martin-james2121 · 3 months
Chandrayaan 4 is to be launched in 2 phases, both LVM-3 and PSLV to be used
Following its extraordinary achievement with the Chandrayaan-3 mission, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is now preparing for its upcoming lunar mission, named Chandrayaan-4.
Unlike Chandrayaan 3, the mission will not be launched in a single phase; rather, it will involve two separate launches to deploy vehicles that will not only land on the Moon but also collect and return rocks and soil (lunar regolith) from the lunar surface to India.
While Chandrayaan-3 is comprised of three primary components – a lander, rover, and propulsion module, the Chandrayaan-4 mission will incorporate two additional components dedicated to retrieving samples from the Moon and delivering them back to Earth.
What are the components of Chandrayaan 4?
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As per a presentation by Isro chief S Somnath at the National Space Science Symposium, the Chandrayaan-4 will comprise five spacecraft modules. 
To Read More Click here...
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katbirdy · 1 year
TLoVM spoilers
I'm sincerely hoping for episode 4 Kash still does Vex's resurrection. It makes sense considering Pike still has some growth to do (and she wasn't there for it originally in campaign either) - and she'll have a different res to do soon. It was such a pivotal moment that solidifies Kash and Z as a part of the extended Vox Machina crew, leads them to Whitestone to help with planning, they help with the siege of Emon, they help with Vecna.
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unsponsoreduk · 1 year
Movie Monday 3 April 2023
Welcome to Unsponsored and Movie Monday 3 April 2023. Movie Monday 3 April 2023 Enjoy! (more…) “”
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LOW VALUE MALES and how to understand them.
Keeping in mind "sex is the end goal of LVM" and "LVM won't care about women's emotions and will leverage them for their end goal" helps clarify tremendously their modus operandi. If you don't wanna read all this post, re-read this first post and scroll down. That's all there is.
LVM will pretend relationship for the sake of sex, they won't even be willing to put in effort and care into the relationship, just enough so they can access sex. And once dumped they'll crawl and cry so hard and pretend they'll improve themselves but it's all for the sake of sex.
They're literal slaves to their dick. They WANT to get it wet. The Dick Must be Wet.
LVM don't see women as their equal... and wont change their minds. They see women as possessions instead of humans. They won't care about what women desire want need deserve, because they see those things as obstacles to sex, so he'll cut corners just to get his dikk wet. Like "huh, why bother romancing her, I'm doing bare minimum and she's willing to give me sex, anything beyond that is useless
They're cheapos. They'll do hangouts, fake dates (that's what I call cheapo easy fake-romancey dates, like walk dates, park dates, starry night dates, home movie dates, etc), they'll pinch their pennies when it comes to dating... Because they simply aren't sure if the sex will be there. They aren't sure, so why the hell spend this much cash, Jessica Neighbor might have better odds than Joanna Doe? They'll litterally do a mental risk/perk calculation. To give you an idea, an escort's time is 600$+ in major cities, they're happy to pay for that, but will screech at the idea of paying 40$ for a nice dinner with a glammed up lady (that is ACTUALLY into them).
They loathe effort and energy, and they loathe making others feel good without expecting anything back. Let's say you're a LVM. Your average Joanna Doe, you romance her, you bring her to cute cafes, you get through boring discussions about future (you legit don't give a F about that, she's not the one and you know it), and you future fake her, you recourse to lowly strategies to make her think there's something going on. Joanna invests more of her time into you, she opens up more and more, after 1-2 weeks you bring her to fake dates, increase the intimacy, slowly push her boundaries, then tada sexxx.
They'll recourse to immoral strategies without any personal issues. It brings us back to point 4; they don't see women as people to respect. Respecting women to them is optional, and they do it begrudgingly to not be seen as absolute assholes... This is bringing us back to the previous point's LVM example: Uh oh? Joanna Doe doesn't wants to have sex? You'll start doing guilt trips, push her into sex, say that she's weird, or maybe increase the romance fake talk, say she's the Number One and that you Know You'll Spend Your Life With Her, She's So Special. You lovebomb her, you talk of everything you think women love. Litterally you'll trow anything until it sticks.
To LVM, dating IS a numbers game. They more they'll ask women out, past exes, former classmates, anything goes, the more odds of having sex. So that's a win move for LVM. They are motivated by sex, and don't give a shit about women's emotions, they're annoyances. LVM will also have a bunch of women they talk to at the same time. But no, Joanna is the "only one he's talking to". They'll lie their asses off if that means protecting their odds of having sex.
If a LVM thinks sex might happen soon, he'll persevere the masquerade. But most aren't that endurant. A lot drop it after 3-4 weeks, the most endurant hold on for 2 months or something like that. Say no. Insist that you don't want to engage in sex and that you want to take it slow. Pump those damn BRAKES!
The instant you whiff anything LVM, dump. Don't even feel bad. LVM are EVERYWHERE. You'll find other men out there easy. They're rich, poor, prestigious, rednecks, academic, blue collar, whatever, they're everywhere. But their $$$$ or their network isn't worth a miserable lifetime. NEXT!!
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littlebosslady7 · 9 months
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Video back in early March with a panel featuring LVM animators. All of season 3 was finished recording in Spring. They started storyboarding in summer.
It’s very likely that with the SAG and WGA continuing strikes, we might not get LVM s3 for awhile, but well worth the wait for people to get paid for countless hours of hard work.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 9 months
debian was headache after headache:
round 1: system hanged on writing random data to the disk (LUKS/LVM prep)
round 2 (skipped the prep): installer errored out on software installation
round 3 (disabled network, local install only): installer errored out on grub installation/configuration
bonus round !!!: i got grub installed via chroot from a live image but (my bad) think i corrupted my LVM through a bad unmount (/dev was busy, had to force unmount, lvchange thought that filesystem was still open due to the force)
i could reinstall again and go through that whole ordeal, or i could pick something else. we're doing artix. sometimes rolling release is just as (if not more) stable. weird how that works xD picked over void for the repo maturity
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kennak · 3 months
最近 Windows Update してから、なんか調子が悪くなってしまったWSL2を騙し騙し使っていたのだけど、また今日も止まりもう嫌だー、となり重い腰を上げて Windows を消して Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS を入れる。最近の Linux は LVM で複数のディスクボリュームを一つとして扱えるのね。これで2TBx2の NVMe が 4TB になって便利。2TBだといつの間にか上限に達していて、何かを別のディスクに移動、という手間がなくなる。 もう win機は WSL2 環境に mac から ssh / vscode 用途にしか使ってなかったので、windows の GUI は不要になったし、ネットワーク環境さえあれば、vscode で mac からも問題なく linux 環境で開発できるので良き。セットアップには例のごとくAI氏に尋ねながら行ったんだけど、めちゃ楽だなぁ。ほぼググらずに行えた。 これで手元にWindows環境がなくなってしまった。とりわけWSLが出てから、割とメインはWindows機で開発していたのだけどな。さよならWindows。
映画君たちはどう生きるか・ラメゾンジュ・さよならWindows / 2024年3月13日 - A Day in the Life
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i-had-bucky · 24 days
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authoralexharvey · 9 months
Hi Alex! : )
I saw that you said the magic in Blood Magic is meant to have more ties to local culture than your other WIP. I really love that concept and I'm really curious about it.
What details did you use to cement this cultural tie? Did you base these cultures off of any real world cultures?
Hey Alyssa! I love this question so much. I had to dig through six notebooks worth of my notes to find the answers for you but now I'm here to talk about it!
So this second world of mine doesn't have a name yet, and Blood Magic was just a fun title for a post I linked talking about blood magic in this world (I decided blood magic would be cool lmao). The main "projects" I have in this world rn are called "Little Vicious Minds" (what started as Skyrim fanfic and got very warped) and "Storm Rage" (a ttrpg campaign I'm playing by myself". That said, the gist of the magics of this world is that there's multiple systems. The magic and religion in Dinas differs from the magic and religion of Parisol, which differs from the magic and religion of Pymte.
I've talked a lot about Parisol's magic already, but this post is a refresher of that. In terms of culture, I really want to base this one off of Malta. I've been doing a lot of looking into Maltese folklore and folk magic and whatnot (some things are harder to find than others). This is, admittedly, the country I've thought about the most, because it's the main setting of LVM and a major player in Storm Rage.
Dinas has a similar system--on the surface. Unlike the Dorégal in Parisol, Dinas believes that their magic comes from what they revere as gods. They're different beings than the Dorégal, and the people of Dinas do not use blood to commune with them. Instead, the honor of engaging with their gods is relegated to their sages, and joining their ranks takes years of intense study and apprenticeship. I know this country has a dry desert biome, but I hesitate to ascribe a real life culture to them? I definitely am taking inspo setting-wise from the Mojave and Sahara deserts, and looking at societies who live in these biomes. As of yet, though, I haven't gotten specific enough to say "this country is an analogue of this specific place", yaknow?
Then there's Pymte, the final country I've put much thought into so far. Unlike the other two, they have a mostly monotheistic culture and believes their magic comes more from this god, the Drowned. They believe the planet they preside on is the corpse of the god who made the world, the oceans are its blood, the islands its flesh... the works. I'm going to be honest and say I haven't thought too much about how their magic works yet, what it can do and can't etc. However, I know it's heavily tied to their faith in this Drowned god. This country has a rainforest biome for the most part. I'm taking inspiration here from various countries in South/Central America and the Amazon rainforest within them, as well as Southeast Asia.
You may notice that 2/3 systems are based on communion with creatures of divinity and that are byproducts of divinity itself, and the 3rd system features an old god. The fun thing here is that all of them have built separate mythology from the same source. The Drowned god is how the people of Pymte see the old gods. People from Parisol communed with the old gods to gain the Dorégal. The people of Dinas revere a separate lineage of beings made by the old gods.
Anyway I think that's all I have for now. Thanks again for the ask!
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switchcase · 9 months
Today I need to remember to:
Ask my T where we're at on the EMDR referral (it's a whole Thing because *waving at my trauma history and level of dissociation* and because it's EMDR for a very specific issue and not general) ✅
Call apartment front office to confirm they got my email.✅
Contact HICAP because I've decided I'm annoyed at VR (note to self, QMB and DSNP, dual eligibility questions)
Contact OT myself to double check that they got VR's fax from 3 weeks ago. (LVM) ✅
Sched oil change ✅
Contact VR re: apt response ✅
Contact DME company for letter ✅
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attud-com · 10 months
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punnymoi · 1 year
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I posted 7,560 times in 2022
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7,555 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 382 of my posts in 2022
#cr spoilers - 155 posts
#lvm spoilers - 44 posts
#exandria unlimited - 22 posts
#goncharov - 12 posts
#unreality - 12 posts
#😭😭 - 4 posts
#😭 - 4 posts
#exu calamity spoilers - 2 posts
#👏 - 2 posts
#😭😭😭😭 - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#lmaos what if travelercon and the wildmother getting mad at artagan were what caused the flare or whatever
My Top Posts in 2022:
Daffodil, chamomile, nutmeg?
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
I have 2 older sisters, and one little brother. I think I'm sorta a blend between my two older sisters, most like my oldest (both queer, ADHD, nerdy), and my little bro is similar to us, with our other sister as the "normal" and religious outlier.
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
Lots of things, it's nice when I get what I ask for, or something spontaneous or personal. One thing I always want/need more of is hugs
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
It's very small and messy which I don't like lol. I don't think I really have a style, just lots of pretty art/fanart on my walls, lots of bookshelves, lots of blankets. More what's affordable/practical than things I actually like the look of.
0 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Gotta love this Tumblr ad showing up while AO3 is down lol
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1 note - Posted November 15, 2022
LIAM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
1 note - Posted September 8, 2022
So just watched the first 2 Legend of Vox Machina episodes! HOLY CRAP I LOVE IT! I feel like I get/appreciate more now how this animated adaptation differs from the campaign, so excited to see where it goes. First ep felt like the transition between the SHITS and Vox Machina, and now second ep heading into the briarwood arch- so many great little moments, can't wait to rewatch on Friday, and now I want a Gilmore hug even more
1 note - Posted January 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Trigonometry is evil because soh cah toa was created by uk'otoa (uk'otoa)
6 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ahelpfulpeach · 2 years
Tags for navigating and/or blacklisting things in my blog:
(NOTE: I don't always tag, but in the case of fandom things, particularly fandoms I reblog a lot of things from, I try in case someone doesn't care about that particular series/game/whatever and doesn't wanna be spammed by it)
#cr (for critrole related things)
#cr3 (for campaign 3 things. I'll do #cr2 if it's from the second campaign and #lvm for legends of vox machina)
#cr spoilers (for the past three episodes worth of content. so for right now (as of writing this post) episodes 35, 36, and 37 will be spoiler marked, and 35 will phase out Friday morning when 38 is available on twitch. that said I'm not going back and removing that tag from old things cuz that's a pain. I just won't add it to new things from, right now, episode 34 and older)
#spop (she-ra and the princesses of power stuff)
#catradora (specifically catradora stuff from spop)
#da (dragon age stuff. sometimes also include specific game, da:o, da2, da:i. haven't been as good about tagging this in recent times)
#mass effect (mass effect stuff. may also include specific games, me1, me2, me3, me:a)
#atla (avatar the last Airbender stuff)
#lok (legend of Korra stuff)
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geniusortho21 · 5 days
Orthopaedic Implants Manufacturer, Exporter From India - Genius Ortho
Orthopedic Implants Manufacturer, Exporter From India - Genius Ortho
Welcome to 
Genius Ortho Private Limited
Genius Ortho Private Limited was found in 2008 by a group of entrepreneurs after having a decade of experience in the field of orthopaedic implants manufacturing. Genius Ortho Private Limited now is the leading company in India specialize in the Orthopaedics Industry. Genius Ortho Private Limited will always achieve this position by professional pursuing excellence and by dedicating ourselves in improving the quality and serving all our customers.
All implants are exclusively made of Stainless Steel 316L , LVM & Titanium Grade V Ti-6Al-4v-ELI.
Our products of Orthopedic implants and instruments are not only qualified with the certification of FDA, CE, GMP regulations, but also compliant with ISO Quality Assurance Standards.
Our Products
1.Orthopaedic Implants:
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2.Trauma Implants:
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3.Spine Implants:
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4.External Fixator:
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5.Maxillofacial Implants:
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6.Arthroscopy Implants:
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8.Orthopaedic Tibia Nail:
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9.Orthopaedic Femur Nail:
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10.Orthopaedic Locking Plates:
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11.Orthopaedic Locking Screw:
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12.Orthopaedic Nailing System:
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14.Orthopaedic Bone Plate:
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Our Related Blogs  
1.Top Orthopedic Implants Manufacturers in India:
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2.Bone Locking Screw Manufacturers in India:
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4.Semi Tubular Plate Suppliers in India:
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5.Locking Plate System Suppliers in India:
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qcs01 · 13 days
Real-World Applications of RHCSA and RHCE Skills
The Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) and Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) certifications are highly regarded in the IT industry. These certifications validate an individual's skills in managing and automating Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments. However, the value of these certifications extends beyond just passing exams; the skills acquired are directly applicable to various real-world scenarios in the IT domain. Let's explore some of the practical applications of RHCSA and RHCE skills.
1. Server Management and Maintenance
User and Group Management: Creating, modifying, and managing user accounts and groups. This is crucial for maintaining security and organization within a server environment.
File Permissions and ACLs: Setting appropriate permissions and access control lists to protect sensitive data and ensure users have the necessary access to perform their jobs.
Service Management: Starting, stopping, enabling, and disabling services using systemctl. This is essential for maintaining the uptime and performance of services.
Advanced System Monitoring: Using tools like top, htop, vmstat, and iotop to monitor system performance and diagnose issues.
Network Management: Configuring and troubleshooting network interfaces, firewalls, and SELinux settings to secure and optimize network communications.
2. Automating System Administration Tasks
Shell Scripting: Writing basic scripts to automate repetitive tasks, such as backups, user creation, and log rotation.
Cron Jobs: Scheduling routine tasks to run automatically at specified times, ensuring consistent system maintenance without manual intervention.
Ansible Automation: Utilizing Ansible for configuration management and automation. Creating playbooks to automate complex multi-tier deployments and configurations.
Automating Deployments: Streamlining the process of deploying applications and services using automated scripts and configuration management tools.
3. System Security and Compliance
Security Enhancements: Implementing basic security measures such as configuring firewalls with firewalld, and managing SELinux to enforce security policies.
Auditing and Logging: Setting up and maintaining system logs to monitor and audit system activities for compliance and troubleshooting purposes.
Advanced Security Configurations: Applying more sophisticated security measures such as configuring advanced SELinux policies, managing TLS/SSL certificates for secure communications, and implementing secure SSH practices.
System Auditing and Reporting: Using tools like auditd to create detailed security audits and reports, ensuring systems comply with security policies and standards.
4. Troubleshooting and Problem Solving
Basic Troubleshooting: Using commands like journalctl, dmesg, and systemctl to diagnose and resolve common issues related to system performance, boot processes, and service failures.
Disk Management: Managing storage with LVM (Logical Volume Management) and understanding disk usage with tools like df and du.
Advanced Troubleshooting: Diagnosing complex issues involving network services, storage systems, and application performance. Using advanced tools and techniques to pinpoint and resolve problems.
System Recovery: Implementing disaster recovery plans, including restoring from backups, repairing boot issues, and recovering corrupted file systems.
5. Managing Enterprise Environments
Package Management: Installing, updating, and managing software packages using yum or dnf, ensuring that systems have the necessary software and updates.
Network Configuration: Setting up and managing basic network configurations, including IP addresses, DNS settings, and hostname configurations.
Centralized Authentication: Setting up and managing centralized authentication services such as LDAP, Kerberos, and integrating with Active Directory.
Clustering and High Availability: Configuring and managing Red Hat High Availability Clustering to ensure critical services are always available.
6. DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Version Control Systems: Basic knowledge of version control systems like Git, which is fundamental for managing code and configuration files.
Containerization: Introduction to containerization concepts using tools like Docker.
CI/CD Pipelines: Setting up and managing CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or Red Hat OpenShift, enabling automated testing, integration, and deployment of applications.
Advanced Container Management: Managing and orchestrating containers using Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift, ensuring scalable and reliable deployment of containerized applications.
The skills acquired through RHCSA and RHCE certifications are not just theoretical but have direct, practical applications in the real world. Whether it's managing and securing servers, automating administrative tasks, or setting up robust enterprise environments, these certifications equip IT professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in their careers. By applying these skills, professionals can ensure efficient, secure, and high-performing IT operations, ultimately driving organizational success.
For more details click www.qcsdclabs.com
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littlebosslady7 · 1 year
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From LVM composer Neal Acree’s instagram.
I’m sure we’ll see our favorite disaster Gun man sans his spectacles in season 3. Because of, ahem, later talk shenanigans. But damn does it feel weird to see Percy without his glasses in the LVM cover art. Who dat?
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