#Kogoro x Eri
romancemedia · 6 months
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Detective Conan couples sharing a moment + Reactions
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detectiveconan-polls · 8 months
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cone-enjoyer · 2 years
I have so many dcmk crossover ideas but i am absolute dogshit at writing and grammar
So i'll just say them here and other people can bask in the glory of my good ideas (like 90% of these ideas are kaito centric lol)
Dcmk x ace attorney
Kaito and trucy are cool online magician friends
Eri has a court case against pheonix wright, Ran Conan and Kogoro somehow get involved
Dcmk x persona 5
Jii tells Kaito he needs a better support system. Which leads to Kaito investigating the phantom thieves of hearts because they seem cool and he wants to help them and be friends.. Shinichi gets involved (idk if he'd be shinichi or conan) and if it contiues to strikers Heiji gets involved when they go to osaka
Dcmk x batman
kuroba toichi was like distantly related to bruce wayne, so when batman has to go to japan for something relating to the league of assasins wanting a rock that supposedly grants immortality, he visits kaito aswell.
Dcmk x Sailor moon
literally just an au were like shinichi is sailor moon and kaitos tuxedo mask ( Ran Sonoko Masumi and Heiji are the other sailor scouts)
Dcmk x Lupin the 3rd
this is a low hanging fruit BUT FUCKING KAITO VS LUPIN PLEASE
or we could have kaito and lupin friendship
Dcmk x saiki k..
bro Shinichi and Saiki used to have the same english dub actor, and i just think saiki getting involved with a murder would be funny
Dcmk x saint tail
I just want kaito to interact with more phantom thiefs..
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subbe93 · 2 years
The background story for Black Knight & Princess AU
Last week I posted a childhood fic about princess Ran and her knight, but there is still so much behind this universe that I haven’t shared. And since @circumference-pie requested to share more about the universe, I decided that this would be the second part, awfully long, but hopefully, interesting to read!
First of all, I can’t take all this glory for myself. Because the idea of Sonoko being Ran’s maid had become from @detectivegeekshin and from THIS POST! Because back then, I thought that Sonoko would be a princess from another kingdom, but when I saw this, I thought: Well, that’s a cool idea! So I kept her princess status but made her a reason to be Ran’s maid because you know that there needs to be someone who would know and tease those two ;)
The second thing is that this is all the background story, and what happens after this, is kind of unknown to me. The story change depending on my moods: Sometimes Shinichi is banished from the kingdom and sometimes Ran and Shinichi can marry each other after Shinichi has saved the whole family and almost lost his life (classic). Sometimes I gave fantasy elements and for example, make Shinichi change into a werewolf or sometimes I like to give some magic powers to Ran… Gosh, this AU gives so many possibilities x) 
And the third thing: As you can see, I’m still bad with names xD There are many kingdoms and cities/towns without names, and to be honest, I don’t even know how this world works since I feel like there are so many royal families xD It would be awesome to have some names, but as you can see, I don’t - at least not now ^^’
But yeah, I hope you enjoy ;)
The Mouri Kingdom:
So, as we can already guess, this story takes a place in the Mouri kingdom, and it’s in pretty bad shape. There had been a war when Kogoro had been only a teen, and when they won that war, it costs many lives, including Kogoro’s parents. So Kogoro needed to take the crown and be the king very young age, and as soon as possible, marry Eri as the queen. And their mission is to get their kingdom back to wealth again. But it’s a long and hard job. People in the city are loyal and faithful to their king and queen, even though they are starting to lose their hopes in their rulers. They are living through hard times and it feels like their rulers have asked too much for a long time, nothing has changed, and people are almost living hand-to-mouth. Yet, they haven’t lost their hope, because there is an heir who is kind and helpful. They believe that Princess Ran would one day change everything and help them out of their misery. So, they are patient and try their best to make sure that they are doing everything they can to help Ran even somehow.  
Mouri Family:
Mouri’s family had ruled their kingdom through the ages. They had been very wealthy and loved rulers, but then came the war, which took their wealth and many lives, including rulers. Young Kogoro became a king and took Eri as his wife sooner than was planned. I still kind of like to keep the canon that Kogoro and Eri were some kinds of childhood friends, so maybe Kogoro’s and Eri’s parents were close, and it was decided a long time ago that their children would be married to each other.
But Kogoro became a king much faster than he was ready for. He was too young to make big decisions, and when he lost his parents… There were so many lost lives and all the damages that needed to be fixed… Too much to do for a young king. He tried his best, but the pressure became too much for him, and he became a lazy, greedy, and big-mouthed king who usually chooses the easiest way which isn’t always the best one. He has a good heart, and he is protective of his daughter and cares about Eri but as a king? Maybe he lost his motivation. Or maybe he got to taste the life where he can just be, enjoy (that little amount of) money they got, and only drink and have fun. Which is mostly the reason why they have hard times gathering money. He still takes the part in the meetings (mostly because Eri or Ran makes him), but sometimes those meetings would be nothing more than a big mess when Kogoro “got too excited”. Of course, when he uses his brains even a little harder than normal, he would get out good ideas too, but those are rare occasions. 
So, as you can guess by now, our queen Eri is mostly the one who makes decisions and make sure our king does his job as he should. Maybe we can say that she is the true ruler of the kingdom. She is a wise but also a very harsh queen. Even when it doesn’t feel like it, she really thinks best of the kingdom and its needs. She doesn’t care what others would feel, as long as the decision is the right one and advocates for the best of the people. She spoke very directly, she looks very cold and harsh, and that is the reason why people are maybe a little scared of her. But they respect her because they know that she is thinking best of the people – they just hope that there could be a little softer way to do it. But Eri believes in facts, in reasons, and it’s also a reason why she usually got into arguments with Ran because Ran cares about other people’s feelings and she believes that her mother is demanding too much from the people, even when the final results could be good and achieving fast.
Eri is also pretty harsh for Ran. She loves her daughter dearly and shows sometimes her soft side too, but she also wants to make sure that someday Ran is going to be the best queen there ever be. Well, maybe she also wants to make sure that if something would happen to her and Kogoro, Ran would be ready to take responsibility and make the right choices. So, she would make sure that Ran got the education that she needs and that she knows her place as a princess, and later as a queen (which Ran doesn’t agree with her mother). Kogoro on the other hand isn’t too harsh, he is just too protective father and wants only the best for Ran… Like that one day she is going to marry a prince who is worthy of her – and of course, would bring them so much money and other goods that all their problems would be solved and he can only drink and have fun…
Both Kogoro and Eri don’t like much Shinichi even though they both acknowledge his talents as a knight and his knowledge, and they admit that Shinichi is the best knight to keep Ran safe, as he had proven many times before. Well, Kogoro probably hadn’t liked him because he is a man and too close and friendly to his precious daughter (Hah, and fun thing that the same man keeps his precious daughter alive and safe). Well, Eri doesn’t either like the fact of how close Shinichi and Ran seem to be. She doesn’t like how casually Ran and Shinichi treat each other’s and she has sharp eyes to see how much Ran cares about Shinichi. Shinichi, on the other hand, is much harder to read, since he is much better to hide his feelings, so in Eri’s eyes he is mostly someone who wants to protect the princess at all costs as it should be. Yet she knows deep down that there is something between them, but since there is no decent proof for anything, there is nothing that Eri can do.
Kudo family:
Yukiko would be Eri’s maid and friend, they would get along well and Eri trusts Yukiko. She would take care of Eri’s hair, make-up, dresses, and… well, everything that needs to be taken care of. They would always chat about everything that have happened and would enjoy spending time together. Eri would always relax when she is with Yukiko and it’s also the time when she doesn’t have to be a ruler. With Yukiko, she got a chance to complain freely, talk about some hard decisions, and maybe also searching some kind of support. Of course, they would talk some nonsense too, and since they are both mothers, Eri likes to ask Yukiko’s opinion if she is too harsh for Ran and search for some advice so that she could get along better with her daughter. Of course, Eri is nice enough that she wouldn’t bring up her doubts about Ran’s and Shinichi’s relationship, since in the end, Shinichi is Yukiko’s precious son, and she doesn’t want to be rude.
But these days, every time Eri would bring up Ran or asks how Shinichi is doing, Yukiko would get nervous. Because like Eri, she also knows that there is something between Shinichi and Ran even though none of them doesn’t admit it and she doesn’t have any kind of proof. And even though she believes that Eri is a nice woman, she is also a little afraid to find out what they would do to Shinichi if they would find out… So when they talk about their children, Yukiko tries to stay on casual topics and would be careful that she wouldn’t say anything that would reveal that she is suspecting something.  
But still, Yukiko is loyal to the queen. And while she isn’t working with Eri, she would love to travel around the castle, talk to other staff and catch the latest gossip. And she would be the one who shares them with the queen. In the end, it’s good to know what is going on in the castle. And like I said, Eri isn’t a monster. She is just too scary to approach x)
Yusaku on the other hand would be the bookkeeper. He would write king’s and queen’s letters, would participate in the meetings to write down everything they have talked about or at least important things, write the agreements, and things like that. Yusaku is also very respected because of his knowledge, so he is the king’s and queen’s trusted advisor.
If Yukiko knows Shinichi’s feelings towards Ran, so does Yusaku. Yukiko is the one who is so worried about Shinichi and his safety because they aren’t royals, and since she has an instinct that Ran feels the same way, Yukiko is afraid that there is something going on between them, and as soon as they would get caught, there is no idea how the king and queen are going to react to it. It’s not that Yukiko doesn’t like Ran, and to be honest, she really would love to support them, but because it’s impossible… That’s why Yukiko tries to push Shinichi to move on, encourage him to find some nice girl for himself (she had also suggested some girls that she had met), or support him to move somewhere else to concentrate on his life instead of longing for someone that he can’t ever be with. Yet it had been fruitless.
Yusaku doesn’t take part in those conversations. He doesn’t ask or try to push Shinichi. Of course, he is worried and probably would try to cover Shinichi if something terrible would happen, but he also believes that pushing things wouldn’t help anyone. Maybe he believes that Shinichi isn’t a child anymore, that he is smart and knows what he is doing.
One thing that I have been thinking about is the fact where Yukiko and Yusaku had come to the Mouri Kingdom, and what are theirs’s background stories. Because I like to think that they have come from somewhere else. Like maybe they had made some kind of visit there when Yukiko had been pregnant, and after helping the king and queen, as a thank you, they had suggested that Yusaku and Yukiko would have stayed until Yukiko would give birth. Maybe after that, they had decided to stay. Or maybe Yukiko would have been Eri’s personal maid from their teen years? And when Yusaku would have come to visit or asked to come to help with something (maybe Yusaku’s parents were “famous advisors” or something?) Yusaku and Yukiko would have fallen in love, and he would have stayed.
And sometimes, when I’m really in the mood, they are royals :D Maybe they have lost their kingdom to someone else and maybe they were too young that they don’t remember it or maybe there is some kind of magic that stops them from remembering it, or maybe they had just kept it secret from Shinichi and others? But usually, they are just commoners because forbidden love is kind of tempting x)
Shinichi & Ran:
Well, most of this I told in the fic, bet let’s write it here too:
So Ran and Shinichi have known each other for as long as they can remember. Since their parents were almost all the time working together, they spent time together, distracting each other when their parents had important things to do. So, practically, they have grown together, and since they were children, there was nothing wrong with it.
When Ran turns seven/eight, it’s her time to start to take lessons: she needs all the knowledge to make decisions and rule the kingdom, and she needs to learn royal etiquette and how a princess - later a queen - should behave. And of course, since Shinichi is her friend, she wants him to participate too – except since he isn’t royal, he has no right to take part in the lessons, which, of course, takes them into an argument with Ran’s teacher and later with her parents. Of course, they lost and Shinichi needs to stay on another side of the door until Ran’s lessons are over and they can spend time together again.
At some point, Kogoro and Eri start to see Shinichi as a distraction to Ran’s studies. It’s absurd because Ran always does her homework (well, maybe with Shinichi, but that’s not the point) and does well in her lessons. They make Ran busier, giving her more to do and study so she wouldn’t have enough time to be with Shinichi. Which, of course, doesn’t stop them from seeing each other. Shinichi isn’t stupid, and he is pretty good to find his way to her room or she would find a way to sneak out so that they can go on adventures together, or sometimes Shinichi would just show her some spot somewhere around the castle that he has found.
Until they got caught and Eri and Kogoro don’t appreciate it. This time they both got scolded and they would let Yukiko and Yusaku know that they need to do something to their son. Though it’s worthless since Shinichi still likes Ran very much and he still wants to spend time with her. And in the end, she is his only friend. Sadly he and Yukiko got into argument because that would be the time that she tried to explain to Shinichi that since he isn’t royal, he can’t be part of Ran’s life anymore. It makes Shinichi even angrier, because he still can’t accept the truth that their social status would affect their friendship, and he blurts out that when he is older, he is going to marry Ran and prove that it doesn’t have anything to do with social status.
So yeah, like in canon, Shinichi had known from a very young age that he likes Ran. Maybe crush or maybe he had liked her as a friend, but he still likes her, and since it seems that Ran likes him too (why otherwise she would spend her time with him?), there is no reason why he couldn’t marry her.
It would make Yusaku and Yukiko sad, because… Well, Shinichi has always been a pretty smart for a child, but maybe he just doesn’t want to admit it or be aware of the truth that one day Ran is going to marry a prince, and sadly, since they were only commoners who happen to work to the king and queen, there is no chance. And that would make Shinichi only more stubborn, because what in the world it had anything to with royal blood? He is human and he likes Ran a lot. Isn’t that enough? Why does it have to be a prince? Of course, Yukiko and Yusaku try patiently to explain to him that it’s how things are in this world, how they have always been, and Shinichi can’t do anything about it. And because I’m a terrible person, Yukiko would tell her son to forget Ran and find himself another girl.
They would turn to eleven. Shinichi is a little lonely, because Ran is still kind of his only friend, and he barely can see her anymore. Ran is still studying hard, but nothing is ever enough. She is also lonely since Shinichi is her only friend in the castle and she would love to spend time with him, but since there is always something, she doesn’t have time to leave and search for him. They only see each other through the windows, mostly from Ran’s classroom since Shinichi has found out Ran’s schedule and knows when she is there, and since Ran had seen Shinichi walking in the yard, she tries to check the yard from time to time that she wouldn’t miss the opportunity to see him – without getting caught, of course.
Shinichi still likes her much, but at that point, he had kind of accepted the truth that he would never be good enough for her. He still doesn’t agree with the idea that social status would be so important that it influences who can be friends and who not, and he still doesn’t like the idea that it still makes some people supposedly better than others, but since he is just one commoner, he really can’t do anything about it. Of course, he had used his free time to learn and investigate laws and everything to find even a little something which would be advanced to himself, but no, there is none. So he can’t do anything else than just accept his destiny.
So he uses his time mostly as an errand boy and tries to think what to do since he is pretty sure that if he doesn’t find any place for himself in the castle, it is only a matter of time before the king and queen would kick him out. Until one day he finds himself watching knights training new candidates. And he got a very absurd idea: If he can’t marry Ran or even be her friend, he could always learn to be a knight. Well, he has never been a big fan of fighting since he doesn’t like it, and to be honest, he can’t understand how wars can solve anything. Killing people isn’t a solution to anything. But being a knight, he could at least protect people, and even in some way, he could stay close to Ran and protect her and her kingdom.
So he goes to them and tells them that he wants to be a knight. Of course, they laugh at him since he was just a little boy and isn’t really a fighter. But the knight-commander decides to give him a change: He can participate in practices and see if he got what it takes to be a knight.
At first, it’s very hard for Shinichi, since he doesn’t have much strength. He got beaten every time and others just laugh at his weakness and stupidity, just mocking him to go back to his parents, but sadly Shinichi isn’t that easy to discourage. Of course, with time he learns to swing the sword, but since he isn’t strong, he knows that he needs other ways to compete with others. And he knows that he has other skills: He is very good at predicting his opponent’s movements, he can think fast about what to do next and he is fast enough to dodge attacks. And he can be sly. So, he starts to take down other knights one by one, and the laughers shut up when they see that nothing stops him. He got others’ respect, and after more practice, he learns to be better with the sword. Still, his skills mostly are in his head and in speed.
But he would never kill his opponents. Maybe hurt them enough to keep them down, but never that they would die. Or he would make them unconscious. But yeah, he would be a few of those knights (if not only one) who wouldn’t kill anyone, and he would be the one who would always question other knights’ decisions if they were ready to kill someone. Of course, this would be very problematic if there is going to be a war, but… I would so much like to keep as much canon in him as I can, and maybe if there is a war coming, he would find a way and try to talk opponents out of it with Ran.
Some years later, he would gain the job of being the princess’ personal knight after saving her a few times. Well, Shinichi and Ran have the ability to sense each other’s presence, and with that, Shinichi is very good to find her and be where she needs him to be. But either way, after saving Ran’s life, the king and queen decide that he should be Ran’s personal knight, trusting her life in his hands, and of course, it would make them both happy.
But yeah, while Shinichi is learning to be a knight, Ran takes her lessons to learn to be a queen. She is smart, intellectual, kind, and of course beautiful. She is a good and conscientious student, learning history, math, languages, and what else, though sometimes subjects aren’t so interesting, so she would start to daydream. She dreams of her free time, chance to do something else than studying, she is dreaming to complain to Sonoko about everything, and… she is dreaming about Shinichi.
She misses him and their time together. Of course, she can still see him from the window, which makes her very happy, but at some point, it’s not enough. Like Shinichi, she also feels that it’s very unfair that there is such a thing as social status and that it affects her relationships. Because it shouldn’t. And it’s one thing that she would love to change as soon as she is going to be queen. That is also something that she fights very often with her mother, because to her, it seems like her parents are mostly the reason why she doesn’t meet Shinichi anymore. She also tries to make Shinichi her advisor, but Eri hadn’t accept it.
Ran is kind to everyone. She cares for her people. She always smiles at people she sees and is ready to listen to their problems and help them if she just could somehow. Staff at the castle wouldn’t hesitate to tell her about their problems or if they need something. And even though Ran had been taught that they have a staff to do everything like cleaning, cooking, sewing, and everything like that, Ran doesn’t like to be dependent on the staff. To her, it doesn’t matter if she has royal blood or not. So Ran would give her hand to them, helping where she can and when she has time. She would help them clean and wash, she would help with cooking and take care of the garden, and she would be good with knitting and darn clothes. After Shinichi becomes her personal protector, she would always darn his clothes. Of course, Shinichi do it himself, but since the results look so terrible, Ran would take them without asking and fix them every time she got a chance. Shinichi wouldn’t see a difference though, because he’s not paying enough attention to his own darning results. To him it’s enough that there are no holes x)
But even though Ran is sunshine and humble when scolded for a reason, she is also very stubborn and would fight for things she believes and which are important to her. For example, she has so many times talked to her mother about why she has to marry some idiot prince who would just care about power when she could marry someone, who would understand their people and who she really loves. Of course, this conversation isn’t ever going anywhere because Ran and Eri are both too stubborn to give up their beliefs. And because of that stubbornness, Ran is also very good at making things more complicated.
Ran also love to be outside and enjoy beautiful days. I don’t say that she would be prisoned in the castle, but her parent would be very precise that it’s not fine to Ran go alone too far or even to the town without proper guard, because there would be any kind of people and you never know if someone is going to hurt her, kidnap her or something else. This is a pretty absurd idea for Ran, mostly because she hates to be dependent on others, but after Shinichi becomes her personal knight, she would go everywhere with him because Shinichi isn’t just a protector, but more like a “friend” who she spends time with (and because usually, Shinichi can’t say no to her).
And Ran would be so weak for chocolate! In the town, there would be a chocolate shop (or maybe sweet generally) where she wants – no, she NEEDS - to visit every time she has a chance! And because Shinichi is her personal knight and sometimes goes alone to the town to take care of her (and sometimes others’) business, she will give all her money to her knight and with puppy eyes begs him to bring her chocolate. And after they had found out that they feel the same way for each other and started their secret relationship, it would be much harder for Shinichi to decline since she would always wrap her arms around his neck and drown him with sweet kisses…
And since Ran does karate in canon, I like the idea that if there is a fight, she wouldn’t hesitate to take part in it. Like Shinichi, she mostly would like to avoid fights and speak things through, but if it’s unavoidable, she would take part in it. Not sure though would she do karate, but maybe she could also use a sword or maybe a bow? Maybe she had asked Shinichi to teach her that she can defend herself (and also has another reason to be close to Shinichi… I mean… can you imagine how Ran would pretend to be totally hopeless with the weapon and make Shinichi help her to take the right position and grip… ;) ), and because I really love the idea that Ran would just run into a fight and Shinichi would go “!!!!” mode and while making sure that nothing happens to her, he would forget to pay attention on his surrounding, and be saved by Ran ❤
Since Shinichi is Ran’s personal knight, Ran would keep him close to her when there are official events and meetings. Well, he is her protector, and I like to think that Shinichi would be like Ran’s shadow. Shinichi is mostly silent, observing, and listening, which is the reason why he knows very well what happens around him, in the castle, and in the town. And he likes to read, always had, so he had knowledge, and if he doesn’t know, he would find out. He opens his mouth when it’s something that he considers necessary, like pointing out or questioning something, and usually, he is right.
Which is one of many reasons why Ran likes to keep him close and thinks of him also as her advisor. She trusts him more than many others. If someone asks Shinichi to leave just to have some private conversation with Ran, Ran would answer that if they can’t say it in Shinichi’s presence, they can’t say it to Ran either, which especially makes Eri always go crazy xD And every time Shinichi would feel awkward to stand there and observe how Eri and Ran would fight over his rights :’D It’s kind of hard when your girl – I mean princess and queen are both very stubborn persons and you’re not sure which one’s orders weight most in that situation xD Because Shinichi, as Ran’s personal guard, would have pretty much more liberty than other knights, but he also has more responsibilities. He needs still to respect the king’s and queen’s orders even though Ran’s words would also weigh. But sometimes the last decision is on him because he can’t always do as told if the princess’s life is in danger.
Oh, and Ran will hate it if Shinichi calls her princess or your highness or whatever. It’s one of those habits that Ran had rooted out from Shinichi, which always takes Shinichi into a bad situation because other royals think that he doesn’t respect the princess at all. And of course, Eri also thinks that he shouldn’t be so familiar with Ran, but then again, what can you do when the princess always gets angry and threatened to kill him and then herself if he does that? x’D Well, she wouldn’t, but she wants that Shinichi calls her by her name.
But yeah, both of them are respected and loved by the townspeople, because when they go into the town, they will always stop to chat with those who like to speak to them and help them if help is asked. I also like to think that Shinichi would help town guards to catch criminals or something, because come on, why not? And I’m pretty sure that the people in the town see Shinichi and Ran as a perfect couple and ship them secretly x)
Hattori family:
I don’t know much about knights’ rank orders, but Heizo Hattori would be in the highest rank… Like knight-commander? Well, maybe in this story, it can be knight-commander xD But yeah, Heizo would be kind of the boss of all knights nowadays, and one of the king’s and queen’s trusted and closest advisors.
But the Hattori family hadn’t always been in the Mouri kingdom. Heizo and Shizuka have been the king and the queen of their own kingdom. Of course, they both are rulers that are fair but strict, and both of them would take part in the fight if there would be one. They were respected and loved, and their kingdom was strong once, but one day something happened. When I wrote this, I started to think that maybe there are some people who want to take down or destroy strong kingdoms (and I’m talking about Black Organisation xD), and sadly they are too well organized that Hattori’s kingdom didn’t have a chance. So instead they decided to retreat and take all those who survived with them. They came to the Mouri kingdom and since Kogoro and Eri respect Heizo and his family, they promised to give shelter to them and their people who survived. As a thank you, all those people promised to serve their kingdom, and Heizo volunteered to be part of the knights, maybe being the old knight commander's advisor before soon taking the place as a knight-commander.
Shizuoka, on the other hand, as “a former” queen, has promised to teach Ran the etiquette and manners of a queen. She is good, but a very harsh teacher. And when she has time, she probably would like to go to help the kitchen staff or be in the garden or spend time with Eri and Yukiko.
I can’t decide how old Heiji has been when they come to the Mouri kingdom. Maybe 15? Old enough that he understands what’s going on, what happened to their home. And he had promised himself to learn to fight better and be stronger so he can go back and revenge on those who destroyed his and many others’ homes. He doesn’t care about being a prince anymore. He is mostly angry because he and many others lost their home without a good reason, he is angry that many innocent people lost their lives, and some lost friends and family… And he has a personal reason too.
So, he heads among other knights to test his skills and becomes very fast one of the bests knights… Wait, what do you mean by “one of the bests”? Why not the best of them? Yeah, Heiji finds out very soon that there is someone else too: A pretty silent knight who has also beaten all the veterans, not with strength, but with his brains and speed, and is still very humble. So, of course, Heiji goes to find that knight who pretends to be better than him, and of course, he would challenge that bastard and show everyone that he is better than anyone else and then he is ready to go back to his homeland to avenge…
Heiji got too hot-headed, hasty, and angry that he lost. It was a thought call though, but lost is lost, and since his opponent is someone idiot who is pretending to be nice and friendly, it got into his nerves and he leaves, promising to challenge him as many times before he wins. Sadly Heiji can’t win him, even though he is so close, and after some time, he would finally be there long enough that Shinichi would have a chance to say something which would make Heiji realize something. Maybe, as Shinichi is very observant and hears many things, maybe he has realized that Heiji is after revenge, trying to prove to himself that by beating him Heiji would be ready to go after those who destroyed his home. So I like to think that maybe he would say something which makes Heiji realize that with his anger he wouldn’t get far and with rushing he would only dig an early grave for himself.
And after that, Shinichi and Heiji would become best friends. They would be two of the best knights, though different ways, and practice together. Well, of course, they would have friendly matches that which one is better, but it usually ends up as a tie. If Shinichi is fast, sly, and uses his brains, Heiji would have the strength and skill to use a sword. Of course, he would also pay attention to his surroundings and keep his eyes and ears open, but he is hot-tempered and usually act on a whim, while Shinichi stops and think things through. Heiji isn’t as good with words, usually just says what comes to his mind which can sometimes get him in a bad situation, and in fights, so he is sometimes easier to distract. But of course, Shinichi would cover him, and in the back, Heiji would cover Shinichi.
And since they become best friends and trust each other, Shinichi will promise to help Heiji if he someday decides to go to take back his home and all that, but Heiji would feel at home in the Mouri kingdom, and since he had thought about Shinichi’s words, maybe he wants to take his time and make sure that he and others would be ready to take their home back.
Toyama family:
I think no one isn’t surprised that since Heizo is a knight-commander, Ghinshiro would be second in command. He had been Heizo’s advisor or knight-commander back home, so Heizo would trust him with his life.
And this is maybe the part where I become a terrible person. In Conan, Kazuha’s mother had been mentioned, but there isn’t much about her. And… well, I have been thinking that Kazuha’s mother didn’t make it alive when they left the Hattori kingdom in this story. And since Kazuha is very important to Heiji, this would be his personal reason why he wants to go back and avenge.
So of course, Kazuha would be heartbroken, but in the beginning, she tries to hide it so she wouldn’t be a burden to others and concentrate to help all the injured ones and make sure that no one is left behind. Of course, she would also volunteer to help with something when it comes to the Mouri kingdom. But as soon as she would be alone, without anything to do, she would cry. As her childhood friend, Heiji would know about it, but he doesn’t know what to do, so when he and Shinichi become friends, he tells Shinichi about Kazuha and her situation and admits to him that he would like to do something, but he doesn’t know what. Well, Shinichi isn’t any better with emotions, but luckily, he knows someone who has a big, gentle heart and who would help anyone, would understand and know what to do, so he suggests that Kazuha and Ran should meet each other. They would introduce girls to each other, and they would become friends very fast. Of course, it would take some time for Ran to make Kazuha blurt out what was on her heart and let her cry against her shoulder. Ran would make Kazuha one of her personal maids at first just to keep her eyes on her and make sure that she has everything okay, but they would become best friends and she stays as her maid. And of course, at some point, they would talk very much about certain knights and tease each other ;)
Suzuki family (+ Makoto)
Suzukis are another royal family, friends with Mouri’s. They are a wealthy family with a wealthy kingdom where everything is pretty good. Business goes well and all.
Sonoko is a princess and she had also known Ran and Shinichi as a child. They had played many times together, though mostly Ran and Sonoko, since Sonoko hadn’t been very interested in Shinichi’s adventures and investigations (only when Ran had talked her into them), and when girls had played with dolls, jewels, or with beautiful dresses, Shinichi had left to read or do something else. Of course, Sonoko comes along with both of them, but like in canon, Shinichi and Sonoko had that friendly “nagging” relationship.
Sonoko is a very carefree person, and she had never had a big interest to be queen, though since she had a big sister, Ayako is going to be heir, she doesn’t even think she needs to care that much about being royal or even be interested to take responsibility about anything related to kingdom. She has manners when needed, but mostly she most likely spends her time shopping, ordering things, organizing parties, events, and festivals, and concentrating to find the prince of her life.
But she is still a princess, heir of the royal family, and for her strict and proud mother, it isn’t okay. Even though Sonoko isn’t going to be the queen of their kingdom, she can be queen in some other kingdom, and that means that she still should behave as a princess should and learn to take responsibility. So they got into a big argument about it, and as a result, Tomoko sends her to the Mouri kingdom, hoping that Sonoko would learn some manners and take more responsibility, and since Tomoko knows that the Mouri kingdom isn’t a very good position right now, she hopes that Sonoko would realize that all those luxuries shouldn’t be considered self-evident.
So Sonoko becomes Ran’s personal maid, and like Yukiko, she would also be the one who would walk around the castle, yards, and town to listen and share some gossip, and she would share them with Ran and Kazuha. So, she doesn’t particularly learn anything, since she is just having fun with her friends and enjoying carefree time, since Ran isn’t harsh.
Sonoko is one of those trusted persons who know for sure that Shinichi and Ran have something between them. Well, she had known those two from childhood, so she had known for sure that those two have eyes on each other like forever. Of course, every time Sonoko has teased them about it, they hadn’t agreed, but either deny it. And at some point, Ran doesn’t even bother to hide her love for Shinichi from Kazuha and Sonoko, and of course, since Sonoko (as well as Kazuha and Heiji) cares about her friends, she wouldn’t tell that secret to anyone. She really would like to support them, but since their statuses are different, she knows that it can bring many problems to them if Ran’s parents would find out.
Makoto would be some kingdom’s prince. Yes, another prince here :D And since he is a karate master in canon, he is a very talented fighter, and like the Hattori family, he would also fight with the knights, whatever the threat is. Well, now I think that maybe his kingdom would be known for fearless and strong knights/fighters.
I don’t have a very clear vision of how he would meet Sonoko and others, but they would, somehow. Well, since Sonoko had been in the Mouri kingdom for some years, maybe Makoto one day makes a visit to the Mouri kingdom, or maybe Mouris do the visit to Makoto’s home… Well, either way, maybe Eri had thought that Makoto would be a good candidate as Ran’s husband, but Ran isn’t interested (since she already has her knight ❤), and instead, Makoto sees Sonoko and falls in love with that energetic girl.
Or something! To be honest, I’m not sure, but maybe this is one of those things that would come clear sooner or later :D
Other characters:
Okay, so I have been thinking also about other characters in this universe, but since my plans mostly are around ShinRan, it probably explains why all characters don’t have an as good background story. But maybe they got more story behind them one day ;D
But yeah, from the beginning I thought that Detective boys would be orphans and live with Agasa. But to be honest, since Agasa is a close friend of Kudos and inventor, I started to think that maybe he has come with Kudos to the Mouri kingdom and stayed as their inventor… Though I’m not sure what he had invented, maybe something xD But maybe this is also something that needs to think more about.
Shiho/Ai was also a character that I first thought would be with the professor and Detective boys, but to be honest, I have grown fond of the idea that she would work in the castle as a doctor/scientist. Because I like the chemistry that Shinichi and Haibara have, I like that she would help him investigate and look at things. So I thought that it would be nice that she would help Shinichi whenever he needs help with something, and when Shinichi got injured, she would mock him (playful, of course), and I also like to think that she would care for Ran very much for some reason. But I have no idea if her parents are alive or not. I mean maybe they could be also doctors and apothecaries, but where they would live? And if they’re not in the Mouri kingdom, then how Shiho would have come there?
But for Detective boys, I’m not sure if they are orphans or not. But what I know is that they would play around the town and they would admire Shinichi, because, in the end, he is a pretty cool and talented hero! So they would love to help him and be Shinichi’s eyes and ears in the town. And since they are kids, Shinichi would always try to give something to them as thanks. Well, to be honest, when I thought that they would be orphans, there was an idea that Shinichi and Ran would always donate something to them, and that way the Detective boys would have grown fond of those two. But yeah, however it would be, Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko have decided to be Shinichi’s apprentices or something :D And Shinichi would be kind and let them, but of course, he would make sure that they don’t get into trouble or get hurt. And of course, every time Shinichi would be in the town with Ran, those three would be her knights too, protecting her! Aaaw, think about those three having wooden swords and shields, maybe some little cloaks and helmets that they would look at knights! :’)
And of course, Megure and others would be some kind of town guards/knights! Well, probably they would deserve to be the royal guards, but I thought that otherwise on royal army is full of familiar characters, and to be honest, the town needs protection too! Though of course, they would be in touch with the royal family but mostly they would protect the street of the town.
And then I think we also need our Kaito Kid, because he is a cool character, and to be honest, I kind of like Shinichi’s and Kid’s rivalry. Of course, Kid isn’t Shinichi’s priority number one, but if there is a chance that Kid is doing a heist somewhere where Shinichi happens to be, our knight would be ready to take the challenge and catch that thief. I also like the idea of them being in debt to each other for some reason. I mean I like the idea that they wouldn’t trust each other, but since they for some reason would need each other’s skills, they would swallow their pride and ask for it. Something like… well, like there are some king’s and queen’s documents that can’t see the light, but they are stolen, and since the king and queen or their knights can’t do anything to get them back, Shinichi would be like: “Well, I know someone, who can…” And he would ask Kid to do something that he can’t do. In return, Kid would ask something from Shinichi. Nothing illegal, because Shinichi wouldn’t do that, but like… I don’t know, maybe ask him to protect Aoko from Kid’s enemies or check some people who are after Kid or… or… I don’t know, but something like that.
And yes, Aoko and her father would also be there, but to be honest, I don’t know if they live in another city/town or what.
I have also thought about the Black Organisation in this story, and to be honest, I have started to think that maybe they can be some people who are slowly trying to conquer the world or… I don’t know xD But since I talked about the Hattori kingdom, I started thinking that it could be that they are behind that attack, that maybe they are some kind of group/alliance/etc. that are secretive and surprise their enemies, maybe they got some kind of “secret weapon” or something that they could take down even strongest adversaries. But I don’t know who they would be and what would be their motives, etc.
And now comes the time when you’re asking: Where is Akai, Amuro, etc.? Well, this is the moment that some people start to hate me, but to be honest, I don’t care about those characters ^^’ I’m very attracted to characters that came from the beginning, I love them, but after Eisuke left, I realized that I haven’t got attracted to new characters. Well, Akai and FBI characters I barely care. But to be honest, it’s a little sad because part of me wanted to like for example Sera, but I just… don’t. Amuro is a popular character and of course, he got his spin-off and is a big part of some movies, but to be honest, I couldn’t care less. Actually, it’s the opposite: when I saw that the new movie is having Amuro in a big role, I was disappointed ^^’ So to be honest, I haven’t given much thought to them.
But yeah, here it is, I think! So much nonsense to read xD I hope you liked it, and it would be awesome to hear your thoughts or ideas! But I don’t demand, because it’s already a big job that you have read this one to the end, so thank you! ^^
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coffeeviolinist · 1 year
DCMK Ship Meme
Here's my filled-out version of @/ natsunombrs_DC's DCMK ship meme from Twitter.
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Explanation of each ship/line color:
A red line means that this is my all-time favorite ship, and I'm absolutely obsessed with it. Do I have a problem? Maybe. Am I going to do anything about it? Other than make more fan content for them, no.
Ship(s) under this color:
A pink line (or circle) means that while I'm not quite as obsessed with this ship, I still very much enjoy it.
Ship(s) under this color (not listed in any particular order):
Whiskey Trio
Nagano Trio
Jodie x Camel
Sato x Takagi
Sera x Ran
Sonoko x Ran
Matsuda x Rei
Kazuha x Ran
A yellow line can mean one of two things. Either I like a ship but not as much as the ships under the pink or red categories, or I don't know enough about one or all of the characters or their relationship in canon to have much of an opinion.
Ship(s) under this color (again, not listed in any particular order):
Rei x Kazami
Akai x Jodie
Akai x Kazami (I didn't actually mean to draw the line there, but when I thought about it, it's actually kind of a cool concept)
Sonoko x Makoto
CoAi (or Shinichi x Shiho)
Vermouth x Kir
Gin x Vodka
Kobayashi x Shiratori
Kogoro x Megure
Kogoro x Eri
Eri x Yukiko
Yusaku x Yukiko
Mary x Tsutomu
Vermouth x Yukiko
Gin x Vermouth
A green line (or circle) means that I enjoy the dynamic between the characters as a platonic relationship or a familial relationship.
Ship(s) and (found) families under this color:
Akai, Rei, Shinichi
Shinichi, Shiho/Haibara, Detective Boys, Agasa
Akai, Jodie, Camel
Akai siblings
Olive (you know, it would be nice if Tumblr had a few more text color options):
An olive line means that my opinion on a ship is somewhere between passively shipping and NOTP territory. While I don't like the ship, I also don't actively despise it, and I can still see why the ship appeals to others even if it doesn't to me.
Ship(s) under this color:
Akai x Akemi (I very much dislike ships between family members, but their relationship was so tragic in canon that I can't hate it entirely)
AmuAzu (I do like them as friends, though, plus I've seen fan art for them and it's honestly pretty cute)
Sato x Matsuda
Self-explanatory, a black line means that the ship is a NOTP for me.
Ship(s) under this color:
Akai x Shiho (something about the idea of Akai finally moving past the dead woman he's still hung up on, only to start dating her sister does not sit entirely right with me)
Rei x Elena
Here's the original template if anyone wants it:
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leahchampagne · 3 years
When a plane crashes......notice Mouri Kogoro holding Eri tightt
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detective conan movie 8
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letitrainasunnyday · 6 years
Do you ever wonder how Ran and Yukiko, both literal goddesses, have fallen in love with the nerdiest and dorkiest men? Lol people often are scared Shinichi and Ran are going to end up like Kogoro and Eri, but in my opinion, once they're established and everything is back to normal and they get married and shit they'd be more Yukiko and Yusaku-like. The coolest and sassiest and softest pair.
“Do you ever wonder how Ran and Yukiko, both literal goddesses, have fallen in love with the nerdiest and dorkiest men?” has got to be one of my favorite sentences ever. It made me laugh out loud big time, so you should be proud of yourself! 
There’s people who actually argue that Shinichi and Ran are going to end up like Kogoro and Eri? Based on what? The fact that they’re also childhood friends and that both Kogoro and Shinichi are detectives? 
Kogoro and Shinichi couldn’t be more different from each other. And Eri and Ran may share some similarities, but in my opinion they’re also as different as day and night. 
So are Yukiko and Ran, by the way. I understand what you’re trying to say, but in my opinion all three couples have very different dynamics and can’t really be compared in that sense. 
 I think Kogoro and Eri have a more Hattori and Kazuha-like relationship, as different as it is. I say they’re kind of more the same because they often bicker non-stop, all the time, about everything and anything, but then actually really care for each other more than any one else in the world. Hattori is much more responsible and down to earth than Kogoro is, which is why I’m not too worried that Hattori and Kazuha may share the same fate. 
Yukiko and Yusaku… Honestly, they deserve their own universe. Who the fuck even understands the Kudos at this point? I can’t even begin to grasp what that household is like, they keep surprising me over and over. Those crazy ass motherfuckers. On paper, that relationship should not work at all, and yet it does. I think it’s mainly due to the fact that personality-wise they balance each other out, but deep down they’re both insane people. So Yusaku is calm and composed and incredibly chill all the time. And Yukiko is bubbly and immature and giggly. But deep down, they both think it’s a good idea to dress up and play an act only to school Shinichi on the dangers of his situation. Deep down, they’re both accustomed to crazy driving. 
(We have GOT to talk about the fact that what Shinichi and Ran do in the car in New York is something that the Kudos have done more than once, if not regularly. But more on that some other day.) 
So basically Yukiko and Yusaku are different, but they’re the same where it counts. 
Whereas Shinichi and Ran bicker less than Hattori and Kazuha (and Kogoro and Eri) and overall just generally good-heartedly tease each other all the time. Plus, they have a sense of intimacy that I don’t think we can equate to any other couple (not even Hattori and Kazuha) which is what ultimately really makes the difference. There’s a real sense of something really deep and intense underlying their relationship at all times, which is, I think, the reason we all immediately associate tenderness and softness with them –and only them. 
So I guess my answer is that they’re gonna do their own special, amazingly beautiful thing that will have little to do with either of their parents’ marriages. 
But yes, honestly, Ran and Yukiko are The Most Badass™ and have fallen for dorks who worship them, and I think that’s amazing!  
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alexiethymia · 6 years
History Repeats Itself
I think it’s cute (and I can’t believe it took me this long to realize it) how Shinichi has so much in common with Kogoro without realizing it, because see,
Ran = Eri, Shinichi = Kogoro, Sonoko = Yukiko, Makoto = Yuusaku
Shinichi is the spitting image of his father, but personality-wise, Yuusaku is much more mild and doesn’t get as jealous (or at least show it as overtly) as Shinichi does. And, and! Eri, Kogoro, and Yukiko were together in high school, maybe even elementary. Yukiko already knew of Kogoro’s feelings for Eri even then. I wonder if she teased the both of them just like how Sonoko teases Ran and Shinichi now. She also meets a mild-mannered, glasses-wearing guy later on who balances her flamboyant nature, just like how Yukiko met Yuusaku. No wonder Shinichi reacts the same way toward his mom and Sonoko. It seems he doesn’t do well with those types.
For my ideal Detective Conan ending, I wouldn’t mind history repeating itself a third time, with Ran and Shinchi having a daughter who’s also a kokosei tantei, and is best friends with a karate prince, while being rivals with an Osakan spitfire (also the daughter of a police man and the chief, Heiji Hattori, and Toyama Kazuha) who also happens to be bestfriends with the same thief she’s trying to catch in the name of the police (not that she’s aware of his other identity), a cheeky guy who decided to take up his legacy wearing a white mantle and a monocle, to the delight of his father and the chagrin of his mother...
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56thingsinaname · 2 years
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Bruh they dance around each other constantly
They’re so blind
Just whyyy
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romancemedia · 6 months
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Detective Conan Relationships
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More of this!
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The Horrifying, The Macabre, And Strange Of My Detective Conan Fanfiction Idea’s
More Dark Conan Fic Ideas!!!
Japan Rearms: Ever since Japan’s defeat in the war, it has been forbidden by Article 9 of its constitution from having a army or waging war. Some nationalists which to change that. A country that hasn't experienced war in over 60 years and wishes to support a American Invasion of some middle eastern country the Americans have no business with youth that has no knowledge that war is pretty fucking horrible? Our poor Gosho Boys and their girls are fucked! And not in the good way.
Sonoko Dates A Teacher: This idea can only work before Makoto. Not just because of Sonoko’s character development but also because I think they are a cute couple, and don’t want to hurt them with NTR. So here's the stich. A handsome new teacher comes to Teitan High. Praying on Sonoko’s insecurities, they start a unequal relationship. Sonoko begins to have second thoughts but the teacher is emotionally manipulative and abusive so he slowly convinces her that everyone is against her until he convinces her to move in with him despite being underage. Of course, her best friends Ran and Shinichi/Conan go in to save her and succeed of course. However the guy gets up with a slap on the wrist due to a insincere apology (no seriously, Japanese judges allow this) and her family seeks vengeance. On the way, Sonoko deals with healing, potential STDs/pregnancy, and getting justice so he does not manipulate any at risk minors again,
Goodbye: A student at Teitan High kills themselves, sparking within Shinichi a hunt for person(s) responsible. Basically 13 Reasons Why but not stupid and like a David Cage Game like the show was.
Second Fukishima: After Fukishima, a Japanese Political Scientist predicted a potential disaster in the future where after a earthquake with a nuclear plant in the vicinity would end up with the radiation preventing any rescue. I picture Heiji and Kazuha with a sad ending.
Political Corruption: An popular and charismatic politician invites the Kogoro to dinner and asks Ran to be a intern. However upon accident Conan discovers that not only is he linked the Black Organization but he seems to have broken every legal and moral taboo possible, using political fraud, blackmail, bribery, embezzlement, and even assassinations to maintain his grip on power. Conan is now determined to stop him. However, as the most powerful politician in the country with his eye on the Prime Minister’s office, our dear boy has his work cut out for him due to the sheer fact that he could disrupt the entire system if he wanted to and is simply too important to replace. Even worse no matter what scandal he goes through and whatever technique Shinichi uses, he keeps winning elections, regaining his popularity, and avoiding prosecution as Shinichi begins to wonder if justice really means anything. However regardless of his views once this powerful broker discovers who is thwarting his plans, he will choose the iron fist instead of a silk glove to stamp out any threats and Shinichi will wonder if he has bit off more then he can chew with this one as the costs become too high.
Migrant Troubles: Boy this is doomed to be controversial isn’t it? Anyway the trouble that Japan is experiencing is that due to a multitude of factors, the population is heavily decreasing and ageing. It’s gotten to the point that the amount of empty land due to depopulation will be the size of Austria by 2040. At one point unless the socio-economic factors change significantly, Japan will need a combination of migrants and automation to keep its economy from collapsing and take care of the many old people. Only problem is… Well Japanese for the most part are very nice. However they expect you to conform perfectly to their customs. This and many other issues such as the Japanese concept of Homogeneity, the rights of permanent residents, and others I don’t have time nor want to discuss right now makes trouble inevitable. Basically what I’m getting at is a Sci Fi fic set around this time that examines the issues that are controversial today through a allegorical tale that questions the dichotomy between clashing cultures, the dangers of populism, the receding wave of democracy, unhealthy nostalgia and many more issues pertaining to today as shown by our lovable cast!
I saw the devil: Conan and friends come across a seemingly normal man on their travels. However he turns out to be anything but kills someone Conan loves. Obsessed and wanting revenge, Conan/Shinichi may become the very thing he despises in the pursuit of justice.
The enemy is poverty- The Mouri’s have been missing for a year. Eri is the only one who still believes them to be alive. Desperately looking for her husband and daughter she discovers that Kogoro lied about his financial situation and is in serious debt. Following the clues as she futilely searches for her family, she comes across a starving six year boy name Conan who may be the single clue she needs to discover the whereabouts of her vanished family.
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Stuck in Hong Kong (Or Any Other ill Advised destination): The Mouri’s go a foreign country expecting a fun filled vacation. However, things get dangerous fast as the political situation explodes into unrest or even worse a civil war and our most beloved dysfunctional family is separated and must choose sides in a struggle between an authoritarian regime and popular rebels who may not be the knights in shining armor they appear to be. Economic Stability or Radical Reform? Which wins out?
Animal Attacks: Another vacation! But this time the animals are more of the four-legged variety which the criminals are using as the perfect murder weapon.
Kidnapping: Conan is abducted across continents and its up to our cast of Gosho Boys and Girls to go on a quest to save him!
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Cryptids Are Real: A hunt for a beast is at bay in Japan and of course the Mouri’s come along to cavort in the quest. Conan is dismissive... Until he sees the beast itself. Not wanting to believe it but seeing is believing, so now Conan makes a difficult choice. Does he help kill the rare animal or does he help save it? And Could it be controlled by someone else? Actual Curse: There’s a reason why bodies show up around Conan. A great Ju-On has attached himself to Shinichi since he was born and now the bodies are piling up too high to be coincidence especially now that people he cares about are dying. Can Shinichi get if off of him? Or will the only solution be to just give it to someone else? Evil Spirit Vs. Beleaguered Spirit Needing Rest: In a house, or perhaps a forest or city, a evil presence has made itself known. Along with the usual haunting signs, people are getting mutilated by scratches and bite marks, property is being mysterious destroyed, and the suicides/accidental death rate is increasing. The only witness to this is a dead soul desperately trying to cross over before her soul is corrupted, and the only person who can help is one Shinichi Kudo. But Kudo is a man of science instead of a man of faith and does not believe easily, can he help her defeat the Yurei before its too late? Possessed By A Demon: A serial killer is caught by Sleeping Kogoro and later executed. Then Another. And Another. Soon it becomes quite clear that these are no mere copycats but one entity controlling multiple people. But how do you catch a killer that is immaterial and most importantly how do you keep it from possessing you while on the path to exorcise it? Undead is the plan: The BO has finally put their plan in motion. That is to have a massive ruling class rendered immortal as they use zombified corpses as chattel to extract massive resources all for themselves. What remains of those who haven’t been reanimated and how do they survive, let alone fight back? Bestial Serial Killer: The Mouri’s and Hattori’s are invited to a dinner from a eccentric billionaire. They are told the catch: One of them is a Werewolf or other kind of shapeshifter that's been killing people and once he finds out who it is, the hunt is on! But the Beast also has many tricks up its sleeves as well. Inspired by the movie, The Beast Must Die. Sacrifices: A series of Euro-pagan/satanic inspired ritual murders have been occurring in Japan and the public is in a uproar due to how brutal the mass killings are. Seems like the most likely to be targeted are virgins between six and seventeen. Unfortunately, the Gosho Boys, Gosho Girls, and Detective Boys more then qualify. FULL DISCLAIMER: This plotline is not meant to insult anyone with said beliefs to be honest most of you guys are awesome and would never hurt a fly. Postmodern Prometheus: Somehow a murderer manages to revive a corpse made out of a dismembered body through vivisection and while he is caught, “It” lives, now the poor little boy most go through life, his body perpetually caught between death and life, as he faces more of the madman’s abominations while he tries to hide his newfound status from a certain drunken detective, and the love of his life
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Outside The Box
Life is but a dream: Shinichi wakes up one day to find that reality doesn’t work anymore. Everything from physics to the people he knows no longer make sense in any certifiable logic. Eventually he realizes that he is in a coma and if he doesn’t wake up soon he’ll die. The dreamscape slowly becomes more and more nightmarish and even if he does wake up is he still in the dream? Lots of Lynchian ideas could be done with this.
You’re the only one I wanna go through time with: One of the Gosho Boys is stuck in a time loop and the current one encounters myriad versions of himself. He has multiple memories, deja vu, can predict what’s going to happen to a limited extent. However, the more one goes through time, the more nihilistic and apathetic they become, potentially developed fatalistic tendencies or going insane as they experience the beginning and end of the universe over and over again. As they futilely attempt to stop the loop, they see lovers and friends die over and over again, as paradoxes become too heavy for all the threads to bear until finally, they ask their most beloved friend to go with them so they won’t be alone.
Machima: This pertains to something that happened in the MK Manga. In it, Kaito Kuroba fights a exact robotic replica of himself. But what that same android replaced him with he even noticing? How would this shatter Kaito’s world and how would he deal with not being real?
I know this place: One of the detectives goes across a murder scene. Only problem is, he gets flashes of consciousness of him or her being a different man or woman, in a different time, in a different time. Who is responsible for these memories? Who was the person they once where? And why are they acting more and more like them without their control? And it gets even worse when images of murders begin both in the past and the present begin to come forth. Inspired by the Stone Tape Theory.
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lesbianjodie · 2 years
....how about a Bi-Eri fic with Jodie as her partner? Just imagine the shenanigans and hilarity!
Ran: Mom you have a girlfriend?
Eri: Yes there she now.
Ran: Jodie-sensei?!?
LMAO HSBWBWJEKD post bo takedown. Conan's just finished recovering from Vermouth and Kir actually being a thing (which thinks gave him the biggest whiplash possible). Eri calls to make an important announcement and tells them to meet her at a fancy restaurant- and Ran immediately assumes she's gonna tell them she's going back to living with Kogoro. But it seems... unlikely, when they see Jodie sitting on Eri's side at the table, both of them holding hands. Shinichi can't make heads or tails of it. He knows they've met, since the FBI has spent these last days keeping his new family safe, but what could they possibly want to announce? The hand holding leads him to one conclusion but no... it just can't be.
The conclusion to the case comes quickly, though, as soon as Kogoro slips and starts flirting with Jodie and Eri slaps his hand away, cutting him off with an elegant "that's my girlfriend, jackass" that keeps the table silent for a good five minutes until Jodie (god bless her soul) breaks the ice again. It only takes a good half hour for Ran to go from being disappointed to feeling exhilarated. Maybe it's because she likes Jodie-sensei too much to try and sabotage their relationship.
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leahchampagne · 2 years
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gisachi · 4 years
13.08 drabble - stop moving
(A #DCMKEmogust2020 entry)
It's been fifteen minutes. Eri still hasn't stopped pacing.
Hasn't stopped touching every little knickknack in her office. Hasn't stopped glancing at her nails and digging up a fourth-grade habit. Hasn't—
—hasn't forgotten that it's seven hours to the biggest suit she'd ever said yes to.
Impulse carries her all the way to the office window, where she, for the first time in two years, whips the blinds all the way up, and there she sees Beika, asleep.
Her hollow eyes adjust to the buildings high beneath the horizon, knowing that somewhere among them nests her opponent-to-be, a multibillion partnership that had snapped litigators with twice her experience and ten times the prestige like so much pencil lead.
If this ends well, she’ll walk out of the courthouse with a still-unblemished record. If not, that’ll be four sleepless weeks and three trusts flushed down the drain: the client’s, the firm’s, the public’s.
She exhales. Sharp.
Why didn’t she listen when two associates asked her to back down? To settle? Of course she wouldn’t. Why would she? She’s not the Courtroom Queen for nothing. She’s—
Backing down isn’t an option.
Even if the pressure makes her wish it is.
She sometimes wonders where the stubbornness of her daughter comes from. Now she knows it’s not just from him.
Her feet drags the rest of her to another round—another hour?—of pacing. Until she feels arms—lean, strong arms of the man she’s almost forgotten about, pulling her from behind.
“Eri. Stop moving.”
She can't remember the last time she's felt—really felt—those arms. But now it’s coming back, trapping her breathless like an avalanche as their owner whispers in her ear, bringing not a hint of liquor and only the smallest trace of tobacco with it:
“Breathe... easy now. You got this, Queen.”
She freezes, and suddenly her heart is playing a game, playing tug-o-war between slowing down and speeding up. She thinks of the case, thinks of him, of them, of their rekindled flame, of everything coming down to a single constant.
( Ran was right. A hug did make all the difference. )
She smiles, squeezes the hand around her waist, declares—
“Yes, I got this, Anata.”  
(thank you @mirrorfalls for the beta!)
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