0509-brainrot · 1 year
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shake up that brain
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We mention this couple times on blog before, but we nonverbal autistic system! Both be nonverbal autistic and be a system are things we feel affect our life lots, and wanted talk about couple ways how that is, at least out of the ones we can put into words decently!
We were going make this one post, but after how long it been taking and after realize just how big topic is, decided will probably make multiple posts talk about different parts of it! This part mostly about stress.
Be nonverbal, on its own, is big stress in life and led to many stress and trauma experiences. We not born nonverbal, for clarify, so cannot and will not speak for that experience. Our nonverbalness come from regression cause by autism catatonia. Can only speak for ourselves and what we experience.
Like say, there lot of stress that come with nonverbalness, for us. We dependent on AAC to communicate anything, and even then there many times when unable communicate even with AAC. Even when do communicate, our needs often ignored anyway. We been mistreated by others with nothing able do about it. We been rejected from lot of medical support due to unable accommodate nonverbality, and been hurt lot in medical settings because can’t communicate pain.
All that put lot of extra stress on system. We already dissociated lot before, but with add stress dissociation only got worse (which does not help with communication problems). In public, we always either target of negative attention or complete ignored, and both so hard to handle. It taken huge toll on system, but we try best to get through days.
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miutonium · 2 months
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Commission for @cryingchemicals 💗💗💗
Aahhhh I'm so happy I get to paint Utonium again and wahsgwkahqka I'm just so happy that there's other Utonium Shippers out there waghhhhh 😭😭😭😭💗💗💗 thank you so much for trusting me with ur ship 🥺🥺🥺💗
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strawmyberry · 1 year
aaa omg i absolutely loved your headcanons they are so cute!! 💗 also im tumblr is being mean 😭 i hope everything gets fixed soon <33
aa do you think you could maybe write something with kenny?? lee or ler is fine, anything you want!! your hcs for him are just so adorable i can't choose which side i like more 😭 i honestly am just looking forward to anything you have planned <3 tysm!! i hope you have a good day! 💗💗
aaaa!!! toast you are the sweetest 🥹 thank you so much for all the love and support!! it truly means the world! im so sorry this took so long!!! i hope it’s at least a little bit worth it- im still trying to get into the swing of things- so im sorry if it isn’t the best! also it has a super long intro sorry sorry sorry!! i hope you guys enjoy!!! (first fic yayyyy!!!)
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
Swallow Your Pride!
Lee Kenny / Ler Stan and Kyle
Word Count: 3,038
With Cartman in Nebraska for the first few weeks of summer, Stan and Kyle think a celebration is in order! Kenny is a bit iffy on the idea; but every problem can be solved with just a little bit of friendly persuasion!
“Oh shit, dude. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
That day had started like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and even though it was summer, the snow kept snowing. Softer than it normally would, sure, but the snow was a bit of a damper on the Teen Beach Movie summer that Stan had secretly been yearning for. 
It wasn’t hard to believe that Stan expected today to go like it typically would: a casual hang-out, at his house, with his friends, the four of them having a fun little Mortal Kombat: Onslaught tournament. 
“No! No, really, I am! It’s not gonna be the same without you, man. How long are you gonna be there for?” 
But it seemed like fate had other plans today. With his phone held against his ear, Stan would pace around his living room as he spoke. Kyle sat criss-cross-applesauce on the floor while Kenny laid on his side behind him, resting his head comfortably on one of Stan’s throw pillows. They were (not so) patiently awaiting Cartman’s arrival. They wanted to start kicking some ass already!
Every now and then Kyle would manage to make eye contact with Stan, shooting him a look that could only be described as a mixture of irritation and confusion. “Where the fuck is he? What’s taking so long?” He’d whisper, crossing his arms tight against his chest as Stan held up his “give me a second” finger. He’d grumble a bit at that, adding an eye roll to the mix. They could’ve started thirty minutes ago if Cartman came when he was supposed to! 
“Yeah.” Stan would pause, nodding his head. He’d turn, his eyes bouncing between Kyle and Kenny. “No, don’t worry. I’ll tell them.” He’d say, turning back around as he’d begin pacing a bit more. That seemed to peek Kyle’s attention even more, now turning to Kenny with a raised brow. 
“What do you think they’re talking about? What excuse is Cartman gonna try to pull this time?” He’d ask, trying his hardest to keep his volume low. He had never really been the best whisperer. 
“I don’t know..” Kenny would shrug, getting up from his comfortable laying position to be able to hear better. 
“Maybe he died.” Kyle would joke, letting out an overdramatic sigh. “That would be fucking awesome, wouldn’t it?” He’d add, cupping his hands together in a wistful Disney princess pose. 
Kenny couldn’t help but let a few giggles slip at Kyle’s dramatics, beginning to tighten his parka. Kyle would start softly chuckling to himself as a result of Kenny’s infectious laugh, being quick to shush Kenny while still staring at Stan intently. “Shhh! Duhude, shut up! I can’t hear!” He’d whisper through his own giggles, batting his hand at him. 
“I hear you. Okay. Yeah. I’ll let them know.” Stan would stop his pacing, now beginning to walk himself back to the center of the living room. Kyle’s giggles slowly faded as he analyzed Stan’s facial expression. He looked…upset. Shit. Did something genuinely happen? He was only joking about Cartman dying-!
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later. Bye, dude.” 
Stan would wait for the click, shifting his eyes from his phone to the two curious boys sitting in front of him. He looked…sad. The somber expression on his face scaring away the playful atmosphere that had once graced the room. Kyle couldn’t help but hesitate before asking his next question. 
“…What happened?”
Stan would blink at that question, staring at his phone again before slowly sliding it into his pocket. “Kyle…it’s Cartman…” Stan would start, his tone heavy and serious. Oh god. Kyle would begin mentally preparing himself. He prayed to God that Stan wouldn’t start crying. He couldn’t handle Stan crying. But, after a split second, it was apparent he wouldn’t have to worry about that at all.
“Cartman’s gone for two weeks!” 
The mood in the room completely changed. Stan’s face completely changed. The frown on his face turned itself around real quick, now replaced with one of the most vibrant smiles Kyle had ever seen. Dramatic asshole. That was his first thought. After he had comprehended what Stan said though, he had a completely different thought. 
“You’re shitting me!”
“I’m not! I’m not shitting you!” 
“You’re not shitting him?”
“No! No, I’m not! Cartman’s-“
“-going to Nebraska-“ 
“No way!” 
“-to see his family! For two weeks!” 
“Thank you, GOD!” Kyle would cheer, jumping up from the floor. “Dude we gotta- we gotta do something!” Kyle could hardly contain himself as he celebrated. Deep down, he wanted to burst out into song. ‘The Witch Is Dead’ sounded like a pretty good option at the moment. And he wasn’t the only one pumped up either! Kenny was bouncing on his toes with excitement! They had prayed for this day for so long- and it was finally happening! 
“We need to celebrate!” Stan would exclaim. “Uh- shit! What should we do? It has to be something special.” He’d begin pacing around the room again, only this time; he was joined by Kyle and Kenny. 
“We should go get food!” Kyle would suggest. 
“Yeah! Let’s get food!” Kenny would second. Sure, you couldn’t see the smile on his face because of his parka; but you could pretty much hear it! 
“Okay! Food!” Stan would agree. Perfect! This was going great! “It’s settled then! We’re getting food!” He’d announce, the real question settling in as the words left his mouth. “…Uh. Where are we going to get food?” Oh. Yeah. They hadn’t really thought about that. Huh. The three boys would exchange looks, waiting for one of the other two to offer up an idea. 
“Bennigan’s!” Kyle would confidently propose, an accomplished smile on his face. “We never go to Bennigan’s! Let’s do something new and go to Bennigan’s!” 
Stan’s jaw would drop, nodding his head. “Dude! You’re a GENIUS! Hell yeah, let’s go to Bennigan’s!” With that settled Stan would rush over to the door, Kyle following closely behind. The two were so eager, they wouldn’t even notice how Kenny wasn’t following after them. 
“I can post it on TikTok- so he knows how much fun we’re having without him!” Kyle would smirk. He had always dreamed of this moment. He could only imagine how red his stupid, smug face would get after seeing how not-in-shambles they were without him there. 
“Dude. Perfect! This is gonna be sick!” Stan couldn't help but smile as he opened the front door. He’d turn, now noticing how Kenny was still in the same place that he was ten seconds prior. Maybe he hadn’t heard them the first time? “C’mon, Kenny! We’re going to Bennigan’s!” He’d call, beginning to make his way out the door.
“You guys go without me- have fun!”
Well- that wasn't what they expected. Stan would walk back into the house, Kyle following. He’d close and lock the door, a frown forming on his face as he walked toward Kenny. “But...you have to come! It won't be a celebration without you!” He’d insist. 
“Yeah! ...Do you not like Bennigan’s?” Kyle would ask, trying to offer up solutions. “We can go someplace else if you don't wanna go to Bennigan’s!” 
“No…Bennigan’s isn’t the problem.” Kenny loved the sound of going to Bennigan’s. Sitting and eating with his friends sounded like so much fun. But…he didn’t think he could afford that right now. It sucked that he had to turn the offer down, but it was much better than the alternative-
“Kenny…you know we could pay for-“
“No.” Kenny would deny Kyle’s offer before he even got the full thing out. It wouldn’t be the first time this exact scenario had played out; and every single time Kenny agreed to let them pay for him, he’d get home and have to deal with the guilt of it all. He didn’t wanna deal with that today! 
“Dude, it’s really not a big deal. Kyle and I can split-“
“I don’t want you to pay for me.” Throwing himself down onto Stan’s couch, he’d cross his arms. He wasn’t going to budge on his one. “Just go. Have fun!” Grabbing the drawstrings on his parka, he’d pull it shut, signaling that he was done talking. Conversation over. 
“But, Kenny…Kenny, we really want you to-!” Kyle would start to say, only to get cut off by a hand being placed on his shoulder. He’d turn to Stan to give him another look; just to be met with a completely different look staring right back at him. 
They’d stare at each other for a few minutes, not a word leaving their lips before Kyle finally broke the silence. “…Gotcha’.”
“Kenny…” Stan would start, glancing at Kyle every now and then to make sure he was getting into position. “We really want you to come.” He’d say, sitting down on Kenny’s left. He’d wait for Kyle to sit down on his right before continuing. 
“Surely, there must be some way we could-“ Snaking his hand around, he’d loop his hands under both of Kenny’s arms, turning him counterclockwise. “Twist your arm on this?” With that line dropped, he’d give Kyle a wink. His silent way of saying “He’s all yours.” 
Kenny would let out a surprised yelp at being grabbed, taking a second to truly comprehend the predicament he was in. He’d try to open his mouth to bargain, or beg, or something that could save him- but Kyle wasted no time. All he managed to get out was a startled, “Wait- please don’t!” before Kyle began digging his finger into his sides. A squeal would be ripped from his throat as he immediately began to thrash from side to side.
“Guhuhuys! Stohohop ihihit!!” He’d giggle, a bit embarrassed by how easily it was to make him laugh. He’d thrash around in Stan’s hold, kicking his legs in an attempt to break free.
“Don’t kick me, Kenny! I’ll make it, like, ten times worse!” Kyle would teasingly threaten, squeezing both of his sides one at a time. Like a little pattern! “You know, I’ll stop tickling you if you come to Bennigan’s with us!” 
“Mm-mhmhmhmhm!!! I dohohon’t wahahanna!!” Kenny would frantically shake his head, throwing himself to and fro as he laughed. He’d clench his hands into fists, yanking himself forward. But it seemed whenever Kenny thought he got the tiniest bit of leverage- Stan would just tighten his grip. 
“Kenny, c’mon! Kyle’s being so nice to you right now!” Stan would remark, speaking from experience. Actually, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous. Why couldn’t he go that easy on him? “Don’t you want to quit while you’re ahead? He’s being super merciful.”
“Stan. Don’t backseat drive, dude. If you think you could do better, we could just switch-“ Kyle would scoff, although it was easy to tell he wasn't as offended as his words made him sound. “If you don't trust my tickling abilities, that’s fine-” He’d grumble, sneaking his fingers under Kenny’s parka. He’d walk his fingers up and down his sides, making Kenny squeak from the sudden switch-up.
“No! No no- I get what you're doing- building suspense! I'm down for it, 100%. I'm just... bargaining with him! Tactics. You know?” Stan would quickly change his tune, nodding in agreement.
“Chrihihist!! Thihis ihis sohoho duhuhumb!!” Kenny would whine through his giggles, throwing his head back in annoyance. “I sahaid I dohon’t wahahanna gohoho! Stohohop ihit alreheheady!”
“But you do wanna go Kenny, that’s the problem!” Kyle would insist. “We know you wanna come- make things easier for yourself! We don’t mind paying, just swallow your pride and have lunch with us!”
“Nohohoho!!!” Kenny would squeal as Kyle started poking at his ribs. He’d jerk even harder, still being trapped between the couch and his two friends. “I dohohon’t wahahanna gohoho anywhehere wihihith yohohou dihihickheheads!”
Kyle would gasp in feigned horror and offense, halting the tickling momentarily; whereas Stan would just blink in confusion. “Where did you get dickheads from? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call us dickheads before-“
“Dickheads! He called us dickheads, Stan!” Kyle would shout, a stunned expression on his face. “We can’t let him get away with that, right? He called us dickheads!” Kyle would repeat yet again, just in case the word went totally unnoticed. “Say sorry, Kenny! Say you didn’t mean to call us dickheads!”
Kenny would visibly weigh out his options as his sat there, Stan’s arms still holding his tight while Kyle’s hands laid flat on his ribs. Sure, the logical choice would be to just concede and chalk it up to a slip of the tongue. But…Kenny just wasn’t in the mood for that. “…No!” He’d confidently exclaim after a couple of beats. “You guys are dickheads and I don’t wanna go to Bennigan’s!”
“No? Fine! Suit yourself, dude. Stan, can you focus up there?” Kyle would ask, removing his fingers from Kenny’s parka. He’d crack both his knuckles, watching as Stan grabbed both of Kenny’s wrists with his left hand before beginning to hold them above his head. “You wanna be an asshole? Fine then, be an asshole!”
Kenny would giggle in anticipation, pulling at his arms, hoping for some miracle surge of strength that would let him pull his arms down. But it seemed like his luck really wasn’t there today, since no miracle surge would ever appear. He’d squeeze his eyes shut, bracing himself as he got ready for the countdown. They would have to do a countdown, right?
Wrong. Kenny was very wrong. Stan and Kyle would have some prolonged eye contact for a little bit, communicating when to start. About five seconds after Kenny closed his eyes was what they settled on. Kyle would give Stan a moment to go first, nodding his head as Stan abruptly began scribbling his fingers into Kenny’s armpits.
“WAHAhahait! Stahahan!” Kenny would jump from the sudden attack, a peel of laughter pouring out. “Hehehey, nohoho fahahair! It’s two agahahaisnt ohoneEE-“ Kenny would start to complain, not really expecting Kyle to actually go for the kill. Sure, he said he would…maybe he should’ve known better than to doubt him. But doubt him he did, so he was nowhere near prepared when Kyle dove into his hips.
“SHIHIHIHIT!” Kenny would jolt, letting out a noise that could only be described as the scream of a man who was being brutally murdered. And, for this situation? Pretty valid. “NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” He’d cackle, practically screaming with laughter at this point. Very fitting. He’d flail his legs, trying his hardest to get one good kick in- just for a little bit of leeway. Even if it meant he had to roll off the couch, he’d take anything at this point.
“Aw, damn it…” Stan would let out a very fake sigh of disappointment, tsking as he shook his head. “I’m sorry to do this to ya’, Kenny…but I can’t understand you. Like. At all.” He’d say, pouting his lips. Just for the dramatics of it all! “I’m normally fluent in Kenny! I don’t know what happened…” He’d sigh yet again, going agonizingly slow with his portion of the tickling. “…Kyle? Do you know what he said? It’s really bumming me out…”
“Oh, Yeah! Don’t worry dude, I got you!” Kyle would nod with a bright smile, immediately going along with Stan’s little bit. “He said “Please keep tickling me Stan and Kyle! I love being tickled allll over! It’s just soooo much fun! That’s the real reason why I’m being such a dick to you guys! I just loveee being tickled!” Thank you for being so honest with us, Kenny! You should’ve just asked sooner!”
“Ohhhh, I gotcha!” Stan would nod, speeding up his fingers. “Yeah, you should’ve just said so sooner, Kenny! We could keep doing this all day! Oh- actually- that just gave me an idea! Let’s do this instead! We don’t need Bennigan’s, let’s just tickle Kenny alll day long!” Jesus fucking Christ on a bike, Kenny felt like he was going to turn into a fucking tomato. With how red he was, there wouldn’t be that much of a difference. Kenny wanted to keep on a brave face, just let them have their fun until the eventually got tuckered out. But upon hearing Stan’s new “brilliant” idea, Kenny couldn’t help but worry that they actually would put that plan into motion. He couldn’t handle that. Actually, he couldn’t really handle this.
Kenny would wave his verbal white flag of surrender in the air, and it would only take milliseconds for both Stan and Kyle to stop tickling, remove their hands, and let him go. He could’ve sworn he saw the two fist-bump as they did, but he was so out of breath, maybe he hallucinated it? He probably didn’t, but he wouldn’t point it out. Just in case.
“Great! Don’t bring your wallet, ‘whole thing is on us!” Stan would casually say, making his way to the door yet again. Kenny wasn’t able to fight the look of utter confusion on his face. The two acted like nothing had just happened, like they didn’t almost kill him a few seconds ago. How the hell-?
“We’re really happy you’re coming, Kenny..” Kyle would say, staying behind for a bit as Stan walked out the door. “You can catch your breath- but don’t take too long! Stan and I are gonna wait for you outside, and we’re not going without you!” And just like that, they were gone. Like nothing had happened. Kenny would be left on the couch; feeling breathless, confused, and kind of…grateful?
They really wanted him to go that bad? He thought he was just being a burden, but they went through all that trouble convincing him- just so he would come? That meant something, didn’t it? Maybe they had a weird way of showing it; but that meant they cared, didn’t it? It had to, right? Words couldn’t really describe how he felt at the moment. In fact, only two words would be able to leave him mouth; let alone come to mind at all.
“‘Fucking dickheads…”
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luvuomi · 1 month
felt really nice to play with my friend on genshin again after so many years🥹 really brought me some nostalgia
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yaoicoreren · 1 year
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muzzleroars · 11 months
Heyo it's the anon with the long ultrakill dream! Be prepared as it's a bit of a doozy.
The dream starts off with me playing as V1 in first person, and V1 is in the fuckin 5-2 ocean styx level. I perform a slam storage and essentially backwards long jump into a half-buried (or flooded rather) apartment complex that was off to the right, crashing through a window and apparently interrupting a pottery class for a bunch of enemies?? Like there were a few strays and soldiers and one or two filth. I put away my weapons as an apology for interrupting and actually end up joining the class in making a vase. I see an old vase that is detailed with greens and flowers with intricate details and patterns, and I recognise it as nearly identical to a vase I'd seen before. It is at this point that I am forcibly ejected from V1 and they are acting on their own, and I get to see them in third person. They gently take it down from the shelf, and gesture towards it to the instructor. The instructor tells them that that vase is from one of their first classes ever and that the person it belongs to has continued on their journey. Then as V1 stares at the vase a flashback occurs.
Introduced by a crack of thunder in pouring rain, there was V1, out of fuel and nearly fully shut down (I remember there being a hud warning of extensive damage and low fuel), tired and beat the fuck up, essentially dragging themselves into a rather small and stocked shed, where they took a big long "nap" (I'm pretty sure they shut down for a while). Whilst they "napped", the owner of the shed returned, quite possibly the last human left alive. She was an old robotics inventor, having white hair but lots of energy and strength, enough so that she could realise what V1 was, and how to help. She quickly slit her hand in order to give V1 some blood, some fuel.
V1 awoke in a snap, and immediately tried to scramble away from her, thinking that she was gonna kill them, that she was an enemy. They tried to reach for really any weaponry but there was none nearby since this just was an ordinary, but small, shed. The old lady then reached out a hand towards V1 as they panicked, the one she had slit, to show that she was friendly. V1 took it in order to get up and was shown to be around the same height as the old lady, maybe a smidge taller due to her being permanently hunched over? Anyways, the old lady took them in, and I was shown a montage of them growing close; her helping to repair V1 of all the damages they have, V1 helping to get something down from a shelf for her, I think they played mahjong at some point? just generally domestic bliss type deal all set in an old person's home, them both becoming close friends and just. being happy.
Unfortunately that didn't last too long (I have no idea how long, my dream didn't show), as a different machine crashes in through the window, clearly looking to loot the place. I'm gonna be real, I don't fully remember what this guy looks like, the closest thing I could say it looks like would be like a swordmachine but it doesn't have a sword and that large pillar of a head. A fight breaks out between it and V1, who was downstairs washing dishes at the time, and it's mostly just a punchout that V1 is winning. They do end up breaking a very nice looking table by slamming the intruder over it, which wakes up the old lady, who comes down to investigate with an old bullet-based shotgun. The intruder lunges for her, only really seeing her as a source of fuel rather than.. anything else. It ends up punching its arm through the old lady, but that doesn't matter as V1 immediately wrecks it, smashing in its skull with their foot, sending sparks everywhere. V1 then holds the old lady in their arms as she's dying, telling them how good they were, how glad she was to meet them. V1 just hugs her and brings her closer in order to say goodbye, looking lost and clearly very upset. It then smash cuts to her grave (the text on it was just squiggles to me) with V1 standing in front of it, it was very blue and raining hard so I'm pretty sure it was storming again. They drop a small bouquet made out of wildflowers onto her grave, clearly unsure on how to feel but definitely repressing most emotion. Then it transitions to V1 outside an old abandoned building, who crashes in through the door, using the shotgun the old lady used to brutally murder a bunch of other machines until it ran out of ammo, wherein they tossed the gun and opted to punch out the 2 of them left whilst getting decently hurt in the process, and thusly made their way through to the entrance way to hell we see in the intro.
Then it transitions back to them holding the vase, so tightly in fact, it cracks a little, which causes them to freak out a little cartoon style, and put it gently back where they found it, giving it one final look back before closing the door to the cabinet it was in, which is where the dream ends.
Fun little tidbit, since the old lady never got a name in the dream, after much deliberation, I decided to name her Eve :)
GUUAHHH....ANON THIS IS SO SWEET AND SO SAD.....it makes me think about how i like to imagine v1 did harbor some positive emotion for the mechanics that saw to its maintenance in its testing phase - it isn't too fond of the ones who made it, the people that would pull it apart or scramble its code, but the people that only ever repaired its damage? it liked them in what limited way it could then (and knowing humans, how attached they get to little robots, they had affection for it too) AND SO....thinking of it finding someone like that as the world has nearly collapsed...even if the time was relatively brief...i know it would remember that person somewhere. and i also am deeply fascinated by v1 finding people it knew in its journey through hell - in that comic i made of violence, i actually considered adding in an extra page that showed the husks repairing some little damage that v1 couldn't heal. it has recognition in it, and i'm just gonna CRY thinking about it holding that little vase ;o; this just very much makes me think about how everyone in this world has lost something, that the end of the world is the end of everything for everyone...even the machines, nothing can outlive it. this was so good anon thank you for sharing it with me...i wonder if v1 will find eve ever again....ooughguhghghgkhjj
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mochinon-yah · 3 months
To somebody who suddenly reblogged that old ayato's art ☺️:
Jess... no... I thought... i thought you weren't interested in the drawing- I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE A SIMPLE 'LIKE' FROM YOUR PART 😭😭😭
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ask-north · 1 year
( @breed-station ) Indigo @ North: "Hello Child, well do tell, what is that kind of 'gift' you talked about? Is it about that little spirit you carry with you?"
[In reference to this post]
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North: What's a gift?
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North: After you agree...
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North: Sometimes I hear them talking but I never know which way the voices are coming from... It's really scary when it's dark.
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North: Hehe. Uh, yeah, that's just what my parents told me about gifts... I don't understand a lot of it myself. North: If you want to know more about familiars and where they come from you'll have to wait to meet my parents... or you can ask Polaris. I'm sure she knows something. I'll try to tell you anything she does share. North: But, when I learn more I can share it with all of you! I've only had my gift for a while... I'm still getting used to it, My parents have had their gifts wayyyyyy longer!.
✧ Feel free to ask more questions here!
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novuit · 1 year
Sorry I'm aliveeeee. I spent too much time thinking and not enough drawing :')
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dervampireprince · 1 year
Hi Prince. I just listened to one of your Erik audios for the first time and it's gotten me interested in The Phantom of The Opera now. What would you suggest watching as a first introduction to it?
oooo okay okay okay okay. so. you'll quickly realise how much of a nerd i am for phantom, look, i had a whole two years where this was all i was drawing and thinking about and making up my own aus and comics and just. a lot.
if you want a musical watch the 2011 live concert 25th anniversary performance, it's not exactly the same staging as if you saw it on the west end of broadway, but it's pretty close and it's professionally filmed and it's a good easy way to get into the musical. if you're not bothered about something pretty i'd recommend any recording with ethan freeman as the phantom, that man makes me sob. i know a lot of people got into the musical via the 2004 film adaption but... but, i don't be upset if you love the film, it's not a great film and it's not sung the best. so i'd always recommend watching a live version of the musical over the movie version.
now if you want something non musical well i first have to recommend the actual original novel. it's wonderful and it's one of the few places you can actually find the character of the daroga, who is almost always cut out of every single phantom of the opera adaption, which is not a good luck when he's the only poc in the book. and he deserves to be included for being the only man who can cope with putting up with any of erik's bullshit, like can you imagine having erik as a friend, this man deserves a medal. the andrew lloyd webber musical cuts out entire characters, rearranges the plot, and makes up a backstory for erik which is taken from 'phantom' by susan kay, a novel that is basically published fanfiction, but in the novel and older stagings of the musical erik's backstory wasn't explained and i think it's better that way.
and if you're wanting something to watch that's not a musical, there are many film and tv adaptions. the 1990 miniseries with charles dance as erik is so sweet omg, it's the nicest like morally good version of erik, i want to just hold him, he's often called "cherik" by the fandom (mashing up charles + erik) and he's just a sweet little baby.
another movie that's an adaption of phantom even if you didn't know it? a monster in paris! it's cute, it's animated, it's a musical, i wanna take Francœur home and look after him.
other movies? there's a lot. i'd stay clear of a few in particular because they're... either really bad or way too trigger warning inducing (i'm talking about you rat phantom), there's the original (well the first ever phantom film was actually before this, but it's lost media) 1925 black and white phantom with lon chaney, that's one of the most book accurate but not really because once again, no daroga... or well sort of daroga, but not really. but there's so many movies and i haven't seen most of them so i can't really say which ones are good or not. the most known ones are the 1925, 1943, 1962 and 1989. however there is also The Phantom of the Paradise, which is a rock opera horror musical movie with the very talented Brian de Palma as director, very cult 70s film.
did you know there's other musical adaptions other than andrew lloyd webbers? he actually made his musical because he say ken hill's phantom of the opera musical on stage and wanted to make his own. the next popular after alw's would be Phantom by yeston and kopit, there are some beautiful japanese productions by takarazuka of that musical (an all female acting troupe where yes the male characters are played by women).
don't watch love never dies. don't. it's. webber's bad fanfiction of 'what if erik and christine banged during the original musical and what if i ruined the personality and character and agency of all the female characters, but also made raoul just horrible because i ship erikstine 4ever and also i can definitely do basic addition and the 1910s definitely take place 10 years after the 1880s"... sorry if you like love never dies, you're a braver soul than i.
if you can find a copy of it, the 1980s manga adaption that i was lucky enough to find a copy of on yahoo actions jp a few years ago is beautifully illustrated. as is like every japanese publication of the book, which they also have published it multiple times as a children's book?? well the illustrations are pretty.
and if you like metal you might wanna listed to nightwish's cover of 'the phantom of the opera' from webber's musical.
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
rereading a fic (bc i'm trying to typeset it so i can print it before my parents come back from their trip) and UGH it's so good
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retracexcviii · 2 years
Sunday Moon
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Hello there dear fellows and Luna lovers, Sunday is back.
Don't edit this drawing and don't post it anywhere.
One more week, one more Luna. In this case is Luna, ~the octoling of the blue moon~. This is a crossover I had in my mind for a long time since I first played Splatoon years ago. Recently, I found an artist with this awesome style that remind me to the game art so I ask them to make this comm for me.
You can find their profile @/vetrelex on Instagram.
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cozybearz · 5 months
i hate clothes shopping bc im rlly picky for a lot of reasons (mostly sensory stuff, ethical concerns, price, and personal taste which all collaborates to make picking stuff rlly hard dhdhd) and its generally stressful, and i have a habit of thrifting stuff thats too big for me bc its often all i can find in styles i like, but right now im actually rlly glad i got some too-big for me pants in the past couple years bc now a lot of them fit just right so i dont have like, an imminent pants buying emergency
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lovelenivy · 2 years
currently fighting the urge to change my tumblr username for the first time in years all bc i just changed my twitch and tiktok ones
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kyaruun · 1 year
Hiiiiii nyaaaaaaaa I was wondering if you knew like uh if I wanna do computer programming I'd apply for compsci??? Though they're different I see lots of schools have compsci but there are No Schools with computer programming so I was wondering if. You know if they lump them together a lot of times
<- looking at schools,,,
disclaimer: i am spanish and we have a completely different educational system than the US but i hope my experience might serve a bit! also forgive me for (probably) using the wrong terms for everything </3
i assume with computer programming you mean only programming. coding. idk how things are over there but as far as i know STEM students usually get some programming done at a basic level in their first year(s) but if you want to learn programming in a more "professional" sense you need to do computer science. welp my degree is called computer engineering but i think it's the same? similar? i hope it is
i don't think there is a programming only school because it's one of many skills you're supposed to get in the field. everyone can program. i promise there are a lot of tutorials online that do a much better work at teaching programming than many uni classes!! i know math students that have taken like 2.5 subjects on programming and do things A LOT better than half of my classmates
the thing with computer science is you need a lot more skills that just coding. maths, for starters (which i suck at lol) if you wanna understand algorithms or do anything in the AI or machine learning field. it really depends on what you'd like to do afterwards because most of the time you will end up coding some way or another. but it's sprinkled with some more stuff in between ^^
like yeah 99% of the time people associate cs with coding and just coding and as the local 4th year computer engineering student i can definitely say coding isn't everything. the first years are more code heavy because you needed to get used to the basics. but then there is documentation (class diagrams, use cases, etc.), there's everything related to requirements gathering (user stories, interviews, a bazillion documents where you need to find out what a client might want for their app), ui/ux design, project management (which is an area you might enjoy!! pretty much organazing a team and making sure everything is up to date and everyone is working) and a loooot more stuff. i can only talk from my own experience as a student focusing on software development
tldr: if you're only interested in programming mayyybe you should read into those compsci schools, see what they're offering and think if that's something you like! if you like coding enough to make an actual job out of it you might want to a) do computer science or something like that or b) learn on your own but in a deeper level. by this i mean there are many tutorials online that only go through the very basics and there are some really interesting/useful topics they don't cover or might be needed for professional work
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