "Mrs. Gaskell" used as a way to dismiss her as an author? As if she's just a middle-class wife and mother who can't care about anything beyond the cozy and the domestic? This should be something to celebrate! She was a wife and a mother and an author!
And not just one who's writing stories for her children. (Not that there's anything wrong with writing for your children--Tolkien writing for his children gave us some masterworks--but it is the expected path of a mother of the period who wants to write.) Gaskell wrote stories examining big societal issues like labor and technology and the class divide. She's living proof that a woman doesn't stop having a brain or caring about the wider world once she has a husband and children. She managed to write stories that have become part of the literary canon and raised a family. Why was this used to frame her as a lesser author when she managed to do more with her life? It's amazing that an author with that background got to be part of the literary conversation, and it should be celebrated more.
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tvthemesongs · 1 year
Little House on the Prairie intro
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Thanks for the tag @indigo-scarf!
3 ships: Besides Remadora (which I think is obvious), how about 3 ships NOT from the HP fandom?! Elizabeth/Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, David/Patrick from Schitt's Creek, and Morticia/Gomez from The Addams Family (the 90s movies' portrayals are my absolute favorite).
First ever ship: this one really, really made me think. I didn't care about shipping till I was older...so I guess the first time I had a couple I loved was Laura Ingalls/Almanzo Wilder, but they were real people in a somewhat fictionalized world of Little House on the Prairie. They had a 10 year age gap, my OG older dude/younger lady ship.
Last song: We Belong, by Pat Benatar
Last movie: A rewatch of Turning Red.
Currently reading: The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing
Currently watching: The newest thing I watched was Trevor Noah's new stand up special on Netflix, I Wish You Would. It inspired a recent outing to get Indian food.
Currently consuming: Water, but maybe I'll have tea or a hot chocolate later.
Currently craving: what I wouldn't give for Ropa Vieja, a mouthwatering Cuban dish. Give me some black beans, rice, and plantains, sweet and savory, and I'll give you whatever you want.
I'll tag @in-love-with-remus-lupin, @mumka-fanfic, @messrmoonyy, @merlins-sequined-hotpants, @not-steve42, and @youllstillfindst0ne
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roseunspindle · 3 months
Books by Women
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denisenini · 7 months
Laura Ingalls Wilder
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#Laura Ingalls Wilder#née le 7 février 1867 à Pepin dans le Wisconsin et morte le 10 février 1957 à Mansfield dans le Missouri#est une femme de lettres américaine#auteur de la série de romans pour enfants La Petite Maison dans la prairie#inspirée par sa propre enfance au sein d'une famille de pionniers américains à la fin du xixe siècle. Le succès de cette série de romans a#dont la première a été la série américaine La Petite Maison dans la prairie#dans laquelle l'actrice Melissa Gilbert jouait le rôle de Laura.#Biographie#Fille de Charles et de Caroline Ingalls#Laura Elizabeth Ingalls naquit le 7 février 1867 près de Pepin#dans le Wisconsin. Elle est la deuxième de leurs cinq enfants : Mary#Laura#Carrie#Freddy et Grace. Bien qu’étant une élève intelligente et brillante#son éducation fut sporadique étant donné que sa famille déménagea de nombreuses fois à travers le Midwest et vivait souvent dans des endroi#En 1868#les Ingalls quittèrent Pepin pour s’installer à Chariton County dans le Missouri. Un an plus tard#ils s’installèrent à Independence#dans le Kansas#où Laura apprit à écrire[réf. nécessaire]. En 1871#ils retournèrent à Pepin#où Laura et sa sœur Mary furent inscrites à la Barry Corner School. Au bout de trois ans#ils quittèrent définitivement la ville et partirent pour Walnut Grove#dans le Minnesota. Ils habitèrent d’abord dans une maison creusée dans la berge d’un ruisseau1#jusqu’à ce qu’ils eussent fini de construire leur maison. Ils quittèrent brièvement la ville#de 1876 à 1877#pour vivre à Burr Oak#dans l’Iowa#où Charles Ingalls travailla dans un hôtel puis dans un moulin#puis ils déménagèrent dans le Dakota où ils passèrent leurs hivers en ville
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January 10
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[1480] Archduchess Margaret of Austria, Regent of Habsburg Netherlands (1507-1515 and again from 1519-1530), born in Brussels, Belgium.
[1836] Charles Ingalls, father of American author Laura Ingalls Wilder, born in Cuba, New York.
[1865] Mary Ingalls, older sister of American author Laura Ingalls Wilder, born in Pepin County, Wisconsin.
[1937] Davie Wilson, Scottish football outside left and manager (Dumbarton), born in Cambuslang, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
[1944] Frank Sinatra Jr., American singer, songwriter and conductor, born in Jersey City, New Jersey.
[1974] Davide Dionigi, Italian football attacking midfielder and coach, born in Modena, Italy.
[1974] Steve Marlet, French football forward, born in Pithiviers, France.
[1978] Brent Smith, American rock singer, born in Knoxville, Tennessee.
[1981] Brian Joo, Korean-American K-pop and R&B singer, born in Los Angeles, California and grew up in Absecon, New Jersey.
[1999] Mason Mount, English football attacking or central midfielder, born in Portsmouth, England.
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[976] John I Tzimiskes, Byzantine Emperor (969-76), dies at 51.
[1645] William Laud, English Archbishop of Canterbury, beheaded for treason in the Tower of London at 71.
[1662] Prince Honoré II of Monaco, dies at 64.
[1824] Victor Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy, King of Sardinia (1802-21), dies at 64.
[1840] Princess Elizabeth of the United Kingdom, 7th child and 3rd daughter of King George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, dies at 69.
[1997] George Young, Scottish football defender, dies at 74.
[2005] Princess Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, dies at 77.
[2020] Petko Petkov, Bulgarian football forward, dies at 73.
[2022] Alfred Gager, Austrian football midfielder, dies at 79.
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isfjmel-phleg · 6 months
I have neither the time nor the inclination to reread every single one of these this Christmas season, but I'd like to get to some of them and wanted a reference. These are nonexhaustive lists of books from my own collection.
Christmas as a primary theme/setting
While Shepherds Watch by E. L. Bates
I Am Half Sick of Shadows and Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mewed by Alan Bradley
The Snow Sister by Emma Carroll
"The Flying Stars" by G. K. Chesterton
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
"The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle" by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Sister of the Angels by Elizabeth Goudge
Addy's Surprise by Connie Porter
"The Necklace of Pearls" by Dorothy L. Sayers
Samantha's Surprise by Maxine Rose Schur
Kirsten's Surprise by Janet Beeler Shaw
Noel Streatfeild's Christmas Stories by Noel Streatfeild
Felicity's Surprise, Josefina's Surprise, Kit's Surprise, and Molly's Surprise by Valerie Tripp
The Birds' Christmas Carol by Kate Douglas Wiggin
"Jeeves and the Yule-Tide Spirit" by P. G. Wodehouse
Not about Christmas primarily but have memorable sequences set then
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Ramona and Her Father by Beverly Cleary
Hans Brinker by Mary Mapes Dodge
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
Tenthragon by Constance Savery
Most of the Shoes books but especially Theater Shoes/Curtain Up by Noel Streatfeild
Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend
Most of the Little House books but especially Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prairie, and By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder
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maddie-grove · 6 months
What I've Read So Far This Year
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk (2014)
A Mother's Nightmare--Incest by John E.B. Myers (1997)
General Fiction
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1949)
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (2022)
My Sweet Audrina by V.C. Andrews (1982)
Black Swan Green by David Mitchell (2006)
The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton (1905)
The Fell by Sarah Moss (2021)
Beware the Woman by Megan Abbott (2023)
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
Old Babes in the Woods by Margaret Atwood (2023)
Just Like You by Nick Hornby (2020)
How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix (2023)
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert (2019)
An Exquisite Deception by Elizabeth Douglas (1988)
YA/Middle-Grade/Children's Lit
Song of the Magdalene by Donna Jo Napoli (1996)
I Never Asked You to Understand Me by Barthe DeClements (1986)
The Fourth-Grade Wizards by Barthe Declements (1988)
Seventeen and In-Between by Barthe DeClements (1984)
How Do You Lose Those Ninth-Grade Blues? by Barthe DeClements (1983)
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder (1935)
Ransom by Lois Duncan (2012 update of 1966 original)
What We Saw by Mary Downing Hahn (2022)
Unpregnant by Jenni Hendricks and Ted Caplan (2019)
Boston Jacky by L.A. Meyer (2013)
Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade by Barthe DeClements (1981)
Bad Girls by Jacqueline Wilson (1996)
The Doll in the Garden by Mary Downing Hahn (1989)
Running out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix (1995)
Takeoffs and Landings by Margaret Peterson Haddix (2001)
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder (1932)
Drowning Anna by Sue Mayfield (2002)
If the Witness Lied by Caroline B. Cooney (2009)
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"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones, after all."
~Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder
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golden-songbird · 1 year
if the sanders sides were books, which books would they be?
-“on earth we’re briefly gorgeous” by ocean vuong
-“anne of green gables” and the entire anne series by lucy maude montgomery
-“the miracle worker” by william gibson
-“a tree grows in brooklyn” by betty smith
-the complete poems of emily dickinson
-“the shadow speaker” by nnedi okorafor
-“little house on the prairie” and the entire little house series really, by laura ingalls wilder
-“dog years” by mark doty
-“mary barton” by elizabeth gaskell
-“pride and prejudice” by jane austen
-“pumpkin” by julie murphy
-“the soul of an octopus” by sy montgomery
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Some books and plays I have read that are older than me oand/or were written before I was born:
• Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare
• The Tempest by William Shakespeare
• Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
• Hamlet by William Shakespeare
• Julius Ceasar by William Shakespeare
• A Midsummer Night's Dream
• Oedipus Rex by Sophocles
• Our Town by Thornton Wilder
Fairy Tales and Fables:
• The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen
• The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen
• The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen
• The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen
• The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen
• The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen
• The Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Andersen
• The Most Incredible Thing by Hans Christian Andersen
• The Frogs and the Ox;Belling the Cat;The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse;The Fox and the Grapes;The Wolf and the Crane;The Lion and the Mouse;The Crow and the Pitcher; The Fox and the Stork;The Fox and the Leopard;The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing;The Wolf, the Kid, and the Goat;The Lion's Share;The Wolves and the Sheep;The Ass in the Lion's Skin;The Farmer and the Snake; They Dog and the Oyster;The Wolf and the House Dog;Three Bullocks and a Lion; The Vain Jackdaw and His Borrowed Feathers;The Dogs and the Fox;The Farmer and the Cranes; and The Goose and the Golden Egg... by Aesop
• The Frog King; Cat and Mouse Partnership; The Story if the Youth Who Went Forth To Learn What Fear Was; The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids; Faithful John; Little Brother and Little Sister; Rapunzel; The Three Little Mean in the Wood; Hansel and Gretel; The Three Snake-Leaves; The White Snake; The Fisherman and His Wife; The Valiant Little Tailor; Cinderella; The Riddle; The Mouse, The Bird, and the Sausage; Mother Holle; The Seven Ravens; Little Red Cap; The Singing Bone; Clever Hans; The Wedding of Mrs. Fox; The Robber Bridergroom; Godfather Death; The Juniper Tree; The Six Swans; Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty); Little Snow White; Rumpelstiltskin; The Golden Bird; The Dog and the Sparrow; Frederick and Catherine; The Two Brothers; The Queen Bee; The Three Feathers; The Golden Goose; The Twelve Hunters; The Three Sons of Fortune; The Wiof and the Fox; The Fox and His Cousin; The Water Nixie; Brother Lustig; The Fox and the Geese; The Poor Man and the Rich Man; The Raven; The Peasant's Wise Daughter; Stories about Snakes; Hans the Hedgehog; The Three Brothers; Ferdinand the Faithful; One-eye, Two-eyes, and Three-eyes; The Shoes that Were Danced To Pieces; Iron John; The Lambkin and the Fish; The Lord's Animals and the Devil's; The Old Beggar Woman; Odds and Ends; The Sparrow and His Four Children; Snow White and Rose Red; The Wise Servant; The Glass Coffin; The Griffin; The Peasant in Heaven; The Bittern and Hoopoe; The Owl; Death's Messengers; The Spindle, the Shuttle, and the Needle; The Drummer; The Ear of Corn; Old Rinkrank... written/retold by the Brothers' Grimm
The 1800s- late 1930s set books:
• Big Red by Jim Kjelgaard
• The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
• The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
• Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
• White Fang by Jack London
• Call of the Wild by Jack London
• A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
• Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
• Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder
• Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
• On the Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder
• By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder
• The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder
• Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
• Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
• Anne of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery
• Anne of the Island by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Edgar Allan Poe Works I've Read:
• The Raven; a poem
• Annabel Lee; a poem
• Lenore; a poem
• To Helen; a poem
• The Black Cat; a short story
• The Cask of Amontillado; a short story
• Ligeia; a short story
• The Masque of the Red Death; a short story
• Morella; a short story
• The Pit and the Pendulum; a short story
• The Premature Burial; a short story
• The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether; a short story
• The Tell-Tale Heart; a short story
Oldie But Goldies; Everything Else Thst is Older Than Me That I've Read:
• Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne
• Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
• The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; Prince Caspian; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader; The Silver Chair; The Horse and His Boy; and The Magician's Nephew by C. S. Lewis
• Charlotte's Web by E. B. White
• The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
• The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
• Redwall by Brian Jacques
• Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel
• The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster
• The Giver by Lois Lowry
• The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams
• The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo
• Mr. Popper's Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater
There is a lot I've probably read but don't remember, but these are the literatures I can remember that are older than me, or were made before I was born, that I have read😊
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
Slotting The Long Winter alongside North and South as a book about life in the nineteeth century that counts as a sci fi because it explores how technology affects the lives of the people whose society depends on it, and explores what kind of duty a man has to care for his own business vs. that of the community.
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Ten Books to Know Me
Thank you @indigo-scarf for the tag! It was a bit of a struggle to figure these out - all the most important texts to know me are academic/non-fiction ones, but they're too niche for an internet post. So instead, here are 10 fiction works that I found moving with a sentence from their Goodreads page.
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes: The story of a mentally disabled man whose experimental quest for intelligence mirrors that of Algernon, an extraordinary lab mouse. 
Silence by Shusaku Endo: In a perfect fusion of treatment and theme, this powerful novel tells the story of a seventeenth-century Portuguese priest in Japan at the height of the fearful persecution of the small Christian community.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen:  The romantic clash between the opinionated Elizabeth and her proud beau, Mr. Darcy, is a splendid performance of civilized sparring. 
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey: Tyrannical Nurse Ratched rules her ward in an Oregon State mental hospital with a strict and unbending routine, unopposed by her patients, who remain cowed by mind-numbing medication and the threat of electric shock therapy.
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JKR: Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts has already got off to an unusual start, as the worlds of Muggle and magic start to intertwine...
The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende: The House of the Spirits is an enthralling saga that spans decades and lives, twining the personal and the political into an epic novel of love, magic, and fate.
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky: Through the gripping events of their story, Dostoevsky portrays the whole of Russian life, is social and spiritual striving, in what was both the golden age and a tragic turning point in Russian culture.
These Happy Golden Years by Laura Ingalls Wilder: Friendship soon turns to love for Laura and Almanzo in the romantic conclusion of this Little House book and series.
The Giver by Lois Lowry: At the age of twelve, Jonas, a young boy from a seemingly utopian, futuristic world, is singled out to receive special training from The Giver, who alone holds the memories of the true joys and pain of life.
The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards: So begins this story that unfolds over a quarter of a century - in which these two families, ignorant of each other, are yet bound by the fateful decision made that long-ago winter night. 
I'll tag @merlins-sequined-hotpants, @leesielou, @in-love-with-remus-lupin, @messrmoonyy, @passionatewrites, @evesaintyves, @mumka-fanfic, @elizabethgoudge, @wisdomofwinter, @whinlatter, and @artemisia-black. Hopefully at least a couple of you haven't gotten this tag yet!
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denisenini · 9 months
Caroline Lake Quiner Ingalls
11 langues
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Caroline Lake Quiner Ingalls
om de naissanceCaroline Lake QuinerAlias
Ma chérie par son mari (Charles Ingalls)Naissance12décembre1839 Brookfield, États-UnisDécès20avril1924 (à 84 ans) De Smet, États-UnisNationalitéAméricaineProfession
Fermière et ancienne maîtresse d'écoleAscendants
Henry Quiner Charlotte Tucker QuinerConjoint
Charles Philip IngallsDescendants
Mary Amelia Ingalls Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder Caroline Celestia Ingalls Charles Frederick Ingalls Grace Pearl IngallsFamille
Frederick Holbrook (son beau-père) Charlotte Tucker Quiner Holbrook
Elle est la fille de Henry Quiner et Charlotte Tucker Quiner. Son père mourut lorsqu'elle n'avait que 5 ans, sa mère se remaria quelque temps après avec un fermier, Frederick Holbrook . Ensemble ils eurent une fille, Charlotte "Lottie" Holbrook. Caroline aimait beaucoup son beau-père, si bien qu'elle donna son prénom à son fils, Charles Frederick .Jr.
Caroline épousa le 1er février 1860 Charles Philip Ingalls, avec lequel elle eut cinq enfants : Mary, Laura, Carrie, Charles .Jr et Grace.
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bookclub4m · 3 months
Episode 190 - Reading Resolutions and Rants
This episode we’re discussing our 2024 Reading Resolutions (and Rants)! We talk about how we’ve already failed our 2024 reading resolutions, audio books, short stories, reading long things, not being able to read long things, and more!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jam Edwards
Media We Mentioned
Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder by Caroline Fraser
Born to Be Posthumous: The Eccentric Life and Mysterious Genius of Edward Gorey by Mark Dery
War and Peace by Lev Tolstoy (Wikipedia)
Anna Karenina by Lev Tolstoy (Wikipedia)
Animal Farm by George Orwell (Wikipedia)
Stalingrad by Vasily Grossman, translated by Robert Chandler and Elizabeth Chandler
The Platform Edge: Uncanny Tales of the Railways edited by Mike Ashley
Baldur's Gate 3 (Wikipedia)
Yakuza (franchise) (Wikipedia)
Feed by M.T. Anderson
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
The Majesties by Tiffany Tsao
Minecraft (Wikipedia)
Two Point Hospital (Wikipedia)
Links, Articles, and Things
Episode 167 (version 2) - 2023 Reading Goals & 2022 Reading Report
Which Pokémon are the most goth? 🦇 - Friday Night Spooktacular
2024 Great Graphic Novels for Teens
Manga, Manhwa, and Webtoon titles on YALSA's 2024 Great Graphic Novels for Teens List
Manga for Teen Librarians (page 26) by Matthew Murray & Jean Broughton
Episode 187 - Favourite Reads of 2023
Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong (Podcast)
Teacher training programs don't always use research-backed reading methods
Literacy crisis in college students: Essay from a professor on students who don’t read 
Hark Episode 354: A Special Kind of Horny
Topping & Company Booksellers
The ladder Matthew mentioned
Our Reading Resolutions
Read (and finish) a book
Listen to audiobook fiction
Reading (physical books) on public transit
Read the books in his office
Read (all) the graphic novels on library ebook platform wish lists
Read short story collections
Read more (very) long books
30 Romance Books by BIPOC Authors (including 11 new releases from 2024)
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, & People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
Our Cursed Love by Julie Abe
When I Think of You by Myah Ariel (2024)
Stay with My Heart by Tashie Bhuiyan (2024) 
The Art of Scandal by Regina Black 
A Princess in Theory by Alyssa Cole
Ana María and the Fox by Liana De la Rosa
The Kiss Countdown by Etta Easton (2024)
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi
The Neighbor Favor by Kristina Forest
Canto Contigo by Jonny Garza Villa (2024)
Drunk on Love by Jasmine Guillory
Match Me If You Can by Swati Hegde (2024)
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera
D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding by Chencia C. Higgins
Let Me Love You by Alexandria House
The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang (2024)
Where We End & Begin by Jane Igharo
To Catch a Raven by Beverly Jenkins
How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang (2024)
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming
Aphrodite and the Duke  by J.J. McAvoy
The Marquis Who Mustn't by Courtney Milan
The Truth According to Ember by Danica Nava (2024)
The Lover, the Lake by Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau, translated by Susan Ouriou
Partners in Crime by Alisha Rai
Never Cross a Highlander by Lisa Rayne
This Could Be Us by Kennedy Ryan (2024)
The Takeover by Cara Tanamachi  (2024)
A Love Song for Ricki Wilde by Tia Williams (2024)
Frankly in Love by David Yoon
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, March 5th we’ll be talking about the genre of Dark Fantasy! 
Then on Tuesday, April 2nd we’ll be discussing Non fiction Graphic Novels and Comics!
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