#Kitty opens mail
thank you so much for loving my works you just made my weekend
Aw of course! I’m so glad! I like to write poetry and prose poetry as well (though I don’t have the confidence to post lol) and so whenever I see someone who shares their incredible writing, I always have so so much respect and admiration for them. You are so skilled and all of it was absolutely beautiful.
I hope you have a nice day!
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lovphobic · 1 year
Gotcha just checking!
Basically during a severe thunderstorm there is so much wind blowing beneath the clouds that it can prevent hail or rain from falling and pushes it back into the cloud, which results in either big hailstones/rain drops or a microburst, which is what we see in the clip. It's where the cloud collapses under its own weight and crashes to earth in a burst of high winds. There's about 10 per every tornado and they are a contributing factor to wind damage, but they don't really even compare to tornadoes.
I have a lot of weather anxiety so therefore I like to know a lot about weather lmao
interesting! it is very reminiscent of the 10 ton backpacks in middle school. #sympathymoment
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bi-writes · 4 months
bestfriend!rooommate!simon finds out you've been lying.
more bff!roommate!simon (part 8/?)
cw: mature language and content, suggestive language and content, mean!simon (verbally), size kink (simon can move the reader easily, described as much bigger), praise kink, the mask doesn't come off, oral (m!receiving), fem!receiving touching, cumplay, soft!dom!simon, reader uses simon to get herself off (because there is no universe in which simon doesn't return his girl's favor), pet names (including pet and kitty)
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you lied.
if simon had his gloves off, his knuckles would be stark white from how hard he was gripping the mail in his hands.
neither of you had checked your mailbox in a while--simon had only returned a few days ago from the harsh winter of northern russia after weeks away, and you seemingly had been busy with work. so busy, simon noticed very quickly, that you spent morning to late at night in your red and white uniform, coming home in the dead of night just to crash and do it all again the next morning.
now he held all the letters in his hand. stacks of them, with angry red stamps bleeding into the white of the envelopes.
he stopped breathing for a moment. he spread the letters out on the table, flipping through each of them. he didn't open them, of course but these were all your bills. cell phone, last month's half of the rent, credit cards, your name written on the back and ugly red warnings pasted over it.
simon had spoken to you while he was gone. he had called you once, twice at least, and all he remembered was your soft voice telling him you missed him, to be careful, that you screwed up a new cookie recipe that you promised you would perfect before he got home.
you hadn't said a thing. your voice had been even and gentle as always. your voice had been comforting, saying only encouraging words. if simon was honest, your voice put him at ease; you always told him something to calm him, something to uplift him.
"i'm so proud of you, simon."
"i hate that you're gone, but there's no one else that could do what you do."
"um...hah...love you. be careful."
you hadn't said a word. your voice didn't reveal an ounce of the stress and the weight that must've been hanging over your head. there was no falter in your words, no strain as you spoke. just pretty, perfect, beautiful you, easing simon's demons while you battled some of your own.
simon crumpled one of the envelopes in his hands. it was thick with papers, but he still forced it into a ball, tossing it back onto the table angrily. he gripped the edge of the table, white knuckling it until he heard the key in the lock.
it was quiet as you came inside. you shut the door and locked it behind you, setting down your bag and taking off your jacket. it was morning; you had worked the night shift. your eyes were drawn low, tired and a dull. you said nothing as you toed off your shoes, letting your sneakers settle under the table. it was then that you noticed simon just sitting there, still, with his hands folded in front of him.
and all of your bills scattered around him.
you sucked in a shaky breath, looking up into his eyes. they were trained low, on the letters surrounding him, but he glared, boring a whole through them. he didn't know where to focus his anger; you were precious, you could do no wrong, you were soft and warm and his, and it wasn't your fault that everything was so expensive, that you were struggling.
but it was your fault that you hadn't said a thing--that you hadn't asked for help.
"simon, i...i-i can explain."
"no. y'r not gonna talk, luv." you had never heard his voice this way. so low and gravelly, an eerie lilt to it that reeked of disappointment and somehow betrayal. "y'r gonna sit down. now."
simon roughly pulled the chair from beside him out, an unspoken command for you to take a seat. your bottom lip trembled as you slumped into the chair, watery eyes avoiding his.
"how long?"
you jumped as he slammed a hand down on the table. the entirety of it shook, the papers ruffling and the dishes clattering loudly.
"a few months! a-a few months, just--"
"no!" simon snapped. "y'lied to me. y'lied to me! i asked! how many times have i asked?! how many times have i looked you in the fuckin' eye and asked you if everythin' was in order, how many fuckin' times?!"
you couldn't keep it in. the tears were hot, running down your cheeks and putting salt on your lips and a dryness in your throat. you were embarrassed. embarrassed that you needed help, ashamed that you were being scolded like a child, afraid of his loud voice and his terrible anger and the way he looked at you. when you decided to live together, you weren't meant to be his burden. you didn't intend to be his problem.
"i-i'm sorry, simon--i'm sorry..." you met his eyes. "i'm taking extra shifts. i-i'm gonna pay the bills, i-i'm gonna make it right, i-i swear--"
"is that what you think this is?"
he narrowed his eyes at you, two dark slits, and then as if a switch flipped, it was gone. his face softened, his eyes widening, and the tension seemed to dissipate just enough to let you breathe a little easier. you couldn't decipher this change, and you couldn't read what was in his eyes, not this time. all you could was sit there and try not to let your cries make any sound.
"do y'think i'm angry because y'didn't pay? is that what y'think?"
you shook your head, shrugging, not understanding his question.
"what...what other reason is there, s-simon?" you hiccuped. "i screwed..." more tears, they wouldn't stop falling, "i-i screwed up, simon, i-i'm so sorry, i-i--"
you jumped when his chair screeched against the floor. he stood up fast, taking a step to round the table to crouch beside your chair. he looked up at you, making himself smaller, and you looked down.
"simon, i'm sorry--"
"stop! stop fuckin' apologizing, fuck," simon interrupted you. his voice was gentle, trying not to scare you, and you closed your mouth, taking in deep, shaking breaths to try and center yourself. "'m angry because you didn't talk to me, luv--" your face fell when he reached up, two gloved hands cupping your puffy cheeks, "--why didn't you say anything? why didn't you tell me? why didn't you ask me for help?"
you sniffled, reaching up and caressing his wrists gently. you played with the edges of his gloves, your fingers skimming the hem of his sleeves and just barely teasing the bare skin under it.
"simon...how could i?" you asked, as if it was obvious. "after everything that's happened...after everything we've been through...h-how could i ask that of you?" "how could you not?" simon spit back, and when you tried to pull away, he tightened his grip on your cheeks. "no, no--look at me--" he rose up on his knees, pressing your forehead to his, "look at me."
your expression was pained, struggling to do as he asked, but eventually your eyes fluttered, meeting his own, and he grunted as he gripped the back of your neck and held you there.
nowhere to go. nowhere to run. no one else.
"y'r not my problem. not my burden," he muttered. "y'r m'responsibility. mine to take care of."
"i-i don't want you to have to do that--"
"what the fuck do y'think this is?" he breathed. "what we have, what this is, this is forever, has that not gotten through y'r bloody head?" you whimpered when he shook you a little, his hand in your hair as he pulled it tight. "y'r as good as mine. not up for discussion."
you swallowed hard as his hands came down, wiping the tears off your face. he brushed your hair back and away, so he could see you, and you smiled at him sadly, eyes glossy and bright.
"'m gonna take care of the flat from now on, yeah?" simon murmured. "'m gonna take care of everything."
your body visibly relaxed. your shoulders fell, your body sinking a little more into the chair, and there was something sweet in your eyes--something hopeful. simon's tone was definite, and there was no room for arguing. you nodded finally, leaning in slowly, pressing a delicate kiss to where his lips would be under the mask. his thumb swiped over your cheek, falling to trace the line of your jaw, and then you both closed your eyes at the same time.
there was an understanding here. it was as if simon was washing you clean--something refreshing and warm and gentle running down the length of you, rinsing whatever was hurting you right down some sort of sickening void that had gripped you so tightly. and he did it so easily--he did it without even blinking.
and it was easy. simon never hesitated with you. his money rotted in an account anyways--it sat and stared at him, reminding him of the kind of hell he had gone through just to get it. it reminded him of the half of him that was someone, the half of him that he hated, the half of his being that came from a wretched, horrid, terrifying thing that manifested itself somewhere in his blood.
simon was half of something foul, and maybe he couldn't make up for the part of him that he didn't think was human, but he could make up for this, make up for you, make up for whatever half of you had left you here. because that was what you deserved--you deserved to be taken care of, you deserved not to worry, you deserved to sleep in soft sheets and eat until your belly was full and smile so much that your cheeks ached, and if simon had to become someone else just to give it to you, if simon had to die and come back again, then that was exactly what he would do.
simon had died once already. simon had seen it--seen how empty and unfulfilling and quiet it had been. simon had seen another side, and you didn't belong there. you belonged somewhere warm. somewhere a little noisy, a little bright, familiar.
it hadn't always been this way. when simon first met you, it hadn't been a good day--simon wore bruises, and you wore blood, and it was in that instant moment of understanding that made it clear you would be bound forever.
something invisible threaded you together. and simon had pulled himself out of his early grave, and after he had done it, you were the only thing that remained. and he hated himself--he hated himself for thanking some unspoken thing, because his entire family was gone, but you weren't gone, you were still here, there was still sunlight in your eyes and laughter in your voice and you were still warm.
it should've tasted sour to be grateful for it. he wanted to hate himself for this feeling. he deserved to die again and not return, but then he wouldn't get to see you anymore, and the selfish part of him, the other half of him, would never give you up willingly.
this love was visceral. this love was going to kill him. he was going to die with you on his mind, but maybe that would be the only thing worth really dying for.
because there you are. big, pretty eyes gazing up at him--fuck, why does she look at me like that?
why does she look at me like i mean something?
why isn't she afraid?
why can't i push her away?
what the fuck is wrong with me?
his beautiful girl. his pretty little roommate. the woman with flowers for eyes and silk as skin and a mind filled with starlight. the sweetheart pushing him to sit, forcing him backwards, getting on her knees in between his legs. and then her hands were on his thighs, sliding up against the rough denim as she laid one side of her face against it, those petals in her eyes trained on the way that his pants seemed to get tighter with every drag of her delicate fingers up his thighs.
and then she was pushing up his hoodie, exposing the relaxed muscle of his stomach, and then she was kissing it. soft lips warming the solid middle of him, a knowing smile growing on her face as she felt him twitch and jump and grunt. and then those beautiful eyes were looking back up at him, her neck tilted back as she undid his jeans and nestled the hem of them just low enough for her to reach in and fuck--
you knew simon was beautiful everywhere. you knew that there was no part of him that wasn't perfect. you couldn't remember being particularly religious, but kneeling in front of him felt like devotion--and you had much to confess.
he was thick, heavy, a weight in your hand that had you drooling without so much as seeing him. you were looking at the red tip of him with eyes half-lidded, and it took everything in you not to take him all at once. but this was simon, this was your version of perfect, and you needed to show simon how much you felt because words were not enough.
words would never be enough.
you started slow. you dipped your head, your eyes flicking up to watch him as you caressed the base of him with a wet kiss. you squeezed your legs together when you noticed his dark eyes roll back into his head for a second, a pained, pleasured reaction, and then you did it again.
a soft lick, the edge of your tongue sliding over a protruding vein on the underside of his length, and you closed your own eyes for a moment to revel in the deep groan that simon uttered. you sighed deeply, keeping your thighs squeezed together to relieve the sudden ache between them, before flattening your tongue and guiding it up his length. simon cursed under his breath, his hands gripping his thighs tight--but one of his hands flew to the back of your head when your greedy little mouth sucked the tip of him into your mouth.
you moaned softly, tasting the edge of him, something so simon and pleasant. a little precum, warm, flowing onto your tongue. you whimpered when you felt his fingers tangle into your hair, gripping you for stability as you sucked him in.
"christ, luv--" just the sound of him so pleased was enough to have you dripping, "fuck--'s so good, 's perfect--"
she was so beautiful. she was perfect. of course she would be good at sucking him off, of course she would have the prettiest tongue and the warmest mouth, and of course she would have one hand wrapping around the base of him as the other slipped between her legs--
"fuck--y'r gettin' off on this, yeah?" he grunted, his eyes flashing with something dark. "'f course you are, such a good girl--"
good girl, good girl, i'm a good girl--
just as slow as it began, as quick as you became. one moment you were cool, composed, watching simon's eyes and listening to his voice as you tried to memorize what pleasure sounded like when it came from him, and the next moment you were sliding him further into your mouth, drool dripping down your jaw as precum spread across your teeth. he was so big--so much to take, but the strain in your jaw tomorrow would have to be a welcome side effect to making lieutenant simon riley cum down your throat.
so sloppy, what a mess you were making. simon's hand now cupped the side of your head, your hair in some makeshift updo as he guided you along his length. the sounds were filthy--soft, slobbering noises as you took simon just a little further down your throat, your tongue being careful to tease the slit of him, slipping between the fold of it to illicit the most gorgeous of moans out of him.
"fuckin' hell--the mouth of a fuckin' angel--"
"such a pretty girl...such a pretty sight...makin' such a mess, sweetheart..."
"y'like it, yeah? y'like it...y'r so pretty...s'pretty, luv, nnngh--th's it, just like that--"
and now you were bouncing pathetically onto your hand. you pressed your hand into the floor, trapping your thighs over it as you tried desperately to grind down on something as you sucked warmly on simon's length. just as you let out a frustrated whine, simon's boot knocked your hand out of the way, slipping the steel toe of it right there, right--oh!
you cried out as the tip of his boot pushed right up against your cunt. the perfect spot, right against your aching clit, because simon never missed--simon always hit his target, whether it was between the eyes of some muppet who had his gun aimed at johnny or exactly where to touch his girl to make her drool. and drool she did--with her mouth stuffed full of him, with her slick wetting her thighs, with that look in her eyes that could make any man lose his fucking mind.
and simon was losing it, he was crazy. he soothed the back of your neck, grunting and hissing and wetting the fabric of his mask with the way he spat and cursed for you. but how could he help himself? the most beautiful girl in the world was on her knees, looking at him like she was at the alter. confessing her sins, receiving her absolution, taking every bit of it like the good girl she was, is.
he was so pretty. he tasted so good. you could only see his eyes, but it was more than enough, you didn't need anything more. the way he scrunched them open and shut, the low drawl of his voice as he said your name--he was perfect. his cock filled your mouth so nicely; he was using you, but you didn't feel used.
you wanted this. you wanted him. you wanted him to put you between his legs, wanted him to finally feel something other than that sick, twisted ache in his bones.
you lifted your hand, the one that had been buried between your thighs, and you cupped the underside of him with them. the wet, sticky warmth of your fingers had simon choking on a breath, hissing when you began to work the length of him that you couldn't fit in your mouth.
"jesus fuckin' christ--!"
his chest was heaving, rising up and down as he scratched at your scalp and cupped the underside of your jaw. then he bent low, smoothing a gloved hand down your throat, needing to feel the way it constricted, the way you swallowed, the feel of your skin and the vibrations as you whimpered and moaned around the thick of him.
you were suckling so sweetly, letting pools of drool and precum slip past your lips and drip along your chin, your hands, against his boot. simon was getting close--you could tell by the way he tugged on your hair and the faltering of his breaths. and he was talking--talking so much, blubbering.
"aye, sweetheart--th's it..."
"fuckin' hell...nnnghh...feel like bloody heaven..."
"...see you in m'dreams, luv...aghh! fuck--fuck, fuck, fuck--"
you didn't think there was anything more attractive than watching simon lose control. but you weren't doing much better. as you sucked the salt from his cock, you slid your hips over his boot to relieve the ache between your thighs even just a little. you thought maybe it was a pathetic sight, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. you fit your cunt right up against him, nestling the tip of his toes against your clit so you could rock back and forth, soaking the leather with you.
simon grunted, chuckling a bit to himself as you watched you suck a little harder, a little sloppier, move your hips a little messier. you were like a sweet, doe-eyed puppy--all big eyes and soft mewls and nothing inside your head except suck, suck, suck--
you whined when he came into your mouth. you held out your tongue, massaging the middle of his cock as he dripped along your mouth, your lips, under your tongue, against your chin. and like the messy little girl you were, you kept suckling on the tip until simon gripped you by the back of the head and lifted you up off the ground, grunting as he roughly manhandled you into his lap.
"little kitty can't help herself...what a fuckin' mouth on ya..."
and then his fingers were gathering the cum on your face and slipping it back into your mouth--just as the fingers on his other hand plunged inside of you.
he was deep, thick gloved fingers taking up even more space, stretching your pulsing, gummy cunt as you gripped his shoulders and cried. little tears coming down your face as you chased that blissful high, begging simon to give it, give it, you need it.
it didn't take much. just a few rough touches of your puffy clit, and you were soaking his gloves, whining as you pressed your cheek to his and mumbled how good he felt, how everything hurt so nice.
a pounding, aching thing that was gone in a matter of seconds, throwing you in a pleasure-drunk mood, with your head rest against his shoulder and your breaths coming out heavy and languid.
your eyes fluttered, but your vision was just clear enough that you could see simon lift the front of his mask. you caught the line of deep scar, something a healed and vicious against his pretty face. then it was gone, replaced by the sight of him slipping his gloved fingers into his mouth and sucking on them, pink tongue coming out to taste them as he slurped at the gooey mess you made on them.
you saw the slightest hint of a smirk before the fabric came back down again.
"'s alright, pet--" simon's voice was low, a drawl to it that made his accent a bit more pronounced. and just as your eyes fluttered shut completely--
"'m right here, kitty."
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Open RP Starter: Mother’s Day Troubles!
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*It was Mother’s Day, that special kind of day where mothers are shown love from the children they raised, one day, your muse (preferably one who’s a mother) is going through the mail, until you find one addressed to none other then Ames! However…it doesn’t say who it’s from, odd…what will your muse do?*
@ask-the-kitty-crew (probably use your musical five blog) @minusgangtime @ravensroleplays @ask-paradox-and-friends @ask-pico-and-friends-99 @hoshi-neko-hikari @floofgryph @floxy-offical @larz-barz @kimetsu-chan @lonelystylus-and-you @anyone else
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best-fictional-cat · 1 year
Alright I'm here to abuse my status of having a somewhat decent following of cat appreciators to talk about this nice little browser game
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Because they're in beta and usually closed, but they're opening for new players from Fri June 23rd at 18:00 to Sun June 25th at 18:00 server time (which is conveniently displayed right at the top of the page)
Someone might remember this game from the competition, because we had a competitor from there, but ANYWAY I've been playing this game since February and just want to share in case anyone else wants to check it out!!
So, meet Nestor
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Nestor is a giant moose with many floating eyes who came to Earth and took not-cats (basically hyper-sentient cats that still very much act like cats) to their home world, and that's where the game starts. You create your own cat (lots of genetics options and various pronouns!) and start your own village!! There's actually some deep and we'll thought-out lore going on, still in development.
Every day there are tasks you may do: check up on Nestor for a free daily gift which might include a cat or a kitten to adopt; feed your cats to increase their stats; make kitties do some jobs like gathering, hunting, even arts and crafts! to get resources; do daily scenarios which are basically very wholesome textual kitty interactions which can go different ways depending on your choice and give you a reward or intercat relationship change (they can have different options available based on the cats personalities!!!); check mail to see if anyone's sent anything; and they're going to implement something with magic at some point because the game is still in development!!!
Some fun scenarios I got just today:
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This game also has such mechanics as something like a tabletop rpg adventure you do to get rewards, decorating your village, building stuff that unlocks new jobs and perks, electing a mayor or having your cats bote for one, getting your cats to become friends, enemies, partners and having or adopting little kitties!! Also there's tons of clothes to dress your cats up in.
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Like this rainbow mustache I got from Nestor on April Fool's!
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A rabbit! Or a whole bunch of pigeons!!!
And there's a whole shop (in-game currency) dedicated to pride-themed clothes!
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And other things. I actually probably have no idea about half the things you can do, but there's a lot of guides! The game has so much to it while being super-chill! Perfect for, say, commute, or just taking a break from stuff. Oh, and there are also seasonal events (in-game seasons are shorter than irl ones) which can give you unique stuff and collectables!
Some resources I really like for their cat puns (also each season you can get different resources):
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Oh, and also there are forums and an entire extremely friendly community there! There's a thread where you can share pics of your irl cats, and a not-cat roleplay one, and lots of others! And they have very fun emotes, here's some examples:
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I'm trying not to go on about it for ages, but stuff just keeps coming to mind! Anyway, it's definitely worth checking out!
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white-cat-of-doom · 10 months
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In honour of me hitting 400 followers here, and after a bit of organization of my merchandise 'archives', I have grouping of CATS items to give away that one lucky kitty will win! An eclectic mix, mainly from Japan, including:
Tokyo March 2006 Programme
CATS (2019) Japanese Movie Programme
London Palladium Programme from January/February 2015
Three Shiki Secret Charms from the recent Nagoya run (you get to choose from Victoria, Jennyanydots, Jemima, Mungojerrie, Rumpleteazer, Old Deuteronomy, Rumpus Cat, and Coricopat! See what they look like below the cut)
A brand new 39th anniversary button set from Japan
A promotional handfan from Tokyo in 2007
Japanese 1989 2CD Cast Recording
(Sealed) CATS (2019) Highlights from the Motion Picture Soundtrack CD
A smaller bonus item or two 😸
RULES (Please read these carefully and follow them):
1. Entries will open today and will close end of day (EST) August 30th - in one week. You can enter at any time between now and then, but anything after than date will not be counted.
2. Please only ONE entry per person. When you reblog THIS post, you will be assigned a random number, and the receiver will be picked by a random generator to make it fair for everyone. Likes do not count as entries. Multiple reblogs will result in disqualification. I want everything to be as fair as possible!
3. It will be free shipping within North America to receive your prize. This giveaway is open to individuals overseas as well, but I may ask for half of any shipping charges, as they can get expensive. This is especially true if you want to ensure delivery! Tracking is not cheap unfortunately and worldwide mail delivery can be very slow if not sent by air. Any import fees are not controlled by me, so please keep that in mind, even if marked as a gift.
4. You must be comfortable with providing me with shipping information. Rest assured you will be providing me this information in confidence and I will not share it with anyone. If you are not comfortable sharing this information, please do not enter as I will not be able to send it to you.
A winner will be selected on August 31st, and they will receive a message indicating that The Everlasting Cat blessed them with a prize. It will be publicly announced as well. I will ship them out to you within one or two days and will give an update once that happens.
I have been selling items online for more than eight years now, and I do my absolute best to have my packages arrive safely. While I would feel terrible if the package becomes lost, without tracking I cannot do anything except say sorry.
Good luck to everyone who enters!
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shadowmaat · 2 months
A Tale of Misdelivery
A while back my best fiend, slwalker, visited to hang out. She likes drinking tea and was appalled to discover I don't have a kettle, so she ordered one off Amazon for me to fill the kettle-shaped hole in my life.
A few days after she left, it was delivered (she knew it wouldn't get here til she was gone). I've been using it for cocoa ever since. Which should be the end of the story.
Best fiend has a clutch of adorable kitty cats. Those kitty cats like to eat and were running out, so she ordered more food off Amazon to be delivered to her house. You can probably guess where this is going.
I was mystified to find an Amazon package sitting on my doorstep. Not only because I hadn't ordered anything, but because it had been dropped off by the USPS truck and traditionally they either leave it at the end of the driveway by the mailbox or they leave a slip saying I have a package.
I opened it up, saw the cat food, and knew exactly what had happened. I let Best Fiend know and made plans to drop the food off at the animal shelter after the weekend.
This is where it gets convoluted.
It's Monday, but I haven't had a chance to get to the shelter yet. I did, however, get a visit from my aunt, who had just left after going for a walk with my mom.
In the back of her car she had an Amazon package. For me. She'd been to the post office because, unlike me, she has a PO box. She got a notice she had a package, picked it up, and as she put it in the car, realized it had MY name on it, so she dropped it off on her way back home.
I didn't have to open it to know what it was and informed Best Fiend that another package had been misdelivered by Amazon. She, however, said that it was just the second half of the original order. Which somehow wound up with my aunt's PO box.
Here's where it gets fun.
My aunt got divorced and has gone back to her maiden name, so it isn't like they just saw the surname and got mixed up. Which could be a case of someone at the post office knowing who both of us are and making a weird connection.
It's worth noting that my aunt had a son who did share my surname. He got married and inherited our grandmother's house, which is two down from me. When he died, his widow sold the house and moved in with Aunt until she could get new housing arrangements finalized. So she (and her kids) have the right surname and lived two houses down, which makes it possible that someone saw the surname and street address and went "AHA! Mail forwarding!" which is how it wound up with my aunt.
That still doesn't explain how two parts of the same order got delivered to two different addresses (both of them technically wrong), but between Amazon's general fuckery and the mess the US postal system has become thanks to DeJoy, anything could have happened. We should probably be glad we got both boxes at all.
The shelter, at least, will be able to put the food to good use. I think they only have one cat in at the moment, but there will always be more, and they also have a program to make food available to cat owners who otherwise have trouble affording supplies. It all works out. Just weirdly.
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eyeofnewtblog · 8 months
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This is Noni cat, and I got her 8 years ago from the shelter. They told me she was maybe six years old when I swiped my credit card for her.
She’s been a pretty active cat for at least the last 6 years; when I was living alone with just Noni as my roommate, she would jump out of my open 3 story window down to the second story window and demand food and pets, which my neighbor was happy to provide. Luckily he only had to do this once, but I was still mortified (especially since I was living in a no pets place and passing off my adoption of a cat as “my coworker is going through a divorce and asked me to watch his cat for a few weeks so that his ex didn’t cause more trouble” and all my neighbors were single older men, and I worked in a motorcycle place with 90% male coworkers so it honestly did fly under the radar…the only reason I was able to get her at all was because I did laundry/cleaning for one of my single coworkers for a week and put his number down as my landlord and he was like “yes, she can get a kitty, she’s done a really good job of keeping things clean and being responsible, I trust her.” FYI, I was also taking his dog on play dates at the doggie park down the street from me on my days off just for my own amusement, so like. He wasn’t my actual landlord but he also wasn’t lying about my ability to take care of an animal.)
Anyway, the only reason I ever ended up with Noni was because on my second date with my now husband I said I didn’t know if I wanted to buy a cat or a gun, and he and I spent 8 hours just bumming around all the pet places and gun shops that we both knew about (and meeting my aunt and grandparents because they live just up the street from one of the best pawnshops in the area, I “have some mail I need to pick up right quick, it’s just a five minute detour” and oh my goodness…you know that feeling when you see your family immediately like the person you’re dating? Yeah.)
So after husband and I move in together but before anything is official…there is a wildly out of control feral cat population in the area his apartment was in. Noni cat was fine, because she only ever hung out in the front or back yard, but the lady two houses up would put out multiple trays of food for 30+ cats. She was very sweet but also wasn’t trapping and spaying/neutering them, and we didn’t have any central ac (so doors open and fans on, we die like men, sleep with ice packs, and scrub the mud daughter nests out with dawn dish soap), so every summer, about once a week, I’d hear typical cat fighting noises, and go charging out to the living room where some random cat had Noni cornered. I stomp and shout and chase the stay cat out, Noni cuddles me for ten minutes in gratitude before the heat is too much for both of us, we move on.
Then me and husband buy a house in 2018. We move into our new suburban paradise, but alas…Noni cat is a straight up gangster cat, right out of Commerce City.
In all the years we have lived in this house, Noni cat has left a minimum of ten bunny corpses on the front lawn. Per summer.
I love her, I really do. And I recognize that cats should be indoor pets, for environmental reasons. But I legit cried when she brought a still alive baby bunny to the door (with every intention of eating it as is on the living room floor) and she accidentally dropped it and it tried to run away and instead of doing anything productive I just went inside and cried to my husband. Who laughed at me, rightfully so.
Anyway, she’s getting older now, and there’s definitely something wrong with her. She didn’t murder any baby bunnies at all this summer, got “old cat skinny and bony” and honestly refuses to go outside at all. She was always super cuddly during winter because cats like warm things, but now she wants cuddles and attention all the time.
With me starting a new job, I don’t necessarily have the money to get her fully checked out. I want to, she isn’t just a great cat, she’s the only cat my husband has ever liked; she’s wonderful and worth every penny, but fuck are we in a tight spot with his medical stuff and me having three jobs in the last 18 months. There’s no fucking ROOM on the credit cards to take care of her.
Husband found a vet that charges a lot less, but is an hour outside of town. What we save in vet bills we spend in gas to get there.
I don’t really have a point I’m leading up to, or a critical argument or analysis…my cat is dying and it fucking sucks on so many levels, because she was so instrumental in how I got where I am.
I just wanted to tell her/my story and have it be shared with random strangers who might have an interest.
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cutiedwaekki · 5 months
hiii! ~
i follow you on ao3 (@bbywoojin) and was wondering if you could write a fic with woojin in it? (i am an OT9 & OT8 skz stan ;~;)
could the prompt be something like this?:
chan accidentally looks at the internet search history of his husband, woojin, while borrowing his computer. chan finds that woojin has been watching feederism/weight-gain porn and is sexually attracted to chubby men. chan decides to watch some of the videos woojin was watching and finds that the whole idea makes him horny too. chan, who is muscular, decides to introduce the feederism/weight gain kink to their sex lives. he is willing to be fed copious amounts of food by his husband to fulfill his fantasies.
 ♡  ♡  ♡
in case you are too uncomfortable to write woojin as a character, you could replace him with seungmin instead.
i absolutely love your work! ~  ♡
Hii ♡
thank you very much for your request, it made me happy and inspired me a lot, I hope you like it :D
(Btw y'all go and read their seungbin fic on ao3 you won't be disapointed 👌)
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—come and taste me now
Seungmin x Chan
summary : using Seungmin's computer, Chan discovered his husband's fetish which soon became his too
contain : established relationship , feederism , weight gain , smut
Enjoy ♡
☆ミ( ^ω^ )
—"Minnie, can I use your computer? Mine won't turn on! "Said Chan from their shared bedroom.
Seungmin, his husband for almost a year, was in the living room reading with some music from the TV. He poked his head out of his book and turned towards the source of the oldest's voice. "Go ahead, but be quick, I'll need it"
So, Chan completely abandoned the idea of his computer turning on and turned on Seungmin's. He always had this sweet memory when he observed the stickers on the youngest's laptop. All cute things, sanrio characters like pompompuri, cinamonroll or even hello kitty. But in the center of the computer, a big sticker of him and Chan, a photo they'd taken in a photo booth for their one-year relationship. It was so cute!
But Chan refocused and opened the computer before turning it on, hoping that he could quickly accomplish what he wanted to do before Seungmin started asking questions.
In fact, the only reason he needed a computer was to book a week-end together on Jeju island. The two of them were so exhausted by their work that they hadn't taken the time to settle down and spend time with each other.
So from the moment he got the idea, he didn't look back and kept going. Fortunately, the ticket was quickly snapped up. He could have turned off the computer and tidied up, but given Seungmin's curious nature, it was better to erase his research, transferring everything by e-mail before going to the history and erasing his passage.
But just as he was about to do so, something caught his eye. The previous browsing Seungmin had done caught his attention, and he couldn't help but scroll down for a closer look. Between sites for exchanging e-mails, a videoconferencing site, there were several pornographic sites.
It's often said that curiosity killed a cat, but if it meant Chan could get to know his husband's fantasies better, how could he refuse? The man he'd only caught masturbating to, claiming he was into pure vanilla, might have some unmentionable fantasies that Chan wouldn't hesitate to tease him about.
With a wry smile, he opened the links to the sites he'd visited, and his smile quickly faded as he expected something different. Nothing too strange, just people being fed in one with very little clothing on. In another video, the person was naked, showing off his fat body; in another, the person was even wearing a pig costume and eating a wgole cake by himself
He watched each video almost assiduously and realized two things:
1- his husband was a fucking fat admirer (very comical when you see that Chan had more muscle than fat)
2- He was very excited about it too
His mind was totally confused, what was he supposed to do? Admit to Seungmin that he'd interfered with his intimacy to confide him that he now knew his fetish? Say nothing? Now he could understand his lover's wandering hands better than when he'd told him he'd put on weight.
Clearly he hadn't expected it, Seungmin didn't let anything show on that front and, to be honest, he'd even had trouble knowing at first that Seungmin was interested in him, almost asking "why" when Seungmin asked him out.
However, he wasn't disappointed by this discovery, the images hadn't displeased him so much that for a brief moment he'd even envied their full, round belly compared to his flat, muscular one.
His hand rested on his belly as he watched the first video one last time, he was definitely envious of what he was seeing and yet surprised that it took him another year to discover it.
—"Channie ? Have you finished with my computer? I need it! " exclaimed Seungmin to Chan was in front of him before he even had time to close the computer window.
☆ミ( ^ω^ )
So there they were, face to face, sitting on their bed, the computer closed and placed far away from them, Seungmin blushing and Chan surprised.
Perfect moment to talk about it, isn't it?
—"D-Did you watch everything?"Seungmin asked timidly, avoiding Chan's gaze out of shame.
—"I liked what I saw," said Chan almost suddenly, prompting Seungmin to look at him with a confused look.
—"wh.. what do you mean?"
- "You clearly like it and I like it, wouldn't you like to give it a try ?"
Seungmin's confusion grew as a growing smile formed on his face.
—"Really? Are you sure? Don't feel pressured Channie if you don't like it-"
—"I'm interested I tell you, and if need be we can always stop, can't we?" Chan cut him off, showing his conviction and determination to experiment with him.
If need be, they could just stop, right?
☆ミ( ^ω^ )
They didn't stop, neither of them wanted it to stop.
They'd agreed to try it over the weekend, when they'd have more time to experiment.
Chan although the least conaisseur was the one he was guiding Seungmin who was living his greatest fantasy.
The youngest was deeply in love with Chan, but seeing him gorge so much, demand belly rubs, be so clingy with him, gem his name, it didn't take much to corrupt his brain and make him crazy about him.
It was as if they'd found what was missing from their daily lives to make their relationship just... perfect
A simple meal could turn into a make-out session. And a big meal could turn into a torrid sex scene between the two lovers.
As time passed, it became their routine, just like Chan, who with time and lack of exercise (unless if sex counted as sport) gained weight.
At first it was nothing, just that his muscles weren't as visible. Then his jeans started to get tight, his ass didn't fit all the way in, his thighs started to rub against each other, his belly shook with every step he took. His chest softened and trembled with each step.
He didn't know how much weight he'd gained, but it was enough to know that he felt good this way, he was confident, Seungmin was even more clingy with him and at least that evening they'd both found a good way to relax and unwind from their exhausting day.
If Chan had known, he would have looked into Seungmin's browsing history earlier
☆ミ( ^ω^ )
His body lay heavily on the bed, so full he could hardly move. But Seungmin was still right on top of him, kissing the nape of his neck with so much desire that moans couldn't help coming from Chan's mouth.
today was a great day, the oldest had reached his goal since they had discovered feedrism, he wanted to try and weigh 150 kg, not knowing that a few months with a very affectionate husband would finally get him there.
—You're finally fat as fuck " exclaimed Seungmin between wet kisses.
—I'd have been fat a while ago if you hadn't fucked me so daringly" replied Chan narsuoisantly, simply earning a slap on his already full belly, making him moan.
—Pigs don't talk, you should know that" declared Seungmin in an authoritarian tone. "Now shut your beautiful mouth and let me reward you" he regained his soft, sensual air as he began to undo his shirt and the oldest one.
He was overcome with admiration for his belly, it was so round, so soft, he admired her stretch marks which were still a reddish/pinkish tinge, his husband was putting on weight so easily, and all because of him.
The thought only excited him more.
He kissed him again, pressing his body to his. He was so in love, but so impatient that he desperately wanted to kiss Chan, while at the same time undoing his pants without leaving the oldest's lips.
It wasn't long before they both ended up naked on the bed, their breathing panting, but that didn't stop Seungmin from turning Chan over (or at least trying to) to get a good view of his back, where his back fat was trembling, but above all to get a view of his round, plump ass, he couldn't even see his lover who was hidden behind it.
He put his hand on his ass, even one hand wasn't enough to slap it, you needed at least two hands for that.
At this thought, he slapped his ass, earning the groans of his lover, who was only waiting to be fucked.
No sooner said than done, he was already penetrating his lover, doing it so often that they didn't even need a preliminary to make the pleasure last, feeding Chan had become their preliminary.
So, once his cock was deep inside his and his hands were gripping the love handles on both sides of Chan, he began to come and go under the groans of the oldest, which grew louder and louder as he accelerated the pace.
they were never too talkative during sex, preferring to save their breath to keep going.
Soon they became one, the tension in their abdomens finally broken, Seungmin's stuttering hips stopped as he delivered one last deep thrust and spread deep inside Chan.
And so all both, panting, found themselves next to each other, their bodies still chaid and sweating.
—"How much longer are we going to keep this up?" Said Chan with amusement, definitely not ready to stop being fulfilled by his husband.
- "Until you can't get through the front door any more" teased Seungmin before giving a final kiss on his husband.
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oooo u seem cool
can i get a 🌷? the theme can be whatever you like
(but if u want one, nostalgia would be cool)
^///^ why thank you!!! Likewise!
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Here ya go!!! I hope you like it!!
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morbiderotica · 2 years
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#MASTERLIST ─ nav . rules . tags
𝘞𝘌𝘋𝘕𝘌𝘚𝘋𝘈𝘠 ─ requests closed
xavier thorpe ─ ★ first date ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ jealous jealous boy ... wednesday addams ─ ★ are you okay? ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ outcast? ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ picture ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ drunken kisses ... kent ─ ★ study break ... ajax petropolus ─ ★ stupid mistake ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ r u mine? ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ you know you want it ... rowan laslow ─ ★ witchin’ ... ajax petropolus ─ ★ new favorite seat ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ im in charge ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ delicious ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ three birds, one stone ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ dont get distracted ... xavier thorpe ─ ★ beggin' ... ajax petropolus ─ ★ brushing your hair ... rowan laslow ─ ★ trapped ...
𝘿𝙀𝘼𝙏𝙃 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀 ─ requests open
mail jeevas ─ ★ fast car ... mihael keehl ─ ★ angry footsteps ... mihael keehl ─ ★ lazy ... mail jeevas , mihael keehl ─ ★ breaking and entering ... nate rivers ─ ★ pretty baby ... mihael keehl ─ ★ sleepyhead ... mail jeevas , mihael keehl ─ ★ bend me over! ... mail jeevas ─ ★ cutie patootie ... mail jeevas , mihael keehl ─ ★ into it ... m. jeevas , m. keehl ─ ★ the music is loud ... mail jeevas ─ ★ breakdown ... mail jeevas , mihael keehl ─ ★ be careful ... mihael kheel ─ ★ headcanons ... mail jeevas ─ ★ headcanons ... mail jeevas , mihael keehl ─ ★ flower picking ... m. jeevas , m. keehl ─ ★ watch it ... m. jeevas , m. keehl ─ ★ kitty cat rescue ... mail jeevas , mihael keehl ─ ★ run in ... mihael kheel ─ ★ pretty in pink ... light yagami ─ ★ friends w benefits ... mihael kheel ─ ★ eager, baby ... mihael kheel ─ ★ cryin and beggin ... mail jeevas , mihael keehl ─ ★ tired ... mail jeevas , mihael keehl ─ ★ silence ... m. jeevas , m. keehl ─ ★ wammy hcs ... mail jeevas ─ ★ game console ... mihael kheel ─ ★ bruised knees ... mihael kheel ─ ★ false god ... light yagami ─ ★ thigh riding ... mail jeevas , mihael kheel ─ ★ trouble makers ... m. jeevas, m. kheel ─ ★ fine line ... m. jeevas , m. keehl ─ ★ chocolate & cigs ... light yagami ─ ★ honey and sex ... m. jeevas , m. keehl ─ ★ ultraviolence ... mail jeevas ─ ★ lust for life ... light yagami ─ ★ idol (hc) ... mihael kheel ─ ★ tough love ... light yagami ─ ★ deception ...
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lantur · 9 months
It's been such a rough week+. My mom is still here and I have five more days until she's gone.
Everything I do is messed up or wrong in some way. Things I do wrong:
Cook tonight's dinner recipe
Inside of fridge isn't clean enough
Inside of washing machine isn't clean enough
Boil water for steaming vegetables
Prepare ginger for cooking
Prepare sliced green chilis for cooking
Use the wrong lotions/moisturizers
Prepare frozen vegetables wrong
The way I slice my bell peppers is wrong
Car isn't clean enough
Garage isn't clean enough
Put whipped cream into latte
Dispose of my opened mail and boxes incorrectly
Scoop the kitty litter incorrectly
Buy too much tea
She doesn't just say these things once. Everything is repeated over and over again.
Things I am at risk of, apparently:
Becoming (more) fat
Becoming a hoarder
Miscellaneous other things my mom has complained about:
All of my cousins who are women. (My two male cousins can do no wrong.)
The parenting and appearance of my cousins who are women and/or parents.
Her sisters - including the sister who's let her stay in her home for the past 4 months.
Immigrants with strong accents (my parents are/were immigrants with strong accents...)
I am not kidding or exaggerating when I say my morale is broken. My mom has always been awful - there's a reason I moved halfway across the country from my parents. She's only getting worse with every year that passes, despite my attempts to try and make the relationship work / try to have a positive relationship.
I get no escape/respite from her - just my ~two hours of alone time at night and ~40 minutes at the gym. I don't get to read my book and drink my tea quietly in the morning. I'm not able to listen to my podcasts and audiobooks as I cook, and as I drive to and from the gym. I can't grocery shop alone in peace.
Last weekend was miserable. Pretty much every day since my mom got here on the 7th has been miserable. This visit has basically ruined most of my September. I normally cherish my weekends, and I can't even look forward to this weekend because it'll be more of the same.
I'm so overwhelmed, drained, and miserable. My husband has been encouraging me to cut my mom out for the past 3 years because of how unhappy she makes me, but it's hard/impossible, considering I'm her only child and she doesn't even have my dad anymore. Just wanted to write this to vent and pray for strength and get it out that I'm at the end of my rope.
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hananoami · 3 months
Server Maintenance
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■ Maintenance Duration on March 1st
The game will undergo maintenance from 4:50 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. on Mar. 1 (UTC+8). During this period, access to Linkon City will be temporarily unavailable. Please note that the server opening time may be adjusted according to the actual situation. Thank you for your understanding.
■ Update Details
Special Embrace: Birthday Limited 5-Star Memory Rate Up
Miracle Voyage: Rafayel Birthday Event
New Packs for Rafayel's Birthday Event. Please check in-game notice and shop interface for specifics.
Kitty Cards: New Meow Badges Meowstar Series Added
4-Star Memory Zayne: Dawn's Shadows added to Galaxy Explorer, both Silver Galaxy and Radiant Galaxy.
■ Bug Fixes and Optimizations
Fixed the problem of the wrong cool down of the Active Skill of Xavier: Lightseeker's exclusive weapon Luminescence Blade.
Fixed the problem that area burning effect cannot be triggered by Resonance Skill of Rafayel: Abysswalker.
Fixed other displaying issues. *You can check the system notice for more optimization details.
■ Special Notice
📍 Asia Server (UTC+8): Rafayel's birthday event will be open after the update. 📍 Europe (UTC+2) & America (UTC-7) servers: Rafayel's birthday event will be open at 5:00, Mar. 1 (server time).
■ Maintenance Gift
After the maintenance, you can claim compensation rewards of Diamonds*100 and Empyrean Wish *1 in your mailbox. Mail system will be unlocked after completing Main Story 1-9. The compensation mail expires at 4:59 A.M. on Mar. 4 (Server Time).
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sloaners · 2 years
Washington State is exclusively vote by mail since long before covid and doesn't give us stickers :[ accept my ripped open ballot envelope instead and grant me an obito holding a kitty?
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thank you!
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heymacy · 11 months
joy list? joy list ✨
i was tagged by my sweet sweet friends @howlinchickhowl, @energievie, @creepkinginc, & @gardenerian to share some things that have been bringing me joy 💛
turning 30 🎉
celebrations! birthdays! anniversaries! reunions!
the very occasional fruity little cocktail 🍸
walking around the city
laying in the grass
seeing Van Gogh's paintings (and the brushstrokes) with my own two eyes 🎨
diet coke 🫣
when my least affectionate kitty snuggles up with me unprompted
mail from the pals 💌
rainy days 🌧
sharing secrets
thrift stores
jalapeño aioli
4x08 🌈
the salted caramel + pistachio candle from trader joe's
writing! sharing my words! getting feedback! writing more! ✏️
tag game tuesday
opening myself up 📸
new beginnings
all of you 🥰
i'm tagging @iansfreckles, @nicksobotka, @heymrspatel, @metalheadmickey, @whatwouldmickeydo, @whatthebodygraspsnot, @gallawitchxx, @squidyyy23, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @7x10mickey, @deedala, @michellemisfit, @harrowhark-a-vagrant, @thepupperino, @thisdivorce, @sickness-health-all-that-shit, @crossmydna, @rereadanon, @vintagelacerosette, @mishervellous, @callivich, @y0itsbri, @palepinkgoat, @purplemagpie, @grumble-fish, @tectonicduck, @xninetiestrendx, @arrowflier, @too-schoolforcool, @tanktopgallavich, @ardent-fox, @mickmilks, @suzy-queued, @auds-and-evens, & @captainjowl 💫
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lesbiancolumbo · 6 months
god’s most perfect niece insisted on opening her christmas present today when it came in the mail and she got so excited when she saw it was a “kitty book” 🥰
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