bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
So the Freddy Krueger tongue phone scene pops up in my mind every once in a while, and I NEED to know if anyone has written a fic using that. It's so- 😫
Oh Juice! So funny you asked this because I was actually planning on doing this because I have not seen a single person do this yet which is honestly a fucking crime, right?! You gave me the perfect in and excuse to write this! I am counting this as a belated birthday gift to me but I hope you all love it too! Shout out to @lucifers-horror-harem for the title! Let’s not waste time, let’s fucking GO!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 2.7K. Freddy Krueger X GN! AFAB! Reader. No Pronouns Specified. Warnings: Mentions Of Murder. Mentions Of Gore. Mentions Of Death. Sleep Deprivation. Tension. Fear Play. Sexual Frustration. Dirty Talk. Praise. Masturbation. Degradation. Taunting. Teasing. Banter. Begging. Oral Sex. Tougue Fucking. Face (Phone?) Riding. Phone Sex. Orgasm Denial. Edging. Squirting. Giving Freddy A Taste Of His Own Medicine.
Tongue Tied.
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Your life used to be simple. 
Things were real fucking easy prior to this mess. Usual life stuff, college, job, friends, you know, an average life but one that you loved because you foraged it yourself, it was yours. 
It didn’t feel like that lately however, as of late it feels as if your very existence was threatened to be ripped from your grip, even as you clawed desperately to hold it close and maintain it. The start of it happened with a friend complaining of nightmares kicked it off, you had been having some yourself but passed it off on tests and life stress, until your friend died under very mysterious circumstances. And she wasn’t the only one.
Multiple people in your town started dying, your own nightmares ramped up, worsened, you didn’t want to sleep, you couldn’t, by now you had figured out that sleeping would spell your end and you weren’t going to take that lying down.
The connecting thread in all your nightmares was a man, no, a monster, a demon, an awful and evil creature hell bent on ruining and destroying everything and everyone in his path. Horribly burnt and somehow even more horribly dressed, he told terrible jokes and invaded your personal space, he knew all your worst fears and taunted you relentlessly. He seemed to get off on playing with his food, namely you, and drawing this out. He made you feel so unsteady, terrified and unsafe. He loved your uncomfortability, loved how your face twists and betrays your emotions. Lets him in on all your thoughts and feelings. 
Your own home, your own room, your own fucking bed, a sanctuary, a haven from the shit of the outside world had been twisted into a space that instead bred nightmares simply by occupying it. 
It made you on edge, made your blood run cold and made you want to cry and scream. It made you want to fucking break something.
But were you going to tolerate this? Letting this crispy asshole annihilate your life when it was just truly beginning? Gutting you open with some cheesy pun, laughing all the while as he played in your intestines? As fucking if. No way, you were going to get him, you had a plan, you were going to fuck him up before he ever had the chance to do it to you.
You had to act soon. Your grades and job suffered, you were so tired all the time that micro naps were impossible to avoid, your eyes were always burning, limbs heavy and steps sluggish. You have to stop him. 
So you intended to take action, who knows how many more nights you might be able to survive, you were thoroughly exhausted and tonight might be your last shot. You were going to set a loud alarm, fall asleep, find him and drag him into reality. No fucking dream demon bullshit, no powers, just you and him and you think with the traps you set up that you have a damn good shot at getting him. 
You had everything all set up and you were feeling determined, ready. More than all that though, you had to admit, you were frustrated. Not just mentally, you were very frustrated mentally, but physically. You were so fucking pent up, you had been so distracted and busy and dealing with a million other things it feels like way too long since you had last gotten off and it was weighing on you. 
It made you worried.
It was an unnecessary distraction, one you feared might hinder your performance tonight, you needed your wits about you, a clear head. That is why you thought that getting yourself off before trying to enact your plan was probably a wise call to make. 
You settled into your bed, got under the covers, lights still low as you decided to take care of that little problem, you weren’t going to let something as silly and simple as not taking care of your physical needs lead to your death. 
So you took some time and some care. You couldn’t take as long as you usually might like to but you did want to ensure that you came hard as fuck and really satisfied yourself. Hands started high and skimmed down your sides, lower and lower, fingers over your hips and into your pyjama shorts. You find your underwear damp just as they always are lately, your fingers press in just the right spot and it makes your hips stir in response. You start to rub slow and soft circles, the pleasurable heat sparks low inside of you, one thought is clear, that thought of course being, “Fuck I needed this.”
You touched harder, more pressure, you wanted to speed it a long, now that you got started you couldn’t stop, you were truly aware of just how needy you were. No hope of slowing down, you circled harder, eyes falling closed and back arching as the sensation built. A soft curse leaves your lips, thoughts flit through your mind, disjointed images and fantasies, hot thoughts that never fail to make you clench and throb, they expedite the process even further. You pant softly as your hand works, fingers never slowing, you were going to get there in record time at this rate. 
The thought of a strong hand on your throat and a thick thigh between your own for you to grind on makes you gasp, dragged right to the edge, just a little more and you’d be there. Mental clarity, peace, your life back, a good night’s sleep, it was all within reach and you bite your bottom lip, a few more passes of your fingers and the tension would break, pleasure would overtake and you’d finally, blissfully cu-
The phone on your bedside table rang loud and clear and it caused your hand to pull back and you to sit up.
Your heart was pounding as you looked over your shoulder to the phone, who the fuck was calling right now? You couldn’t deal with this! You had far too much to do, also you didn’t want to talk to whoever it was when they so rudely cut your pleasure short and inadvertently made you edge that hard by calling. So you leaned over and ripped the cord free from the wall with a huff, you wrapped the cord around the phone for good measure before slamming it back down. Whoever it was, it couldn’t be more important than you taking your life back, hell, it couldn’t be more important than you getting off.
You fall back against the pillows, your hand slips back into your shorts, eyes closing, you work to conjure up some of those really hot images and get back what you lost. Your mood was definitely soured, that was going to be a stellar orgasm that was stolen, you’d have to seriously try to get back into that head space, a piss off when you had so much to accomplish tonight. 
Just as you were starting to fall back into it, just as it was beginning to feel good again, when you had hope of a halfway decent orgasm, the phone, inexplicably, rang again. 
This time you weren’t angry. You were scared and confused. You sat up slowly, looked at the phone next to you and it rang again. And again. How was that possible when you unplugged it? You ripped the cord out of the wall for fucks sake. 
You shifted onto your knees, you picked up the phone and unwrapped the cord slowly, it rang once more and once the cord was free you picked up the phone, brought it up with shaking fingers to your ear, a soft, “Hello?”
You hear that voice that refused to leave your head, the same one that had haunted your dreams and echoed along the walls of your skull. That deep voice, teasing and taunting, sickening and cloying, “Did I hear something about needin’ some head?”
Before you could even register what he said you felt it, hot and wet and slimy, your eyes widened as you pulled the phone away to see the mouth piece was replaced with an actual mouth, his mouth. Burnt lips and chin, impossibly long tongue, there was saliva on your cheek and he was laughing over his dumb joke you just caught up with. You thought masturbating would clear your head, something he must have clearly overheard for him to make such a crude joke about it. 
You got too comfortable and fell asleep while touching yourself. 
You were already dreaming. 
He was still laughing over his lame joke, you were still clutching the phone and the fear dissipated, anger took over once more. This sick fuck was ruining your life and laughing about it, over the effect he had on you, the choke hold he had on your very existence, your suffering, to him? Was laughable. 
You hated him.
Hated what he had taken from you, the damage done, the lives and sleep lost and even if it was stupid and petty, yes over the one small pleasurable act you tried to do for yourself in nearly two weeks of putting up with his shit. 
The thought hits all at once as his laughter is slowing down. This fucker had taken so much, why don’t you take something from him and give something to yourself at the exact same time.
This asshole was making jokes about head, huh? Why not hold him to it and have him put his money where his mouth was. You held the phone tighter, you sat up, your other hand came down and you yanked, taking your shorts and soaked underwear down with one smooth move. The clothing now bunched around your knees, your other hand wrapped around the phone and you brought it down, you settled yourself, straddling the phone so his tongue was right where you needed it.
You begin to hear him question what you were doing and you bring yourself the rest of the way, soaked lips against his, a buck of your hips, grinding yourself on the part of the phone that had been morphed to match the lower half of his face. “You wanna give me head, huh Krueger? Here’s your fucking chance.”
You thought that this could be the one thing to shut him up, you were practically suffocating his mouth with your slick cunt but no, the speaker of the phone was uncovered and in a shocking turn of events his voice came through the earpiece loud and clear. “Ooh see this is why I fucking like you! So much fight in you.”
“Yeah, yeah, M’ something real special.” You breathed as you moved your hips again, “If you’re gonna bore me by talking on and on, the least you can do is get to eating.”
“Touchy, touchy. I know you’re really pent up, huh?”  He did finally start putting that mouth to good use, beginning to slide his tongue down, prodding at your soaked hole. A hum as he tasted you before working back up and flicking over your clit in a way that made your thighs tense immediately. 
You let out a half-laugh-half-moan, yeah pent up was putting it lightly. You didn’t acknowledge it, instead moaning out, “There you go, keep goin’.”
“You are so fucking nasty. I don’t think anyone else would think to pull this. Most people would be terrified or disgusted.” For once, you found his voice wasn’t grating to you. It was actually good, the tone of it was helping you, it was turning you on. Never let it be said the man couldn't multi-task. Only he could eat you out like this and keep trash talking.
The fire is fanned, the pleasure spikes as his tongue circles your sensitive clit, eyes falling closed as a shuddering breath is expelled, fuck he was really good with his mouth. Good to know he could do more than just run it to annoy you. 
Another laugh, “Not you though, here you are, humping like a bitch, desperate to get off.” He taunted and you bit your bottom lip, a nod with a hum. “Mmmf, shit, you a-ahhn! Actually aren’t half bad.”
He scoffed, “Half-bad?! Don’t pretend it isn’t the best you’ve ever fucking had, whore.” He sounded genuinely offended and you laughed. You weren't about to pay him any compliments, last thing he needs is a bigger ego.
You ground on his mouth again, he was giving you the perfect in, you taunted him further. “Best I’ve everrrr had?” A mix of a laugh and gasp as his lips closed around your clit and sucked deeply, “Harrr-hardly, give you a solid, ugh, five out of ten.”
There was an animalistic and inhuman growl that rang out from the phone, he questioned, “Five?” 
Your eyes closed, a hum as your head tipped back, a nod, “Mmf five. Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?” You were panting, rocking along with the effort of his mouth that was steadily increasing, “You gonnahhh, prove me wrong?”
There was no smart or biting retort, instead just his tongue sliding inside of you, long and thick, reaching far deeper than any normal tongue should be able to. You moaned loudly in surprise, he curled it inside of you, touched those spots that no one other than you had ever been able to manipulate quite right. And there was something else on top of that, somehow, the movement, the tight circles wound over your clit didn’t pause or break stride or stop. How the fuck was he doing this?
Did he split his tongue? Forked it like the demon you knew he was?
That shouldn’t get to you, but it did, him so wanting to prove you wrong, so wanting to get you off as good as possible he shapeshifted himself to better accomplish that goal without a second thought. 
You were leaking obscenely, slick and his spit running down your inner thighs, whole body was trembling in less than five minutes, more dirty talk spills from the ear piece but you aren’t that focused on it, can barely register it but some do break through. 
Compliments, praise and degradation over how good you tasted, what a freak you were for being so into this and getting off so hard, right now he was going on about how you sounded. You were moaning incoherently, totally out of breath, shaking as you were getting close, sucking down a deep breath you breathed, “Fuck, don-don’t stop, m’ gonna cum-” 
A breathy laugh leaves the phone under you, “Yeah? Gonna fuckin’ cum so soon?”
You nodded, huffing out, annoyed, “Yea-yeah, fuck-” He taunted more, “What happened to all that big talk?”
Another idea hit and you employed it immediately. 
“Hey Krueger?” You asked, clit throbbing on his tongue, so close, just about there, he asked, “Yeah sweetheart?”
Both of your hands closed over the top of the phone muffling where his voice had been coming out. “Shut. Up.” 
You bucked your hips one more time, that last grind as his tongue flexed inside and he sucked on that most sensitive part of you and you spilled over and cum with an ample gush into his mouth. It was so worth the wait it was insane, back arching, hands gripping so hard that you feared you might shatter the plastic of the phone in your palms.
You know he is saying something else, can feel the vibrations and hear the muffled attempts of whatever he was saying as you continue to hump his mouth, riding out your orgasm for a blissfully long time. You don’t know how long it went on for but when you fell onto your side, off of the phone, panting, trying to catch your breath, you were totally slick with sweat and your thighs were a mess. 
Your legs were still trembling, arms thrown over your eyes, you heard the voice ring out from the phone, “So was that still a five?”
A smile crossed your face as you sat up, arms moving slowly, still sluggish from how hard you came, you picked up the phone, it was sticky with sweat and squirt and spit, you responded to him, still holding the phone away from your face. 
“Awe Freddy. No, no, of course it’s not a five anymore.” You reassured and he purred out in question, “Then what is it doll?”
You grinned so wide it nearly hurt as you said, fingering the coiled phone cord, “You really earned this rating, solid effort.”
You let it hang for a moment, building tension, making him wait before you said, smile clear in your tone. “Five point five outta ten.” And then you slammed the phone back down onto the receiver and the exclamation of muffled pain from that action made you laugh so hard you were soon out of breath once again.
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craske · 15 days
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a continuation of this idea
being stripped of the power of something like the soul jam might mess with you, both physically and mentally. idk if id call it like some sort of withdrawal but it might be similar
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gonkaccino · 4 months
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shou-jpeg · 2 years
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He's a ghost! 👻
I can't stop thinking about how fast Tawan had to have moved in this scene.
Part 4 of ?
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boomhealers · 2 years
Things that would fucking kill the fallout 4 companions
Being called Nicolas Valentinus
Squirt bottle
Power outage
Mcdonalds sprite
Orange juice
A really big rock
Tennis ball
Crème brûlée
Having legs
Two lemons
Seven large rats
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salvatoraes · 4 months
me looking at my drafts and the 30+ starters i owe like :
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isdalinarhot · 1 month
Btw all my dragonsteel warriors. If you see someone in either a “unironic Sadeas enjoyer” shirt (dec 5th), “Dalinar Sadeas kissie kissie” shirt (dec 6th), or “Dalinar big naturals” shirt (dec 7th), that’s me. Feel free to ask for an autograph or a photo op or whatever influencers do. Idk.
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ask-sebastian · 2 months
Tu es adorable, petite noix de coco~
J'ai un joli bouquet de noix de coco. (deedeelideedeeli) Les voilà, tous alignés. Des gros, des petits, certains aussi gros que votre tête. Donnez-leur une torsion, un coup de poignet. C'est ce que le showman a dit.
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Spider Freak Behavior Headcanons
Ok so we all know some of my headcanons and thoughts on making the spider people more spidery. So here’s some more, ignoring the obvious ones like eight legs and eyes and spinning webs. While not all of these, or even any of these, will fit all spider people it’s still fun cause you could def apply these to the more freaky spiders, like Miguel O’Hara, Jessica Drew, 6 armed spidey, spider noir, Kaine Parker, *sigh* SpiderHam, etc. If you’re curious as to why I singled out these guys check out here!
So what do I mean by spidery behavior? So glad you asked!
Instinctually/psychologically: Feeling the need to wrap up villains like a spider does with bugs in its web(feeling the need to liquify and drink their insides(these motherfuckers love smoothies)). Loving shiny objects(noir with the rubic cube lol). Spiders do little mating dances and ITS SO CUTE! Spider people should get to do little wiggles to express different emotions! Some spiders also make little chirping sounds to talk to each other or when hunting, so I think spider people should be able to do that. And be able to purr!(more like a cat not just like a spider, cause it’s more versatile and spider people are largely still mammals) Yes that means they like to cuddle. But on the darker side we get aggressiveness and solitude. Like some spiders actively hate any member of their own species, and get territorial. But some do live in colonies(cough cough spider society). I also think many spider people make little web hammocks or little web nests as a comfort/safety thing.
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Physiologically: AMAB spiders being smaller than AFAB spiders. Most female spiders are much larger than their male counterparts, so big buff spider ladies! Sensitive eyesight(Miguel looking at your emo ass) with proficiency in green and ultraviolet lights. So they might need to wear sunglasses. This would also go with a vibration sensitivity, like feeling a fly caught in your web. Some spiders are really hairy, like tarantulas! So it stands to reason some spider people might have a lot of body hair or even dense hair that forms spikes(miguel) and can fling those spikes like tarantulas do. Looking more internally, spiders have blue blood due to oxygen attaching to copper instead of iron like it does in humans! So you could totally have spider people with blue/purple/darker colored blood! Spiders don’t have bones either. They got a hard exoskeleton, but you break that and they just kinda squish. So you could definitely change spider peoples’ bone density and what the bones are made out of. Cartilage would be an interesting one. Or you could go straight for chitin, which is also similar to what fingernails and hair is made out of, and is what some exoskeletons are made out of. Spiders also don’t have eyelids, so that could be fun to play around with. Most of you already know, spiders can’t thermoregulate, but they can hibernate, which is definitely something you could explore and have fun with with angst. Oh! And some female spiders can make pheromones to ‘control’ males.(Jessica) I am also always a sucker for mouth body horror, so split jaws and oral pedipalps are very lovely to me!
Let me know if I missed anything else! Also you should add your own freaky spider things to the post, I love seeing fresh ideas on these sorts of things. But ultimately, feel free to cherry pick through this if you want to use any of these, not all of this will work or make sense for every spider!
Alright, I do have more underneath the cut, but it is officially a minors DNI area. We are getting into some frisky stuff below the cut!
Once again, a lot of this will vary based on the spider and spider person you’re talking about so feel free to squint your way through things and cherry pick if you want to use any of this.
With most spiders the males are smaller and submissive compared to the females. So afab spider people are more likely to be dominant in bed whereas amab spider people are more likely to be submissive. Some spiders even eat their mates after sex, so maybe some afab spider people get a little hungry after sex and enjoy biting their partners. If you wanna get freaky, have one actually try to eat someone.(hey Alexa, play Maneater)Whereas amab spider people might have some sex anxiety due to an instinct of getting eaten after sex. On the flip side maybe they like to get bitten? Some male spiders rlly want to be eaten actually, which could translate to masochism, but I could very much see that turning into anxiety and an impending sense of doom after sex. So like aftercare is probably very important(?). Either way biting would be involved. Some male spiders will even do little dances or give their female partners back rubs before sex(which is so cute and silly), so do with that information what you will. We are ignoring male penis detachment cause that is a lot even for me. But with that said, male spiders, in my opinion and if you know anything about how certain spiders have sex, should be really good at oral. To help this theory, Peter Parker 616 is not only canonically freaky but also fantastic at oral. Another one, purring. Some spiders purr during and before sex to attract a mate(it’s different than cat purring) but because spider people are largerly mammals I think they still purr when content(like a cat) and during sex but it’s two different types of purrs. Finally, back to the pheromones, those are mostly used by female spiders for sexual purposes on males, which could be translated over to spider people in a couple of different ways. But either way you go, feel free to interpret all the spidery behaviors however you see fit!
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geryone · 1 year
My fridge is 80% beverages
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nookisms · 4 months
Apparently today is Return to Dream Land Deluxe's anniversary! I DID say I would get it in that poll, so it seems like the perfect day to do it!
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scalproie · 5 months
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new angle...
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I think someone put the brain of a mouse or maybe a squirrel inside my head at some point because all winter I was like “I crave nuts and seeds” and now that it’s getting warmer and brighter out my brain keeps going “it’s fruit time”
Like, modern transportation has made it possible to move many fruits all over the world (in theory) all the time! But the primal early plesiadapiform part of my brain is like “you must eat what is available this season”
#I was going to go with euarchonta or plesiadapiform brain but I think the early members of both of those groups were from a tropical#ecosystem. if I’m wrong though and either are from more seasonal environments I could change what I used#actually. wait. plesiadapis is from the late Paleocene. yes. but tropical plants have reproductive cycles too#do they generally vary by season or are they just doing it all at their own pace by species#I am from a very cold seasonal climate that gets hot af in summer but is pretty cold for a good five-ish months#not all equally cold#it’s bad for our environment if it doesn’t get cold as balls for a bit every winter#and we didn’t really get that this winter. but that’s not my point!#I mean to say I can’t remember how it works in tropical environments#if the plants just time their reproduction whenever in the year or if there are seasons for most plants at the same time#does that make sense? I’m using the primate-like-mammal. if it’s wrong then whatever#fuck it we ball#maybe I should have gone with a group further back in time but I couldn’t find climate info easily about things that far back and fuzzier#i am not the most familiar with primate evolution. especially early evolution of the group. I’m open to learning more#i just tend to fixate on certain other things like early mammals and horse and cat evolution#paleontology#emma posts#I like juice all year though#one day I want to try many varieties of fruits that I cannot access easily where I live because they can’t be shipped here#or they just aren’t as popular a variety on an industrial scale#maybe one day i will have a big greenhouse and i will be able to grow the banana varieties I want to try#I can see why some plant varieties aren’t grown on a large scale. some of these bitches are SUPPOSED to be able to grow in zone four but#they refuse to work with me! blueberries make sense. the soil here is nowhere near acidic enough and they would need to be in a pot or#whatever. ya know? but some plants just won’t! or I get them and then the weather here which would NORMALLY work is different that season
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hatchetguts · 14 days
guys i love orange juice I can't even deny it anymore
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sporeinhalation · 1 month
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finished this little sucker as part of my roomies bday gift
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salvatoraes · 2 months
SUCCESS !! :D thank you if you let me & stef spam you <3
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