iersei · 8 months
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looks at you with my big autistic eyes if you're still doing doodles may I perhaps request a transfem Glenn ? or just a normal Glenn is fine :]
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(1) you say as if transfem glenn can't be normal glenn if you believe hard enough
(2) um uhhh so when you requested this you meant transfem glenn in my approximation of slutty drag queen attire right
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hi if your opening requests for Erin votes . eem .
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glenn close ? my wife ?
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i know we just got “holding out for a hero” with the teens but i just needed to draw glenn in this fit <3
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officialgleamstar · 6 months
HI TRAVVY !!! I heard it's your bday today (saw someone send you an ask last night) so I drew you some sillies
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hope you like them , and HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! <33333 🎉🎉🎉
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llumimoon · 1 year
scary in d4 for that outfit meme thing ??
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She’s killing it! (And a few people)
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inkedintothepaper · 7 months
might I ask for terrickrow annnnd oakson ? perchance perchance ? also maybe a nark if you'd like ?
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Never considered that ship, im interested :)
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They are so strange and fucked up i love it
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they are everything to me im crazy about them
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vilevampire · 2 months
hi there cookies said I should come bother you hi
hey ...
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raemeh · 1 year
mayhaps a Hermie unworthy drawring 🥺
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One hermie coming up
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Close up on the small doodle
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isadora-greenhall · 9 days
hi Dora :3 ⭐
Hi Aether! 🥰❤️
Mutual Bingo
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purple and also pink /platonic <333
I love you so much dear, it's not funny (/platonic for those who don't know me and Aether very well)
Mwah, have a smooch. Again, I love you.
And yeah, superhell. See ya there. Could have said summer wedding in superhell. Nicky is ordained! /ref
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happi-tree · 1 year
Terry Jr for that character ask game ?
Hihihi Aether! Hope you're doing well, lovebird <333
So, Terry Jr. TJ. Teej. *begins weeping*
First impression: A little bit of a brat. Somewhat understandable between juggling teenage angst and adjusting to Ron's, uh, Ron-ness (affectionate <3), but would it kill him to be a little nicer about it? :/
Impression now: THAT'S MY FUCKING SON AND I MISS HIM TERRIBLY!!! So sick and twisted of Anthony to do that to him 😭😭😭 He's been through so much and he just wants to be there for his stepdaughter like his stepfather was there for him and!!!! Dissolves into a puddle of tears.
Favorite moment: Either the entire Thing that was the end of Tower of Terry or when he spotted Scary picking up the lunch he made for her and smiled about it :') I love him so much
Idea for a story: Hhhhhh this is one I've been meaning to actually write for a bit and have talked about a ton on Discord but! AU with seasoned vampire Terry Jr attempting to take fledgling vampire Scary under his wing. Scary is Not Having It, obviously (and is even MORE adamantly against it once she figures out he's coincidentally the new guy her mom's been seeing), but eventually she falls super ill bc she hasn't had blood in awhile and so Terry guiltily takes care of her while she's too out of it to argue. It only further complicates things that they were both Turned by the same man (Willy Stampler, obviously). They end up having a bit of a heart-to-heart on what it is to be a monster and how to live with yourself when you have to kill to stay alive sometimes and when you have the knowledge that you'll outlive everyone you know and love. Terry has no idea if she'll remember any of this conversation once she gets a good day's rest, but it feels like something of a breakthrough to him :')
Unpopular opinion: Hmmm idk the general opinion the fandom has bc it seems like things are mixed rn. The only "unpopular" option that's coming to mind for him right now is him just. Not coming back. But I do want him to come back in some way, so??? Hm. Oh! I think it would be cool if he switched classes between seasons from a caster to more of a fighter - not ONLY would it explain why Anthony is constantly referring to him as a "swordboy" and why he hasn't cast a single spell, it also gives him another parallel with Scary - they have both given up some element of the past selves (Scary, her peppy persona, Terry, his wizardry) in order to pursue what they think will serve them best. Also, it's quite possible that Terry associates his talent for learning magic with his trauma from Faerun and is attempting to distance himself from that (his mother is a therapist, after all, so I think that if one of the kiddads is going to make a single choice in favor of their own mental wellbeing, it's probably him). Anyway. Is this anything.
Favorite relationship: Terry and Scary I think! They just mirror each other in SUCH interesting and complex ways and episode 36 has only further solidified that for me 🥰
Favorite headcanon: Not so much a headcanon as a series of predictions, but I LOVE the idea of Terry coming back as a vampire. I also saw someone mention the possibility of Terry coming back as an Aasimar, which would be soooooo fucking neat, especially since it draws an interesting dichotomy between himself and Nicky. Angel/demon imagery and all that. I can already feel the desire to make Terrick content if that ends up being the case. That said, I hope he comes back and I hope he comes back Wrong :)))
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phillycheesesteakcore · 4 months
hi philly !!!! happy valentines day ! did you know !! you are soso awesome and amazing !!!! you're always a delight to see on my dash , and you have so many correct thoughts about the characters <3 it's always a joy to see you in my notes it always makes me smile to see you in there , you're just v amazing and I love you mwah mwah <3
omg Aether, that's so sweet tans thoughtful. I love seeing your art on my dash, it absolutely fills me with joy. I love when you take my music recommendations and share your thoughts on the characters they fit. I love being your mutual and friend and I love you. here's to many more fun times together, mwah mwah mwah! Happy Valentine's Day!
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iersei · 7 months
forgot to send this in whopps-
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but ey I did ofc vote for my beloved this last round , if you're still doing these , might I perhaps request my dearest terrickrow (Terry/Nicky/Sparrow) ? or just some nb Terry Jr :]
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@kaseyskat has been calling them guns and roses and they’re in my head and in my walls so here’s xer band au
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abeinginsand · 4 months
hey countless !!!! happy valentines dayyy I love youuuuu !!!! I don't think we've ever actually talked outside of like . tags on posts cbnsnxnsmdnd but you're literally so cool and I love you !!! your art is so cute and amazing and I love it soso much and your comments in the tags of my art always makes me smile , it's v sweet and I appreciate you immensely <3 I love you v much , mwah mwah <3
Hi Aether!! Thank you so much for the kind and heartwarming words. Lots of love to you as well! <3 Delighted to hear you enjoy my art and comments too! Always happy to interact in tags or just see you on the dash in general. You're so friendly and your art is awesome!! A very sweet and energetic vibe to it for sure :D
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officialgleamstar · 11 months
hey ,,, hey Travis ,,,,, can I request terrick with 20 👁️👁️
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss: 20. ... on a scar.
ao3 link
Nicky always woke up ahead of Terry. He wasn’t sure if Nicky simply required less sleep as a demon or if he was dealing with some kind of insomnia, but whenever Terry got up, Nicky was already out of bed and shuffling around their apartment. Texting Jodie, making breakfast, humming to himself as he got dressed, he was always awake and always doing something, no matter how late into the night the two of them had been whispering at each other.
It wasn’t a surprise to wake up to the sound of Nicky moving, to say the least, but Terry was taken off guard by the fact that he could still feel his weight in the bed. Terry let his head loll to the side, not quite opening his eyes but peering through his eyelashes up at his partner. Nicky was propped up on one elbow, looking down at Terry with a lovestruck smile on his face as he traced his fingers against the comforter thrown over them both. Now that he was cognizant, Terry could feel the barely there touch through the blankets, as if Nicky was aching to touch him but unwilling to pull back their blankets and disrupt the quiet scene they were in.
Despite his own coziness, Terry almost wanted to break the peace himself. The look on Nicky’s face made his heart trip over itself in his chest, some light and fluttering emotions that made it hard for him to sit still. He blinked, opening his eyes further until he caught Nicky’s gaze. His partner returned the look, still wearing that same sappy expression, and Terry could hear a different part of the comforter start shifting as Nicky’s tail started twitching happily.
Nicky opened his mouth to say something and Terry jolted forward to press their lips together, stopping the words before they could leave his mouth. For his part, Nicky seemed to understand what Terry was doing, just relaxing into the kiss and staying silent when Terry pulled away. He just kept smiling, watching as Terry shifted so his head was near the pillows again. His tail was going even more crazy now and Terry bit down a smile, littering kisses against Nicky’s skin along his collar bones and down his chest.
He followed a vague trail of the various scars and nicks decorating his partner’s skin, needing to latch onto some sort of pattern before the sheer affection pounding through his veins made him blurt out something stupid. He didn’t want the peaceful quiet of the morning to be over and so he followed Nicky’s scars, kissing them one after another. A mark from a stray knife. A burn that Terry wasn’t sure the origin of (how could demons even burn?) A lighter patch of shiny skin that Terry was pretty sure Nicky had gotten in the Forgotten Realms over something as innocent as tripping on his own shoelace in the Omega Daddies’ castle. There was a collection of stories carved into Nicky’s skin and Terry indulged himself with them, taking his time appreciating them while Nicky let out increasingly flustered giggles.
Terry could tell that soon, Nicky was going to break and say something, and Terry leaned back to consider how to end this. He scanned his eyes over Nicky’s chest until his gaze landed on his next target. The neat edge of Nicky’s top surgery scars, right on the intersection where there was a line cut up towards his nipples. Terry ducked his head to kiss one and then the other and finally popped back up to kiss Nicky on the lips once again.
“Are you done?” Nicky mumbled, his voice husky from choking down giggles, and Terry grinned, their noses still brushing.
“For now, I think,” Terry replied and Nicky rolled his eyes. “Don’t act like you didn’t like it.”
“Hey, I never said I don’t like your attention! I just don’t like not talking.”
Terry huffed a laugh and shut him up with another kiss.
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llumimoon · 4 months
hi cal !!!! here to tell you happy valentines day and also I love you !!! you're fr soso cool and I am v glad that we're mutuals <33 you art is literally so cute and squishy and edible and I love it so much holy shit - and your aus !!!! I don't know exactly what they are like . half the time cnnsndnd but they always look so fun and I always like to see what designs you've come up with for the sillies <3 you're amazing and I love you mwah mwah <3
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David 7 with a2 :]
ty for the ask!
i know like half a thing about his appearance and there's not rlly anything on the wiki so i got to just go wild and make him look like whatever i want :]
anyway behold !! the Clone the Myth the Legend David 7!!!! he has never left this room but he Has upgraded from a hydrophobic grey suit
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[ID: a drawing of David 7 from Stellar Firma. He has shiny dark hair with blue tips, light brown skin, brown eyes, and a neutral expression. He is looking back a bit but walking forward. He is wearing a pink crop top, a stripey pink dress, pink glasses, and dark pink boots. There is a blue overlay over him. The background is the wall of a plain grey room. end ID.]
[ask game: Send me a number, letter, and character and I'll draw that character in that outfit! outfit credit to @.traulisms.]
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