#Karin also sees through him but isn't sure if it's her place to say anything; he's her commander after all
Miles also has to be kind of self-absorbed and overly focused on the mission during me2 but also the thought of him making ramen with Kasumi is cute. Making use of the Normandy's new kitchen.
Ramen because, as Kasumi insists, it's hard to mess up. And Kasumi because she's the only one willing to actually intrude upon Miles' solitude between missions due to a combination of nosiness, irreverence and boredom. (And in turn, it's a relief for once to have someone who's not overly impressed by Commander Shepard, so he eases up and lets her see Miles a bit more.)
Thane ends up their taste tester because he also doesn't sleep much. It turns out pretty good. Better than Rupert's, which Kasumi promises not to tell.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
I can’t imagine that Sasuke went to bed with Sakura on his own. If we even can call this bed because in reality they did it in the woods or sth like that because Sakura doesn’t respect herself, her giving birth at Orochimaru says a lot blehh. Sakura must have guilt tripped him into having sex. He never wanted her hugs, touches anything only when he couldn’t control himself e.g. the curse or being injured but even then he would say let go etc. He never kissed her, never so him willingly going to bed with her is not possible. She must have persuaded him into this and it was a quick act. She had advantage because it was his trip to get rid of his sins (he tried to kill her and he let her die many times). Also Naruto was married during that time so I think he agreed also because of that but it was never his decision, it was Sakura who cried rivers to make him do it. What’s your opinion?
Hi anon.
I have talked about it here.
Honestly, now, I am not even sure if they had sex. I find it very suspicious that Sakura chasing Sasuke would be enough to make him submit to her. It's totally possible for her to have manipulated or tricked him. It's in her character. But I don't know, something is fishy. Sasuke is quite aware of her manipulative tendencies. He isn't dumb enough to fall into her traps.
Okay, so Sakura chased Sasuke and Karin says that they all traveled together. Now why would be Karin traveling with them when she works for Oro? But she did and apparently that's when Karin and Sakura became friends. I am sure that's where Sakura got the photo that she placed with her own in that photo frame at her house. From Karin, because Sasuke couldn't have been carrying it. The only memento he considers important enough to carry is the hitaiate Naruto gave him. But then why were they traveling together? The reason for this travel is not specified by Karin. Sasuke does say he wants to travel to sort some stuff out in chapter 699, but in that case, why would he be traveling with Karin, Oro's employee? If he refused to take Sakura on his redemption journey, why would he take Karin? Doesn't make sense.
It gives me the impression that he was performing some kind of mission for Konoha at the time perhaps, since Oro became Konoha's subject after the war and he is an asset. We do see him reach out to Oro quite confidently in Gaiden when Shin abducts Sakura. So there is some indication that he is comfortable enough to do that, given once he murdered Oro. Perhaps Sasuke and Karin (on behalf of Oro), were carrying out some mission or research or something, which is when Sakura starts to chase Sasuke.
So if we assume that it was a mission of some sort, what would that be about? Oro is known to experiment with genetics, that's what the whole Shin debacle is about.
Don't you find it suspicious that Kishi chose to write Gaiden's narrative about how genetics is not the determinant to someone's right to humanity? When Shin talks about the utilitarian purposes and the dispensable element of his clones, Sakura gets all huffed up and righteously angry and says this.
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"The relationship between the parent and child is more than the passing of genes." Hmmm. Is that so?
I find Gaiden so layered and brimming with implicit information. Like I said, Kishi was trying to relay information about things that didn't make sense about the ending through Gaiden.
So why choose to tell this story this way, which was outwardly written to establish Sarada's sob story and background, when Kishi is doing so many other things in it, even defeating the purpose of the centre of Sarada's sob story? The need for a happy family. Is there a parallel? Looks like it. Because eventually, Naruto says the same thing.
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That connections are more than about blood relations. So what is Kishi trying to say here? That it doesn't matter whether the relationship is based on blood, or if it's a result of a scientific experiment or motivation, the humanity of it still doesn't get cancelled. That's why he basically adopts all the little Shins. Relationships are completely about what you make of them.
Why choose to tell this story that factors genetics so heavily in the narrative, while creating a new villian, reintroducing Oro who is otherwise pretty much irrelevant in Boruto, but has already been established as a genius level scientist and pioneer of genetics in Naruto universe? And why choose to tell this story in this manner where he deliberately creates doubt about the legitimacy of Sasuke and Sakura's relationship to the point where even Sarada's conception is questioned upon? The whole adultery theme. This whole thing is just so fishy.
So what does that mean? Did Sasuke really have sex with Sakura? I find it very hard to believe. He is so much stronger than her that Sakura forcing herself on him just doesn't gel, he has been able to spurn her advances and romantic offerings every single time before. Even after the war, without feeling guilty about it. He has also attacked her in response to her doing it first. So if forced in such a situation, he wouldn't step back from causing her physical and mental harm. That is already established.
Why would Kishi make Sarada look like Karin and not Sakura? If genetic experimentation was involved in her conception, Oro could have tampered with some stuff here and there to make it happen.
So it all boils down to this:
1) Sarada does not know anything much about her father.
2) Sakura doesn't either.
3) There's no proof if she is actually married to Sasuke and she doesn't wear a ring when other Konoha wives do.
4) No wedding picture either.
5) Sakura is so nervous about answering Sarada's questions about Sasuke since she doesn't know anything herself (like whether he wears glasses, such an innocuous and basic thing..), and it would figure, because I don't think Sarada would be pleased with getting to know that she was a test tube baby, if she was.
6) Their marriage looks like a sham. And their interaction with each other is so wooden as if to keep appearances.
7) They have never kissed. Kishi implies this Twice. Twice. Why? If they had sex, it would be natural to assume that they kissed, no? So why imply it twice that they didn't?
8) Sasuke doesn't live with them. Or visit them. Or keep in touch. Not even to know about his own daughter's life. He doesn't even recognise her face. And for the most part, except the end, dismisses Sarada's emotional queries.
9) We already know that he doesn't feel emotionally about Sakura at all.
10) Sasuke says outright that the reason why they are connected is because Sarada exists. So Sarada is the only point of connection between Sakura and Sasuke. Which is true.
11) Kishi deliberately cuts off Sasuke's line where he is going to explain to Sarada about his absence with Shin's attack.
12) The whole issue of the umbilical cord. It is supposed to be symbolic of mother and child's spiritual and physical connection. It's traditional. It's sacred. But Sakura doesn't have it. Karin does. If Sarada indeed was an experiment, then it would make sense that Karin would keep it, given she is the one who often carries out or helps carry out Oro's experiments.
13) If Karin and Sakura are such good friends, why doesn't Sarada know about Karin?
14) Sakura looks so nervous when Sasuke is about to tell Sarada about their connection. It would make sense for her to be nervous if she thought Sasuke would tell the truth. Perhaps that's why she didn't tell Sarada about Karin? If Karin cares enough to send Sarada new pair of glasses, it must mean she has some emotional connection to Sarada.
15) And finally, Sarada was born at Oro's hideout.
All of this leads me to believe that Sasuke did not have sex with Sakura. And we know that Kishi doesn't do shit without a purpose, he almost always has an ulterior motive when it comes to Sasuke and Naruto's bond since the entire seven hundred chapters of Naruto and Shippuden are about a gay love story in SHOUNEN which was written implicitly, with a whole lot of nuances and red herrings and clever narrative tools that actively encourages the reader to read between the lines.
What's stopping him to do similar stuff here?it would only be in his character. Heh. Why deliberately write such shady shit to imply Sasuke and Sakura are not together? And that Sasuke cheated on Sakura? Nefarious. And then finally he makes Sasuke look like this with his family.
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Turned away from Sakura, like always. And looking like he would rather eat tree bark than whatever is in front of him. Notice that they look like a couple that is trying to keep a facade for the child. Sakura looks nervous but conciliatory, like she is trying really hard to keep appearances, while Sasuke isn't even trying, he looks proper depressed. But Sarada looks chatty and pleased. Because all she ever wanted was her family to be together. So Sasuke is fulfilling her wishes. For her sake, not Sakura's.
My reading? Sarada is the result of a genetic experiment. Sakura perhaps is the mother. Sasuke is definitely the father, because of sharingan. And something about Karin is mixed in it. I don't know what, Oro is crazy and talented enough to do it. All I know is that those three were traveling together and it was not during Sasuke's redemption journey. Why did they perform this experiment, I don't know. Maybe Sakura asked for it. And Sasuke gave it to her, perhaps out of guilt? Or as long as she would keep away from him? If she has a child to take care of, she wouldn't be able to chase Sasuke. Hehe.
Would Sakura take whatever scrap Sasuke throws at her? Like whatever she can get, as long as she gets to call him her husband, even if in name only, and cover her house with Uchiha fan when even Sasuke doesn't wear it anymore?
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