#Kurapkia Kurta
narrators-journal · 10 months
Which physical traits would hxh adult trio, and fetain, and main four (grown up, and if you can add them) like on their S/O?
I, straight up cannot think of shit in the way of strict details. So, I hope these answer well enough. I hope you enjoy, and thank you for being so patient with the answer to this.
Illumi Zoldyck
Out of everyon on this list, Illumi would have the strictest expectations for his future wife. Strong nen abilities are at the top of that list, but on a purely physical level, Illumi’d prefer a soft, feminine figure. Breeding is at the top of his priorities as Killua has shown no interest in letting them near any future children and Illumi’s the eldest. Meaning, wide, healthy hips and a full chest would be his top priority. Likely with a taste for darker, longer hair, he all around prefers his wifely options to be feminine in personality and body.
Chrollo Lucifer
On the opposite end of the spectrum, Chrollo likely cares the least about the physical appearance of his partners. He prefers to prioritize less shallow things, like a brilliant and cunning mind, a selfless streak, good heart, or useful abilities of any sort. But, as someone who grew up in a rougher area, I do feel like he’d be attracted to stable bodies. No one too flashy, but someone with a bit of weight to prove they’re able to take good care of themselves, a sign of financial security, who might have a bit of muscle and can handle themselves.
Hisoka Morrow
Hisoka, meanwhile, is neither picky, nor carefree about what his partner looks like. He doesn’t care for gender, or about chisled, defined muscles or height. Yet, his dream partner is someone with a fair share of muscle on their body. He wants a powerful lover, so he wants someone who takes good care of their body. Toned is the best description for the physical traits he looks for. He wants to see abs and powerful muscles when his partner flexes. He wants them sturdy, and able to take a hit, no toothpick elves for him. Those types are fun, as are the curvascious femmes and top heavy doritos, but he wants a well rounded lover. Strong legs, a tight torso, and powerful arms.
Feitan is a sadist, he’s not picky so long as his sadism is met. That being said, his crème de la crème of physical looks is someone on the softer side. Not weak and pathetic, he does enjoy a fight to really fuel the sadism. But, someone with plenty of body to bite, cut, and dig into. The extra weight, in his head, ensures he can cut just a little deeper. Bruise a little darker with less fear of damaging the internals too bad. Is that mindset true? I dunno, but he’d probably think that way.
Leorio Paradinight
Leorio is the hardest one here to guess on what type he’d like. He cares the least about physical looks, he only wants a smart, ambitious partner who knows what they want and is striving to get it. He wants someone on an even footing with him in his goal to become a doctor. Weight, height, hair color, skin color, nothing like that matters to him. Have a good personality and the drive to chase your dreams into reality, and he’s smitten.
Kurapika Kurta
Like Leorio, Kurapika looks more into personality and morals then physical looks. Yet, unlike Leorio, he does have a favorite in terms of looks. If he had it his way, he seems like he’d like a partner with lighter, longer hair. He would like a softer partner, no one out and about to cause trouble, a softer place to turn to when he struggles or faces down a challenging mission for the hunters.
Gon gave no shits about physical looks in childhood, he has zero care for it in his adulthood. He just wants someone able to keep up with him and match his energy. So, someone with an active, leaner body, with muscles and stamina and low maintenance hair. He’s an active man, running around exploring and fighting, he’d like someone who can match that without caring for long hair or a few scrapes.
Killua Zoldyck
Killua gives no thought to appearance out of spite. His family claims to not be snooty on appearance, but they have high expectations for any of their kids’ partners, so Killua refuses to look at such shallow details. Chubby? Muscular? Tall? Thin? He doesn’t care. So long as his partner isn’t vain and annoying, he couldn’t care less. Save for the small things, like him not particularly liking dark haired partners due to how they look too similar to his family. It’s not like he particularly wants kids though, so he has no reason to worry about them ‘fitting in’ with his family.
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fredzina · 2 years
I'm sorry I'm just so excited hxh is back omfg
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kywaslost · 3 years
Platonic Killua x Reader Storm Comfort
A/N: Guess who’s back!! So much has been going on that I haven’t had time to write or post anything. This is my first hxh post so please be nice!
Warnings: fear of storms
Requests are open!!
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“Y/N? Where are you?” Killua was walking around the house, looking for you. It was storming outside and he wanted to go skateboarding with you. He had already checked the kitchen, dining room, and living room. He had even asked the others if they had seen you.
“Last time I saw her was before it started raining,” Kurapika answered. “She said that she was going to go take a nap.” Killua took off up the stairs and to your bedroom door. He hesitated, trying to decide whether he should knock or just barge in. Eventually he did both, knocking and then slowly opening the door.
“Y/N?” Killua walked over to the side of your bed, perring over you. “Hey, wake up! Want to go skateboarding with me?” When you didn’t give him an answer, Killua frowned. He whined, “Y/N! Come skateboard with me!” He shook your shoulder and then pulled you to face him. What he wasn’t expecting was to see you wide awake and with a tear stained face.
You met his eyes for a brief moment and he could see how scared you were. “Killua?”
“Why are you crying?” he asked. “What happened?” Thunder boomed through the sky, causing you to jump and pull your blanket around yourself tighter. Then it dawned on the boy that you were afraid of the storm.
“Killua, stay. Please,” you whimpered. He nodded, crawling across the foot of your bed and over beside you.
“Can I do anything?” he asked quietly. “Do you want me to get you something to eat? Or, I can find something for us to do.”
Without saying anything, you lean into Killua and curl into his side under his arm. “No, don’t leave.”
“But you weren’t down for lunch, and I don’t believe that you had breakfast either,” Killua comments. “Please let me get you something. I won’t be gone for long.” Looking around the room, the white-haired boy noticed the stuffed (fav. animal) he had given you just a few months ago. He saw it while in Yorknew city with Gon and immediately thought of you. He picked it up off of your desk and brought it back to you.
“Here, hold this while I’m gone, ok? I promise I’ll be as quick as I can.” You finally gave in as you took the stuffed animal from your friend’s hands. If it weren’t for the fact that you were scared out of your mind, you would have smiled at the look on KIllua’s face once he knew you’d let him go.
Staying true to his word, Killua returned not even 3 minutes later with a bowl of fruit. “I didn’t want to take too long, so I just brought you this. Kurapika said he’d make you something better once he finishes the chapter he’s on.” The boy climbed back onto the bed with you, handing you the bowl. You settled back into his side, nibbling at a strawberry.
“Thank you for staying with me, Killua,” you sighed. “I know I shouldn’t be scared, but I can’t help it.”
Killua gave you a small smack on the side of the head. “Baka, everyone’s afraid of something. Don’t worry about it.”
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