#LONG ASS POST warning
viiridiangreen · 10 months
TL;DR i got a spotify recommendation for podcast about """""Toltec philosophy""""" sponsored by a huge pawnshop chain, IMMEDIATELY smelled bullshit and clocked a full on made-up-yoga cult for wealthy whitexicans within minutes.
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Okay so first off the Toltecs may have been one of the most influential cultures in Mesoamerica or... not a thing at all lol
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100+ episodes… no names or faces, only the pawnshop folks' icon and 'TOLTECA NATION'?
Like. Listen. A moneylending chain with 400 locations in this country HAS TO be a mafia and integrated into narco-govt cartels in order to exist.
And then on their website there is this!!!
At Fundación Dondé we are convinced that the greatness of Mexico is in its Civilization Legacy of more than 8,000 years; We proudly exalt this Legacy and we aim to share it so that more and more Mexicans know it and feel proud of who they are.
The history of Mexico is much bigger than what they taught us; Toltec Nation is an educational initiative to rescue the Toltec legacy of Anahuac (Territory of which Mexico is now a part) and to publicize the foundations and principles of Toltequity as a philosophy of life, as well as to propose a feasible response to contemporary challenges.
From this wisdom of ours, we seek to move to support our communities, keep their traditions alive, recognize their languages ​​(68 today spoken in Mexico!), know-how, the environment, and reconnect with a more conscious Mexico.
Our field of action is comprehensive, in addition to spreading the story, we rescue an ancient physical practice based on the Toltec positions of power called KINAM. To start practicing visit Agoralucis.
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the alleged 'tOlTeCa nAtIoN' is just... their own org?? Like a subdivision of the pawnshop corp? Sure smells like some whitexican / corpxican self legitimising HorseShit & not an organic endeavour by indigenous ppl. And now they mention a new agey cult sounding name w/ no added context, just, like, "look em up if you really wanna". so I did! lol
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Glorious. Really digging the space glitter background on the lady who claims to cure hypertension, DIABETES AND CANCER by just, like, BREATHING RIGHT, DUDE! TRULY TUBULAR
Anyway. the shit we were looking for is right after her in the carousel
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Some certified whitexican flavor... anddddd
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THERRRRRE WE GO! Give us 400-800 USD to become a Certified Instructor of Totally Real NonYoga (which btw is OLDER THAN YOGA!!!!1!111!)
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In, predictably, a huge fuckoff space nestled in one of the peak "Rich Pieceoshit" parts of town, decked out in full "cult chic" blindingly white decor
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Or you can get the vacation package! That includes:
"3 days and 2 nights of lodging. Food, drinks and snacks, 2 temazcales, cocoa ceremony, 1 practice of KINAM daily, meditations, breathing techniques, NAHUALIC TECHNIQUES, talk about toltequity and dance five elements"
Eventually, I hit the motherlode, a blog with glorious "2000s lunatic" aesthetic and deranged contents to match
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I MEAN......
The stuff in the caption is "The wizards' secret is that they know time can be manipulated. For example IT IS POSSIBLE TO REVERT THE EUROPEAN INVASION OF AMERICA."
There's also a video of a talk the guy gave at the fancy schmancy yoga place, but he apparently usually does events along... Crunchier lines, graphic design and location-wise:
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The events apparently emphasise the PROPHETIC ASPECTS of sacred maya & nahuatl literature 💀 and the "CEACM", the "Center for Archaeoastronomic and Calendaric Studies of Mesoamerica", is populated by Grifters Galore alongside our deranged friend Julio
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And finally... a post where he rages against the horrible terrible no-good "ONLY FAKE RETIRED EX-NAHUAL" who exposed their bullshit:
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"At this web address, the only retired fake nagual that exists in Mexico makes a series of malicious, defamatory and insulting comments about me and some friends, especially Master Frank Díaz. The title says it all: "a sect destroyed". The funny thing is that there has never been a kinam sect, so you can't destroy something that doesn't exist. This leads me to consider that being the product of the sick imagination of this guy, he really IS the creator. So then you could believe that now it is "destroyed". A creator can destroy his work as many times as he wants."
the giiiirls arrrrrre FIGHTINNNNGGGGGGGGG!!!
So we have a happyish ending: this shit is sooo fucking shameless and out in the open that there is already a pretty great, comprehensive site exposing it. It looks like they're only parting goofy ass whitexicans incapable of googling with their money, so not as bad as it could be.
The site is here ( https://kinam.org/ ) and it's SUCH a gem lmao:
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TITLE: Kinam: Chronicle of a Destroyed Sect
MENU: (including this bc it's hilarious trust me)
The Impossible Toltec Yoga
The other Kinam
Faith of Facts
New Fire
Loud and rude 😹😭
More about
Sustained Reaction – Funny Interview
Sustained Thread
Notice of Privacy
"Summary 2017 : Julio Diana, a Uruguayan, tried to sell courses to a circle of friends with a good economic level, but when he was rejected, he and his partner Frank Diaz created the KINAM sect. This sect affirms that the world has been under an extraterrestrial attack led by Tezcatlipoca for two million years. The sect also speaks of spiritual dimensions, that the Olmecs are Toltecs and Julio Diana claims to be the current exponent of another sect called Linaje1723 founded 5000 years ago. The KINAM sect has been destroyed, but its founders still try to promote their vacillates using aliases."
It goes on a little bit and includes links to proof & shit...
TRULY I feel invigorated, amused, entertained beyond measure. I fucking love rabbit holes into silly cults, especially when nobody dies (that I know of? also this whole post is like. Allegedly™, In Minecraft™, none of this happened for real 😊).
i'm....................... need a drink after this lol
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bitternace · 3 months
Xemnas and Xigbar for 37 if that number hasn't been done? If it has, how about 74?
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no puedo pedirle lo eterno a un simple mortal // ay, todo lo que he hecho por ti.
[ID: a mostly black and white drawing with a purple overlay of xigbar and xemnas shown from the hip up on the left side of the image. the background is black and has some diagonal lines with a bit of transparency on the right side. the shadows are harsh, with only a bit of light falling on their faces.
they stand before each other turned to the audience. xigbar, holds the handle and the middle of No Name before him, head tilted down as he looks to the audience. xemnas stands a full head taller behind xigbar, his left hand held some distance below the bladed tip of No Name, his left eye is covered by his fringe.
xemnas visible eye is painted ochre with a white pupil, while xigbar's eye is white and gold. The eyes on no name's handle and the gazing eye on the blade are a vibrant cyan. the caption reads the spanish lyrics "i can't ask a simple mortal for a forever" and "oh, everything i've done for you." /End ID.]
close-up under keep reading.
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#capisnotonfire#PUTS MY HAND TO MY STERNUM AND FALLS TO THE FLOOR ON MY KNEES /affectionate#warning to whoever might open the link; there's a slightly suggestive several 'ay's at the beginning porque shakira it's also bass heavy#OBJECTIVELY THE FUNNIEST SONG THAT COULD'VE COME UP. it's the gift that keeps on giving!!#this specific remix's been on my top list... several years; top five for a couple. i've loved it forever. top radio edits ever.#it's basically about a guy that makes up excuses to hide he's cheating and a gal that's fed up with his bullshit and is like. okay. bye.#i briefly considered going with............ right now i know my heart is yours <- in regards to i'm already half-xehanort#as per usual not ship art but it would be HILARIOUS if it was. it would've been able to go so many incredibly funny tragic ways#nano does reqs#my doods#xigbar kh#xemnas kh#IT TOOK SO LONG. putting this out there because i WILL lose my marbles if i do anything more. it's not as polished as it could.#fret not if you've asked for a req i am still doing 'em this one just. kicked my ass (been busy). i tried a couple of things and failed#THEN the file corrupted like 9 hours in and i wanted to die a little (thank the heavens my drawing app has a#thing to get back corrupted files through their screen recording) but i GIVE UP (affectionate)#Does this make sense thematically? Fuck if i know. i forgot all lore (half serious). it looked cooler in my head (jesting)#anyways. mwah tysm for the ask<3#i love posting at mystifying times (i finish at terrible hours and get excited)#described#74
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bryverros · 3 months
was bored, decided to read one fanfic that was randomly recommended (i've barely read anything on the ship before but i liked it as a sort of crack ship but now it's without a doubt one of my favorite things ever im going insane really) not thinking much of it. liked the author's writing style and found out they have two more works on the said ship. decided to read the rest. the final one turned out to be one of the most heart wretching angstable angst i've ever read, i'm going to need a decade to recover. one of the best fanfictions i've read to this very day. it was absolutely flawless
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honeydots · 1 month
Xander & Soleil Father-Daughter Support
tried my hand at what i'd imagine their in-game support would be c: accompanying fanart here!
Soleil: *Sigh* Xander: … Soleil: … Soleil: *SIGH* Xander: Is it really so much to ask that you focus, Soleil? Soleil: But this is boring! There’s way too much to do. Xander: Perhaps if you would participate in your duties as a princess rather than flirt with the women in town, you’d have more time on your hands. Soleil: Humph. I still don’t get why I had to get locked in here with you. You could’ve at least given me a pretty tutor! Xander: On the contrary, this method has brought me success before. Xander: I dealt with your father’s philandering in precisely this way, and he stopped toying with the feelings of women all together. Soleil: You know why he stopped flirting with girls? You got MARRIED, Papa! Xander: Study. Soleil: Ugh. Fine. Xander: … Soleil: … Soleil: You’re looking sleepy. Xander: I’m not. Xander: You won’t be getting out of this early. I won’t leave until you’re finished. Soleil: Yeah, because you’ll fall asleep and it’ll take me all night… Xander: And what was that? Soleil: Nothing! Just working. Xander: … Soleil: … Xander: … … … Xander: Zzz… Soleil: Oh wow. He’s actually asleep. Soleil: I don’t wanna wake him up. I guess I could leave now! Soleil: Though… I might need a nap, too. My eyes seriously hurt after staring at all this. Soleil: Hmm… Soleil: …Zzz…
Soleil: Papa! Xander: Hello, you. Soleil: Hi! Listen, I have big, big news! Xander: Oh? And what’s that? Soleil: I’m getting married! Xander: You’re what? Soleil: Yup! Isn’t that something? Xander: I… To who? Soleil: Who? Oh, well. It’s a… Secret. She’s really shy. Xander: …Is that so. Soleil: Uh huh. So, um, anyway. You don’t need to keep tabs on me anymore, because I’m gonna be completely faithful. Just like Dad, heh! Xander: Ah. Of course. Xander: Though, Soleil. You understand, as you’re a princess, that there is a certain procedure which must be undergone when it comes to marriage. Soleil: Huh? Xander: It isn’t something as simple as putting a ring on a finger, it’s a royal affair. Xander: You must introduce her to our family formally, as well as engage her in the courtship process—there’s etiquette to be learned, and we’ll have to make completely certain she doesn’t intend you any harm. Xander: Not just anyone can marry a princess, you know. Soleil: Oh. Soleil: Um. Okay. Yeah, okay. Soleil: I’ll… Introduce you to her. Sometime soon. Xander: Thank you. We’ll be expecting her. Soleil: …Okay. I’ll, uh, go tell her! Bye! Xander: Goodbye. Xander: … Xander: ...That girl.
Soleil: …Hi, Papa. Xander: Soleil, what’s that expression for? Soleil: I, um. I need to confess something. Soleil: There’s no girl, I’m not getting married. I just didn’t want you to know I was out flirting again. Soleil: It was all a ruse. I’m really sorry I lied, I probably got everyone so excited. Xander: Soleil… Xander: Thank you for telling me. Xander: Though you don’t need to worry, I didn’t tell anyone. I knew from the beginning that you weren’t really engaged. Soleil: Oh, man. Was I that obvious? Soleil: …So I’m in huge trouble now, huh? Xander: It’s true that your actions aren’t exactly becoming of a princess. But I would like to clarify something with you. Xander: I’m not particularly upset that you’re flirting. But I’ll be strict with you if it gets in the way of your duties, as it has been. Xander: It was just the same with your father—he was causing trouble, and I felt I needed to step in to prevent it. Xander: You don’t need to lie to me. If you’d like to to spend your free time with girls, you’re welcome to. But it mustn’t continue to hinder your learnings and responsibilities as a princess of Nohr. Soleil: Oh. Soleil: Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. I really thought you were going to be angry with me. Xander: No. I only want you to understand. Soleil: I think I get it. No, I KNOW I do. Soleil: I admit that I was putting things off for a little too long. Soleil: I’ll do better, I promise. I’ll devote more time to my princess things. Xander: I’m glad to hear it. And thank you for being honest with me. Soleil: I’ll make sure I tell you when I really get married, okay? Xander: Alright. But not too soon. Soleil: Well of course not, Papa! I haven’t met all the women in the world yet!
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This is the fourth fic in my Josuyaus series that takes place while they're still in high school You can find my series here I also have a master post of all my Josuyasu writing here
Summary: After a study session gone wrong, Josuke finds himself needing somewhere he can feel safe and at home and that some where turns out to be Okuyasu. Tags: Post-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, the following tags are not from/between the ship (just an fyi), Non-Consensual Kissing, Non-Consensual Touching, Side Character/Main Character Attempted Sexual Assault, Attempted Sexual Assault, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Victim Blaming
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tswwwit · 11 months
Might post some dumb bullshit tonight or tomorrow, depending on how I feel about the editing!
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tr1ck5 · 4 months
I wasn't originally planning on writing any of this, but I've read so many wonderful and deeply personal love letters to FFVIII yesterday and today for its 25th anniversary that it kind of emboldened me to.
So here goes I guess, kind of somewhat personal wall of text about a ps1 game, under the cut. You've been warned!
Okay now I don't know how to start. You could say FFVIII came into my life at exactly the right time for me to absolutely imprint on it.
I remember playing the demo that came with a bunch of other demos from a PSN magazine; I'd watched my older brother play a lot of FFVII beforehand and I was enchanted by the story, graphics and characters, the music... Even though my understanding of english at the time was next to mediocre so I relied on him to explain things a lot. I was like... 8 or 9 then so loads of subjects and plot points went completely over my head but it didn't matter at all to me (It was kind of hilarious when I replayed it when I was older because I was like damn, this story is a LOT more convoluted/complicated than I remember wth??? Lmao)
When VIII finally released and I watched my brother play, I was now 10/11 and sometimes he'd play without me so I missed a lot of stuff (and it's rather funny because I remember looking at Squall and co at first and being like whoa, those adults have got their shit together so much and wow how I ever could have looked at Squall and thought that, is beyond me lmao) but when he was done with it I picked it up and played. And sucked. But it stayed with me through my teenage years, never too far.
I was then a lot more fluent in english and literature in general so it pretty much was my first real big 'story-driven' video game ever. I was so damn invested, and, perhaps most of all, I saw myself in Squall so damn much it was borderline uncanny. I think it's so comforting (or alarming depending on how you want to look at it lol) that that seems to be a common thing for all of us die-hard fans. We just 'get it', don't we?
I've... always been a 'weird' kid. That kid other kids somehow know to stay away from, because something is 'off' with them, before they learn how to mock and bully. And I was aware of my 'otherness' as much as them, for as long as I can remember. I never quite fit in, anywhere, no matter how hard I tried. I didn't have a lot of friends, and the very few I had I always kept at arms' length for self-preservation reasons. If I was never vulnerable, if they knew nothing deeper than surface-level stuff about me, they could never hurt me. And this way I wouldn't get too attached, so when they left it wouldn't hurt. Sound familiar?
Admittedly it's safe to assume that I had a somewhat fucked-up childhood (I mean, I wasn't an orphan forced to become a child soldier but still lol) as these behaviours didn't appear out of nowhere, and Squall's inner monologues and way of seeing things just resonated so much with me, I couldn't believe this guy was the hero that saved the day, despite all his traumas and anxiety... But he was. And he did. And his friends cared for him despite it all. And someone fell in love with him, flaws and all. He realized his way of life wasn't sustainable forever and he just... changed. But he wasn't unlovable. He wasn't irredeemable and broken! I cried so much the first time I finished that game. It felt so fucking unfair, I felt like I'd grown and matured right alongside Squall but as the credits rolled and the tv screen turned black I was met with my reflection; alone, in my room. Where were my friends, where was my Rinoa?
I'm an extremely private person. Sharing deep things about myself is extremely difficult for me and twice now I've come this close to erasing the entirety of this post. I have to fight the voice in my head that says this is irrelevant and useless at best, and dangerous to divulge so much personal info at worst. When I talk about personal things, even to the people closest to me, I start shaking and I feel nauseous and cold all over. Even today, right now as I'm typing this!
But this damn video game made me realize that I would never be happy and at peace if I was never honest and vulnerable. Because when you spend years around someone and know loads of things about them yet they know nothing about you, you're not a friend; you're an acquaintance. To love is to give a person the means to hurt you and trust them not to. You have to take that leap.
I eventually found my friends, and my Rinoa; I'm still having trouble trusting and opening up and relying on others but it got better, and it gets better still, and it's in part because of that. one. video game. Ain't that just crazy? A little bit, probably. Who cares.
I feel this wall of text of a post is all over the place and probably TMI but wow good on you for reading through it all lmao. Am I gonna regret posting this in the morning? Most definitely. But hopefully I have the strenght to leave it up. Hopefully someone somewhere can also relate, like I've related so much to all of your posts on this game! Ultimately I am deeply grateful and amazed by this community, we're the black sheeps, the underdogs, the often ill-understood... But I wouldn't want it any other way.
Happy 25th anniversary, Final Fantasy VIII.
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databent · 3 months
why the fuck is it that some people cant seem to acknowledge that people can just... be disabled. not through any fault of their own, not because something "happened" to them, just because, you know, sometimes people have disabilities. like, come on
#.pdf#rd#kd#just a warning these tags are long. like. really incredibly long. i had thoughts.#sorry for the vague ass post i'm just upset about some stupid shit my dad said yesterday.#namely: outright telling me that he doesn't believe i have non-24 (circadian rhythm disorder).#and that even if i do he doesn't believe it's possible for it to actually be a lifelong and disabling condition.#*also: this post isn't meant to imply that disabilities that did have some inciting incident are more accepted or anything.#it's just that i'm frustrated with the “you're disabled? why? what happened?” sentiment a lot of people seem to have.#nothing happened to cause my disability. i'm just like this. no i can't change it. what the fuck do you want me to tell you?#i'd guess it probably has to do with society's focus on work and productivity and career-mindedness above all else.#and when someone comes along that doesn't fit in with the way things are structured it just doesn't compute.#because the idea of people who can't dedicate their entire lives to working is so fundamentally contradictory to their view of... i don't-#-know. meaning in life? fulfillment? that they feel a need to reject the possibility altogether.#this is mainly when dealing with invisible disabilities from what i've seen. because i think there's a tendency to view visibly disabled-#-people as belonging to a different category altogether. which of course is its own issue but i'm not visibly disabled so i don't feel-#-like it's necessarily my place to speak on that.#anyway. i just want my struggles to be acknowledged as real. because they are. and i need people to understand that I Have A Disability.#albeit one many people don't even believe could be real because there's a sort of belief that circadian rhythms are purely a product of-#-external forces like sunlight so “you can't possibly have yours be different and have you tried just going outside more?” sigh.#sorry i also just remembered my dad telling me he doesn't believe i can have something so rare because the chances of having it are too low.#which is some ridiculous logic to me. rare doesn't mean it's impossible. some amount of people have to wind up with it regardless.#i just lucked out i guess.#n24 tag
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vizziefizzie · 1 year
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fortunatefires · 6 months
Something I hate about booktok is that no matter how much time you spend trying to curate your feed you will always run into smut. I don't inherently have a problem with that but it's so present and all consuming within booktok that it's almost impossible to avoid. Also, the smut isn't even that good. I would be less annoyed if the smut was good.
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grimowled · 1 month
What kind of duties does Stolas have to the Ars Goetia?
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as a prince of the ars goetia, stolas' position is saddled with a variety of duties, as well as endowed with powers and resources to perform these.
he operates mostly between three domains - astral, hell and mortal realms. his duties can be divided in the following categories:
☽ research stolas prizes intellect and knowledge above all things. his research includes:
the discovery and impact of prophecies (and by extension, keeping tabs on prophets) and related astronomical events
the study of portals
the rituals and magical value of precious stones
the uses and effects of plants and herbs
any form of transcribed magic: contracts, tomes etc.
his research on these topics is considered fundamental and thus makes him a valuable asset to his fellow goetia.
☽ soul collection: more on this topic in this post about sinners.
☽ training and commanding his assigned legions of hell all infernal legions technically belong to the morningstar regents of hell, and as one of their commanders stolas is entrusted with training and bolstering them. mostly on stand-by, infernal legions are the first line of defence in case of non-sanctioned heavenly attacks and internal revolts / civil war.
☽ ad hoc tasks from his superiors while he is technically ranked below other demons, for example the seven deadly sins, he is only allowed to take orders from his infernal regents and goetian king, though he is discouraged from antagonising any of the sins.
these tasks can be varied and not necessarily connected to his domains and regular duties; his regents may call upon his services at any time, they take absolute priority over anything else he may be doing and he is bound to carry them out regardless of how he feels about them.
☽ paperwork yes, that too! as a demon specialised in academia stolas is well-versed in contract magic, tome-based magic and prophecy as his fields of research. he is often called upon by other demons to review and advise on such forms of written magic, as well as drafting contracts. due to his meticulous attention to detail, he's very good at finding legal loopholes, and he will use this power liberally depending on whether he likes the contract owner or not.
☽ siring a goetian heir ensuring the goetian line is secure should anything happen to him. and that duty has been accomplished with the birth of octavia, his princess.
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istherewifiinhell · 2 months
After all this time i think ive found a format that allows me to be as honest as i feel about them all in the tf master post.... aka. Bitch Hater about this sites beloved (just having made it unsearchable seemed like quitter shit. i put in the fuckng work didnt i. the HOURS.) so. we shall see if i can get that out at some point......
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do you have any musings on the light aspect? you mentioned at one point that people tend to misidentify its presence in their lives, and i feel like it would be an interesting subject to hear you talk about
- maybe an heir of light
This is VERY true. People might be light players, but often times they completely misread how Light works into what they might be.This is, of course, when we are discussing people who ACTUALLY care at all about thinking too deep into Andrew Hussies nonesense enough to wanna classpect themselves seriously for the fun of it like me or others.
I clarify that partially because there are obviously a lot of people who dont try to think too deep into classpects, just get the Light result on a test, and super commonly blanket themselves as Witches of Light or sometimes Sylphs, and it stops at them just liking Aranea or Jade in the comics and slapping their possible aspect on their titles. Theres nothing wrong with that, and people should have fun with classpects and titles and the concepts Homestuck brings to the table however they want to. really, what I have to say shouldnt inherently matter at all if this kind of thing doesnt suit your tastes.
However it should be acknowledged, still, that often times this is the case.  this is also a reason my absolute least favourite classpect is Witch of Light in particular - Its very much the MOST popular classpect you will see around for Light players as a whole, whether it be for an oc/character classpecting or a person blanketing themselves as a Witch of Light as some sort of generic Default Light Aspect Haver classpect. You see it, a LOT, and this is acknowledging the fact I also have an OC with the classpect too. Its still an interesting classpect to mess with. So most people could definitely see the appeal of a Witch class, mixed with something like the Aspect of Light.
But its mostly how people see “manipulator of Light” Witch class, and think “i have light aspect, therefore i am manipulator of light aspect” without considering HOW they tend to manipulate the Light around them and what they are really “bent” towards structurally with the aspect in mind.
The biggest issue I think when getting deeper into it, is that, obviously - Most people think their outward interests are actually inherently tied to their classpect. Which I hate to sound like a broken record about this, but its just not true. Not every light player is going like the topic of Psychology and Cosmic Horror like Rose or even enjoy things like History & Theory Speculations like me, Classpects are based on the Archal Type system of how a persons “Story” goes and what “role” they play inside their own personal narratives and which directions they are most likely to pick for themselves and how they interact with a certain aspect that might cling to them as people. in a vague sense, Its how you walk and your reasoning for why you have walked a certain direction, not what food you like and how you enjoy the taste.
Classes are a skeleton structure of a persons character development into an Adult or where theyve gone in their story. This is a very complex way of thinking of it, because humans are complex. Boiling them down into only their interests or just “if you are nice and peppy enough, you are a heart player!” would be not only boring to mull over but it’s just generalizing human beings. Even Andrew Hussies characters have a lot more facets to them the more we learn about them outside a few cliff notes and a handful of their interests in the beginnings - thats for a reason.  Its also why, while classpectors can give their 2 cents on a few things, and we can squint and try to squeeze things out of a few different traits, we will never be able to really figure out what your classpect is for you. As Homestuck itself, is, in the end, about kids growing up into adults through different choices and paths theyve taken, the different ways of living theyve had and then they start to see the results of that come alive around them, and even how they effect other people.
An aspect on the other hand, is an aspect in your life thats stronger than the rest of them. Which can be pin pointed a bit easier, sometimes. Which one becomes easier or harder kinda depends on the person in question. Theres lots of variables to this, in the end you will always have only one aspect that trully matches up to you; on the other hand, we have theories of how people can Invert into the oppositional aspect or class, they can mimic and try to “roleplay” another persons class (Vriska does this, Rose does this, Tavros tries and failes to do this) and we also have the fact someone else can rub off on us, causing further confusion as sometimes somebody elses aspect sync can be so strong it masks our own real selves’, overshadowing us.  The key thing is, even with real people, there WILL be commonality between someone who shares a full Classpect and the reality is - there are a few general genres of interests that certain people drift towards; With LIght players its blantantly Knowledging seeking and obsession with things of the grandiose; Things like dark Gods or a life as a member of a pirate crew. There will be. and there often times, almost terrifyingly so, are a lot you will probably have in common with someone with your inversion classpect and the same classpect as you as well. There is bound to be common ground. Whether it be experiences, choices youve both made, and sometimes, yes,  This means you might share the same interests, but it also means you might have some common ground in how you act more as a whole, how you get A to point B inside your head through subconscious means, and certain choices in your life too that arent all that dissimilar even if there’s still some fracturing as you are still, of course, two separate individuals. Because thats the Character Arch typing root; how commonly some people tend to behave or form into the arch types in question. Similarity and commonality in a story that can be compared and be close to something else that exists but still be something unique in its own contexts. its how you get terms like “herculean story” and the like. Theres commonality in many things between certain kinds of people and how they go about things.
Im being a little vague in some ways - And thats because I dont really specialize in Classpecting real people. Its not particularly the point of the blog. But I obviously deep dive into all this hooplah enough to get opinions on if I think someones godtier appears accurate enough or not (this mostly with those that ask me in private, or people who im actually friends with who i could even give a genuine opinion on)
But the main issue is people boiling themselves down to just small amount of traits they have, or counting exclusively their own interests into certain things, and then deciding thats all there is.
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The aspect of light can be kinda tricky, so I dont exactly blame anyone who has difficulty deciphering what the fuck they could be even if they know they are a Light player, and they for sure seem the part at that. I personally went from Maid of Blood > Sylph of Breath > Knight of Space > Maid of Mind > Thief of Heart > Mage of Mind > (almost) Knight of Life > Mage of Light. Trust me, the classpect identity crisis is real. and part of my own was frankly me just hating the light aspect cause Vriska was my least favourite character at the time, even tho Light aspect has always unsettlingly fit me too well no matter which description of the aspect I read. I kinda just tried my damnest to get out of it.Same with mage, I for some reason had this weird distaste for the mage class for no reason at all for the longest time, likely because I knew it was actually painfully fitting given what I had read and I didnt like the call out.
The light aspect is exactly what it says on Andrew Hussies Extended Zodiac Quiz. I hate to say it (not really) but the description of a Light player is me to a T as a person, generally speaking and once this quiz came out I was just straight up called out on it (i was sent the whole description and told its me by several people lol, take with that what you will). While interests themselves can be whatever - one thing every single light player shares is the desire to Discover. They WILL love knowledge for knowledges sake, they will be fussy on the details of things that interest them. Thats stuff thats a given. Our propensity for knowledge is true. So are the facts that most light players probably will be the types of people to chose the least popular “moral” or socially acceptable thing, to possibly get the route they want for the results they might want, making us look self centered or eccentric to most around us. 
They might not always be popular, but the things they do tend to get or be to get the results they want when they are pushing for it, as they tend to be correct in their hindsight of what might produce these results. These results are usually knowledge based, or to “get the best outcome possible” in whatever situation they are in. But in a more specific manner I always have some trouble coming up with words to really describe it with. 
Its Fortune, Knowledge, Discovery - self awareness, situational awareness of things, Hindsight that others around you might not have, or noticing  the little things people miss to point A to point B. Its how bad luck and good luck play into your life.Its literal light, its enlightenment, becoming knowledgeable, etc.
what relationship do you have with Luck? Good? Bad? Do you believe in Myths and such? Like if you walk passed a black cat, do you believe somethings really going to happen to you? do you look at the cat with indifference? Do you air on both sides and take it with caution but say you dont really believe in it, but would “rather be on the safe side” or secretly worry about it inside your own head, but walk passed it anyways? Do you do this about Fae circles/Mushroom rings? Would you take the Fae memes to heart and/or be the type to say “i wouldnt fuck with that real or not”? Would break mirrors on purpose to fuck around and find out? Have you ever broken a mirror, and actually did get a streak of horrible luck thinking nothing of it at first, but now your paranoid of everything superstitious? Theres a lot more questions outside the topic of superstitious beliefs I could ask, but, how you answer things like this, as just an example, can put a more simplistic aim towards what category of class you might have as a light player.
How do these things - The aspects general focus of knowledge seeking, Fortune and misfortune, Awareness, even literal Light or the sun, having attention or spotlight on you in some fashion - play a part into your life? How does it effect the things youve done? your choices? your interests? your thoughts? Your beliefs on folktales or the like? How has Light, impacted you? How much of these focused on things seem to appear or be an occuring theme in your life and how youve grown up? Do you feel a solid connection to the obtuse and figuring things out? thinking abstractly? Or would you rather keep things obtuse and a mystery? Have you ever been on a metaphorical or literal stage for others to watch and criticize you? What part of your life thats influenced how you are now, was surrounded by these themes? when it comes to the types of attention youve been given, would say thats large part of why youd make a choice? Attention, the spotlight? - a result of treasure or a reward you wanted? Have you always breezed through things, being weirdly lucky, but never really noticed till something has jarred you out of it? Do these effects seem to weirdly always rub off on others?
For me, as a Mage, while not special for others when generalizing like this, has always been a mixed bag. Im very conflicted about the spotlight no matter how little of it that i receive, Ive been metaphorically burned before and I easily lose my spoons to be in front of others, and completely isolated myself as a result in the past. Its why this blog is pretty crazy to even have as a Mage of Light, no matter how inactive it gets sometimes cause im focusing on other things. The spotlight is not my natural forte by any means, you could say, but at the same time I crave the attention on the good things Ive done, or something Ive created to have the spotlight. I want success in my endevours and I keep trying. I have a lot of goals to accomplish. LIke comics, to help produce art for a game, to have my concept sketches used for something big some day. Maybe do something with all these ocs I have. But Im also deeply anxious about too much attention at the same time and its stopped me more times than I can count from ever putting the really big things just out there no matter how bad or good the ideas are, Im also talking both good and bad attention, as they are both very overwhelming to me personally, and you can see how that can be a massive problem that conflicts quite a lot with goals like those.
You need to allow the spotlight to be placed on you for better or for worse if you actually wanna do something big. “You need to try in order to succeed”. You have to just push stuff out sometimes to ever get anywhere, otherwise they are all just drawings and ideas in your head and dont exist.
Theres more reasons than that, obviously, that Mage of Light fits me personally. Theres small things too, things that if you were to look up Mage of Light you could easily see on the descriptions people tend to give - My eyes sensitivity to sunlight, my displeasure at getting my photos taken by others ive had since I was kid, the fact Im paranoid about sunburns even if I rarely get them ever, even my sensory issues adding hyper awareness to things im experiecing or touching, noticing things others might miss often or a lot actually, and my absolute sometimes unhealthy hyperfixations / hyper focus/attention on certain things because of my autism could be a pinpointer for me. Along with the negative unwanted attention you get, whenever your behavior or attitude is outside the “norm”.  Theres bunches more, some being even more personal I wont be putting here. But how Ive classpected myself is through a fuckton of self reflection on where these themes of the aspect seem to bend around me and my life.And while this all seems very extra, to me, its just done for fun because i AM extra and like thinking hard about these sorts of things, as is my nature to just do so.
As a mage, this means a lot of mixed signals and a lot more negative attention thats screwed me over that ive had to learn from, or a lot of situations where Id have to reconsider how I went about handling the attention Ive received in a way thats more managable for me for the future. I am, however, a pretty “stereotypical” example of what people think Light players are. By far the funniest comment is still being tiold my classoect is “Rose Lalonde, but more depressed”. Admittedly Im pretty default mode, so im not exactly the best choice of example for how each light player can still be “unique” past some commonality or outside the cookie cutter molds most people use for them. But its the best one Ive got for the sake of this topic as I only know myself and what brought me to my own conclusions.
Witches tend to invert, they think they know best about things, and they will pretend to be the opposite of the classpect in order to get what they want or before they are given full access to their Aspect. Jade Harley inverts into a Seer of Time BIG TIME, and its barely discussed in classpecting in my opinion. Witch of Light for instance, for a good portion of their lives could act like a Seer of Void, believing in anti supertitious things or having the mentality of someone who disapproves of thinking of beyond what they see as a blank slate of reality, keeping things at a stand still or “inside the void”. Maybe they have, heaven forbid, a history of certain things like Roxy or Equius do, maybe being ignorant at one point and extremely stubborn with some less than savory beliefs,“I know this thing, so no other variables are real unless I agree”, maybe being elitist or substances played some part in their lives where they intentionally blinded themselves from the truth or decided to stay ignorant until something pushed them out of it.
Heirs are the types to breeze through their aspects and let it lead them on, sometimes without noticing until later. Maybe their the types to have a really really strange amount of luck in really weird ways, and they really never noticed it till some friends pointed it out. Something like “they got struck by lightning....but they survived and won the lottery” cause the reason they were struck by lightening is cause they were somewhere they shouldn't have been during a storm that they dismissed as nothing and had picked up a random ticket on the floor. (could take this metaphorical for various situations, or literal! heirs are weird) Heirs are the opposite of a mage. So there's even less I could say about this one. It gets a bit weird when you're talking about your own inversion with the context of your actual aspect.
Theres a million different ways beyond these.
And so much you can look at for commonality, but obviously I wouldnt realistically be able to go off on EVERY SINGLE thing Ive noticed about certain types of people with these classpects or titles- Thatd be sheer insanity, and Ive already made an essay instead of just giving some musings.But you can see how someone might misinterpret even their own way these sorts of things can be bent for which.
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dreadfuldevotee · 5 months
Today, I let myself be a bit nerdy and fan-ish and listened to the ep of David Tennant's podcast that he did with Jodie Whittaker just as like, a bit of background noise and cuz I thought they'd be a fun duo (they are).
I was not! expecting to get about 10 minutes in before I had to sit on the floor and Cry a bit because Jodie casually shattered my heart into a million pieces. Not because what she said was sad itself, but it made me realize what I've been doing and the root behind something that's been sitting on my soul for the past couple of years.
I'll give you the cliff notes, cuz leading up to the sentence is like 3 different anecdotes (which is a Mood). but basically, in specific regard to persuing acting but applicable to really anything, not having some backup plan. That you are a cat with 9 lives and you should put everything into that "first life" and go after it while youre energetic and willing. If it fails- well then you tried and you've experienced something but its not the end of the world and can go off and try again with the next "life".
It was just so astounding to me! Its such a simple concept and one I've heard put in similar ways to me when I was applying for acting programs as a highschooler, but the difference is the belief and the kind of cavalier nature of it. Actors will always say "if you can imagine doing anything else go do that". Even when they're telling you it's all or nothing, they're actively trying to psych you out, or act like your world will end. And as the shakey ass, mentally ill teenager I was faltered and got so afraid. But never because I was scared of never working or it not panning out, but just so ashamed of myself- that the Thing that's Missing In Me was the cause of doubt in everyones tone. Was why all the support in my life had that deep under current of "run for the hills, get out while you can".
And so I did. I flaked out on all my acting auditions, broke down in tears infront of my voice teacher and ghosted her, never saw my acting coach again and I switched gears completely to go into costuming. Which, I should say, I do love. Its a genuine passion and anyone whos talked to me- and especially anyone who's seen me in my day to day know that I am a certified Clotheswhore™️. But also I'd go into tech on shows and get so envious, it'd bring me to tears. I'd sob through any show and just listening to cast recordings would put me in such a deep depression. I would day dream about being on the otherside of my fittings, about being the kind of actor that my friends and I thought were the "Good Ones". As much as I loved what I was doing, I was always dreaming of something else.
I think the fact that I loved it so much helped me forget that it wasn't really what I wanted, though. I said to a friend like a week ago! that I had stopped listening to show tunes because it depressed me. Which is just? so sad? I have boxes of playbills that I've collected and gotten signed and going to the theater was something I adored. I made so many friends because I was Such An Annoying Theater Kid on both here and twitter and I think that kid would be so mortified that this thing that I still love brings me such pain right now.
This is kind of a shitty revelation to be having right now tho, because I actually still have a semester left of my degree and school is already hard enough before I'd come to realization that I'm only here in this program because I severely hate myself and was too afraid to do what I actually wanted. It was so heartbreaking to me, because I had this immediate wash of "What have I done? Have I made a horrible mistake? is it all too late, did I squander my time?" Theres something to be said about classical education or just any acting education. Most everything I know is my own personal snobbery and Autistic Affliction, but I dont know what thats worth in reality.
A Lot of this can be summed up in "20 smth feels like life is over if you dont have it figured out by graduation" and ik that's silly and untrue at heart. But I felt it then at 15 the way I do now at 21- That theater is a true love of my life and that I've been in a kind of agony being away from it that I wasnt prepared for.
I dooon't know what that means or what that says about me or even what the fuck to do with this information now that its been beat across my head. The self hate is still there. I still feel a burning shame whenever I become aware of how honest I'm being about myself where other people can see. But I think I'll die unhappy if I never tried. I don't want it to be a casual thing because its never been a casual love for me. I could be so happy sewing in my freetime or only doing it as something to keep bills paid but I would want acting to consume my life. I want to take it seriously and squander all other prospects to keep fueling it.
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hoxooster · 1 year
have u ever felt burnt out from payday ? you’re a long time fan so it’s kind of crazy you’re still talking and posting abt the game to this day
Yes, actually, many times.
Like, the major catalyst for me no longer caring about Payday's lore--and I mean to the point where I didn't care about what happened in the story and I never bothered to do a deep dive into anything or even speculate anymore--was when my buddy, Wolfee, went AWOL after the first Dentist trailer dropped. He was gone for a little over 2 months, 'cause his parents took all of his tech stuff: phone, tablet, laptop, et cetera. So, I really had no one to gush about shit with for a long while.
Then OVERKILL became progressively more... OVERKILL. And I mean more like current day OVERKILL, 'cause they used to be different when Ulf was there. They had a lot of missteps where they were outright rude to their fanbase, made a lot of stupid financial decisions (thanks a lot, Bo), and have just gone in a weird direction with their game overall. PAYDAY 2 has felt... strange, ever since Ulf left, and even more so with Simon having walked away.
And, ya know, with all the damn DLC, it's been really easy to get burnt out on PAYDAY. Especially when you're one of the older fans, where you gotta see all this new, weird shit come out and just be like, "Huh?" all the damn time. It's tiring, but I'm still here.
Not gonna lie, it's mostly just 'cause I'm used to doing this. I've been PAYDAY blogging since January 28, 2014, so I've dedicated almost ten damn years of my life to these games. I have seen so much shit happen in this fandom that'd it'd take me weeks to list 'em all. I've met a few of the big players, some of the moderators and old time modders, and quite a few of the people who've made something for OVERKILL to use in their promotions and things. I know so many random tidbits about the games and the characters and the lore and the company and the fans that I'm practically an encyclopedia of knowledge for almost everything PAYDAY-related.
And through it all, the moments of distaste and distrust in OVERKILL, the loss of friends as they drifted away to other interests, the ever-shifting nature of the games into something weirder held together with spit and duct tape, the overflow of content, and the base confusion that I feel with a game I barely recognize anymore, I have remained.
I'm a dinosaur in this fandom, as has been pointed out to me many times. I have my moments where I'm a jaded, crotchety, cane shaking, old man, but I still love this game and its fandom. I may do this mostly out of routine, but another part of me does it out of thankfulness and love. PAYDAY set me on a path that allowed me to meet so many interesting people and do a lot of cool things.
It came at the right time in my life to save me, and I am forever grateful to it for that, even if I do have my issues with it. So, I shall remain here, ever faithfully cataloguing PAYDAY stuff and guiding anyone who asks me for advice. For, after all, I am the Torchbearer of this fandom. XD
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citrine-elephant · 8 months
vile thoughts:
thinking about leon vs the big baddie, but he's captured and held for ransom/used a bargaining chip against everything anti-bioterrorism.
it's early on in his captivity where, after he's weakened by the initial fight, to add insult to injury, on camera, leon's hands are stomped on.
this video is the initial "we have your agent" deal.
"meet our demands or else." the audible cracking of bones in his dominant wrist are clear. along with leon's attempts to stifle the cry.
maybe this is on call with hunnigan. maybe these people are smart and make it impossible to trace their missing dog.
later on, as the tension grows stronger, and his captors get more desperate, a heated negation attempt is made where his other arm gets the previous treatment.
his left arm gets a bit better off, being snapped further up his arm. leon still has *some* use of his fingers, but on the other hand.... not at all. it's completely fucking useless.
to imagine his arms bound behind him. the ropes don't have to be tight to surge fire up his limbs with the slightess movement. fuck, he only had a fraction of power in the useless nondominant hand, so this was nothing more than cruelty. really the true "insult to injury"
tho... having his arms tied would almost more of a relief. the less they swayed kept them from overextending.
in moments where he's not held by restraints. to have to tend to himself in his cell. he can't care for himself properly. some things aren't as much of a priority, sure, but hygiene... the shame of a man just trying to wipe his own ass with useless fucking logs keeping him disgusting and filthy and sickening...
there's wading through a sewer to save a city, then there's having your dignity taken from you for the amusement of someone else.
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